My own mood (collection of 19 articles)
Don't forget your original intention
2023-12-25 06:00:22

My mood (1)

In life, we must often have no way to control our mood. In fact, it is very simple to control our mood as long as we have a suitable plan in mind.

Let's talk about me first! Sometimes I can't stand other people's words, so I often express my dissatisfaction by losing my temper. In order to change my bad habit, I made a mood chart for myself.

Let me tell you how to do the mood chart! First of all, we should observe when we are happy, when we are angry and other moods. Don't forget to write down the time! However, time does not need to be written much, just write "morning, noon, afternoon and evening, and the day of the week". In this way, you can complete the first step of controlling your mood.

The second step is more simple. Just write your good mood on it. There are only four kinds of mood I write on it: happy, sad, lively and angry. You may think that happiness and liveliness are the same, but liveliness is more joyful than happiness.

Now teach you another way! You can buy a small blackboard and make a record every day. If you can't control your mood several times that day, you can draw a few moons or other patterns on it. As long as you don't lose your temper for a day, you can wipe a pattern. Every month, you should write down your own pattern and start again next month to see if you have made progress. After a year, you will know the results.

Below 10 comments are that you are too gentle, be lively! 10-20 comments are, congratulations, your emotional control is very good! 20-50 comments are that your emotional control is a little poor! Come on. More than 50 comments indicate that you are a bit irritable. Please pay attention to your emotions. Attention should be paid to more than 100 people. Your temper is very bad. Be gentle!

Well, now you should know how to do it!

My mood (2)

Life can't be happy forever, nor can we find so much happiness, but please don't fall into sadness, let your mood fly, look up, the sky is still so blue, let go. When I think about small things, I have no worries. Every day I live a carefree life and have a happy mood every day. As time goes by, I grow up unconsciously. Every day, there are things to do and things to learn, and life has been under pressure. However, there is an idea in my heart that will never change. It is to have a good mood every day. If you want to have a good mood, you must know how to release yourself and let your mood fly. Only when you learn to fly, can your heart be truly freed, and can you have a good mood. When you fail, say to yourself, "Don't lose heart, I still have a chance!" When you lose something you love, say to yourself, "It doesn't matter if it lasts forever, it only matters if it once existed." When you are depressed, say to yourself, "Don't be sad, don't be sad, There are many people around who care about me, at least they have worked with me hand in hand. "

Some people say that a person's heart is like a cup, and the water in the cup is a matter of mind. If there is too much water, it will overflow. So we need to lose some when appropriate. The same is true for the mood. If the load is too heavy, you need to indulge. Only by letting go of your mood can you make yourself less worried, leave a smile on your face, and put away the pain. You will find that a good mood follows you like a shadow. Life will not always be at a low tide, just as the sky will not always be full of raindrops. Happiness is the most important thing. When you are unhappy, you must learn to relax your mood, so that life will be meaningful and colorful. Life is short originally, why should you look so sad? You should let your mood fly and fly high with your efforts.

My mood (3)

Our puppets were as happy as their creators at the beginning. They could sing, dance and change colors with their own moods

So naive, they secretly made a small rainbow colored box with many things in it. They were also lively - they waited quietly for the day of overflow.

Those things are called happiness when they beat.

Then, they all grew up gradually, with wings, hats and walking sticks. But they forgot to bring themselves when they came on stage to show a life. But the performance must continue... So they have silk thread again. These soft and tough things are tightly bound to the hands, feet and head.

Finally, they stepped onto their own stage and danced the most smoothly! But they don't know it. So please don't ask him what he heard when he was applauded.

If our puppets have those beautiful silk threads, they must be outstanding dancers.

The puppet was on the stage and under the stage, "click, click..."

Come on stage again and again, oh, don't forget to wear that beautiful bow tie! Sometimes, the organizers will carefully design some tidbits in the repeated performances. Hello! It's your turn to smile!

"One, two, three! Ha!"

"Good boy..."

At least puppets have their own way home. Remember, that is a world full of heartache! The roadside is filled with small boxes, and the familiar light fragrance of happiness is diffused beside them. The mood left behind in the past slowly grows into a notebook, which records the stolen heart of the recorder. Occasionally, a happy leaf falls on them, and they have a smile; But often, happy leaves are hidden well.

I think I know that the arrangement for him should be sad

I mourn when you are happy, and you laugh when I cry

Forgive him, we are just dancers, responsible for performing and being a successful puppet.

When I press the repeated key of the phonograph, I don't know what I got, I know I lost the happiness of tomorrow.

My mood (4)

Just like this, it feels very good. The wind blows my hair disorderly and doesn't manage it. The cool wind sweeps through my heart, suddenly trembles, and stops immediately. There is only a trace of missing, but it calms down. Don't think about him, this autumn······

The next thing is to walk quietly alone and slowly through this seemingly endless straight path with golden yellow on both sides. When you step into it, it seems that time is no longer growing. The cool wind blowing in the face makes everything no longer regular. The long windbreaker has blown behind me, and only my hands are still in the pockets that are not very warm. It seems that I have spent several times in this way for a long time. Taste carefully······

In fact, I don't observe everything. If I pay attention, it is just a look back and see the world. Only this color is lonely in this season, without more company, I wander and chat with my own mood······

My mood (5)

In life, there are always joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows.

The mood is like a rolling mountain. Sometimes, like a high mountain, it rises from the ground and stands tall; Sometimes, like hills, they are uneven and have different shapes. This is all about mood control, so we should learn to give our mood a holiday.

When you are proud and complacent, give your mood a break.

In the days of arrogance and complacency, we should learn to be modest. As the saying goes, modesty makes people progress, while pride makes people lag behind! When others praise you, learn to be modest, break the status quo and surpass yourself. There is a good saying: it is better to break one's heart than to take a city! Only in this way can we make continuous progress.

When you are depressed, give your mood a break.

There will always be times of depression and boredom in life. These are all born from the heart, and some people worry about nothing. Only by abandoning common customs and being cheerful and open-minded, can we experience happiness with our hearts and let happiness linger in our hearts!

When you are sad and fail, give your mood a break.

Tell you! When wandering in the darkness of sadness and failure, you must learn to give your mood a holiday. Don't lose heart because of failure. There is a saying: failure is the mother of success! When others spit on you, relax your mood, make your body and mind happy, continue to work hard, Dongshan will always rise again! Only in this way can we realize the happiness of life.

Let's set sail together, lose pride, depression, and failure, and give our feelings a break!

My mood (6)

What a woman, what a story, so that, so

In the middle of the road, she was curled up with her slender body, her long hair poured out, covering more than half of her face, and her black coat was full of dust.

Such a woman seemed to cry without hesitation. Although her voice was not loud, it made people feel sad.

Last night when I was off work, I collided with an oncoming electric car. When I fell down, I used my arms to support it, but I still fell heavily to the ground; In an instant, tears, blood, dirt and grievances poured out. It was also a mother who collided with me. Her child also stood up and called me aunt. Just one word, I raised my eyes to look at this 40 year old woman and her child. When they came to help me up, I said you go, I'm fine, I'll go by myself.

Gradually, a lot of people gathered around, talking and shouting. It seems that I pulled myself away from the crying self, looked at myself with passers-by, and then had the beginning of the description. I calmly observed the time and space of my own. The wound in such a cold winter night was just numb, but I didn't feel much pain, but I still cried, as if all the grievances in my heart had found an outlet, spewing out dripping. I saw the injured self, the one looking for protection. I imagined myself going forward, holding my slender and weak self tightly, and telling myself, dear, don't cry.

In fact, I don't hurt, I'm just sad. At that moment.

It is night, the dream as always, like endless search, but ultimately there is no exit; Lingluo, no hope, no place to escape.

All dream images may be false and transformed as far as possible illusion, but the feeling is real, if you touch the wisps of truth.

Only then did I feel that the pain could make me so awake. I turned my head to look at the sleeping child. Tears fell down unconsciously, and the wound could be healed in my own way. The pain was just my feeling now. Maybe tomorrow, when the pain stopped, I would forget it, and finally it could only be the "end" of forgetting.

I have been given too many roles in my life: daughter, wife, mother, daughter-in-law... I kept changing my mask, putting on a lot of temperament about the roles, and performing the stories that have happened and are happening all my life.

I want someone who can tolerate me infinitely, love me unconditionally, and support me for no reason; It turns out that what I have been looking for subconsciously is care and love like a mother's womb, warmth and intimacy before birth, and the most original sense of security; I want to be given by others endlessly. Obviously, the feedback to me must be disappointment.

In fleeting years, where the past is, the prosperity is scattered; It turns out that loneliness is the normal state of life.

Dear self, what kind of relationship do I have with myself? What relationship should I have with myself?

I love myself, although there is a little narcissism; I love myself, support myself, encourage myself, and understand myself a little bit; Don't blame yourself too much; Stay with yourself when you are quiet and feel your current state; For example, at this time, feel the movement of the right finger tapping the keyboard; For example, at the moment, watch your words flow like this.

There are always endless thoughts in the mind. Some flash by, and some have been dormant for years. What hurts them is nothing more than their own persistence, letting go of themselves, allowing imperfections in life, and allowing their ignorance, childishness and mistakes.

Over the years, accompanied by my dearest self.

Surprise turns around and falls in love with the dearest self in the fleeting past. Joy emanates from the bottom of my heart and is infinite.

My mood (7)

In fact, this is a completely different line, but you can always imagine what kind of feelings it is.

They will also feel that this is a completely different state, but in such a period of time has been stuck, there are still too many stories, diffuse so far, can not understand.

I saw her sad tears. In fact, he was very lonely and sad, but he never wanted to tell others about this feeling.

He is willing to bear such a sad mood all the time. Even if they are excluded in the end.

A long time ago, I heard them say a lot of different things, but in this process, their roles are completely different from what we imagine now.

They are full of complaints in their own life, but they don't know how to manage their own life to make it better.

In fact, our so-called ideal has begun to take root at another level and become a state that we cannot understand.

It seems that for such a long time, they are also waiting.

That's what you can't understand, your own feelings.

My mood (8)

Sitting in front of the computer, my head was heavy. I had no choice but to escape from this position and throw myself into the rain. The traffic and people on the street are passing in front of me, but I throw myself into this lonely space.

Every time I miss you, I feel heartache. I don't know when this pain will end. I don't know how long I will miss you. No one can tell me. I can't decide my own thoughts. My thinking seems to be out of my control. Just like this, I struggle in this unbearable torture every day. Unable to self dial. My friends say that I am "one track minded". Am I really? When I miss you at dinner, my meal becomes tasteless; I miss you before I go to bed, and I feel sleepy; I miss you when I walk. The road becomes long and endless. Stupid, silly. My daughter gave me a nice name - Out of Body. She often wakes up my meditation with her voice. When the voice doesn't work, she will vigorously wave her arms in front of my eyes. I always respond to our daughter with a bitter smile. I don't want to be like this. There are too many things that can't be put down. I can't wake up from this dream like world. I don't want to believe, nor can I believe everything that happened, but it is true, which is the most unacceptable to me. I can't face it.

Pieces of stories were written about our inexhaustible story, and we always wanted to catch something, but in the end it was empty, and there was nothing but the knife of memory, cutting off pieces of flesh and blood with one knife - indifferent. Let the pain in my heart become more and more concentrated. Occasionally, there will be another idea. If it suddenly disappeared -- it was me, would you be so upset that you didn't cherish me? Didn't accompany me well. You didn't do many things that you promised... You promised me that you would give me a gift on my birthday. Will you also go to my grave to send flowers to me, and then tell me the secret words in my heart with tears

If it suddenly disappears - me?

My mood (9)

I don't know when I began to rely on you so much. I don't know when I could not leave you. I don't know when I began to hate myself.

You know what? Since I fell in love with you, I began to hate myself!

I hate my cowardice, my helplessness, and why I love you so much but don't understand you!

I hate that I can't help dialing your phone as long as I pick up the phone.

I hate to pick up my mobile phone when I hear it ring. I thought it was you, but I always put it down disappointed again and again.

I hate that I always ask you how you are today and make you think I am wordy. Sorry, I really want to know how you are.

I hate that I always want to find a lot of things to do every day, because only in this way can I miss you enough.

I hate being silent when I talk to you on the phone, because I just want to hear your voice, but I can't think of what to say to you.

I hate to wake up crying in my sleep when I have nightmares about you leaving.

I hate being so dependent on you.

I hate that I can't live without you.

I hate that I love you so much and can't let you go.

I hate myself.

My mood (10)

Look at the road under your feet, as if you are about to start a new journey. Those years


Traces left

Tears cry all over the world.

If love can last for a long time in the new year, I will choose to go bald with you.

I don't know how to describe myself

Have you grown up by one year, or have you lost another year?

Lost youth

Cutting memory fragments.

If I can have happiness in the new year, I will learn to cherish it.

Where will the next scene end?

When will we get married?

Look at yourself in the mirror, smile bitterly and let go of everything.

No direction, lack of direction.

For the next road, I would rather cover my eyes.

I want to be a fool. I don't want to know.

I don't want to know what I will face.


The low mood, sad vent in yesterday.

Gave up my long road.

I can't write any more.

Don't know what else I can say?

What else can I say?


Looking at the road I once walked through, I felt pain in my heart.

I feel sorry for myself and the people who love me.


Why is fate always like this.

Not as good as expected.

Lost. Lost.

Now, have.


Gone my purest as before

Lose my most beautiful years

What's left?

There is nothing lacking, but we are still unsatisfied.

There is everything but nothing I want.

Everything passed, but I didn't see where the road was.

I want to get a lot of what I don't have but give up more what I already have.


There is a choice, no choice.

All are choices.

My own mood (11)

"A person who doesn't protect himself is called waste." This is my signature file.


3、 Two, one, time is up. Ding Dong -- Ding Dong -- The beautiful bell finally rings. My stomach is hungry enough to declare the world.

With a "crash", I swept all the books and sundries on the table into my backpack. Hey hey, dear Tiramisu, here I come. At the thought of the specially made, freshly baked, crispy and delicious Tiramisu in the new nest on Beijing Road, my saliva has been "puffing, puffing".

Tiramisu in Xinwo is an old brand, which can be said to be the best food in the city. I love the taste. Why, have you never seen boys like tiramisu? Tiramisu is not exclusive to girls.

I was thinking of something beautiful in my heart. I looked up and saw that it was terrible. Damned Chen Bin had flown to the door of the classroom and was smiling at me. He was really a troublesome guy.

"Mai Zijun, are you so afraid to fight with me alone?" Chen Bin, a hot blooded young man, always comes to me to play basketball after school. In his words, I am not convinced that I lost the exam, and I have to decide whether to win or lose in basketball.

How can basketball be decided by numbers? And he is often injured. "A person who doesn't protect himself is called waste."

"Mai Zijun, you have made my youth burn again! Ah~~~Where are you going to escape again~~~" Chen Bin is chasing after me.

No brother, no basketball~It's important to meet the "walking stomach bag" in the current urgency!


The day before yesterday, because I was so slow, Yan Yi took the last fresh Tiramisu from her new nest. The most hateful thing is that she still "smack, smack" in front of me, biting hard and swallowing desperately. That hungry ghost almost destroyed the lady image of post-90s girls~~Her face smiled more brightly than the sunshine in June. Look at her small and swaggering appearance. I hate her from head to toe, and I don't forget to swallow a mouthful of saliva. Wuwu - I know that people like to eat tiramisu, and they treat me like this. Such a student is really a cup of tea.

Today I must eat the lovely and delicious tiramisu. I carried my schoolbag and rushed to the door at the speed of 100 meters. Hee hee, Chen Bin has already disappeared, good shake!

When I was dreaming, I hit a soft object with a sound of "Pa". To be correct, I hit a man on earth! When I got up from the ground in a hurry, Yan Yi really smiled at me, and the damned girl raised a victory gesture towards me. I want to cry without tears, Tiramisu, fell into the clutches again.

"I call a person who doesn't even protect himself a waste." Yan Yi refutes me with my words, tough enough!

I don't want to be the same as you earthlings. I turn around and go to eat pizza. When I was cold and defenseless, I heard a smile like voice, "Here you are." With a clear and moving female voice, a golden Tiramisu appeared in front of me. I wiped my eyes with both hands. Could it be that I bumped into my head and had a problem, seeing everything as Tiramisu?

I took it from Yan Yi doubtfully. The girl also had a conscience. She won't play with me, will she? I took a bite with diffident confidence. It was crispy and delicious. It was really tiramisu! I will never forget the delicious taste! I ate happily. Tiramisu would fall from the sky.


I didn't expect that Yan Yi, who had been sitting at his desk for three years, would also be admitted to this high school with "outstanding talents", and he, like himself, entered the most powerful A-class in the legend. Entering the A-class means that one foot has entered the gate of the national key universities, and many strange talents will go abroad!

Yan Yina spent hundreds of days playing mobile games and scribbling in her junior high school for three years. She spent hundreds of days on photography on weekends. Her ponytail, Qi bangs and black framed eyes were also used by such an inconspicuous girl in this high school. I have some reservations about her strength.

"Pig head, what are you thinking?" Yan Yi interrupted my thoughts.

This girl can't stop calling me my nickname! I really don't want to tell other students! It was not easy to get into a high school that everyone kept away from.

It is Ah Wu who is wrong. They give people nicknames and say that this is the witness of friendship!

"Mai Zijun, I must defeat you in the third year of high school!" The voice has been heard before people saw it. By the way, this is the only one who doesn't call me Chen Bin. Sobbing, for him, I really hope he calls my nickname like a human on earth.

"Mai Zijun, I must defeat you in high school!" The voice has been heard before people saw it. By the way, this is the only one who doesn't call me Chen Bin. Oh, for him, I really hope he calls my nickname like a man on earth. If I knew this trouble would lead me to this high school, I would never come. As before, it was natural for me to sit behind Yan Yi, and Chen Bin would have to be my deskmate, but he could not be driven away. His determination to be my deskmate made me unintentionally add a lot of entertainment news to the boring high school life! I don't want to live next to this scourge for three years.

"Mai Zijun, don't be so cruel."

I suddenly felt a chill, and then calm down to look at the faces of my classmates. F~What kind of vision is this.

I don't want to be the same as you earthlings.


There are too few students like Chen Bin who love learning and have their own interests and goals. I also play mobile games, listen to MP4 and watch movies between classes. I don't want to join those boring topics. If there is love or not, I won't panic. A group of students gathered to talk about their girlfriend, plot to get a beautiful woman, and figure out how to break up. On weekends, I'd better find my former classmates to play basketball.

"Hey, pig head. Do you think Chen Bin is not interested in you?" Ah Wu is leisurely eating corn, ignoring the surprised eyes of outsiders.

"Chi, you shouldn't have a problem with any sutra!" I snorted, disdaining to say. Chen Bin, junior high school sometimes challenges us alone, and sometimes thinks he is very annoying. Chen Bin has been the president of the student union, monitor, captain of the basketball team for three years at any rate, and has passed countless examinations

"You're joking. That kid, in junior high school, couldn't make friends because he had too much advantage." Ah Wu said to the nearly eaten corn, "others treat him as a monster. I don't understand why he pesters us."

"This is because we are too kind~~" We are narcissists.

"Pig head, come out next time and take Yan Yi with you. Ha, we haven't taken a PP for a long time." Many of the souvenirs in junior high school are attributed to Yan Yi.

"You can't call her!" Why should I call.

"Also ask Chen Bin to come out, and we will fight him alone."

"You are much better than before." I am a little tired, and my physical strength is exhausted very fast. Face these former brothers.

"Pig head, you don't want to follow the trend, do you?" Ah Wu asked vaguely.

"A person who doesn't protect himself is called waste."

Everyone laughed.


On Sunday afternoon, sitting in a red tea house, quietly listening to the sweet song of love story, drinking blue mountain coffee and basking in the warm sun was a great enjoyment of life. Yan Yi, sitting opposite, is busy playing with her Nikon D90. She said that she would take a more wonderful PP for us next time to record our colorful youth. She also planned to take her to Tibet when she was 18 years old.

I haven't asked the little girl why she treated her twice in a row. Also, I find Yan Yi is more attractive than basketball recently.

"Xixi, it's said that you are a secret photography expert. It's time to teach it to me," Yan Yi said.

Is it that simple?

"And your travel experience~~"

"Then you should call me Shifu~" I want to take the opportunity to get rid of the nickname "pig head". I've only backpacked to Yunnan, but I've been crazy for a month.

"Well, if there are more people called pig's head, they will become pig's head." Yan Yi smiles.

After I separated from Yan Yi, I practiced on the public basketball by the river as before, just to improve my physique.

"Mai Zijun, let's compare and see who will be the first in the midterm exam!" Chen Bin is boiling again, and he has too much energy on the court to waste.

"No," I would like to enjoy my youth quietly, and my grades would be better if I could pass. Chen Bin made up a number of people everywhere to challenge social figures at the male level. When he was shooting, he was hit by the other side and hurt his hand. They asked me to help him go to the community clinic. I said, "I call a person who doesn't even protect himself a waste."

"Hey, boy, what's your attitude?" Some people fight against Chen Bin.

"Why, there is a problem?" I don't want to be the same as you earthlings.

"What he said is true," Chen Bin stressed.

My own mood (12)

In the dead of night

Wandering and the endless road to the future

Hope and confusion go further

Look at the starry sky and the stars give me a cold look

Know that the night sky is no longer quiet to me

Whose heart is empty

Whose corner of the eye was cut

Who's heart is dripping

Sometimes I think of some people's words

Complain about my thoughts

Don't worry, I'll smile secretly

Will you become bored after talking for a long time

Will you miss it after listening for a long time

Thank you for looking down on me

I seldom see every expression

I won't interrupt you

Haven't you said enough for so many years

Just a few words

I didn't listen very well

You scolded me badly

The last 321 Please shut up

It's my turn to continue

When I was growing up alone

Looking up at the starry sky alone, who knows

Quiet and cute, I understand that character

Watching them happy is always far away from me

I never asked about the unstable factors

The paper airplane in childhood is folded a lot

How long will the sky belong to me

How do you look? How long does it take to have both hands

Fly. The other side of the earth belongs to you

Put down your face and continue to raise your posture

It's really good to suddenly find this

In the dead of night

I will always accompany me like this

Always accompany me

My own mood (13)

Why? Every time you hang up my phone first, I know I'm a little unreasonable, just a little psychological and ideological problem~Why do you always ask me some questions I haven't thought about~Why? Always ask me some family questions~It's useless to ask me, I don't know how to describe my heart, as if I have fallen asleep~I don't want to think too many questions! Because many problems are not what I like. They are not things that can make me happy! It's not something that can make me sleep safely with my eyes closed! So I never care about me, and no one cares about me. This is just my mentality. It's better to stay where quiet when there are more things than less things. It may be that my mentality is too lazy to wait for others to forget me.

When I didn't get all the things I wanted, I would rather not have anything. When I knew that I had no heart to think about what I wanted and love, I had learned to treat it calmly. Maybe one day you will see my words in my heart. Maybe you will be angry, or you will be sad. If you don't really love me and get married, I don't think you will have a sad day, which means that because we will all be ordinary people~as you said about me~I am a person who can't make progress. Sometimes in my head, I always want to calm down~It seems that I have become very heartless and lungs less, which is my own reason or the environment reason, Thought can't find a way out more and more~Sometimes I'm afraid of this kind of me, but what can I do?

My own mood (14)

A busy and full day has passed. I believe you have a lot of insights. At this time, how can the most critical diary fall. What kind of diary should you have seen? The following is a diary of how you smiled at yourself today, which I hope will help you.

We laugh every day, but we always forget to smile at ourselves.

We will laugh when facing customers, for survival, for interests and for the value of life. We are always laughing heartlessly, seeing hypocritical faces and treacherous smiles, as we keep on running around and have countless social engagements; See the cold-blooded ferocity after the exchange; Smile when you succeed, and force a smile when you fail. We are used to smiling and hiding swords. We are used to seeing people being dangerous. Gradually we lose our way. Then we deceive ourselves by telling ourselves that things are impermanent and human feelings are indifferent, so we learn to disguise, learn to be hypocritical, and learn to drift with the tide~~~~~

We laugh at our friends. We seldom have a bosom friend in life. We laugh when we are stabbing our friends; Laugh heartily when chatting with friends about their dreams; When a friend is happy, we are happy to talk and laugh; When a friend is sad, we will tell him our pain to encourage him. Now, the most difficult and chilling sentence is: I am relieved to know that you are not doing well. We have also suffered from the betrayal and betrayal of our friends, pretending to be indifferent on the surface and scarred inside. Final awakening: Never use beauty and money to test the friendship between friends, because you will lose this friend.

We often put down our tiredness at the door, wipe away tears and smile at our family. Not to mention how hard it is to work, not to mention just being dismissed; Do not talk about the pain of being unaccompanied, do not talk about the apathy of having no home. Speak and laugh with confidence, and feel sad secretly. Looking at their parents' wrinkled faces, they are smiling and smiling, and their children are innocent and jumping. No matter how hard the heart is, they should rekindle hope, and no matter how tired the work is, they should persist in their efforts.

We smile at our lovers, love what I love, and have no regrets. We also had a heart throb, nostalgic for the first time, looking back and smiling, yearning for the everlasting and smiling at each other, moved by love, broke tears into laughter, loved each other's smiling faces, and did something wrong~~~~~~~~

How long have you never smiled at yourself?

Watching others succeed in their careers and sighing at their lack of talent; Looking at others' cheers and smiles, I feel sad about my flaws. Look at others' flowers and laugh at your own shadow;

My dear friends, have you ever known that our inner greed makes us unable to meet the reality of the situation, and our harshness to ourselves leads to self pity and self pity becoming the protagonist of tragedy, and our intense failure to achieve our goals makes us complain that it is not the right time for people to hate the sky. Successful people complain that they have no bosom friends; People who become great late complain that happiness is too late; A happy family cannot live in luxury; Even Qin Shihuang, who unified six countries, complained that he could not live forever~~~~~~

We learn to smile at ourselves every day! I am glad to be strong and healthy, happy to be intelligent, happy to be loved by my parents, feel the sunshine, enjoy the colorful, and enjoy the peaceful and prosperous times. If the world is hypocritical, you can be sincere; If life is short, just try your best; If the heart is evil, it is enough to be kind; If you really pay for betrayal, you will be satisfied without regret~~~

Don't be stingy about smiling at yourself, let it become a habit, let it become the starting point of confidence, and let it become the touch of the heart. When you succeed, smile at yourself and reward your determination to struggle; When you fail, smile at yourself. If you fall down, you can also stand up; When you are afraid, smile at yourself and give yourself the courage to challenge; Smile at yourself when you are hurt, for your sincerity and persistence~~~~~

Have you smiled at yourself today? If not, please smile.

My own mood (15)

Everything goes on and on. Each has its own different life path, they run in order, and they cycle regularly. "I" is a combination of contradictions. "I" is also among them. Time is like a "conveyor belt", steadily moving forward at a constant speed. Even if "I" stands still, it still moves forward and never stops. Our growth has experienced hardship and pain, and that "happy time" seems to be fixed in the childhood that never returns. Time takes me forward, and time passes in confusion and helplessness. Time changes, let me away from the innocent childhood, grew up in the world, it seems that there is no happiness.

Want to go back? Run back to the past against the direction of time transmission? Return to the life you want to enjoy? Or go back to the moment that can change the status quo and start again? In any case, anyone who has tried to "run in the opposite direction" has failed, because the speed of time "transmission" is always faster than the speed of running. Even when people hesitate and regret, it still walks alone. Time goes forward, time goes back. The faster you run back, the more confused you will become and miss the beautiful scenery you are experiencing; More lose confidence and courage in the future. Running life can never return to any time or place before. So, in the world that has grown up, in the changed environment, where is "I"? Get lost? It's getting dark? There is no one around. Seeing my world is dim and helpless, I feel that I am constantly dragged forward by time, dizzy, and missing

So, what is the "I" looking for? Find happiness. It is the happiness that the heart yearns for, the cravings are hard to fill, the possession is not treasured, and the loss is regretful. And where is happiness? "I" asked myself.

Time still sends "I" forward, and the quiet "I" also begins to notice that the roadside scenery is not just the haze of thorns and dense forests blocking the sun. In the hot summer with thunder and lightning, you can also feel the color of sunlight; In the late autumn, you can also harvest the gorgeous red leaves; And in the severe winter, we will also use the purest whiteness to wash away the filth in our eyes and hearts to welcome the spring. And spring will come. In the constant change of things and people, I still stubbornly look for "me", still enjoy the discomfort brought by changes, and pay the price of growth.

I once read an article about an experiment done by Wallace, a great biologist. The monarch butterfly is a kind of spotted butterfly in North America. When Wallace observed the emerging monarch butterfly, he saw its struggling appearance and thought: If I help it, wouldn't I be able to alleviate its many struggling pains? So he cut the cocoon with a knife. However, as he recorded: "The butterfly appeared and spread its wings, but then it suddenly hung down and died." Later, Wallace analyzed that "if it did not go through a painful and fierce struggle to obtain freedom, the butterfly would not have the strength necessary to survive." I think that although this was a long struggle, sometimes even a life and death struggle, However, it is from this struggle that it can gain the power to move forward and accept the wings of flight that God has given it.

"I" finally understand that the future happiness is certainly not in the past, and the present happiness is not necessarily forever. My happiness lies in myself. Only when I find myself can I truly know myself; Only when we understand what we really want can we define our goals; Only when you enrich yourself can you have the guarantee to happiness. Then suddenly it became clear. It turned out that "I" had been looking for myself!

In fact, why don't we open our hearts and thank those suffering in the past? They allow "I" to grow up, understand life, indulge in the beauty of life, no longer confused with "life, old age, disease, death, joy, anger, sorrow, joy". Since we can't escape these eight words, let's enjoy it. Each season has its own color. You need to use your intelligent eyes and happy heart to find it. It is also a kind of happiness to taste the taste of life. After thinking it over, "I" can't help laughing. It turns out that "I" made such a simple and lovely mistake. There is a long way to go in life. Everyone is carrying a heavy load, but it is difficult to find a life path that really suits us. Now that we are living on our own track, why not laugh at life?

In fact, the words "find" and "I" are only a little different. You can find this by constantly finding yourself, constantly changing yourself, and constantly adapting yourself to the new life. That is to say, you have found yourself, clearly defined the direction to happiness, and truly walked on the road to happiness. I once heard a saying: "On this road, we always hope to meet a person who can stay together until old. If we meet him, it is lucky; if we don't meet him, it is destiny.". Along the way, there are always beautiful stories and things that people don't want to remember and touch. However, we didn't choose to get off the bus or stop, so we can smile. " I still remember that when I saw this sentence, I didn't understand it, but now I know I can smile.

My own mood (16)

Urgent! My mother is not with me this year. I can't immediately know what's wrong with her. Now that she has called on her own initiative, the problem may be serious.

After asking an acquaintance, I knew the result on Wednesday afternoon. The doctor told me that there was a mass above the stomach at the position connecting the esophagus, which must be operated on immediately.

Urgent! After putting down the phone, I immediately withdrew a sum of money from the bank, and then transferred to the railway station to buy the ticket for that night. I didn't dare to stop for a moment, so I went to my hometown from a long distance.

The next day, my mother was admitted to the Municipal People's Hospital.

Immediately, a series of examinations were started to prepare for the operation.

In front of my mother, we all tried to avoid that terrible word, only saying that there was a benign tumor above her stomach, so it would be better to operate. Mother was afraid of surgery. She had an operation once in 20xx, when the gallbladder was removed, and the anesthesia disappeared after the operation. She was in great pain. Because of that pain, she always asked me if I could get better by taking medicine without surgery. At this time, I felt that my mother was like a poor child, making a fruitless inquiry. I advised her not to be afraid. This operation is smaller than last time and will not hurt. In fact, the doctor said that this is a major operation, which can only be opened after entering the chest. It is much more complicated than last time, and the wound is also larger than last time. No way, for the sake of hope, no matter how painful it is, my mother will bear it.

Arrange beds, contact experts and ask relatives to take care of them. Some work is going on nervously.

Everything is set, and the operation will be carried out on Monday afternoon. On Monday morning, the doctor said that the blood bank was ischemic, and the patient might need blood transfusion during the operation, and family members would be required to donate blood. In order not to affect the operation, my brother and I walked into the blood donation vehicle parked in front of the municipal government, and each person drew 300 milliliters. I handed the blood donation certificate to the doctor. At this time, everything was really ready and I was waiting for the operation in the afternoon.

Thanks for the help of my hometown friends, and the medical treatment was arranged very smoothly. Feeling this, I sent a couplet to a friend on my mobile phone, "I feel the righteousness of my friends when I go back to my hometown, and only when I enter the hospital can I know how healthy and happy I am."

In the interval before the operation, I slipped into a reading room and turned to the newspaper of my hometown. Suddenly, an article in the supplement attracted me. Oh, my god, it was written by me before. My name is clearly under the title of Mother Forgot to Bring Keys. I left my hometown in 20xx, and I haven't written for my hometown's newspaper since then, so this article should have been written before 20xx. After so many years, the article has not been discarded by the editor. It may be a miracle that the article can still rise from the dead. The article is about a small incident that happened between my mother and me when I lived in a small town. Because my mother was old, she forgot to take the key when she went out, which caused me some feelings. I conscientiously read the full text, carefully tasting "when I was young, I needed others to take care of me, when I grew up, I took care of others, and when I was old, I could not leave the people I had taken care of. This is a person's life", "people, it is to spend an ordinary and meaningful life in caring and being taken care of! Generation after generation of people are getting old, and generation after generation of people are growing up in this way. Thinking about the task of returning home, it is exactly what this article wrote.

I used to be moved by other people's things because I didn't become as noble as others. Now, the sentences I wrote before are in front of me. Today, all these sentences have come true. I was writing about myself. On the special day when my mother was hospitalized, I met with articles and thoughts I had forgotten. Maybe this was an inspiration I left for myself.

Moved by myself, my heart is full of flavors.

My own mood (17)

We will laugh when facing customers, for survival, for interests and for the value of life. We are always laughing heartlessly, seeing hypocritical faces and treacherous smiles, as we keep on running around and have countless social engagements; See the cold-blooded ferocity after the exchange; Smile when you succeed, and force a smile when you fail. We are used to smiling and hiding swords. We are used to seeing people being dangerous. Gradually we lose our way. Then we deceive ourselves by telling ourselves that things are impermanent and human feelings are indifferent, so we learn to disguise, learn to be hypocritical, and learn to drift with the tide~~~~~

We laugh at our friends. We seldom have a bosom friend in life. We laugh when we are stabbing our friends; Laugh heartily when chatting with friends about their dreams; When a friend is happy, we are happy to talk and laugh; When a friend is sad, we will tell him our pain to encourage him. Now, the most difficult and chilling sentence is: I am relieved to know that you are not doing well. We have also suffered from the betrayal and betrayal of our friends, pretending to be indifferent on the surface and scarred inside. Final awakening: Never use beauty and money to test the friendship between friends, because you will lose this friend.

We often put down our tiredness at the door, wipe away tears and smile at our family. Not to mention how hard it is to work, not to mention just being dismissed; Do not talk about the pain of being unaccompanied, do not talk about the apathy of having no home. Speak and laugh with confidence, and feel sad secretly. Looking at their parents' wrinkled faces, they are smiling and smiling, and their children are innocent and jumping. No matter how hard their heart is, they should rekindle hope, and no matter how tired their work is, they should stick to their efforts.

We smile at our lovers, love what I love, and have no regrets. We also had a heart throb, nostalgic for the first time, looking back and smiling, yearning for the everlasting and smiling at each other, moved by the tears of love, happy faces of love, and smiling faces of doing wrong~~~~~~~~

How long have you never smiled at yourself?

Watching others succeed in their careers and sighing at their lack of talent; Looking at others' cheers and smiles, I feel sad about my flaws. Look at others' flowers and laugh at your own shadow;

My dear friends, have you ever known that our inner greed makes us unable to meet the reality of the situation, and our harshness to ourselves leads to self pity and self pity becoming the protagonist of tragedy, and our intense failure to achieve our goals makes us complain that it is not the right time for people to hate the sky. Successful people complain that they have no bosom friends; People who become great late complain that happiness is too late; A happy family cannot live in luxury; Even Qin Shihuang, who unified six countries, complained that he could not live forever~~~~~~

We learn to smile at ourselves every day! I am glad to be strong and healthy, happy to be intelligent, happy to be loved by my parents, feel the sunshine, enjoy the colorful, and enjoy the peaceful and prosperous times. If the world is hypocritical, you can be sincere; If life is short, just try your best; If the heart is evil, it is enough to be kind; If you really pay for betrayal, you will be satisfied without regret~~~

Don't be stingy about smiling at yourself, let it become a habit, let it become the starting point of confidence, and let it become the touch of the heart.

When you succeed, smile at yourself and reward your determination to struggle; When you fail, smile at yourself. If you fall down, you can also stand up; When you are afraid, smile at yourself and give yourself the courage to challenge; Smile at yourself when you are hurt, for your sincerity and persistence~~~~~

Have you smiled at yourself today? If not, please smile.

My own mood (18)


In How Steel Was Tempered, the hero Paul Kochagin finally said the following sentence:

A man's life should be spent in this way: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret the wasted years, nor be ashamed of the mediocrity.

The life in this sentence can be changed into many things, such as college. When chatting with many college students, they will naturally ask such a question: What should we do in college? What kind of college life is the most perfect

I used to scratch my head for this question, asking many seniors and sisters, but no one can give a clear answer.

Later, I gradually adapted to college life in my life, and gradually found that there is no real difference between good and bad college life. As long as I like and enjoy myself, this is the best college life.

Before going to college, I also purposely searched the Internet to find out how to live without regret. Of course, I can also find many answers. For example, in four years of college, I have to fall in love at least once, and the university that has not failed in the course of study is incomplete, and the university must have a free travel... There are many similar answers.

In fact, in my opinion, these answers are a bit ridiculous. Most of them are people who use their own views to limit the ideas of future generations, and these so-called answers should not be the reference for us to choose college life.

Some people just don't want to fall in love in college, they just want to live a quiet life alone, and they won't feel any regret after graduation. Some people pursue excellence and do not allow themselves to fail in the exam. Don't they have to feel uneasy after graduation.

All college choices should follow their own inner thoughts, rather than referring to others' opinions. Of course, different choices will lead to different results, as long as you can face your own results with peace of mind.


Don't envy others how good they are, just do what you like.

A few days ago, a public account of the school asked me to write a short article. After thinking about it, I didn't know how to write it. Later, I accidentally turned to a notepad left by my senior high school. When I opened the back pages, I clearly wrote what I wanted to do when I was in college. So I wrote such an article, My College List.

In this article, I like the saying:

Although I didn't complete all these small goals, I didn't feel sorry or ashamed compared with others, because I knew that I had tried these things, which were all things I wanted to do. Now that I had done what I liked, I shouldn't feel sorry or ashamed.

A Qiang is my high school classmate. After the college entrance examination, I came to the south, and he went to the far northeast. We often talked on the phone when we were freshmen. A Qiang said: I'm going to finish my freshman year, but I'm still looking for a college lifestyle. When I look back on my freshman year, compared with other students, it's really "mediocre". Looking at other students' excellent performance, Shunshun Lili won the scholarship. Students who joined the club began to show up in the student union of the club, and were recognized by the seniors and teachers. But I seemed to have nothing to gain.

I said: You shouldn't think so! Did you do what you wanted to do in your freshman year?

A Qiang said: Yes.

I said: That's enough.

In fact, I know what Ah Qiang has done in the past year. Although he did not excel in learning and activities, he read dozens of books in the library as a freshman because he liked reading. I also know that he likes traveling. In addition to reading and class, he has been on the road all the time in his freshman year. In just one year, he will soon visit all the scenic spots in the Northeast.

I think this is the essence of university! You don't need to compare with others, nor can you just look at what others have gained while you haven't. University is your own, and life is also your own. It's good to know how to live and like it. Spend the best four years in the way you like, and your college life will be perfect.

My own mood (19)

A person can have many kinds of personalities, emotions, sorrows, and emotions. Of course, there are also different degrees of emotions and desires. I never think that a person's life is very long. On the contrary, it is really short. Sometimes it is short and just separated from yesterday's friends, but there is no chance to see them again. Sometimes the group photo of graduation photos is the last time you meet. Sometimes, Some people really turn around to be strangers.

Sometimes we also know how to cherish, but we still can't keep up with the pace of time. Sometimes we also want to give ourselves a free rein, but we find that our life is getting farther and farther away from life. Life is too short. Some feelings have no chance to express before they have time to express. Some words have to be said, but they can't be said again. Because the relationship has changed, feelings have changed, and some people, you want to cherish, but he (she) No longer for you to stay, a lifetime is not long, cherish relatives, cherish friends, cherish the people you want to cherish, don't let yourself miss too much.

My name is Li Xiang. I am 23 years old. I have been feeling lucky for more than 24 or 20 years in 20xx, so I have always been grateful to the people I met, to the smiles you gave me, to all the things you have done for me, and to all the people you are willing to use your life to accompany my growth. I am very simple and kind.

Because I always believe that such a person will not have bad luck along the way. Looking back, 23 years ago, I had a very happy life, because the love my family gave me made me feel happy all my life. I am grateful and grateful that I was born in the present family, and I have nothing to ask for.

People always look forward. Let the past go, whether it is happy, annoying, or regrettable. The happy ones are their own gains, and the unhappy ones are their own experiences. It is not easy for people to live a lifetime. People have great joys and sorrows, get together and go away. People come before them and come back from different paths. The most pitiful one is people, Because it will set off the smiling face for everything we don't like. People, please be good to yourself, because no matter how beautiful we are in the world, the end will be a handful of ashes. When we see the world clearly, we will look down on it.

In this lifetime, there are no so many perfectionists, so many good things, so many wonderful things, and so many things as usual. Love yourself more, learn to be satisfied more, and keep a little more gratitude in your heart. You will be happier and go further.

In 20xx, my dear father and mother have worked hard. Thank you for helping me grow up today with everything you have done. I thank my parents for saying that no matter how much they say, I feel powerless. I will pray that my parents are healthy.

I have worked hard for 20xx years, and I have been working for one year. I am excited, excited, satisfied, helpless, full, unknown, and hope that the future will be better.

My friends in 20xx, you have worked hard for your family and survival. I hope you will be better in the future

The past time will never pass in vain. It will fill the void in your heart and make your brain incomplete. The past is not the end, but the beginning of the future.

When people are on the road, if their shoes are broken, they can change them, but the road must be taken by themselves. The heart is in the heart, and happiness can be shared with others, but the injury can only be carried by themselves. The best understanding is whether tired feet are tired or not, and the best understanding is whether hard work is hard or not. Don't find excuses for fatigue. Nothing is the reason to fight. Don't find anxiety for suffering. No pain in pain, no sweet. After tasting the pain that can't be seen through, you can have the understanding after experience, Lost once owned, just know what treasure is.

In our youth, we still have many dreams. One of the saddest things in life is that when we don't know the world clearly, we completely change our destiny because of ignorance. Life is not only about love and hate. Some things are unreasonable. If we can really figure out the cause and effect, it is either to see through the world of mortals or to die soon. After a painful struggle, maybe one day, You will also smile and say, well, life is still beautiful, maybe you can be happier in the future.