About 600 words composition for thanksgiving parents (3 in a collection)
Happy life
2023-09-13 05:06:37

About 600 words composition for thanksgiving parents (1)

Time flies like an arrow. Time flies quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, I grew from a babbling urchin to a graceful young girl. During this period, my parents did not pay much hard sweat, which included pain and joy

It's hard. When it's still at night, I will hear my cry. At this time, my parents will drag their tired bodies to get up and coax me to sleep until I fall asleep. It's also slightly light. They will get up again to cook, warm milk for me, prepare meals, and go to work again. If you put all this on me, I will be exhausted and shocked! But my parents have insisted on this for many years, and they have never cried out pain and fatigue

When my parents brought me up again, there were many things to do: for example, I learned to walk; Able to eat by oneself; Know yourself. At this time, parents' faces will show a knowing smile.

In order to thank my parents, I decided to do a little housework to thank and repay them, but what should I do? Right! Cook dinner for parents. When my parents came off work, they were stunned to see a table full of food. They looked at the food and then looked at me. They asked, "Did you make this alone?" I said proudly, "Yes!..." Before I finished, my parents' eyes were full of tears.

I think: parents have been waiting for this day for a long time, how they hope I can grow up quickly, we know how grateful, how happy they are! Time flies, our bodies are strong day by day, but our parents' backs are bent day by day; We have more and more success, and the wrinkles of our parents' eyes are getting denser and denser. At this time, I would feel extremely sad and guilty.

Someone once said that kinship is an atmosphere that needs the joint efforts of parents and children to create. Should we do something? Learn to cherish your family, learn to be grateful. So in this week, I helped my parents do housework and experience their hard work. After a week of exercise, I thoroughly understood their hard work, so I will treasure this hard won 'affection.

About 600 words composition for thanksgiving parents (2)

Motherly love is like a high mountain. No matter how difficult you encounter outside, your mother is the barrier you rely on when you return home, which will support the shade above our heads forever. Today, I have too much to say to my mother. Let's take a look at this article about thanking my mother.

The fire will always go out, and people will always be in their twilight years. Blossom hair is the witness of mother's hard work, and the slightly curved back is the figure of mother's hard work... Blessings come and go every year, and blessings go deep every year!

She never dresses herself up deliberately, but she is the most beautiful; She never wants people to praise her, but she is the greatest; She never wants her children to repay her, but she is very grateful... She is my favorite mother

Looking at mother's increasing white hair, mother's increasingly profound wrinkles, and mother's gradually bent body, the child has endless gratitude in his heart, but all of them come together into one sentence: Mom! I love you!

Looking at my mother's white hair and wrinkles, my mother, who has nurtured me for many years, please accept my deepest wishes for you on this festival that belongs to you: happy holidays, always young!

Mom, today is your birthday. May all happiness, all happiness, all warmth and all good luck surround you. Happy birthday! healthy! Happiness!

There is no way to modify the eyes, such love is particularly pure, and there is no way to describe the expectation, the deep feeling, and the eternal blessing, wishing the great mother a happy holiday and eternal happiness.

My mother is the eye that encourages me to get up, my mother is the stick when I was lazy and missed school, my mother is the umbrella waiting anxiously in the rain, my mother is the lamp waiting for my return, and my mother is the love that always faces my children!

I love you, thank you, and wish you all the best, because you have done everything your mother can. happy birthday to you!

Over the years, she has received a lot of care and love from her mother. She always wants to do something for her mother and buy something. But her mother always said: parents don't want children, as long as you can be happy!

You fed me with the sweet milk; It is also that you have spared no pains to escort me on my way of growth. No words, no regrets! Here, my son says hello to you. Thank you, Mom! Wish you a happy holiday

Dear mother: I bless you every day of my life, because I miss you all the time in my life! Sincerely wish you a happy birthday

About 600 words composition for thanksgiving parents (3)

Recall the kindness of parents' upbringing, and work hard to grow up.

Parents and children are the best in the world. Family is the most important classroom in one's life, and parents are the teachers in this classroom from beginning to end. We took the first step in life in this class. Since then, we have grown up under the education of parents' love. It is the love of parents that gives us strength and courage. The love of parents is the greatest and selfless love that everyone has experienced in his life.

Remembering that I often got sick when I was young, I remember that once I had a high fever at night. That night my mother kept using ice bags to help me cool down, take medicine, etc., and my mother didn't have eye contact with me all night. She held me to the doctor at more than six o'clock.

My parents not only care about me, but also work hard. They are not afraid to work so hard to make me read more. My father often writes documents, often works overtime, often has meetings, and sometimes writes documents when he sleeps, making him unable to sleep well. My mother worked even harder. She got up at more than six o'clock every morning and had to sell vegetables, make breakfast for me, and then cook my lunch. She had to go to work without being late. She cooked for us as soon as she came home from work in the evening. Sometimes I asked her to help me with dictation. My mother helped me with dictation while washing vegetables. It was really hard to watch my mother work every day! But she is not afraid of hard work, and she also does a good job in household hygiene.

Every Saturday and Sunday, my father and mother would take me to Lianhuashan Park for a walk. Saturday and Sunday were their own rest time, but they didn't have a good rest almost every weekend. Instead, they took me out to play.

My parents do this for me. They hope that I can read good books and become a useful person with culture, knowledge and ability when I grow up. I will live up to my parents' expectations. I must study hard and repay them for their upbringing when I grow up. The love between my parents and me is tacit and clear. I must read good books to repay my parents for their kindness, because you are always the brightest light in my heart.