My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (20 recommended)
2024-05-27 02:46:01

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (1)

Book is my first teacher. She is like a close friend who accompanies me in my spare time; She is like a sailing ship, taking me to travel in the ocean of knowledge; She is like a key to wisdom, helping me open the door to the treasure house of knowledge.

When I was an ignorant child, when I first received the books from my elders, I was only attracted by her colorful appearance. Those gorgeous pictures seemed to create a beautiful fairy tale world for me, which I couldn't put down.

As I grew older, I stopped looking at her appearance, but was attracted by her rich inner. The content of the book is all inclusive and gathers the essence! I am like a busy bee, absorbing the nectar of endless knowledge in reading. Want to understand science, "100000 Why" helped me; If I want to know about celebrities, "Celebrity's Story" has educated me; To understand history, Five Thousand Years Up and Down took me through the ancient and modern times. In the book, I feel sorry for the kind mermaid, for the emperor who has no clothes on, and for the little girl who sells matches. I see beauty and know ugliness; After learning about the emergence of the Egyptian pyramids, the opening of the Chinese Silk Road, and the establishment of the Hanging Gardens, I feel more and more that the world in the book is so colorful and interesting. She also taught me to be a child who is not afraid of difficulties and dare to climb. All this should be attributed to the book, the silent "enlightenment teacher"!

As I grew older, my reading volume gradually increased, and the books I read gradually became thicker and harder. And because of her influence on me, I gradually fell in love with writing, and had the dream of becoming a writer. I dreamed that one day my books could be held in the hands of people like me.

Book, my teacher who can't speak, has become my best mentor and friend. Do you think I can not love you?

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (2)

She is not tall or short, with dark shiny hair, long, talkative eyes and a talkative mouth. This is my first teacher, Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang's eyes are very magical. When she was in class, she could see which student was "wandering" at a glance. Sometimes, when she was on the platform and lowered her head to correct our homework, some naughty students wanted to take the opportunity to make small moves, they would be caught by Miss Zhang accurately. I remember when we were just in the first grade, Mr. Zhang taught us to sit up straight in class, with both hands on the table, and not to do small movements. Maybe I got used to it freely in kindergarten. At the beginning, many students were not used to it. I was no exception. I always felt it secretly. Miss Zhang took the trouble to remind me just like her mother. Gradually, gradually, I finally adapted to the school environment, class will no longer do small movements! Mr. Zhang not only taught me how to learn, but also told me how to behave. In the past, I used to talk back to my parents when I was rude. Teacher Zhang found out about it, so he talked to me and showed me the story of Kong Rong Gives Pears.

Since then, I have become more polite. Mr. Zhang, I think you are like a big tree. We are like leaves on the tree. With your unrequited care, we will grow bigger and greener.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (3)

I am over 40 years old, and I always feel a lot when I mention my teacher. When someone asked me who my most impressive teacher was, he came to my mind - a person who was surrounded by seven or eight students and took the trouble to explain the equation. He was my math teacher in grade six of primary school, Mr. Zhang Zhimin.

Mr. Zhang is a southerner. It is said that he stayed in the countryside during the years when college students went to the countryside. What he said was Mandarin, which was so novel to our rural children. His rigorous teaching attitude and outstanding teaching achievements have made students and villagers admire him.

At that time, all the students in our class liked his class very much. Because we can all truly feel that he keeps each of us in his heart.

Mr. Zhang is very strict with his students. Mr. Zhang has made a rule for us that students who are late are not allowed to shout reports or enter the classroom through the front door. Because it will interrupt the teacher's lecture and distract the students' attention. Once, I was late for delivering something to my elder sister in the morning. I crept up the back steps of the classroom. When I saw my classmates listening to the teacher quietly, I panicked. I didn't know whether to step forward or back to the door. After hesitating for a long time, I finally forced myself to the front row. I lowered my head and my heart pounded. I used my spare light to catch a glimpse of the teacher staring at me with stern eyes. My face felt like fire. After class, I explained the reason to the teacher. Teacher Zhang said seriously, "This cannot be the reason for being late." Since then, I have never been late again.

Mr. Zhang is patient with his students. Every time he finished his lecture, he would say, "Those who didn't understand me will come to the stage and I will tell you again." At this time, several people in Hula would go to surround the teacher. Every time there is a classmate who studies a little hard, but he works hard. The teacher told him the most questions and times. The students who came to the front of the stage to ask the teacher questions were afraid that he would be in the front, because there was almost no chance for others to have him. Sitting in front of the desk, I suffered a lot. I'm tired of listening to the 'explanations' many times. Teacher Zhang is still smiling and asking if he understands.

Later, I also became a teacher of the people. Teacher Zhang's example has always pushed me and infected me

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (4)

Since I can remember, many teachers have accompanied me to grow up. Among them, Mr. Wang impressed me most.

When we were in the first grade, Mr. Wang was very strict. If a classmate doesn't do his homework, Mr. Wang will certainly criticize him. But now Mr. Wang's temper is slowly getting smaller, because we are sensible. She is both a teacher and our "mother". In class, she is our strict teacher, and after class, she is our perfect "mother". Teacher Wang is like the "Monkey King", changing from place to place

I remember once, when I was wandering in class, Mr. Wang stared at me. I didn't care, but just played. In desperation, Miss Wang knocked on my hand. After class, Mr. Wang asked me quickly, "Did it hurt when I hit you just now?" I said, "It doesn't hurt. I shouldn't play in class." Mr. Wang said, "It's OK. Everyone makes mistakes. It's good to correct them." This is Mr. Wang who is strict.

Another time, it was very cold in the morning. I didn't wear much. After eating eggs, I felt sick in my stomach and vomited. Miss Wang called her mother to pick me up. Seeing how little I was wearing, Miss Wang took off her coat and put it on for me. After my mother connected me, I told my mother about it. Mother said, "Mr. Wang is very kind to you." This is Mr. Wang who cares about people.

We are both afraid of her and like her, a strict and kind teacher.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (5)

I often recall my 'enlightenment teacher - mother with gratitude. It was she who taught me: be loving, love the motherland, love the people, be hardworking and brave, and be an honest, kind and polite person. Although the days have flashed by in an instant, my mother's words and deeds are still deeply impressed in my heart.

When I was a child, my memory was very good. When I was 2 years old, my mother taught me to recite Tang poems, nursery rhymes, and write word problems... Once, some guests came to my home, and they asked me to recite some Tang poems for them. I just play and ignore it. After the guests left, my mother did not hit me or scold me, but just taught me: it is very impolite to ignore others. Children should be educated and polite when they were young. Later, when guests came to my home, I always said, "Hello, aunts and uncles!" and then brought my snacks to them. When guests leave my house with a smile, they always forget to leave a sentence: "This child is really sensible."

Seeing that other children are often taught a lesson by their mother, I asked my mother: "Why do you never beat me and scold me?" My mother smiled, "Want to be beaten?"? Then he said with a straight face: "If you want your child to be a good child who doesn't fight or swear, you should first become a role model for your child as a parent." I remember my mother's words and never fight or swear.

My mother also asked me to exercise when I was young. Since I was 3 years old, my mother and I got up at six o'clock every day, led me out for running, and then did exercises and rope skipping. A rope skipping contest was held in the kindergarten. I jumped more than a thousand times and won the first place. The following week, I spent it in the praise of people. I know, it's all my mother's credit.

My mother also often taught me: to be confident, self-improvement, as long as perseverance, will win. I remember that in the third grade of primary school, in the autumn sports meeting, I took part in the 800 meter long distance race. When the gunshot sounded, I rushed out like an arrow leaving the string. At that time, a classmate behind me deliberately pushed me hard with both hands. I fell heavily on the ground, and one of my hands helped me up. It was my mother. My face was covered with dust, and my arms and legs were abraded in many places. The blood was leaking constantly. The teacher also ran to me and advised me not to run away. I saw that my mother's eyes were full of tears. I limped forward with my injured leg. At that time, my classmates had already run more than half a circle. I clenched my teeth and caught up with them. I finally caught up with them, overtook them, and finally won the third place. This time I finally understood that perseverance is victory.

Since I was in the first grade, my mother has told me that learning depends on self determination, and neither teachers nor parents can replace it. I remember my mother's words that learning never requires the supervision of my mother and teachers. But when I do my homework, my mother always accompanies me silently. In a variety of competitions held in the school on National Day, I got five certificates of award back at once. The teachers were surprised, but I knew how much effort my mother had put into it.

Enlightenment is the beginning of life and the most critical step in life. When a person does not understand anything, his life is a blank sheet of paper. Enlightenment is the content on this sheet of paper. What is painted is what can no longer be erased. I drew a beautiful picture on this white paper under the guidance of my mother, the enlightenment teacher.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (6)

Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." Liu Yi also said, "Reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles.". But I think: "The book is a diligent bee, an unknown cattle, and a selfless silkworm. Because it conveys all the knowledge it knows to us without reservation, let us sing and dance in the sea of books." If we want to read, it should start from Little Doudou by the Window, which I just came into contact with Speaking of this book... it was a beautiful dusk with orange light and shadow floating. I suddenly became curious about the book "Little Doudou by the Window" on the table beside me, which I never noticed. It was a book with heavy dust on it. I cleaned up the dust and sat on a chair beside me and looked at it cheerfully

When I opened this book, I felt like entering a new world. She, a very naughty girl, attracted my attention - Chuko Heiliu. The book "Little Doudou by the Window" tells a true story of the author, Cherokee Heiliu, when she was in primary school. After Chuko Heiliu was expelled from his former school for being naughty, he came to the Baxueyuan. Under the care and guidance of President Xiaolin, Xiaodoudou, who is regarded as "weird" by ordinary people, has gradually become a child acceptable to everyone and laid the foundation for her life. When I read this book, I shed tears. This is the first time that I have read a book so seriously. I seem to be in the scene. In real life, I am also a little naughty. Now think about me and Cherokee Heiliu. The most different thing between us is that I don't have her perseverance. Isn't it just counting, reciting the text and English words? What's so difficult? "As long as my kung fu is deep, the iron pestle can be ground into reality." I believe that as long as I work hard, nothing can not be done! I always thought that reading was painful. There are so many homework assignments every night, and I have to take out books to read. Now, it's funny that I used to hate reading so much. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a famous politician named Sun Jing. When he was young, he was diligent and eager to learn. He often closed the door and kept reading alone.

Reading from morning to night every day is often a way of forgetting food and sleep. I have been studying for a long time, and I am tired. After a long time, I was so tired that I dozed off.

He was afraid of affecting his study, so he came up with a special way. In ancient times, men's hair was very long. He found a rope and tied it firmly to the beam. When he is tired from reading, he dozes off. When his head is low, the rope will hold his hair, which will hurt his head. He will wake up immediately and continue to read and study. Sun Jing maltreats himself to study? I am smaller than an ant than him, isn't it? Now I understand that the mood of reading is so relaxed and happy. Now, even if I were allowed to read for a day, I would not complain. Because reading is like choosing friends. Choosing a good book is like finding a bosom friend. Talk with you and tell you a lot of knowledge and interesting things in life. "Little Doudou by the Window" has been kept in my bookshelf. Every time I see it, I will remember the spirit of Cherokee Heiliu and remind myself all the time.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (7)

I will graduate from primary school soon. The teachers' many teachings are unforgettable to me. I respect all teachers, but what impressed me most and impressed me most was my first teacher, Mr. Lei.

Teacher Lei is not only our intellectual enlightenment, but also our ideological guide and beneficial friend in life. Mr. Lei teaches our class Chinese. In each lesson, he always earnestly guides us to carefully understand and think about the text, so that we can step onto the ideal steed, travel in the ocean of knowledge, and actively answer questions. Teacher Lei will take the lead in applauding and congratulating anyone whose speech is innovative. Teacher Lei's lectures are rich and colorful. The students listen attentively every time, just like dozens of flowers quietly enjoying the watering of hard gardeners.

Teacher Lei is also very concerned about our physical and mental health, just like a loving mother taking care of her own baby, or a gardener cultivating the flowers of the motherland. I still remember that time, in the 50 meter dash of the annual sports meeting, a student ran at full speed because he was eager to get good results. As a result, he had an intimate "kiss" with the ground, and his knee was injured, skinned and bleeding. The student burst into tears at once. After hearing the news, Mr. Lei came to see the injured student, and said earnestly: "This student, you should not be so pessimistic. Your little injury is nothing at all. You should be strong. In the past, the Communist Party was not afraid to face the danger of death for the sake of the people's happy life." Every word of Mr. Lei touched the hearts of the students present. It is like thunder, which can wake people up; It is like a heart enhancer, which can inspire people; It is also like firelight, which can warm people's hearts!

Although I will leave my alma mater soon, I will leave my beloved teacher Lei. But I will never forget the basic knowledge that Mr. Lei taught me, and I will never forget the teaching that Mr. Lei taught me. His voice, face and face are still deeply imprinted in my mind.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (8)

I have a beautiful and young enlightenment teacher, whose surname is Jin. She is small and very comely. She has long flowing hair, very beautiful! Under a pair of delicate glasses, there is a pair of divine eyes, and under a small nose, there is a cherry mouth.

Although he is so delicate, she is a very strict teacher in learning. I remember that in the first grade, we were all naughty children coming out of kindergarten. Many of us were disobedient. Some students didn't finish their homework carefully. Teacher Jin would severely criticize and accompany this student to finish his homework after school. In class, if you talk nonsense and wander, she will find you out and scold you severely

Although Ms. Jin is strict, she always takes care of me in life. I am a very picky child. Miss Jin always gives me her own good dishes. But only if I'm not naughty can I eat, because I'm a naughty person in my class. I used to ask for leave when I was sick. When I returned to school, the teacher would ask: Can I keep up? If I can't keep up with her, she always makes up for the knowledge I haven't learned.

She is going to have a baby this semester. She still gives us lessons with a big belly every day. I am really moved to see her clumsy body giving us lessons!

This is my first teacher. Do you think she is an excellent teacher?

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (9)

I am a primary school student in Grade One. It has been almost a year since I entered the school. I can learn a lot of new cultural knowledge from teachers every day, which reminds me of my initial teacher, teacher Jiang.

Miss Jiang is tall and wears a pair of glasses. Her voice is always gentle when she speaks. She is very serious when she lectures, and sometimes she smiles happily. I remember that on the first day when I first entered the school, the new students in the classroom were chattering all the time. At that time, I only heard Mr. Jiang saying to everyone, "Please be quiet, students, welcome to the new school, and then students will call me Mr. Jiang." After Mr. Jiang said that, the classroom immediately became quiet. At this time, Teacher Jiang said, "The students have left the kindergarten for a long time, and they will be a little bit unaccustomed when they first arrive here. You learn how to play games, eat and sleep in the kindergarten. When you come here, you should learn to read, write, listen carefully and observe discipline." After Teacher Jiang said, the classroom became quieter, and there was no sound, The students listened to Mr. Jiang carefully. Since then, Mr. Jiang has taught us a lot of new Chinese characters and words. Students have learned to obey discipline and listen carefully. Mr. Jiang also often teaches us to respect our elders and be polite.

Whenever I get a little red flower awarded by Miss Jiang, I am very happy, and Miss Jiang also shows a sweet smile.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (10)

Students, you must all have your own enlightenment teachers! It must be hard for you to forget what these enlightenment teachers taught you! You must also want to say something to your enlightenment teacher! For me now, the enlightenment teacher is the first person to help us open the treasure house of knowledge. How can we forget it?

I remember an amiable teacher, Miss Li Hui. She was my first Chinese teacher. Miss Li was very kind. In my impression, she never scolded her classmates severely. Whenever a student did something wrong, she always called that student in front of her, asked the reason and gently reminded him.

In my memory, Mr. Li encouraged good students to make more progress and poor students to strive for greater progress. Although both are encouragement, they are quite different. First, she encouraged the good students. She smiled and nodded to the good students, looked at the student with praise eyes, praised the student with a sweet voice, and finally used a word of encouragement to make the students feel deeply. In the second grade, I never raised my hand to speak, and began to be cheerful. I raised my hand on simple questions, and my grades also improved. Teacher Li was very happy to see my progress, and always nodded and smiled at my progress, and I was happy. For poor students, Mr. Li never blamed or scolded them, but pointed out their shortcomings with a smile and helped find learning methods, so that every student felt the fun and importance of learning, and we also felt the teacher's kind expectations and encouragement.

The thick chalk words on the blackboard were written by the teacher with love, the bright red numbers on the exercise book were changed by the teacher with his heart, and the teacher said the teaching sentence by sentence with tears. My teacher Li moistened our budding flowers with his love dew, so that we can blossom and bear fruit.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (11)

Mr. Yang is my first teacher in the preschool class.

Meeting her is like seeing a lighthouse in the vast sea. It was she who lit my way forward.

I remember that when I was in kindergarten, Miss Yang sent us castanets to play with. I thought it was very funny. When Miss Yang collected the toys, I didn't hand them in, but put them in my pocket. At that time, I was still young, and I didn't think this behavior was bad, only that it seemed wrong. It was discovered by Miss Yang. She asked me to hand it in, but I refused to hand it in. Teacher Yang earnestly warned me: "People should not take others' things for themselves because they like something. This is a thief's behavior, and it is wrong..." Teacher Yang said a lot of words that I didn't understand at that time, and I only vaguely remembered the main idea: "If it is not your own thing, you can't take it, even if you like it again."

Mr. Yang not only made me understand right and wrong, but also made me understand the true meaning and highlights of life. When I was young, I was very afraid of darkness. Every time when it was dark, I would be very afraid. If there was a sudden power failure in the class and I looked at the darkness, I would cry out in fear. Darkness has always been my "heart disease". When Mr. Yang found out this, he taught me a poem: "Black gave me dark eyes, but I used it to find light." Later, whenever the sky was dark, I would recite this poem silently. As time passed, I no longer feared the dark. When I was young, I didn't understand that "dark night" not only refers to the black night, but also refers to the difficulties and setbacks that are inevitable in life... We should look for the "oasis" of hope from the "desert" of difficulties and setbacks with "black eyes". I also learned to face all the misfortunes in life bravely and meet the challenge of fate.

It was Mr. Yang who taught me the truth of life, taught me how to face difficulties and setbacks in life bravely, and cultivated my interest in literature. Miss Yang, my first teacher, I thank her!

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (12)

I am a junior high school student. In my second year of junior high school this year, I met many teachers, including male teachers, female teachers, good teachers, and teachers who are not so good. I met all kinds of teachers, but I met a teacher who can be said to be my enlightenment teacher!

Why is he my first teacher? Let me talk about it today!

My first teacher, whose surname is Chen, we usually call him Teacher Chen, but he doesn't like us to call him that way. He said that he likes us to call him Zhiyong, which is more friendly and more integrated with us, so that we can not need so much pressure. After hearing this, we all laughed and said yes! Hee hee! We immediately integrated with the teacher. Everyone talked and laughed in class. After a while, all the assigned homework was finished. The teacher treated each student equally and taught each student wholeheartedly. I remember one time, when a student failed in an exam, the teacher paid special attention to him and stayed behind to make up for his homework and improve his performance, Everyone has gone, and there are only two of them left in the classroom. This time really moved me, and made me understand a lot of truth. It made me understand that I should be serious in everything, and be responsible no matter what the situation.

teacher! You are really my first teacher! How will I go in the future!

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (13)

Mr. Huang, you are my first teacher. With your education, I learned a lot of knowledge that I can't learn in class. I will never forget the knowledge you taught me; Never forget your kind smile; I will never forget your kind face. I will remember everything about you. Including that:

On a cold morning, I came to school. As soon as I entered the school, I heard your greetings: Good morning, your face doesn't seem to be very good, is it uncomfortable? I quickly shook my head. All of a sudden, my eyes were black. I fainted on the ground.

I opened my eyes in a daze when the cold wind blew. The first time I saw you, I was very surprised. Suddenly, you kindly said to me: You woke up, and just now you fainted on the ground. I will send you to the big hospital now. Don't persuade me to put you down. I wanted to say to you: I'm all right, you don't need to carry me away anymore. But you said so.

The cold wind is whistling, and the piercing wind is relentlessly blowing your kind face. At this time, my eyes were wet, and my heart was only thinking of such a sentence: Teacher, you have worked hard!

It is this thing that I have always kept in mind; It was this event that made me know more clearly that the profession of teacher is the greatest profession in the world. Some people say that teachers are like gardeners, cultivating lush trees; Someone said. The teacher is like a candle, burning himself constantly, bringing light to others. I think you are like a gentle mother, feeding an ignorant child. When I wrote here, I couldn't help thinking of a poem by Li Shangyin: the silkworms in spring will be exhausted until they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they become ashes and tears.

This is the first essay I wrote on Teachers' Day. When the teacher told me to write this essay, I saw a thin body, white hair and wrinkled teacher Huang in my mind. Miss Huang is a good teacher who cares about students, as in the essay. I don't know if I have a chance to see her again. After four years of separation, I may not have been a student in her mind for a long time. After all, on her life path, she has taught countless students. But I can never look at the teacher who cried for us and worried about us.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (14)

Books are my teachers. She has taught me a lot of common sense.

Mother tongue makes us intimate with China's 5000 year civilization; How many He algebras lead us into the digital world; Foreign languages lead us to face the world and point to the future... I love books. It is books that enable me to absorb abundant energy and property, and it is this wonderful book that makes me mature step by step - Encyclopedia of Chinese Children and Children.

This volume has four titles, covering four major categories: natural science and education, cosmic interstellar space, native astronomy, and mystery of the unknown. When I imagine why the sky is so blue, I will turn to the first chapter - natural superstition, browsing, so that I can understand the ever-changing scene of the artificial world; When I imagine how many stars there are on the star ground, I will turn to the second chapter - cosmic interstellar, understanding, let me sigh the mystery of the universe and the wisdom of this generation's scientific skills; When I am in Huangshan and wonder why nature can't create such a beautiful scenery, I will turn to the third chapter - My Culture and Geography, and sigh, so that I can't help but take it in the process of learning to explore; When I watched the Titan Senk lightly enter the sea top and was unable to solve such a problem, I would open the fourth chapter - mystery of the unknown, sublimation, which made me think about the highest field of science

A book is a ladder for the improvement of human race. It edifies me; A book that can teach me, and this is my favorite - Encyclopedia of Chinese Children.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (15)

Mr. Zhang is my first grade teacher and has been teaching us Chinese since the first grade.

Although Miss Zhang is fat, she is warm and beautiful in my eyes. She has beautiful black hair, a round face, a pair of small eyes under her bent eyebrows, and a pair of pink glasses. The teacher's nose is a bit flat, and his mouth is very beautiful.

Mr. Zhang is very cheerful and lively. He always gives us lessons with a kind smile every day. She also likes to give us lessons. Sometimes, the teacher always patiently teaches us questions that we can't do until we are taught.

Teacher Zhang also cares about us. I remember that on the Children's Day of June 1, everyone in our class talked about what gifts parents would give them? Some said, "My father will definitely give me toys." Some said, "My mother will definitely buy clothes for me." But I was depressed there. I was thinking, "What gift will my father give me when my mother left me due to an accident?" At this time, the Chinese teacher quietly called me out of the classroom and gently said to me, "Li Ran, what gift do you want? The teacher will buy you." I was flattered and thought for a moment and said, "Teacher, I want a box of Barbie dolls." The teacher said, "OK!"

On the Children's Day of June 1, my teacher really sent me a large box of Barbie dolls, which contained a beautiful Barbie, eight gorgeous costumes, and some exquisite accessories. I was surprised, happy and moved. In the envious eyes of my classmates, I took the gift from my teacher home. Since then, this Barbie doll has been placed at my bedside, and I will dress her after finishing her homework every day. Whenever I am lonely, whenever I miss my mother, whenever I encounter difficulties, the beautiful Barbie becomes my closest partner and confidant. How I like this gift from Teacher Zhang!

Miss Zhang, my first teacher, loves every student as our mother does, and we love her as our mother does.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (16)

My first teacher is TYRA. She taught me to speak English and made me fall in love with English. When I was in the first grade of primary school, my English score was very poor. I didn't like English very much. I remember one time when I got more than 70 points in an English exam, which made me very uneasy and made me afraid of English from then on.

After school, I went home and told my mother. Mother said: "Good boy, don't be discouraged. Let's sign up for an English class for you.". I didn't wait for my mother to finish saying, I said, "Good!" I waited and waited. It was not easy to wait until this day. I was so excited that I got up early in the morning. I was so excited that I set out without having breakfast. On the way, I made up my mind to study hard.

The next day when I walked into the English classroom, I found it very clean. The bell rang, and a big sister like teacher came in. She was young and beautiful. She smiled brightly at us, and my heart relaxed a lot. After introducing herself, she began to teach us the tricks of learning English and told us some jokes. I fell in love with this teacher and began to like English. TYRA is not only a good teacher, but also my good friend.

Now my English is among the best. I am confident and happy. Thank you, teacher TyRA.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (17)

Children's hearts are like a piece of sacred white paper. On this piece of paper is recorded the cultivation and harvest, on which there were laughter and tears; There have been sweet and sour, bitter and hot; There have been teachers' earnest teachings, as well as teachers' criticism and praise. On this piece of paper that belongs to me, my memory of teachers will be forever.

When I opened the curtain of my memory in my mind, I saw the most impressive enlightenment teacher - Mr. Qin.

Miss Qin, my fourth grade math teacher, is a kind and caring teacher who advocates us to solve problems in a different way. Once, when Mr. Qin was talking about a math problem, I came up with a different method from my teacher. So I boldly raised my hand and said my own way of solving the problem. The teacher thought for a while, nodded and said, "Li Hongxuan, your method is also very good and different. In the future, we should also use our brains like him in solving problems. " In this lesson, Mr. Qin also taught me a truth in life: when we deal with problems, we should not only use one method, but should observe things from different perspectives, be flexible and innovative, so that life can give us more gains.

Another time in the labor class, I was accidentally touched by other students' lips while working. I suddenly felt very painful on my lips, and blood was slowly pouring out. The students and the labor teacher hurried to take me to the clinic to bandage the wound. When I returned to the classroom, Mr. Qin anxiously asked me about my situation. After knowing that there was no problem, I relaxed. Then I worked with my classmates for a while, and the teacher praised me in front of everyone.

Now, whenever I meet Miss Qin, I will go forward to say hello to her. Miss Qin always asks me about my study and life in her gentle voice. Mr. Qin's smile and the relaxed and happy math class will be stored on my white paper for a long time.

Teacher, what a sacred profession, because of it, we can have a happy today. When I grow up, I also want to be a glorious people's teacher!

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (18)

The teacher who touched me most in my life was a village teacher, who was the most beneficial person in my life.

Remember, once, I didn't do my homework. That's because many times, after I finished my homework in a hurry, the teacher didn't even look at it. (At that time, we didn't have a team leader). Once, after class, the teacher walked up to my seat without warning and said to me earnestly, "It's not good not to do homework." At that time, I was so surprised that I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time. Somehow, I felt childish at that time that the teacher must be a better fairy than Monkey King, and the teacher knew what other people did. Since then, I have been more careful.

I still remember that in those months, my homework was always finished first, so I went to ask the teacher to change it, but I had a bad habit that when the teacher was busy with other things, I always liked to stamp my feet, because I didn't want to call the word "teacher", so every time I stamped my feet before handing in my homework, finally once, the teacher told me what to do with stamping my feet, You can also call the teacher! I blushed to the bottom of my neck. Really, why did I have to stamp my feet? Why not call the teacher! Since then, I have been more polite to teachers.

I still remember one time, the teacher asked us to practice calligraphy, and every time we were Ding, we never got armour. This time, after I finished practicing calligraphy, I showed it to the teacher. The teacher looked at it and said, "What is this character? Go back and write it again." I returned to my seat in frustration. At this time, Li Yonghui, the calligraphy king of our class, came to my desk. "Oh, look what you write in this word. Come on, I'll write one for you. You can write it with this word." Then I wrote a beautiful regular script "eight" characters. After I copied it, I found that Li Yonghui didn't write it. OK. I had to take it to the teacher. After looking at it carefully for a while, the teacher pointed to Li Yonghui's words and said, "I think this word is the best." I was extremely embarrassed. Since then, I have loved learning more.

This is my first teacher. Although the teacher who taught me in the future also has an impact on me, she taught me a habit, an attitude, a mood. It is she who has made me from ignorance to love learning, from childishness to maturity, and she sowed a seed of hope.

In recent years, I learned from my classmate Li Yonghui that she has retired from her teaching post. I sincerely wish her happiness and health!


Junior 1: Shao Binyang

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (19)

When I opened this book, I felt like entering a new world. She, a very naughty girl, attracted my attention - Chuko Heiliu. The book "Little Doudou by the Window" tells a true story of the author, Cherokee Heiliu, when she was in primary school. After Chuko Heiliu was expelled from his former school for being naughty, he came to the Baxueyuan. Under the care and guidance of President Xiaolin, Xiaodoudou, who is regarded as "weird" by ordinary people, has gradually become a child acceptable to everyone and laid the foundation for her life. When I read this book, I shed tears. This is the first time that I have read a book so seriously. I seem to be in the scene. In real life, I am also a little naughty. Now think about me and Cherokee Heiliu. The most different thing between us is that I don't have her perseverance. Isn't it just counting, reciting the text and English words? What's so difficult? "As long as my kung fu is deep, the iron pestle can be ground into reality." I believe that as long as I work hard, nothing can not be done! I always thought that reading was painful. There are so many homework assignments every night, and I have to take out books to read. Now, it's funny that I used to hate reading so much. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a famous politician named Sun Jing. When he was young, he was diligent and eager to learn. He often closed the door and kept reading alone.

Reading from morning to night every day is often a way of forgetting food and sleep. I have been studying for a long time, and I am tired. After a long time, I was so tired that I dozed off.

He was afraid of affecting his study, so he came up with a special way. In ancient times, men's hair was very long. He found a rope and tied it firmly to the beam. When he is tired from reading, he dozes off. When his head is low, the rope will hold his hair, which will hurt his head. He will wake up immediately and continue to read and study. Sun Jing maltreats himself to study? I am smaller than an ant than him, isn't it? Now I understand that the mood of reading is so relaxed and happy. Now, even if I were allowed to read for a day, I would not complain. Because reading is like choosing friends. Choosing a good book is like finding a bosom friend. Talk with you and tell you a lot of knowledge and interesting things in life. "Little Doudou by the Window" has been kept in my bookshelf. Every time I see it, I will remember the spirit of Cherokee Heiliu and remind myself all the time.

My Enlightenment Teacher's Composition (20)

In my impression, Mr. Tang is kind, stern and amiable. I still remember that time, when I was playing on the playground with my classmates, I accidentally fell down on a stone and cried in pain. Just as it happened, Mr. Tang saw that I was injured and rushed over to pick me up. He asked me if I was in pain and comforted me, saying, "Don't be afraid. You are the bravest, aren't you? Just be patient." He held me to the infirmary. When we arrived at the clinic, the doctor said that there was nothing but a scratch. But the teacher kept asking me whether it hurt or not. Looking at the teacher's concern for me, I was very moved.

Another time, when I was in Chinese class, the teacher asked us to write posts. When I was writing, I always talked with the children nearby, and my mind was not on the copybook at all. Hearing that Mr. Tang said he would hand in the copybook, I hurried to fill in what I hadn't finished. It's true that "it's easy to make mistakes when busy" is true. When the copybook was sent, I made two mistakes. I thought it was only two mistakes, and the teacher would not criticize me. As a result, it was far beyond my imagination. Teacher Tang called me to the podium and severely criticized me. I can't be distracted later!

This is my first teacher, a strict, kind and gentle first teacher!