Family Story Composition (7 compilations)
Harmony between heaven, earth and man
2023-10-10 05:38:08

Family Story Composition (1)

When we are scarred, home is a warm harbor; When we are sad and desperate, home is the big hand, never leave.

The sun was scorching the earth, and the trees on the roadside bent down helplessly. I wiped away the tears hanging from my eyes, thinking of the scene just now, I was very sad. "How dare you answer back?" "What's the matter? I dare!" "You!" We faced each other for a long time. After a while, I fell on the door and ran out. Behind him echoed the voice of weapons: "Where are you going? Come back to me!"

Why is she always like this? She doesn't listen to my explanation and steals my drawer. I can't stand it.

Time crept away quietly. It was dark.

I'm hungry. Maybe I shouldn't quarrel with my mother. I should be more considerate of my parents. I really want to go home! The house is not cold at all. It has a warm stove and hot meals~~~

Thinking about it, I walked to the door quickly. Do you want to go in? The little angel and the little devil in my heart had a cold war. "I'm not going in! It's not my fault. Maybe I will be scolded when I go in." "Go in, maybe my mother already knows the truth!"

Encouraged by the little angel, I resolutely walked home. When my mother saw me, she stood up quickly and came in. She held me tightly.

"Kangkang, I'm sorry. I saw the message on the back of the book. I shouldn't blame you!"

"Mom, it's OK. It's all over now. Let's go inside quickly. It's cold outside."


Home! I'm back!

Now I understand that only those who have lost their homes can understand the warmth of home.

I love my family, really!

Family Story Composition (2)

"How did you get that?"

My mother said this after reading my grades. "I, I..." I couldn't speak. "Yue, how can you get such a good score in the exam? Didn't you say that you have mastered all the knowledge points?" I was speechless. I was also a little tired of being criticized by my mother. I murmured in a low voice: "I didn't do well in the exam, did I? As for that?" My mother listened to this sentence, so she angrily entered her 'room and ignored me. I didn't think any more. I went to bed after washing.

The next morning, my father called me up and said, "Your mother has been ill with you. Now you are satisfied!" My heart thumped, filled with repentance, and I left after breakfast. On this day, I never laughed, and my heart was full of repentance.

After school, I came back to my door and smelled the smell of my own food in the corridor. My stomach was already growling. I touched my stomach and thought, "Is it made by my father? It's impossible. My father has gone to work! It's grandma? That's even more impossible..." I opened the door with the key full of doubts and saw my thin mother holding the rice bowl. Her hands kept shaking. The bowl seemed to fall off, and her head was sweating. I didn't have time to worry about whether I put down my heavy schoolbag or not. I hurried to take the job and shouted: "Mom --" My mother raised her head with difficulty, looked at me and said: "Yue Yue, you are back! You eat more. My mother is tired, so she will go to rest first."

Looking at my mother's thin back, my eyes were wet with tears, and my heart was broken. Why should I regret making my mother angry

I always hold the bowl my mother handed me. Although there is nothing in it, I feel heavy

Family Story Composition (3)

What is home? Home is the nearest place to your heart; Home is the eternal concern that haunts your heart; Home is a shelter from the rain when you encounter a storm. In this sheltered and tolerant home, parents weave warmth and understanding with love, from which we find happiness and happiness.

My father works very hard and is never late for work; My father is very enthusiastic about friends and colleagues. Dad is very diligent. When he comes home from work, he always helps his mother do some housework. Dad loves me very much. No matter what I want, he will try his best to meet my requirements as long as it is useful, especially for school supplies. I am busy at work, but I still spare time to care about me, my study, my health, and often take me to play.

Speaking of who has the most power in the family, it must be my mother. The daily business income, except my pocket money, is almost all in my mother's place, and my father seems to have nothing to do with it. My mother paid for our family's food, clothing and drinks. Mom is really amazing. Even a fearless dad should be respected. Although this "housekeeper" is rich and powerful, like a big boss who can only count big money all day long, she has another side. My mother's cooking skills are superb. I think if any hotel wants to hire star chefs, my mother must be the number one. In addition to her ability to do this, my mother does all the housework alone every day. In life, my mother often tells me to be careful when crossing the road before I go out. She often covers me with quilts at night. When I get sick, my mother will take care of me meticulously.

I love my home, a happy and warm home, my favorite place, I will study hard with my parents' expectations, and I will go home with success in the future.

Family Story Composition (4)

We are a big family with many members. There are many unforgettable things in this family.

Because we are not in the same city, we can only get together during the Spring Festival, but we celebrate in a special way.

Every few days before the Spring Festival Gala, the general director's sister-in-law will carefully arrange the program and go to the supermarket to buy gifts. Then, my sister and I will recite our lines diligently. The actors who receive the notice insist on rehearsing with disdain. They all want to show their talents on the stage.

After the dinner, everyone started to act separately, because we are both actors and staff, and no one is allowed to be lazy or absent. In the applause and music, my sister and I walked on the stage. I spoke Chinese and my sister spoke English. Under our gracious but not serious hosting, the actors began to perform brilliantly.

The big aunt's family likes performing sketches, and they always make people laugh heartily every time; The most disobedient one is my younger brother, who always grabs the microphone and joins the crowd. When he performs, he runs far away; The most serious ones are grandparents. They sing songs from the 1950s. They are usually serious and become friendly and lively on the stage, so we give them the warmest applause.

The most difficult thing is to distribute gifts, because we think everyone is good, but we will not have conflicts because of gifts, because we are a family.

The party of our big family has been held for seven years. It is not only for everyone to be happy and happy, but also for our big family to be more harmonious and happy. We have also absorbed a lot of experience, and I believe it will be better in the future!

Family Story Composition (5)

After the exam, I moved to my house step by step and opened the door I was afraid of. In the exam, I had a few words with a person when the teacher went out because I had finished the test paper. Just as the teacher came up from downstairs to see us talking, he mercilessly reduced 10 points on our test paper. I was at a loss. Because I saw someone talking, who was exactly the person the teacher trusted. I said to the teacher that the eyes were like a piece of ice in my heart. "No, don't talk nonsense. It's impossible for him to behave so well," said the teacher. Ah! He did so well in front of the teacher, but in ordinary times he would hit people in a short time. You can't just look at his grades and exams. You can't run out of my heart, so I'm not afraid of math exams. I will not talk with others in the exam. God is really unfair to me. I am always so unlucky. Every day something unfair happens. When the examination papers were handed out, I only scored more than 70 points. I felt that the place where I stood was opened, and I fell into a bottomless abyss. In short, I failed the exam.

When I returned home and put down the heavy schoolbag, I heard the voice I was used to: "How is today? If I told my parents, my ears would not relax; If you don't tell your parents, you will be scolded worse by your teachers. You'd better tell them.

To my surprise, Grandma didn't say anything about me, but asked me how I was wrong. Great, I can avoid being scolded by the teacher.

Family Story Composition (6)

Today is the fourth full year of my mother's cancer surgery, which was performed on April 20, 20xx. The doctor said that if she could survive for five years, she would have hope to live steadily. I hope her life can end after me, because as long as the body exists, it has the most important meaning to support my life: my mother is the person who really loves me most in the world, and this love does not require any return.

Sometimes I get up very early in the morning and go to work on a long way. It's still early in the morning, she will drag the sick body up to make breakfast for me. Because I like to eat the rice cake brought from my hometown Nantong, but it is very hard. My mother must first soak it in the evening, and then stir fry it the next day. I eat it with a smile, but in fact, my tears will fall down - the two yuan breakfast outside is actually everywhere.

A few days ago, I accidentally found that the soymilk sold in a breakfast shop was freshly ground, which was incomparable with the garbage soymilk sold outside. By the way, it was the same as what I ate in Wuhan. At first, I thought I could open a shop in Shenzhen to sell such soymilk. Tomorrow morning, get up early and buy food for your family. Although it's painful to get up early, I seldom do anything for my mother. Such opportunities are only getting fewer and fewer.

But such a mother, like any ordinary person, also has shortcomings. She is sensitive, suspicious, and likes to get into trouble. She is often depressed intermittently. She can't get along with her father's relatives because they often ask for money from our family. No matter how much money they give, they will never pay back. The amount is really amazing. I don't like them either. I often think it's better to rely on my own. Especially when others are not rich, if I lend them, I may not be able to buy a piano, travel or do what I want to do. Why deprive others of the right to use the money they earn? I don't know what they think.

But I remember one thing my mother shouldn't do when I was young. Grandma came to live at home. My mother kept saying bad things about Grandma in front of my sister and me, which made us hate Grandma very much. When she was sleeping, because she snored, my sister was braver than me, so she knocked loudly on the table, making her unable to sleep. Later, I saw tears in Grandma's eyes, and she left quickly. Then he died. When I think about this, I think that my mother has instilled a very bad concept into our grandmother. Let's think that we should take good care of her. In fact, what kind of hatred do we have with her? If one day my granddaughter treats me like this

Somehow I suddenly thought of a sentence: When you were born, you cried and the whole world laughed; When you left, you smiled and the whole world cried.

I want to be strong, independent, as unselfish as possible, and live well. There should be another 30 years to live, right?

Family Story Composition (7)

Part 1: My Family Story

Everyone has their own home. My home is so warm and comfortable. There are two most important people in my life at home: one is my mother who loves me, and the other is my father who cares for me. When I was in kindergarten, I often heard a beautiful nursery rhyme: "My father is a boat, my mother is a sail, carrying me to the golden shore...... On my first day of primary school, my mother worked like a hard gardener to raise me and nurture me. I don't know how much effort it took. My father constantly encouraged and encouraged me, worried about me, worked hard for me, and taught me how to be a man, but their hard work and love really let me down once Negative. When I was just in the third grade, I took part in the activity of selecting the brigade committee of the school. The students said that it was not very possible for me to choose the team committee. Basically, I chose the senior team. At that time, I was happy and afraid. On Saturday, I was busy preparing my speech at home, but it was not surprising that I had a cold. My throat was full of hoarse sounds, and I could not recite them after several times. The words of my classmates always rang in my ears. I thought, forget it. But in the evening, my mother specially bought me a sound pill to cure my hoarse voice. He took water and medicine and asked me, "How is your back?" I said impatiently, "My throat hurts. I didn't carry it." While saying that, I put the medicine in my mouth. At that time, the medicine was so bitter in my mouth. I spat the medicine on the ground with a loud sound and shouted, "Where did I buy the broken medicine? It was so bitter." At that time, my mother left tears and turned away. My heart suddenly fell to the ground, and I thought to myself, I must choose. It's true that my kung fu pays off. I have been elected with the majority of votes.

I was almost crazy. I came to my mother with the armband of the brigade committee to apologize: Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I was worried about not being elected that day, so I was rude to you, Mom. " My mother looked and finally smiled, and I was relieved to lean against her arms and leave tears. I thought to myself, Mom and Dad, please rest assured that one day, I will become an extraordinary person among ordinary people. I will study harder, study hard, and respect you. Your efforts will definitely come at a price.

Part 2: Stories happening at home

Today, my uncle went out to eat, leaving only grandma, me and my brother at home. When we finished eating, Grandma said she would take a bath and let me watch my brother.

Look after my brother, that's not very simple, I thought. At first, my younger brother was obedient and didn't cry or make any noise. He lay on the bed and looked at me. But just after ten minutes, my younger brother began to cry. I was also puzzled; You eat and drink, and you cry? I thought for a while, but I couldn't figure out why he cried.

My brother's crying became louder and louder. I tried to coax him, and the more I coaxed him, the more he cried. I wanted to take an adhesive tape to seal his mouth. When Grandma heard my brother crying, she asked me in doubt: "What's wrong?" I said in embarrassment: "I don't know, he cried when he said he was crying." Grandma smiled and said: "Why don't you take a toy to coax him?" When I thought about it, how could I not remember this method? I hurried to the cupboard to get my toys.

It doesn't matter. I just walked away from the bed, and before I reached the toy box, my younger brother suddenly fell off the bed. Just in time, my grandmother came after taking a bath. When she saw it, she quickly picked up my younger brother and asked me what was going on. I told my grandmother everything. After hearing this, she said, "It's OK. Don't you think he will stop crying?"? Just be careful next time. I nodded.

How hard it is to look after children! I wonder if I was like this when I was young. If I were like this, it would not be easy for my mother.

Part 3: Family Story

I remember when I was five years old, a few children came to my home to play. I took them to the computer room. I first showed them my favorite game, called 'Fatty Cat Story'. They also liked it. There was a task to weave stories in this game. I had not finished it yet, so I asked them to help me. They agreed, I named this story "The Magic of Chocolate". We soon finished the story. The story was about a little boy who loved chocolate very much. One day, his father gave him a dollar to buy food. He bought a piece of chocolate and ate it. When he came home, he wanted to drink water, but the water came into his mouth and turned into chocolate. He was very thirsty, Now he knew he had been cheated. He asked the seller to change back. He would rather never eat chocolate. The seller changed him back. He was very happy!