Love Composition 450 (19 practical articles)
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2024-05-27 08:28:39

Love Composition 450 (1)

Everyone around me is loving me. When I encounter setbacks, their kind words let me rekindle the torch of hope; When I was ill, their concerned eyes gave me courage to fight against the disease; When I encountered difficulties in learning, their patient advice made me suddenly understand.

There was a sound of footsteps from the living room. Suddenly, when the door opened, it was Mom! I looked up and it was right. She took the milk in her hand, put it gently on the edge of the table, and then walked out of the room gently.

After drinking the milk, I went on to "fight" with my homework. The more difficult the problem was, the more worried I was. Just then, the footsteps sounded again and walked into me gently. My mother patted me gently on the shoulder, and I looked back at her, and she said softly, "Pay attention to your body, don't be too tired." My heart was shocked, and my mother was always watching me. These days, the final exam is coming, and all the students are working hard. In the past, even if I had more homework, I would only do it at 8:00. But now, unlike in the past, I have to step up my practice every day. The final exam is imminent again. I have to work overtime. It's almost 9:30 every night these days, which is really unbearable. Every night, my mother prepares a table of food for me to supplement nutrition, brings me milk every night, and urges me to go to bed quickly every night... In fact, I can feel that my mother is worried about my health.

Care is carried out in silence, and we should also extend a helping hand to care for others when we get care. As the song says, "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better world..." Extend your hand and let's live a better life!

Love Composition 450 (2)

Do you know who is the first teacher in our life? Chinese teacher, math teacher or English teacher? None of them, but the one who gave us life, that is our mother. My mother is a very good teacher. She will not force me to accept her ideas, but hopes that I will experience and decide by myself.

From the first grade to the fourth grade of primary school, my grades were relatively stable, and I was always in the top of the class. However, since I entered the fifth grade, I found that my interest in learning was not as good as before, and my academic performance fell sharply. Mom realized this. From the earnest teaching at the beginning to the criticism later, her efforts were aborted because of my unchanged. What follows is that there seems to be an invisible door between us. We can't cross each other.

Silently ushered in my twelfth birthday. My mother and I walked on the side of the stream covered with plane leaves as usual. The wind blew gently, and one leaf after another fell slowly. Some floated into the grass, some floated on the path, and some floated into the stream, looking so quiet and poetic. The mother who walked in front suddenly squatted down, picked up a plane leaf, turned to me and said, "In late autumn, the leaf will fall down, because it has completed its mission. In spring, it has grown; in summer, it has covered the sun for people; in autumn, it has been appreciated. Don't you come to the world because you also have a mission?", My mother turned and walked on, while I held the leaves in my mother's hands and stared at her back.

This beautiful plane tree leaf bears my mother's hopes and expectations, as well as my mother's birthday wishes.

My mother gave me life, and my father gave me good conditions for life. Everything they did was for me. They are fulfilling their mission as a parent. As a daughter, have I ever fulfilled a mission for them? I'm ashamed, no. Am I inferior to a leaf? From now on, I will study hard, complete my mission and create a brilliant life.

Love Composition 450 (3)

I am a child of a single parent family. Although my friends and classmates often play with me and make troubles with me, I still have some inexplicable losses when I am alone.

At the age of 4, I will never forget that my father and mother said at that time that they would divorce. I am still young and unreasonable, but I vaguely remember my father saying, "My child, if my father and mother separated, who would you choose to live with?" I naively said, "Dad, you and mother will not separate, we are a family, aren't we?" My father smiled. He said, "You are still young. You will understand when you grow up."

Gradually, when I grew up, I suddenly found that my parents had really separated and could not go back. When I understood that, it was already 7 years old. Since then, I have no maternal love. Maternal love is an untouchable luxury in my heart. I often see children from other families with their parents playing, fighting and having fun, Why don't I want to? But I know that it is impossible, but I am still silly. On my birthday every year, I promise that we can be a perfect family together.

Later, when I grew up, I was indifferent to people, and disdainful to friendship. I didn't need your sympathy and compassion. I closed myself in a narrow space with my own indifference. I wouldn't communicate, how to communicate, and what friendship is? What is happiness? What is happiness? And what is the warmth of home? I don't understand why there is a divorce. Is it not good for a family to stay together?

Until today, after the teacher left three compositions about motherly love, fatherly love and fraternity, I thought for a long time, but I didn't know how to write them, because I didn't have that feeling and didn't understand what motherly love, fatherly love and fraternity were.

Who can tell me what maternal love, fatherly love and fraternity are? Who can tell me?

Love Composition 450 (4)

There is always traffic jam on the way to school every day. I am often late because of traffic jam, so I can only get up half an hour early every day.

Once, I got up late, thinking that I would be late again, I cried in bed, but my father smiled proudly and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you be late." I said, "It's your fault if you are late, and I'll punish you if the teacher punishes me." After breakfast, I angrily walked into the garage with my father, ah! Why didn't you walk into the garage? Walk to the place where bicycles and electric bikes are parked? At this time, I saw my father pushing a new bike, "Sit!" My father blinked, as if showing off his new car. My father bought the bike to avoid the traffic jam in the morning rush hour. I won't be late for school if I ride my bike. I'm very happy. Since then, I can sleep half an hour more than before.

There is a bridge on the way from our home to school. When I get on the bridge, I always say, "Go, soldiers!" Every time my father hears this sentence, he seems to be full of strength and pedal hard. As the days went by, I also grew up. On the evening of the beginning of school, I thought: I'd better remind my father not to forget to inflate the tires. Just as I was about to enter my mother's room, a sound came from the room, "I'd better drive Xiao Yan to school tomorrow! Your leg is still ill.", Taking me to school by bike is to give me half an hour more sleep. There is also a bridge on the road. He must be very hard! I thought like this, and a stream of tears came out of my eyes.

Since then, I no longer let my father ride a bike to send me to school. Even if I had to get up half an hour early, I would also like to, because my father loves me, and I also love my father.

Love Composition 450 (5)

Mother is the first in the world; Maternal love is the first love in the world. These words are enough to let us know what is called maternal love.

It was a summer night. It was raining heavily and the wind was howling. I was running a high fever. My mother, who had just come back from work, saw the scene, didn't care to have a rest, so she picked me up and hurried downstairs. When I went downstairs, I wanted to take a taxi, but our place is too remote. In addition, at night, there was no car on the street. My mother had to walk to the hospital one step at a time. My eyes were wet, and my heart felt bad. It seemed that there were thousands of sharp silver needles stabbing the whole body, so she asked my mother to let me down and let me walk by myself. But my mother firmly objected, and kindly said to me: "No, you still have a fever. If you go by yourself, it will be more serious, and you will still be tired! Don't worry, my mother is fine, I'm not tired." Just after saying that, my mother quickened her pace to move forward. At that time, I watched my mother run step by step, and I felt indescribable pain.

After walking more than a mile, my mother was tired and panting, and finally arrived at the hospital. According to the doctor's measurement, the fever reached more than 39 degrees and nearly 40 degrees. In a daze, I heard the conversation between my mother and the doctor: Fortunately, you arrived in time, or you would be in big trouble. Now give me some injections, take some medicine, and the fever will subside. When I woke up, I found my mother asleep beside my hospital bed. It turned out that my mother didn't sleep all night to take care of me. I looked at my mother and suddenly found that my mother's hair had several silver hairs at some time, and my eyes were moist again.

This is an unforgettable night, a touching night. I felt and got a lot this night. However, what I really feel most is maternal love, which is a great and selfless maternal love

Love Composition 450 (6)

Mom and Dad quarreled again! Recently, they have made a small noise every three days and a big noise every five days! I was so bored by their noise that I just walked out alone.

Walking, I was surprised to find a couple of sparrows on a nearby pole. The one on the left had a bug in its mouth, but he didn't share it alone, but gave it to the sparrow on the right very gentlemanly. The sparrow on the right doesn't want to share it alone. He wants to give it to the one on the left... They push and no one will eat it, because it wants to be eaten by the other. Looking at it, tears confused my eyes. I think that the sparrows were before my parents, because they would refuse to eat any food for a long time before, and finally they ate half of it; Looking at it, I thought: a sparrow couple can do this, but why can't Mom and Dad? No, no, Mom and Dad must be able to make up as before - but when?

I left quietly and quietly. I don't want to disturb this loving sparrow couple. This time, I gained a lot. This kind of harvest is not material enjoyment, but an intangible thing - love.

When I got home, they had already stopped quarrelling, but they were fighting with each other, so I felt chilly as soon as I entered the house. However, I believe that love can solve all this

Love Composition 450 (7)

"As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world." Whenever I sing this song, I will think of a lot of love around me, which reminds me of one thing:

One summer evening, it was raining cats and dogs outside. I'm burning all over and have a high fever. It doesn't work to take any medicine. My mother quickly picked me up and ran out. The big raindrops hit my mother, but my mother held me tightly to prevent me from getting caught in the rain. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but my mother ran forward regardless of everything.

By the time we got to the hospital, my mother was soaked through. At this time, the doctor gave me a drip. I lay on the bed and could not move. But I didn't expect that my mother fainted. When I woke up the next day, I knew that my mother had a bad cold for me. I couldn't speak, but my tears were falling down. I don't know what to do. How can I thank my mother? How to repay mother's love! This is my mother's love for me. All love is not as great as maternal love in the world!

There is a kind of love in the world that needs no return. Only for your selfless pay, just need you a faint smile. It is maternal love. "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. When I sing this song again, I will realize the greatness of maternal love! There will be a warm current flowing all over my body. It is a reflection of maternal love!

Love Composition 450 (8)

School has begun for five days. After the New Year, it is already the second semester of Junior Two. Half way through, my second grade. I remember that when I was just in the second day of the junior high school, I fought with the new students for breakfast, faucets and bathrooms every day; Watching them curiously talking about the school, they looked around fresh, like themselves at the beginning; Listen to their invincible laughter cover the school road; Looking at them, I felt sad about my old age. A 14-year-old boy was "sad about his old age". Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing at myself.

However, there are only four years left to be an adult, and it seems that every year or even every semester, people can still be called "children". I feel funny again.

It's time to tidy up the bedroom like a dog's kennel before school starts.

I saw a lot of things when I cleaned up. During the final exam, I was bored with the draft paper full of silly heads. He wrote a political examination paper of "setting up a good life ideal and firm belief". It said, "The terrain of our country is high in the west and low in the east, and there are many unqualified geographical quizzes. Suddenly, the neurotic words can't be written down. Last semester, I lost my pen cap and dropped the pig pen. I was late to hand in my English test paper.

And so on, many, many.

I always thought that this life had been muddy, but in retrospect, it was just a blank, as if I had taken a long time for no reason in my life.

Now I see these memories come out again.

It's like a gate that blocks the crowd outside, and people rush in.

That noise.

Seems to have read such a sentence.

Everyone lives in his own extravagance.

Love Composition 450 (9)

In the morning, when the sky in the distance just turned white, when the birds just got up and stood on the branches singing happily on a beautiful day, I was awakened from my dream by a gentle word. "Baby, it's time to get up." It's my mother, the person who loves me the most in the world.

I rolled over and shrunk into the quilt, and casually said, "Well, I'm sleeping for a while... I'll get up later." Mom listened, paused and said, "OK, you can sleep for a few minutes if you want, but be careful about being late." After that, Mom quietly walked out of the bedroom and slowly closed the door.

I'm a little ashamed. Every morning, my mother will wake me up, but I always want to stay in bed. But today, I pulled out my feet from the quilt, wore slippers, yawned, and stretched out of the bedroom.

My mother was washing clothes in the bathroom at this time. When he saw me coming out, he raised his hand and felt the sweat on his head. He said to me, "If there is food on the table, go and eat.". A bowl of hot powder soup and some crispy cakes burned yellow came into my eyes, and I sat down to enjoy this rich breakfast. As I ate, my eyes became moist unconsciously. My mother gets up very early every morning to prepare a delicious and nutritious breakfast for me, instead of randomly cutting milk or bread.

Yes, although this is just a breakfast, it contains my mother's care and care for me; Although it was just a breakfast, it was full of the most precious thing my mother had for me - love!

Love Composition 450 (10)

What does love taste like?

It was a cold night, and I had a fever! When my mother knew it, she quickly put a cold towel on my forehead. Dad hurriedly put on a coat and carried me to the car. Along the way, my mother would touch my hot hands from time to time. When I arrived at the hospital, my father registered, paid and took medicine, while my mother took me to have a blood test and a saline test. When hanging brine, I vomited three times in a row, and they were busy taking paper, water and garbage cans for me

When my fever almost subsided, I found my parents were too tired to sleep. I quietly rang the bell. The nurse rushed over and shouted, "What's wrong?" I made a "shush" movement towards her, she smiled, and then asked softly, "What's wrong?" "The salt water is ready!" I said. The nurse asked my name, and then began to pull out the needle for me. The bright red blood came out, and she quickly blocked it with cotton. Then the nurse left. My hands are sore from being unable to move. "Hoo hoo hoo" three powerful grunts came out of my father's nasal cavity, and I smiled secretly.

After about ten minutes, my mother woke up and saw that the salt water on my head and the needle on my hand were missing. She was surprised to ask me, "Your salt water is finished!" I responded in a low voice, "Hmm." "Why don't you call us!" "I..." I was interrupted by my mother's words before I finished speaking. "Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang! Get up! Go home!" "Hmm! Hmm! Oh! The daughter's brine is ready? " "I've already hung up!" "Oh!"

Dad hurried home with my mother and me.

Ah! I finally understand what love is! It doesn't need to be expressed in gorgeous words. I think it is contained in a simple word or sentence.

Love Composition 450 (11)

Children are the lives given by their parents. Every child should thank their parents for their upbringing. What I thank is my grandmother. Although she seems ordinary and ordinary, her love for me is beyond my lifetime.

Grandma, an ordinary name, has filled me with selfless love. Every year when I grow up, Grandma takes care of me carefully, and every year when I grow up, she returns her love.

When I was young, I often caught a cold and had a fever. I almost recovered this week, and I will go to the hospital next week. This makes my family worried every day, especially my grandmother, who has worked hard for me and has lost her hair. Every time I was in the hospital, my grandmother would send me meals, go to the doctor to ask about my condition, and feel sorry for my illness when I was young. Seeing Grandma's tired figure taking care of me, I felt very sad: Grandma's love is really selfless and great!

When I was young, I was very naughty. I often fell over, and my leg was bruised and swollen. One of the worst cases happened. When I ran and played with my friends, I fell on a stone pile. It hurt. I cried directly, and I also fell a hole in my pants. Tears were streaming. Grandma patted me and said sadly, "Why are you so careless? Don't pay attention! You hurt me more than you! " Grandma turned to comfort me again: "Let's go home first and get iodine to sterilize. Don't chase after me later, you know?" I nodded repeatedly, dried my tears, and looked at Grandma's face, I felt warm.

Grandma, thank you for bringing me up, taking care of me meticulously, and standing up when I am in trouble. My thousand words cannot describe your endless love for me.

Love Composition 450 (12)

Love? This makes me think a lot: there are teachers' love for us, classmates' love for us, and relatives' love for us... That scene came to my eyes again.

On that day, it was sunny, but it began to rain heavily. God must have had something sad to cry about again. Heavy raindrops hit the roof violently, and the dark sky seemed to collapse. Thunder and lightning, violent wind and rain, deafening, as if to engulf the entire universe.

"Ding zero..." School is over. I walked down the stairs, and it suddenly occurred to me that I had forgotten my umbrella. I was so worried that I didn't know what to do. Suddenly, in the rain, a blue umbrella appeared. The familiar face is getting closer and closer to me. Eh? Isn't it Mom? I felt as if a bird that had fallen into a deep valley had been rescued, and I was elated. Mother came over, and beany beads slid across her cheeks. "Come, take the umbrella. I'll carry you." Mother said kindly. Looking at my mother's weak body, I couldn't help hesitating. Mother had a fever yesterday, but she is not well now. When I hesitated to come, my mother had carried me on her back. Mother walked with difficulty. I begged my mother to let me go, but her mother said: "Silly boy, it's raining so hard now, and you will catch a cold if you get caught in the rain." Looking at her white hair, I couldn't help crying. Usually, the scene of my mother working hard for me flashed in my mind: how many nights, my mother tutored me to do my homework. Many a midnight, my mother came to cover my sister and me, and then quietly left. How many mornings did my mother buy breakfast for us I can't help it anymore. Holding my mother's warm back, I said, "Mom, you've worked hard..."

Ah! Mother's love is deep and heavy. Mother's love is an umbrella to protect me from wind and rain. Mother's love is spring rain, moistening my heart.

Love Composition 450 (13)

What is love? Love is a mother's shoulder to block the sand for her children, and love is a teacher's arch bridge to let students escape from teachers! What is love? Love is trust, love is sharing.

Remember that song? Young strong, then China must be great. Remember Yu's students? From five to eight in the morning, for blood donation. However, no blood was donated. But their courage is commendable! Unlike our daughter and daughter, she is cute and small! Good for you! What is love? Love is commitment, sharing!

At the moment when the earthquake came, there was no laughter and joy! Only a panic and panic left! It's also the moment when our family broke down and became orphans! The child has grown up! I learned self-reliance earlier! The pain and suffering that should have been shared, but now the children share is that kind of strong! That incredible miracle of life! Just because of this, it is worth paying any price! Let the youth learn to be strong earlier, and the country will be more rich!

We are all the flowers and seeds of our motherland! The hope of our motherland is to let us grow into big flowers, let bees pick honey and grow more vigorously! Drive more beautifully! Let us not be afraid of the corrosion of pests, not afraid of all difficulties! Strive for, do your best to grow into a big tree and shelter the people for a lifetime!

This is the power of love! The power of love is great!

Love Composition 450 (14)

A word of "love" gathers thousands of languages, and those who have love in their hearts will take deep steps on the road of life, step by step towards a better future. In the Education of Love, the letters written by mother, father and sister are recorded as the education of Amrico, which can be said to be the education of love. They all come from the kind of care for relatives, which we call kinship. In school, many things happened to help others. Some protect classmates, some visit teachers, and some friends comfort, encourage and make progress together. It all comes from the sense of justice, care, and love for teachers and students, which we call teacher-student love. Only when there is love in our hearts can we have the heart to help others and care for others. Maybe you didn't get a reward for helping others, or maybe you didn't receive thanks for caring about others, but it is meaningful. Because Hesse once said, "In our whole life, every good deed, every brave idea, and every expression of love is a step forward on the road to saints." Let's help others! Let's love others! If you help thousands of people today, then tomorrow when you are in trouble, there will be thousands of people to help you. Close the book, the excitement still ripples in my heart

Love Composition 450 (15)

Love is the morning sun; Love is the moonlight at midnight; Love is the fragrance of jasmine, which can't see the petals, but is full of fragrance; Love is a trickle, no sound, but slowly flowing! Mother's love is like a long river! She is quiet with slight ripples; She was clear and could see pebbles; She is gentle and sends me forward slowly!

I remember that I have lived in the fairy tale world described by my mother since I was three years old. Where is there a kind rabbit, a ferocious wolf, a clever monkey, and a cunning fox. There, naive I gradually understood the good and evil, beauty and ugliness in the world, and gradually understood the truth of life.

From the moment I came to the world, my mother began to pay off. She spent her time, youth, energy and effort on me. For 13 years now, she has never stopped. My mother worked hard from morning to night, so that I could have a better tomorrow. Mother seems to have been working in the field all her life for a year, giving me the joy of harvest. She remained unknown all her life and worked hard, but never expected anything in return. "When the silkworms die, the wax torches turn to ashes and tears begin to dry." Isn't this a celebration of the great mother, the selfless maternal love?

I will never forget that time when my mother was seriously ill, but she was still washing clothes for me. I hid behind the door, tears blurred my eyes. I silently stared at my mother's dark yellow face, several strands of silver hair hanging down, and several wrinkles stretched out between the locked eyebrows. On this day, I finally understood the meaning of "white haired children's debt". oh mom! Your waist is really no longer straight! For me, you put an arch bridge on your back; For me, your skin is no longer smooth; You gave up everything for me! The only eternal, only your selfless love!

Oh, Mom! I thank you! It is your efforts that have brought me this wonderful life today! Don't worry! Your efforts will not be in vain! Since you have cultivated me, I will not let you down. I will work hard to become a towering tree and let you enjoy the cool in the shade!

Love Composition 450 (16)

··Love is everywhere. It may be around you quietly, or it may be not far away from you. You want to wave to it, but it doesn't turn back. I am very happy. Although my mother is not around, my father and grandmother both love me very much. "Home" is in my happy harbor. In my own home, the main character is me. Grandma got up to cook at daybreak. When I got up, she would prepare breakfast for me to eat. Every time I get sick, she always takes care of me meticulously, pouring water and feeding medicine. When I get well, my grandma will inevitably cough a few times... When I think of these, I will feel how much grandma cares about me and loves me. The elder's love always surrounds me, and I am also surrounded by this thick love. Her love is like a sea, boundless... Then, Dad. One summer evening, my father and I went to Xiaomeisha to play. I saw the soft sand, and couldn't help running in. After a while, it rained on a sunny day, and I was wet all over. Dad saw it, and quickly took off the short sleeved shirt to let me put on the rain. He only had a vest and went home with me without saying anything. At that time, my eyes filled with tears and my love for my father was revealed. To me, my father's love was like a big umbrella, under which stood a small me. My life is full of love. Every kind of love is very important to me. Without any kind of love, my life will lose color. But I will cherish every love, let my love house be full of love atmosphere, and gather together to make me happy.

Love Composition 450 (17)

The meaning of love is relatively broad. Since ancient times, people have different understandings of love between China and foreign countries. For grass, love is the nourishment of rain and dew; For the tree, love is a glorious baptism; For an eagle, love is the fart protector of the sky; For snowflakes, love is the arrival of winter; For children, love is the mother's care - love is a number of warm words.

You can often hear people arguing about love. Some people say that love is the mother's care for the child, some people say that love is the concern between husband and wife, and some people say that love is the child's dependence on the mother. But I want to say: love is as warm as sunshine.

Because I didn't do things carefully, I always got into trouble. Even if I ate a watermelon, I didn't dare to let me bite it one by one for fear of attracting juice. I don't know how many of my shirts are so old and pearly. So every time I ate a watermelon, I ate it with a spoon.

Today, a large watermelon was divided into the northern and southern hemispheres. In order to show filial piety to my children, I held half of it for my mother to eat. After repeated efforts, my mother finally began to eat it. A few minutes later, I took it over and found that all the watermelon flesh on the skin was eaten by my mother, leaving a large piece of melon flesh like an island in the middle. Of course, I understand my mother's intention. The melon meat on the edge is not as juicy as the middle, and not as sweet as the middle. My mother loves me in this way, so she keeps her love in the watermelon. I look at the watermelon water trickling in the watermelon, smell the attractive fragrance of the island in the middle, and love is just a little bit spread over the island in the peel.

There is a kind of love called maternal love, which has no end; There is a kind of person called mother. She always loves her children and gives them infinite love. I remember once reading a fairy tale, which said that every child's soul has a family tree, a tree that can shelter from wind and rain, and the mother is a beautiful angel who lives in the tree to protect children.

Love Composition 450 (18)

In the ordinary and light daily life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with the composition. The composition must focus on the theme and make in-depth exposition around the same theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is lax or even no theme. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is a 450 word composition about love collected and sorted by Xiao Bian, for reference only. Let's have a look.

Some shadows of the past will always float across our horizon, and the scattered seasons will always dilute the corner of memory. The vicissitudes of the past will disappear in the torrent of memory as time goes by, but the maternal love will always be remembered in my heart and become an eternal companion.

The memories of that day come back again and again, just like gauze, which is winding up and fading away, becoming clearer and clearer

The bright moonlight of that night fell quietly through the half open window. The cool night wind blew in slowly, bringing the curtain cloth around the table to fluctuate slightly. The roses outside the window are blooming in the still night.

I sat at my desk quietly. After finishing the last homework, I shook my sore hand and looked out the window. On the black sky, only one or two distant stars accompanied the bright and flawless moon. Pack up your schoolbag and get ready to go to bed after washing. When I passed my parents' room, I found that there was a light in it, so I gently pushed the door open. Mother leaned on the sofa and snored gently. Her glasses leaned on her towering nose, and her face was full of fatigue and tiredness. Holding the TV remote control tightly in his right hand, the screen clearly shows the silence... In a moment, the air around him has solidified, and the TV plays quietly. I slowly squatted down and gently covered my mother with my coat. When did my mother's white and smooth face turn dark yellow, and when did she add some wrinkles? I don't know when there were several silver strands in my mother's long black hair? When does mother's plump jade like hand become rough? I finally could not control my feelings. I returned to my room, bowed my head and stood silent. Every tear slipped across my cheek, and my eyes suddenly became blurred. I will never forget that my mother always gets up early to prepare a healthy and nutritious breakfast for me; Unforgettable mother always prepared delicious fruits for me after dinner; Unforgettable mother always stayed up with me to study; My mother's love for me was in the low eyebrows, in the earnest teaching. Motherly love is like the snow on the top of Changbai Mountain, simple but eternal; Maternal love is like the flowing water of Tigris River, soft but long; Motherly love is like the sunset in Sicily, lingering but gorgeous; Motherly love is like an inscription on the Mesopotamian plain, vague but meaningful.

Looking up at the sky curtain, many stars have disappeared, but that one star still accompanies the moon and shines on the ground.

The green flute shaped by years flows out the light of maternal love under the moonlight, which is like practice, and remains in my heart forever.

Love Composition 450 (19)

After dinner, my grandpa who lives with me will ask me what to eat for breakfast tomorrow. No matter what food it is, grandpa will do it or buy it if he doesn't. The next day, Grandpa would go out early to buy breakfast or make breakfast. My grandfather sometimes makes dumplings for me to eat. I remember once my grandfather boiled them and made them "flat soup", but I still ate them with relish.

My grandfather will pick me up from school from Wednesday to Friday; When it rains, I will take two umbrellas to prevent me from getting wet. Sometimes on cloudy days, he would hang his umbrella in his hand in case of sudden rain. When I go home to do my homework, he will stand by and watch me silently. When I finish writing a question, he checks one question and one page after writing... If there are many homework, I want to take a break, and he unconditionally agrees to my request.

When I was free, my grandfather took me to the park. Play while walking, guess puzzles and country names, play Idiom Solitaire, etc. Sometimes my grandfather will take me to his "aerial orchard" to pull grass and water after finishing my homework, so as to cultivate my love for labor from childhood.

I often feel this deep love. In order to be grateful to Grandpa, sometimes he gave me some obscure words that he didn't know, and asked me to write Pinyin. I would take the trouble to spell them for him, and he would add pronunciation to the words. My grandfather's deep love for me is selfless. I feel very happy and happy.