I'm Lazy (Collection 20)
Ice light red
2024-04-10 07:04:10
primary school

I'm lazy (1)

I have always been a good student in the eyes of teachers, even with some "prize must win" situations. Every time the school and county competitions send me, hey, needless to say, it will bring good news.

Once, the school held a "Ruida Cup" audition. Undoubtedly, the teacher sent me and several other students to give us a copy of the first 100 questions of the "Ruida Cup" competition, and told us to practice hard at home to win the prize.

I heard that. When I got home, I put down my schoolbag immediately and went into the room to study my mathematics without waiting for my mother to tell me. Mom saw me and told me that this time I was like a clockwork, a robot with programmed programs, so self-conscious.

However, I just had a few days of this kind of life and did not want to. I thought: Anyway, I have won so many awards before, and I won the second prize in the third grade last year! What are you afraid of? The second prize this year is not mine, and the third prize is mine! So I thought about it. I read books and played with my mobile phone in my room every day in the name of doing Olympiad Maths. I was very busy every day. Until the day before the audition, I had done 100 questions, and I had only done 30 questions.

"Please attend the" Ruida Cup "audition and come to the multimedia classroom immediately. The notice will be played again, please... "

A rich baritone appeared in my ear. I quickly took a pen, ruler and pad and appeared at the door of the multimedia classroom.

When I got the test paper, I quickly scanned all the questions. If you don't see or know, you will be shocked. When I swept away, I panicked and broke into a cold sweat: God, there are nine out of ten questions in it. I can't do it! I muddled through the problem and went home unhappily. I know, everything is lazy! I must defeat it!

Upon returning home, I conscientiously and meticulously completed the day's homework, did the "Ruida Cup" test questions that I knew could not be saved, and played the piano with concentration

Although I failed the "Ruida Cup" due to laziness and was scolded by the teacher, I found my own shortcomings and corrected them, which can be described as "learning from a fall"!

After this incident, I will not be lazy, lazy, bye!

I'm lazy (2)

My mother often recited the "Hoop Curse" in my ear: "Xiao Chen! You have to dance well, dancing can make your body more perfect!" But dancing made me "miserable", so I had to play smart -- lazy.

Whenever Saturday comes, I can't wait to ask my mother: "Mom, is the dance teacher busy today?" But every time the answer is: "No". I had to be depressed and ready for the devil like training. It's almost time for dancing class. I began to change clothes and shoes slowly. My speed can be called "the slowest in the world"!

On the way, I made up all kinds of reasons to get rid of the dance class, but my mother didn't seem to hear me and ignored me. When I arrived at the "Devil's Area" - the dance room, I looked at my watch. I was ten minutes late, and I could relieve my pain for a while!

I slowly walked to the handle and began to press my leg. The teacher put one hand in his waist and the other hand held a small stick. His face was serious. Everyone's legs were straight, and they dared not raise their heads or breathe. The teacher's eyes were like a scanner, scanning the whole audience quickly. I bent my legs secretly when she was not paying attention. Ah, it felt so wonderful. It didn't hurt as much as it did just now! As the teacher's eyes swept at me, I quickly straightened my legs. "Whew" I was relieved. Fortunately, I was not found.

The teacher's standard is that the waist should be bent to 90 degrees and the hands should not touch the ground. Ah, my "old waist" has become a right angle! At this time, the class began to "pig hum", and the teacher shouted in a high voice: "Who hums again, give her more time!" Suddenly, the class was silent. I clenched my teeth and was so tired that I sweated heavily. The sweat ran down my hair. If I had more shampoo, I could wash my head! At this time, my legs were shaking and sent me a "SOS" signal for help. My eyes turned "bone tired" and I came up with a clever move. I looked around and saw the teacher checking other students, so I put my hands on the ground. Ah ah, it was really easy! "Dup! Dup! Dup!" The alarm rang, and the teacher was going to check me! I hurried back to the original state and pretended to be laborious. When the teacher saw me working so hard, he gave me a favorable look, and I escaped another disaster.

The third is the death link - lower back! The teacher ordered us to lower 50 waists. God, what a big number! If only "5" could be removed! I got up slowly, one, two, three... When I got down to the tenth, I asked the students next to me: "How many have you got down?"

"30, and you?"

"I have 30 too!" I replied without thinking. After saying that, I stepped down again at the speed of a sloth. After a while, I looked at the students around me. They had finished, and I stopped stooping.

I am a small snail, carrying a lazy hard shell, shuttling between dance classes, feeling the pain and happiness it brings to me!

I'm lazy (3)

"Learn hard when you study, and play hard when you play. In a word, concentrate on what you do." As a student, I have been ashamed for many years, because I have never been able to do this. What I do is half hearted. Learning and playing can be both at the same time, but also can not interfere with each other. This problem has been the biggest trouble hovering in my mind for many years.

Thinking about the efforts I have made and the suffering I have endured in order to achieve this goal over the years, it is a bitter tear.

When I was a child, my mother stared at my homework like a thief, while the teacher's assignment was called a continuous bombardment. In those years, I was beaten to avoid doing homework, and I still feel pain. At that time, he was not sensible and was controlled by others. His rebellious mentality in adolescence was serious. He always liked to work against his family and played with them whenever he had the chance. But when I grow up slowly and become sensible, I realize how important it is to have knowledge. What loves you will never hurt you. But unfortunately, if the youth is not sensible, it can only hurt the eldest.

After knowing the word self-control, I started to work against my own desires.

First, I searched all kinds of materials in the hope of getting something. After reading a lot of useful and useless methods, I began to try one by one.

At the beginning, I listed a lot of things I wanted to do, such as to lose 20 kg of weight, or to have an amazing vocabulary reserve, or even to accumulate slowly in writing to reach a certain height one day in the future. But before you develop your hobbies, you must find out what your main business is and what is the most important as a student.

Study, what a lovely and disgusting word! Why do you break my heart so? Do you know how much trouble I put in your heart? You are the mountain I can't cross, the river I can't cross, and the ridge I can't cross. I am always worried about you.

It is this melancholy that constantly encourages me to move forward. Although the schedule was intermittent and I stopped and stopped, I never gave up.

Recently, I got a new achievement. I recited words every day for 22 consecutive days and reserved more than 300 words. Although English has not achieved much at present, persistence is victory, and good habits need to be developed slowly. In the first month, there will be the second and the third. When I successfully turn a thing into a habit of mine, the other side is not far away from me.

Although I still can't deal with the relationship between learning and playing correctly, it seems that I can't escape the impact of playing on me, but the lazy child in my heart will finally learn to grow up one day. I will work harder and harder to make the child grow into a towering tree.

I'm lazy (4)

As the saying goes, "No one is perfect, no one is perfect." Tigers sometimes doze, and I am their best interpretation. But from that day on, I became diligent.

At that time, I was in the second grade of primary school. In English class, the teacher was concentrating on teaching, and we listened absently. Time seemed to be playing. Finally, the "help bell" rang hurriedly, like a runaway wild horse neighing. The teacher knocked on the table and said, "Be quiet, I will recite the words I just learned when I go home, and take the word test in the afternoon." We could not sit still and rushed out of the classroom like arrows. The teacher finally said, "Don't turn a deaf ear to what I said." Although the teacher said it mildly, he said it clearly.

Time passed like flowing water. The time for afternoon classes was coming. I reluctantly walked out of my home. On the way to school, I met my classmates. My classmate said to me, "There are more than 20 minutes left for class. Let's play for a while. So I went to play with my classmates.

Have a good time. I walked into the classroom calmly, and suddenly a sentence came into my head: Can you recite the words?

The "Lethal Bell" rang, and the English teacher sat down on the chair, his lips slowly opening and closing. My forehead was covered with sweat, my back was also wet with sweat, and the sweat in my palm wet half of the paper. The scenery on the dictation paper embarrassed me, and other students were full of confidence. When I handed in the paper, I refused to give it even after I died. It was the last thing my classmates dragged me away. Alas, why should I be lazy? After the teacher's approval, the dictation paper handed out was painted with large circles. I pretended to be calm, and my heart was beating. The teacher told me to come to the office after class.

I knocked on the door gently and went in carefully for fear that the teacher would be angry. In fact, the teacher was angry with me. When the teacher saw me coming, he said to me: "Why don't you recite words... this is the first time, I forgive you, and don't be lazy in the future." When I got out of the door, I regretted and vowed not to be lazy again.

Laziness has no teeth, but it can devour human wisdom.

"Rome wasn't built in a day." If you want to make remarkable achievements in a field, you must go through a thorny road. Sunshine always comes after rain. You will succeed if you persist.

I'm Lazy (5)

"The sea is the sea, and the ground is thunderous!" In bursts of shouts, I arrived at the takeout platform's little brother Lei Haiwei, and walked onto the CCTV stage. In the final, Lei Hai fought Peng Min calmly and confidently, and finally won the third season championship. How did an ordinary delivery boy win the championship of the Poetry Conference?

According to Lei Haiwei, he likes poetry very much. Thirteen years ago, he had no extra money to buy poetry books, so he had to secretly memorize poems in the bookstore and then go home to write them silently. He used other takeaway boys to play king, fight Jedi, and even increase his poetry reserves when waiting for meals and traffic lights.

The more I know, the more I admire this ordinary grass-roots delivery boy. For 13 years, 8900 ancient poems have been stored, creating an extraordinary legendary life for this ordinary delivery boy!

Stimulated by the store of takeaway boy's poems, I made a secret decision: I will recite more poems too! A delivery boy can do it, why can't I do it! I silently turned over the poems I had read and memorized before and reviewed them again. Before, I didn't like reciting poems very much. Every time I was always "intimidated and seduced" by my mother, I would try my best to recite some poems. Sometimes it is difficult to recite long Song Ci and lose temper. But after watching the wonderful performance of all the contestants in the poetry conference, especially the children's group who answered the questions fluently on the stage and were about my age, I really understood the meaning of "poetry and calligraphy in the belly". In the past, reciting poems was all for the purpose of completing the task assigned by my mother. Now, I am calm to ponder the artistic conception of poems and understand the internal meaning of poems. Do not see do not know, a look startled! The original poem has the broad-minded mind of "desert smoke straight, long river falling yen"; There is a white snow scene of "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms"; There is a beautiful fireworks scene of "thousands of trees are blooming in the east wind at night, and the stars are like rain"

Today, I always recite poems every day, intoxicated with the beauty of poetic imagery. Often recite, often recite, the perception of poetry will become deeper and deeper. Sometimes I will blurt out and write down my inspiration.

Look! When I read Mr. Bai Pu's Tian Jing Sha Qiu, the inspiration suddenly fell from the sky, so I wrote my own Tian Jing Sha Chun.

Green water, rising sun,

Mist, tender grass,

A little cuckoo crows,

Jinshan Silver Sea,

Not as good as your family.

When I read Chen Shidao's "Tide Observation on the 17th Day", I had ink in my head and created the "South China Sea".

The blue silk reaches the sky,

Stars and white sails adorn it.

The bright sun is high and the dragon is shining,

Jade teeth in the air like a bow.

When my mother saw a poem I wrote, she always jokingly said that she should thank CCTV for the poetry conference. And I think the most important thing to thank is the poet who insists on reading and reciting poems in adversity like Lei Haiwei. When I'm ready to be lazy, I always think of Lei Haiwei, the delivery boy.

He is the positive energy power that I travel in the essence of poetry, and a beacon that guides me to run in the sea of poetry!

I'm Lazy (6)

As the saying goes, "No gold is perfect, no man is perfect.". "Tigers sometimes doze, and I am their best interpretation. But from that day on, I became diligent.

At that time, I was in the second grade of primary school. In English class, the teacher was concentrating on teaching, and we listened absently. Time seemed to be playing. Finally, the "help bell" rang hurriedly, as if a runaway wild horse was barking. The teacher knocked on the table, "Be quiet. Learn the words you just learned and recite them when you go home. In the afternoon, take a word test. "We could not sit still for a long time and rushed out of the classroom like an arrow from the bow. The teacher finally said," Don't turn a deaf ear to my words. "Although the teacher said it tactfully, he said it clearly.".

Time passed like flowing water. The time for afternoon classes was coming. I reluctantly walked out of my home. On the way to school, I met my classmates. The classmate said to me, "There are more than 20 minutes left for class. Let's play for a while.". "I thought to myself: I haven't memorized the words yet, I will recite the words first, but...... Forget it, go and play. So I went to play with my classmates.

Have a good time. I walked into the classroom calmly, and suddenly a sentence came into my head: Can you recite the words?

”The "Lethal Bell" rang, and the English teacher sat on the chair, his lips slowly opening and closing. My forehead was full of sweat, my back was wet with sweat, and the sweat in my palm wet half of the paper. The scenery on the dictation paper embarrassed me, and other students were full of confidence. When I handed in the paper, I would not give it to death, but was finally dragged away by my classmates. Alas, why should I be lazy? After the teacher's approval, the dictation paper handed out was painted with large circles. I pretended to be calm, and my heart was beating. The teacher told me to come to the office after class.

I knocked on the door gently and went in carefully for fear that the teacher would be angry. In fact, the teacher was angry with me. When the teacher saw me coming, he said to me: "Why don't you recite words... This is the first time, I forgive you, and don't be lazy in the future. "When I left the door, I was regretful and vowed not to be lazy again.

Laziness has no teeth, but it can devour human wisdom.

”Rome wasn't built in a day. "If you want to make remarkable achievements in a field, you must go through a thorny road. Sunshine always comes after wind and rain, and you will succeed if you persevere.

I'm Lazy (7)

I am a lazy boy. I will be lazy when I can be lazy. Let me talk about my "legend of laziness"!

Once in an English class, the teacher asked us to copy the words on the blackboard, and I saw: "Wow, there are so many words, I think I can only use some tricks." I shortened the longer words and wrote fewer letters, or I would not write long words. Soon after I handed in my homework, my trick was discovered by the teacher's "Flaming Eye Venus". As a result, I only had to copy the ticket with a bitter smile. Looking at the cheerfulness of the students, I felt really bad, alas! If I had known why I should have done it now? Once again, when copying homework, in order to finish it quickly, I thought: I can remember what homework is anyway, and it's OK to copy less. When it came time to do my homework, I forgot all the homework that I didn't copy in my notebook. When I handed in my homework the next day, I found that my classmates had more homework than I did. Then I remembered the homework I had forgotten, so I hurried up. Although I had finished it before class, the handwriting was too scrawled, so I had to do it again! There was also a math exam. I didn't write answers and units for the sake of speed. I deducted a lot of wrong points. What a move!

There are countless things I am lazy about, but I am determined to get rid of this bad habit!

I'm lazy (8)

Oh, I don't want to be lazy anymore. I'm so unlucky to be lazy. What's the matter? Let me tell you slowly!

Once, when I was still sleeping in bed, my mother shouted, "Get up quickly, it's half past six!" I half woke up and half dreamt, and said stupidly, "Mom, let me sleep for another five minutes." My mother began to use her "thirty-six strategies". Mother made it up by herself. The first plan is to shout. If it's hard to use it, the second plan is to roar. I saw my mother standing in front of the bed, staring, with her hands akimbo, yelling: "Get up quickly. You sleep from Monday to Friday every week, and don't get up early on Saturday and Sunday." When I saw something bad, it was better to obey orders than to be respectful. I was not a person who offered to drink without being punished. So I had to get up.

I remember another time, that day was Friday, I went to a tutorial class, hey hey, I didn't go, I came home to play computer, hey hey

But on Saturday, when I went to tutoring again, my mother would send me. When I got there, I was afraid that the teacher would complain, so I didn't let my mother in. But my mother said, "I have to pay my tuition."

I was so scared that I followed my mother into the tutorial class. The teacher said, "Your son's words are a little bit wrong. Oh, why didn't he come last Friday?" "Yes," my mother said, "didn't he come? I asked him." My mother turned her head and said, "Liu Haoze, why didn't you come on Friday?" I whispered, "I forgot."

Back home, my mother taught me a lesson and beat me. It's no good to be lazy. It's just a bad habit. I will never be lazy again.

I'm Lazy (9)

From childhood to adulthood, my mother and teacher taught me not to be lazy. But gradually, I learned to be lazy.

The annual rope skipping contest is about to begin. The teacher asked each of us to jump rope 600 times when we got home. After receiving the teacher's message, my mother and I took the rope and went downstairs to jump rope. After I jumped four hundred times, my mother asked me to jump rope here alone, counting while jumping. After six hundred times, I went home to take a bath. As soon as I heard the news, the word "lazy" came into my mind. However, I thought of my mother's instruction again, but I wanted to go to bed early, so I skipped fifty times less, escaped her eyes and lied to the teacher.

Not only lazy in sports, but also lazy in learning.

On Sunday morning, my mother accompanied me to preview my lessons. Suddenly, my mother received a phone call saying that she would go to my aunt's house to get a bike and let me carefully preview the text at home. At the beginning, I promised my mother to carefully preview the text at home. As soon as my mother left, I turned on the TV. I watched cartoons with relish, forgot to preview the text, and completely forgot my mother's teachings. Half an hour later, when I heard my mother's footsteps and knew that she was back, I immediately turned off the TV and put on a look of being absorbed in reading, in exchange for my mother's praise.

Now, looking back on the past, I think I shouldn't have been lazy, let alone cheated my mother's trust in me. In the future study and life, I will slowly get rid of this bad habit and become a good obedient and honest child.

I'm Lazy (10)

Everyone has their own secrets, of course, I am no exception. I also have a little secret. Do you want to hear my little secret?

That's why I used to be lazy. For example, once, my teacher assigned me to write a composition on My Good Friends, but I didn't want to write it at all. At this time, my little sluggard did something. It reminded me how happy and enjoyable it is to eat snacks while watching TV. Writing a composition is a headache. People should have fun in time. I want to put my composition aside. It is not too late to write after watching TV. So I felt at ease watching TV while eating snacks. How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, the clock on the wall rings, indicating the arrival of twelve o'clock, which also means that my mother will be home in about twenty minutes, but my composition has not moved a word yet. This makes me very worried. I thought: my mother will be home later. If I see my composition that has not been written, I will be angry, and I will have to clean up at that time. When I was in a hurry like an ant on a hot pot, I saw a copy of Selected Essays on the bookcase in a twinkling of an eye, and a bold idea came to me: it would be much more convenient and fast for me to find a composition in the composition book and copy it as my own! This bold idea drove me to open my composition book slowly, select a satisfactory article carefully, and copy it quickly! Just after copying, the doorbell rang at home. I opened the door and found that my mother had forgotten to bring the key. I looked at my mother nervously, and then carefully sat on the stool in the study to watch her check her homework. I was very worried, and my palms were sweating. Watching my mother's face getting more and more ugly, I shivered in my heart, regretting very much, and thought uneasily: It's over, it's over, my mother must have seen that I copied the composition. Alas, what should I do? I knew I would not plagiarize. What should I do now! I'd better confess to my mother!

Finally, I bowed my head and confessed to my mother that my little lazy worm stole the composition. Just as I was preparing for a clean up, my mother sat beside me kindly and said softly, "You know what you did wrong, and you have the courage to admit that you believe that you can correct your mistakes and defeat your little sluggard in the future, right?" I nodded and made a decision in my heart: I will never be a little sluggard again!

I'm Lazy (11)

From childhood to adulthood, my mother and teacher taught me not to be lazy. But slowly, I learned to be lazy.

The annual rope skipping contest is about to begin. The teacher asked each of us to jump rope 600 times when we got home. After receiving the teacher's message, my mother and I took the rope and went downstairs to jump rope. After I jumped four hundred times, my mother asked me to jump rope here alone, counting while jumping. After six hundred times, I went home to take a bath. At the sound of this movement, the word "lazy" came into my mind. However, I thought of my mother's teaching again, but I wanted to go to bed early, so I skipped fifty times less, escaped my mother's eyes, and lied to the teacher.

Not only lazy in sports, but also lazy in learning.

On Sunday morning, my mother accompanied me to preview my homework. Suddenly, my mother received a phone call saying that she would go to my aunt's house to get a bike and let me preview the text at home. At first, I allowed my mother to preview the text at home. As soon as my mother left, I turned on the TV. I watched cartoons with relish, forgot to preview the text, and forgot all about my mother's teachings. Half an hour later, when I heard my mother's footsteps and knew that she was back, I immediately turned off the TV and put on the appearance of being absorbed in reading, in exchange for my mother's praise.

Now when I look back on those old things, I think I shouldn't have been lazy and cheated my mother's trust in me. In the future study and life, I will slowly get rid of this bad habit and become a good obedient and honest child.

I'm Lazy (12)

I learned to be lazy in my fourth grade composition

In our study, work and life, we have all been exposed to composition. Composition is the flow of words that people express their feelings in written form. There are many things to pay attention to in composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a carefully edited composition of the fourth grade I learned to be lazy. I hope it can help everyone.

From childhood to adulthood, my mother and teacher taught me not to be lazy. But slowly, I learned to be lazy.

The annual rope skipping contest is about to begin. The teacher asked each of us to jump rope 600 times when we got home. After receiving the teacher's message, my mother and I took the rope and went downstairs to jump rope. After I jumped four hundred times, my mother asked me to jump rope here alone, counting while jumping. After six hundred times, I went home to take a bath. At the sound of this movement, the word "lazy" immediately came to my mind. However, I thought of my mother's teaching again, but I wanted to go to bed early, so I skipped fifty times less, escaped her eyes, and also lied to the teacher.

Not only lazy in sports, but also lazy in learning.

On Sunday morning, my mother accompanied me to preview my homework. Suddenly, my mother received a phone call saying that she would go to my aunt's house to get a bike and let me preview the text at home. At first, I allowed my mother to preview the text at home. As soon as my mother left, I turned on the TV. I watched cartoons with relish, forgot to preview the text, and forgot all about my mother's teachings. Half an hour later, when I heard my mother's footsteps and knew that she was back, I immediately turned off the TV and put on the appearance of being absorbed in reading, in exchange for my mother's praise.

Now when I look back on those old things, I think I shouldn't have been lazy and cheated my mother's trust in me. In the future study and life, I will slowly get rid of this bad habit and become a good obedient and honest child.

I'm Lazy (13)

In the morning, I woke up. Today, the sun is bright and the spring breeze is warm, which is really a good weather. But it is in this good weather that something unpleasant happened.

After I washed, I was going to do my English homework for a week. Here I tell you that every time after learning English, the teacher assigns a certain amount of homework, and my mother asks me to do a little at noon every day. But I always want to watch TV, so I always wait until the day I go to school to catch up on my homework and want to be lazy. But it won't work today! Because there are large sections of English to recite and more than 100 words to dictate. In a short period of time, how can it be completed?!

The sun is shining on my body. My head is getting bigger and I feel very upset for a while. "Then! T-h-e-n, Then!" I read boring English. Just finished dictating. Half way, my mother said: "Tingting, come to dinner quickly. I will remember later!" I had to leave English behind and come to the table. After dinner, look at the clock, alas! A little. What can I do if I don't recite and keep half of the dictation?! I'm worried to death! I immediately sat down at my desk, but my heart could not calm down for a long time. I always thought: What should I do! What should I do? I was so worried that I cried. My father said: "Crying can't solve the problem, but who told you not to work hard at ordinary times and cram temporarily!" I regret now, but there is no regret medicine in the world!

At half past two, I had to brave my way to Mr. Liu's house. The homework and dictation basically passed the test, but the English that should be recited could not spit out a word. As a result, I was educated abroad! Miss Liu said, "Call your mother up and I'll talk to her." When her mother came up, Miss Liu said, "I used to praise Wang Xing for his excellent learning, but this time I was disappointed and behaved badly. How ugly it is to study abroad today!" My mother said to me, "This is the first time and the last time!" Then, Miss Liu severely criticized me in front of her mother. I listened and lowered my head in shame

I really want to shout to the sky: I will never be lazy again!

I'm Lazy (14)

Pupils' composition: I will never be lazy again

In the morning, I woke up. Today, the sun is bright and the spring breeze is warm, which is really a good weather. But it is in this good weather that something unpleasant happened.

After I washed, I was going to do my English homework for a week. Here I tell you that every time I finish learning English, the teacher assigns a certain amount of homework. My mother asks me to do some homework at noon every day, but I always want to watch TV, so I always wait until the day I go to school to catch up on my homework and want to be lazy. But it won't work today! Because there are large sections of English to recite and more than 100 words to dictate. In a short period of time, how can it be completed?!

The sun is shining on my body. My head is getting bigger and I feel very upset for a while. "Then! T-h-e-n, Then!" I read boring English. Just finished dictating. Half way, my mother said: "Tingting, come to dinner quickly. I will remember later!" I had to leave English behind and come to the table. After dinner, look at the clock, alas! A little. What can I do if I don't recite and keep half of the dictation?! I'm worried to death! I immediately sat down at my desk, but my heart could not calm down for a long time. I always thought: What should I do! What should I do? I was so worried that I cried. My father said: "Crying can't solve the problem, but who told you not to work hard at ordinary times and cram temporarily!" I regret now, but there is no regret medicine in the world!

At half past two, I had to brave my way to Mr. Liu's house. The homework and dictation basically passed the test, but the English that should be recited could not spit out a word. As a result, I was educated abroad! Miss Liu said, "Call your mother up and I'll talk to her." When her mother came up, Miss Liu said, "I used to praise Wang Xing for his excellent learning, but this time I was disappointed and behaved badly. How ugly it is to study abroad today!" My mother said to me, "This is the first time and the last time!" Then, Miss Liu severely criticized me in front of her mother. I listened and lowered my head in shame

I really want to shout to the sky: I will never be lazy again!

I'm not lazy anymore

I'm Lazy (15)

Laziness is a very, very bad habit. It can't help us and can only lead us to failure slowly. Through one thing, I learned the great harm of laziness.

In the past, I wanted to cut corners in everything I did. If I could do less, I would do less. But when I was from one meter to one and a half meters tall, I learned that it was very bad to have a lazy mind.

In the beautiful primary school days, I lived a beautiful and warm childhood life. A homework broke my lazy psychology. This evening's homework is about new words, three syllables and three words after class. I'm like an ant on a hot pot. I'm always eager to play computer games, and I always want to finish my homework early. Suddenly, a strange idea popped up in my mind: I didn't write some new words in the middle. Anyway, there were too many students, and the teacher could not carefully check them one by one. right! I'm a genius! In this way, the nightmare is getting closer and closer to me.

The next day, I hurried to school for fear of being late. God helped me not to be late. However, as soon as I settled down in my seat, the teacher shouted to check my homework. At this time, I was in a complicated mood and always wanted not to find out. I blushed and handed my homework to the teacher. The teacher is like a money detector. He never misses every corner of my homework. Finally, he asked me if I had written less new words. I had to force myself to lie: "Maybe it was too careless last night. I will write one by one next time!" The teacher said gently: "Be careful next time!" My heart fell to the ground like a stone. After that, he never investigated again.

Although the teacher didn't bother me, I feel very guilty. I shouldn't cheat the teacher. The teacher is our elder. Maybe the teacher has found my trick, but he doesn't want to embarrass me. Let's see how I can improve next. Since then, I have never been lazy, I have finished my homework carefully, and I have never been a bull in the bush.

I'm Lazy (16)

"Jingle, jingle!" A loud bell woke me up from my sleep. I got up and looked around. When I saw nobody, I fell down again.

"Yijun, don't get up soon, I will be late for cram school!" My mother's high pitched horn made me have to get up from the comfortable bed. However, I just got up and fell down. My mother rushed into my room and pulled me out of the bed. She was angry and said to me, "You lazy bastard, if you don't get up, you will be late!" "I'm not lazy!" I retorted. "Stop nagging and get dressed!

”Mom said to push me into the bathroom and let me brush my teeth and wash my face. Later, my mother urged me to enter the restaurant, but I wanted to sleep as soon as I picked up the bread, so I ran into my own room and lay on the soft bed while eating breakfast and sleeping.

But as soon as I lay down, my mother found me. "What's the matter? How did I get to bed after breakfast?" I had to say hesitantly: "It's not because I was lazy, but because I slept too late last night." My mother looked at her watch. It was already over 8 o'clock, so I had to call the teacher to ask for leave.

While touching my little head, my mother said, "My naughty bag can't be lazy any more. It won't happen again!"

I'm Lazy (17)

In our daily study, work or life, we are often exposed to the composition bar. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. Still at a loss for composition? The following is the composition compiled by Xiao Bian for you. I won't be lazy any more. It's only for reference. Let's have a look.

There is no shortcut to everything. You need to step on the road step by step.

The night is quiet and everything is immersed in deep dreams. The clock is already pointing to two o'clock, but I am not sleepy. Wrapped up in the quilt, huddled on the bed, stared at the wall, and wanted to shout, run and shout to vent their feelings, but stayed here quietly, leaving the restless animals in the heart to keep shouting and indifferent. The events of the past few days have been replayed in my mind like a movie, and I can't get rid of them.

"What's left unfinished? Look at your watch. What time is it?"

"Squeak --" Mom pushed the door and walked in briskly. In a twinkling of an eye, she was beside me. Her face was unhappy and her tone was bad, but her words were full of care. However, at that time, I could not distinguish the love in the words, so I only thought it was impatience and replied angrily:

"Oh, can you stop rushing? I'm worried before I finish!"

After that, I kept working hard. My mind was full of my homework.

Another hour later, I looked up at my watch. It was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, that is to say, from 8 o'clock to 12 o'clock, I had not moved my nest for four hours, but this homework seemed to be against me, and it did not diminish!

Similar to this life, I lived for one day, two days, three days, four days. Hmm, yes, four days in total, yes, four days before the winter vacation. In those four days, I worked hard, wrote like a god, never went to bed before midnight, "correctly" carried forward the traditional virtue of "hard work" of the Chinese nation, and can be called a generation of model workers. Although I almost got a lumbar disc herniation or something in the end, I still worked hard to finish all the 'winter vacation homework'. At the last moment when I finished writing, I felt like a drowned man saw the sun on the sea level, and also felt like a rising sun after the clouds were lifted. In short, I was very proud of my ability. It's good to learn well, and homework can be done so fast! But I felt vaguely uneasy. I didn't do most of the homework seriously, but I was doing it by feeling. What should I do when the exam starts? Will you fail the exam?

Unexpectedly, it made me a prophecy. After the monthly exam, I had an unprecedented sense of frustration, and my performance was much worse than before. Sitting in the exam room, I would scratch my head because I could not be bothered by ancient poems. I was impatient and depressed. I wanted to crumple the paper into a ball and throw it into the garbage can, leave the exam room, and never enter this place again. However, that is not something I can think about. The exam should still be carried out. At the moment when the report card was posted, I felt ashamed and disappointed. Others' surprised eyes also deeply hurt my heart. It was hard to find a way to get into it directly. The feeling could not be described in words. When you were trusted with great hope by others, but you let him down later, you will understand that feeling.

For several days, I was immersed in this deep sense of frustration, unable to extricate myself, regretting, blaming myself, blaming myself for being lazy during the winter vacation, why I didn't do my homework well, why I didn't review my lessons, why I didn't listen to my mother's words and do my homework early. However, what I said now is useless, which makes me, a child who has always been proud of good grades, deeply hit, I also understand that a good performance now does not mean that your performance will be good in the future.

Rome was not built in a day, so was learning. Without long-term accumulation, there would be no mountain harvest. There is no shortcut to everything. You need to step on the road step by step.

I'm Lazy (18)

In daily life or work and study, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Compositions are narrative methods that express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. I believe that many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is the collection and collation of Xiaobian. Since then, I will not be lazy about writing compositions in the first day of junior high school. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

I secretly tell you one thing, that is, I have a bad habit of being lazy. This bad habit once made me taste the bitter fruit.

I had dinner one night. I don't know why. I, a lazy person, rolled up my sleeves and washed the dishes. "Xiao Xing, after washing the dishes, close the window and the air window," said his father. "Ah," I replied reluctantly. When I finished washing the dishes, I vaguely remembered my father's order just now, and then I closed the window with "Pa, Pa". I looked at the air window above my head and thought to myself: It would be troublesome to close the air window and move the chair. Forget it, what the hell! So he went to his own business.

At night, I had just gone to bed when I vaguely heard the buzzing of mosquitoes. After going to bed, I felt an itch on my leg. I raised my hand and patted it. It turned out to be a big mosquito that had absorbed enough blood. I didn't care, and I continued to sleep. Unexpectedly, these hateful mosquitoes are attacking me in groups. I had no choice but to turn on the light and have a look. Ouch! There are more than a dozen mosquitoes on the bed head, windows and sheets. Some small mosquitoes dive and soar. They are extremely flexible and can't catch them. At this time, I heard that the father and mother who were sleeping in the inner room were also disturbed by mosquitoes. "Revitalization, did you close the kitchen window?" "Closed... bad!" I could not help crying out, and rushed to the kitchen. The air window was open. I quickly brought a chair and closed the air window. Then, I started the "fight" against mosquitoes. I lit mosquito repellent incense and sprayed mosquito repellent. It took half an hour to wipe out all the mosquitoes. It was already midnight. Although I am very tired, it is still difficult for me to fall asleep when I lie in bed, because I think it is my fault!

Alas, what a terrible bad habit it is to be lazy! Once this bad habit is formed, it is difficult to change it. On the surface, laziness is nothing terrible, but in the long run, it will change the ship of our life like a moth, and may have extremely serious consequences, which will harm our life.

This time I must be a man, determined to fight against "laziness" resolutely and thoroughly, and stand in front of people with a victorious attitude.

I'm Lazy (19)

Once, the school held a "Ruida Cup" audition. Undoubtedly, the teacher sent me and several other students to give us a copy of the first 100 questions of the "Ruida Cup" competition, and told us to practice hard at home to win the prize.

I heard that. When I got home, I put down my schoolbag immediately and went into the room to study my mathematics without waiting for my mother to tell me. Mom saw me and told me that this time I was like a clockwork, a robot with programmed programs, so self-conscious.

However, I just had a few days of this kind of life and did not want to. I thought: Anyway, I have won so many awards before, and I won the second prize in the third grade last year! What are you afraid of? The second prize this year is not mine, and the third prize is mine! So I thought about it. I read books and played with my mobile phone in my room every day in the name of doing Olympiad Maths. I was very busy every day. Until the day before the audition, I had done 100 questions, and I had only done 30 questions.

"Please attend the" Ruida Cup "audition and go to the multimedia classroom immediately. The notice will be played again, please... "

A rich baritone appeared in my ear. I quickly took a pen, ruler and pad and appeared at the door of the multimedia classroom.

When I got the test paper, I quickly scanned all the questions. If you don't see or know, you will be shocked. When I swept away, I panicked and broke into a cold sweat: God, there are nine out of ten questions in it. I can't do it! I muddled through the problem and went home unhappily. I know, everything is lazy! I must defeat it!

Upon returning home, I conscientiously and meticulously completed the day's homework, did the "Ruida Cup" test questions that I knew could not be saved, and played the piano with concentration

Although I failed the "Ruida Cup" due to laziness and was scolded by the teacher, I found my own shortcomings and corrected them, which can be described as "learning from a fall"!

After this incident, I will not be lazy, lazy, bye!

I'm Lazy (20)

At that time, I was in the second grade of primary school. In English class, the teacher was concentrating on teaching, and we listened absently. Time seemed to be playing. Finally, the "help bell" rang hurriedly, like a runaway wild horse neighing. The teacher knocked on the table and said, "Be quiet, I will recite the words I just learned when I go home, and take the word test in the afternoon." We could not sit still and rushed out of the classroom like arrows. The teacher finally said, "Don't turn a deaf ear to what I said." Although the teacher said it mildly, he said it clearly.

Time passed like flowing water. The time for afternoon classes was coming. I reluctantly walked out of my home. On the way to school, I met my classmates. My classmate said to me, "There are more than 20 minutes left for class. Let's play for a while. Forget it, go and play. So I went to play with my classmates.

Have a good time. I walked into the classroom calmly, and suddenly a sentence came into my head: Can you recite the words?

The "Lethal Bell" rang, and the English teacher sat down on the chair, his lips slowly opening and closing. My forehead was covered with sweat, my back was also wet with sweat, and the sweat in my palm wet half of the paper. The scenery on the dictation paper embarrassed me, and other students were full of confidence. When I handed in the paper, I refused to give it even after I died. It was the last thing my classmates dragged me away. Alas, why should I be lazy? After the teacher's approval, the dictation paper handed out was painted with large circles. I pretended to be calm, and my heart was beating. The teacher told me to come to the office after class.

I knocked on the door gently and went in carefully for fear that the teacher would be angry. In fact, the teacher was angry with me. When the teacher saw me coming, he said to me: "Why don't you recite words... this is the first time, I forgive you, and don't be lazy in the future." When I got out of the door, I regretted and vowed not to be lazy again.

Laziness has no teeth, but it can devour human wisdom.

"Rome wasn't built in a day." If you want to make remarkable achievements in a field, you must go through a thorny road. Sunshine always comes after rain. You will succeed if you persist.