Li Mi (4 selected articles)
Ugly and Cute Girl
2023-12-16 05:19:01
high school
reaction to a book or an article

Li Mi (1)

Indeed, in fact, I prefer to be Li Mi's confidant rather than his wife. Ji Kang, on the other hand, should be a person who only belongs to the world and is not a top choice as a husband.

Li Mi is filial and honest, but he was born in troubled times and served in the imperial court. The imperial court was oppressed very tightly. His hard life is hard to describe. The whole "Memorial" tries to put itself in a humble position, because human nature has a natural sense of superiority to the weak, and then it is easier to overflow sympathy, so that the request to the weak is easier to accept and be moved by the weak. Li Mi skillfully used psychological tactics at some level. At the same time, this table can also see the pain in his heart. He was forced by the "prefectures" and "prefectures" when he did not want to be an official. He is in a dilemma. If he does not take office, he will be killed; When he took office, it was against ethics and would lead to the world's reputation. Maybe it was just a cover, but his "embarrassment" was real. As a confidant of a beauty, it is also a kind of satisfaction to share with him.

Ji Kang, one of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest", has the tendency of "being poor means being independent, and reaching the goal means helping the world". I live in seclusion in the mountains and ignore the world. Although I am so sad, I am still relaxed in general. I live in seclusion in the mountains and the world yearns for it. But, is that just because he has nothing to worry about? If there are old and young people in the family who live in seclusion in the mountain forest, they are tired every day to work in the mountain. How can he bear it? The Guangling Essay may be a momentary indignation, but it is not enough to tell the weak points of the society by writing down the things I hate in my life. However, he did not consider the consequences. Without those ties, he was empty and "came and went naked". Maybe this is also a kind of luck. What if you have family? Leave them to live alone in the mountains and let the feudal society ravage them, or take them to join the nine ethnic groups? And where does he set his family and country? Selfish! Maybe it's my misjudgment. But people did regard him as their idol at that time.

It may be a more willing choice to share with Li Mi.

Li Mi (2)

Friendship is the lamp burning lonely hearts, and family love can give people long-term comfort and miss. From birth to departure, from infants to the elderly, family love is always with you, and it is an emotion you will never get rid of in your life.

I felt deeply after reading Li Mi's "Memorial Form". Li Mi was in a bad situation when he was young. His father died six months after he was born, and his mother remarried when he was four years old. He was brought up by his grandmother, Liu Shi. He was weak and sickly when he was young. He was eager to learn, read the Five Classics, and was good at literature. Li Mi has deep feelings for his grandmother, and shows filial piety. His grandmother was ill. He cried bitterly. He didn't undress at night and waited on her. Meals, soup and medicine must be tasted before offering. In the third year of the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty issued an edict to levy a secret order to wash the horses for the prince. When the imperial edict was exhausted, the county kept urging. Li Mi's grandmother is 96 years old and sick. So he made a statement to Emperor Wu of Jin, stating the reason why he could not answer the imperial edict.

In the table, on the one hand, I am grateful for the gratitude of the imperial court, on the other hand, I have to be filial to my sick grandmother in bed. The dilemma is actually the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety. He said, "I am a prisoner of defeat. My status is humble and lowly. I was promoted and appointed by the imperial court. How dare I hesitate to linger and have higher hopes?" He was grateful and expressed his gratitude. Yu's grandmother depended on each other. When she was young and weak, she couldn't be abandoned for a long trip away from home. At the end, he begged His Majesty to show mercy, fulfill his wish, and allow him to support his grandmother. In that case, life is willing to sacrifice with life, and after death, we should also produce grass to repay. Loyalty to the monarch is rooted in filial piety, which makes people moved to tears. This simple, deep and grateful emotion radiates a lasting and warm beauty of human nature.

Li Mi knows how to be grateful. In order to repay his grandmother's upbringing, he gave up the opportunity to become an official; In order to repay the gratitude of the imperial court, he promised to serve the country "as the leader in life and as the leader in death". In the end, Emperor Wu of Jin was moved by his filial piety. He not only agreed not to go to the imperial edict for the time being, but also rewarded the maidservants and maidservants, and gave him money to support his grandmother.

People should always have a grateful heart.

Gratitude comes from the heart. As the saying goes, "Every drop of water will be rewarded by the spring." What's more, parents, relatives and friends pay for you is not just "a drop of water", but a vast ocean. And whether we are aware of the strands of silver and wrinkles. Gratitude needs your heart to understand and repay.

As people grow older and older, can we do the same as Li Mi, and give up some opportunities to repay the kindness of our relatives. Gratitude is a kind of expression of gratitude for kindness, and it is the lingering emotion of every person who does not forget the kindness of others. To learn to be grateful is to polish the dusty mind without numbness, and to learn to be grateful is to remember the little things you have to give.

Gratitude is a person's innate nature, an indelible conscience, and a manifestation of the healthy personality of successful people in modern society. A person who does not even know gratitude must have a cold and unfeeling heart. On the road of life, there will always be moving things of gratitude. Not to mention the family, it is the care and help given by the people we meet in daily life, work and study, which is worth remembering with our heart, the beauty of selfless human nature and the kindness of non return. Gratitude is not just for repaying kindness, because some favors are beyond our ability to repay, and some favors cannot be repaid in a lump sum with equal amount of return. Only by using pure hearts to move, engrave and remember forever, can we truly be worthy of the person who gives you favors.

Even if parents are absent one day, they will occupy the memory of their children for a long time. But this kind of presence is more reminiscent of seeing things and looking for nowhere: who else will call your nickname, care about your warmth, and watch your every move?

The true feelings in the world - whether family, friendship or love, are worth our aftertaste, nostalgia, let us know how to be grateful

Li Mi (3)

When the sky is red after the rain, when the bamboo shoot shoots out of its tip in early spring, and when the sweet scented osmanthus flowers float ten miles after early autumn This incisive scene is moving forward, emitting a charming atmosphere.

Zhou Guoping once said, "In this dynamic era, we should not choose, nor give up, but advance and retreat." Yes, in the information age of rapid development, we can neither surpass the top nor abandon the bottom. It was once thought that if Plato did not step back, there would be no Aristotle's "feeling is the origin of knowledge" Aristotle respected Plato very much, but he said, "I love my teacher, but I love truth more." Therefore, it is because of Aristotle's advance and Plato's retreat that human beings continue to pursue truth, Understand the unknown humanistic spirit.

"Learn to retreat" is also a hot spot on the forum. In today's society where everyone is proud and striving for progress, retreat must be a mallet on your head. If you retreat, someone will advance. Otherwise, in today's high-rise buildings, the company's white collars who are busy trying to reach the standard every day are not only for the sake of prestige, but also for the sake of better accumulation. As Liu Yong said, "The pursuit of fame and wealth is at work. If you want to spend your whole life thinking about it, you will lose your romance!"

The story of "Liuchi Lane", which has been handed down to this day, is undoubtedly a classic chapter in the concession. If they don't give in, the end of the story will be unhappy. But just as it happened, both families chose to give way, which made this story a perfect story.

Today's society seems calm, but the interior is full of weeds. The advance and retreat make everyone feel more comfortable. After Xu Zhimo, there is another romantic writer, Zhu Shenghao, who does not lose his literary quality. Zhu Shenghao has lived a quiet life, no doubt writing small works and reading books. However, he said that the most correct thing he did was to move forward. Only when he bravely moved forward towards Song Qingru could he achieve this beautiful thing and make his romantic poetry collection sell well till now.

We can know that timely retreat and positive progress will make us suddenly enlightened and happy. Admittedly, "advance and retreat together, just in time, and choose the right item to survive." For rivers, seas and lakes, there must be retreaters who choose their branches to flow to the sea, and there must be advances and their mainstream.

Forward and backward are two completely different approaches, but sometimes the results are the same. Sometimes, these two are just the right choices.

Article | Lu Linlin

Recommendation | Wang Hongliang

Li Mi (4)

The times are changing with each passing day. Every minute, new words are born, and old words are given new meanings. Progress is what people like. On the contrary, retrogression makes people feel detestable. But in many cases, taking a step back is an indispensable quality that people urgently need.

As the saying goes, "It is not sweet to twist the boat." It is not uncommon for people to try too hard to grow up and then fail. Xiang Yu, who "lives as a hero", was defeated in the battle of Gaixia. He felt ashamed of the people in the east of the Yangtze River and did not cross the Wujiang River; Qu Yuan, who "all the world is turbid and I am pure", was sentimental about the country's crisis but could not do anything to help it. He jumped into the waves of the Miluo River... Obviously, when faced with a helpless situation, these elites who once wielded their power were unwilling to cover up their burning edge, and could not let go of their lofty spirit. They were only willing to save the country and stabilize the world, but were not willing to retreat from their accumulated strength. They are pushing themselves everywhere. Finally, they are unwilling to retreat into a hopeless situation. Ling Yun's ambition was defeated by death in the self righteous grief. In this way, it seems that it is too hasty to force yourself to "further hide the edge" everywhere, which will often backfire and run counter to expectations.

Liszt once said; "In addition to spreading truth, people's supreme behavior is to give up openly and choose to step back." Step back does not mean cowardice. "Born differently, we are not Penghao people", Li Bai, facing the ups and downs of his official career, chose the free and easy way of "spreading boat in the Ming Dynasty"; Dongpo, who is eager to "draw a bow and shoot the Sirius", has been relegated repeatedly, and has chosen "to be independent and let go of life" without hesitation... These literati and poets face difficulties and return to calm without too much struggle, which is not cowardice. On the contrary, they are exactly the people who know how to concentrate on themselves. Concentrated spending is the silence after accumulating energy and the temporary cooling before the outbreak. Chu Ren was awarded the title of "fading red" in "Jianpiao Collection". "Notes of Laoxue Temple" said: "There is a color in Tang Dynasty, which is called" fading red ". Wang Jian's poem" Peony "said:" The pink light is deep and purple, and the color of the flesh is fading red. "The Huajian Collection · Yuefu recorded:" The little smoked cage on the bed, the new red in Shaozhou, and the pink that is now behind the red cover. ", "At the end of Shaoxing, people who lifted silk like soap and made it light were unwilling to go red.". Finally, the words "refuse to be red" are really surprising. "Not willing to be red" is a kind of attitude of life that does not rush to show its maturity to the outside world, is a temporary cooling before the outbreak, and is willing to take a step back to hide one's strength and bide one's time.

Willing to stand back, you can hide your sharp points and use waiting to precipitate a surprising force. Retreat is a valuable quality. Retreat is for better progress one day. Retreat is a kind of indulgence and tolerance to oneself. Maybe, only by learning to step back, can we have a chance to find a vast space.

Wen | Zhou Yawen

Recommendation | Liu Haiqin