This is not good (17 popular articles)
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2023-10-27 07:49:04
second grade

This is not good (1)

In a sitting forest, there was a little monkey living in a room. The little monkey liked reading best, and everyone called it "bookworm"

One day, the sun was warm, as if it was spring again. The little monkey was lying on the sofa, looking and laughing, and her eyes were very close to the book. When she saw it, her mother said sadly, "Little monkey, little monkey, it will be short-sighted to read like this. Sit down and read well and obey." The little monkey said, "It's OK, my eyes are fine." When she saw the little monkey, she had to go away.

One day, when the sun was burning, the little monkey sat on the stone and rubbed his hands while looking. He stared at the book without blinking and rubbed his eyes. When the little bird saw it, he said anxiously, "Little monkey, it's not good for your eyes. You'd better go home and read it." The little monkey said, "Reading will be imaginative. It's OK. My eyes are good!" The little bird had to fly away.

Another day, Little Monkey was reading on the bus. His eyes were close to the book. Little Bear said painfully, "It's not good to read like this. You'd better go home and read again." Little Monkey said, "It's OK. Your eyes are good." Little Bear had to leave.

When getting out of the car, the goat saw the little monkey walking and looking, so he pulled it: "Little monkey, it's not good to read like this, go home and look." The little monkey said, "Go away!" The little goat had to go.

When sleeping, the little monkey felt that his eyes were very astringent, so he ran to the doctor. The doctor said, "Your eyes are nearsighted."

The little monkey was surprised. He remembered that he had not listened to the goat, his mother, the little bear and the little bird. He regretted it very much.

This is not good (2)

One sunny morning, Xiao Ming asked several classmates to play football on the lawn of the park.

The three children kicked me and I kicked you. It was a lot of fun. The grass in the lawn was trampled from east to west. At this time, a little girl with a red scarf came. Seeing that the lawn was damaged, she hurried to stop it and said, "Don't play football on the lawn, classmates."

The three children asked, "Why can't we play football on the lawn?" The little girl said, "Did you see that sign? It says," Love the lawn, grass has life. How painful it is for us to step on it! "Hearing this, the children suddenly realized. They said to the little girl," Sister, thank you for reminding us. We know we are wrong. We will play football on the open ground in the future. ”The little girl gave a thumbs up and said, "You are really a good boy who can correct his mistakes."

This is not good (3)

After school, Dongdong asked his friends Nannan and Xixi to play football on the lawn of the park. In a short time, a silvery laughter sounded on the lawn.

They kicked happily, but they didn't know that the green grass under their feet was crying out, "It's killing me. Who will save me?" At this time, Young Pioneer Xiao Hong came. She saw the boys playing football from a distance, Hurry to stop and say: "Stop quickly. If you don't do this well, it will damage the lawn. The grass is also alive and will hurt, so we should take care of the lawn. Everyone is responsible." They blushed with shame and quickly apologized: "We were wrong. We will never damage the lawn again."

This is not good (4)

From childhood to adulthood, I have seen many things. Last Sunday, I saw the incident in the hospital, which I will never forget.

That day, I had a cough, and my mother took me to the hospital. On the corridor of the hospital, I saw a lady in gorgeous clothes. She walked proudly in the corridor of the hospital with a satchel in her hand, her hair curled up, and high heels. She suddenly spat on the ground, looking so disgusting! At this time, an old lady in plain clothes came up to the girl and said gently, "Girl, please don't spit everywhere. "The girl glared at the old woman and said," Hum, what's your business if I spit? What a dog catching a mouse - mind your own business! "After saying that, she raised her head and walked away. Without saying a word, the old woman silently took a piece of paper from her pocket, squatted down, wiped the sputum on the ground, and threw the paper into the dustbin. Everyone looked at the old woman with admiration, and I heard some people's comments:" That girl is too outrageous! "Yes, how can an old man wipe his spit?" I thought to myself, "That girl really shouldn't do that!"

She is not good at doing so. We must not learn from her. We must be good students with good manners and public morality.

This is not good (5)

I saw a very uncivilized thing in swimming class today.
After watching the teacher's standard action - rollover, I was about to enter the water, only to hear a "plop". Looking back, Wang Guanglu fell into the water. I quickly took off my goggles and looked around. Suddenly, Zhu Xingyu's face showed a sly smile. I walked up to Zhu Xingyu and said to him seriously: "It's very dangerous for you to push him into the water. One of my former classmates was like this. He thought it was fun, but the child's leg that didn't push hit the edge of the swimming pool and broke his ankle. He also cut a deep and big hole and sewed many stitches." Zhu Xingyu regretted what I said. Lowering his head, he silently pulled up Wang Guanglu and said to him, "Sorry, I shouldn't push you into the water."
Children and big friends, remember to be careful by the swimming pool.

This is not good (6)

On the morning of spring, Ding Ding invited several children to play together. He put on his clothes and went outside to find his friend's house. After calling my friends, we went to play football on the lawn together.

A big sister passed by and said, "Don't play on the lawn.". Ding Ding asked, "Why?" "Don't you see the sign over there?" Big Sister asked. So, with their red faces and heads bowed, they carried the football to the court and continued to play. When they were tired of kicking, they went to a friend's house nearby to have a rest. Ding Ding knocked on the door and said, "Is there anyone inside?" Then the door opened. She saw her aunt washing vegetables, but the tap was too big, and the water in the basin overflowed.

Ding Ding ran to her aunt and said, "Aunt, your water is boiling too much. We should save water.". The aunt smiled and said, "You are really a sensible child!"

This is not good (7)

The bell rang, and school was over. Three friends agreed to play football in the park. They rushed out of the classroom with the ball and came to the beautiful park.

The park is covered with green grass. On the green grass stands a wooden sign with the words "Take Care of the Lawn". There is a hill in the distance of the green lawn in the park. There are dense woods on the hillside. On the top of the hill, there is an orange pavilion with many birds flying freely.

A group of children started their fierce football match on the grass, and they all played with sweat. When they were playing hard, a big sister wearing a red scarf told them with a smile: "Little brother, you!" They blushed one by one, scratched the back of their heads and said: "Sorry! We were wrong, we will not do this again next time!"

This is not good (8)

Who is he? He is Liu Wenxuan, the "source of all evils" in our class. He has dark hair, round face and small eyes that squint when he smiles, which makes people feel funny.

If you want to ask him about the bad things he did, there are countless. You can run twice around the Great Wall. Today, I come to "show off" the bad things that "the source of all evil" has done.

In the morning, the sun hung on the top of the tree early, and the sun shone through the glass into the classroom. The whole class was reading in the morning, but I don't know who made strange noises: "Squeak... Ha ha... Hee hee..." Everyone read carefully. "Don't make strange noises!" the head teacher shouted. However, the sound did not stop. I looked back: Liu Wenxuan was holding a book, holding it in his face, and then made a sound of "hee hee... ha ha...". The teacher was very angry, but he didn't know who made the noise. After class, the teacher stood on the platform, breaking the scene of "joy". "Quiet, quiet, who was laughing when reading this morning?" The whole class shook their heads. The head teacher became angry with embarrassment and shouted: "You students really want to kill the teacher!" "Teacher, I know who it is." "Say, who it is." "It is him!" At this time, the eyes of the whole class hit me in unison, and "the source of all evil" pointed at me and said to the teacher. I'm so angry that I'm about to explode. OK! You Liu Wenxuan, let me take such a heavy blame for you. We've got a grudge. The teacher scolded me for a class. If it wasn't for the end of the class, I could still say half an hour more.

At noon, after school, Liu Wenxuan opened his mouth again. This guy is fine if he doesn't talk. He talks like a machine gun, beeping all the time. Several of our "enemies" tried to seal the "muzzle", but he seemed like a shield, and we could not touch his "muzzle".

Liu Wenxuan, I really hope you can get rid of this bad habit. It's really bad of you to do so.

This is not good (9)

In life, people will inevitably make some mistakes. Is it right to correct mistakes at this time?

I remember one time, my parents took me to Xinhua Bookstore to buy books. The floor was very quiet, only the sound of people turning books and walking softly. I was standing in front of a bookshelf to choose books. At this time, there was a heavy footsteps behind me. I looked back and saw two children fighting for a book. There was also a loud noise. We could not read quietly because of the noise. As I scanned the neighborhood, many people were looking at the two children as if they were saying, "Don't they know how to be quiet? This is a bookstore, not a playground. How can they make a lot of noise?"

After a while, the two children finally stopped, and the floor was quiet again.

I don't think those two children should do that. They clearly know that they shouldn't make a noise in the bookstore or library, but they don't pay attention to it. They fight and make noise in the bookstore, so that other people can't read quietly, which makes them leave a bad image in other people's minds. So we can't learn their bad habits.

This is not good (10)

Today's society is making rapid progress every day, advocating to be a civilized and quality person. Some "demons" in my class are also making crazy "progress", such as dipping water in others' chairs, putting wet paper in others' smoking sessions, or pushing others' desks down, and then blaming others.

Let's talk about the overturned table. On Friday afternoon, Yan Zhiling and I were playing on the small playground. In the middle of the game, I heard someone calling me, saying that my desk had fallen down and Li Jiawei had done it. I was so angry that I jumped three feet high and came to class angrily. I saw my desk lying on the ground, my bag lying on the ground, and my books falling on the ground in disorder, The pens in Zhang Renke's pen box and I were scattered on the ground, and the chair collapsed, as if my seat had been stolen by a thief. So I asked the class and understood all the facts. It turned out that Yin Huaqiang, Li Wei, Li Jiawei, Zheng Haotan and others joined together to crush Zhang Xunkai. Zhang Xunkai was unable to defeat Li Jiawei and others in the "top of the mountain" for a while, and was suddenly pressed to the bottom of the table and escaped from the cracks in the tables and chairs. Zheng Haotan wanted to catch him and crush Zhang Xunkai again. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xunkai escaped. Zheng Haotan was not reconciled, so when he saw Li Jiawei, he said he would crush him. Li Jiawei was afraid of Zheng Haotan, so he dared not give in and sat in his chair "waiting for death". Zheng Haotan and his group pressed Li Jiawei firmly. When he turned around and leaned against my desk, my desk fell down and my schoolbag died. When I came to the class, they said it was Du Wenbin and Wei Chunlong. They disperse and walk away. I asked Li Jiawei about it, but he said get out of the way. Du "Gouhe" made it. Don't blame me.

Li Jiawei and his gang are really not good at doing this. It is clearly their own fault. Instead, they blame others for bullying others. It is really a "heinous crime". I still hope that the whole class can help each other, maintain harmony and present a bright future.

This is not good (11)

Once upon a time, there lived a monkey in the forest. He was a fan, named Mingming.

One day, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky seemed washed by water. Mingming lies on the bed and reads seriously. The books are so close to the eyes that they are almost crowded together. The mother monkey saw it and said quickly to Mingming, "Mingming, don't read like this. It's not good to read like this, otherwise you will be short-sighted." Mingming didn't look up and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, my eyes are very good, don't you care." The mother monkey had no choice but to leave.

Another day, Mingming, who was fascinated by reading, sat on a big stone. He reads books attentively. His eyes are sour. When he can't stand it, he wipes his dirty handkerchief. Sister Bird sees it and flies over to Mingming and says, "Brother Monkey, it's not good for you to read like this. You will be short-sighted after a long time." But he says impatiently, "It's OK, it's OK. My eyes are fine."

One day, Monkey was riding on the bus. The bus was shaking, but Monkey was still reading a book. Brother Bear saw it and said, "Monkey, the bus is shaking badly. You'd better keep reading." But Monkey refused to listen and said, "My eyes are fine."

A few days later, Monkey was on his way home, still reading a book. Grandpa Goat saw it and said, "Monkey, it's dangerous not to read like this.". Little Monkey said nothing and continued to read.

Finally one day, the little monkey felt very fuzzy reading. The doctor took a test and found that he was nearsighted, and he regretted it.

This is not good (12)

In life, that is, around us, there are always many people who do something uncivilized and impolite. At this time, you are blind, do not point out his mistakes, do not criticize his mistakes; Or dare to go forward and point out his mistakes loudly?

Around me, there are also some people who have done bad things. Please see:

"Shattering, rustling?" The students answered the paper nervously. The classroom was so quiet that you could hear the sound of a needle falling on the ground. Suddenly, I saw a classmate in the same row with me peeking at the test paper that was stolen next to me when the teacher was not paying attention. Two words immediately appeared in my mind: cheating!

The exam is finally over, but my heart is gloomy. Why would someone cheat in the exam? In fact, there is nothing strange. Those who cheat want to get high marks, be proud of themselves, be praised by their teachers, and be happy by their parents. There are also some people who have no choice but to fear that they will be criticized by their teachers and scolded by their parents if they fail in the exam. So they had to take risks to get through. Cheating is a wonderful thing for some people. They can have fun at ordinary times. When the time comes for the exam, they can easily get high scores by using some tricks. But this is temporary after all, just like the soap bubble, it will be broken after all. In five or ten years?? When we go to work, we should learn from our talents, and then we will regret it! Cheating teachers and parents, you still cheat yourself after all!

As a primary school student, it is a good time to learn knowledge. We must cherish time, not be fond of playing, study steadfastly, and truly master scientific and cultural knowledge, so as to avoid "black hair does not know how to study early, white hair regrets how to study late".

This is not good (13)

In class, there is always a sleeping king in our class. Yes, that person is me.

In the first class, the teacher's "Hypnotic Song" was sung. My eyes are closing. In order not to let the teacher find out, I put my book upright, bent my head on the desk and squinted my eyes. Slowly, I fell asleep. In Dream Village, I played with my classmates; In the dreamland, I pick beautiful flowers; In Dreamland, my friends and I danced happily. The long saliva ran down and was about to drop to the ground.

The teacher saw me with a spark of anger in his eyes. He stood on the platform, took out a piece of chalk from the chalk box, aimed at my head, and hit me. "Dong", my head seemed to be knocked.

In my sleep, I didn't know it was a teacher. I thought my classmates were teasing me, so I immediately stood up and shouted, "Who threw something at me?"

"It's me, what's the matter?" the teacher said fiercely. When I saw that it was a teacher, I immediately withered. The students also laughed at me, like watching a monkey show.

After class, the teacher asked me to go to her office. I was afraid and my feet were shaking all the time. When we got to the office, the teacher said, "Classroom is a place to study, not a place to sleep. Next time we go to bed, let me see how I can clean you up."

I nodded firmly. From then on, I learned the lesson from my teacher and never dared to sleep in class again.

This is not good (14)

Today's society is making rapid progress every day, advocating to be a civilized and quality person. Some "demons" in my class are also making crazy "progress", such as dipping water in others' chairs, putting wet paper in others' smoking sessions, or pushing others' desks down, and then blaming others.

Let's talk about the overturned table. On Friday afternoon, Yan Zhiling and I were playing on the small playground. In the middle of the game, I heard someone calling me, saying that my desk had fallen down and Li Jiawei had done it. I was so angry that I jumped three feet high and came to class angrily. I saw my desk lying on the ground, my bag lying on the ground, and my books falling on the ground in disorder, The pens in Zhang Renke's pen box and I were scattered on the ground, and the chair collapsed, as if my seat had been stolen by a thief. So I asked the class and understood all the facts. It turned out that Yin Huaqiang, Li Wei, Li Jiawei, Zheng Haotan and others joined together to crush Zhang Xunkai. Zhang Xunkai was unable to defeat Li Jiawei and others in the "top of the mountain" for a while, and was suddenly pressed to the bottom of the table and escaped from the cracks in the tables and chairs. Zheng Haotan wanted to catch him and crush Zhang Xunkai again. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xunkai escaped. Zheng Haotan was not reconciled, so when he saw Li Jiawei, he said he would crush him. Li Jiawei was afraid of Zheng Haotan, so he dared not give in and sat in his chair "waiting for death". Zheng Haotan and his group pressed Li Jiawei firmly. When he turned around and leaned against my desk, my desk fell down and my schoolbag died. When I came to the class, they said it was Du Wenbin and Wei Chunlong. They disperse and walk away. I asked Li Jiawei about it, but he said get out of the way. Du "Gouhe" made it. Don't blame me.

Li Jiawei and his gang are really not good at doing this. It is clearly their own fault. Instead, they blame others for bullying others. It is really a "heinous crime". I still hope that the whole class can help each other, maintain harmony and present a bright future.


This is not good (15)

One Sunday morning, three children came to the lawn with a football to play football. At this time, a big sister came and said, "Little brother, don't play football on the lawn, so that the grass will slowly wither and people will not see the green." The little brother understood what the big sister said and blushed.

At noon, Xiaoming's mother washed vegetables at home and turned the water on the tap very high. Xiaoming came over and said, "Mom, don't turn the water on too high when washing vegetables. We need to save water. The teacher said that the domestic water on the earth will be less and less, so we must save water." Mother listened to Xiaoming's words and turned down the water on the tap, He also praised Xiaoming as a sensible boy.

This is not good (16)

On Sunday, Xiaogang, Xiaoliang and Xiaoguang went to play football on the lawn together. They didn't play for a while when a big sister came up and said, "Little brother, don't play football on the lawn, take care of the lawn." They bowed their heads in embarrassment and left. Big sister smiled and said, "That's right."

Xiaogang came home to see his mother washing vegetables. He saw that the water in the tap was very big. In fact, his mother wanted to clean the vegetables. Xiaogang said, "Don't waste water, save water." My mother turned red when she heard that, and praised Xiaogang as a sensible child.

This is not good Fan Wenqi

My mother came back in the evening to buy cabbage and radish at the vegetable market. My mother put him in the water pan, turning on the tap while washing the vegetables. I saw that I ran to my mother and said, "Mom can't do this. We should save water.". Mom immediately turned off the tap and said; "What a good boy".

There are several boys playing football on the lawn in the park. A big sister came up to them and said, "Don't do this. The grass will hurt. We should love the grass.". Several little boys said with red faces; "Oh, we know. Thank you for your reminding, Sister.".

This is not good (17)

This is not good

Every time I look at the small porcelain mouse on my desk, a past event will reappear before my eyes

On that day, it was sunny, sunny and sunny. Xiaoyi and I went shopping together. The goods in the shop are really dazzling: there are colorful crayons, beautiful and moving murals, and many cute little porcelain mice... I can't handle them! Suddenly, the cute little porcelain mouse attracted Xiaoyi. She stopped stupidly. "Jing, let's buy this!" She said shyly, "There are still two sets!" "But, the money is not enough!" "Alas!" Xiaoyi sighed. Suddenly, Xiaoyi's eyes turned. Oh! Yes: Don't buy it, just steal it! Although I know it's bad to steal, I can't resist the temptation of the mouse. We decided to make a "diversion". I got the boss's attention, and then Xiaoyi came to steal the mouse. Let me ask the boss how much this is? How much is that Then Xiaoyi calmly went to the front of the little porcelain mouse and put it in his pocket. OK! The little porcelain mouse is here. This is really "no place to find after breaking through iron shoes, it takes no effort to get here"!

When Xiaoyi gave me another little porcelain mouse, I was not happy. I suddenly remembered that primary school students should obey the law, and Xiaoyi was wrong to do so! We should buy, not steal. The teacher often said, "Are the stolen melons not sweet?"

This is not good

I was playing in the park on Sunday, and I saw such a thing. Here's the thing: on the lawn, there are four children playing football on it. They have a good time.

However, because they kicked too hard, they kicked the green grass and cried. As soon as I wanted to stop them, a big sister was one step ahead of me. The elder sister saw what the four of them had done, and said to them, "Little friend, it's not good to do this.

The earth is our mother. We should protect her and not hurt her. So, don't mention it too much. Look, 'The grass is crying.' Don't play any more. Go to the football field. " Hearing the elder sister's words, the four children immediately went to the playground to play football. Big sister smiled, so did I. Children, you should protect Mother Earth.

This is not good

I saw a very uncivilized thing in swimming class today.

After watching the teacher's standard action - rollover, I was about to enter the water, only to hear a "plop". Looking back, Wang Guanglu fell into the water. I quickly took off my goggles and looked around. Suddenly, Zhu Xingyu's face showed a sly smile. I walked up to Zhu Xingyu and said to him seriously: "It's very dangerous for you to push him into the water. One of my former classmates was like this. He thought it was fun, but the child's leg that didn't push hit the edge of the swimming pool and broke his ankle. He also cut a deep and big hole and sewed many stitches." Zhu Xingyu regretted what I said. Lowering his head, he silently pulled up Wang Guanglu and said to him, "Sorry, I shouldn't push you into the water."

Children and big friends, remember to be careful by the swimming pool.