Kulangsu Composition (18 compilations)
No trace after wind
2024-05-25 00:38:10

Gulangyu Composition (1)

This summer vacation, I went to Xiamen to travel. The most unforgettable thing is Gulangyu Island in Xiamen.

Gulang Island is the most beautiful tourist attraction in Xiamen. It is a beautiful island. You can spend a day in Gulang Island. You can only go to the island by speedboat and ferry. We chose to go to the island by speedboat. The speedboat bounced in the waves. It was very exciting. Sitting on the speedboat, you can see the statue of Zheng Chenggong, a national hero. It looks powerful and handsome! On both sides of the bank there are tung trees standing gracefully.

We also invited a local guide, who patiently introduced us to every place. The most famous tree in Gulangyu is banyan, and the city tree is frangipani. We also went to see the Animal World, where all the animals can be divine tools, and I feast my eyes. I also saw the cultural relics in ancient times. Now many things we use in life have evolved from ancient times. I also saw the remains of a mermaid. The tour guide said that this remains is only available in Xiamen and England. I think it's too sacred.

There are many delicious foods in Gulangyu, such as pork jerky, sea crab, Peng fog, coconut, etc. The most famous one is Kung Fu tea, because there are sleeve tea, Tieguanyin, soya bean milk tea, etc. I not only learn to taste tea, but also know the culture of tea!

Gulangyu Island in Xiamen is so beautiful! I'll never forget it. It's in my mind.

Gulangyu Composition (2)

My hometown is Xiamen, which is a beautiful place. There are Xiamen University, Huandao Road, Nanputuo, Botanical Garden and Zhongshan Park. However, my favorite is Gulangyu. If you don't go to the Great Wall, you have never been to Beijing; To come to Xiamen without going to Gulangyu is like never coming to Xiamen.

Gulangyu is a beautiful island surrounded by the blue sea. There are many buildings with white walls and red tiles on the island. From a distance, only green trees and red roofs can be seen. Gulangyu is often called "Qin Island" because every night, every family plays the piano and makes beautiful piano tunes, so people call Gulangyu "Qin Island".

The night view of Gulangyu Island is also very beautiful. People compete with me to buy tickets. The colorful pleasure boats are rowing on the blue sea. A cool wind blows, and the scene before us seems more beautiful.

This is my hometown. I love Gulangyu!

Gulangyu Composition (3)

Last Saturday, my father, mother, uncle, aunt, grandfather and grandmother took me to Xiamen with Zou Yucheng's brother and Zou Zhuo's brother.

When we arrived in Xiamen, we got on the bus of our aunt living in Xiamen and came to the dock. We bought nine tickets for the speedboat. Before I knew it, we had arrived at the beautiful island Gulangyu. From a distance, Gulangyu looks like a piece of jasper floating on the blue sea. On Gulangyu Island, we first visited Sunlight Rock. It is said that when Zheng Chenggong led troops to fight in the war, he saw the beautiful scenery, birds singing and flowers smelling, and the scenery was better than Japan's "Sunlight Mountain", so he named it "Sunlight Rock". I walked up the mountain and saw that there were indeed towering ancient trees and the whole Sunlight Rock was covered with green. I followed the stone path. We climbed to the summit of Sunlight Rock. Looking down, I can see the villas of all sizes are well arranged. In the distance, the sea and the sky form a line, with white clouds and white sails. Nearby, the sea water is clear and the beach is flat and soft. Blue sky, green water and red house golden beach are really an ideal and beautiful island!

Walking down Sunshine Rock, we came to Shuzhuang Garden. The owner of Shuzhuang Garden is Lin Erjia, a famous millionaire on Gulangyu Island. Shuzhuang Garden is located at the seaside. There is a small bridge and flowing water in the garden, and flowers are in full bloom. Colorful flowers are dotted with green grass, like a green ribbon full of patterns.

I walked on the white sand beach, bathed in the gentle sea breeze and listened to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. It was really comfortable!

Gulangyu Composition (4)

In the morning, I was awakened by the sound of the ship's whistle. I was bleary and secretly happy that the dock was open to navigation! After breakfast, we packed our bags and moved to Gulangyu Qinhai Manor. In fact, if it weren't for the small tail, my plan would be to stay in an inn every day and experience the different Gulangyu Island. Since Gulangyu has no means of transportation, there is still a distance between the boat house and Qinhai. Two women, dragging suitcases and led by two young men in cheerful raincoats, went up and down the slope to Qinhai Manor, the highest hotel on the island. After checking in, we booked the 201 seascape. It is said that 308 is the invincible seascape. This time, we were unlucky. Because of the light rain, I didn't go out, but I was immediately attracted by the small environment here, with a bright living room, a quiet reading space, a public network area, and a screening space. Enough to let you calm down to be in a daze, nothing to think about, being blown by the sea breeze.

In the morning, I thought I would be woken up by the torrential rain, but I opened my eyes when the rooster in the neighborhood was crowing. It seems that the typhoon has not come. The boat house has free breakfast, bread and milk. It's really simple. After breakfast, we were ready to go to the seaside for a walk in the morning. The sun had already shone on our room, which was a bit beautiful. But it was a sudden change, and it began to rain again. Take the rain gear and set out. Do not need a map, do not want to ask the way, walk with your heart, there will be different opportunities. At noon, I reluctantly returned to the boat house and ate a bowl of seafood noodles. The cook said that there was no other food in the typhoon alert today, and the ships in the port stopped. It is said that after the bullet train rear end collision, safety is the most important thing and the plan is conservative. So, where did the so-called typhoon go? Many tourists called and cancelled their reservation because there was no ferry. Fortunately, the people from the capital were OK.

In the evening, when we went to Longtou Road, many shops were closed and very quiet. It seems that Gulangyu Island belongs to a small part of us. I ate some famous food. It was delicious. I also bought braised vegetables, which are delicious.

The supermarket didn't close, bought some milk for the children and some fruit for the vegetable market, basically ending the day's roaming. On the 31st, the typhoon still slipped away from us, leaving only a drizzle, which reminded me of the rainy Hunan flavor in the south of my childhood. In a twinkling, I was in another country, a wife and a mother. Time and years! What memories will today's footprints bring to children?

On September 1, school began. Because I had no classes today, I was still wandering. In the morning, I was really woken up by a piece of music. The sound of ships, water birds, chickens, dogs barking, cicadas, accompanied by all these sounds, I ate breakfast. In the morning, while the sun was shining through the dark clouds, we came to the seaside and excited the children again. The wind and clouds suddenly changed, dark clouds floated past, and rain came. Have you ever seen sand playing at the seaside, ha ha! interesting! It was raining harder and harder, and we finally went back to Qinhai Inn in the rain with umbrellas. The plan couldn't catch up with the change. We originally decided to stay in Qinhai for two days, but finally gave up. We temporarily decided to take a ferry to a hotel near Zhongshan Park in Xiamen. The weather turned sunny in the afternoon. We decided to have dinner in Chaofu City, and we also wanted to stay in Xiamen for a while on the last day.

Gulangyu Composition (5)

This winter vacation, my mother and father took me to Xiamen for tourism. In Xiamen, we visited the urban area, Xiamen University and Gulangyu, a famous scenic spot.

When I travel in Xiamen, I am happy every day. Gulangyu is the most impressive one!

Gulangyu is a small island in Xiamen. There is a big reef on the southwest coast of the island. When the sea water hits it, the reef will make a sound like a drum. Gulangyu is also named for its sound.

On that day, my parents and I went to Gulangyu by boat from downtown Xiamen. We arrived at Gulangyu within 20 minutes after boarding the boat.

When we arrived at Gulangyu, we went directly to Riguangyan for sightseeing. The so-called Sunlight Rock is actually a huge rock. It is not famous for this big rock, but there is a fort about 30 meters below the Sunlight Rock, which attracts many tourists. Don't look down upon that fort. It records the story of Zheng Chenggong and the soldiers before they set sail to recover Taiwan. On the fort are statues of local people entertaining the soldiers.

Regardless of the scorching sun at noon, we boarded the Sunshine Rock in one breath, and the heat made us sweat like rain. Only Sunlight Rock was crowded with tourists who came to take photos. I am a child and impatient. I can't wait to climb to the highest place in the crowd. Standing on Shi Guangyan, I can take a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of Gulangyu.

Gulangyu is the most quiet and charming place I have ever visited. The sea water I see here is green, and the sea breeze blowing on my face is cool. How beautiful Gulangyu feels to me! Before that, my parents and I took a group photo on Gulangyu Island! If it is convenient, I believe I will visit Gulangyu again in the future!

Gulangyu Composition (6)

The most beautiful place I have ever been to is Gulangyu Island in Xiamen. There is a good saying: "If you don't go to Gulangyu, you can't go to Xiamen; if you don't go to Riguangyan, you can't go to Gulangyu."

Although Gulangyu is just a small island, its "life experience" is extraordinary. Previously, Gulangyu Island was a desolate oasis, also known as "Yuansha Island" or "Yuanzai Island". At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there began to be traces of people, gradually forming villages with half fishing and half farming. At the southwest end of the island, there is a reef of a sea eroded karst cave. When the waves hit, it sounds like a drum. The reef is named "Drum Rock". It has been handed down to this day as a scenic spot. The island was also named "Gulangyu" because of it and was renamed in the Ming Dynasty.

On Gulangyu Island, you will see a dock. Go on for a while, and you will reach Longtou Road. The traffic there is excellent, because it is an island, and no car can reach Gulang Island, so that the pedestrians here can walk freely in the middle of the road without being blocked by cars.

Guhen Island has a strong cultural landscape, complex historical interest, many national styles, and a combination of Chinese and Western "World Architecture Expo". The island is known as the "Piano Island" and "Music Island" because the per capita possession of piano and violin ranks first in the country. The full walking mode in the island with an area of 1.87 square kilometers is called "walking island". Gulangyu has become a place of cultural landscape, architectural landscape, art and landscape tourism, history and music. The first scenic spot we went to was the Organ Museum on Longtou Road. There, I saw many musical instruments, including an organ about eight meters high, with many iron pipes on the top, which is the sound tube of the organ keyboard. I also saw old musical instruments, such as sheng, flute, small piano, which was really an eye opener.

Then I went to a beach called "Sea Salt Bathing Beach". A group of people stood on the beach one meter away from the sea, waiting for the "baptism" of the waves. When the sea waves poured out to the shore, drenching people into "drowned chickens", the crowd would scream, which also hid the joy and excitement. We played until we were so exhausted that we were exposed to the sun.

Finally, we went to the most famous shop on Longtou Road, "Zhang Sanfeng Milk Tea Shop", which is not only high in decoration, but also high in price. Sitting in the shop, I felt a kind of European and American style. In this hot summer, I drank a cup of iced milk tea and listened to the sound of waves outside the window. The whole person suddenly cooled down.

Such beautiful scenery not only lets us know the beauty here, but also lets us know that places with natural scenery like Gulangyu Island are rare, so we must protect this beautiful scenery so that our future generations can enjoy it.

Gulangyu Composition (7)

Gulangyu is really a colorful place!

Flowers, trees, blue sky, scorching sun and sand beach form the colorful Gulangyu Island.

The flowers and trees on Gulangyu Island are colorful. Abundant sunshine and rain make the trees on Gulangyu Island tall and lush, blocking the sky. From a distance, it looks like a dense forest. Mango trees and banyan trees stand in rows, like soldiers waiting in array. The whole island is full of colorful flowers, competing to show people their beautiful posture. As long as you walk by, you will be amazed, as if you are in a fairyland. In the harvest season, small and delicate mangoes are hanging on the trees like lanterns. The yellow and red ginseng fruit exudes a charming fragrance, which makes tourists stop and move forward, enjoy and revel in it.

Gulangyu not only has colorful flowers and trees, but also has colorful beaches. The sun caresses the sand, revealing colorful light, which is very charming. The white waves beat on the beach, just like playing a moving music, which is very pleasant. The "Gulangshi" stands on the beach, and the blue sea reflects the brightness of the sky, like a poetic painting.

The beach on Gulangyu Island is colorful, and there are no celebrity memorial halls that are not colorful. There are pictures of celebrities in the memorial hall, telling about his life. Each item is also well preserved, with the same color, retaining the memories of the year.

Ah! Gulangyu, what a colorful world, let me yearn for!

Gulangyu Composition (8)

Gulangyu is a very famous scenic spot in Xiamen. We came to Gulangyu under the sun. The temperature was relatively high, but we felt cool on the streets of Gulangyu. Walk along the characteristic street beside the wall, look around and feel around, everything is so novel! There are thousands of lighters, pearls, magic dolls, special clothes, etc!

Looking up at the sky, it was so blue and white clouds were wandering. Suddenly, I saw a kind of fruit on the tree in the distance. My mother cried excitedly: "It's longan, but I saw it for the first time!" I knew it was a delicious fruit. If I climbed to the tree and picked it, it would be better!

Snack street lures us deeply. There are Big Mac ice cream, Zhang Sancrazy milk tea, Miss Chen black tea, freshly baked squid, grilled chicken wings... If you are hungry, choose what you like; Drink coconut juice when you are thirsty. It's delicious!

I unknowingly wandered into the market street, where there were seafood sellers, such as live shrimp, rich shrimp with full paws, and smooth eel... You can buy fresh ingredients, and then pay some processing fees to ask them to help process, so you can eat authentic seafood!

It's nice to sit on the beach of Gulangyu Island in the evening with cool sea breeze and beautiful sea scenery!

Gulangyu Composition (9)

Today is the last day of our trip to Xiamen. We are going to Gulangyu, the most famous island in Xiamen.

Gulangyu Island is located in the southwest of Xiamen Island, and is only separated from Xiamen by a 600m wide Lujiang River.

Gulangyu covers an area of 1.87 square kilometers and has more than 20000 residents.

Gulangyu is a fertile land for music. The density of piano ranks first in the country. It is also known as the "Island of Piano" and "Home of Music".

We arrived on Gulangyu Island by ferry. It was a small island. After boarding it, we seemed to enter a wonderful world, and our vision became wider. The exotic buildings came into sight, which was the mark of her colonial rule by other countries.

When I was wandering, I bought a small book with seals, just like the Shanghai World Expo. It introduced all kinds of distinctive snack shops and shops on the island. When passing these shops, my sister and I rushed to find the seal with rapture, and then carefully stamped the "sacred" seal on the corresponding page of my notebook. My sister's dedicated spirit is very cute! Just to prove that we came! Due to lack of time, I failed to seal all the seals this time. I'm looking forward to completing all the seals when I come to Gulangyu again.

We went to Sunlight Rock and the seaside······

The journey in Xiamen is coming to an end. I really want to stay on this beautiful island for a few more days!

Gulangyu Islet. bye! see you around!

Gulangyu Composition (10)

When I came to Xiamen, I naturally wanted to go to the picturesque Gulangyu scenic spot, which is a tourist attraction and known as the "Garden on the Sea". This was the base where the national hero Zheng Chenggong recovered Taiwan.

Gulangyu Scenic Area is surrounded by the sea. The green bay is linked by giant ships, and the sky is like a wash. There is not a trace of white clouds in the sky. It melts into the green sea, and silver swallows soar. Gulangyu Scenic Area looks like a girl, who is dressing up in the cool and fresh sea breeze so that people can see the most beautiful face.

The most beautiful place here is Gulangyu Scenic Area in the evening. The small city across the sea is shining with bustling lights, where the bright lights and tall buildings stand up, which makes people feel luxurious. The houses have different characteristics, some are colorful, some are round, which is extremely interesting!

There is another kind of tree in Gulangyu Scenic Area, called Dragon Tree. This kind of tree is like a dragon's whisker with willows, and the dragon's whisker is said to be the root of the dragon tree. The root is ripe brown. When the wind blows, the dragon's whisker floats up, like the hair of a tree. The brown whisker is so thin that it is hard. We don't have that kind of tree near the sea!

Gulangyu Scenic Area also has Longtou Road, where there are all kinds of snacks, such as Miss Zhao's pie, pills, and milk tea on the ancient road... The food inside is delicious.

I love Xiamen and Gulangyu Scenic Area more!

Gulangyu Composition (11)

The passage of time "tick, tick" made me fidget on the boat. Ah, when will we arrive at Gulangyu?

"Di." The ship began to make a sound. I can't wait to get out of the boat. My eyes lit up: although it was very dark, the street lamp beside me was shining brightly on the ground. It's warm. Walking on Gulangyu Island, looking at the rocks under the sun, I heard the sound of waves beating the rocks from time to time, "Paula, Paula..." It's so beautiful. Looking around, the leaves beat regularly with the wind. Gulangyu is so beautiful at this time.

When I came to Shuzhuang Garden, the door was closed, but I could still feel the antique flavor. The garden at night is quiet and happy. Listen attentively, and occasionally hear the chirping sound of autumn cicadas. Looking into the garden, I seemed to see some light. Are they fireflies? I'm not sure, because the light spots dance around the rockery. Gulangyu is so beautiful at this time.

Yo! beach! To my surprise, I ran very fast, took off my shoes and stepped on the beach barefoot. Ah, how soft the sand is! It feels like stepping on the cotton cloth! At this time, it is very quiet here, and tourists' voices cannot be heard. I squatted down, learned to be like a child, pinched some inappropriate sand balls and threw them into the sea. With the sound of "Pa", countless splashes of water were splashed. It was water and sand. I didn't know clearly, but the birds flew from afar and sang the song of returning home. Gulangyu is so beautiful at this time.

I reluctantly left Gulangyu with the bright moonlight and profound sound of boats.

Gulangyu Composition (12)

This summer vacation, my aunt took my brother and I to Gulangyu, the beautiful "garden on the sea".

Gulangyu is like a pearl inlaid in the southeast coast of China. Its name is very romantic: when the waves rise and hit the rocks, they will make a sound like a drum, which gives Gulangyu its name. Gulangyu Island is covered with green trees and flowers. At the entrance of the island, there is also a very large banyan tree. Its branches and leaves are very luxuriant, and its fibrous roots are hanging to the ground. From afar, it looks like a tall soldier guarding Gulangyu.

With the flow of people, we climbed onto the famous scenic spot of Gulangyu - Zheng Chenggong Sculpture. Standing on a tall rock, it is 15.7 meters high and 9.2 meters wide. It is carved from 625 white granite blocks. Facing the sea, it is very grand. It is the largest stone statue of historical figures in China. The tour guide nearby introduced: "Zheng Chenggong was born in 1895, and he captured Taiwan from the Dutch." He is really our national hero, and I sincerely admire him.

"Ding ding dong dong", suddenly there was a melodious sound of the piano in front of us. We went to have a look, wow! It was originally a piano museum. The pianos in it not only have a long history, but also have various kinds and are very strange. There are royal pianos dedicated to the German royal family, rare gold plated pianos, the world's earliest quadrangle pianos, and Shunan pianos with eight pedals and two rows of keys... I am dazzled!

We also went to Sunlight Rock, Haoyue Garden, Shuzhuang Garden... It was getting dark, and we reluctantly left Gulangyu.

Gulangyu Composition (13)

"Beautiful Gulangyu, here I come!" I have been looking forward to this day for a long time.

When I got on the boat and looked at the blue sea water, I always felt as sweet as honey. The sun shines on the sea water, which looks very bright. There was a speedboat running quickly past, and the sea water rippled, very beautiful. The waves danced gracefully beside the boat. Sometimes fish jump out of the water; Sometimes they form love with other fish; Sometimes it turns 360 degrees in the air.

When we got off the ship, we saw another scene. There are tall and sturdy banyan trees with green leaves. The nest of bees is here, because there are beautiful flowers nearby, they can pick honey at any time; Birds also wish to sing in flowers. The grass is not backward, and each tree sticks its head out of the soil.

Looking around, there are many shops. Tourists from all over the country go through the streets to buy souvenirs. Delicious snacks and cheap goods make tourists rave.

Coming to the aquarium on Gulangyu Island is like entering a mysterious underwater world. Jellyfish, whales, turtles, etc., as well as some marine creatures that I can't name, all show us the strange and mysterious world under the sea.

After leaving the aquarium, I came to the seaside and looked at the boundless sea. How broad and peaceful my mood is now. The beauty of Gulangyu is well deserved!

Gulangyu Composition (14)

My mother took me to many interesting places during the holiday, but what impressed me most was the beautiful Gulangyu! There is a wonderful underwater world and beautiful scenery.

There are so many sea creatures in the Gulangyu Underwater World! There are fierce sharks, naughty dolphins and lovely sea lions. You see, dolphins jump up and down in the air like acrobats; Sea lions play football in the water, like a brave sportsman. Then look at the shark racing in the water. When the whistle sounded, the biggest shark flew in the front like an arrow leaving the string. At the end, it raised its head proudly. When we came to the undersea tunnel, there were all kinds of strange fish above our heads. The most interesting thing was that a dolphin took a ball and threw it at me, sprayed water all over my face, and it lowered its head in shame, saying sorry, so interesting! I readily forgave it. It turned around and wagged its tail, dancing as if to say "Welcome!"

The seaside scenery of Gulangyu Island is really beautiful! The beach here is golden by the sun. The endless sea is connected with the blue sky. The bright sun shines on the sea. The sea is sparkling and beautiful! Rows of waves, surging towards the shore, hit white spray after white spray. The streets and alleys by the sea are very lively! Shops by the sea are welcoming visitors from all directions. The sound of hawking keeps coming. It's really the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing his own magic power and being extremely lively!

Gulangyu is like spring all the year round with beautiful scenery. It is a beautiful sea garden and a good place to travel!

Gulangyu Composition (15)

People often say, "If you don't go to Gulangyu, you can't go to Xiamen." We came by boat to enjoy the scenery of Gulangyu.

Sunlight Rock is the most famous scenic spot on Gulangyu Island. Standing at the bottom and looking up, the tall Sunlight Rock looks more magnificent in the sunshine. When I finally reached the top of the mountain, I looked down from above. In the distance, there was a magnificent sea. The sea was silvery and sparkling. Occasionally, one or two speedboats crossed the sea, stirring waves and breaking the calm of the sea.

Gulangyu is also known as the "hometown of pianos", because there are more than 600 pianos from all over the world on display in the island's piano museum, and the pianos here are of various types, long history and unique shapes. There are four horned pianos, grand pianos, upright pianos and so on. Among them, the body of the quadrangle piano made by Clementi in the early 19th century is the world's largest piano with the most sonorous sound.

The buildings on Gulangyu Island are also very distinctive, with various shapes and bright colors. Some are white; Some are red; There is also color. Some are in the yard; Some are on the mountain; Others are at the seaside.

I was attracted by the unique scenery on Gulangyu Island. Looking here and there, I felt that my eyes were not enough. Unconsciously, the sky gradually darkened, and it was time for us to leave the island by boat. I waved goodbye to Gulangyu reluctantly, but this beautiful island was deeply impressed in my memory.

Gulangyu Composition (16)

During the Spring Festival, my parents and I went to Xiamen and visited the beautiful scenery of Gulangyu.

In the morning, we took a boat to visit Gulangyu at the Piano Pier. Along the way, the trees are verdant, and various buildings on Gulangyu Island are very special. There are French, British and Japanese villas. Their roofs are also different. There are semicircles, ellipses and triangles. There are many colors of villas with different shapes and colors, which constitute the most beautiful scenery of Gulangyu.

There are many small animals on the beach and in the sea of Gulangyu. The rays of the sun shone on the golden sand beach, sending out rays of light. There are cute little crabs on the beach. Some of them are digging holes, and some are fighting. There are also colorful shells on the beach. These cute animals add vitality to the beach. There are lovely clown fish, tropical fish, fighting fish and eels in the sea These fish swim around in the sea, so comfortable!

... There is a rock called Sunlight Rock on Gulangyu Mountain. Standing under the Sunlight Rock, I looked up and said, "Ah! How high!" It really looked like a giant standing in the blue sky and sea. We climbed up the steps, sweating heavily, and finally boarded the Riguangyan. The surrounding scenery can be seen from all around. The islands in the distance are dim, and speedboats rowed across the calm sea from time to time.

Ah! What a turbulent sea, what a beautiful scenery. I really like to stay with the beautiful Gulangyu Island.

Gulangyu Composition (17)

Early in the morning, the residents of the island began to get busy. "Yabao, get up!" Aunt shouted at me at the stone steps. I opened my bleary eyes and rubbed them. What came into my sight was an antique homestay, with a simple and elegant atmosphere. The carved wooden beds on the upper and lower bunks and the furniture on them were also exquisite and unique.

I put on casual clothes and walked out of this warm little homestay. Take a secluded path and feel the natural life here alone. I listened to the voice of nature. In the shady path, my vision expanded. I fixed the flowers and trees beside me and recorded them in my life.

Faced with the "architecture of all countries", I lost myself in the island. Hang up the camera and take a leisurely walk to experience the European style architecture. Come to the homestay, listen to a concert in your own yard, drink a glass of milk, and raise a cat you meet by chance. When wandering around the island, I am free and can put everything down. When I am worried, worried, and tired, I tend to live a free life and leave everything behind.

I came to the snack street and walked along to taste the special food here. Miss Zhao's shop, feel this ancient boudoir; Zhang Sanfeng's milk tea shop, look at the strange origin of this cat; Handmade tea cake shop, taste the crispness of hand-made snacks. I took my own hand account book, stamped the seal of each shop, and wrote my travel experience.

Unconsciously, I came to the seaside. The waves beat against the rocks on the shore, splashing golden spray. Shout out your troubles, talk to the sea, and feel the strange charm of the sea.

Gulangyu Composition (18)

Gulangyu is a bright pearl inlaid in the South China Sea. However, there are also many wonderful sceneries on the beautiful Gulangyu Island.

Riguangyan is the highest peak of Gulangyu Island. The huge rocks on the Riguangyan are lofty. I climb to the top of the mountain to have a bird's-eye view of the earth and enjoy the wonders of the mountains and seas. In the morning, I watched the sunrise on the Sunlight Rock! The morning fog is misty. Surrounded by the mist, Sunlight Rock seems to be covered with a mysterious veil. The light sunlight falls on the Sunlight Rock, reflecting a dazzling light, which seems to be plated with a layer of golden yellow.

From Sunlight Rock, I walked to the Zodiac Labyrinth. The Labyrinth was like a serpentine dragon, and I went through it. The spider web and moss in the cave made me feel some years ago. I walked in the maze, and when I looked closely, I found a Chinese zodiac sign, which made me very happy.

Come out of the maze to the ancient summer cave. It was very cool in the cave. I saw the "Fairy's Foot Pot" and rushed to it. If it was true, it was like a pair of feet stepping on the sand. If seven or eight people were standing there, there would be a lot of room left.

There are still many strange scenes in Gulangyu. If you still want to enjoy them, come and visit them yourself!