Good composition after reading the chapter of Journey to the West in the Kingdom of Women
Where do we not meet in life
2023-06-01 19:11:14

"Journey to the West" is a new story, a new plot, a new character's soul, like an ancient zither. You want to get close to her and touch her, even want to sing with her, sharing joys and sorrows. For the screenwriter Wenning, I sincerely appreciate that under his pen, a beautiful Chinese painting of the daughter is presented. The emotional development of the king and Tang monk is natural and smooth, delicate and pure. Especially when I copied the scriptures, I would like them to hold each other together, resist the autumn rain and wind, be brave to love, and be afraid of nothing. However, she is the king, and he is a monk. Twisting his cassock lightly, silence seems to be more poignant, which also paves the way for the following story. During the movie, the author cried many times.

Everyone has feelings, but everyone has his own perseverance. Even the national teacher who said "men die" also has perseverance and feelings. Even the true immortals who are guarding the Spring of Fallen Embryo are eager for gentleness while sticking to their duties. Or as a river god on the water side, he would also want to warm the person when meeting the fragrance of the moment. Everyone's heart is so soft and bitter, longing for a person to enter, love but not yet have the obsession of destroying heaven and earth.

You are a monk in Tang Dynasty. When the cassock falls to the ground, your heart will move. After all, it is unavoidable. To experience life and death together, joy, sorrow and joy, and to see with tacit understanding is the common rest of the mind and spirit. In the face of the choice of loving one person and all living beings, you are anxious. You are the king. The most beautiful love in the world is just your bright eyes. At a glance, you open the door of my world. Elegant in form, and never noticed the dirt on your body. Confused, I fell in love. Copying scriptures, raging storm and thunder, is our best time. Can't go together, can't stay together.

"I had a dream that you had long hair, and we grew old together." But I understand that you have your pursuit, your persistence and your mission. Can't go, can't stay. You have the mission of universalizing all living beings. I have thousands of people to guard, but only to achieve. Seeing the suffering of the people and all living beings, we put our arms around you to help you go west and make a decisive decision. Queen, but so.

On the whole, the Tang Monk and King's emotional line interpreted by Feng Shaofeng and Zhao Liying can move me very much. The two actors are excellent. Guo Fucheng's acting skills can't be said. Xiao Shenyang is funny and responsible. Luo Zhongqian is too manly. Hormones are exploding. Lin Zhiling is very amazing. The film is really good overall. I strongly recommend it.