350 word composition describing scenery (3 selected articles)
Inclusive love
2024-05-15 05:53:44
describe the scenery

350 word composition describing scenery (1)

My hometown is in the west of Inner Mongolia, where there is a beautiful scenery, that is, the Oath Square. General Feng is a famous historical figure here. In order to commemorate him, he built this square and his sculptures, and across a small river.

When spring comes, the snow on both sides of the river and around the square melts. The spring equinox wakes everything up. The green grass comes out of the ground. The willows sprout. The green and yellow buds are very lovely, which adds much vitality to the square.

When summer comes, the river flows under the square. Willows grow on both sides of the square. The ground is covered with verdant grass. Trees are luxuriant. Frogs can be heard from time to time. Blooming flowers attract many butterflies, and more people walk in the evening.

In autumn, the sky is clear and the air is fresh, and the number gradually turns yellow. The grass and flowers are covered with frost, and the sculptures are more solemn.

When winter came, the square was covered with a thick layer of snow, which covered the square with silver fashion, and even the water was covered with glittering ice, which was dazzling in the sun.

The square all the year round is really beautiful! I love this beautiful place in my hometown!

350 word composition describing scenery (2)

My hometown, Rizhao, just won the "UN Habitat Award" last year. If you want to say that the mountain in sunshine is not better than Mount Tai, you can only rely on the seashore in sunshine to win the prize.

Because it has been designated as the base of the Water Games by China, there are many people coming here: tourists, spectators, athletes, journalists from all over the world. Coincidentally, just after the Water Games, when people were still flowing, the people from the United Nations came to appraise the prize.

In the morning and afternoon of that day, people kept bathing in the sea, and then went home happily. In the evening, the sky shed a pink light - sunset. At this time, there were many people swimming in the sea. They played happily in the sea.

At night, the moon rose. "Whoa - whoa -" The waves on the sea calmed down, and there were fewer people swimming in the sea. Occasionally, several ships pass by the sea. At this time, the lighthouse plays its role - to illuminate the sea and protect the ships to return to the port safely.

The people sent by the United Nations have been away for only a few days. A total of 180000 tourists came to the free tourist area - Rizhao Wanpingkou Seashore one day. What an explosion!

350 word composition describing scenery (3)

Shihedao Ecological Park is a scenic spot in my hometown, and it is also my favorite place to visit in my hometown. It's very beautiful there. Especially at night, the ecological park will reflect the neon lights on the shore, and the moon and stars in the sky look like a picture.

In the morning, I saw the sun shining golden beams on the path of the ecological park, warm. Oh, the sun has turned into a big golden ball. If you walk on the path of Shihe River Park at this time, it is like being bathed in gentle and warm sunshine, and it is not too dazzling. You can imagine how comfortable and warm it is.

At noon, the hot sun baked the earth very hot. At this time, there is generally no one in Shihe Park. Because the land is very hot, no one dares to come out. In this way, Shihe River Park looks very desolate.

At night, Shihe River Park is the busiest. There are old people, children, adults, amusement parks, vendors, and people dancing. I think the ecological park at night is very beautiful. You can see the stars, the moon and the neon lights on the bank from the river. If you regard the stars, moon and neon lights reflected in the river as a picture, you can see endless changes in a day, just like a magician.

The Stone River Park in our hometown not only brings warmth to people, but also is a paradise for us to play. It's so beautiful!