Sayram Lake (17 selected articles)
The south branch is warm and the north branch is cold
2023-10-27 06:13:25
Senior 2
describe the scenery

Sayram Lake (1)

It takes more than 11 hours to drive from Urumqi to Sayram Lake.

Sunrise at Sayram Lake is a unique landscape. Close to the window, I can't take my eyes off the whole process of change. Just as the rising sun showed its shy face, there was an orange light emerging from the Tianshan Mountain. The clouds in the sky had already poured out to meet the beautiful sunrise. In a short time, the sun will float on the top of Tianshan Mountain and sprinkle thousands of golden rays on the boundless loess land.

Sayram Lake is known as the "mountain pearl", and the sun this morning is the pearl on the "pearl".

When the sun rose in the middle of the clouds, it was noon in Sayram Lake. But when I looked at the time, I knew it was almost four o'clock. As soon as I got out of the car, I felt cool. The tiredness of the journey and the heat in the car suddenly disappeared, as if the air was much fresher. Suddenly, I felt a bit cold and even wanted to drill into the car. When I stepped onto the car with my right foot, my eyes were tightly locked by the color of water. Is this the Sayram Lake that I didn't look far away? I come from a water town. How can I never see such color in water! If you want to use one word to describe her, it is "blue". It is a kind of eye-catching blue, is a refreshing blue. When I walked into Sayram Lake and gazed at the flat and bright water, I felt that the lake was clearer than the sky and more beautiful than the sea. Really, if you don't go to her to enjoy it, you really can't imagine that kind of blue, that kind of attractive and close blue. There is a vast grassland near the lake, and flocks of cattle and sheep are grazing freely... Isn't this the scene of heaven in my dream?

This cold summer is the first time I have seen it. Maybe the air temperature is too low, and even the lake water has become as calm as ice, which makes people feel chilly. Looking at the endless Sayram Lake, I forgot that it is summer now. It was unbearably hot in Urumqi 11 hours ago. Now I have seen this cold summer for the first time. Maybe the air temperature is too low, and even the lake water has become as calm as ice, which makes people feel cool. Looking at the endless Sayram Lake, I forgot that it is summer now. It was unbearably hot in Urumqi 11 hours ago. Now I feel like being pushed into the cool world by a pair of beautiful hands.

The weather changed as soon as it said, and the raindrops began to fall and come. There was no pause. The rain accompanied by the chill made the Sailimu Lake cold. At that moment, the Sayram Lake seemed to have changed its face. The original green grassland was also gray, the blue lake was gray, and cattle and sheep were gone. However, I think this Sayram Lake has a special interest - dark clouds cover the Sayram Lake, adding a sense of seriousness and silence. The rain continued, and the lake raised waves. The waves were like thousands of angry lions, as if they could break through the rocks on the shore.

The rain finally stopped, but the sun did not come out for a long time, but a light rainbow appeared on the lake, splashing red, orange, yellow, green... This is the summer of Sayram Lake.

Sayram Lake (2)

When I was at home, I heard from my father that the Sayram Lake in Xinjiang is clear and beautiful. Why don't you go to Xinjiang this time?

After taking several small cars, we finally arrived at Sailimu Lake. As soon as I got out of the car and took a breath of air, I felt that the trip was worthwhile. The air must not be described as "smelly", but rather "fresh". In my opinion, the air of Sayram Lake is not human, it's just fairyland!

I looked around. First, there are large tracts of grass covered with soft, green grass. They are like small soldiers. They don't intentionally let it lie down or bend it down. It is absolutely straight with eyes staring at the front. At this time, another scene seemed to appear before my eyes——

A well proportioned soldier stood upright with his left hand close to his left thigh and his right hand holding a spear, looking at the back of his head. At the front is a general who is talking to his soldiers. From the general's point of view, what a neat army it is! It must be invincible on the battlefield!

"Let's go, don't be surprised, we are going to see Sayram Lake!" My mother's urge brought me back to real life. I ran quickly. On the cobblestone road by the lake, I was in a trance again——

I played with my friends in Sayram Lake, playing with water and balloon. Suddenly, a box like thing at my feet tripped my foot, and I dived, ah! It was a treasure box. When I opened the box, it turned out to be a volume of books. I took the box ashore, and the partners were surprised. It turns out that the character is Xibo

My father woke me up again before I finished my dream. Alas!

I grabbed a stone and wanted to throw it into the lake to vent. Unexpectedly, as soon as I looked up, I was fascinated by the clear water of Sayram Lake, and the stone fell down and hit my own foot, but I had no consciousness.

What kind of lake it is! It's a beautiful blue. Really, it's the first time I've seen such blue water. At home, the water is colorless or yellow, or green or black. How can it be so blue! Blue is blue, and it is also blue without impurities, just like a sapphire, a sapphire that has been specially polished. "Oh my God!" I praised silently in my heart. There seems to be a mountain in the distance of the lake, like a snow mountain. I think: if there was not a mountain that reduced the area of Sayram Lake and blocked my sight, I would think that Sayram Lake should be Sayram Sea!

Sayram Lake (3)

Huocheng County is a beautiful and rich place, where there are many unforgettable landscapes, such as the vast Tukai Desert; There are supernatural and strange Yugou; Huiyuan Ancient City has experienced many vicissitudes; There are fruit ditches with beautiful mountains and rivers; There is a magnificent Ili General's Mansion; The magnificent Huiyuan Bell and Drum Tower... My favorite is the sparkling Sailimu Lake with many mountains.

In spring, the earth recovers and the air of spring permeates everywhere. The snow on the mountain has melted, and the snow water converges into a stream flowing down the mountain, "ding ding dong dong dong" "ding ding dong dong dong" plays a song of praise for spring. Look, there is a deer. It seems that I saw myself in the stream and thought that a deer had fallen into the water. The grass is moistened by the snow water, and all of them grow green. From afar, they look like a boundless green cloth on the vast land. Swallows flew from the south. Spring girl asked them to act as the messenger of spring, bringing the news of spring to people.

In summer, flocks of sheep scattered on the green grassland. Wherever they went, they seemed to embroider big white flowers on the boundless green carpet from afar. Horse after horse galloped on the grassland, as if they were running fastest. Eagles fly freely over the grassland, adding to this beautiful picture of grassland. The grassland is full of all kinds of colorful wild flowers, red, yellow, pink, white... It's really like a colorful garden! The lake is as still as water, sparkling, like an incomparably huge sapphire, inlaid beside the flowing green grassland. Such a beautiful scenery certainly attracts many Chinese and foreign tourists. Buses come here one after another. Some tourists are playing in the lake, some are walking on the grassland on horseback, and some are eating delicious food with national characteristics in yurts. The hospitable Kazakh herdsmen are preparing delicious food for the tourists, including roast whole sheep, roast meat, and pilaf.

In autumn, Miss Qiu came quietly. Mother Earth sang a beautiful lullaby, and the grass slowly entered a sweet dream in her arms. Grassland took off its green shirt and put on its gold coat. In autumn, the leaves of other trees have already withered, while the pine trees are still green. It seems that it is more beautiful than other trees. It proudly says, "You are not as beautiful as I am!"

In winter, Sister Winter comes. The snowflake dolls danced freely in the air. Sister Beifeng was attracted by their dance. She accompanied the snowflake dolls. Sister Dong smiled happily when she saw the scene. As the weather became colder and colder, the grassland took off its golden coat and replaced it with a white down jacket. The pine tree saw that the weather was getting colder and colder, so he withdrew from the beauty contest, returned to the grassland, and became a soldier to defend the grassland. Look, how straight and serious they stand! They really deserve to be grassland guards! There is a thick layer of ice on the lake. When the sun comes out, it shines on the lake. It's very beautiful!

The scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter of Sayram Lake weaves together to draw a beautiful scenery picture of Sayram Lake. The scenery is as beautiful as a fairyland and as fantastic as a dream. As long as you come here, you will surely fall in love with this magical and beautiful land and forget to return.

I hope you come to my hometown and we will treat you warmly.

Sayram Lake (4)

Sayram Lake, as we all know, this time we came to Sayram Lake.

Sayram Lake, formerly known as the "clean sea", is more than 2000 meters above sea level, has a surface area of 453 square kilometers, and its deepest water is about 92 meters deep. It is also known as the last tear of the Atlantic Ocean.

When we got there, from a distance, the lake and the sky were integrated. The color changed from dark blue to light blue, and then from light blue to dark blue. It was really like a ink painting. When we got off the bus and walked closer, there were continuous Tianshan mountains between the lake and the sky. As we walked down the plank road, grasshoppers were everywhere in the grass, which scared us to run everywhere. I couldn't wait to rush to the lake, I just want to feel the temperature of the water. The water is clear to the bottom, and the lake is very quiet under the sunshine. I couldn't help feeling, "Wow! What ice!" I said out loud! Sayram Lake is a sapphire embedded in Tianshan Mountain.

Because there are many big stones in that place, we have a good time climbing stones there. After a while, we began to throw stones into the lake again. We beat the bigger one and beat the farther one. We couldn't stop, and went to play in the water again. We changed our sandals, avoided our pants, and went to play in the water.

So our trip to Sayram Lake ended.

Sayram Lake (5)

This July, my mother said she would take me to the beautiful Sayram Lake. Don't be so happy when I know. I've heard that Sayram Lake is picturesque. I really want to see it this time! When the car rolled over mountains, the guide told us that the Sayram Lake was coming. I eagerly looked out of the window, and a bright mirror like pool slowly came into my eyes. She lay quietly in the embrace of the mountains. As soon as I got off the car, I felt the air was very fresh and my vision was very wide. The blue sky reflects the lake, and white clouds set off the water. Under the bright sunshine, the clear and transparent lake water changes its charming colors from time to time, showing dark blue, aquamarine, light blue, light green and light yellow from far to near, like colorful silks and satins fluttering. With the gusts of light wind, the lake ripples countless times. The distant mountains are covered with green pine forests. The white clouds dance in the sky. Some float on the top of the mountain, and some fall on the mountainside, like white ribbons around the green peaks and green mountains. I can't see enough of the cloud shrouded scene. There are fertile pastures beside the lake, and the green grass seems to cover the earth with a thick green carpet. The grass is full of wild flowers, purple, yellow, red, pink and white, which are extremely beautiful and emit bursts of fragrance. The colorful yurts make the grassland more beautiful. Herds of cattle and sheep are leisurely enjoying the plump water plants. Waterbirds fly freely in the sky, and then fall on the green grass. The beautiful white swan stretched its long neck and splashed around the lake. You can really feel the beauty and tranquility of Sayram Lake when you are in the scene. When the tour guide said that he would leave here, I reluctantly got on the bus... Sayram Lake, a beautiful mountain lake, your scenery is so beautiful, it is really a fairyland on earth.

Sayram Lake (6)

Sailimu Lake in Bole County, Xinjiang is a very beautiful scenic spot.

The color of Sailimu Lake is very varied, sometimes dark blue, sometimes light purple, and sometimes light green!

The water in the lake is very clear. You can clearly see the sand in the lake from the water surface. The lake is like a big mirror. I can find my shadow when I look at the lake.

The water of Sayram Lake is really cool. It's cold to touch the water. It's like putting it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. It's especially bone piercing, and it's as cool as thousands of needles sticking into my hands. I wear cotton clothes and sweaters in the morning, autumn clothes and sweaters at noon, and autumn clothes and sweaters and cotton coats at night are the coolest time of the day.

There are many people near the lake. Some are taking photos, some are playing with water, some are looking at the scenery, some are floating on the lake and throwing stones. More than a dozen people took wedding photos by the lake, as well as colorful tents.

There are high and low dandelions on the lakeside, and I don't know flowers and grass. The flowers are colorful and the grass is green.

There are many insects in the grass. I don't know many insects. There are blue ones, red ones, others that can float on the water, and others that can play in the water.

Sayram Lake is really a beautiful place. It's like a fairyland on earth. I will always remember it. I want to come again next time!

Sayram Lake (7)

In July this year, my mother said she would take me to Sailimu Lake to play. Don't be too happy when I know. I've heard that Sayram Lake is picturesque. I really want to see it this time! When the car rolled over mountains, the guide told us that the Sayram Lake was coming. I eagerly looked out of the window, and a bright mirror like pool slowly came into my eyes. She lay quietly in the embrace of the mountains. As soon as I got off the car, I felt the air was very fresh and my vision was very wide. The blue sky reflects the lake, and white clouds set off the water. Under the bright sunshine, the clear and transparent lake water changes its charming colors from time to time, showing dark blue, aquamarine, light blue, light green and light yellow from far to near, like colorful silks and satins fluttering. With the gusts of light wind, the lake ripples countless times. The distant mountains are covered with green pine forests. The white clouds dance in the sky. Some float on the top of the mountain, and some fall on the mountainside, like white ribbons around the green peaks and green mountains. I can't see enough of the cloud shrouded scene. There are fertile pastures beside the lake, and the green grass seems to cover the earth with a thick green carpet. The grass is full of wild flowers, purple, yellow, red, pink and white, which are extremely beautiful and emit bursts of fragrance. The colorful yurts make the grassland more beautiful. Herds of cattle and sheep are leisurely enjoying the plump water plants. Waterbirds fly freely in the sky, and then fall on the green grass. The beautiful white swan stretched its long neck and splashed around the lake. You can really feel the beauty and tranquility of Sayram Lake when you are in the scene. When the tour guide said that he would leave here, I reluctantly got on the bus... Sayram Lake, a beautiful mountain lake, your scenery is so beautiful, it is really a fairyland on earth.

Sayram Lake (8)

When I was at home, I heard from my father that the Sayram Lake in Xinjiang is clear and beautiful. Why don't you go to Xinjiang this time?

After taking several small cars, we finally arrived at Sailimu Lake. As soon as I got out of the car and took a breath of air, I felt that the trip was worthwhile. The air must not be described as "smelly", but rather "fresh". In my opinion, the air of Sayram Lake is not human, it's just fairyland!

I looked around. First, there are large tracts of grass covered with soft, green grass. They are like small soldiers. They don't intentionally let it lie down or bend it down. It is absolutely straight with eyes staring at the front. At this time, another scene seemed to appear before my eyes——

A well proportioned soldier stood upright with his left hand close to his left thigh and his right hand holding a spear, looking at the back of his head. At the front is a general who is talking to his soldiers. From the general's point of view, what a neat army it is! It must be invincible on the battlefield!

"Let's go, don't be surprised, we are going to see Sayram Lake!" My mother's urge brought me back to real life. I ran quickly. On the cobblestone road by the lake, I was in a trance again——

I played with my friends in Sayram Lake, playing with water and balloon. Suddenly, a box like thing at my feet tripped my foot, and I dived, ah! It was a treasure box. When I opened the box, it turned out to be a volume of books. I took the box ashore, and the partners were surprised. It turns out that the character is Xibo

My father woke me up again before I finished my dream. Alas!

I grabbed a stone and wanted to throw it into the lake to vent. Unexpectedly, as soon as I looked up, I was fascinated by the clear water of Sayram Lake, and the stone fell down and hit my own foot, but I had no consciousness.

What kind of lake it is! It's a beautiful blue. Really, it's the first time I've seen such blue water. At home, the water is colorless or yellow, or green or black. How can it be so blue! Blue is blue, and it is also blue without impurities, just like a sapphire, a sapphire that has been specially polished. "Oh my God!" I praised silently in my heart. There seems to be a mountain in the distance of the lake, like a snow mountain. I think: if there was not a mountain that reduced the area of Sayram Lake and blocked my sight, I would think that Sayram Lake should be Sayram Sea!

Grade 3: atila

Sayram Lake (9)

During this summer vacation, my parents took me to the beautiful Xinjiang, where my father grew up. My father said that Xinjiang is a place with rich resources and beautiful scenery. There are flowers, grass and several beautiful lakes, the most beautiful of which is Sailimu Lake.

This is a lake with a width of more than 400 square kilometers, like a sea. The edge of the lake is very clear, so clear that you can see the large and small gray stones at the bottom of the lake. Surrounded by mountains on both sides of the lake, the mountains are green grasslands with lush trees and countless flowers. These beautiful landscapes weave a gorgeous wreath for Sayram Lake. Sayram Lake is like an emerald sleeping at the foot of the mountain. As soon as the sun shines, the water becomes colorful. A breeze blows, and the water becomes sparkling again. It looks very beautiful.

Sayram Lake is a cold water lake. The lake is rich in a kind of cold water fish called high whitefish. Its meat is delicious and nutritious. It is a delicacy for local residents. I stood by the lake, breathing fresh air, and people became fresh.

This is the picturesque Sayram Lake!

Sayram Lake (10)

The sun shines on the earth, as if it has spread a layer of gold yarn on the earth.

After bumping all the way, we finally reached our destination - Sailimu Lake. Sayram Lake is on the top of the mountain, with an altitude of 20xx meters. Sayram Lake is still very large, and it takes nearly 2 hours to drive around the lake, so it is not false to call it the "Blue Lake" on the top of the mountain. I once saw on TV that there are water monsters in Sayram Lake. If I'm lucky this time, maybe I can see what the water monster looks like.

As soon as I got out of the car, a cold wind hit my face. I immediately put on the clothes my mother had prepared for me, and also put on a sunscreen cowboy hat. Wow, Sayram Lake is really so beautiful! I once saw it on TV and thought that these beautiful scenes were processed by computers! I hurried to the lake to have a look. Eh? The water is blue like sea water. Although it is blue, there are two kinds of water. One is light blue, the other is dark blue. It really looks like the sea. Is the water salty? It will also roll up rows of white spray and slap the lake shore. I squat down and gently stir the lake. The water is really cool! Taste it. It's sweet and different from sea water.

At this time, an uncle wearing a cowboy hat came riding a white horse and asked in non-standard Mandarin: "Children, do you want to ride a horse?" With the consent of my father, I happily rode on the white horse. The white horse walked in the lake, and my mother took some pictures of me.

Under the blue sky and clear lake water, I ride a horse and have a special flavor.

Sayram Lake (11)

My parents took me to Xinjiang to travel in the summer vacation. We started from Kuitun, and the car was driving along the endless, winding road. We were sleepy and woke up all the way. We saw the desolate Gobi Desert.

Suddenly, a lake came into my eyes, just like a huge smooth and bright mirror. The guide aunt introduced that this is Sayram Lake. Sayram Lake, formerly known as "Jinghai", is more than 2000 meters above sea level, has a surface area of 453 square kilometers, and the deepest lake is about 92 meters deep. It is the highest and largest inland mountain lake in Xinjiang. This used to be the only place on the northern route of Tianshan Mountain on the ancient Silk Road, and it was also the last place where the Atlantic warm and humid air flow visited, so it is called the last tear of the Atlantic Ocean.

From a distance, the lake and the sky are integrated, and the color changes from dark blue to light blue, then from light blue to dark blue, which is really like a wash painting. Get off and walk closer to see the continuous Tianshan Mountains between the lake and the sky. As the plank road goes down, several handsome horses leisurely chew a few mouthfuls of grass and look at the nearby horse herders. I can't wait to rush to the lake. I just want to feel the temperature of the water. The water is clear and bottoms out. The lake is very quiet under the sunshine. I don't want to destroy her peace, but I can't help it. I touch it, wow! It's so icy.

Sayram Lake is a sapphire embedded in Tianshan Mountain.

Sayram Lake (12)

If you come to my hometown - * * *, then the place you can't miss is Sayram Lake.

Sayram Lake, called "Sayram Nur" in Mongolian, means "the lake on the ridge", is located in the high mountain basin in the western section of Tianshan Mountain in * * * Bortala Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, more than 90 kilometers southwest of Bole City.

In spring, the grassland is full of vitality. Grass peeps out of the ground quietly. Occasionally, you can see several pink flowers and some horses slowly eating grass. Looking around, Sayram Lake is so beautiful and harmonious.

In summer, Sayram Lake is very lively. Red flowers, yellow flowers, blue flowers, purple flowers... All kinds of colorful flowers come together like a fair to decorate the Sayram Lake in summer. Sitting on the grass, I like to fold a flower and insert it in my hair. The cool Sayram Lake has become a summer resort for people.

In autumn, some of the green grass turns yellow. Several natural rivers zigzag through the yellow grass and reach deep into the grassland. At the end of the small river, there are rows of white yurts. The Sayram Lake in autumn has become a quiet girl again.

In winter, the grass was covered with a thick snow quilt, and the flowers also retreated into the soil to sleep. However, there is no Sayram Lake, which is still the same as before. The water is still so blue, so sparkling.

This is the beautiful Sayram Lake, and this is our hometown Sayram Lake!

Needless to say how much I like Sayram Lake. In my dream, she waved to greet me at the lake, and I seemed to see her smile.

Ah, the beautiful Sayram Lake, how much joy you have brought us!

Sayram Lake (13)

Whether in school or in society, everyone has been exposed to composition bar. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is a 700 word travel composition of Sayram Lake collected by my editor for your reference. Let's have a look.

Everywhere in Xinjiang, my grandfather always said, "Come, come, Xiao Bao, take a good look, and go back to write a composition." So I had the impulse to write an album about my summer vacation in Xinjiang.

Although Sailimu Lake is the tail of my trip to Xinjiang, it is the one that most impresses me. Taihu Lake is beautiful with misty rain; Namco Lake has holy and inviolable beauty; Qinghai Lake has a gentle, elegant and pure beauty. She, Sailimu Lake, is a collection of nature's myriad favorites. She is beautiful, elegant, solemn, and elegant, which makes people forget themselves.

When I first saw Sailimu Lake on the computer, I was stunned by her beauty. When I was really in the scene, I was even more "wow, wow". It seemed that I was not looking at a lake, but a huge piece of blue jade carved by nature. "The last tear of the Atlantic" is not a false name.

Under the vast sky, the snow mountain lies gently at the place where the mountains and rivers meet. The dark blue horizontal line divides the mountain and water in two. But the mother of the snow mountain is not a little angry, and still hugs the lake vigorously, like an unfinished Chinese character box, and treasures this "tear". The color of the snow mountain is neither pure white nor deep black, but between the two, smoke, blue and gray, which is a kind of hazy beauty with mysterious color. Suddenly, I seemed to be in the Milky Way dotted with stars. I really went to the home of Qianniu and Zhinv together! This is a masterpiece of snow capped mountains, lakes and blue sky. It is the same lake, but she has dark blue, royal blue, light blue, tender blue, and blue that I can't call. These blue are intertwined, accompanied by the gold powder that the sun sprinkles through the clouds, blue and light, forming dense particles, like the texture that I painted on the toner paper with water-soluble lead. Yes, isn't this a watercolor painting with water and sky in one color?

In the Milky Way, in the picture scroll, what can't be forgotten? I gradually extricated myself from the trouble of scores, the ranking of Olympiad Maths and my mother's wordiness. It seems that it has become the white swan with fluttering wings in the lake, swimming in this fairyland on earth, and integrating with nature.

In my mind, I can't help but think: those who fly in the sky will look at the peak and feel at ease; He who deals with business affairs will forget to return when he sees the valley. When I read this sentence before, I was convinced by the power of nature, but I felt a little exaggerated. Now I can really understand that nature can make people forget their troubles, forget themselves and wash their hearts.

Sayram Lake (14)

There are many famous scenic spots in Xinjiang, such as the most beautiful and dangerous Duku Highway, one of the world's largest grasslands - Nalati Prairie, the washbasin of Queen Mother - Tianshan Tianchi Lake... But my favorite is the crystal clear Sayram Lake. My mother told me in the car that Sayram Lake, with an area of 458 square kilometers, is the highest, largest and most beautiful mountain lake in Xinjiang. Hearing this, I can't wait for the journey.

After a few hours, the car rolled over many mountains, and our car gradually approached the Sayram Lake. From a distance, water and sky meet each other, and we can't tell which is water and which is day, just like a mirror.

Finally, I can get off the bus. I saw Sayram Lake. It's so big! Under the sunshine, the crystal clear water of Sayram Lake will show different charming colors. Seen from a high place, it looks like a colorful gem.

There is a piece of green grass beside the lake, which seems to cover the earth with a layer of green carpet. The grass is full of colorful flowers, including yellow, red, white and pink. When you squat down to smell it, you will smell it, and soon will attract groups of dancing butterflies.

My father and I picked up the stones on the roadside and began to float. My father bent over and gently threw his right hand forward, and the stone disappeared. Only the naughty little waves rose, like naughty water dolls.

Sayram Lake is like a beautiful picture scroll, which makes me linger.

Sayram Lake (15)

After taking several small cars, we finally arrived at Sailimu Lake. As soon as I got out of the car and took a breath of air, I felt that the trip was worthwhile. The air must not be described as "smelly", but rather "fresh". In my opinion, the air of Sayram Lake is not human, it's just fairyland!

I looked around. First, there are large tracts of grass covered with soft, green grass. They are like small soldiers. They don't intentionally let it lie down or bend it down. It is absolutely straight with eyes staring at the front. At this time, another scene seemed to appear before my eyes——

A well proportioned soldier stood upright with his left hand close to his left thigh and his right hand holding a spear, looking at the back of his head. At the front is a general who is talking to his soldiers. From the general's point of view, what a neat army it is! It must be invincible on the battlefield!

"Let's go, don't be surprised, we are going to see Sayram Lake!" My mother's urge brought me back to real life. I ran quickly. On the cobblestone road by the lake, I was in a trance again——

I played with my friends in Sayram Lake, playing with water and balloon. Suddenly, a box like thing at my feet tripped my foot, and I dived, ah! It was a treasure box. When I opened the box, it turned out to be a volume of books. I took the box ashore, and the partners were surprised. It turns out that the character is Xibo

My father woke me up again before I finished my dream. Alas!

I grabbed a stone and wanted to throw it into the lake to vent. Unexpectedly, as soon as I looked up, I was fascinated by the clear water of Sayram Lake, and the stone fell down and hit my own foot, but I had no consciousness.

What kind of lake it is! It's a beautiful blue. Really, it's the first time I've seen such blue water. At home, the water is colorless or yellow, or green or black. How can it be so blue! Blue is blue, and it is also blue without impurities, just like a sapphire, a sapphire that has been specially polished. "Oh my God!" I praised silently in my heart. There seems to be a mountain in the distance of the lake, like a snow mountain. I think: if there was not a mountain that reduced the area of Sayram Lake and blocked my sight, I would think that Sayram Lake should be Sayram Sea!

The one-day tour of Sayram Lake is over, but its limpidity will remain in my mind all my life and I will never forget it

Sayram Lake (16)

My parents took me to Xinjiang to travel in the summer vacation. We started from Kuitun, and the car was driving along the endless, winding road. We were sleepy and woke up all the way. We saw the desolate Gobi Desert. Suddenly, a lake came into my eyes, just like a huge smooth and bright mirror. The guide aunt introduced that this is Sayram Lake. Sayram Lake, formerly known as "Clean Sea", is more than 2017 meters above sea level, with a surface area of 453 square kilometers, and the deepest lake is about 92 meters deep. It is the highest and largest inland mountain lake in Xinjiang. It used to be the only place on the northern route of Tianshan Mountain on the ancient Silk Road, and it was also the last place where the warm and humid air currents of the Atlantic Ocean visited, so it is called the last tear of the Atlantic Ocean.

From a distance, the lake and the sky are integrated, and the color changes from dark blue to light blue, then from light blue to dark blue, which is really like a wash painting. Get off and walk closer to see the continuous Tianshan Mountains between the lake and the sky. As the plank road goes down, several handsome horses leisurely chew a few mouthfuls of grass and look at the nearby horse herders. I can't wait to rush to the lake. I just want to feel the temperature of the water. The water is clear and bottoms out. The lake is very quiet under the sunshine. I don't want to destroy her peace, but I can't help it. I touch it, wow! It's so icy. Sayram Lake is a sapphire embedded in Tianshan Mountain.

Sayram Lake (17)

The sun shines on the earth, as if it has spread a layer of gold yarn on the earth.

After bumping all the way, we finally reached our destination - Sailimu Lake. Sayram Lake is on the top of the mountain, 2073 meters above sea level. Sayram Lake is still very large, and it takes nearly two hours to drive around the lake, so it is not false to call it the "Blue Lake" on the top of the mountain.

I once saw on TV that there are water monsters in Sayram Lake. If I'm lucky this time, maybe I can see what the water monster looks like.

As soon as I got out of the car, a cold wind hit my face. I immediately put on the clothes my mother had prepared for me, and also put on a sunscreen cowboy hat. Wow, Sayram Lake is really so beautiful! I once saw it on TV and thought that these beautiful scenes were processed by computers!

I hurried to the lake to have a look. Eh? The water is blue like sea water. Although it is blue, there are two kinds of water. One is light blue, the other is dark blue. It really looks like the sea. Is the water salty? It will also roll up rows of white spray and slap the lake shore. I squat down and gently stir the lake. The water is really cool! Taste it. It's sweet and different from sea water.

At this time, an uncle wearing a cowboy hat came riding a white horse and asked in non-standard Mandarin: "Children, do you want to ride a horse?" With the consent of my father, I happily rode on the white horse. The white horse walked in the lake, and my mother took some pictures of me.

Under the blue sky and clear lake water, I ride a horse and have a special flavor.