Mid term exam for Grade 2 (16 general)
Listen to the wind and watch the moon
2024-04-11 03:08:57
second grade
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Second Year Midterm Examination (1)

A gust of autumn wind blew away the summer heat. In the autumn orchard, the grapes under the grape trellis shine with beautiful silver light in the sun. Dad picked up the scissors and carefully cut out a bunch of purple grapes. He was happy. Xiaohong and Xiaopi also came to the garden. They brought the basin and tea. "Xiaohong and Xiaopi, you are really good children who are helpful!" Xiaohong and Xiaopi smiled happily after hearing this. Autumn is really a harvest season.

Second Year Midterm Examination (2)

When autumn comes, the fruits are plentiful, and the grapes in the orchard send out attractive fragrance. Dad took Xiaoming and Xiaolan to the orchard to pick grapes. They came to the orchard and took out their own tools, including scissors, baskets and stools. Dad stepped on the stool, picked up scissors, cut out strings of grapes like purple gems, and carefully handed them down. Xiao Ming and Xiao Lan took a basket to catch them. The three men were very busy and sweating. Looking at the grapes in the basket, Dad and Xiaoming and Xiaolan finally returned satisfied. Autumn is really a good harvest season!

Second Year Midterm Examination (3)

In a forest, there is a bird family living in one of the trees. The mother bird loves her birds very much and goes out before dawn every morning. What does mother bird go out for? Oh, the mother bird went out to catch insects. The mother bird was very diligent. She caught one after another and was ready to take them back to make breakfast for the birds. After the birds get up, the mother bird will feed the birds the worms one by one, so that the birds' food is very full, while the mother bird's stomach is hungry. Every morning, the mother bird does this, and every time she goes out on time to catch insects for the birds to eat. As the days passed, the birds became fatter and stronger, while the mother bird became thinner and thinner. Ah! Maternal love is great!

Second Year Midterm Examination (4)

I have a little sister. She has a round face, two small braids, a sweet smile and two dimples. However, I am often confused by her. Her cherry like mouth is very sweet. Whenever she makes me angry, she always toots up and pulls my coat corner and says, Sister, I was wrong. Please forgive me, Sister. That sentence is really sweet to my heart. I really want to be angry. She always keeps something delicious to share with me. Well, I hope my little sister can grow up quickly and become more and more beautiful.

Second Year Midterm Examination (5)

My brother is tall. He has a round face, bright eyes and red lips. A smile reveals white teeth. He has a weakness of gluttony. I remember once we had a dinner at home. A sumptuous lunch filled the table. When the greedy brother smelled a delicious smell, he ran to eat it greedily. When our family arrived, his belly was bulging like a big balloon about to explode. The younger brother blurted out: "It's really good seven (to eat), really good seven (to eat)." "This little guy is really like a greedy cat." Mother smiled and said. This is my greedy brother.

Second Year Midterm Examination (6)

The spring of peach blossom, willow green, birds singing and flowers fragrance led Xiaodoudou to the park. Xiaodoudou ran and jumped in the park, sweating heavily. Xiaodoudou wants to sit on the bench in the park for a rest, but from a distance, ah! The bench was covered with dust. At this time, an old man with a cane came to sit on the bench. Grandpa has white hair and wrinkles all over his face like rising waves of water. Xiaodoudou looked at it and scratched the back of his head and thought, "Grandpa, can't see the dust on the chair clearly?"? If he sits on it, his pants will be covered with dirty dust! I have to help grandpa clean the bench. Xiaodoudou ran quickly to the bench. Grandfather thought someone was competing with him for a seat. He was stunned: I arrived before you. Why did you sit down? Unexpectedly, Xiaodoudou took out the white handkerchief, cleaned the chair for Grandpa, and nodded and smiled at him. Grandpa was puzzled. After wiping the chair, Xiaodoudou said happily, "Grandpa, please sit down!" Grandpa reached out his hand and stroked Xiaodoudou's head, praising: "You are really a good boy!"

Second Year Midterm Examination (7)

Once upon a time, there were many big trees. They grew very luxuriantly, because no one destroyed them. At that time, the weather was clear, the water was sufficient, and the big trees lived happily. However, today the big trees are crying, because people cut them down indiscriminately, causing a lot of water and soil loss, and the big trees are dying one by one. Sha'er took the opportunity to leave the earth's embrace and float into the air, covering many grain fields. This is what people often call sandstorm. How terrible it is. In the future, when I grow up, I will be a guardian of big trees. I will plant grass to prevent sand, and then plant small trees to let them grow into big trees to block the wind and sand. It is strictly forbidden for people to cut down on them. Let the blue sky and white clouds return to our eyes. The sky is no longer gray, and big trees will always be our green banks.

Second Year Midterm Examination (8)

The bird can fly, it flies so freely. The eagle can fly, it can circle back and forth in the sky, and fly so freely and happily. All birds can fly because they have flexible wings. We can also fly and absorb the nutrition of the sun in the sky of knowledge.

Fly, fly, fly for our ideals. Fly, fly, surmount all difficulties, let us fly freely.

Second Year Midterm Examination (9)

The ancients once said that the famous saying "the silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will dry" has been passed down through the ages. Teacher, you are the gardener, diligent gardener, pruning us, you are the candle, dedicated to illuminate others; Teacher, are you We can't express your love for us in words! Looking back, whether it's the joy of success or the guilt of doing something wrong, the missing after leaving is worth our understanding. Teacher, your contribution, you use the spring water of your soul to nourish the beauty of our sentiment. Teacher, I wish you all the best!!!

Second Year Midterm Examination (10)

Reflection on mid-term Chinese test paper

At the last class this afternoon, the Chinese teacher brought the midterm examination paper (Chinese), and the team leaders all went to get it. I got 91.5 points, which was very unsatisfactory. I should have got 98 or 100 points, but I got 91.5 points.

My reflection: 1. I read the question carelessly, and wrote without understanding the meaning. 2. In the final composition, there are too many "black knots" and the font is not neat.

I will do this in the next exam: read the questions carefully, keep the font neat, and do not scribble.

Second Year Midterm Examination (11)

The mid-term exam is over, and the tense moment has passed, which is a stone in my heart. I fell down, but now the score is the most talked about topic by students before the test paper is issued.

This is not a difficult question for the exam. Although I checked the Chinese and math papers twice during the exam, I still can't guarantee 100 points in the math exam. After class, the teacher came to the classroom with our test papers.

At this time, the atmosphere in the classroom became tense. The students all showed worried expressions on their faces. In any case, every student wants to know only his or her own grades, which are good or bad. Those who did well in the exam were elated, and those who did poorly in the exam were depressed. The test paper was finally handed out, and you found that my Chinese test scored 100 points, and my math test scored 100 points. My mother and I set a double hundred goals.

After school, I was happy to take the test paper home to show my mother. After looking at it, she said to me, "Here are two 100 points you scored. These are the results of your careful examination, but you can't be proud, because modesty can make people progress, and pride can make people lag behind." After listening to my mother's words, I made up my mind to continue to keep the good habit of careful examination in the future, and strive to achieve the same good results in the next exam.

Second Year Midterm Examination (12)

Grade 2 midterm exam composition: midterm exam is coming

The midterm exam is coming in a twinkling of an eye. How can the time pass so quickly this time! The mid-term exam came just after the evaluation of the last monthly exam.

Alas, the poor teachers haven't even finished their lessons. How can they help you review! You have to rely on yourself. After reviewing all night long, I walked into the examination room with dark circles around my eyes. A little uneasy, alas! Take things as they come! I comforted myself and answered the math paper carefully. There were no roadblocks in front of me, and even the last additional question was solved by me. My confidence was doubled at once, and I answered the next two subjects in a leisurely manner.

After returning home, I bragged to my mother that I could take the first home this time. If my mother doesn't believe me, then wait! I will convince you when the score comes out!

Second Year Midterm Examination (13)

Fan Wenyi

The midterm exam is coming in a twinkling of an eye. How can the time pass so quickly this time! The mid-term exam came just after the evaluation of the last monthly exam.

Alas, the poor teachers haven't even finished their lessons. How can they help you review! You have to rely on yourself. After reviewing all night long, I walked into the examination room with dark circles around my eyes. A little uneasy, alas! Take things as they come! I comforted myself and answered the math paper carefully. There were no roadblocks in front of me, and even the last additional question was solved by me. My confidence was doubled at once, and I answered the next two subjects in a leisurely manner.

After returning home, I bragged to my mother that I could take the first home this time. If my mother doesn't believe me, then wait! I will convince you when the score comes out!

Model 2:

At the beginning of the exam, I only heard the screeching of pencils and the sound of erasers. The students were all nervous, that is, they were worried about whether they could get 100 points.

But I'm not nervous. My back is very straight. My left hand holds the test paper and my right hand holds the pen. Moreover, my handwriting is square and upright, and there is no weakness at all. Ha, a test paper is finished. I started to check. I found out one question. Is the third number from the right ()? I just wrote a bit. I changed it. It should be 100. After the math exam, the Chinese exam will be held after 50 minutes. After I handed out the test paper, I was just halfway through it. One word baffled me. What is one side of the process? oh Come up with the idea.

After finishing the examination paper, I checked it several times and handed it in.

Fan Wensan:

On Friday, we have a mid-term exam. I came to school early.

Although today's midterm exam, there is no smell of gunpowder in our class. Yu Hongda even said, "Zhou Jingyi, let's play with the dice and see who throws the big dice.". I burst out laughing.

When the teacher came in, I ran to the toilet and thought, "I'm scared to death. I'm nervous!"! I almost wet my pants. I said when I picked up the pen in my hand; After all, duck eggs are very cute! The Chinese exam is over, and I think my 100 points have gone down the drain. Sobbing, I'm very angry.

I don't know how much 1+1 is in math exam! Oh, remember, it's equal to 3. Alas, my score is 100.

When I took the English exam, 100 points almost drifted away from my eyes!

Alas! I failed in the mid-term exam. Alas! Somebody help me!

This is the end of the composition for the midterm exam of the second grade of primary school. We must read it carefully. I hope it can inspire and help us.

After the midterm exam, students should also carefully check their own papers, make reflections, and write insights~Click to collect the compositions of the 2017 second grade midterm exam: the exam is coming

Second Year Midterm Examination (14)

The midterm exam is coming. In order to make myself have a clear goal, I set a midterm exam goal for myself. I want to have a clear goal, so I will have more motivation to learn.

Math: 100 points Math is my strong point. I think I learned it well this semester. Solving problems is my favorite thing to do. When I encounter difficulties, I will first think about them myself. If you really can't, ask the teacher for advice.

English: 100 points English is also my strong point. In the whole grade, my English ranked first in the whole grade. Since the third grade, I have never scored 90 points in English. Last semester, I got 100 points for eight consecutive units of English. I can't fall behind this semester.

Chinese: More than 90 points Since the fifth grade, I think my Chinese performance has gone backwards. It's all due to carelessness. The basic part was clearly able to do all the right things because the question was not carefully examined, so the score was lost! In the extracurricular reading and composition part, I will read more extracurricular books and composition books.

Second Year Midterm Examination (15)

The mid-term exam is over, and I can finally breathe a long sigh of relief.

I don't know who set the problem. It's so difficult. Not only do we find it difficult, but the teacher told us that even when they just saw the test paper, they thought it was unreasonable. Our teachers are so efficient! The examination papers on Tuesday were all approved on Thursday morning. The results were announced on Thursday afternoon. You know, the parents' meeting will not be held until next Thursday!

When the teacher announced the results, my heart was tight: I had a fever a few days before the exam, and I had four bottles of bottles on the day of the exam!

Although I did well in the math exam, I was still very dissatisfied. 99 points. You know, there is still one step to Rome! In the whole grade, there are seven math students who are higher than me, including six hundred and one ninety-nine point five. I made a mistake on a multiple choice question, because I didn't hear the teacher change the question, so I made a mistake. Chinese, good test, 97 points, the highest score of the whole year. But this topic is too tricky! There are all questions in the old textbooks! We have never seen words like "ups and downs" and "perseverance". I mainly made a mistake on a two point blank filling question.

Although I was the first in the group all year round, I was still not happy. You know, I was so wrong!

Second Year Midterm Examination (16)

qí zhì wēn nuǎn zāi hài piāo yáng

mín zú yǔ zhòu róng yì dào yǐng

2、 I will read it and keep reading it. (6 points)

Enjoying and controlling the deficiency, I feel very tired and painful

Tired of new tools, tired of rewards, and hard to control irrigation pain

3、 Let me read and draw "_____" under the correct pronunciation. (3 points)

1. The river flooded the house, and the house disappeared.

2. The bright paper boat drifted away with the water.

We sang songs and walked on the winding path.

4、 I will write the words as they are. (10 points)

Example: Ugliness - beauty and hate - () complexity - ()

Example: Immediately - Immediately famous - () Enthusiastic - ()

Example: swinging around

spoil things by excessive enthusiasm

all sorts of gossip

5、 I will fill in. (12 points)

() Sun One () Mirror Happy () () Run

() Insect One () Rainbow Lovely () () Thinking

() Erhu Yi () Quilt thick () ()

6、 I can look it up in the dictionary. (8 points)

The phonetic order and radicals of the words to be looked up



7、 I can punctuate sentences correctly. (3 points)

1. There is a bird singing in the tree outside the window ()

2. Can you go to Xiaogang's house with me tomorrow ()

3. The clouds in the sky are like chickens and horses. How beautiful they are ()

8、 Sentence Grand View Garden

1. I can fill in the blanks according to the text. (12 points)

1. Taohuatan is thousands of feet deep. (2 points)

2. A single flower is not spring. I also know other proverbs about unity and cooperation. (3 points)

3. All nationalities, Korea. (3 points)

4. My favorite extracurricular ancient poem this semester is "": I will write two of them ___________________, ___________________. (4 points)

9、 I will change. (12 points)

Example: Do you still need to treat the insects on the leaves? Insects on leaves need no treatment.

Do you have it yourself?

Ex.: Li Xiaoqing is the labor committee member of our class. The labor committee member of our class is Li Xiaoqing.

My hometown is beautiful Jingning.

Ex.: I saved the small fish in the shallow water back to the sea. I saved the small fish in the shallow water to the sea.

The damaged desk was repaired by me.

Ex.: The lake water is like a mirror, reflecting blue sky and white clouds.


10、 Reading room. (12 points)

Playful sun doll

The sun doll in the sky likes blowing white clouds.

Look, she puffed her mouth out (Yuanyuanyuan) and blew towards the clouds around her. She blew out a pair of long ears, a short tail, a fat belly and a round head. Ha, she changed the white cloud into a white rabbit! While running in the sky, the sun doll blew, blowing this white cloud into a lotus and that white cloud into a snow white princess.

Ah, she blew a white cloud into a bright white spray in the sea.

1. Select the correct word or pronunciation in the brackets and use "√" to indicate it.

2. The passage has a natural paragraph, and the second natural paragraph has a sentence.

3. The sun doll likes to play with white clouds. She blows white clouds into,, and.

4. The synonym of "beautiful" is, and the antonym is.

5. Find out the words that describe the appearance of the rabbit in the passage and draw them with a horizontal line.

11、 Exercise Park (10 points)

Children, in the Chinese Garden, you must have learned a lot of knowledge. You must have met many interesting things at school or at home. Would you like to share them with us? Please write down one of them in the form of a diary.