Composition of Climbing Huashan (10 Collections)
Face the future with a smile
2023-10-08 02:10:39

Composition of Climbing Huashan (1)

Huashan, known as the "West Mountain" in ancient times, is one of the five famous mountains in China. It is located in Huayin City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, with an altitude of 2154.9 meters. It is divided into five peaks in the east, west, south, north and middle.

Today, my mother and I went to climb the West Peak of Huashan Mountain. Hua Mountain is really high! Looking up into the cloud night, the long iron chain next to it seems to hang from the sky, which makes people scared. But we are not discouraged and strive to climb up. At first, I used my hands and feet as fast as a little monkey, but I could not move slowly when I crawled. My legs were as heavy as lead. I had to grasp the chain with both hands and slowly climb up like a heavy dog bear. Half way up the mountain, my curiosity made me take a peek at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, I was scared and sweated, my legs were trembling, and my heart was pounding. I thought to myself, "If I fall, I will die." My mother seemed to understand my mind, and she encouraged me to say, "Hao Hao, don't be afraid! Don't look down, hold on, and persistence is victory!" After listening to my mother, I raised my head and climbed to the top of the mountain again

Finally, I came to the peak, where I saw a huge axe. It is said that this is the magic axe of agarwood chopping the mountain to save the mother in the fairy tale. That year, Chen Xiang defeated Erlang God with this magic axe, split the west peak of Huashan Mountain, and saved his mother.

Climbing Huashan let me really experience its height, danger and strangeness. This has benefited me a lot. I have learned that no matter what you do, you must face it bravely. Only by persevering in the end can you win.

Composition of Climbing Huashan (2)

Today I reread The Green Parthenocissus. This text was written by the author Xiao Fuxing when he was 15 years old. It was revised by the famous Mr. Ye Shengtao and should be invited to Mr. Ye's home.

This text inspired me deeply. I was deeply moved by Mr. Ye's easy-going, sincere, simple and equal character. A famous person, who is so easy-going and short-sighted, makes people feel so accessible. And the attitude of writing is even more attentive and meticulous.

When I was 9 years old, I loved writing. Under the careful guidance of the teacher, my composition was constantly published in the class report. My "name" has also gradually spread. Every time before the composition class, the students would ask me to give some advice on my composition. Gradually I became proud and sometimes satirized them and said, "How stupid."

By left clicking Xiao Fuxing's composition, I realized my shortcomings. I often say to myself, "What's so great about you is that you have published several compositions and compiled several books if you have the ability. You can't do it! If you don't want to make progress, you are really hopeless!"!

Now, I am always the first to remind myself to be a person who likes to help classmates and has Mr. Ye's unique qualities.

Composition of Climbing Huashan (3)

On holidays, my mother and sister took me to Xi'an to climb Huashan Mountain.

When we arrived at Huashan Mountain in Xi'an, from a distance, it seemed that Huashan Mountain was about to encounter clouds. It really looked like a pillar supporting the sky, straight into the sky! But from a close view: the straight stone steps blocking the chains simply fell from the sky, high and steep. I thought to myself: Hua Mountain is so high, can I climb it? My mother seemed to guess my thoughts and said, "Don't be afraid! My sister and I will accompany you!" After listening to my mother's words, I seemed to have confidence.

Then we will finally start to climb! We first wear gloves bought in advance, and hold the iron chain that seems to hang from the sky to move up step by step. Sometimes we climb up with our hands, and sometimes we climb up with both hands and feet. Everyone who was climbing the mountain was careful and very difficult to climb. We encouraged each other and finally climbed to the top of the mountain after many hardships. We cheered together at the top of the mountain, looking at the beautiful sea of clouds, the blue sky, and the sun shining on the earth... Ah, beautiful!

After climbing Huashan Mountain this time, I know that with confidence and perseverance, we can overcome difficulties!

Composition of Climbing Huashan (4)

Today, my parents and I went to Pujiang for a visit. The first scenic spot we went to was Xianhua Mountain.

We are going to climb this tall Xianhua Mountain, which is full of snow. When we climb to the steps, the steps are full of snow, which is very slippery. Fortunately, I took a stick. If I didn't take it, I would fall down. We climbed and climbed. When we reached the middle of the mountain, the road became more and more slippery, and it was more and more difficult for us to climb. So, my heart was worried. I thought: it was already difficult to climb up, and then it would be more difficult to go down. But some people said that when we climbed to the top of the mountain, there was a way down that was easier to walk than the way up, so I was not worried. But I saw that the mountain was still high, and the road was so difficult to walk, so I was worried again, Finally, with everyone's encouragement, I managed to climb to the top of the mountain. The scenery on the mountain is so beautiful! There are strings of crystal clear ice on the branches. Look at the reservoir below the mountain, like a dark green mirror, which reflects the mountain capital. What a beautiful Xianhua Mountain!

When we went down the mountain, I firmly held my father's hand. When we went down the mountain, we saw that there was still a lot of snow. It must be very slippery. Just in time, we saw an old man selling straw ropes on the mountain. He told us that straw ropes tied to our feet could prevent slipping, so we bought a straw rope for one yuan and tied it to our feet. When we went down the mountain, it was much easier to walk. I thought: This straw rope is really a treasure of mountain climbing. At this time, We found out that straw rope has such a great use! Today's mountain climbing gives me a deep image!

Composition of Climbing Huashan (5)

All of you have written compositions. You must be familiar with all kinds of compositions, especially the coherent narrative composition, which describes a real or fictional event or a series of such events in the form of prose or poetry. What should I pay attention to when writing this kind of composition? The following is the excellent narrative composition of climbing Huashan compiled by Xiao Bian for your reference. Let's have a look.

Many people have said that Huashan Mountain in the west is very dangerous. I always disagree.

Today, we are going to Huashan. "We will take the bullet train from Henan to Shaanxi," my mother excitedly told me and Hanze. We clapped our hands and cheered!

Indeed, we got on the tour bus and drove to the bullet train station. "Goodbye, Xiao Pang and Xiao Shou!" The tour guide sister is leaving? We cried out dejectedly. Sister Li, the guide Li Jing, who brought us so much laughter, is leaving! We said goodbye to Sister Xiao Li and got on the bullet train.

The bullet train was too comfortable. We looked at the green fields outside the window. You'd better give yourself a good mood to climb Huashan Mountain! After driving for about an hour or two, we arrived at the station. We followed the new guide, got on the tour bus, and prepared to go to Huashan.

The Huangfuyu Highway winds up to the Huashan Gate. As soon as I heard that I would take the cableway, I cried happily, while Hanze (Xiao Pang) was sweating cold. "What if I fall off the cable car? What if I fall dead? God, have pity on me!" He was over there, talking to God to himself. Let him not say more, we lined up and came to the cable car on the cableway. "One, two, three, start!" I said silently in my heart.

Unexpectedly, there were bursts of music in the cable car. First slowly, and finally accelerated. My mother kept her eyes closed, but I turned around and took photos of the abyss. Soon (but my mother said it was too long), when we got to Huashan Mountain, we could climb the North Peak!

We jumped off the cable car and began to climb the North Peak. The North Peak was not too high or too dangerous, so we climbed it at once. On the top of Huashan Mountain, we vaguely saw a big stone, which was written in big red characters: Huashan Debate on Sword. In Jin Yong's martial arts novels, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Hong Qigong, Huang Yaoshi and Ouyang Feng once argued swords here. To commemorate my climb to the top of the North Peak, I shouted several times to the valley below, and then bought a small gold medal to wear.

"Let's try to reach Xifeng!" My mother, Hanze, Hanze's mother, Hanze's grandfather, and five other adults climbed the mountain together. Huashan is really dangerous! I can only hold the chain slowly with one hand, "Do not walk to see the scenery, do not walk to see the scenery". I dare not look at the side, for fear of falling down without paying attention to the road under my feet. "Wait a minute, we will arrive at the Mo'er Cliff!" said the new guide brother. "Why is it called Mo'er Cliff?" I asked my guide brother curiously. "Moer Cliff is because -" he paused!

"The gate of Moer Cliff!" Xiao Pang was panting all the way up, and did not say anything. When he saw the gate that said "Moer Cliff". Entering the gate, I really saw many big stones. There are many green words written on the big stone. I cautiously and trembling step by step, step by step, step by step

"Mom, I can't hold on!" Xiao Pang shouted loudly. He looked to the left and found that there was a ten thousand foot deep below, and only some big green trees could be seen. "Let's go down..." Xiao Pang didn't stick to it after all and went down the mountain first. (This coward!)

We climbed up again.

Yuan Hongdao once wrote a poem about the danger of rubbing the Ear Cliff: "Buke always belongs to the Ear Wall, which can also be said to lean against the sky and the emerald wall. If you want to know how dangerous the path is, look at my green moss."

Although there is no ancient danger here, I still feel the danger of Mo'er Cliff. When we came to a big stone, we found that the road was getting narrower and narrower, and some roads could not even accommodate two people, so we could still feel the danger of wiping our ears.

"The place we are going to is Canglong Ridge." The elder brother of the tour guide sat on the bench. "Let's sit down and have a look. You see, Canglong Ridge is winding in the valley, and the stairs are winding up like a black dragon." I looked up at Canglong Ridge in the distance, and was afraid.

"Never mind, let's continue to climb." I nodded and climbed to the steps of Canglong Ridge. I slowly held the chain beside me. There were so many people coming and going that I was afraid of being squeezed down. Only chains, no railings, my feet are trembling. The wind on that day was very strong, whirring around my ears. I felt that I was so thin and small that I would be blown down by the wind. The stairs of Canglong Mountain are so high that I walk by squatting. "Xinhang, look around!" I turned my head.

This shocked me: there are many high and low mountains at my feet! Many couples are standing loosely, and below them are terrible and abrupt big stones. My feet felt a little numb after climbing so many roads, but now they are even more numb. Looking at the stairs, I suddenly felt that it was very unsafe here.

Canglong Ridge, you dragon, has been tilting to the right. The steps are also hanging. My heart is hanging high. "Persist in reaching the Five Clouds Peak, which was called the" Middle Peak "in ancient times." I had to brave my way up. "Little sister, I will tell you a story about Canglong Ridge." I am a person who likes to listen to stories most, and I listen to the story told by my guide brother while climbing.

"Previously, a long time ago, Canglong Ridge was truly 'Canglong Ridge'. It was a long" ancient road ". Before the Sui and Tang dynasties, Canglong Ridge had neither steps nor bars. The Shuijingzhu recorded that when pedestrians came to this place, they would walk in the temple at the entrance of the ridge and pray to God, asking God to grant clouds so that the clouds on both sides of the ridge were level with the ridge, so that people could not see the abyss on both sides of the ridge. However, pedestrians still dare not walk on their feet, but ride on the ridge and move forward inch by inch. Therefore, Canglong Ridge is also called Tangling Ridge. Until the end of the Tang Dynasty, stone railings and low walls were set on both sides of the ridge, and only a small number of stone climbing stone nests were found. With the increase of the number of times that the imperial court offered sacrifices to Huashan God, great efforts were made to renovate the roads of Huashan, and there were 250 stone steps in Canglong Mountain. Therefore, there is a folk story about Bi Yuan digging Canglong Ridge during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The story says that when Bi Yuan asked stone workers to chisel the mountain range, it rained blood for three days in Chang'an City. It turned out that Canglong Mountain was a living dragon and was chiseled to death by Lord Bi. It is said that the dragon vein of Huashan has been broken since then, and there will be no such big men as Yang Zhen and Yang Jian. " I secretly admire my brother, who has many stories.

"Are there any stories?" I want to hear stories again. Stories can make me "march forward bravely".

The guide brother pondered for a moment and said, "There's another story! It's about Han Yu." Unexpectedly, Han Yu, a great writer, has also been to Canglong Ridge!

"Han Yu climbed the Huashan Mountain to enjoy the scenery. When he came down to the Canglong Mountain after touring the three peaks, he saw that the road of the Canglong Mountain was like a thin blade, and there were thousands of valleys on both sides. He could not help but feel his legs weak and could not move any step. He sat on the mountain and cried, wrote a farewell letter to his family and sent a letter to ask for help. The county magistrate of Huayin sent someone to carry Han Yu down the mountain after hearing the news. Later, there was a man named Zhao Wenbei in Wuxiang, Shanxi Province. When he was a hundred years old, he traveled to Huashan Mountain, heard the story of Han Yu's submission, laughed loudly, and inscribed on the cliff 'Han withdrew from Canglong Mountain and cried his farewell, Zhao Wenbei laughed at Han's place when he was a hundred years old'. A man named Li Bo climbed the mountain to the north and saw the strange and dangerous Canglong Ridge. He was filled with emotion. He knew that Han Yu wrote a letter and Zhao Lao laughed at Han's funny story and left a poem to express his feelings, saying: 'The mountains are important because of the danger of China. Old Han cried and Old Zhao laughed. One cry and one smile spread two wonders. Libo doesn't cry or laugh, but roars on the Independence Ridge. '" I couldn't help laughing.

The elder brother of the tour guide continued: "Another way of saying is that Han Yu looked at the beautiful scenery of the Canglong Ridge when he climbed it. His talent could not be expressed in words, so he had to cry out, but he was ignorant and could not express the magnificent scenery. So he cried out and could not go down to the Canglong Ridge. Yes, Han Yu was able to face the Emperor Xianzong with no fear and pointed out the emperor's mistakes. His courage was more than ordinary people. How could he be timid and lose his attitude in Canglong Ridge? Whether Han Yu is afraid of danger or because he sighs that the pen in his hand is unable to describe the uncanny workmanship of nature, it may be both reasons. Han Yu must have been to Huashan. Otherwise, his poem "Ancient Flavor" would not have rendered the jade well and lotus flowers of Huashan so magical and supernatural. "

I listened to the story and quickened my pace to climb Canglong Ridge.

After a long climb, we finally reached the Canglong Ridge. "If we continue to climb, we can go to Wuyun Peak. There are Bagong Niche, Shangma Stone, General's Face, Single Bridge, Wulao Pine, Couple Pine, Crouching Tiger Pine, Golden Rooster Shouyu Letter, etc." The guide brother said a lot of names I don't know. It makes my heart itch to go up the mountain immediately.

I scrambled along. "After the Canglong Ridge, you can see the Bagong Niche," said the elder brother of the tour guide. "The old limen of the Bagong Niche is under the Bagong Niche of Wuyun Peak and on the east side of the mountain path. It is said that in the old days, there was a Taoist who called himself the old section of the Bagong Niche, who practiced medicine in various parts of Huayin to help the world and people, and to eliminate disasters and take refuge. Later, someone went to Bagong Niche for an exclusive interview. There was neither a temple nor a Taoist with Duan's surname. Only an old linden tree was found beside the Niche. Its trunk was strong, its root was thick, and its branches and leaves were luxuriant. Only then did I realize that the Taoist who claimed to be Laoduan was cultivated by an old linden tree. Later, the old Tilia was poached, and the Taoist never appeared again. "

I continued to climb and finally reached the Five Clouds Peak. "Look, what is that?" asked the elder brother. When I stood on the Five Clouds Peak, I saw only two pine trees clinging to each other, one tall and tall, the other graceful, and two branches and leaves hugging each other. "This is Husband and Wife Song," the elder brother of the tour guide introduced.

"That's Crouching Tiger Pine!" I looked and found that the branches of a pine tree did not bend upward, but grew horizontally. The two big holes on the branches are like two angry eyes of a lying tiger. This "Crouching Tiger" lies in the mountain, giving people endless reverie.

"Look, the stone scene of the golden pheasant guarding the jade letter is composed of two parts. One stone is about ten meters long, five feet wide and six feet thick. It is covered with a cover, which looks like a jade letter; the other stone is on the side, which looks like a golden pheasant, with its head and tail, and its feathers are bright. The two stones form the appearance of the golden pheasant guarding the jade letter. It is said that there was an immortal named Yin Changsheng who tore the Taoist robe and wrote the secret of the Dan Sutra, which turned stone into gold. It was sealed in a green jade letter. Before the golden lock was placed, a golden pheasant guarded it. After a long time, the golden pheasant and the Yuhan Cave became stones. " What a beautiful legend! I was amazed.

Too tired, two teachers quit our ranks. The guide brother went down the mountain first. The five of us continued to march towards the Golden Lock Pass.

It seems that the road from Wuyun Peak to Jinsuoguan is very short, but very long. We climbed for half an hour before we reached the golden lock.

Golden Lock Pass, also known as the South Heaven Gate. Since ancient times, the Huashan Road has come to an end. When climbers close the door, they will feel polluted and holy in their heart. Therefore, it is said that "after passing the golden lock, there is another heaven".

When I looked up, I saw the couple locks and safety locks on the iron chains on both sides of the mountaineering road inside and outside the Pass, overlapping and overlapping, and the red ropes and colored lines swaying in the wind, which could be regarded as a beautiful scenery before the Pass. "Do you want to go to the West Peak, the East Peak, and the South Peak?" Everyone shook their heads. Although there was my favorite place on the West Peak where the agarwood chopped the mountain to save their mother, the legendary number one bridal chamber in the world, we had to go down the mountain because of the limited time.

Sitting in the cableway, my heart is saying goodbye to Huashan. The long sky plank road that is difficult to climb - walking on the board, you will fall into the abyss if you are not careful. I will challenge you in the future!

Composition of Climbing Huashan (6)

This is the third day of our visit to Xi'an. It is said that it is useless to visit Xi'an without climbing Mount Hua. Today we are going to climb Mount Hua, the famous mountain in the west. The tour guide said that it was impossible to climb Huashan Mountain in one day. Since we only planned to spend one day on sightseeing, we decided to take the cable car to the mountain.

It also takes two or three hours to drive from Xi'an City to Huashan Mountain. It's already noon when you reach the foot of Huashan Mountain. I bought a ticket and got on the cable car. Sitting on the cable car, my body felt light and flying. My mother told me that it was called weightlessness. Looking at the ground from the cable car, the people on the ground are like ants. Look out of the window. Huashan Mountain is steep and bright, not as beautiful as Mount Emei, but more precipitous than it. Occasionally, trees grow in the gaps of the mountain, just like the hair of an old man has fallen in clumps. After a while, the cable car passed Huashan Road and reached the terminal, Beifeng. When I got off the cable car, I looked back and said, "Wow, it's so dangerous." The mountains went into the clouds precipitously. After walking for about five minutes, we arrived at Guanyuntai of Beifeng, also known as Wuyun Peak. Here is the best place to see the location and scenery of the five peaks. The weather on the mountain is very good, the sun is bright, and you can have a panoramic view of the distant mountains. I heard the tour guide say that when the clouds and mist are swirling in the morning, you will enjoy the beautiful scenery of clouds and mountains. There is a big stone on the top of the North Peak, which is engraved with the four red characters "Huashan Dujian". It is said that the story of "Huashan Dujian" in Jin Yong's novels happened here.

It's said that the most beautiful scenery among the five peaks is the West Peak. After the Five Clouds Peak, we begin to walk to the West Peak. On the way to the West Peak, you will pass the Tianti and Cha'eryan. The road is only about one meter long. There are many warning signs on both sides of it, which say: Do not walk to see the scenery, do not walk to see the scenery. The uncle of the colleague keeps reminding me with it. When I went up the ladder, I looked back and said, "Oh, my god, there are thousands of battles below.". This sentence was firmly remembered all the way. On the way, I also saw the thunderstone in the fairy tale of Lianxiang saving his mother. After about two hours of walking, the mountain road became more and more difficult to climb in my eyes, and the sun was also covered by dark clouds. It seemed that heavy rain was coming at any time. I heard the guide said that it was about to arrive at Jinsuokuan. After Jinsuokuan, I would climb to Xifeng within twenty minutes. We were going to have a rest on the way, when the air was already mixed with rain and thunder was roaring. My mother decided not to climb and took me down the mountain because she was afraid of the danger of sliding in the rain. We returned to the foot of the mountain at the fastest speed, when the bright sun shone on us.

I didn't finish climbing Huashan this time, but I firmly believe that one day I will.

Composition of Climbing Huashan (7)

There are five famous mountains in China, of which the West Mountain is the world-famous Huashan Mountain, also known as Taihua Mountain, with many honors such as 5A scenic spot and China's top ten dangerous mountains!

This summer vacation, my classmates and I climbed Huashan Mountain at night. At eight o'clock in the evening, we began to make preparations at the foot of the mountain. I looked from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It was high and dangerous. My feet could not help shaking. I mustered the courage to set out to the top of the mountain. The road was smooth, not like the dangerous style of Huashan. I had a foreboding in my heart. After climbing for about half an hour, I saw a golden gate. I looked carefully, and a sign said: Just for warm-up, here is the starting point, please check your ticket at the door... An unknown premonition came into being. Suddenly my burning fighting spirit died out. However, I quickly adjusted my mind and continued to climb the mountain. The real Huashan Mountain Road really deserves its reputation. The road began to become steep and uneven. The atmosphere of fear in my heart slowly spread. The road became narrower and narrower, which could only accommodate two people to crawl at most. Gradually we arrived at Qianchi Cliff, which is the only way to Beifeng and the most dangerous way to Beifeng. There is a moss covered stone wall on the left and a cliff on the right. We are holding the chain in both hands, and we dare not be careless. We crawl carefully and slowly approach the North Peak

After five hours of hard work, we finally reached the North Peak, which has greatly lost our physical strength. We decided to take a break and challenge the peak again! Two hours later, we came back to life with full blood. We set out to the top of the mountain again, and soon arrived at the most dangerous road in Huashan. Looking at this road, I felt creepy. This road is on the back of the cliff. Both sides of the road are high cliffs. I firmly grasp the chain with my hands, tightly stick my feet to the ground, and climb up with both hands and feet. After a lot of hard work, I finally passed the most dangerous road, and my confidence increased greatly.

When we reached the top of the mountain, it was just sunrise. At first, a red cloud appeared in the sky. Gradually, a red cloud turned into a wave of red waves. At this moment, the sun showed its bald head. After a while, the sun rose and the horizon became bright... The scenery of the horizon matched the steep and majestic mountains at the foot of the mountain, which was a perfect match.

Climbing Huashan makes my will stronger and braver.

Composition of Climbing Huashan (8)

Last summer vacation, I visited Huashan, the most dangerous mountain among the five mountains.

Wait and wait, we finally got on the Xifeng cable car. I looked out of the window, ah!

The trees outside the window are green and the scenery is like a picture. After a while, the cable car began to rise nearly 90 degrees, which made my feet soft. When I looked outside, almost every peak was soaring into the sky with jagged rocks. No wonder Huashan was known as "the most dangerous mountain in the world". We couldn't help admiring it!

After getting off the thrilling cable car, we came to the top of Xifeng Mountain. Here, the clouds and mist are swirling, and the air of immortality is floating, just like a fairyland. The beautiful green pine stands upright on the top of the mountain. When the wind blew, the old pine tree did not move at all, as if saying proudly, "This little wind is nothing, and the storm can't bear me." The little pine tree danced in the wind, jumping and jumping like a child. I was most amazed by the taxi. There was a pine tree growing out of a crack in the rock near the cliff and stretching its branches and leaves outward. The apricot yellow rocks on the top of the mountain, coupled with these pines, are simple, elegant and picturesque.

The mountain road was steep, and we came to the steepest place -- the cloud staircase. The slope here is close to 90 degrees, and the steps are cut manually. People must hold the chains on both sides to climb. My body was not protected, so I climbed hard, afraid that I would fall to the bottom of the mountain, which made me break out in a cold sweat. Now think about it, I'm afraid. We climbed to the "Huashan Debate". My father said that this is the place where heroes compete in martial arts novels. It seems that Huashan, a fairyland like place, is not suitable for ordinary people to live in!

In the evening, when we sat in the cable car and went down westward, the fog in the morning had disappeared, but the sunset, accompanied by the afterglow of the sunset, added a bit of charm to the mountain peak. My father not only recited, "Only the sky is on top, and there is no mountain. The red sun is near, and the white clouds are low when I look back." I looked back at the beautiful, lofty, straight and towering Huashan Mountain, a little nostalgic.

The beauty of Huashan has been deeply impressed in my mind!

Composition of Climbing Huashan (9)

Huashan Mountain, one of the five mountains with an altitude of 2200 meters, enjoys the reputation of "the most dangerous mountain in the world".

During the summer vacation, I made an appointment with my parents and some friends to go to Xi'an to conquer Huashan Mountain. We chose to climb the mountain at night and set out after we were fully equipped.

We set out. At the beginning, the road was smooth and easy to walk. We talked and laughed all the way. At this time, the moon in the sky is big and round, and Huashan under the moon is looming, majestic and mysterious.

When I first walked for a while, I was elated and thought: What is this road? It's a piece of cake for me! So I ran up. My father asked me to move forward at a constant speed. I didn't listen, but I climbed faster. I was really tired when I climbed halfway. The legs and feet are painful and soft, and I can't feel strong. After half an hour's rest, I endured the pain and began to crawl again.

After about 4 hours, we arrived at Qianchi Building. The road is very dangerous. How dangerous is it? It is as steep as the hanging ladder on the helicopter, and timid people can only flinch, so it is also called "Huixin Stone". Each step of the more than 300 steps is only one third as wide as the foot. When walking, one's forehead will bump into the heel of the person in front of you if he is not careful, and he will be frightened at every step. At this time, we should hold the chain tightly, and never relax for a second. Dad kept reminding us to hold on to the chain and never let go. I glanced curiously aside and shivered. My palms were sweating and there were abyss on both sides!

If the person in front falls, the person behind will fall and immediately fall into meat sauce. Finally, I climbed up the Qianchi Building with a nervous mood. My legs could not move any more as if they were filled with lead. I sat on the ground and gasped for breath. I really didn't want to climb any more.

I asked my mother how far it was. She tried hard to resist fatigue and encouraged me to say, "It's going to be fast. If you stick to it, you can see the beautiful sunrise."

I had to continue to set out. At that time, I invented a labor-saving crawling movement. I learned the animal's appearance and used both hands and feet. It was really easier. We insisted.

At about five o'clock in the morning, we finally climbed to the Golden Lock Pass of Huashan Center. We looked eastward, and the sky had turned white. "Sunrise is coming soon", the climbers stopped and looked east, waiting, looking forward

After a while, the color of the sky changed from white to red. Gradually, the sky became more and more red, just like a fire. The sun showed half of its face like a shy girl.

At this time, tourists took out their mobile phones to capture the perfect moment!

The sun rose slowly, and the color of the dawn gradually changed from pink to gold. In a blink of an eye, a red fireball jumped out of the ground, and the sun finally came out. In an instant, the golden sun shines on people, turning them into golden virgins and turning Huashan into a golden mountain. Let Huashan look more magnificent and colorful!

Standing on the top of Huashan Mountain, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Huashan Mountain, it seems how small people are. But the small climb of Huashan Mountain at night not only tempered our will, but also made us understand that no matter how high the mountain is, we can reach the top as long as we persist.

Composition of Climbing Huashan (10)

In the morning, my mother and I followed the tour group to the foot of Huashan Mountain, and I looked up. Ah! The mountain peaks soar into the clouds. Can I climb such a high mountain? My heart is beating a small drum secretly. Following my mother, we first took the cable car to Xifengyao. Looking down from the cable car, the steep stone walls and mysterious caves made me yearn for Huashan even more. After about 18 minutes, we arrived at the waist of Xifeng, and then began to test my time to climb the mountain. Hei yo hei yo, we climbed for about half an hour, and finally came to the top of the mountain, which is the Chinese myth: "small agarwood cut the mountain to save the mother", with an altitude of 2082 meters! Looking at the towering peaks, the abyss and the beautiful scenery in front of me, I was very excited and shouted to the valley: I have climbed the top of Huashan Mountain! The voice echoed for a long time. Then, we walked to Beifeng. Soon, we came to the Golden Lock Pass, which was famous for its many locks. My mother and I also asked for a padlock here to bless our family. After walking through the Golden Lock Pass, I came to the ladder. The ladder was straight and steep, with only two chains on both sides. I watched my calves tremble, and my palms sweated. But when I saw other children and grandpa climb down, I carefully grabbed the chain and walked down with my mother's encouragement. I saw that the narrowest part of the stone step was less than 10 cm, only half of my foot was allowed, because I was afraid, I almost slipped down, and only heard the screams around. In this way, I walked carefully step by step, enjoying the scenery along the way. The sky was so blue, the clouds were so white, the towering mountains, and the odd shaped ancient pines made me feel the strange and dangerous of Huashan.

Finally, we came to the Beifeng cableway and took the cable car down the mountain. The happy and dangerous journey of the day ended.