If I were the Monkey King (Collection 20)
If water comes out of dust
2023-12-09 08:41:56
fourth grade

If I Monkey King (1)

Eh, how come my body is covered with monkey hair, my ears are heavy, and my buttocks are also surrounded by a tiger skin skirt. I have become a Monkey King, yeah! The Monkey King is my favorite novel character. It can change 72 times. Wow, 72 times. Now I can change anything I want.

Why don't we go and see where Tang Monk is? Tang Monk is my master. I found him in a small mountain village. He is sitting with a group of villagers, talking and laughing, eating fast, and talking very congenial. I didn't have the heart to bother them, so I stood on a tree near the village and waited quietly.

Just then, a white wind blew over. I smelled the wind. It was not like the wind of nature, but like the wind of monsters. Sure enough, as soon as the demon wind stopped, a woman walked into the small mountain village with a rice basket in her hand. Her face was beautiful and her eyes were shining, as if she were a little daughter-in-law. I took a quick look with my hot eyes. It was really not an ordinary mortal woman. It turned out to be a monster. This goblin is called Baigujing. It has powerful magic power and is also a guy who wants to eat Tang Monk's meat. I will not treat her well.

I sent a message to Baigujing with EEG: Hello! Monster, where are you going on this hot day? "Monkey King, this time I will show you how powerful I am. Today I will not only eat Tang Monk's meat, but also let your master drive you away again! Otherwise, I will find my own death!" The voice of the monster was quite charming. I grabbed the golden cudgel in my ear and hit her. She didn't resist. She just fell down and used a body transformation technique to leave a woman's body, but she ran away. Seeing this, the master said that I hurt people's lives innocently, and then he recited the Tight Hoop Curse. I fell on the ground with my head in my arms, shouting pain repeatedly. The master read it for more than 20 times before stopping. I stood up and explained to the master, "Now I will let the body of the monster come back and show it to you." So I used Guanyin Bodhisattva to teach me how to change the body into a mantra, and changed the body of the demon back. The master saw that, and then he believed me. Three dozen Baigujing, I turned it into a dozen Baigujing. From now on, I will continue to bless Tang Monk to learn scriptures in the west.

Ah! Good wishes are always so short, and I have become an ordinary human child again. I really hope I can become the Monkey King. There are 72 changes, and become anything I want to change!

If I were the Monkey King (2)

If I became the Monkey King, I would also have seventy-two changes, and also have the ability to ride the clouds.

One day, I was watching Journey to the West in my room with relish and thought: "I wish I were the Monkey King." Suddenly, I felt black in front of me, and there was a golden light on my hands, illuminating the places around me. When I looked carefully, it turned out to be a gold hoop stick! I looked around and found that it was a bottomless cave. I spent a lot of time on myself. I saw that my body was covered with monkey hair, and I was also dressed in a lock of yellow gold armor. My feet wore lotus silk steps and cloud shoes, and my head wore a purple gold crown with phoenix wings. God! I really become the Monkey King! I was very surprised and excited, and decided to do what I always wanted to do - fight monsters!

The bottomless cave is unfathomable. There are many caves in it. I walked into the largest one. There are water drops everywhere, which makes people feel creepy. Suddenly, he shouted behind me, "What are you doing?" I was so frightened that I looked at the sound source and saw a small ant. "It was a little ant, what was it?" The little ant was trembling with anger. Suddenly, the little ant showed an evil smile and shouted, "Change!" The little ant turned into a big monster, two meters high. I took out the golden stirrup stick and walked up to it and said, "Change!" The golden stirrup stick became as high as twenty floors. The ant monster was so afraid that it ran to the entrance of the cave. I hurried up to catch up with it. A golden stirrup stick hit it, and it immediately fell to the ground. At this time, many small ants came out of the hole and ran around. I quickly used petrification, and ants were petrified by me instantly. I jumped three thousand feet with joy, but my head cracked and I grinned with pain. Open your eyes, eh? Why am I in the bedroom? Oh, so I just had a dream!

If I really become the Monkey King, how interesting it would be!

If I were the Monkey King (3)

If I were the Monkey King, I would use my magic power to maintain world peace and reunite those families damaged by war.

If I were the Monkey King, I would fly to the center of Mercury, and then send most of the ice on Mercury to the earth, so that those places without water can become oases, and people there can drink cool water.

If I were the Monkey King, I would fly to the uninhabited desert, and then pull out one of my hair, turn it into water, plant an oasis, and turn it into an endless grain field to feed the poor people. In this way, the desert disappeared.

If I were the Monkey King, I would help those poor people to become well-off.

If I were the Monkey King, I would go to the homes of children who cannot play freely and tell their parents that playing is an indispensable part of childhood. Don't just let children learn, so that children will have no imagination.

If I were the Monkey King, I would let those children who can't afford to go to school.

If I were the Monkey King, I would turn out a machine to farm for the farmer uncle.

If I were the Monkey King

If only I were the Monkey King!

If I were the Monkey King (4)

I have always admired the Monkey King, so I want to get his signature and become the Monkey King.
I became the Monkey King in my dream tonight
If I were the Monkey King, people had no water in the desert. When I returned home, the Dragon King would rain on the desert, so that people would have plenty of water to drink.
If I were the Monkey King, the earthquake was the most terrible of all natural disasters. In just a few seconds, a huge city turned into ruins. I could stomp my feet, find out the land guy, and give him a good lecture.
If I were the Monkey King, I would make human harmony and friendship no longer ignored.
If I were the Monkey King

If I Monkey King (5)

One morning, the bright sunshine poured into my cabin through the window. I rubbed my sleepy eyes to see what time it was on my mobile phone, and unexpectedly found that my hands were covered with monkey hair! I was so shocked that I thought I had some strange disease. I hurried to the mirror and looked at it. Oh, my god——

In the mirror, I was wearing shining armor and a purple gold crown, which made me powerful, with bright eyes and a monkey tail behind me. God, how can I become the Monkey King! I look frightened, and I haven't adapted to this sudden change.

Suddenly I felt itchy in my ears, so I put out my hand to scratch and took out a stick like a toothpick. I knew that it must be a gold hoop stick. I took the golden stirrup stick and thought about what to do. Forget it, now I can't figure out what to do. So I opened the window, read the formula of 72 changes, and turned into a sparrow flying out of the window.

Flying, I heard a voice: "Don't move! Hand over the money!" I flew down and landed at the window. It turned out that several masked bandits were robbing the bank. I was indignant and quickly changed back to the original shape. I took out the golden hoop stick and shouted, "Eat my old Sun!" Then I hit the ground hard. Several bandits saw this and tried to flash to the side, which was the only way to escape, But the power of the golden hoop stick is beyond their imagination. They fly up into the sky like rockets, and fall down like meteorites. Their bones are scattered, and they shout on the ground like pigs. Several gangsters wanted to run away when they saw that they could not beat me. When I saw them, I shouted, "Don't try to escape from the palm of my grandson!" Then they drew a circle. They could only move in the circle, and could not go out of it.

Before long, the police car arrived and captured them one by one. A group of reporters surrounded me like the wind and rushed to visit me. I just smiled, waved to them, and rode back home with somersault clouds

It feels good to help others. In the future, I will use my skills to help more people! "Have you slept enough? Have you finished your homework?" Mother's voice sounded in my ears, and I realized that it was just a dream. However, I believe that as long as I study hard, I can help others with my skills.

If I Monkey King (6)

I am the Monkey King. It has been 500 years since I came back to Huaguo Mountain from the west. That day I decided to fly from Huaguo Mountain to the human world to see if the human environment is as beautiful as Huaguo Mountain.

When I came to the human world, everything I saw surprised me! There is a vast expanse of desert here. I haven't seen a single tree. Looking at this dead desert, I was very sad, so I used my magic to turn this desert into an endless oasis. I think there should be no human to destroy this oasis.

Unexpectedly, shortly after I left, I received a message that a factory had been built in the desert, and the chimney above the factory was emitting black smoke. So I flew to the desert to have a look. When I got to the desert, I looked into the sky and found a large cloud. It was all smoke from the chimney.

I came down from the sky, turned myself into an inspector by magic, and then came to the factory. When the boss saw me, he respectfully invited me in. I asked, "Why do you have so many cigarettes in your factory?" The boss replied, "None of these cigarettes will pollute the environment. These are pollution-free emission devices that cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy. They are non dangerous advanced products, and there will be no problems! "I was very unhappy and immediately changed back to the original shape. I took the boss to the chimney and said," Look, can't there be pollution? "The boss saw that the black smoke has destroyed the surrounding environment. Knowing the mistake, he immediately stopped work and replaced it with a new pollution-free environmental chimney. Seeing that the environment has changed back to the original, I left with satisfaction.

After leaving, I happened to pass another place and saw that the river there became dark, and there was a pile of garbage floating on the river, making the surrounding area a mess. The environment has become very dirty. Some fish living in this area have died. Some lucky fish have escaped and had to move.

I asked the people here why it was like this. They said that the people in a factory had brought the drainage pipe into the river, which polluted the river environment. So I repaired this place with mana.

I believe that our environment will become better only if we work together. I hope everyone will work together to make the environment better! Make the world a better place!

If I were the Monkey King (7)

Since I became a Buddha, I have nothing to do all day. Today I come down to earth to have fun.

This time I stepped on the clouds and came to a prairie with a golden cudgel in my hand. Just after landing, I saw a wolf corpse. There was a man standing beside the wolf corpse. I looked familiar, so I took out Huawei P50 and clicked Baidu. Only then did I know that the wolf was called Grey Wolf, and the man was called bald headed Qiang. I asked, "Where did you come from? Why did you come here?" The bald man replied: "I came from the Bear Ridge. The tiger in the Bear Ridge was too weak to fight against Godzilla. The forest was occupied by Godzilla. I had to come to your treasure land to hunt for a living. You are the Monkey King! I have heard of the name for a long time.". I asked again: "Have the monkeys in the forest been killed?" The bald headed Qiang replied again: "Kill all of them and there will be none left." Hearing this, I flew there in a rage with the Jindou Cloud. On the way, I met a drone. The drone was "enthusiastic" and fired at me as soon as I saw me. I didn't let the drone bear the gunfire and took out a golden stirrup stick to smash it to pieces. Then continue to the location of Godzilla.

After 30 minutes of walking, I finally saw Godzilla's back. I stood on the somersault cloud and looked at what he had done. I picked up the golden stirrup and fought with him. After more than a thousand rounds of fighting, I gradually lost the battle, but Godzilla became more and more brave. When I couldn't stand it, my old acquaintance Altman suddenly fell from the sky, With three punches and two kicks, Godzilla fell to the ground and could not get up. I made a quick eye contact with Altman and left, because I was very relieved to hand Godzilla to Altman. Standing on the Jindou Cloud and going up for a while, I saw a group of people moving the mountain. It turned out that Yugong moved the mountain to Zhang Gongmen. As soon as I saw that it was a good thing for the people, I used my magic to move the mountain away. But there was a snake spirit, a scorpion spirit, at the bottom of the mountain. I chased them everywhere, but they ran too fast. Unexpectedly, Zhang Gong had eight seeds. When he spilled the seeds on the ground, eight gourds grew soon, and eight children, known as gourd babies, jumped out of the gourd, They went to subdue the monster. I watched eight children from above. They were all brave and good at fighting. They killed the monster quickly. The rest went to the depths of the forest. After I had built the house for the children and was about to leave, a princess came to me. She didn't know who she had provoked to hide in the cabin and sobbed. Just then a wife who sold apples came. She gave the princess a bag of apples and ran away in a panic. The princess died after eating the apples. I was crying loudly when a prince named Jobs came, He took a look at the princess and quickly put the apple he had eaten beside her in his pocket and carried her away.

Later, I went to a city called Shuozhou, Shanxi. The story continues. Please take your time

If I were the Monkey King (8)

Sun Wukong is a well-known figure. He can change 72 times, fight clouds and subdue dragons and tigers... Many people must have thought how good it would be if they were Sun Wukong.

It rained heavily this night and last night, and there was a lot of water on the road. I wanted to practice piano by bus, but the way to the bus stop was blocked by water, so I had to go home. At that time, I was thinking: "I wish I could ride the clouds like Monkey King and fly over the water." But if I could do that, I could fly directly to the piano school.

I have been sitting in the third row of the car for several days when I went on a tour, so it is very inconvenient to get up and down. First, let two people in the second row get down, and then I push the seats in the second row forward to get down. If people in the second row are not convenient to get down, I will have to climb down. At that time, I was thinking: "If only I could become a fly and fly out like the Monkey King."

Sometimes, if I want to do something but my strength is not enough, I think: "If only I could have great strength like the Monkey King, and could hold the Ruyi Golden Stirrup, which weighs 13500 jin."

If I want to open a hard object like a stone, I think: "If I could have an overweight golden stirrup like the Monkey King, it would be great if I could break the stone at the slightest touch!"

When my sister blackmails people or is dishonest like an octopus, I will think: "If only I could fix her like the Monkey King, so I won't make trouble for us."

When I need something and I don't have it, I think: "If I could just pull out a hair like the Monkey King, I would like to."

If I were the Monkey King, I could do more.

If I were the Monkey King (9)

If I were the Monkey King, I would go to the world to help mankind change the earth's environment. In order to let human beings live in a beautiful environment, I began my journey on earth. I came to the original way to get scriptures. Wow! I was shocked by the scene before me: when I first learned the scriptures, it was a lush forest, but now it has become a desert. I quickly pulled out a hair. Suddenly, a terrible gust of wind blew, and the young tree was blown away. My angry teeth "cluck" straight sound. I pulled out another hair and said "change", and then the hair became a row of young trees. I called "long", "long" and "long", and the young trees soon became a hundred year old tree. No matter how strong the wind was, I was relieved to go. When I got to the road, I found that the tail of the car would emit exhaust gas, so I pulled out a handful of hairs to make people's cars use carbon dioxide as kinetic energy, and then exhaust oxygen from the tail. This not only protects the environment, but also has oxygen for breathing. It's really killing two birds with one stone!

If I Monkey King (10)

I am a primary school student. I worked part-time as the Monkey King for one day.

On my way home that day, I passed a very remote path, and a hairy monkey suddenly appeared in the shadow of the roadside. I saw that the monkey was half squatting and waving at me. I was frightened by it and ran away. The monkey kept chasing after me. Running, I saw a door in front of me, so I dodged in.

Behind the door was a large peach forest. The trees were full of peaches, which bent the branches. In the middle of the peach forest is a steaming pond where a monkey is bathing.

The monkey in the water said to me, "Do you know me?"

I was stunned by the inexplicable scene in front of me, and just shook my head.

"I am the Monkey King". The monkey in the water continued to say: "My grandson has been under the pressure of the Tathagata Buddha for 500 years, and has just been rescued by Master Tang Monk. He should have accompanied him to the Western Heaven to get scriptures, but I haven't bathed for 500 years, and my body is really dirty. I'll take a good bath here. Just when you came, do me a favor, accompany my master for a day, and tomorrow Lao Sun will send you back. "

In the face of the great hero I had admired since childhood, I couldn't refuse his request, so I had to agree with him. In this way, I was turned into a monkey by him and took his place in the day shift.

If I were the Monkey King (11)

Looking at the magic magic and superb martial arts of the Monkey King in the TV series, I not only had a bold idea: If I were the Monkey King, how wonderful it would be

One morning, I got up and the warm sun shone on me, but I always felt something was wrong. When I came to the bathroom, I was shocked by me in the mirror: Look, a monkey face, a tiger skin skirt, and hairy limbs. Isn't this the famous Monkey King in Journey to the West? "I became the Monkey King. Isn't that what I dreamed of?" I jumped three feet high with joy, so I took out the golden hoop from my ears, set up a somersault cloud, and flew out like the Monkey King.

I was flying excitedly when I suddenly saw a black faced monster who was bullying a mother and her son. I was so angry that I shouted: "Stinky goblin, stop!" The goblin shivered and was about to run away. I couldn't help but say something. I picked up the golden hoop stick and ran after it, and fought with the goblin. When I was fighting hard, I suddenly had an idea. I pulled out a hair and said "change". A fake Monkey King suddenly came into being. But the real body turned into a small flying insect and came quietly behind him. I was in the original shape and wanted to end him with a stick. Then I saw the golden light. It turned out that it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who came to me by riding the auspicious clouds. I thought: Isn't it the same as that in Journey to the West? Who knows that instead of taking away the monster, Guanyin Bodhisattva shouted at me, "What are you doing lying in bed when you are late?" I suddenly woke up. It was my mother who was urging me! Unfortunately, this is just a dream.

If only I were the Monkey King!

If I were the Monkey King (12)

Everyone knows Monkey King. He can change 72 times! If I were the Monkey King, I would like to become what he wants.

If I were the Monkey King, I would hit all the villains with a golden cudgel, so that the police cars would not be noisy all day.

If I were the Monkey King, I would pluck a monkey's hair, blow a breath of fairy spirit, and make it become a magic pen like Ma Liang. I would paint rivers, trees, grass, and colorful flowers on the desert. Also, paint the garbage dump as a tree

If I were the Monkey King, I would pull out another monkey's hair and blow a breath of immortal air to turn it into a special kind of air, which can eliminate all germs.

If I were the Monkey King, I could go to the top of Mount Everest. You can also flip somersault clouds into the universe to find another planet with exactly the same conditions as the Earth, so that we can make friends with aliens.

If my dream can come true, I will do so.

It is said that Monkey King is a stone monkey. He is the Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain. The monkeys call him "King" when they see Monkey King. It has 72 kinds of changes, which can go up to the sky, down to the earth and into the water. It also has a precious golden hoop stick, which can make the golden hoop stick smaller; There are three hairs on its head, pull out one and blow a breath of fairy gas, then the hairs become what you want; One of its somersault clouds can turn a hundred and eight thousand miles.

If I were the Monkey King, I would beat all the bad guys with a golden cudgel, so that the police cars would not be noisy all day.

If I were the Monkey King, I would pluck a monkey's hair, blow a breath of fairy spirit, and turn it into a magic pen like Ma Liang. I would paint rivers, green trees, grass, and colorful flowers on the desert. Also, paint the garbage dump as a tree

If I were the Monkey King, I would pull out another monkey's hair and blow a breath of immortal air to turn it into a special kind of air, which can eliminate all germs.

If I were the Monkey King, I could go to the top of Mount Everest. You can also flip somersault clouds into the universe to find another planet with exactly the same conditions as the Earth, so that we can make friends with aliens.

If I were the Monkey King (13)

Everyone knows that the Monkey King has great power. He can change seventy two times, can split himself, and can turn one hundred and eight thousand miles in a somersault... If I were the Monkey King, I would like to have all his skills.

If I were the Monkey King, I would have 72 changes. I changed into a gentle and kind female teacher. When the flowers bloom in spring, I will take my classmates to the countryside to feel the pure breath, take them to listen to the singing of birds, and let them be in the air filled with the fragrance of flowers; In the shade of summer, I will enjoy the cool in the shade of trees with my students and tell them all kinds of stories. Autumn leaves are flying. I took the children to the maple forest to collect maple leaves, make maple leaf specimens, and treasure the beauty of autumn; The snow is falling in winter. I will take the children to the snow to have a snowball fight and make snowmen with them

If I were the Monkey King, I would have the separation of the Monkey King. I can turn into many avatars. One can do my homework for me, and the other can walk with me. I can also let many avatars clean up with me, jump with me, and "hide and seek"

If I were the Monkey King, I would have his golden eyes. I can help the police catch thieves; I can help doctors diagnose the patient's condition at a glance; I can also help students see the shortcomings of everyone

I really want to be the Monkey King, so that I can change seventy two times. I can split my body, and I can have golden eyes... This not only brings me endless happiness, but also brings happiness to others

If I were the Monkey King (14)

You should all know Monkey King. He has great powers. He can turn a hundred and eight thousand miles with a golden cudgel in his hand and a somersault on his feet! It cuts through thorns, subdues demons and devils, and is invincible. If I were the Monkey King, I would try my best to help others like the Monkey King on TV!

If I were the Monkey King, I would go to places where there is a lot of noise. If I apply a little magic there, the floor there will become a music floor. And this kind of floor will play some fast songs when people get up in the morning, and it will play some slow songs at noon and at night. It can not only absorb noise, but also release beautiful music to alleviate people's fatigue. This is a great help to everyone!

If I were the Monkey King, I would create food clouds where food is scarce. The food cloud drops food to them on time every day. In this way, they will not worry about food shortage.

If I were the Monkey King, I would put a nano bacteria converter in everyone's body. It can transform all the germs in human body into some nutrients beneficial to human body. In this way, people not only don't have to worry about getting sick, but also can make their bodies stronger.

If I were the Monkey King, I would surely build a magnificent and solid bridge between the mainland and Taiwan, and also build some cable cars on the bridge to let them pass quickly. In this way, children from the mainland and Taiwan can get together and play together.

Even if I am not the Monkey King, I will use my own hands to build the motherland and make our motherland more prosperous!

If I were the Monkey King (15)

[Chapter 1]

Dear young friends, who do you envy most? Oh, it must be the Monkey King, the great sage with extraordinary skills! I also envy Sun Wukong and his miraculous skills.

If I were the Monkey King, I would change 72 times, then I think, what would our life become?

I want to become a white cloud and go to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and greet the people who work hard to build the four modernizations. I am floating, floating, growing new leaves from the slender branches of willows in the warm south, dancing with the wind; Peach blossoms are blooming and competing with each other. They are shining with green willows and embellishing the magnificent country. In the fields, the wheat seedlings turn green quickly; At the foot of the mountain, the bamboo shoots burst out, full of vitality everywhere. I floated to the cold north. Across Kunming, which is like spring all the year round, across the magnificent Yangtze River Bridge, across the surging Yellow River... Yo, I am floating into a white world, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, a northern scenery. If I can change 72 times, I will become a bird. I fly, fly, fly to Taiwan, the treasure island of the motherland. Late at night, I was tired of flying and landed on a windowsill. There was an old man in the room who was dying. He stared at the full moon in the sky, sighed and said, "Alas, the fallen leaves return to their roots. I was born on the mainland, can't I die on the mainland? I miss my compatriots on the mainland, but when can we get together?" His voice was trembling, and his words were full of emotion. I immediately said "change" and turned into a colorful bridge falling from the sky, one end after Taiwan, one end after the mainland, connecting the motherland. I will also become many colorful bridges across the three oceans and five continents. I am willing to be the messenger of friendship among the people of the world.

If I can change 72 times, I will become a spaceship and travel in the sky. I'm going to visit the moon's home. Chang'e girl introduced me to the sun father-in-law and the star brother. They took out red cosmic grapes to warmly welcome me. Ho, how sweet! I asked, "How did it grow?" They didn't answer, but smiled mysteriously. Oh, I understand. They want me to uncover the secret. If I can make 72 changes, I will develop the desolate moon into a magical children's paradise. I will conquer space and let the universe serve us. If I can change 72 times, I will become

My dear friends, if I really can change 72 times, I will turn our motherland into a more prosperous modern country, I will turn the world into a peaceful and beautiful family, and I will turn the universe into a magnificent and colorful paradise for all mankind. If you would change 72 times, what would you think?

[Chapter 2]

If I were the Monkey King, I would change a lot of useful things to help those in difficulty in society to achieve their own aspirations.

If I were the Monkey King, I would first turn out a silkworm that can spit out money and send it to people in poor mountainous areas. Let them eat and sleep well every day, wear warm clothes in winter, and build several schools so that those children can read, write and enjoy the warmth. Adults do not have to do so much work, nor live in those small, damp and dark houses.

If I were the Monkey King, I would also like to create an environmental protection robot. It looks like a garbage can, but it has two hands and two feet. They are busy on the street every day. Some pick up recyclable garbage and some pick up non recyclable garbage. One day, they can pick up a lot! In this way, the motherland will become cleaner and people will be so tired.

If I were the Monkey King, I would like to become a white cloud and go to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and greet the people who work hard to build the four modernizations. I am floating, floating, growing new leaves from the slender branches of willows in the warm south, dancing with the wind; Peach blossoms are blooming and competing with each other. They are shining with green willows and embellishing the magnificent country. In the fields, the wheat seedlings turn green quickly; At the foot of the mountain, the bamboo shoots burst out, full of vitality everywhere. I floated to the cold north. Across Kunming, which is like spring all the year round, across the magnificent Yangtze River Bridge, across the surging Yellow River... Yo, I am floating into a white world, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, a northern scenery.

If I were the Monkey King, I would become a bird. I fly, fly, fly to Taiwan, the treasure island of the motherland. Late at night, I was tired of flying and landed on a windowsill. There was an old man in the room who was dying. He stared at the full moon in the sky, sighed and said, "Alas, the fallen leaves return to their roots. I was born on the mainland, can't I die on the mainland? I miss my compatriots on the mainland, but when can we get together?" His voice was trembling, and his words were full of emotion. I immediately said "change" and turned into a colorful bridge falling from the sky, one end after Taiwan, one end after the mainland, connecting the motherland. I will also become many colorful bridges across the three oceans and five continents. I am willing to be the messenger of friendship among the people of the world.

My dear friends, if I really can change 72 times, I will turn our motherland into a more prosperous modern country, I will turn the world into a peaceful and beautiful family, and I will turn the universe into a magnificent and colorful paradise for all mankind.

[Chapter 3]

China's four classical masterpieces are well known to all. Among the four masterpieces, for our primary school students, of course, the favorite is Journey to the West.

The author of Journey to the West is Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty. All the characters he wrote are vivid and lifelike. Especially Monkey King Sun Wukong. He is clever, helpful, and able to distinguish good people from bad people. He comes to guard Tang Monk and his brothers. Like the people's police now, he has the golden eye to catch the bad and save the good, and always protects us.

Sun Wukong is the surname of Huaguo Mountain Water Curtain Cave in Aolai State, Dongsheng Shenzhou. After being enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva, he became the apprentice of Tang Monk and went to the west with Tang Monk to get scriptures. Along the way, he subdued demons and eliminated monsters, and made many great achievements. This is one of the reasons why I like him.

Sun Wukong is loyal to his master. If he finds any delicious food, the first thing he thinks of is not himself, but Shifu. Along the way, he protected his master and killed demons. In order to save Shifu, he did not hesitate to offend the law of heaven. By virtue of his smart intelligence, he fought with monsters and eventually became the opponent that the monsters feared.

Sun Wukong is full of awe inspiring righteousness. Once, he came to a country where there was no rain, and people's life became more and more difficult. So, he and Zhu Bajie came to the Tiangong and stirred up chaos in the Tiangong. Finally, the Jade Emperor reluctantly promised to rain there. Since then, people in that country have lived a happy life.

Sometimes, Monkey King also has a little friction with his master. But I think these things are all Tang Monk's fault in the final analysis. Tang Monk can't tell good from bad. Just because Monkey King killed a group of robbers, Tang Monk wants Monkey King to leave, and he will never be his apprentice again. At this time, Monkey King could only plead with Shifu again and again to keep him. But Tang Monk is so cruel. Monkey King could only bid farewell to Tang Monk affectionately and return to Huaguo Mountain alone. Without Monkey King, there would be one less person to protect Tang Monk. Soon, Tang Monk was caught by the monster. Pig Bajie asked Monkey King to come back and save his master. Since then, the relationship between the master and the apprentice has become more and more harmonious, and the friction between them has gradually decreased.

I like Monkey King, who is not afraid of hardship, has a clear sense of love and hate, and has a sense of justice.

If I were the Monkey King (16)

If I were the Monkey King in Wu Chengen's book, I would protect Tang Monk and go to the West to get scriptures. After becoming a Buddha, I would go to the world to help some good people and punish some bad people.

I let all the policemen on patrol go home to rest at night. I only need to pull out one hair and turn out many monkeys to manage the traffic order. In the daytime, I will ask them to do what they can. Some will help the elderly cross the road, and some will help the sanitation workers clean the road, so that the sanitation workers can rest early and our city can get the title of "civilized city".

To some people who destroy the city's sanitation, I will use magic on the land to let the garbage on the ground return to the garbage thrower, which can not only punish those who throw garbage, but also let the sanitation workers accompany their families more. Recently, I heard monkeys from all over the country say that human traffickers are very rampant nowadays. They not only make up various reasons to rob children in broad daylight, but also dare to rob children under people's eyes. Hearing this news, I was so furious that I sat in a chair and thought for a long time. Finally, I came up with a good idea. I controlled the doll into an alley with few people. When my doll was pulled into a van, I knew that the trafficker had been cheated. After a while, the small idea of the locator stopped, and I flew to the phone booth with a somersault cloud and called the police. A few days later, the news said: "Many children abducted by human traffickers have returned to their families." I was very happy to hear this message.

Although it is really hard to help human beings, I am also very happy to see many happy families.

If I were the Monkey King (17)

Today, my teachers and classmates learned about the Monkey King. Before I went to sleep, I thought: How wonderful it would be if I became the Monkey King! I thought about it and gradually fell asleep

Eh? Strange! Where is this? There are delicious and attractive peach trees, waterfalls "flying down three thousand feet", little monkeys jumping up and down... Wow! There are so many monkeys here. Am I really the Monkey King? It's amazing! In order to confirm my idea, I hurried to the brook to check my reflection with the sparkling brook. My wish has come true! I really became the Monkey King! Ha ha... Since I am the Monkey King, I can go to heaven and earth? Just think about it and jump three feet high. In order to exert my super ability, I immediately planned my route. First of all, I want to go to the sea to play, but it seems that there is nothing interesting... But, after all, it is the home of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Forget it, go and have a look first. In the blink of an eye, I came to the magnificent Dragon Palace. It's really the home of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It's very impressive... Let my grandson go in and explore it! Ha ha, Dragon Palace, my old Sun is here! After entering, I found my good friend Donghai Dragon King was not at home. It was not fun! So I called out my Jindouyun again. I wandered around the Queen Mother's Peach Garden, but I didn't see my old friends, nor did my classmates or friends play with me. Alas... Life in the sky is very lonely... Suddenly I found that I was too bored to go to the world. If only I had the company of my classmates and friends... Alas, I don't want to, I'd better sleep first.

"Qiqi, get up quickly! Mom has already prepared breakfast and can go to school after eating!" I opened my eyes with bleary eyes, ah... It was a dream! However, if I really became the Monkey King, I would take my classmates and friends to play together, how free and carefree it would be.

If I were the Monkey King (18)

If there is an opportunity, this opportunity can make me become an immortal figure, I must become the powerful Monkey King.

I was thinking, suddenly! A sugar appeared in front of me. I pick it up and put it in my mouth. Just then, I suddenly came to Huaguo Mountain. The monkeys surround me and call me King! When I heard that, did I really become the Monkey King?! I hurriedly drove Jindouyun to the Dragon Palace. Because I dream of going to the Dragon Palace.

As soon as I got to the Dragon Palace, I saw the long and magnificent stairs, and I almost fell down. I climbed for about ten minutes and thought I was there, but I made a mistake! I looked around and found that I had only climbed a quarter. I'm a little crazy! I forgot that I have somersault cloud. Why not fly up! So I turned a somersault and came to the Dragon Palace. As soon as the Dragon King saw me, he said, "Great Sage, why did you come here?" I said, "I just came here for fun." The Dragon King said, "Why not have a taste of the delicacies in the Dragon Palace first, and then it's not too late to play!" I thought it would be better. Just as I was preparing to have a good meal, I found that my food was poisoned. I couldn't help being furious and tearing down the Dragon Palace! I went back angrily.

Before I reached Huaguo Mountain, my mother woke me up! "Little sluggard! Get up quickly and go to school!" So this is a dream! "Ah! How interesting it would be if I really became the Monkey King!

If I were the Monkey King (19)

One day, as soon as I got up, I heard some strange movements in the East China Sea. I immediately sat on the somersault cloud and went to the East China Sea to have a look.

As soon as I arrived at the East Sea, I felt difficult to breathe. There was a lot of sewage in the sea, and no drop of clean water. In addition, there is a lot of garbage on the sea. Why does the East China Sea behave like this?

I was just about to enter the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to ask the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Unexpectedly, I didn't have to go in. The old Dragon King poured himself out. I immediately asked, "Dragon King of the East China Sea, why does the East China Sea become so dirty?" He frowned and said, "Alas! Great Sage, you don't know! Because human beings regard the East China Sea as a natural garbage dump, they only dump garbage and discharge sewage into the sea, but never come to clean it. It's so smelly. How can I live in the East China Sea?" I was so worried that I scratched my head and said, "Don't worry, Old Dragon King, my grandson will help you clean up the garbage." After that, I immediately used my seventy-two transformers to gather all the garbage in one place, and then put all the garbage into a big garbage bag; Then I used my strength to throw the garbage bag up, out of the East China Sea and out of the sky; Then I pulled a hair out of my ear, gently blew it in my mouth, and read "change" in my mouth. The hair became an absorber, absorbing all the sewage in the East China Sea; Finally, the clear water transferred from the Dragon King of the West Sea was poured into the East China Sea. The whole East China Sea and the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea were much cleaner and no longer as dirty as before.

The Dragon King of Donghai thanked me with gratitude, and I said to him: "You are welcome. It is everyone's duty to protect China, and we should help those who need help." The Dragon King of Donghai asked anxiously, "What should we do if human beings discharge sewage and dump garbage into the East China Sea in the future?" I said, "Don't worry, I have long thought that I will fence outside the East China Sea, and then issue environmental protection books to mankind, so that everyone can consciously act!" Soon, I completed this difficult task.

Since then, human beings have been very sanitary. They have never dumped garbage or discharged sewage into the East Sea, and the East China Sea has become cleaner and cleaner. This method of my Monkey King is really very good!

"Bell --" The alarm clock rang, and I opened my eyes. It was a dream. I hope that people would pay attention to the environment, so that the scene in the dream would not happen.

If I were the Monkey King (20)

If I were the Monkey King, I would turn the dirty sewage into a clear river to make human beings have a better environment and make the earth more beautiful and moving.

If I were the Monkey King, I would turn every bare land into a green forest and let the birds have a beautiful home. In this way, even in a big flood, it is difficult to break through this line of defense. She keeps human homes from being attacked by the flood.

If I were the Monkey King, I would let poor children read books and let them learn a lot of knowledge and culture.

If I were the Monkey King, I would make the earth more harmonious and beautiful.