Feelings after reading tide watching (13 recommended)
Half maple lotus
2024-03-18 07:31:39
reaction to a book or an article

Reading the Tide (1)

For me, a child living in the inland, it's hard to see the magnificent scene of the rolling tide! With curiosity, I picked up the textbook and read it with great interest.

Suddenly, a picture of the Qiantang River spring tide unfolded in front of my eyes: I heard the sound of the tide before I saw it. Only heard the rumbling sound in the distance, like thunder rolling. People around me stand on tiptoe one by one. Someone shouted: The tide is coming! I looked east and saw a white line where water and sky meet.

The white line came joyfully all the way, gradually lengthening and thickening, crossing the river. In the twinkling of an eye, white waves billowed, and a white wall more than two feet high stood in front of me. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white war horses marching side by side, rushing forward in a mighty way; The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking

I closed the book and gasped excitedly. It seemed that the tide of Qiantang River really roared past me! I can't help admiring the author's excellent description. He not only vividly reproduced the calm and beautiful landscape painting of the river, the sunshine after rain, the misty mist, and the distant hills, but also vividly described the spectacular scene of ten thousand horses galloping and mountains collapsing when the spring tide came, making us feel the vastness of the tide together with the author.

Through reading this beautiful article, I learned about the grandeur and magnificence of the Qiantang River spring tide, and I love the great rivers and mountains of the motherland even more. In the future, I will learn from the author, carefully observe the beautiful scenery around me, and use my own pen to sketch our lovely, beautiful and rich motherland!

Reading the Tide (2)

For me, a child living in the inland, it's hard to see the magnificent scene of the rolling tide! With curiosity, I picked up the textbook and read it with great interest.

Suddenly, a picture of the Qiantang River spring tide unfolded in front of my eyes: I heard the sound of the tide before I saw it. Only heard the rumbling sound in the distance, like thunder rolling. People around me stand on tiptoe one by one. Someone shouted: The tide is coming! I looked east and saw a white line where water and sky meet.

The white line came joyfully all the way, gradually lengthening and thickening, crossing the river. In the twinkling of an eye, white waves billowed, and a white wall more than two feet high stood in front of me. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white war horses marching side by side, rushing forward in a mighty way; The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking

I closed the book and gasped excitedly. It seemed that the tide of Qiantang River really roared past me! I can't help admiring the author's excellent description. He not only vividly reproduced the calm and beautiful landscape painting of the river, the sunshine after rain, the misty mist, and the distant hills, but also vividly described the spectacular scene of ten thousand horses galloping and mountains collapsing when the spring tide came, making us feel the vastness of the tide together with the author.

Reading the Tide (3)

I have never seen the magnificent scene of the rolling tide, so I picked up the textbook with curiosity and read it with great interest.

Suddenly, the tide across the river came into my eyes. The rumbling sound seemed to be right beside my ears. It was so grand and spectacular. I suddenly found that nature was so magical and magnificent.

Through this text, I feel that nature is a great magician, and his magic is the beauty of nature. If human beings destroy the magical nature, nature will never come back. So we should protect the environment and love nature!

Fourth grade: Lei Yanzhen

Reading the Tide (4)

Yesterday I learned the text of watching the tide. This text talks about the annual Qiantang River Tide Observation Day. The author vividly describes the appearance and sound of the tide in the order of before, when and after the tide, and uses many vivid and interesting words to describe the appearance and sound of the tide.

When I read this text, I seemed to see the Qiantang tide rolling all over the sky, as if I also heard the sound of mountain collapses, and the tide described by the author was so spectacular and turbulent. When I read the text, I seemed to have felt the tide around me, and my heart was very excited and excited. I really want to experience the magnificent scene of Qiantang River spring tide.

Reading the Tide (5)

Open the new book with the smell of paper and ink, and a text named "Tide Watching" is introduced. tidal bore watching? What does the tide look like? For me, a child living in the inland, it's hard to see the magnificent scene of the rolling tide! With curiosity, I picked up the textbook and read it with great interest.

Suddenly, a picture of the Qiantang River spring tide unfolded in front of my eyes: I heard the sound of the tide before I saw it. Only heard the rumbling sound in the distance, like thunder rolling. People around me stand on tiptoe one by one. Someone shouted: The tide is coming! I looked east and saw a white line where water and sky meet. The white line came joyfully all the way, gradually lengthening and thickening, crossing the river. In the twinkling of an eye, white waves billowed, and a white wall more than two feet high stood in front of me. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white war horses marching side by side, rushing forward in a mighty way; The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking

I closed the book and gasped excitedly. It seemed that the tide of Qiantang River really roared past me! I can't help admiring the author's excellent description. He not only vividly reproduced the calm and beautiful landscape painting of the river, the sunshine after rain, the misty mist, and the distant hills, but also vividly described the spectacular scene of ten thousand horses galloping and mountains collapsing when the spring tide came, making us feel the vastness of the tide together with the author.

Through reading this beautiful article, I learned about the grandeur and magnificence of the Qiantang River spring tide, and I love the great rivers and mountains of the motherland even more. In the future, I will learn from the author, carefully observe the beautiful scenery around me, and use my own pen to sketch our lovely, beautiful and rich motherland!

Reading the Tide (6)

Today, we learned the text "Watching the Tide". Our teacher Jiao told us so vividly that we had a kind of immersive experience, as if I was watching the tide in the Qiantang River. This text is really excellent!

The text takes the sentence "Qiantang River spring tide, which has been known as' the wonders of the world 'since ancient times" as the central sentence, and "the wonders of the world" as the central word. It describes and introduces the Qiantang River spring tide in the order of before, when and after the tide, so that we can appreciate the grandeur and momentum of the Qiantang River spring tide.

1. Before the tide comes.

The author first described the scene before the tide came. At the beginning of the second natural paragraph, he told us the time (August 18th in the lunar calendar) and place (Yanguan Town, Haining County) of watching the tide. Then he gave us a detailed description of the Qiantang River before the tide came. The notes of watching the tide and reading climbed the Shanghai Tang Dyke. The Qiantang River lay in front of us, and the river was extremely calm; How magnificent the ancient pagoda, Zhongshan Pavilion and tidal observation platform stand on the riverside! The hills in the distance are looming, the tide has not yet come, and the seawall embankment has been crowded. These scenery descriptions and introductions put a mysterious veil on the Qiantang River tide. Let us want to see the wonder of Qiantang River spring tide.

2. When the tide comes.

The third and fourth natural paragraphs describe the scene when the tide comes. The third natural paragraph is about the future. It is written from both auditory and visual aspects. At the beginning, the author heard a sound like thunder in the distance from the Qiantang River. Looking at the river, it was still calm. After a while, the sound became louder and louder, and a white line appeared at the place where the water and the sky connect. This is the author's vision; The fourth natural paragraph is the close-up view described by the author. First, the white line gradually crosses the river, and then the white waves roll to form a white wall. When the tide comes to the nearest, the author compares the waves to thousands of white war horses, marching side by side. The sound is like a landslide, which makes people really feel the spectacular tide of the Qiantang River.

3. After the tide comes.

At the end of the article "Tide Observation", the author has not forgotten to describe to us the scene after the arrival of the tide: the afterwaves are still pouring in all over the sky, and the river is still roaring with wind and waves. It took a long time for the river to calm down, but the river has risen six or seven meters high. Let's enjoy the scene of Qiantang River at high tide from beginning to end.

We all marvel at the author's superb writing skills, we all admire the author's exquisite writing, and we all marvel at the magic of the Qiantang River spring tide!

Reading the Tide (7)

On the first day of school, we learned a new text - Guanchao. I like this text very much.

This text is about: On the 18th day of the eighth lunar month, the author came to the Qiantang River to watch the tide. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, there was a rumbling sound in the distance, but the river was still calm. After a while, a white line appeared in the distance. The white line soon moved, and the white waves rolled, forming a wall of water two feet high, like thousands of white horses rushing forward, It was like a mountain falling and the earth cracking

This text vividly describes the sounds from afar, people's expectations and the landscape of the river tide. It clearly describes the order of the tide from the sound from afar, the appearance of a white line to the billowing white waves, and the appearance of the tide makes people feel immersive.

Reading the Tide (8)

Today, I learned the first lesson "Tide Watching" in the Chinese book. The text mainly tells what the author saw and heard when he went to Yanguan Town, Haining City, beside the Qiantang River, and tells us to pay attention to the surrounding things.

The last exam composition was about scenery. I was puzzled because I had never observed the flowers and trees around. The composition was only sketchy, not detailed, and the result was a deduction of eight points. After that, I began to observe things carefully. When I saw flowers, I smelled them; When I see the leaves, I feel whether they are thick or not; If you see a stone, it will be hard. In the next exam, the composition was only deducted by three points. The teacher praised me and said that I had a pair of eyes good at discovering beauty. I was very happy.

Another time the teacher asked us, "What is the most beautiful thing in life?" The class was silent. I raised my hands when I was experienced in observing things last time. I said: "Flowers and trees are the most beautiful in life. As long as you have a pair of eyes to find beauty, you can find countless beautiful scenery of nature." The teacher said: "What you said is very good. Where did you get inspiration from?" I replied: "It's in our first lesson of Chinese text, Tide Watching."

After reading about tide watching, I understand that if you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty, you can find beauty everywhere in your life.

Reading the Tide (9)

A few days ago, we learned the lesson of Tide Watching.

This text is written very well, with smooth sentences and rich content, mainly in chronological order.

The first and second natural paragraphs are about the beautiful scene before the tide. It mainly focuses on the time, place and characters. It describes the ancient tower of Zhenhai, Zhongshan Pavilion and tidal observation platform. Add the sentence "The river is very calm, and the wider it goes to the east, the misty mist is shrouded in the sunshine after the rain." This sentence is clearer and more beautiful.

The third and fourth natural paragraphs mainly describe the scene when the tide comes. The author focuses on the shape and sound to describe it. Successively described the size of the sound. From "flash rolling" to "getting bigger and bigger".

From "getting bigger and bigger" to "mountain collapse and ground crack", do you think the sound is getting louder and louder? From "getting closer, white waves billow and form a water wall more than two feet high", this sentence describes the height of the Qiantang River tide. It is appropriate to use the word "water wall" as a metaphor. From "the tide is getting closer and closer, like thousands of white war horses marching together, Rushing forward in a mighty way, the sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking. "This sentence describes the sound of the Qiantang River spring tide and its ferocity, and summarizes the wordy chatter with a beautiful metaphor, which is very good.

The fifth natural paragraph mainly describes the scene after the tide. The word "wind howling, waves roaring" was used to describe that although the spring tide had "gone", there was still the magnificent scene when the tide came. From the words "it took a long time for the Qiantang River spring tide to recover its calm", it took a long time to tell everyone that the Qiantang River spring tide was not like the scene when the tide came.

Through the vivid description of the tide before, when and after the tide, such as: thunder rolling, water and sky connecting, advancing side by side, vast and mighty, mountain collapse and earth cracking, rolling all over the sky, wind howling waves, and other words, I feel as if I am in the scene and feel the great and spectacular Qiantang River tide.

The text "Watching the Tide" is very well written. I hope that in the future, the text "Watching the Tide" will become famous.

Reading the Tide (10)

Open the new book with the smell of paper and ink, and a text named "Tide Watching" is introduced. tidal bore watching? What does the tide look like? For me, a child living in the inland, it's hard to see the magnificent scene of the rolling tide! With curiosity, I picked up the textbook and read it with great interest.

Suddenly, a picture of the Qiantang River spring tide unfolded in front of my eyes: I heard the sound of the tide before I saw it. Only heard the rumbling sound in the distance, like thunder rolling. People around me stand on tiptoe one by one. Someone shouted: The tide is coming! I looked east and saw a white line where water and sky meet. The white line came joyfully all the way, gradually lengthening and thickening, crossing the river. In the twinkling of an eye, white waves billowed, and a white wall more than two feet high stood in front of me. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white war horses marching side by side, rushing forward in a mighty way; The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking

I closed the book and gasped excitedly. It seemed that the tide of Qiantang River really roared past me! I can't help admiring the author's excellent description. He not only vividly reproduced the calm and beautiful landscape painting of the river, the sunshine after rain, the misty mist, and the hills in the distance, but also vividly described the spectacular scene of thousands of horses galloping and mountains collapsing when the spring tide came, making us feel the vastness of the tide together with the author.

Through reading this beautiful article, I learned about the grandeur and magnificence of the Qiantang River spring tide, and I love the great rivers and mountains of the motherland even more. In the future, I will learn from the author, carefully observe the beautiful scenery around me, and use my own pen to sketch our lovely, beautiful and rich motherland!

Reading the Tide (11)

The last exam composition was about scenery. I was puzzled because I had never observed the flowers and trees around. The composition was only sketchy, not detailed, and the result was a deduction of eight points. After that, I began to observe things carefully. When I saw flowers, I smelled them; When I see the leaves, I feel whether they are thick or not; If you see a stone, it will be hard. In the next exam, the composition was only deducted by three points. The teacher praised me and said that I had a pair of eyes good at discovering beauty. I was very happy.

Another time the teacher asked us, "What is the most beautiful thing in life?" The class was silent. I raised my hands when I was experienced in observing things last time. I said: "Flowers and trees are the most beautiful in life. As long as you have a pair of eyes to find beauty, you can find countless beautiful scenery of nature." The teacher said: "What you said is very good. Where did you get inspiration from?" I replied: "It's in our first lesson of Chinese text, Tide Watching."

After reading about tide watching, I understand that if you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty, you can find beauty everywhere in your life.

Reading the Tide (12)

The text "Tide Observation" mainly describes the spectacular scene of the annual Qiantang River spring tide.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, there was a rumbling sound from a distance, which seemed like thunder rolling. After a while, the noise became louder and louder, and a white line appeared in the place where water and sky meet in the east. The white line soon moved towards us, gradually lengthened and thickened, crossing the river. Closer, white waves billowed, forming a wall of water more than two feet high. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white war horses marching side by side, coming at a great speed; The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking.

Through the vivid description of the tide before, when and after the tide, such as: thunder rolling, water and sky connecting, advancing side by side, vast and mighty, mountain collapse and earth cracking, rolling all over the sky, wind howling waves, and other words, I feel as if I am in the scene and feel the great and spectacular Qiantang River tide.

Through reading this text, we can see the beauty and magic of nature. The Qiantang River spring tide is truly a wonder in the world. Nature is like a magician. Her masterpiece is amazing and shocking.

Reading the Tide (13)

Reading the Tide Watching Text I

Open the new book with the smell of paper and ink, and a text named "Tide Watching" is introduced. tidal bore watching? What does the tide look like? For me, a child living in the inland, it's hard to see the magnificent scene of the rolling tide! With curiosity, I picked up the textbook and read it with great interest.

The text "Tide Observation" mainly describes the spectacular scene of the annual Qiantang River spring tide.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, there was a rumbling sound from a distance, which seemed like thunder rolling. After a while, the noise became louder and louder, and a white line appeared in the place where water and sky meet in the east. The white line soon moved towards us, gradually lengthened and thickened, crossing the river. Closer, white waves billowed, forming a wall of water more than two feet high. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white war horses marching side by side, coming at a great speed; The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking.

Through the vivid description of the tide before, when and after the tide, such as: thunder rolling, water and sky connecting, advancing side by side, vast and mighty, mountain collapse and earth cracking, rolling all over the sky, wind howling waves, and other words, I feel as if I am in the scene and feel the great and spectacular Qiantang River tide.

Through reading this text, we can see the beauty and magic of nature. The Qiantang River spring tide is truly a wonder in the world. Nature is like a magician. Her masterpiece is amazing and shocking.

Reading the Tide Watching Text II

For me, a child living in the inland, it's hard to see the magnificent scene of the rolling tide! With curiosity, I picked up the textbook and read it with great interest.

Suddenly, a picture of the Qiantang River spring tide unfolded in front of my eyes: I heard the sound of the tide before I saw it. Only heard the rumbling sound in the distance, like thunder rolling. People around me stand on tiptoe one by one. Someone shouted: The tide is coming! I looked east and saw a white line where water and sky meet.

The white line came joyfully all the way, gradually lengthening and thickening, crossing the river. In the twinkling of an eye, white waves billowed, and a white wall more than two feet high stood in front of me. The tide is getting closer and closer, like tens of thousands of white war horses marching side by side, rushing forward in a mighty way; The sound was like a landslide, as if the earth was shaking

I closed the book and gasped excitedly. It seemed that the tide of Qiantang River really roared past me! I can't help admiring the author's excellent description. He not only vividly reproduced the calm and beautiful landscape painting of the river, the sunshine after rain, the misty mist, and the distant hills, but also vividly described the spectacular scene of ten thousand horses galloping and mountains collapsing when the spring tide came, making us feel the vastness of the tide together with the author.

Through reading this beautiful article, I learned about the grandeur and magnificence of the Qiantang River spring tide, and I love the great rivers and mountains of the motherland even more. In the future, I will learn from the author, carefully observe the beautiful scenery around me, and use my own pen to sketch our lovely, beautiful and rich motherland!

Reading the Tide Watching Text III

Today, we learned the text "Watching the Tide". Our teacher Jiao told us so vividly that we had a kind of immersive experience, as if I was watching the tide in the Qiantang River. This text is really excellent!

The text takes the sentence "Qiantang River spring tide, which has been known as' the wonders of the world 'since ancient times" as the central sentence, and "the wonders of the world" as the central word, and describes it in the order of before, when and after the tide, so that we can appreciate the grandeur and momentum of the Qiantang River spring tide.

1. Before the tide comes.

The author first described the scene before the tide came. At the beginning of the second natural paragraph, he told us the time (August 18th in the lunar calendar) and place (Yanguan Town, Haining County) of watching the tide. Then he gave us a detailed description of the Qiantang River before the tide came.

When climbing the Shanghai Tang Dyke, the Qiantang River lies in front of you, and the river is extremely calm; How magnificent the ancient pagoda, Zhongshan Pavilion and tidal observation platform stand on the riverside! The hills in the distance are looming, the tide has not yet come, and the seawall and levee are already crowded. These scenery descriptions put a mysterious veil on the Qiantang River tide. Let us want to see the wonder of Qiantang River spring tide.

2. When the tide comes.

The third and fourth natural paragraphs describe the scene when the tide comes. The third natural paragraph is about the future. It is written from both auditory and visual aspects. At the beginning, the author heard a sound like thunder in the distance from the Qiantang River. Looking at the river, it was still calm. After a while, the sound became louder and louder, and a white line appeared at the place where the water and the sky connect. This is the author's vision; The fourth natural paragraph is the close-up view described by the author. First, the white line gradually crosses the river, and then the white waves roll to form a white wall. When the tide comes to the nearest, the author compares the waves to thousands of white war horses, marching side by side. The sound is like a landslide, which makes people really feel the spectacular tide of the Qiantang River.

3. After the tide comes.

At the end of the article "Watching the Tide", the author has not forgotten to describe the scene after the tide came to us: the afterwaves are still coming all over the sky, and the river is still roaring with wind and waves. It took a long time for the river to calm down, but the river has risen six or seven meters. Let's enjoy the scene of Qiantang River at high tide from beginning to end.

We all marvel at the author's superb writing skills, we all admire the author's exquisite writing, and we all marvel at the magic of the Qiantang River spring tide!