About cleaning (4 high-quality articles)
Sunset Saturday
2024-04-11 09:16:21

About cleaning (1)

Mom has to work very hard at ordinary times, so we clean for her on weekends to help her share the burden. The following is the composition recommended by the editor:

[Composition 1]

Saturday is one of the weekends. I should have a rest, but my mother is busy with this and that. It's really horrible. So I thought about it and decided to help my mother clean up and share her happiness and hardship.

I quickly picked up the broom and dustpan. After a week of inspection, I began to clean. Start with my room. My eyes look at every corner like a monitor to prevent dust from having a chance. Suddenly, I saw a large amount of dust hidden in a corner. When they are distracted, I give them a sneak attack. But some of the dust is "die hards" who refuse to leave. I had to use my trump card to blow air from inside out to make them "blow tornadoes". Sure enough, they walked into the "prison" one by one. I finished the first task and went to take the second one.

The dust here is even more "dead party", like glue. I used many tricks, but it didn't help. At the critical moment, I used my last trick - to deal with them with wet cloth. Once wiped, the dust would have no choice, and they ran away desperately. In this way, I passed the test and "defeated the invincible dust at home". But I am already sweating.

After this cleaning, I realized my mother's hard work at home for us. I will help do a lot of housework in the future. Ah, it feels good to help my mother do housework!

[Composition 2]

Today happened to be Saturday. I finished my homework early in order to help my mother do some housework, let her work less hard and exercise my living ability.

I will do whatever I say. After lunch today, I began to wait for opportunities. Because our family will clean after every meal. 1、 Two, three! My mother picked up the broom, and I quickly ran to my mother to seize the opportunity. I said to my mother: Mom, let me come! Let me help you clean it! Mom thought for a while and said: Hmm! ok Exercise is also a good thing for you. Let me give you this opportunity! Knowing that my mother is very supportive, I will be more energetic. First, I learned my mother's usual order. Pick up an apron and tie it around your waist.

Prevent clothes from getting dirty when cleaning; The second step is to take a broom and sweep from right to left from one side of the living room against the wall with the broom. In the process of sweeping, I hold the broom tightly with my right hand, bend my legs slightly, and bend my waist. The broom sweeps rhythmically in my hands, and my legs move with me. But the good times are not long. It is not so difficult to sweep when I just started to do it in my heart. Although I am a little tired, I can persist, I must do more in the future to make my mother work less hard. However, after thinking about it, I ran into trouble. The trouble was that when I wanted to sweep the ash into the garbage can, the ash was always not clean, and there was always a little tail left. This problem was difficult to solve. I thought about it and finally came up with it. I use the living room to the kitchen to have a step. I sweep the ash onto the step and put the trash can under the step. The broom will fall off as soon as it sweeps the ash, and at the same time, it will fall into the trash can! I think it's necessary to have some brains to clean the housework sometimes!

This cleaning exercise my ability to live on my own, and help my mother to work less hard. It's really killing two birds with one stone. I must help my mother do more housework within my power in the future.

[Composition 3]

I complain that my mother gives me too little pocket money every day. Today is a weekend, my mother said to me: Xiaoliang, do you want to make money? How about 5 yuan for cleaning, 2 yuan for washing dishes and 1 yuan for dumping garbage? As soon as I heard that money could be earned, I quickly promised: OK, OK!

In order to make a lot of money, I decided to clean first. Although I am a small migrant worker, I have great strength. I pulled my cuffs, picked up my broom and entered the position. First, I started attacking the big room. It was my first time to clean it, so I was clumsy. I swept here and there. I either swept too much here or didn't sweep there, and painted the floor with a big face. I also became the boss of the big face. Seeing that I was so embarrassed, she taught me a cleaning recipe: stand firm with two feet apart, and sweep the broom in one direction with both hands! I tried, and it worked. The dust obediently listened to my words and ran in one direction.

After occupying the big room, I went to attack the small room again. Because my skills were inferior to others, I was tired after sweeping one room. What should I do? I thought of a way?? Put two rags on my feet and stride forward like skating. I stamp my feet here, and the floor will be clean as soon as I turn around.

Oh, I'm exhausted! I have only two rooms, and the living room, kitchen and bathroom are waiting for me! Look at the long road ahead. When is the end of the road? I will not use the tune of Da Chang Jin to complain about suffering.

The landlady was happy: Ha ha, it seems that Hercules will become a deserter halfway? I don't want to be a deserter. I swept the rest of the ground in one breath.

But the last piece of garbage is always disobedient, and there are always some naughty little garbage that won't run into the dustpan. In desperation, I had to use hand to hand combat to catch them in the dustpan.

Finally, I finished the job. I wiped the sweat on my face with one hand, and held the hard won 5 yuan in the other hand. I was very happy. I deeply realized that every sweat is a gain, and money is not easy to earn. Everyone must cherish it!

About cleaning (2)

On this day, my mother went out on business, my father accompanied my brother to the hospital for injection, and I was assigned an important task to clean the bedroom at home alone.

My bedroom has been criticized by my parents for a long time. When I looked under the bed, there was a bag of potato chips. Although it was unopened, it really looked uncomfortable. I took a new rag and prepared to wipe my floor well. First of all, I used a broom to sweep away some garbage and put the scattered things in order. Books are put on my bookshelf, snacks are put in my small box, toys are dusted and put on my bedside table. So I began to clean the floor! I wiped it from the diagonal corner of the door first, and the white rag was soon stained with ash. I continued to wipe it, but I wiped the previous ash on the floor again, looking even dirtier. I brought a small bucket, filled it with water, and put it on my stool. When the white cloth becomes dirty, put it inside. When I almost finished wiping, the water in the bucket became turbid. I hurried to get a new pot of water. After wiping the floor, the ground becomes bright, and the light shines on the floor, which is as sparkling as the sea. Although my knees and palms became dirty, my mood suddenly brightened when I saw the clean and tidy room.

When my parents came home, they praised me when they saw my new room. Dad also bought my favorite boneless chicken fillet to reward me. I ate boneless chicken fillet while watching Crayon Shin Sing. The world is really happy.

About cleaning (3)

Composition on cleaning the park [1]

In the park, there are green trees, flowers, and small fish in the pond everywhere. So, it's all about the environment. Do you all need to cherish the environment and cherish your green home?

In the fishpond in the park, the water in the lake is crystal clear. Small fish swim happily in the fishpond in the park. Some small fish dance in the water, and some small fish play in the fishpond.

The trees in the park are so tall and straight, and the leaves are so green and luxuriant. Flowers are no exception. Small, tender and beautiful jokes are quietly opening up. The grass dances with the wind.

The roads with catwalks and tree lined paths in the park are flat and wide, without any rubbish or sundries. The air is very fresh.

But in the beautiful small fish pond, people always litter, and the water becomes very dirty. Small fish also died, and those fish were sold in the market. People had diarrhea after eating fish.

Some people always cut down trees, while others trample on flowers and plants. Day by day, the whole park has become a mountain of debris and garbage, bare, trees, flowers and plants are gone. The beautiful park has become a wasteland, and people can no longer walk freely. Therefore, we should start from me and start from now, and protect the environment together.

1. Please take care of flowers, plants and trees, and do not cut down trees.

2. Please do not spit everywhere, do not litter, and pay attention to hygiene.

Composition on cleaning the park [2]

The earth belongs to all of us. Only by using our hands, starting from me, protecting the environment and caring for the earth, can the earth benefit us.

The scenery of Liuhua Park opposite my home is very beautiful! The water of Liuhua Lake is green and the microwave is sparkling. Floating on the lake are pieces of green lotus leaves like jade plates, and white lotus flowers emerge from the lotus leaves. The lotus is particularly beautiful against the green leaves. There are also lovely birds who often fall on the lotus leaves and chirp and sing beautiful songs. There is a pavilion near the lake, in which stone tables and chairs are placed... The old people are playing sports, and the children are also playing. What a harmonious environment!

But, do you know? My father said that the environment of Liuhua Park was very poor before! The lake smelled like a stinking ditch and became a paradise for flies and mosquitoes. The little fish in the water can't live long. When the wind blows, they smell a bad smell. There is no fresh and sweet air at all. Even the flowers and trees bow their heads and stoop. Neither the old nor the children want to come here for morning exercises and play. Later, through the efforts of the environmental protection management department and the greening company, the original dirty, messy and poor park has been improved. People also know the importance of protecting the environment and love the environment in the park, so the park has become so beautiful day by day.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. We must study hard, master more scientific knowledge, and use our wisdom and ability to protect the environment, transform nature, and make our own contribution to creating a harmonious environment when we grow up!

Composition on cleaning the park [3]

Today is the annual World Health Day. The school organizes students to go to the park to clean up.

I was going to the park with my broom and new clothes, but just then, my mother asked me to go to Uncle's house to get the cute puppy. I said to my mother, "No, I have to go to the park. I'll take it next time.". I thought to myself: Yes, I can't find it without going to my friends anyway. But I immediately thought again: the teacher had just taught us a sentence: "Where you speak, trust is the first; deceit and dishonesty, ridicule can be ignored." Yes, I must do what I promised. If I don't keep my word, my partners will not play with me. I quickly said to my mother, "I decided not to go to Uncle's house to get the dog. I will go to the park to help them!" Then I ran to the park like an arrow.

Fortunately, the partners haven't started work yet. When they saw me coming, they said happily, "Well, everyone is here, let's divide our work and cooperate!" "Hmm! I sweep here, and you go get me a bucket of water."...... We worked happily. Before long, the park had been cleaned completely by us.

Today, I didn't get my beloved dog because I went to the park to clean up, but I don't regret it, because I not only contributed to beautifying the environment, but also kept my word.

About cleaning (4)

Wen Shuo

One day, Mother Monkey went to buy vegetables. She handed the broom and duster to Monkey and said, "Monkey, can you help your mother clean the house?" Monkey patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, Mom, it's on me." So Monkey mother went to buy vegetables. When he began to work, the monkey first brought a bucket of water, put the cloth in the water to soak, then picked up the cloth and wrung it dry, then climbed onto the table, picked up the cloth, and wiped down layer by layer, the glass window was polished to be shiny. After cleaning the window, the monkey began to clean the table. The little monkey squatted on the chair, wiped the paper scraps on the table onto the floor, and scrubbed the dirty cloth clean, wiping from left to right. The table became spotless. Finally, the monkey sweeps the paper scraps on the ground into a pile, sweeps them into a dustpan, and then dumps the garbage. Looking at the cleaned house, the little monkey was sweeter than honey.