The Road to Success (Selected 20)
Grandpa Sunshine
2024-01-13 06:17:17
Junior three
Argumentative paper

The Way to Success (1)

From ancient times to the present, there are many celebrities with the spirit of diligence and study hard. Such spirit is worth learning. Today I will talk about my favorite poet, Su Xun.

When he was a teenager, Su Xun was fond of playing and didn't do his job properly. But at the age of 27, he encouraged himself to read. One Dragon Boat Festival, his wife brought a plate of zongzi and a plate of sugar on his desk. At noon, when his wife came to collect the dishes, she found that all the zongzi had been eaten, but none of the sugar had moved, and there were many glutinous rice grains on the inkstone. Su Xun was so obsessed with learning that he mistook the inkstone for a plate of sugar. It was his story that inspired me deeply.

That summer, I was gnawing at a difficult problem in front of my desk. As time went by, the sweat on my forehead slid down my cheek, and I was still helpless in the face of this problem. Just as I was about to give up, my grandpa came in and looked at me, looking at me sweating. My grandpa laughed, wiped the sweat off my forehead and said, "Remember those poems that my grandparents often read?" I nodded. "Do you still remember your favorite poet?" Grandpa asked, and I said excitedly: "Of course. My favorite person is Su Xunla, among whom I can recite his" Cloud Hinges in the Mountain "," Cloud Hinges in the Mountain, Fog... Who is the mountain, better than feathers. "Grandpa smiled and said," Do you remember the kind of studying spirit he used to have when he was young? " I thought for a while and said, "Well, Grandpa, I won't let you down."

So I picked up the paper and pen again, and did the calculation again and again, and drew a question mark on the place I didn't know. In this hot noon, the sun shines on the earth. I kept looking for answers, sweat soaked my clothes When I saw that the sun was only half the sky, I hurried downstairs with the problem in my hand, rode to the teacher's house on my bike, showed the problem in my hand to the teacher, and asked the teacher what I didn't understand. The teacher explained patiently. After I understood it again, the teacher asked me to do it again. "Ah! The mountain is too heavy and the water is too difficult to answer, and there is no way out. I have finally solved this problem, and I have thought of another way to solve it." I exclaimed! I hurried home to show my achievements to my grandfather, who smiled happily.

The last ray of sunshine on the earth also disappeared. In this full afternoon, it was Su Xun who made me understand that the road to success is to innovate, study hard and study hard.

The Way to Success (2)

"There is more than one way to the square. So is life. If you find that you cannot reach your destination by this way, you can try another way." This is the most touching sentence in the text "There is more than one way to the square".

This article mainly says that when the author was young, her father took her to the top of the tall tower. Looking at the endless road under his feet, his father taught the author: If you think this method is not feasible, try another method. Later, the author encountered two problems in his career and finally found a way out.

Positive and optimistic spirit can help people overcome many difficulties. When they break through difficulties and obstacles again and experience hardships, there will be another way to success.

This text reminds me of a story: there are two children, one wants to be a painter, the other wants to be a musician. But children who want to be musicians are deaf; The child who wants to be a painter is blind. They were very sad and complained about the injustice of fate to them. It happened that an old man heard their complaints and asked them to change their ideals. Their eyes brightened and they began a new pursuit. Gradually, they all felt that this was better because it could focus their minds on one point. Later, deaf children became famous painters; Blind children have become famous musicians.

In study, in life and at work, as long as you do more experiments and use your brains, there will be no unsolvable problems. As the saying goes, "All roads lead to Rome", which reveals a simple truth: there is more than one road to success!

Grade 5: Sweet Angel of Dream

The Way to Success (3)

When I was a sophomore, on a cloudy morning, I rode my bike past the rockery beside the music fountain, and I couldn't help but want to climb up to see the scenery.

I locked my bike and went around the back of the rockery to choose a better route. Then I climbed up with both hands and feet. After a period of climbing, I finally conquered the rockery and lay on the top of it to blow the wind.

I looked at my watch. It was almost 11 o'clock, so I got up and walked to the "path" I had just climbed up. I tried, but I couldn't touch my feet. Alas! It is the saying of the ancients that it is easier to go up than down! What should I do? If you don't go back, you will surely scold your mother to death. I am like an ant on a hot pot, rushing around on the rockery.

Suddenly, I saw hope and a way down the mountain. I scrambled down.

From this incident, I understand that there is more than one way to success. This method won't work, so let's change it.

The Way to Success (4)

In the fifth grade, I went to study agriculture. In fact, learning agriculture is "devil military training". Although very tired, it taught me to persist.

After a night of trouble, the next day, we were all very ill. The instructor was very angry and instructed us to do squats.

After squatting for dozens of times, the instructor finally called us up. At this time, we were already tired and could not stand up. As soon as I stood up, my legs felt a lot of pain, like needles stuck into the bone marrow. Some people who want to be lazy simply sit on the ground, cover their feet with strength, and cry softly: "Oh, it's so sour! The drillmaster is really hateful!"

However, this can not escape the drillmaster's eyes. The instructor strode forward and pulled out these "lazy ghosts". Slap the brim of his hat down. In anger, the students were forced to accept the punishment of "training military posture".

Just after finishing dozens of squats, our legs were shaking, everyone stood awkwardly, could not control the center of gravity, and our breathing would not be smooth, and people with good sports quality would not be able to support. But how can I easily admit defeat? In order to improve their sports quality, they straightened their legs. The instructor really "stared" at me and asked me to show my standing posture.

Before, I would have laughed, but this time I have a lot of concerns: I can't make a fool of myself in front of four schools! Today, I am very nervous.

I was scared out of a cold sweat and climbed carefully onto the rostrum. I hurried to stand up and straighten my feet. I even used the strength of my toes and almost cramped. Raise your head, straighten your chest, keep your stomach in, and change your face into a serious expression. After standing for about five minutes, my feet became numb. I soon became uneasy. As soon as I shook up, I was so nervous that I tried to straighten my back with all my nerves. Then he did not move again. Gradually, I found a feeling, and no longer so nervous. Although the breathing is not so smooth, it is also comfortable to sweat.

When I got off the podium, although all parts of my body were uncomfortable, I still smiled.

I think that's the way to learn. When you reach the limit, bite your teeth and stick to it. By working hard time after time and day after day, you can break through your own limits and sit on your throne.

Maybe the way of life is the same! When encountering major events, you should be calm and calm, show your own style, and be praised by others in society.

No matter what we do, we should try our best. This is not useless. On the road to success, it is impossible to be smooth, but if you take serious, perseverance, you can always achieve your aspirations!

The Way to Success (5)

"There is more than one way to the square. So is life. If you find that you cannot reach your destination by this way, you can try another way." This is the most touching sentence in the text "There is more than one way to the square".

This article mainly says that when the author was young, her father took her to the top of the tall tower. Looking at the endless road under his feet, his father taught the author: If you think this method is not feasible, try another method. Later, the author encountered two problems in his career and finally found a way out.

Positive and optimistic spirit can help people overcome many difficulties. When they break through difficulties and obstacles again and experience hardships, there will be another way to success.

This text reminds me of a story: there are two children, one wants to be a painter, the other wants to be a musician. But children who want to be musicians are deaf; The child who wants to be a painter is blind. They were very sad and complained about the injustice of fate to them. It happened that an old man heard their complaints and asked them to change their ideals. Their eyes brightened and they began a new pursuit. Gradually, they all felt that this was better because it could focus their minds on one point. Later, deaf children became famous painters; Blind children have become famous musicians.

In study, in life and at work, as long as you do more experiments and use your brains, there will be no unsolvable problems. As the saying goes, "All roads lead to Rome", which reveals a simple truth: there is more than one road to success!

The Way to Success (6)

"Even if God closes all the doors to success, he will certainly open a window for you." This is the truth I learned from reading the text "There is more than one way to the square". This sentence has benefited me all my life.

This is the case in the article. When I was young, my father took me to the top of the church tower. My father taught me that if you find this way, try it. "I" always keep in mind. Later, he narrated two things to prove that his father's words in the article were right.

I was deeply touched by my father's words: there is more than one way to the square. So is life. If you find that you can't reach your destination by this way, you can try another way. Ah! What a simple sentence it is, but it has become the answer to the author's success. Yeah! On the road of life, if the door to success is locked, we can open the window, feel the green grass, feel the blue sky, and feel the joy of victory. In life, we often struggle with some problems. However, we can think about it from a different perspective. Maybe we can understand the meaning better. Once, I was going to attend a lecture. I had to memorize a speech with more than 1000 words in two days, so I had to memorize it word by word. After a day, I learned hundreds of words by heart, and then I came up with a good way to analyze it according to its structural characteristics, key words and general meaning. Sure enough, an hour later I could recite it backwards. So we can't stop thinking from one angle. We should think more comprehensively. If one road fails, we can go another way. As the saying goes, "Move the tree to death, and move the people to live." From now on, if I encounter difficulties, I will think in many ways, and I will never be a "fool" stuck in a dead end.

The Way to Success (7)

Maybe, some people think that the road to success is not difficult and easy, and success is as simple as doing math problems. But I want to say that yes, success is very simple, but also very difficult. There is no correct method, so is math problems. There is no correct method, even if the results are the same, it can't be right. I used to do this. Go to ask the teacher for scores, and the teacher just kindly told me; Maths is about time and reason, but not about reason. Do you understand? "At that time, I was ignorant, but now I really understand that there are many paths to success, but it depends on whether you take the path that suits you.

Persistence is extremely simple to write, but it is very difficult to do. Many people are getting closer to success because they have survived this period of persistence. Sima Qian, the author of Records of the Historian, endured humiliation because of his insistence and palace punishment, and finally wrote a book, which Lu Xun called "the swan song of a historian, and the unrhymned Li Sao".

There are also many people who have never achieved concentration. Those students in the class may have such a feature. Because they are focused, consistent, and persistent to their goals, they can become learning bullies.

In fact, those learning bully are just ordinary people, just like those so-called learning scum, but learning bully is very focused in class, not doing small actions, and concentrating on learning.

Of course, I just choose a few at random. Of course, there are many, but each road is extremely difficult and full of thorns.

The Way to Success (8)

As time goes by, there is no trace of time, and the dead end has rippled in the relentless river of time, arousing layers of waves.

Back half a month ago, I went to visit my grandparents whom I hadn't seen for a long time. The buildings here are still small and old; The trees are still green and luxuriant. Everything is like childhood in memory. After ten days, I couldn't help missing my grandparents. I went to my grandparents' home again, but was surprised to find that several houses around turned into ruins. Grandparents said that these old houses were demolished for construction. I am well aware that these houses, which took no amount of time, manpower and material resources to build at that time, will disappear with my memory, leaving no trace and no cloud.

Building a house is not a day's work, but it is destroyed in an instant. This caused me endless regret. In fact, the same is true of success. Before success, there are countless difficulties and obstacles. Only with unremitting efforts can we reach the other side of success. Failure may only require a slight thought. From ancient times to the present, there are countless geniuses, but they may not have achieved success, but went to failure. In ancient times, there was Fang Zhongyong, who was extremely talented and learned from no teacher. If he worked hard, he would become a great litterateur in Chinese history. However, he abandoned his studies and finally lost everyone for various reasons. There is Andrew today. Bynum, a talented basketball player, kept the record of the youngest appearance in the NBA, and was a great help for Kobe Bryant to win the championship. However, he resigned himself to corruption and eventually disappeared from the NBA.

So, should we work hard? Most of us are not geniuses. Our talents are ordinary. If we want to succeed, we have to work harder. When building a dream and a successful golden hall, there is no shortage of blows, setbacks, sweat and tears. How hard and tired is success? Before becoming the richest man in China, Ma Yun applied for college twice, but failed all the time. However, he did not give up, and the third college entrance exam ended up fulfilling his college dream. In the early days of his entrepreneurship, he also suffered a lot. The first two attempts to tap the Internet market ended in failure. The third time he started his business, he also experienced the dilemma of not paying wages for several years, which led to Alibaba today. Ma Yun is just an ordinary person, he is not a genius, but he has finally achieved success, known as the "Godfather of Entrepreneurship" to inspire generations of young people to move forward. What makes Jack Ma successful? Not talent, but hard work. He is unafraid of setbacks and always marches forward with his head held high. Frustration failed to knock him down, but tempered him, making his blunt sword gradually become a magic weapon for blowing hair and breaking hair.

On the way to success, you can rest, but never give up.

The Road to Success (9)

The dream is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. We yearn for dreams and want to reach that beautiful world, but when we are in reality, we will feel that dreams are so far away.

But is it true that you can give up? Are you really going to "float anything from the current" in the ocean of life?

But this is not the case. There is a channel between dreams and reality, that is, efforts. As long as we are willing to work hard, what a distant goal will be achieved.

We have all heard the story that water wears away the stone. There is a drop of water to compete with the big waves in the sea. The content of the competition is that a drop of water penetrates the stone. The waves broke through the stones. When we heard this, we always felt that the result had come out, so Daliang won. But the result is not like this. After the efforts of day and night, and the struggle of forgetting food and sleep, the little water drop finally won the big wave through the stone.

People should always work hard. Only by working hard can we achieve our goal, even if it is small.

I failed in my math exam last year. In the face of this almost completely wrong test paper, I did not reflect and work hard, but just complain. Complain about not playing well, complaining about the problem is too difficult.

This year, after my head teacher and math teacher "brainwashed" me, I more or less understood some learning principles. After that, I stopped complaining and studied hard. My efforts have paid off. I got a good result in this year's math exam, although the difficulty of the questions has not changed much compared with the previous ones.

"There is a long way to go, and I will search up and down." Who can do everything smoothly without suffering setbacks in the long life? Whether we are junior high school students or people of all kinds in other societies, we will encounter more or less setbacks in our lives. But some people persevered and finally saved the day, while others chose to give up and escape. Therefore, there will be success and failure in the world.

In one's life, winners have the same feeling, while losers have their own misfortunes. Winners are not discouraged, and defeat is not discouraged to compete with setbacks again, while losers have been sparing no effort to avoid failure.

Students, there are many roads to success, but please go to the "hard work" highway. As long as we are willing to work hard, we will be able to reach the other side of success.

The Road to Success (10)

Maybe, some people think that the road to success is not difficult and easy, and success is as simple as doing math problems. But I want to say that yes, success is very simple, but also very difficult. There is no correct method, so is math problems. There is no correct method, even if the results are the same, it can't be right. I used to do this. Go to ask the teacher for scores, and the teacher just kindly told me; "Mathematics is about time and reason, and not about reason, don't let it be right, understand?" At that time, I was confused, but now I really understand that there are many paths to success, but it depends on whether you take the path that is suitable for you.

Persistence is extremely simple to write, but very difficult to do. Many people are getting closer to success because they have survived this period of persistence. Sima Qian, the author of Records of the Historian, endured humiliation because of his insistence and palace punishment, and finally wrote a book, which Lu Xun called "the swan song of a historian, and the unrhymned Li Sao".

There are also many people who have never achieved concentration. Those students in the class may have such a feature. Because they are focused, consistent, and persistent to their goals, they can become learning bullies.

In fact, those learning bully are just ordinary people, just like those so-called learning slags, but learning bully is very focused in class, not doing small actions, and concentrating on learning.

The Road to Success (11)

All roads lead to Rome, but success requires persistence and courage—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

There is an asphalt road in front of my house, which is in disrepair. I don't know when a construction team emerged, knocking all day, digging out a long trench and entrenching on the roadside, but the dust was still flying all over the sky. That day, I went shopping along this bumpy road, and the car bumped. At first, there were few cars on the road, but unconsciously, the vehicles slowed down and the road became congested. I looked up in surprise, but was stunned by the sight.

Two large excavators occupy most of the street, ostentatiously wielding big shovels for construction. The originally flat road surface has changed beyond recognition. There is a blue and black river flowing on the ground, vaguely emitting a rotten smell; On the other side of the road, there is an endless stream of vehicles, mostly large transport vehicles, which is a busy scene. Looking at the scene in front of me, I couldn't stop trembling at the thought that I would walk through these giants later. At this time, I thought of shrinking back. But the feeling of not daring and returning without success drove out cowardice, and I rode this dangerous road. At this time, a big blue van passed by me, and I quickly followed it. When I stepped on the sewage, I really realized the difficulties of this road, and I thought of retreating, but behind me there was a white van closely following me, which made me in a dilemma. I can only reluctantly drift with the current, struggling to move forward in the sewage. Suddenly, the bike rushing out from the oblique rear attracted my attention. I saw the man calmly and dexterously shuttling between various vehicles, with a leisurely face like walking in a garden, rather than being on a dangerous road. Looking at his back, my fear faded like a tide, revealing the beach full of courage.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters... With the courage to accompany, the road full of difficulties and obstacles is no longer long. I finally reached the end. When I recalled the fear at that time, I didn't have much feeling, but this incident brought me thinking and feeling: facing the unknown road, we were full of fear; When we embark on a difficult and dangerous journey, we will be frightened; Success requires persistence and courage. After a long journey, we not only lose our fear, but also gain beautiful scenery along the way. In the face of the unknown and confused future, let's pack up our bags, take up our perseverance and courage, and set sail!

The Road to Success (12)

This time, we participated in the activity of Social Practice Month, and all the sixth grade teachers and students went to Wulixingzhi Primary School in Jiangpu District to carry out the annual agricultural activities. The time of learning agriculture is not long, two days in total. But it is these two days that each of us graduates has left eternal memories in the history of our primary school.

In the two days of studying agriculture, we picked eggplants, broke corn, dug yams, picked tea, climbed mountains and had picnics during the day; At night we surrounded the campfire. Setting off fireworks can enrich activities! But the most unforgettable thing is mountaineering.

On that day, we went for a picnic. The car stopped at the foot of the beautiful mountain. We put down our luggage and walked up the mountain in a neat line. In the continuous mountains, what we want to conquer is just a small mountain. At first, no one paid attention to it. Everyone talked and laughed and walked up... As we walked, the laughter gradually faded away, and the sound of gasping, crying tired, and crying thirsty gradually increased. Some students simply backed down and retreated. It's a pity that I look down upon them from the bottom of my heart. I watched them go down the mountain, straightened their skirts, shook their heads and continued to climb.

"There is no way to go!" The male student who was on the way in front shouted loudly. What should we do when we walked forward to see that there was really no way? When the teacher came up, he looked around and said decisively, "From here!" "Ah! This is no road!" The steep hillside was covered with weeds. There were sharp thorns on the vine, big and small, but the shadow was about trampled. "Up!" Everyone jumped out of their teeth. The stone shook at our feet, our hands tightly grasped the roots and turf, and we climbed up hard step by step. In some places, it was slippery sand and soil, and we had to kneel on the ground with our legs. After a while, with the help of our classmates, we walked up. Each hand was scratched with prickly plants, and blood seeped out, and many people's lips were thirsty, The legs and feet are sore. It was only halfway up the mountain, and some of the students were exhausted.

We continued to climb. It was more difficult to climb here. There were thorns everywhere. The students in front of us wrapped the thorns with paper towels as a sign to prevent the students behind us from scratching their hands. How valuable the spirit of solidarity and fraternity is! The top of the mountain finally stepped at my feet. I looked carefully at the few boys and girls who were left with red faces, like apples that were ripe in autumn. I looked at the golden fields at the foot of the mountain and the red maple leaves on the mountain. The brown and green pines and cypresses complement each other. Plus we only have ripe "apples". Look! What a beautiful picture, and we are traveling in it

Yeah! The infinite beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain can only be enjoyed by those who climb to the top of the mountain.

The Road to Success (13)

My father said to me: "There is more than one way to success, and the road must be explored by yourself. Remember, child!" My mother often said so. Today, a lesson from Teacher Shi made me understand the meaning of this sentence more fully.

In class, teacher Shi took out a red plastic bag and let's guess what was in it? There was a lot of talk in the classroom. A classmate stood up and said, "It's a walnut!" The teacher was stunned, but immediately said, "Praise him!" Suddenly, the classroom "wow" resounded with thunderous applause. Teacher Stone asked, "How did you know?"

"Because the headmaster said before class, have you brought any walnuts? So I know." "Praise him again!" The teacher said happily. oh It's the headmaster Fang who leaked the secret.

The teacher gave everyone a walnut and asked how to open it. The classroom talked about it again: some said that they would bite their teeth (if they couldn't open them, they would also bite their teeth), some said that they would smash them on the ground (it seemed OK), some said that they would take tools (if they didn't have them), and some said that they were good at holding them (I don't know if others could, but I can't)

Teacher Shi smiled and waited for everyone to finish, then said mysteriously: "I have a secret weapon, do you know what it is?" The teacher probably knew that we could not guess, so he proudly hummed: "5551 | 3332~~~" Slowly took out a knife.

"Ah? How can a knife open a walnut? Pry? Cut? Knock? We can't understand. At this time, the teacher made an incredible move, inserted the tip of the knife into the walnut, and the walnut opened three or two turns!

Then the teacher told us the truth: the shell of a walnut is very hard, but such a hard shell also has a weakness - its top has a long handle and a concave place, like a person's navel. It's not as hard as other places, so you can pry it with a knife.

Ah! It suddenly dawned on me. Indeed, there is more than one way to success!

The Way to Success (14)

Persistence is extremely simple to write, but very difficult to do. Many people are getting closer to success because they have survived this period of persistence. Sima Qian, the author of Records of the Historian, endured humiliation because of his insistence and palace punishment, and finally wrote a book, which Lu Xun called "the swan song of a historian, and the unrhymned Li Sao".

There are also many people who have never achieved concentration. Those students in the class may have such a feature. Because they are focused, consistent, and persistent to their goals, they can become learning bullies.

In fact, those learning bully are just ordinary people, just like those so-called learning scum, but learning bully is very focused in class, not doing small actions, and concentrating on learning.

Of course, I just choose a few at random. Of course, there are many, but each road is extremely difficult and full of thorns.

The Road to Success (15)

"There is more than one way to the square. So is life. If you find that you cannot reach your destination by this way, you can try another way." This is the most touching sentence in the text "There is more than one way to the square".

This article mainly says that when the author was young, her father took her to the top of the tall tower. Looking at the endless road under his feet, his father taught the author: If you think this method is not feasible, try another method. Later, the author encountered two problems in his career and finally found a way out.

Positive and optimistic spirit can help people overcome many difficulties. When they break through difficulties and obstacles again and experience hardships, there will be another way to success.

This text reminds me of a story: there are two children, one wants to be a painter, the other wants to be a musician. But children who want to be musicians are deaf; The child who wants to be a painter is blind. They were very sad and complained about the injustice of fate to them. It happened that an old man heard their complaints and asked them to change their ideals. Their eyes brightened and they began a new pursuit. Gradually, they all felt that this was better because it could focus their minds on one point. Later, deaf children became famous painters; Blind children have become famous musicians.

In study, in life and at work, as long as you do more experiments and use your brains, there will be no unsolvable problems. As the saying goes, "All roads lead to Rome", which reveals a simple truth: there is more than one road to success!

Grade 5: Sweet Angel of Dream

The Road to Success (16)

This time, we participated in the activity of Social Practice Month. All the sixth grade teachers and students went to Wulixingzhi Primary School in Jiangpu District to carry out the annual agricultural activities. The time of learning agriculture is not long, two days in total. But it is these two days that each of us graduates has left eternal memories in the history of our primary school.

In the two days of studying agriculture, we picked eggplants, broke corn, dug yams, picked tea, climbed mountains and had picnics during the day; At night we surrounded the campfire. Setting off fireworks can enrich activities! But the most unforgettable thing is mountaineering.

On that day, we went for a picnic. The car stopped at the foot of the beautiful mountain. We put down our luggage and walked up the mountain in a neat line. In the continuous mountains, what we want to conquer is just a small mountain. At first, no one paid attention to it. Everyone talked and laughed and walked up... As we walked, the laughter gradually faded away, and the sound of gasping, crying tired, and crying thirsty gradually increased. Some students simply backed down and retreated. It's a pity that I look down upon them from the bottom of my heart. I watched them go down the mountain, straightened their skirts, shook their heads and continued to climb.

"There is no way to go!" The male student who was on the way in front shouted loudly. What should we do when we walked forward to see that there was really no way? When the teacher came up, he looked around and said decisively, "From here!" "Ah! This is no road!" The steep hillside was covered with weeds. There were sharp thorns on the vine, big and small, but the shadow was about trampled. "Up!" Everyone jumped out of their teeth. The stone shook at our feet, our hands tightly grasped the roots and turf, and we climbed up hard step by step. In some places, it was slippery sand and soil, and we had to kneel on the ground with our legs. After a while, with the help of our classmates, we walked up. Each hand was scratched with prickly 'plants, and blood seeped out. Many people's lips were thirsty, The legs and feet are sore. It was only halfway up the mountain, and some of the students were exhausted.

We continued to climb. It was more difficult to climb here. There were thorns everywhere. The students in front of us wrapped the thorns with paper towels as a sign to prevent the students behind us from scratching their hands. How valuable the spirit of solidarity and fraternity is! The top of the mountain finally stepped at my feet. I looked carefully at the few boys and girls who were left with red faces, like apples that were ripe in autumn. I looked at the golden fields at the foot of the mountain and the red maple leaves on the mountain. The brown and green pines and cypresses complement each other. Plus we only have ripe "apples". Look! What a beautiful picture, and we are traveling in it

Yeah! The infinite beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain can only be enjoyed by those who climb to the top of the mountain.

The Road to Success (17)

All roads lead to Rome. There is a dream and success ahead. One road is blocked, and there is another road waiting for you. Don't be discouraged, face it bravely and challenge it. Looking at the picture in the Chinese textbook, I was immersed in the text "More than one road to the square". The story is basically like this: the author's father took her to the top of the tower to look down on the whole of Rome. His father told her that there was more than one way to the square, which inspired the author deeply. Later in his life, the author encountered two very difficult things. He was deeply impressed by his father's teachings and overcame these two "problems". I am also deeply inspired that there are many roads to success. When one road fails, don't be discouraged. You should face the other road bravely and challenge that road bravely. The same is true of life. There are many ways to go, such as; Once, the teacher asked us to search for some proverbs. I turned on the computer and searched on the Internet. I either typed less or lacked the word. Later, the Internet was unable to connect. I was so angry that I couldn't find the proverbs. I found a book on the desk by accident. Right, my mother bought me a complete set of proverbs stories? Can't I just find some on it? Three, five, two, and a few proverbs are written in my book. Through this incident, I once again understood that sentence: there is more than one way to the square. The door to success is always open to us. As long as we work hard and have determination, we will succeed. As long as we firmly believe that there is more than one road to success, let's make great strides towards success together! The seeds of success will always sprout in our hearts and open beautiful flowers.

The Road to Success (18)

Hu Qingxin participated in the Social Practice Month this time. All the sixth grade teachers and students went to Wulixingzhi Primary School in Pu District to carry out the annual agricultural activities. The time of learning agriculture is not long, two days in total. But it is these two days that each of us graduates has left eternal memories in the history of our primary school.

In the two days of studying agriculture, we picked eggplants, broke corn, dug yams, picked tea, climbed mountains and had picnics during the day; At night we surrounded the campfire. Setting off fireworks can enrich activities! But the most unforgettable thing is mountaineering.

On that day, we went for a picnic. The car stopped at the foot of the beautiful mountain. We put down our luggage and walked up the mountain in a neat line. In the continuous mountains, what we want to conquer is just a small mountain. At first, no one paid attention to it. Everyone talked and laughed and walked up... As we walked, the laughter gradually faded away, and the sound of gasping, crying tired, and crying thirsty gradually increased. Some students simply backed down and retreated. It's a pity that I look down upon them from the bottom of my heart. I watched them go down the mountain, straightened their skirts, shook their heads and continued to climb.

"There is no way to go!" The male student who was on the way in front shouted loudly. What should we do when we walked forward to see that there was really no way? When the teacher came up, he looked around and said decisively, "From here!" "Ah! This is no road!" The steep hillside was covered with weeds. There were sharp thorns on the vine, big and small, but the shadow was about trampled. "Up!" Everyone jumped out of their teeth. The stone shook at our feet, our hands tightly grasped the roots and turf, and we climbed up hard step by step. In some places, it was slippery sand, and we had to kneel on the ground with our legs. After a while, with the help of our classmates, we walked up. Each hand was scratched with prickly plants, and the blood seeped out, and many people's lips were thirsty, The legs and feet are sore. It was only halfway up the mountain, and some of the students were exhausted.

We continued to climb. It was more difficult to climb here. There were thorns everywhere. The students in front of us wrapped the thorns with paper towels as a sign to prevent the students behind us from scratching their hands. How valuable the spirit of solidarity and fraternity is! The top of the mountain finally stepped at my feet. I looked carefully at the few boys and girls who were left with red faces, like apples that were ripe in autumn. I looked at the golden fields at the foot of the mountain and the red maple leaves on the mountain. The brown and green pines and cypresses complement each other. Plus we only have ripe "apples". Look! What a beautiful picture, and we are traveling in it

Yeah! The infinite beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain can only be enjoyed by those who climb to the top of the mountain.

The Road to Success (19)

Etiquette often changes a person's life. It is a call, a seemingly profound one, but as long as you choose the right direction at the turning point of the road, you can lead to success.

A college student came to find a job after graduating from college. The college student was dressed in a jacket, cowboy, with an unfinished cigarette in his hand, and still had the smell of spilled food left on his body. He wore slippers and chewed gum with relish in his mouth, which gave people a sense of disgust, especially the colorful hair dyes and diamond earrings on his earlobes, He walked into the application room, and the temporary examiners gave comments for the first meeting, whether to work or to do! This appearance is really not valued. It is impolite and ignorant to pay no attention to people and things. The first sentence was: "I like to look at my resume. My name is 23 years old. Everything else is on my resume. After saying that, he turned and left. One month or two, he still didn't have company notice. He didn't regret his behavior and began to plan for another route.

What makes people refreshing is him: he takes care of his clothes seriously, wears a shirt, a black coat, a pair of loose pants, his hair is also combed clean, neat, and always has a briefcase in his hand, which makes the interviewee happy. He knocked on the door three times before entering, and came in when the examiner said, "Please come in.". First, wipe the mud on the shoes on the carpet at the door. When he saw a piece of paper scraps, he silently picked them up and put them in the garbage can. Then he entered the application room with a smile and greeted the examiners. At that moment, a frail old man leaned on his crutch. The wrinkles were like annual rings, showing the signs of time. The hands crawling with the vicissitudes of years showed the work of young people. The applicant saw the old man and forgot the examiners, Unconsciously, he walked to the old man and helped him to sit on the seat. While helping, he said, "Slow down, don't fall. So the old man walked comfortably step by step with the help of the applicant." Cough "The examiner pretended to cough to remind him. "Oh, here we are." He seemed to realize the intention of the candidate, and then rushed to continue to apply. In fact, this was just an arrangement made by the examiners. The college student never dreamed of it. It was his manners and practices that made him enter this company. Among the examiners, this young man is a person with traditional Chinese etiquette. If he has no etiquette, he will not greet politely. Of course, wiping shoes, dressing up meticulously, and caring for the elderly are also expressions of etiquette.

Of course, these two people have different attitudes and different lives. One is still living a life of fooling around and asking his parents for money all day. The other is a polite college student. He applied to this company last time and worked very hard. Finally, he has his own company and started the road of wealth. And with a family, life is very happy.

This is the importance of etiquette. Etiquette is like water. If you waste water, it will never come back. If you cherish it, it will flow into your body and quench your thirst. Of course, etiquette is also the same. It can change a person's life. Of course, this opportunity also depends on whether you grasp it. If you grasp it, go ahead! The door of victory will open for you, and the flowers of victory will bloom for you.

The Road to Success (20)


A muddy path

At the foot of the lofty mountain, I made up my mind to conquer it. Climbing up the only path up the mountain, I knew how difficult it was. The path is extremely narrow, sandwiched between two huge stones, and in the middle is a dirt path. It rained a few days ago, and the path was dotted with small puddles, and the muddy ground could almost submerge the whole shoe. My heart beat a retreat. Looking up to the top of the mountain, a green mountain peak is shrouded in clouds, like a fairyland. That is Shanxiang, the peak of success! I immediately filled with fighting spirit and continued to move forward. The road to success is muddy!

Thorn forest

Walking along the muddy path, a forest blocked my progress. It was late spring, and the green thorns had turned to light brown. The thorns were like fishhooks, which made people afraid. However, the belief of climbing the top still drives me to move forward. I picked up a stick to poke away the thorns. But some thorns are still across the middle of the road, so I can't move them with a stick. So I have to rush directly, with many thorns and many blood stains on my body. But I still gritted my teeth and walked forward. The road to success is bound to be full of thorns. Success is closer to me!

A swift river

Through the thorny woods, a fast river blocked my way. In the distance, there is a bridge connecting the two sides, but it is too far away to see the outline. It seems that there is little time left. Crossing the river by bridge seems to take too much time and effort. I found a place near the two sides of the river. I used my strength to jump across the river to the other side. However, I guess something went wrong. I stepped into the cold water and steadied myself. Fortunately, I didn't fall, but my shoes were wet. Alas, when encountering an obstructed river on the road to success, we should really look for a bridge and move forward steadily. If we want to pass quickly, we will probably die miserably!

Finally, I climbed to the top of the mountain and saw all the difficulties that had tested me. Success is brilliant and enviable, but no one has ever seen the hardships behind success. The path of success is hard to walk, but more memorable!