The feeling of doing a thorough cleaning
2024-01-10 22:49:48
primary school

Today, my class had a big cleaning, and my classmates and I were working very hard. Some students rolled up their sleeves, wet the cloth for cleaning the blackboard, and went to clean the blackboard. Some students picked up cloth and went to clean the bookshelf. Some students picked up the mop and went to the ground. And I clean the windows.
I sprayed some window water on the window first, and then I took a cloth to wipe the window horizontally. Then, I took the glass cleaner to wipe the high place. Finally, I washed the cloth and cleaned the glass again. By this time, I was already sweating. I saw a classmate sweeping slowly, so I went to him and said, "Let me help you!" He said, "Thank you!" I finished sweeping the floor with him, and he said happily, "Thank you. I will help you when you have difficulties in the future." I was very happy to hear that.
When the teacher saw that I could help the students, he smiled and said, "You are so wonderful. You can help the students.". "I was very happy to hear that.