Composition describing nature (17 compilations)
How many times will it take to understand
2024-04-24 06:15:46
primary school

Writing about Nature (1)

Once upon a time, I stood on the top of the mountain and looked down at the earth. The green mountains and beautiful waters made me linger. I once thought that if nature is a book, then each of us is a reader. This book contains all things, and the mysteries of all things in the world are collected in one book. But who really understands the book of nature?

Look at the grass, read perseverance

When the flowers rush to show their smiling faces, people are always dazzled, which adds a lot of trouble to their hearts, one after another, "cut constantly, manage disorderly". But the ornament of grass brings a sense of peace, elegance and freshness to people's hearts. There is always life, but the grass's thirst for life makes it still sprout every year. Just like Bai Juyi's "leaving the original and putting grass on the grass, one withers and prospers every year", which gives people a deep thought. Looking at the grass, I read the lofty realm of perseverance.

Look at the fallen leaves, read the silent dedication

Fallen leaves are a sign of autumn. When seeing the scene of "autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves", everyone can't help sighing, which is the so-called "sad loneliness in autumn since ancient times". Fallen leaves are a kind of decline of life, but they are also mercilessly swept away by the autumn wind. But who ever knew that "falling red is not a merciless thing", it quietly "turned into spring mud to protect flowers" while withering and being abandoned. So "I say autumn is better than spring". Looking at the fallen leaves, I read the lofty realm of silent dedication.

Look at the wintersweet, read the arrogant snow beats the frost

Winter is a world of powder and jade, which seems very monotonous. But looking carefully, we can find that "several plums in the corner" are standing proudly in the heavy snow. It is not afraid of wind and snow, it is not broken, and it enjoys sharpening its strong will in adversity. When frost and snow hit it, he just wanted to "drive alone in the cold". It is not all snow, because "although plum is inferior to snow by three degrees, snow loses its fragrance". When other life retreats in the cold, it moves forward angrily. Looking at the wintersweet, I read the lofty realm of being arrogant and bullying the frost.

As a reader of nature, I read about the quality of everything. In the dark, they drive away the haze for me; In the wind and rain, they paint the rainbow for me; They point me in the direction when I get lost. Reading nature books has benefited me a lot all my life.

Writing about Nature (2)

Today, I got up lazily and opened the curtains. Eh! Why is it a little different outside today? I quickly put on my clothes and opened the door. Oh, it was foggy.

I could not help watching it. At the same time, I was still thinking: "Why are the nearby buildings gone?" Suddenly, I felt wet on my clothes. It turned out that all this was caused by fog. Just then, my mother said, "Come back quickly, don't catch a cold." I went back. I'm going to school after dinner. My mother said to me, "The fog is very heavy today. Please be careful." I said, "I see."

When I passed the square, I saw those grandfathers and grandmothers still exercising. I thought, "Why do they come out to exercise in such a heavy fog?" I understood that you must be persistent in doing things, otherwise nothing will be done.

The sun's father-in-law gradually showed a smiling face, and the fog gradually dissipated. Although the fog always dissipated, the good impression it left in our minds will never change.

Writing about Nature (3)

One afternoon, I was totally absorbed. We went to see the sunset together,? OK, "my mother asked me mysteriously. What's good about the sun? Although I think so in my heart, I dare not "disobey" my mother's order and only concentrate on my homework. "Very reluctantly, I put down my pen and followed my parents listlessly. After a while, my mother took us to an empty place by the Ganjiang River. I saw my mother sitting on the ground and looking up at the sky. Seeing her intoxicating appearance, I also followed her to sit down and look at the distance in her eyes.

It's beautiful! The sky was dyed golden red by the setting sun, and the dotted white clouds decorated the whole sky with a new look. Look, the white clouds, one after another, seem to weave a golden red sand garment for the sunset. After a while, the clouds turned red again, dressing the sun like a queen, which was a magnificent picture.

At about six o'clock, the sun stopped its dazzling light and turned into a golden ball, but the surrounding clouds were more colorful, sometimes like a lovely doll, sometimes like a wild goose flying in the wings

When the sun is sinking, it feels like not only the clouds are wearing a beautiful "dress", but also the microwave drenched river is covered with a layer of gold sand towel.

After a while, the sun slipped down again, and after fully showing his beauty, he ran away like a naughty child

"The sun is setting, go back!" Mother shouted. I followed my parents reluctantly, and I still remembered the beautiful sunset in my heart. "Beautiful sunset, I will come to see you next time!"

Writing about Nature (4)

Butterflies can be regarded as the most beautiful insects in nature. It is colorful, and Ana is colorful. When you are enjoying yourself in the garden, one or several colorful butterflies come and dance in the air. You can't help but reach for them. But the butterfly will always use its colorful coat to hide in the flowers, making it difficult to distinguish it. For example, the double moon pattern butterfly, the brown vein golden spot butterfly, etc., especially the fluorescent wing butterfly, sometimes golden yellow, sometimes green, sometimes from purple to blue in the sunlight. It is this characteristic of the butterfly that helps it get rid of the danger of becoming the food in the mouth of the insect king lizard. It is also this characteristic of butterflies that has brought enlightenment to scientists and great help to military defense.

During World War II, German troops surrounded Leningrad in an attempt to destroy its military targets and other defense facilities with bombers. According to the lack of understanding of camouflage at that time, Soviet entomologist Shi Wanwei proposed to cover military facilities with camouflage like butterfly patterns by making use of the fact that butterfly colors are not easy to be found in flowers. Therefore, despite the efforts of the German army, Leningrad's military base was still safe, laying a solid foundation for the final victory. Later, people produced camouflage clothes according to the same principle, which greatly reduced the casualties in the battle. In fact, camouflage clothes are designed by imitating the colors of flowers, plants and trees in nature. In some of today's military field exercises, soldiers also paint their faces with a kind of paint called camouflage, and wear camouflage clothes, mainly to avoid exposing themselves in the wild, so as to confuse each other's vision.

In fact, there are many cases like this, and the biggest credit is still the scientists, who discovered that the creatures in nature have their own laws of life; It was they who found that all living things in nature are closely connected... just like a carnivore must eat meat to maintain its life; Just like the withered branches and rotten leaves in the forest can enhance the fertility of the soil, and the big trees can grow stronger; Just like the leaves of plantain have to be arranged in a spiral shape to get enough sunshine, which is conducive to its growth.

Writing about Nature (5)

Grass grows and warblers fly, birds sing and the mountain is secluded, the mountain streams are bright with flowers, and the trees are slanting together. Nature shows beauty to people both within and outside their vision, either dynamic or static.

The world in February is the time when winter goes and spring comes back. The river has just "woken up" and before it can sing a few words, the top of the green grass is unearthed, first in bunches of two, then in three pieces of four. They can't wait to bathe in the sun and breathe the new fresh air. The flowers don't like to get up early. They always open later. At that time, the hillside is full of green, and the flowers are dotted in clusters, which is more eye-catching than large pieces of tender grass. There are water, flowers and grass, but there are still some shortcomings. Yes, there are trees. The harsh winter has passed. The mighty and heroic pines and cypresses do not lose a cent, just like soldiers standing here row by row. But after all, spring is coming, and the lofty and beautiful atmosphere of the mountain can no longer be occupied only by the pines and cypresses. Various trees are also competing to sprout, making the land that has been silent for a long time give out the simple and natural fragrance of the soil again. Although the willow tree came late, as soon as it became "green", the other trees would only be "six palaces of pink and black without color". The willow tree leaned against the small lake, slim and slender, with its long hair dancing in the wind. Thousands of willow leaves frequently hung down in the middle of the lake, one wave still came up, another wave came up, which was quite artistic.

Now that we talk about trees, we can't help talking about his parents - "land". Don't underestimate the land. It is either yellow or dark land that has raised the world's population. It can be said that nature has made the greatest contribution to us. The appearance of the land, like his name, is universal and simple, and can't be associated with the word "beauty" at all, but it relies on its fertile body, It has nurtured thousands of beautiful things. For thousands of years, he has served all living things in silence. Chichi white rock is the hoarfrost dyed by years, and Zhangzhang yellow sand is the wrinkles honed by time. The land has given us his youth, his power, his everything. He, like flowers, trees, birds and animals, is worthy of our love and treasure for thousands of years!

The slightly dry pen continues to rub with the paper, hoping to create more sparks of beauty. After all, our eyes are not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery.

Writing about Nature (6)

Some people like spotless snowflakes, some people like the shining sun, some people like the bright moonlight, but I like the changeable rain. Looking up at the sky, dark clouds gathered together, a lightning flashed, like a conductor of the band, suddenly waved his baton, and the rain rushed down. The rain is like a broken bead, or a tap that has been turned on. It is dense and urgent, "clattering, ticking..." It keeps playing.

Suddenly, it seemed that the music stopped for a second, and the climax passed. At this time, the rain is more like a beautiful girl, gentle and quiet. The rain gently fell on the students playing on the playground. They played and played in the rain, and their laughter covered the rustle of rain. The students who returned to the classroom had already covered their hair with a layer of transparent rain and dew.

The rain stopped soon, like a passer-by in a hurry. Take a few deep breaths of the fresh air after the rain, with the fragrance of flowers and soil, refreshing.

Writing about Nature (7)

The winter of this year came late and went late. In the chilly February of spring, a "peach blossom snow" suddenly came. The land where the grass should grow and the birds should fly was covered with a light layer of silver. At this time, even if it was colder, we must change into rubber soled cloth shoes, just to enjoy skating on the "ice road". Holding our heads and chests up, we are like graceful skaters on TV. Maybe our movements are not as beautiful as theirs, but we must be happier and happier than them, because this is a gift given to us in winter and a reward we get for not fearing the cold. Winter comes and goes, and we will always be the most energetic spirits in this gloomy season. Remembering the innocence and carefree at that time, I really want to go back to the busy winter and be a child who will never grow up.

It's a pity that time always passes by. Traveling through time is just a fantasy story. Winter has gone and come again. When I entered junior high school, I ushered in more snowy days. Whispering "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom", one more lady, one less naughty. Only this "lady" is just for the teacher to see. After class, we still rushed into the snow like crazy, burying all the burdens of our schoolwork with the snow without earthly noise. Merging laughter and heavy snow together, let it float all over the campus. I still remember that when the biggest snow fell, we were shocked. The snowflakes were turning in the wind, and the world was its stage. After lunch, I was eager to play and fight with my classmates on the playground. The snow was crystal clear, like willow catkins flying. Everything was so beautiful and poetic. At that moment, snow is ours, heaven and earth are ours, joy is ours, and everything in winter is ours.

Writing about Nature (8)

Today is the weekend, my mother told me to go to the forest park, and I jumped three feet high with joy.

When I came to the Forest Park, the first thing I saw was the big character Shou, which was both powerful and majestic. Then there is a river and an artificial lake in the southwest corner. From a distance, the lotus in the river looks like a beautiful girl dressed neatly and wearing a marigold headdress. She is sitting on a lotus leaf boat to dress up!

In the southeast corner, there is a flower bed and a lawn. Although the flowers on it are not conspicuous at all, you can smell the faint fragrance from a very far place. The flowers are different, including white June snow, grape hyacinth tulips, and golden marigolds

The scenery here is extremely beautiful, especially the beautiful lotus, which is unforgettable.

Next time, I must come here with my mother when I have time!

Writing about Nature (9)

What is nature? Nature is the most kind and gentle mother of all things, and nature is also the most magical magician, helping the earth change into colorful clothes. Nature is like a happy family, helping each other. When Sister Bird goes through a dusty journey, Grandpa Dashu will help him prepare a lovely home, and all things sing "Hypnotic Song" for him; I like nature, because it is full of green mountains, green water, flowers and grass. When I am in a bad mood, I will walk into the forest and enjoy the baptism of Fenduojing. No matter under great pressure, with the company of nature, I will certainly be able to overcome the danger. So nature is the most warm and sweet home for animals.

The nature is very beautiful. When you look at it, the waterfall looks like a white chain. It rushes down, arousing many water flowers. On the green hillside, hundreds of flowers compete for beauty. A wonderful beauty contest started. The gorgeous flowers decorate the hillside like a flower carpet. In the blue sea, the little fish play hide and seek in the "forest in the sea", Constantly singing a shocking song, the sun grandfather's warm and loving smile hung high in the air, spraying a layer of bright golden light for the earth. At night, everything was quiet, and everything was asleep. The gentle moon girl, with his gentle moonlight, guarded the hurried figure of people returning at night, so that everyone could reunite with their dearest families. The day passed quietly again, and only the frogs in the pond were still singing loudly. The Zen on the tree was still singing on the branches. I stood on the carpet in the moonlight and listened to the two groups of singing like the sounds of nature. It was beautiful and leisurely. This was nature, and nature was like the guardian god of all things, protecting everyone's peace.

Nature is everyone's home, but if they are not well protected, they will not be able to see such beautiful mountains and waters, animals and plants will gradually disappear, and we will not be able to hear such sweet and moving songs that night, so I hope everyone can take good care of our patron god nature.

Writing about Nature (10)

With the development of modern science and technology, human beings can understand nature by means of television, network and other means. However, if we regard technology as the real way of perceiving nature, in my opinion, it is sad.

Yes, science and technology are just tools. Only when we go into nature, look up at the universe and observe everything, can we truly perceive the beauty and power of nature.

What is "perception"? "Sense" means feeling, and "knowing" means knowing each other. Knowing this, we can see why science and technology can not let us really get close to nature and perceive nature.

Television can let us know the global weather, and the Internet can let us have a panoramic view of biological knowledge. Technology indeed provides us with a very convenient way to understand the nature of all things. However, this can at best be regarded as the learning and cognition of scientific knowledge related to nature. In the final analysis, technology is just a tool, and it can never make people feel the beauty of nature. Just as children never cheer for the red flowers and green leaves on the screen, painters never smile at the scenery of lakes and mountains on TV; Similarly, the weather forecast will not make the poet's poetry flourish, nor will the species of biological compendium make the writer's literary thoughts spring. Chi Zijian, a writer, once said, "Nature is my other heart." In this case, we must put down the mouse, leave the TV and go to nature in person. Only then can we hope to know and be close to nature and let our hearts be washed with beauty.

In the way of going into nature personally, its significance is not only the perception of beauty, but also the perception of the wisdom and power of nature through the contact with all things, so as to maintain a reverence for nature.

Man is a part of nature. However, the rise of industrial civilization has cut off the link between man and nature. People are able to understand and transform nature, which makes people lose their awe of nature and increase their ambition to conquer nature. Just imagine, if we only know nature from the weather forecast, how can we cherish the blue sky and white clouds; If only biological knowledge is used to summarize nature, how can we cherish and protect flowers and trees? Relying too much on science and technology, we lost our personal touch with nature, making human beings forget their identity in the world. So we wantonly destroy nature, creating such absurd things as smog blocking cities, and excessive heavy metal content in river water. Technology does not bring people closer to nature, on the contrary, it alienates the relationship between people and nature, making people forget themselves in the arrogance. Therefore, only by letting us return to nature and feel nature, can we regain our awe and let people live in harmony with nature.

Sitting beside the lotus pool and gazing at the lotus for a long time, Monet can create the masterpiece Lotus; Walking into the horses and getting along with the galloping horses day and night, Xu Beihong can vividly show the beauty and strength of horses in his paintings. Both of them go into the nature in the way of personal contact, which must be the reason why they can feel and know the nature and gain spiritual power from it

Writing about Nature (11)

Long, long ago, a blue planet was born in the universe, and its name was - All Things Star. The inhabitants of the stars of all things have their own characteristics and shine in their own positions. Suddenly one day:

"Wow... Wow..." With the baby's newborn cry, a legendary girl named "Nature" was born. Time is like an edge, and only one edge can get rid of another edge. The silent clock magic of the old man of time transforms nature from a lively and lovely baby to a young girl. One day, nature and the wise old man worked together on the highest life rock in the stars of all things and talked loudly.

Suddenly, the natural mind suddenly had a question: Who am I? What is my responsibility? She hurried to ask the wise old man with a white beard. The old man touched his beard and smiled without saying anything. Nature wants to continue to ask, but wisdom has turned into a white fog, leaving only the ethereal voice of nature: "Child, if you want to know your life experience, go to the earth, there will be the answer you want." "Oh, how can I go?" Nature shouted at the rising white fog. "Ha ha, if you want to go, there are always more ways than difficulties!" After saying that, they dispersed with the breeze, leaving nature to ponder on the rock.

Nature looks at the sky. Sister Meteor is busy buying a meteor shower. Nature goes up and wants to ride the meteor shower to the earth. The next night, the meteor shower went to the earth to explore the nature of life experience.

Nature · Seclusion is meaningless

It naturally enters the atmosphere and passes through the clouds. Suddenly, at the foot of the green South Mountain, several clusters of chrysanthemums rose in golden color. A man in cloth with extraordinary temperament sat on the ground, held a wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp. In his mouth, he recited his own ancient poem: "There is truth in this, and if you want to identify it, you have forgotten your words." Nature walked forward and talked with the man, and asked, "Do you know what nature is?" The man said, "Nature?" "Yes, I wonder if you know what nature is?" The man laughed and drank another glass of sake. "Knowing, knowing, and in my eyes, nature is the god of chrysanthemums! It can be called the god of nature not to compete with flowers, but to bloom proudly in the autumn when flowers wither." Nature seems to understand a little, and after thanking the man, she said goodbye.

Nature · Moonlight

Unconsciously, it has been more than a hundred years. It was a moonlit night. "When people are at leisure, osmanthus flowers fall, and the night is still in the spring mountain sky. When the moon rises, birds startle the mountain and sing in the spring brook." Nature sighed in her heart, and with only a few strokes, she outlined a picture of the moon and night. Nature wanted to talk with the poet, but unexpectedly, a gust of wind blew over, leaving only bursts of piano sound lingering in nature's ears, which could not be dissipated for a long time.

Nature · Everything in the World

The wind sent nature to America in the 19th century. A blonde woman holds the book in her hand and writes a poem. "Nature" is what we see. Yes, nature, nature, you contain all things in the world, simple but dignified, beautiful but elegant, elegant, elegant and refined

Nature went back to all the stars with the meteor shower, and recorded what she saw, heard and felt in the history of nature. Nature finally understands what nature is.


There are cicadas chirping on the tree.

The parade on the bluestone slab.

Cycling, singing all the way.

Come to the hillside full of green.

Stop the car and run the business on the hillside.

Under the deep night, you and I cling together.

In the night sky, the stars and the moon force each other.

I stood on the brook bridge to see the scenery.

Waiting for the wind, waiting for you.

Writing about Nature (12)

At night, the silver moonlight shines on the earth, making it seem to be a calm and bright lake, quiet, without a ripple. The mountain is like a sleeping child, who can't wake him up.

"Cicada --" Is that the child's snore? Oh, it's cicadas singing. (The first voice) Singers who have accumulated years of energy underground can finally blossom their voices tonight. They have never cooperated, but they sing like a whole. No lead singer or conductor is needed. The chorus is naturally elegant and graceful, like an integration, like endless mountain springs flowing, one song after another. They seem tireless. I don't know how to stop.

"Guagua --" Frogs, the master soloist in nature, are also singing with their throats. They don't have the cooperation spirit of cicadas. At first, it seems disorderly, but if you taste it carefully, it is a wonderful singing.

As soon as you stop, I start, as if mother frog is patiently teaching children to sing, and as if countless lovers are in love, happily singing love songs to each other, calling corresponding, high and low scattered, naturally interesting, really romantic.

"Googoo One" followed the strange voice and saw a black shadow skimming the tree top, flying into the bushes, and suddenly landed

At the top of the tree, a pair of strange eyes appeared. Ah, that's an owl! The poet who is full of sorrow is singing his sad poems alone.

As the night deepened, the cicada's "cicada" voice gradually subsided, and the frog's "croak" voice also dropped. Occasionally, several owl's "coo" sounds could be heard, making nature seem strangely quiet and serene.

Only the moonlight, like a kind mother, silently puts a silver blanket on the earth, and everything goes into a deep sleep.

Writing about Nature (13)

In fact, I had met her in the chat room before, and just wanted to make friends with her, she was offline. I followed her off the line and took the trouble to send her a few more notes. But she didn't return any! I would not have hated others, but slowly began to hate her. Since then, I have never sent her a note

Another day, I came to the chat room and saw her again. I thought: Why not make friends with her! I can turn my hatred for her into friendship! So I talked with her and became friends! We call each other sisters (she is a sister, I am a sister.) However, I did not mention to her that I sent her a note.

Our friendship is getting deeper and deeper, and we always remember each other! Everything in the world has changed, and our friendship will not change! My friendship with all my friends remains unchanged

I cherish my fate and never give up easily! As long as they are my friends, they will get a friendship I gave them! I never take sides. I hope my friends think so too!

My forever pure sister --- Tian Xue!

(Sister Tian Xue's composition is very good! Go and have a look! But I won't forgive anyone who bullies her!)

Writing about Nature (14)

Today is the second day of the lunar new year. Although my mother and father don't often take me around, I still like to contact with nature. Today, we entered the Great Rift Valley.

When we went out, the sun still showed its face. But when we arrived at Dingfu Mountain, it was rainy and overcast. Although it kept raining, it could not dampen our enthusiasm.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a golden one with a big belly and a smile.

We walked down the steps and soon came to the cave. We go up and down, left and right, as if we were walking in a maze.

Out of the crack, a green bamboo came into sight. Each bamboo is tall and straight. Their roots are connected to each other, and their leaves are next to each other. They are as friendly as brothers and sisters. Suddenly, when I heard my father's praise, I looked back and couldn't help being dumbfounded: a piece of bamboo bent over the stone, still growing so straight!

The green bamboos swayed in the breeze. The ding dong sound of mountain streams, the rustling sound of leaves when they rub together, sounds like a beautiful song. Listen, it's the "rustle" of rain, but we don't seem to hit our faces. Oh, it is the bamboo that forms a natural green umbrella. As far as I can see, the mountains in the distance are shrouded in fairy clouds, just like a fairyland in the world. And I can't help but feel grateful for the rain and let me see the fairyland in the world.

Embracing nature is the theme of life. I like it, I enjoy it!

Part II: The whole family of the beautiful Shenlongjia came to the Shenlongjia Scenic Area to play. The first impression it gave me was green mountains, green grass, green trees, green everywhere, and the natural air was very fresh. Climbing up the winding path, the clear chirping of birds and the sound of flowing water crisscross each other all the way, which is very beautiful. The water in the brook is crystal clear, shining with colorful colors in the sunlight.

At a glance, the grass glows green, and a cool wind blows. The grass on the mountain is like a green sea with waves. The unknown pink wild flowers are like rosy clouds falling from the sky. Our family climbed to the top of Shenlong Mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the sea of forests and clouds changing strangely, sometimes rippling blue waves, sometimes billowing clouds, which is really a fairyland on earth.

Shenlongjia is not only beautiful, but also rich in natural plants. There are many fir trees, and each tree is sturdy and tall, which is a valuable building material. The magic and beautiful dragon rack will always stay in my mind.

Chapter 3: Beautiful Xixi Wetland

In the mature season of persimmons, we can see the fiery red stars in the garden from a long distance... We came to the Xixi Wetland to enjoy the harvest beauty of the year given by nature.

At this time, the island is thinner, the river channel is wider, the forest is sparse, the frog sound disappears, and only the tree trunk is tall and straight. Some tourists simply climb up the tree to enjoy the pleasure of picking. The persimmon is red, the lotus has withered, the water has dried up, the water is clearer, and the broken wall is more old and deep.

The Xixi River in autumn is like a thick and colorful water landscape painting, which is the most suitable season for oil painting. During the Fire Persimmon Festival, international famous oil painters from South Korea and France were invited to Xixi for sketching, and their works were exhibited in Gaozhuang and Wetland Museum respectively. At the same time, more than 100 Xixi style traditional Chinese paintings of "Embracing China and Autumn Fruits" jointly created by the famous Chinese painting master He Shuifa and his disciples will be displayed in the Sanshen Hall. The combination of Chinese and Western painting arts, the collision between the black and white world of ink wash and the colorful painting, set off the beautiful scenery of the Fire Persimmon Festival more poetic. This is the intersection of contemporary art and traditional culture in Xixi, which will stimulate the profound cultural connotation of Xixi Wetland, build a bridge between tradition and modernity, and add more profound cultural charm to the wetland. So we also came to the Xixi Customs Festival to appreciate the collision between artists' paintings and our local customs in Hangzhou:

We gained a lot from the activity of the Fired Persimmon Festival in Xixi Wetland. When the activity ended, we were still reluctant to leave. We looked forward to the envoys who will be in full bloom in spring next year. We all met in the beautiful Xixi Wetland.

Chapter 4: Climbing the Plum Ridge

Today, my mother and I went to climb Meiling to feel the nature in winter.

Go up the winding mountain road, Meiling is still green, and the mountain is covered with evergreen bamboo, camphor and pine trees

My mother and I stopped at a tree. The ants on the tree attracted me. We saw a group of ants climbing back. They had big bellies and climbed up all the way. The chest and abdomen are almost at a right angle. I thought for a moment that it should be the belly lifting ant mentioned in the book.

We walked up a road again and saw a tree with golden flowers in full bloom. In the winter sun, they were golden. They sway in the winter wind.

I never thought the winter in Meiling was so wonderful; Unexpectedly, in this silent winter, the nature of Meiling is still full of mystery and beauty.

Chapter 5: One day tour of Longwan Lake

On the first day of the New Year, we came to Longwan Pond. I was deeply attracted by the scenery here and admired the uncanny workmanship of nature. The mountains here have different shapes, some like birds flying with long wings, some like turtles playing in the water, and some like monkeys climbing trees... The water here is very clear, and you can see the small stones under the water; The water here is very green, green like green ribbons; The water here is blue, like a gem.

In this cold winter, we can't help but take off our shoes and have a close contact with the water. The cold feeling makes me feel exciting and excited. A beautiful mood lights up my New Year.

Scenery composition


Writing about Nature (15)

Model Essay on Nature 1

scenery. Beautiful and charming; Gentle and pure; Noble and elegant. The scenery is beautiful, intoxicating, fascinating, and even fascinating. But what is the most attractive scenery? Is it childlike innocence? Is it helping others? Is it hard work? Or meticulous care? Or

No, neither. It is the unique scenery created by nature. But what kind of scenery is the best among them? Maybe it's better to watch it than to meditate!

The wind is passing; Rain, falling; Flowers are blooming; The grass is swaying. The wind is flying; The rain moves gently. The wind blows the earth, and everything on the earth wakes up. The rain caresses the earth, and everything on the earth is in full bloom. Spring wind, spring rain, under the guidance of spring to the peak. The flowers and grass of spring create a bright and beautiful landscape under the caress of spring. Flowers create a gorgeous, fragrant; Grass creates a sense of elegance and tranquility. This sketch of wind sweeping rain is fresh and bright.

The dark night is hanging, covered with stars and jewels. Stars are shining; Moon, quiet. Stars shed a piece of colorful light, and the moon scattered a piece of silver. The bright and dazzling stars shine on the night, but there is no lack of purity. The silver light from the moon poured into the clear lake. The lake is suffused with a faint silver light, which is set off against the round of jade plate in the sky. It looks elegant, fresh, but there is no lack of brightness. This picture of clear lake, blue stars and moon is pure and elegant.

The rain stopped, leaving only a few wisps of floating clouds in the blue sky. The sun came out, bright and beautiful, shining against the blue sky and white clouds, looking particularly beautiful. However, when the West set up the colorful bridge, everything was eclipsed in front of the colorful bridge. The rainbow bridge was so gorgeous and faintly shining. Red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple shine on each other in the sun, shedding a bright and brilliant scene. This picture of bright sky, bright sun and bright rainbow clouds is gorgeous and soft.

How beautiful! The beautiful scenery is fascinating and intoxicating. These beautiful sceneries have extraordinary charm and attract people. So, what kind of scenery is the most beautiful? It's really hard to choose. Because all kinds of scenery have their own advantages. Elegant, leisurely, gorgeous, beautiful, all together show a beautiful look and charming style.

So the natural scenery is the best!

Model Essay on Nature 2

When you enter the nature, you will feel very close. The sun, the moon, the stars, rivers, lakes, mountains, fields, flowers, trees, these beautiful natural scenery all make people have continuous reverie. We live with nature day and night, and depend on nature for life.

Gazing at the sky, I felt its height and depth. How I want to turn into a white cloud, floating gently under the blue sky. How I want to turn into a star and blink my eyes in the night sky. How I want to turn into a bird and fly freely in the sky.

I am grateful to the Creator for the sunshine. I feel your kindness in the warm spring, watch your warmth in the hot summer, feel your maturity in the bright autumn sun, and enjoy your warmth in the cold winter.

I like to walk into the quiet moonlit night to feel the emptiness of the universe. I listen to the breath of all things in nature. There are thousands of words in my heart, to tell Yue'er.

How many times have I stood on the shore, looking out at the endless sea. Only at this time will I sincerely send out a sigh of insignificance.

How many times have I stood at the foot of the mountain and looked around the secluded valley. I felt the depth and richness of the mountain, and also saw the impetuosity and shallowness of my soul.

We are in a world composed of natural landscape and human landscape, wandering in the intersection of ancient history and modern civilization. It seems that we are too nostalgic for the crisscross bustling streets and forget about the hustle and bustle of the city and the noise of people's voices. It seems to admire the high-rise buildings and the colorful vanity at night. We suffocate ourselves in that narrow space. We are struggling in the world of mortals, troubled, depressed, wandering, wandering around the state of mind.

Even so, nature shows its incomparable tolerance and generosity, still guarding around us day and night, bringing us sunshine, rain and air. It makes us unconsciously feel the brightness of spring, the brilliance of summer, the vividness of autumn and the coldness of winter.

There is no limit to the beautiful scenery of nature and the infinite scenery of nature. Go into nature and get close to nature. Kiss the sky, the sun and the moon, and the nature. Maybe the nature is the eternal lover in my heart. Let my beautiful mood fly in the nature forever. When you enter the nature, you will feel very close. The sun, the moon, the stars, rivers, lakes, mountains, fields, flowers, trees, these beautiful natural scenery all make people have continuous reverie. We live with nature day and night, and depend on nature for life.

Model Essay on Nature 3

The sky was dyed blood red by the setting sun, and the pink clouds were reflected on the river, making the whole river look new. At this moment, the horizon seemed to be burning.

Look, the white and yellow clouds, one after another, weave a golden red down jacket for the sunset. Soon, they turn red again, dressing the sun like a princess. Looking down at the river, a setting sun slanted onto the water like a golden laser beam, like countless fish jumping.

At about 6 o'clock, the sun converged its dazzling light and turned into a golden ball. The surrounding clouds were more colorful, sometimes like dogs, sometimes like birds, sometimes like peach blossoms... The towering hills in the distance seemed to be coated with a layer of gold powder under the sunset, which was particularly beautiful.

After a while, the weak light of the sunset covered the earth with the glory of cicada wings. The clouds are covered with gold. The clouds slowly walked like girls, gradually approaching the river. There are several white silk like clouds winding along the horizon, just like bright and eye-catching colored satin, decorated with red and blue sky.

Thinking about it, the sun in front of me slipped down again, and became more and more red when it was closer to the river. Slowly, the sun smiled and blushed like a shy red cloud on the girl's face. The sun kisses the head of the river and emits red light to the earth and sky. The sun lent red light to the Pearl River and everything in the world. After the sun showed his beauty, he jumped happily, disappeared on the river, and returned to his mother.

Writing about Nature (16)

Composition I describing the scenery of nature

Scenery. Beautiful and charming; Gentle and pure; Noble and elegant. The scenery is beautiful, intoxicating, fascinating, and even fascinating. But what is the most attractive scenery? Is it childlike innocence? Is it helping others? Is it hard work? Or meticulous care? Or

No, neither. It is the unique scenery created by nature. But what kind of scenery is the best among them? Maybe it's better to watch it than to meditate!

The wind is passing; Rain, falling; Flowers are blooming; The grass is swaying. The wind is flying; The rain moves gently. The wind blows the earth, and everything on the earth wakes up. The rain caresses the earth, and everything on the earth is in full bloom. Spring wind, spring rain, under the guidance of spring to the peak. The flowers and grass of spring create a bright and beautiful landscape under the caress of spring. Flowers create a gorgeous, fragrant; Grass creates a sense of elegance and tranquility. This sketch of wind sweeping rain is fresh and bright.

The dark night is hanging, covered with stars and jewels. Stars are shining; Moon, quiet. Stars shed a piece of colorful light, and the moon scattered a piece of silver. The bright and dazzling stars shine on the night, but there is no lack of purity. The silver light from the moon poured into the clear lake. The lake is suffused with a faint silver light, which is set off against the round of jade plate in the sky. It looks elegant, fresh, but there is no lack of brightness. This picture of clear lake, blue stars and moon is pure and elegant.

The rain stopped, leaving only a few wisps of floating clouds in the blue sky. The sun came out, bright and beautiful, shining against the blue sky and white clouds, looking particularly beautiful. However, when the West set up the colorful bridge, everything was eclipsed in front of the colorful bridge. The rainbow bridge was so gorgeous and faintly shining. Red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple shine on each other in the sun, shedding a bright and brilliant scene. This picture of bright sky, bright sun and bright rainbow clouds is gorgeous and soft.

How beautiful! The beautiful scenery is fascinating and intoxicating. These beautiful sceneries have extraordinary charm and attract people. So, what kind of scenery is the most beautiful? It's really hard to choose. Because all kinds of scenery have their own advantages. Elegant, leisurely, gorgeous, beautiful, all together show a beautiful look and charming style.

So the natural scenery is the best!

Composition 2 describing the scenery of nature

The majestic green mountains, the vast blue sea, and the deep and vast blue sky are fascinating natural scenery.

Yue Wumu, who drinks the yellow dragon, Wen Tianxiang, who is famous in the history, and Su Dongpo, who is famous for his poetry and prose, are brilliant and eye-catching humanistic scenery.

The "epic of the historian", the "Historical Records" of "Li Sao" without rhyme, the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" of "Floating like clouds, Pretending like a startled dragon", and the "Taibai poetry of" writing down startles the wind and rain, and the poetry becomes a sobbing ghost "are profound and mysterious spiritual scenery.

In the world, there are all kinds of wonders. All living creatures are crouching tigers and hidden dragons. The colorful natural scenery, the dazzling humanistic scenery, and the unfathomable spiritual scenery are really "all kinds of red and purple fight against the beautiful". However, in this world where "flowers are becoming more and more attractive", we should not "be afraid of floating clouds to cover our eyes", but rather "be fearless of floating clouds to cover our eyes". The majesty of Mount Taishan, the danger of Mount Lushan, and the beauty of Mount Emei can bully the sea and rivers to the sea, dare to challenge ourselves, and shout out our calm, powerful, sonorous and beautiful voice: I am a scenery line.

The language is full of wisdom, and it is hard to escape from the sword of corpse; Han Xin's scheming will inevitably lead to disaster; Zixu is good, and can't escape from the knife; Qu Yuan's loyalty inevitably led to a tumult of corpses; Yue Wumu has both wisdom and courage, which is regrettable. Their tragic experience makes people feel frustrated that "the hero will die before he finishes his apprenticeship". Although his success is near, it is also a rare and beautiful scenery, which shows the experience and lessons to the world. Sunshine always comes after the storm. How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the storm.

The marquis of Wuxiang planned strategies to win thousands of miles; Zhang Zifang is rich in learning, and he is a man of great ability. Zhao Zilong shot Cao Bing with a silver gun on the Changban Slope, which made Cao Bing frightened. Zhang Yide roared and hissed in front of the Yangqiao Bridge, which made the northern bandits lose their wits; Zhuge Liang's fire in the valley above made Sima Yi at a loss. Lu Boyan was dazzled by a pile of stones from the Marquis of Wuxiang near the Fish bellied Pool. Their success makes people have a kind of heroism of "getting rid of the king's world affairs and winning the fame before and after death".

Falling red is a scenery. "Falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers";

The lotus is a scenery, "the lotus leaves are endless green, and the lotus flowers are red in the sun";

I am a scenery, the world has changed because of me, and the world is proud of me.

Composition 3 describing the scenery of nature

When we got up in the morning, the gauze like fog gradually dissipated. With the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we drove to the Sanqingzhai Natural Scenic Area, which is known as "the suspected dinosaur turned this mountain".

All the way I was looking at the scenery outside the window. The trees along the road are lined up neatly like an army under review, highlighting the temperament of soldiers, while the mountains in the distance are still hazy in outline, only a faint silhouette is left after being submerged by fog. Seeing this scene makes me think of the mountains in ink painting, and this hazy beauty is vividly portrayed by the painters.

After a muddy but fragrant journey, we came to the foot of the mountain. Along this muddy road, the water in the reservoir slowly flows out, accompanied by clear water, flowing happily, like a joyful music. With this comfort and tranquility, we began to climb the mountain, but the gurgling sound of water still lingered in our ears for a long time

Stepping on the mountain road full of thorns, we didn't care to watch the scenery on both sides, but only focused on walking on the winding and rugged road, with stones of different shapes and plants growing naturally under our feet. There was no obvious road at all, while the people walking in front of us had already stepped out of a narrow road. Even thinking of Mr. Lu Xun's writing in Hometown, "In fact, there was no road on the ground, and when more people walked, it became a road."

After climbing for some distance, a stretch of mountains came into view, and the mountains were shrouded in mist, which seemed mysterious and beautiful. Another nap, the scenery in my eyes has changed greatly. Looking at the mountain, the fog has gradually receded, and a mountain shaped like a "mountain" is clearly and truly presented in front of us. At this time, we feel that the distance between us and the nature is closer, and we have to marvel at the nature of the ghost and god. Everything is completely natural, and everything is the true beauty of nature.

Let the mood wander in nature, there is no city noise here; No urban disorder; No hurried footsteps; There are also no high-rise buildings. In nature, there is no delicate and artificial falsehood; People in nature also have no traces of carving, no pressure of utilitarian fame.

In the mountains, the heaven and earth are so wide! Breathing the air with the fragrance of soil, listening to the singing of birds, feeling the warmth of the sun and the geniality of the wind, let yourself melt into nature, taste the tranquility and leisure, and embrace the blue sky and white clouds with thoughts. I feel the joy of returning to nature with my heart.

In the embrace of the mountain, sweat heartily, breathe the breath of nature heartily, and enjoy the beauty of nature by capturing every natural scene in your eyes, imprinting it in your mind!

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and say goodbye to this short good time

Composition Describing Nature (17)

Have you heard of the language of nature, which is hard to find? Look at the frogs on the water. This is the language of nature: they are singing happily, which indicates that spring is coming to us.

In fact, the language of nature is not difficult to find, it is in the middle of our lives. Look at the swallows in the sky, which is also the language of nature: the swallows fly low, and they are indicating that the spring rain is coming.

The sun wears a cloud coat, just like [from] rain and fog hanging on the horizon. Nature wrote on the sun that heavy rain was coming.

Look at the sudden disappearance of the sea water, and you will find that the disaster is right in front of you.

The language of nature can foresee everything. The language of nature is wonderful, but only those who use their brains can see it.