600 word composition for serving the people (6 in general)
Morning fawn
2023-11-11 07:39:41

600 word composition for serving the people (1)

On the balcony, there is a rose. She has a beautiful face and a graceful figure. Her neighbor is a cactus with needle like thorns on its green appearance, which gives people the feeling of "can be seen from afar, but can't be profaned or played".

Rose has always considered itself as the most beautiful flower, and can't bear cactus covered with thorns. The other day, the rose complained to the cactus again: "You ugly bastard, you'd better stay away from me. Look, you've punctured my skirt." The cactus listened silently, and the rose became even more rampant: "An ugly thing like you will only harm others, and it's useless to stay in the world. Being with you is an insult to me." The cactus still said nothing.

Soon, the annual beauty contest will be held. Rose thinks she is the champion this year. As for the cactus, although she longed for this honor for a long time, she knew that she was not beautiful, so she didn't want anything.

On the day when the results were announced, Rose was ready to accept the award, but as soon as the results were announced, she was frozen there - the champion was a cactus. The reason is very simple: cactus is willing to help others and has won unanimous praise from everyone. When the cup fell into the hand, the cactus was a little overwhelmed and stood still, while the rose was sad to shed tears. Just as she was about to leave, she heard someone calling her: "Miss Rose." She turned her head and saw that the cactus was coming with the cup. She thought that the cactus would laugh at her. After all, she was so arrogant before, but Rose had never expected that the cactus would give her the cup in her hand and said to everyone, "I really deserve this award. This cup should be given to Miss Rose." Then she handed the cup to Rose. Looking at the sincere smile of the cactus and thinking of her past words and deeds, the roses shed tears of regret. At this time, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

The beauty of appearance is not important, but the beauty of heart is important. As long as you are pure in heart and happy to help others, you will be loved and respected by everyone.

600 word composition for serving the people (2)

There are two pots of cactus on my balcony. The small one is mine. There are two cactuses in my pot. As for why there are two cactuses in my pot, there is an unknown story! One day, when I was cleaning the balcony, I accidentally got a ball of cactus down.

I thought it would die, but my mother asked me to put it back in the basin. A few days later, it turned into another cactus. I wonder why a cactus ball that has no roots and no source of nutrients will live. With this question, I checked on the Internet. It turned out that it used the nutrients of the body to grow roots, and then cultivated a young cactus, which is really "rooting". I also saw from the Internet that cactus flowers are edible. The fleshy stems of most cacti in the country of origin can not only be used as fodder for livestock, but also for food.

The palm is sold in the market as a vegetable, salted, crisp and refreshing; Cooked and eaten, it tastes delicious. If it is boiled with sugar, it can be processed into candied fruit, which is not only unique in flavor, but also nutritious. Cactus opens its pores at night to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. At the same time, it can absorb and digest the carbon dioxide generated in the process of human respiration. It is beneficial to human health. Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that cactus tastes bitter and cold, and enters the heart, lung and stomach channels; It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, promoting qi and blood circulation. Seeing this, I couldn't help thinking of Helen. Keller, she is blind, but she is still studying for a doctor's degree with the help of his teacher. Finally, I got my doctor's degree. In her rough life, no matter what difficulties she faced, she never gave up once. Isn't that the spirit of cactus?

The cactus does not have the flowers that make people envy at first sight, nor does it have a colorful body. It was covered with needles, which made people feel cold when they saw it. But how admirable is its noble quality of tenacity and perseverance.

600 word composition for serving the people (3)

Cactus does not have the lofty demeanor of chrysanthemums, nor the persistent pursuit of sunflowers. Even at the beginning, I hated it because it was covered with thorns, like a hedgehog, which was not as beautiful as other plants. What's worse is that you will bleed if you touch it.

This summer vacation, our family went to the desert to play. When I first entered the desert, I felt as if there was a vast expanse of sand in the wind. After a while, I found a piece of green on the desert with cactus. I never thought that there would be cactus in a deserted desert. I walked forward involuntarily and smelled a faint fragrance. It turned out that when the cactus was in bloom, the bright color was very moving. He has this section both vertically and horizontally, like a sabre and halberd.

I continued to walk forward and made a real observation. The cactus can also blossom, a yellow flower, and a few drops of water on the 11 petals. I think it should be the sweat of hard work. The soft tassel like flower spikes are full of pollen and glittering, while the stem of the cactus becomes wrinkled. The cactus is not afraid of the heat and the cold, so it bears the attack of wind and sand. It is good to grow flowers with its own strength, day by day, month by month and year by year. Maybe these flowers are not as good as the spoiled ones, but they are stubborn and beautiful. As Li Bai said, "Exposing cactus is like patting the shoulder of Hongya." This made me feel ashamed, ashamed of my previous shallowness.

In the face of the green in front of me, I am awestruck. Instead of complaining about the fate, or fearing the danger and difficulty of survival, these cacti gathered all their strength to fight against the living environment, survived with unimaginable perseverance and tenacity, and finally achieved a magnificent scenery in the desert. In our study and life, we should also like the cactus. We should not flinch when encountering difficulties and face them bravely. Even if we fail, we will try our best and leave no regrets. Let's use the spirit of cactus to challenge all kinds of difficulties and setbacks in life!

600 word composition for serving the people (4)

My father-in-law is a flower fan. Hanglan, hyacinth, green vine... He has raised them all. More than two months ago, he bought a pot of cactus, the only plant in the desert. The cactus is ugly: it is green all over the body, with a few yellow flowers on its head, like a little girl who loves smelling beauty. "Little girl" is not tall, but her whole body is made up of thick, long and short stiff stems like fingers. "Little girl" also "hides a knife in her smile" - her body is covered with countless furry thorns, which will make our blood "come out" if we are not careful. The "hat" with round head and head under the murder weapon is bulging. At the beginning, I saw that it was "deadly" and shrunk into a gray flowerpot. The whole family was disgusted with it, and I ignored it.

In a twinkling of an eye, three months have passed. I don't know how the cactus will wither after so many days without watering. It must be terrible! Who would have thought that the scene shocked me - cactus, which is still growing vigorously, has become a beautiful scenery in my home! On closer inspection, it is quite cute: her round belly looks like the round fat belly of a rich man. The dark green surface is evenly distributed with clusters of thorns, and each yellow green thorn has fine lines. The most incredible thing is that the soil in the pot dried and cracked, but it bloomed! The slender and white petals are gathered into a trumpet shape, and the yellow stamens are held out like stars in the sky. How like a strong princess revealed in weakness! I felt guilty about my previous behavior and moved it into my bedroom like a baby. How can it survive so many days of high temperature (summer) and no one to take care of it? This problem has been puzzling for a long time.

Until one day, I saw from the "Plants" in "100000 Why" that cactus, in order to adapt to the desert environment, transformed the leaves that consume more water into thorns, reducing the "crisis" of water consumption by 90%. In addition, there is some water left over from the previous use in the big belly of the cactus, in case of a cold dry solar term. In addition, the cactus has a well-developed root system, which can penetrate deep underground to fully absorb underground water for its own survival. Someone has done such an experiment: planting two apple trees and cactus which are almost tall together. In summer, it was found that the apple tree consumes 10-20 kg of water every day, while the "stingy" cactus only needs 20 grams. What a sharp contrast! At this moment, I suddenly found that this pot of cactus is so cute and full of vitality. I love this strange cactus!

600 word composition for serving the people (5)

There are many kinds of plants in the nature. They are in various shapes and flavors. Some people appreciate the purity of lotus; Some people like the elegance of narcissus; Others admire the wealth of peony flowers... What I like most is ordinary cactus. Although it is not attractive, it has the extraordinary character of fearing the environment and being indomitable.

In March, when spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and many lives begin to conceive again. The poplar trees beside the road have yellow branches, and the weeping willows beside the river slowly extend their heads. A few days ago, the old woman next door gave her mother a small piece of cactus branch. It is green and has a few hairy thorns on it, as if it is protecting itself! When my mother came back, she put the cactus Ya'er into the water and said to me: "Put it in the water to let it grow roots, and then plant it in a flower pot. As long as you water it a little every week, you don't need to worry about it. Its vitality is very strong, and it will certainly grow up. Moreover, the cactus has many uses, such as medicine, food, cosmetics, and so on." At that time, I was wondering if such a small branch could live, so I secretly watched how the cactus grew every day when I came back from school? I prayed silently in my heart. I was afraid that the cactus would not live. But a few days later, I found a few hairs sprouting from the cactus Xiaoya, so my mother moved it to the flowerpot. A few days later, it really jumped out of the bud, yellow with green, hairy, a healthy look. Now, the cactus at home is half a foot tall. It is green and growing up silently. I admire the strong vitality of the cactus.

There is no enough sunshine, no enough water, no fertilizer, just grow silently and tenaciously, and work hard little by little. In fact, don't we all need this spirit very much? When encountering difficulties, I will persevere and fight bravely. No matter the conditions are good or bad, we will never turn back. I want to learn indomitable indomitable character. The little cactus tells us the meaning of life.

600 word composition for serving the people (6)

The prosperity is exhausted. I'm used to luxury. It's the most beautiful one. I only love it

Compared with a beautiful rose, it looks a little ugly; Compared with the magnificent tulips, it looks a little ordinary. It is covered with thorns like thorns, one by one like arrows ready to leave the string, how can it not make people shudder! The hunched body squeezed in a barren soil, but it can support a piece of its day! The dark gray appearance is its unique beauty. Only love its cactus, its beauty contains deeper beauty and simple beauty.

The reason why I love cactus alone is far more than that. I think this kind of beauty is a spirit of perseverance and courage.

That night, the moonlight crept over the wall in the yard, everything was so peaceful. The weather is unpredictable. Suddenly, there are strong winds and rain, and heavy rain pours down in the sky. The wind is bluish and blustering, roaring and rolling. The harmonious picture was mercilessly broken in an instant

When the east turned white, the rain was tired and the wind was trapped, so everything stopped suddenly. I ran to the yard, and the rain had washed everything away: the rose petals were scattered all over the ground, they were already withered branches and withered leaves, and the color was dim. The roses accompanied by the original red flowers and green leaves had become the commander of light, and the remaining roots were buried in the soil alone; Tulip also faded, rain still hit it drop by drop; Only its cactus grows out of mud without being stained. The soil is fertile, and the rain water fully nourishes its heart. It is energetic and stands proudly in the soil. It is not afraid of wind and rain, and never fails.

This scene shook my soul. The cactus is not afraid of wind and rain, and strives to make progress. My heart immediately reveres it. Those who are pretentious and dignified should be spurned, while those who are strong and unyielding and unyielding should be respected! It turns out that its beauty is a symbol of the spirit of perseverance and courage.

Only cactus is the most beautiful. This beauty contains the spirit of simplicity, firmness, perseverance and courage. Just like life, only with this spirit can we stand tall and be appreciated in the world; Just like an eagle, we can pursue a piece of our own sky, spread our wings and fly... lean against the window and meditate, and I slightly nod

Love cactus alone

I love this beauty alone