136 Selected Sentences of Patriotism and Loving the People
Cold winter fog
2023-07-14 08:16:16
Cheer up sentences

1. The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the state affairs, family affairs and the world are all concerned—— Gu Xiancheng

2. The minister's heart is a piece of magnetic needle stone, not referring to the south—— known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

3. The husband swore to the country, but he felt indignant—— Du Fu

4. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history—— known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

5. In ancient times, those who were good for the world counted the big, not the small—— The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty? Biography of Chen Ziang

6. Always think of being desperate and dying for the country—— Sima Qian

7. There is no way to serve the country—— Yang Jiweng

8. It's not my intention to seal the appointment. I hope Hai Boping will be peaceful—— Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders

9. Be happy with the world and worry about it—— Mencius

10. The minister's heart is a piece of magnetic needle stone, not referring to the south—— Guide to the Yangtze River by Wen Tianxiang, Song Dynasty

11. As long as one loves his motherland and has a patriotic heart, everything can be solved. We can bear all kinds of sufferings and grievances—— Ice core

12. If the country is still so broken, how can I cherish it—— Ji Hongchang

13. Spring sorrow is hard to dispel, and the past is full of tears. Four million people cried together and cut Taiwan today last year—— Qiu Fengjia

14. To die for the motherland is the most beautiful fate—— Alexandre Dumas

15. I came here to serve my country, not to be a marquis—— Censhen

16. Return and report to the Lord and restore the old Shenzhou—— Yue Fei

17. There is a long way to go. I will go up and down—— Qu Yuan's Lisao

18. It is not a pity to kill yourself at the beginning, and it is a worry to serve the country all the time—— Song Dynasty, Lu You, Climbing the Pavilion of Huizhao Temple

19. I often think of being desperate and dying for my country—— Sima Qian

20. Motherland, I will always be loyal to you, devote myself to you, and sing and fight for you with my piano voice forever—— Chopin

21. Live up to a hundred thousand soldiers in the chest, and become bored with poetry—— Liang Qichao's Reading Four Collections of Lu Fangweng

22. Love the motherland above all else—— Chopin

23. Serve the country faithfully. History of the Song Dynasty: Biographies of Yue Fei

24. Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels—— Samuel Johnson

25. The state should put morality first and talent at the end—— Kangxi

26. Our motherland is not a paradise on earth, but every Chinese has the responsibility to build it into a paradise on earth—— Ba Jin

27. The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in vegetation in spring. Du Fu's Spring Outlook

28. However, if you don't die, you should report to the world as soon as you can—— known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

29. Four or five sighs in the middle of the night are often worried about big countries—— Li Bai

30. Go out of Kuimen to save the country and make it stronger; Don't say that the East is backward, and there are yellow people in Asia's rise—— Wu Yuzhang

31. Worry about the world first; The future world is happy—— Fan Zhongyan

32. Tidy up the beautiful rivers and mountains, and make all the people the masters—— xxx

33. If you want to profit from a country's life and death, do you avoid it because of bad luck—— Lin Zexu's "Zhan Shi's Family at the Gate of Departure to Garrison"

34. A person who saves the country will die, and his sideburns will never be green again—— Song Dynasty, Lu You, Mooring the Water Village at Night

35. If you serve your country, you will die. Your temples will never be green again—— Lu You

36. When dealing with the world, a man should sweep away the world and keep his house safe—— Fan Ye

37. If a country is not a country, how can a family survive—— Yang Jingyu

38. Love your motherland. That is to say, we should hope that our motherland can become the embodiment of human ideals and do our best to promote this—— Kalinin

39. A martyr's patriotism is also like home—— Ge Hong's "Embrace Puzi, Outer Part, Broad Tales"

40. I am closer to my hometown and dare not ask the visitors—— song zhiwen

41. Feeling the time and thinking of serving the country, pull out the sword and take up Artemisia—— chen ziang

42. Whatever I do, I always think that as long as my energy allows me, I will first serve my country—— Selected Works of Pavlov

43. I am honored to become a world citizen from the qualification of being a member of the Chinese nation. I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my country and people deeply—— xxx

44. Patriotism has been consolidated for thousands of years. It is the deepest feeling for our motherland—— Lenin

45. The sea of truth, let all things that have not been found lie in front of my eyes, and let me explore—— Newton

46. People in Lu Chen, the motherland, are responsible. I have no home when I wander around the world—— Qiu Jin

47. Patent countries should not seek personal gains—— author of the history Zizhi Tongjian

48. Worried about the country, dare to speak up for thousands of years—— Building key

49. I lie in the night listening to the wind and rain, and the iron horses and glaciers fall asleep—— Lu You's "Wind and Rain on November 4"

50. Only serve the country with one heart—— Lu You

51. Do not seek wealth and honour for the benefit of the country—— The Book of Rites - Confucianism

52. In life, I have an iron face and heart, forgetting my family and thinking about serving the country—— Lu You

53. The heart of serving the country will die—— Su Shi

54. We should learn from each other and do our best to make our country rich and strong enough to stand on the earth without foreign aggression—— Zhan Tianyou

55. The theory developed by the Chinese should first serve the Chinese—— Wu Zhonghua

56. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world—— Gu Yanwu

57. When Dajiangge stops, it turns to the east, and the dense group helps the poor. Facing the wall for ten years is like a broken wall. It's hard to reward a hero for walking across the sea—— xxx

58. Serving the country and going through difficulties has always been the case—— Cui Hao

59. If you haven't served your country in your life, keep it as a remedy for your loyalty. Yang Jisheng's Poem of Surrender

60. To love the motherland, we must first understand the motherland; Without understanding, there is no love—— Ren Jiyu

61. Never forget to worry about the country when you are in a low position—— Lu You's "Learning from Sickness"

62. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country—— nameless

63. The Huns are immortal, and there is no home for them—— Book of the Han Dynasty: Biography of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing

64. Drive north and south to report your love, and the grass beside the river will laugh all your life. Three hundred and sixty days a year, all of them are fighting at once—— Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders

65. The three armies can seize the commander, but not the ambition—— The Analects of Confucius

66. A country that strives for profit does not seek wealth—— The Book of Rites

67. The Zhumen sing and dance in silence, and the horse in the stall is fat and the bow is broken—— Lu You's Guan Shanyue

68. When I was young, I knew that the world was difficult, and the Central Plains looked north like a mountain of gas—— Lu You

69. People not only have the right to love their country, but also it is an obligation and a kind of honor—— Xu Teli

70. I most sympathize with you in the midnight dance, saying, "A man's heart is as strong as iron". Check your hand to mend the sky—— Xin Qiji

71. If the motherland is in trouble, you should be the vanguard—— xxx

72. Never forget to worry about the country when you are in a low position—— Lu You

73. Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized people—— Napoleon

74. If a country has good citizens, it will be strong and prosperous—— Werner

75. Bright China, let my life burn for you—— Qian Sanqiang

76. The benefits of falsehood are temporary, while the benefits of truth are permanent; When truth has its ills, they will soon be eliminated, while the ills of falsehood are always accompanied by falsehood—— Diderot

77. All reasoning must come from observation and experiment—— Galileo

78. I have never made an accidental invention in my life. All my inventions are the result of careful consideration and rigorous testing—— Edison

79. The sound of wind, rain and reading is heard; Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, and care about everything. Gu Xiancheng

80. It is better to die than live in disgrace—— first woman to join the Tongmenghui

81. Feel the time, think about serving the country, and pull out the sword to take up Artemisia. chen ziang

82. After looking at Wu Gou and taking photos of the fence, no one would like to see him—— Xin Qiji's Water Dragon Chant

83. When you are in a low position, you dare not forget to worry about your country. When things are settled, you still have to close the coffin. Lu You

84. In times of danger, we can see the official's integrity, and in times of chaos, we can see the loyalty and good. Throw your body to the Ming Lord, and die as a national mourning—— Bao Zhao

85. The warm wind makes tourists drunk, making Hangzhou a Bianzhou—— Lin Sheng's Title to Lin'an Mansion

86. We are the masters of our country, and we should always think of our country—— Makarenko

87. Garrison guests look at the border color, and think about their return. Li Bai

88. We are enjoying the great benefits brought to us by the inventions of others, and we must also be willing to use our own inventions to serve others—— xxx

89. Dedicate yourself to death—— Zhuge Liang

90. More than I am afraid of disaster, I am afraid of the defeat of the emperor—— Qu Yuan

91. One inch of devotion is to serve the country, and two lines of clear tears are to miss their relatives. Yu Qian's Feelings on the Beginning of Spring

92. The death of a man who fell for his motherland is glorious—— Homer

93. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history—— known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

94. If I have some ability, I have the obligation to dedicate it to the motherland—— Linnaeus

95. There is no plan for one's own benefit, but those who benefit the world will plan it; There is no plan for the benefit of the moment, but those who benefit the world will plan it—— Hu Hong

96. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country—— Gu Yanwu

97. In the face of adversity, we should remember our country and be loyal—— Zuo Zhuan

98. If you die in a national disaster, you will return as if you were dead—— Cao Zhi's White Horse

99. Life is for China, death is for China—— Liu Bojian

100. The village, lying in isolation, does not mourn for itself, and still thinks of being a state garrison Luntai—— Lu You's "Wind and Rain on November 4"

101. Worry about the country and forget about the family, sacrifice to help the poor, and be loyal to the officials—— Cao Zhi

102. Born in sorrow, died in peace—— Mencius

103. The man should die in the border field and be buried in a horse's leather—— Fan Ye

104. You should play favoritism and repay the national debt by death—— Li Xizhong

105. If the motherland is in trouble, you should be the vanguard—— xxx

106. My most important discoveries were inspired by failure—— David

107. Patriotism is not a slogan, but a sacred duty—— He Houhua

108. Serve the country faithfully. Give me back—— Yue Fei

109. How can we become famous before the national humiliation is forgotten—— Li Bai

110. The old mountains and rivers will be cleaned up from the beginning—— Yue Fei's The Red River

111. Generally, it is in the part; Who does not belong to his own country then he does not belong to human beings—— Belinsky

112. When you are old and healthy, you would rather move your white head—— Biography of Yuan Jing An by Li Baiyao

113. Without the motherland, there is no happiness. Everyone must be rooted in the soil of the motherland—— Turgenev

114. Spring sorrow is hard to dispel, and the past is full of tears. Four million people cried together and cut Taiwan today last year—— Qiu Fengjia

115. We should dedicate the beautiful passion in our hearts to our motherland—— Pushkin

116. Better be broken than destroyed—— Biography of Yuan Jing An by Li Baiyao

117. To the west of the old fortress, the humanity is that Zhou Lang and Red Cliff of the Three Kingdoms. Su Shi's "Chanting Nujiao and Remembering the Past in Red Cliff"

118. The merchant women do not know the hatred of national subjugation, and they still sing the backyard flowers across the river. Du Mu

119. I love the interests of the country with greater respect, holiness and seriousness than my own life—— Shakespeare

120. I have been fighting for more than 50 years and committed to the development of science. One word can describe the characteristics of my hardest work, which is failure—— Thomson

121. The national ear forgets the family, the public ear forgets the private, the interests are scrupulous, and the harms are scrupulous—— Jia Yi

122. One is loyal to the country, and two lines of clear tears are loyal to the family—— Yu Qian

123. Managing a family is no less troublesome than governing a country—— Montegni

124. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress—— Lu Xun

125. I hope that all the people in the world will have their feet planted! My life is a trifle. How can I die—— known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

126. Sincerity is both brave and martial, and when you are strong in the end, you can't defeat it. Qu Yuan's "National War"

127. If you wish to serve your country with this stature, why should you be born at Yumen Pass—— dai shulun

128. Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return to hometown; Although paradise is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Come back—— Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

129. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only if it is carried forward, can Chinese people make real progress—— Complete Works of Lu Xun

130. If you want to resist xxx, leave it as shame today. If the country is broken, how can I cherish it—— Ji Hongchang

131. Don't ask about the living and death of Qikuo. You are a lonely monk walking in clouds and flowing water. Laugh for no reason, cry for no reason, even if there is a happy bowel has become ice—— Monk Yan Shu

132. The Great Wall has been put on the wall, and I promise to leave it empty. The temples in the mirror have already faded—— Lu You's Book Anger

133. When the body is dead, the spirit of the god is the spirit, and the soul of the son is the ghost—— Qu Yuan's "National War"

134. When you die, you know that everything is empty, but you can't see that Jiuzhou is the same. Wang Shi set the Central Plains Day in the north, and told Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You

135. People live not only for themselves, but also for their motherland—— Plato

136. Heroism is not without tears, and it is not without tears that it should be sprinkled before the enemy. The man is seven feet tall and willing to donate for the motherland—— Chen Hui