Open a Door (Collection 17)
Gather the vicissitudes of life and white hair
2024-01-06 00:28:24
junior middle school
describe the scenery

Open a door (1)

There are countless doors in the world, and each door will accompany our growth, even our life. And I will open the door of family.

I have heard a saying: people can't move without emotion. Yes, family has been with us since we first came to the world. Maybe, sometimes they are too small, but behind the small, there is a mountain of father love and a sea of mother kindness.

At home, I would have a conflict with my mother: once, I was doing my homework, maybe I was too slow, maybe my mother was a little upset recently. She came over, "How much homework is there?" A voice without any flavor floated over, "There are also Chinese homework and weekly notes." A timid voice floated out of my mouth. Then her reprimand rolled over, "Look at you, homework is done so slowly, and others have already done it..." I listened, but I was a little tired. For so many days, I was either in class or doing homework, but I was not idle. After introspection, I realized that my mother wanted me to be more efficient. I let her down! My mother has to clean at home and discipline my brother and me. Maybe she is the most tired. The wind outside the window blows in gusts, and there is also a sour taste mixed with it. After sitting down, I immersed myself in my homework, hoping that she could take less care of herself. After a while, she would go to school again with her schoolbag on her back. Before leaving, my mother was afraid that I would be hungry, so she said, "Take a bottle of yogurt and drink it on the way.". She is like a sponge, sucking all the bitter water into her stomach, but she doesn't show any bitter expression in front of us. Maybe, this is family love, maybe, this is the world inside the door. It dawned on me that this may be the case with family love. It doesn't need much heroic words, it doesn't need much touching, it only needs a caring look, a gentle words can explain everything, the world inside the door is like this.

Family love comes from our mouth. Maybe it is really small, should we ignore it? Is it right for mother to pay us? Let's open the door to realize the great family relationship.

Open a door (2)

By chance, I watched the film "The Blind Child Playing the Piano", which made me deeply moved.

The film tells a true story: this story took place in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. Eight years ago, a child named Liu Hao was born in an ordinary working family. Liu Hao became blind from childhood because he was born prematurely and received too much oxygen in the incubator. When he was three years old, his mother bought him a toy zither. Nobody expected that he could imitate the call of a sparrow with it. The passion of music is burning Liu Hao's young soul. His musical talent shocked and delighted his mother. She understood that music had become Liu Hao's only joy. She swore that she would bring happiness to this unfortunate child even if she smashed the pot and sold the iron. Later, he went on the big stage and performed with Lang Lang, the piano prince. Yes, God closed Liu Hao's eyes, but at the same time, he gave him a natural musical talent!

In our life, God treats everyone fairly, and there is no favoritism. Therefore, no matter whether we are healthy, disabled or sick, we should not lose confidence in life. We should be full of expectations for life. Our life is still beautiful, because God has his arrangement, and we believe that our tomorrow will be better!

Open a door (3)

I started reading in the middle class of kindergarten. At that time, my mother bought me some simple picture books. Grandma held my little hand and asked me to point to words one by one to teach me to read. I could read a picture book more than ten times. During this period, reading brought me the greatest harvest, that is, I know a lot of words. When I got to the big class, I could read a story book independently and completely without the help of my mother and grandmother.

When I came to Xinyi Road and went to primary school, I read more books. In the first grade, my mother accompanied me to read stories every day. Every time we finished reading a story, my mother and I would share our experience of reading the story. We competed to find beautiful sentences and wonderful words in the story, and almost all of them were won by my mother. Reading stories like this with my mother not only broadened my horizon and increased my knowledge, but also, more importantly, improved my ability to read pictures and write words.

Now, I am a sophomore. Every time I finish my homework or on Saturdays and Sundays, I will read my favorite books, and my mother will read her favorite books. Now I have read many books, which have made me gain a lot. For example, I have read Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is a historical story about the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the unification of the Jin Dynasty. There are many well-known historical heroes in it. I like Guan Yu best in the Three Kingdoms. The weapon he uses is a green dragon Yanyue sabre. Guan Yu is very loyal. He is not impressed by the temptation of Cao Cao. He rides a thousand miles on his own for the sake of his brothers, passes five passes and kills six generals, and follows Liu Bei to death. I hope I can also become a man as strong as Guan Yu. The students must have seen the cartoon about Journey to the West. In fact, the book Journey to the West written by Wu Chengen is also worth reading. My parents said that they grew up reading this book. It's really interesting and enjoyable. The four masters and disciples of Tang Monk overcame all kinds of difficulties and experienced ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties in order to obtain the Sutra. It can be seen that success is not so easy to achieve. Our learning is the same as learning from experience. It takes great efforts to get the first place in the exam and achieve good results. At present, the book I am reading is "Insects" written by Faber. This book fascinates me very much. I didn't know it until I read it. It tells me that there is such a magic mystery in the insect world. This book lets me know: how does the knot bellied wasp hunt elephant nosed insects; In the early morning, how did the cicada get rid of its shell; How dung beetles roll dung balls and many other interesting stories about insects. If students are also interested, please read this book quickly!

We are not born to understand many things, but books can open our eyes to see the world. Through reading, we will have a deeper understanding of the world, ourselves and nature.

Open a door (4)

In that early spring season, different from Wang Wei's "sneaking into the night with the wind, moistening things silently", what sneaks in is not the spring rain, but the magic door.

When the spring wind blows my face and the sun shines on my hands, I am addicted to humorous reality shows, TV dramas with ups and downs, fresh and beautiful music, and time passes through my fingers, but I don't care. I don't know at all - Spring has quietly come to my side until I found the door

On that day, my mother didn't scold me for being addicted to mobile phones as usual, but frowned: "Shall we go hiking tomorrow morning?" I nodded gently, and you turned around and walked away quietly. Surprise and sour guilt are all over my heart. That night, I saw an article saying that everyone has a door in their heart, leading to spring and happiness. The door in my heart has been closed for a long time!

The next day, the sun was just right, and the flowers on the mountain had not yet sprouted buds, only the green dots hung on the bare treetops.

I asked my mother, "Mom, the flowers haven't opened yet. The grass is just green. What's good about it?" My mother looked around and pointed to a bare land. "No, look!" She squatted down slowly. "When it grows up, it will also blossom, but now it looks the most beautiful, just like the successful flower in Bing Xin's heart in your textbook, isn't it?" My textbook? She used to care about my study all the time. Looking up at her proud smile, I also smiled.

When I got home, I realized that my mother always cared about my study; It turns out that what is different from "flowers are becoming more attractive, and only grass can have no horseshoes" is also a kind of beauty; It turns out that I can also knock on that door. Isn't it?

Spring is coming. It's time to open the door and pursue your dreams. Listening to the voice of spring is as profound as the sounds of nature; Chasing the dream of spring is looking forward to smiling; Open the door of spring and compose the music of youth.

Open a door (5)

He is always unkempt and dressed in rags, and his clothes that don't show any color swing gently with the wind. I can't see his age, his face is wrinkled, and his feet stumble. It seems that he is very old. But suddenly, he uttered a piercing cry, which made people feel that he was in his prime.

He is a complete madman, and he is so crazy.

In the early morning, he would yell in the small garden. His voice was deafening, and the windows were buzzing. Occasionally, someone tried to persuade him, but his ferocious eyes and high voice made people flinch. Everyone is unwilling to touch him. He will suddenly point at you, stare at you with hate eyes, and even spit on your face, as if you caused everything to him. Yes, he is full of resentment towards the world. He hates everyone. He hates human beings. His injured heart screams, and his cry gives vent to everything. He doesn't know how to bathe in sunshine, moisturize rain and dew, live a life, and understand the truth between people.

One spring day, I was walking in the path of the garden, full of comfort, enjoying the beautiful scenery of birds singing and flowers, like a fairy tale. Suddenly, I saw the crazy old man, and the beauty in my heart was suddenly broken. Fear and annoyance flooded into my heart. I turned around and ran away. But just by accident, I saw the crazy old man holding a lovely yellow cat in his hand, which was incredible and shocked me.

I kept my feet steady and watched his every move. The crazy old man sat quietly on the steps, and the cat nestled lazily in his arms. He gave a gentle cry of "Mimi", which was totally different from the expression when he roared before. The sun slanted on the stone steps, so warm and kind. Under the sun, his face had more wrinkles and his bronze skin was more brilliant, This time, I saw his face clearly. Although his clothes were untidy, his handsome innocence still appeared on his face when he was young, but he was very old because of the growth rings of years. The beard stood in a vertical position.

He caressed the cat carefully and muttered something from time to time. His eyes were full of affection and love, like a father who loved his child. No, it was more like a grandpa's happiness and satisfaction when he saw his grandson. At this time, he was very different from the previous one. I could not believe everything in front of me. I looked at the harmonious picture silently and blankly. For a long time, I left quietly.

On the way home, the words "God closes one door and opens another" suddenly appeared in my mind. Crazy old man is always on guard against, on guard against and refusing people, but he is so close to cats, loving and caring. He is using another door in his heart to feel the world and pursue his own beauty.

Open a door (6)

Maybe in the eyes of others, I am not good at words and have a somewhat withdrawn personality. I always feel that others don't like me, so I have few friends. I also want to make more friends, but I am helpless.

I remember that it was last autumn, and I went to the activity of "royal garden tasting autumn" organized by the school. My mother took me to the Temple of Heaven Park to taste autumn. At that time, I very much hoped that I could meet my classmates and two or three people would have a good afternoon together.

Just then, I saw a familiar figure from a distance. It was Jia Sicheng! "Great!" I thought, "I met my classmates as soon as I came. How lucky!"

I was about to rush to find her, but stopped. Because I am very shy, and I am not good at communicating with classmates at all, let alone submitting friends. Jia Sicheng once gave me a nickname. I was very unhappy. Although I didn't show it, I didn't have fun with her for a long time after that.

Just as I hesitated, a loud and cheerful voice sounded behind me: "Hi, Ho Muen!" I looked back and saw that Jia Sicheng had come to me. I ignored shyness and replied loudly, "Hi, Jia Sicheng!"

In the following afternoon, Jia Sicheng and I enjoyed ourselves very much. We went to several scenic spots, such as the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Echo Wall, and bought some souvenirs. We played harmless jokes on each other. We gathered many flowers on the grass to make a big wreath. She also told me her birthday and her home address. We left a phone number with each other so that we could play together at any time.

On that day, that clear call seemed to open a door to a new world for me. When I walked in, I made more new friends. That clear call made me understand that it is not that my classmates dislike me, but that the door of friendship in my heart is always closed. Only when we open our hearts and communicate with others boldly can we make more and more true bosom friends.

Open a door (7)

There are countless doors in life, and these doors have always accompanied us. However, the process of our growth is the process of opening these doors, and I want to open the door of success.

Success is what everyone wants, but this door will not be opened for everyone. Only those who have diligence and hard work and stick to these three keys can open this door.

Helen Keller became an deaf and blind disabled person after suffering from a serious illness when she was young, so that she could not speak. Later, with the help of Anne Sullivan, a tutor, and the unremitting efforts of Helen Keller, Helen Keller gradually learned to speak. Through their cooperation day after day, year after year, Helen Keller learned many languages and entered the Women's College of Harvard University. This is the door to success opened by Helen Keller; This is also a miracle created by Helen Keller.

However, the door to success also needs ability and honor to maintain. The greater the ability, the more honor, the better the success can be maintained. On the contrary, the smaller the ability is, the fewer the honor is, so he can only open the door to failure.

In my primary school career, I constantly participated in various competitions, thus winning many awards, such as writing, mathematics, art and other awards, which added a lot of honor to me, so that I gradually moved towards the door of success. At the junior high school interview, I entered the school of my mind - Peking University High School Attached through my ability and honor, It also opened the first door of success in my life, and I also got my first success.

The door to success needs to be opened with three keys of diligence, hard work and perseverance, and it also needs honor and ability to maintain.

There are countless doors in life. Only by opening this door can you make your life more exciting, enrich your life, and make you more successful. Whether you can open these doors depends on your ability.

Open a door (8)

The ancient flagstone door was covered with green moss, and light squeezed out from the crack of the door and fell on the ground, luring people forward. Behind the door are all kinds of jewelry and dazzling wealth, which is the accumulation of five thousand years of Chinese civilization. I am wandering at the door, picking up a little light, eager to open the door of the new world.

In anticipation of spring, the small feet of rain gently walked across the muddy land, leaving behind the shadow of spring. The first sprouts of spring grass rose up, looked from afar, dim, dreamlike, as if the earth was covered with a very light blue gauze. This is the dress of early spring. People's eyes and ears were fresh, and joy flooded into their hearts. Occasionally naughty children came closer to see it, The ground is full of thin and bright buds, and the slender body seems to be able to break at any time. It can't help murmuring, "The sky street is moist with light rain, and the grass color is far away but near."

In July, the sun's temperature is about to burn the clouds. The lotus leaves in the pool are connected with the sky. I don't know who built the way to the sky. The West Lake lotus is reflected in the glittering blue waves, showing its shyness. The flowers surrounded by lotus leaves and the afterglow of the setting sun are reflected on the lake. Summer puts a layer of rouge on her. It is said that the sun is incomparable. In my opinion, today's afterglow will be defeated by the dazzling red lotus. He confided to the flowers, "The lotus leaves are endless green, and the lotus flowers are very red in the sun."

One leaf knows the autumn. Under the dark eaves, beside the green slate, and in the green bamboo forest, there is a faint sound of ticking. It is the sound of autumn rain that has not yet had time to go home. Finally, there was a fresh rain. The clear spring water trickled on the rocks. The girl who washed clothes returned from the bamboo forest and heard a series of sounds behind her. When the night came, people felt the cool autumn wind. It was really "after the fresh rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late for autumn."

The mountains are cold and the water is cold. The sunset makes the white clouds over thousands of miles dark and yellow. The long yellow sand is swept into the clouds by the north wind. The north wind is howling and the snow is flying. Look, the geese in the sky are lining up to go back to Hengyang. They are crying sadly in their ears. It is the voice of the geese that they are going to work hard again. But I have to send off my old friends. Is God also trying to reflect my mood? "Thousands of miles of yellow clouds and the dawn of the day, the north wind blows wild geese and snow."

Since then, I have indulged in it and can no longer pull it out. I opened a door, a door of poetry. Taste a little bit of drunkenness, look at the wandering, only stand in front of the door, and don't go away for a long time.

Open a door (9)

Among countless doors, there is one that is the most peculiar and vivid. In the middle of this door, there are two gold plated characters, that is, history.

The history of an era reflects the culture of this era, the civilization of this era, the social custom paintings and humanistic landscapes of this era, and the daily life and living habits of human beings in this era.

Reading through history, you will find that history is full of fun, fun, and knowledge in your mind. When reading history books from the past to the future, you will understand that "in ancient times, there were fewer people and more animals, and people were overwhelmed by animals, animals, insects, and snakes", and understand that Yuanmou people in ancient times have been able to make tools and use fire, Knowing whether we can make tools is the fundamental difference between humans and animals.

History gives us a lot of knowledge.

If you read history thoroughly, you will find that history has twists and turns. When reading history books, I experienced the cruelty of Qin Shihuang, tasted the fear of Confucian scholars when they burned books to pit Confucian scholars in history, expressed their grief and indignation, and studied the sufferings of the people when Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall. Among them, there is a famous myth - Meng Jiangnu cried over the Great Wall.

History has given us a kind of mentality - angry, so that we understand that we should be ready to help others, and we should not make society dirty.

Reading through history, you will find that sometimes history can make people angry. When tasting the history books, we spurned the shamelessness of those British people, resented China's signing of the Sino British Nanjing Treaty, which humiliated the country, and lost for China's inability to resist. However, during this period, there were many impressive figures. Lin Zexu was known as a national hero because of the "Humen smoking cessation", and Guan Tianpei died a heroic death because of rising up against the British.

History tells us a hundred years of national humiliation. Let's turn our grief into strength, study hard to strengthen the national defense force of our country, and also keep us awake - we can't go through the shameful old road before.

In history, as long as you are willing to spend time and effort, this door will certainly open in front of you. As long as you approach this door, you will not feel that "the time to use books is very short" and you will feel that the future is bright.

Open a door (10)

My neighbor is very strange. Everyone calls him Dr. Strange. Because he is eccentric, everyone dislikes him, even hates him.

What about me? I really like him, because I find his brain is very flexible, so flexible that people can hardly describe it, so I first think of him when I encounter difficulties in learning. However, every time I go to his house, I will see him hurriedly close a mysterious door tightly. What's the secret inside? I tried to open it several times, but he stopped me every time. He also warned me not to open it. However, the longer the time goes by, the more mysterious I feel about the door. I always hope that when the doctor is not at home, I can open the door.

One day, I came to his house again and found that the doctor was not at home. I was so happy that I quickly opened the door and found that there was nothing inside. What's going on here? However, when I just stepped into the room, a strong light suddenly made me unable to open my eyes. Then, I felt that people seemed to be floating, spinning, and I didn't know anything in a twinkling of an eye.

When I woke up, I found that there was a cartoon world inside. There were slides, racing cars, rowing, planes, "super" swings, etc., which dazzled people, I found a man in the middle who seemed familiar, but I'm sure he wasn't a cartoon, but who was he? Ah, I remember! Dr. Strange, yes, he is!

At this time, Dr. Strange must have seen me find him. He came over embarrassed and blushed. Before he could speak, I said angrily, "Well, you didn't want me to come here to play, so you wouldn't let me open the door. Hum!" The doctor smiled and said, "Hey, don't be angry, I'm afraid it will delay your study. But today there is something more fresh for you!" After listening to the second half of this sentence, I was relieved.

When we were tired and it was dark, we came out of the door and returned to the original place. At this time, the doctor said to me: "In the future, we can play happily every Sunday, but it will not affect our study!" I jumped up with joy when I heard that

Open a door (11)

There are countless open doors in the world, and behind each door there is a world you do not know. The door I opened was to enjoy music.

What makes the world dazzling and makes the world shine with charm? It is human emotion. Music is the way to express people's feelings. It is the innumerable song genealogies that have written innumerable wonderful notes that make the world full of color and warmth.

When I was misunderstood, I walked on the street in a state of shock. Looking at the charming scenery around me, it gradually faded in my eyes, like a nurse holding a syringe, mercilessly pulling them away from my eyes. When the tube slowly reached the top, my heart slowly fell to the bottom, and there was true love in the world!

I walked forward like a machine, and the gray world no longer attracted me. The cars moving farther and farther passed one by one, and from time to time there was a sound of "honking". I don't know where I went, but the pain in the soles of my feet told me that I had gone far. I don't know if I went to the music hall, and there came melodious sound of zither. I stopped and listened attentively. The rhythmic music caught my heart and gradually accelerated, and the pedestrians also had expressions on their faces. The most important thing is that the former nurse came back, his warm hands stroked me, and the little color returned to his eyes, which seemed more active! The music surrounded me and took my mind to a world I had never known - the world of music.

Although I can't learn the piano, I can listen to it! When I heard the deafening songs, I couldn't help wondering what irritated the composer, or did he get a big happy event? When I heard the pleasant sound of music, I thought again: Did the composer meet old acquaintances! When I heard the sad song, I thought again: Is it the composer's emotion that has been destroyed?

I can't play songs like that, but I can bring my heart into it, let my heart fly with the music, dance, let me harvest infinite beauty. Because of the contact with music, I no longer ignore other people's feelings, but become more mellow, more considerate of other people's ideas, and more benevolent.

It may be rare to open the door of enjoying music, but it is an important door. Music is human emotion. To appreciate music is to speculate on other people's ideas. Music is happy, my heart is happy; Music is sad, so am I. Music is indispensable to people!

Open a door (12)

There are countless doors in life, and these doors have always accompanied us. However, the process of our growth is the process of opening these doors, and I want to open the door of success.

Success is what everyone wants, but this door will not be opened for everyone. Only those who have diligence and hard work and stick to these three keys can open this door.

Helen Keller became an deaf and blind disabled person after suffering from a serious illness when she was young, so that she could not speak. Later, with the help of Anne Sullivan, a tutor, and the unremitting efforts of Helen Keller, Helen Keller gradually learned to speak. Through their cooperation day after day, year after year, Helen Keller learned many languages and entered the Women's College of Harvard University. This is the door to success opened by Helen Keller; This is also a miracle created by Helen Keller.

However, the door to success also needs ability and honor to maintain. The greater the ability, the more honor, the better the success can be maintained. On the contrary, the smaller the ability is, the fewer the honor is, so he can only open the door to failure.

In my primary school career, I constantly participated in various competitions, thus winning many awards, such as writing, mathematics, art and other awards, which added a lot of honor to me, so that I gradually moved towards the door of success. At the junior high school interview, I entered the school of my mind - Peking University High School Attached through my ability and honor, It also opened the first door of success in my life, and I also got my first success.

The door to success needs to be opened with three keys: diligence, hard work and perseverance, and it also needs honor and ability to maintain.

There are countless doors in life. Only by opening this door can you make your life more exciting, enrich your life, and make you more successful. Whether you can open these doors depends on your ability.

Open a door (13)

Among countless doors, there is one that is the most peculiar and vivid. In the middle of this door, there are two gold plated characters, that is, history.

The history of an era reflects the culture of this era, the civilization level of this era, the social custom paintings and humanistic landscapes of this era, and the daily life and living habits of human beings in this era.

Reading through history, you will find that history is full of fun, fun, and knowledge in your mind. When reading history books from the past to the future, you will understand that "in the ancient times, there were fewer people and more animals, and people were overwhelmed by animals, insects, and snakes", and understand that Yuanmou people in ancient times could already make tools and use fire, Knowing whether we can make tools is the fundamental difference between humans and animals.

History gives us a lot of knowledge.

If you read history thoroughly, you will find that history has twists and turns. When reading history books, I experienced the cruelty of Qin Shihuang, tasted the fear of Confucian scholars when they burned books to pit Confucian scholars in history, expressed their grief and indignation, and studied the sufferings of the people when Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall. Among them, there is a famous myth - Meng Jiangnu cried over the Great Wall.

History has given us a kind of mentality - angry, so that we understand that we should be ready to help others, and we should not make society dirty.

Reading through history, you will find that sometimes history can make people angry. When tasting the history books, we spurned the shamelessness of those British people, resented China's signing of the Sino British Nanjing Treaty, which humiliated the country, and lost for China's inability to resist. However, during this period, there were many impressive figures. Lin Zexu was known as a national hero because of the "Humen smoking cessation", and Guan Tianpei died a heroic death because of rising up against the British.

History tells us a hundred years of national humiliation. Let's turn our grief into strength, study hard to strengthen the national defense force of our country, and also keep us awake - we can't go through the shameful old road before.

In history, as long as you are willing to spend time and effort, this door will certainly open in front of you. As long as you approach this door, you will not feel that "the time to read is very short", but you will feel that the future is bright and bright.

Open a door (14)

The door of my life needs to be opened by myself, and my life needs to be pushed open by myself. These doors seem to be around us, but they are looming. I don't know when a door slowly frames my heart, that is, reading. So I decided to open this door for myself.

In the autumn of that year, the autumn rain, with a trace of coolness, struck the quiet environment and lonely himself. So reading will take advantage of the void. Turn on the desk lamp every day, and then religiously open a page of book on the balcony. The reason why I love reading is not because I am attached to reading, but because my love of reading makes me want to open the door for myself. Why open this door? Because it will make you grow from childishness to maturity, let you become intoxicated and lose yourself, let you have correct life values, and let your confused life find the direction. I want to open this door, breathe fresh air, understand different lives, paint different 'self portraits, and compose brilliant poems of life. How important that door is to me. Through the cultivation of tireless reading, I purified people's hearts and made me realize a new self. However, those who have no desire to open this door are degenerate. Even though he is talented, he will never achieve anything.

Open this door for myself. I love this door. Without it, there will be no power and no direction. I want to pave the way of life for myself. But how to open the door? I was confused. The first is the attitude towards this door. Someone said, "Your attitude determines your height." You should treat everything with a good attitude. Secondly, we should read more books. The most important thing is to keep our understanding of reading and the desire to explore, so that reading can influence us imperceptibly.

From childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adolescence, I have kept this dream. It is like a seed planted in my heart. Opening the door for myself means that the young eagle has finally learned to fly, which means that it has improved the value of life. But if you only dream and do not realize it, it will be just seeking fish from scratch.

Look at yourself in the mirror and shout out loudly: "Fight hard, young man, your dream is in front of this door, open the door of reading for yourself, and let yourself glow!

Open a door (15)

There are many closed doors in the world. Behind each door lies a world you don't know. Today, I want to talk about the door of courage.

One step can change your life. What can be hidden behind this step? It is courage. If you have the courage to take a crucial step, then you can change the path of life.

In class, the teacher threw out a question, and the students started the "storm" mode to think of the answer. We all have a common goal: to show our talents in front of new classes, students and teachers. I was no exception. I picked up my pen and scribbled on the draft paper. After a while, my answer came out. Although I don't know whether it is the right answer, I am still confident. I looked around and found that everyone was still thinking. No one raised his hand. Shall I raise my hand to answer now? What if that thing is wrong? The shadow of the tree outside the window was swayed by the wind. I was about to raise my hand when I found another student was pointed to by the teacher. I was relieved that his answer was wrong. I thought to myself: if someone's answer is wrong, they dare to stand up and say, why do I hesitate so much? How about this time? Just as I was struggling, the teacher ordered another classmate whose answer was the same as mine. I couldn't help getting depressed. As a result, the student left a deep impression on the teacher. The teacher said, "This student has a good mind and is very fast, so I will choose him as the class representative!" My answer is right, and he is also faster than him. Why can he impress others, but I can't? Because I lack the courage to raise my hand.

This time when I raised my hand to speak, I realized that I had no courage, and I began to be depressed. I was noticed by the teacher, and I also explained my situation to the teacher. The teacher told me that if I didn't have the courage to speak, I would think of those who listened to me as inanimate dead things. No matter whether I was right or wrong, I would think that I was talking to myself and expressing what I wanted in my heart.

Courage can create opportunities for you to explore the world you don't know, provide you with a platform to show yourself, and even encourage you to strive for what you want to do but dare not do.

Open the door of courage, show your strengths and talents, let others notice you, and write a wonderful chapter of your life.

Open a door (16)

There is a door that will open for you as long as you are willing to approach it.

There is a door, if you are willing to touch it, it will be knocked by you.

In fact, this door is right beside you. It is nature. It tells the story of adults and belongs to the heart of children. It is silent, beautiful and constantly changing.

If the four seasons are a form of nature, the grass, trees and streams in the four seasons are a manifestation of nature.

In spring, apricot trees planted in the courtyard and on the hillside bloomed. It's pink. The wind shook the petals and fell to the ground. Grass comes out everywhere, even in the cracks of the flagstone. All the trees grow sticky and fragrant buds. Swallows have happily built their nests like every spring. Flies warmed by the sun buzzed along the wall. In midsummer, on a hot afternoon, I walked out from the yard to the side of the river, stepping on the pebbles under the cool river, and the little fish and shrimp hit my feet blindly, itchy. In late autumn, the sky is extremely blue, extremely high, and the air is also clear. On winter nights, heavy snow always comes without sound. In the morning, when I open the window, I realize that the world is white.

If the sky is a connotation of nature, then the sun, moon and stars in the sky are an interpretation of nature.

The sunrise is always so exciting. First, the night sky began to shine. Looking far away, only the faint horizon was blurred in the fog. For a long time, a bright light came out, behind which was the sun struggling to leap out of the mountain. After a while, the light began to change, more and more pink, more and more bright. The world that had been silent all night finally woke up. People took a breath.

Sunsets are always quiet and interesting. First it dyed most of the sky red, then it began to sink behind the mountains in the distance. The reddened mountain tops set off the bright traces of the sky. The shadow gradually rises, as if to expel the afterglow of the setting sun. At last, the afterglow stopped at the top of the mountain and disappeared after a while. Time, gone forever. People sighed.

The evening mist dissipated, and the silver moonlight was dazzling, covering the noisy city. Looking up and facing the bright moon, all the complaints are gone, and the quiet heart is opened. Around the moon, many shining stars show themselves in an uncompromising way. Decorated at the far end of the mountain, shining in the dim sky.

The beauty of nature is so rich and dignified, just like a kind of order, a kind of truth.

Nature is really a beautiful door, as long as you go in, you will enjoy unprecedented peace.

Open a door (17)

When I came to Xinyi Road and went to primary school, I read more books. In the first grade, my mother accompanied me to read stories every day. Every time we finished reading a story, my mother and I would share our experience of reading the story. We competed to find beautiful sentences and wonderful words in the story, and almost all of them were won by my mother. Reading stories like this with my mother not only broadened my horizon and increased my knowledge, but also, more importantly, improved my ability to read pictures and write words.

Now, I am a sophomore. Every time I finish my homework or on Saturdays and Sundays, I will read my favorite books, and my mother will read her favorite books. Now I have read many books, which have made me gain a lot. For example, I have read Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which is a historical story about the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the unification of the Jin Dynasty. There are many well-known historical heroes in it. I like Guan Yu best in the Three Kingdoms. The weapon he uses is a green dragon Yanyue sabre. Guan Yu is very loyal. He is not impressed by the temptation of Cao Cao. He rides a thousand miles on his own for the sake of his brothers, passes five passes and kills six generals, and follows Liu Bei to death. I hope I can also become a man as strong as Guan Yu. The students must have seen the cartoon about Journey to the West. In fact, the book Journey to the West written by Wu Chengen is also worth reading. My parents said that they grew up reading this book. It's really interesting and enjoyable. The four masters and disciples of Tang Monk overcame all kinds of difficulties and experienced ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties in order to obtain the Sutra. It can be seen that success is not so easy to achieve. Our learning is the same as learning from experience. It takes great efforts to get the first place in the exam and achieve good results. At present, the book I am reading is "Insects" written by Faber. This book fascinates me very much. I didn't know it until I read it. It tells me that there is such a magic mystery in the insect world. This book lets me know: how does the knot bellied wasp hunt elephant nosed insects; In the early morning, how did the cicada get rid of its shell; How dung beetles roll dung balls and many other interesting stories about insects. If students are also interested, please read this book quickly!

We are not born to understand many things, but books can open our eyes to see the world. Through reading, we will have a deeper understanding of the world, ourselves and nature.