Classified composition (16 required)
Move in another direction
2024-05-22 02:26:10
Senior One

Classified composition (1)

As the saying goes, "No family, no family." Today four mothers are waiting for their children to come home. Let's help them!

In the afternoon, our class launched the "garbage sorting war". The four mothers are: recyclable trash cans, hazardous trash cans, kitchen garbage cans and dry trash cans. They stood in a row, waiting for the children to go home for dinner.

The war is about to begin! The first round: Chen vs Ye. I saw that Ye's tall and strong body stood in front of Chen, and he had the advantage in momentum. But no one knows the result of the game. The timing began... Chen took out a card of "Oral Liquid Bottle", and he was stunned! The card seemed to provoke: "If I don't tell you where my home is, I won't tell you, I will kill you, I will kill you!" I saw that Chen pondered for a long time, and finally he seemed merciless, regardless of the fact that he threw the "oral liquid bottle" into the recyclable garbage can. I guess he thinks the bottle is made of glass, which can be recycled. Recyclable mother seemed to protest: "Whose child is this? You went to the wrong house, this is not your house. You still have chemicals left on your body, which is harmful. Go to the 'harmful garbage house' quickly." In this way, Chen made a mistake just after he came out. On the other hand, Ye is one shot at a time! Look! He threw the "canned food" into the arms of his recyclable mother and successfully scored one point. Then it was Chen's turn. When he smoked, the three characters "toothpaste skin" appeared in front of him. He didn't even think about throwing it into the harmful garbage can immediately. "Toothpaste skin" seemed to groan: "This is not my home, you sent me to the wrong home.

The duels between other people were also very exciting and full of jokes. This garbage sorting contest is really wonderful!

Classified composition (2)

Everyone is familiar with "garbage classification", which is one of the environmental protection measures advocated in the early years. But after looking at the garbage cans on the streets, it seems that the implementation of this measure is not very good. Then let me express my opinion.

First of all, let's talk about the reasons why garbage classification is not well implemented. Many people should have an idea in mind; Just throw the rubbish into the dustbin. This concept is due to the lack of awareness of garbage classification and the lack of awareness of the importance of garbage classification. Therefore, I think that the general public should know more about the importance of garbage classification, establish the awareness of garbage classification, and the government should also increase publicity.

However, with the awareness of garbage classification, it seems difficult to do garbage classification. Why is this? I think it's because people don't understand how to sort garbage. I don't know what kind of garbage should be classified, so even if people want to classify garbage, they can't distinguish it. I vaguely remember that I learned garbage classification in kindergarten, so I can be forgiven for forgetting. There is no need to be too ambitious in learning garbage classification, because most garbage classifications at the moment are divided into two categories or at most three categories, just a little understanding. It is suggested that the government popularize the knowledge of garbage classification, so that we people can also do a good job of garbage classification at home, which will be more convenient for dumping garbage.

Another important reason is that the garbage bins in some streets are messy. People can't see the signs of the garbage category at all because they are "beyond recognition", so they can only casually throw them into the garbage bins. Coupled with the herd mentality of some people, the garbage can is even dirtier, which eventually forms a vicious circle. I think this requires the government to improve the infrastructure, and the people should also strive to maintain the public environment and protect public property.

It takes everyone's efforts to implement garbage classification and protect the environment, so let's work together to change the world! Each of us should believe that we are the one who can change the world.

Classified composition (3)

Recyclable material: garbage with high recycling value that can enter the waste recycling channel. Mainly including: paper newspapers, leaflets, magazines, old books, cardboard boxes and other uncontaminated paper products, metal products such as iron, copper, aluminum, glass bottles, flat glass and other glass products, plastic products other than plastic bags such as foam plastic, plastic bottles, hard plastics, rubber and rubber products, milk boxes and other Tetra Pak packaging Drink bottles, such as Coke cans, plastic drink bottles, beer bottles, etc. The recyclable materials are in the sapphire blue trash can.

Kitchen garbage: food garbage and peel produced in the kitchen. It mainly includes: food residues such as leftovers and western food cakes, vegetable stems and leaves, animal skeleton viscera, tea leaves, fruit residues, fruit shells, melon skins, bonsai and other plant residues, waste edible oil, etc. Use green trash cans for kitchen garbage.

Other garbage: the general term of all garbage except recyclable garbage, hazardous garbage and kitchen garbage. Mainly including: contaminated and unrecyclable paper Cup, photo, carbon paper, pressure-sensitive paper, receipt paper, star film, photo album, toilet paper, diaper, etc., contaminated or other non recyclable glass, plastic bags and other contaminated plastic products, waste clothing and other textiles, broken ceramics, women's hygiene products, disposable tableware, shells, cigarette butts Lime soil, etc. Orange trash can shall be used for other garbage.

Hazardous waste: waste containing toxic and harmful chemicals. It mainly includes: batteries, batteries, button batteries, etc., waste lamp bulbs, expired drugs, expired daily cosmetics, hair dyes, pesticide containers, herbicide containers, waste mercury thermometers, waste small household appliances, waste printer cartridges, selenium cartridges, etc. Red trash can shall be used for hazardous waste.

So I hope you can do a good job in garbage classification!

Classified composition (4)

Today, our teacher let us watch a video about garbage classification.

At the beginning of the video, it is said that what pigs can eat is wet garbage, and what pigs cannot eat is dry garbage. What pigs eat is harmful garbage, and what they can buy is recyclable garbage. The whole class laughed after hearing this sentence.

After reading this paragraph, the garbage in the trash can of which color will be transported to where will become what. Red refers to hazardous substances, sometimes marked with orange. Hazardous substances include waste batteries, fluorescent tubes, paints, expired drugs, cosmetics and other non recyclable substances with certain pollution hazards.

2. Green: In the case of combination of multiple plastic trash cans, green represents kitchen waste, which can be used as fertilizer for plant nutrients, and can be decomposed and absorbed by natural microorganisms and plants after being buried, playing the role of waste recycling.

3. Blue: represents recyclable waste, including plastic, paper, metal and other valuable substances, which will be included in the waste recycling system for resource recycling.

4. Grey: garbage other than hazardous substances and recyclable substances, bricks, ceramics, muck and other wastes that are difficult to be recycled are generally incinerated and buried.

5. Yellow: it represents the special garbage can for medical waste, which is generally only used in hospitals, health stations and other medical places.

After watching this video, I thought: Now we have started to promote garbage classification in Zhengzhou, and I can also classify all garbage. This video also let me know the danger of littering, and I will certainly not throw the garbage in this dustbin into other dustbins in the future.

Classified composition (5)

Recently, the school issued the advocacy of environmental protection and garbage classification. Let's start from ourselves, from the small things, divide the garbage and clean the environment.

But have you ever thought about the use of these garbage villages? Let me tell you! For example, when we throw the recyclable garbage such as waste paper, plastic, glass, metal and cloth into the blue dustbin, they will be sent to a processing plant for reprocessing and processing, and finally will become the curtains, sheets, clothes and quilts we need in our life, making our home life more colorful. Although recyclable garbage is very powerful, you should not underestimate another kind of garbage, "kitchen waste"!

There are many kinds of kitchen waste, such as leftovers, rotten fruits, fish bones and bones. It's also fun to deal with!

The sanitation workers first send them to the local treatment center, and then the environmental protection workers will decompose the garbage into oil, water and residue, which can be used as diesel and gasoline for refueling cars, power generation, and nutrition for plants. Therefore, kitchen waste should be put into the specified dustbin for our human beings to continue recycling!

Now that we have finished talking about kitchen waste, let's talk about hazardous waste! The batteries, bulbs, thermometers, expired drugs and cosmetics that are common in our homes are also divided into useful and useless categories, and then sent to the place where they are specially treated. Useful garbage will be recycled, and useless garbage will be sent to a special garbage dump, so harmful garbage must not be thrown about!

Did everyone understand? If you understand, divide the garbage to make the environment more beautiful! Let's take action together to return the earth to a blue sky!

Classified composition (6)

In the summer vacation of second grade, we started our first group activity - garbage sorting. This time, as the team leader, I called on five team members to jointly complete this public welfare activity.

Before the activity, we held a team meeting to discuss the division of labor. First of all, we named the team "Blue Sky Team", which means to sort garbage and turn the sky into blue. Then, we set a slogan, "Early garbage classification, better life". Then, our propaganda committee members made a hand-painted leaflet for us. Finally, one of the team members made garbage bins of four colors.

When we were all ready, we were ready to go. Before starting, we popularized and consolidated the knowledge of garbage classification, and then went to the Chengbei Sports Park to gather. There are three people coming over there, but no one dare to come forward. I think: this is no good. Someone must break the deadlock. So I got up my courage and went forward to publicize, and handed over the leaflet with both hands. My aunt threw me a approving look and said yes. The team members saw that I took the initiative to promote, so they also tried together. After many attempts, everyone also rushed to participate.

After this group activity, I realized that we should learn to take the first step in everything and not be afraid of difficulties. I also learned the ability of interpersonal communication and teamwork. On the way home, my mother and I discussed all this intensely, looking forward to the next team activity.

Classified composition (7)

Do you know the daily amount of domestic waste generated in our county? In this regard, I visited the Environmental Sanitation Institute and learned that the amount of garbage produced in our county is 85 tons every day, or 31025 tons a year. Do not say do not know, say it out of fear! It seems that the sanitation workers work too hard. It's really not easy to deal with so much garbage every day.

Domestic garbage can be divided into two categories: one is non recyclable garbage, including peel, leftovers, vegetable peel, etc. The other is recyclable garbage, including waste paper, plastic, rubber, glass, metal, etc. The advantage of waste classification is that it can reduce pollution and save resources through neutralization and recycling. At present, the treatment method of domestic waste in our county is to collect it first, transfer it, and then transport it to Jianshan Landfill for sanitary landfill. Moreover, our county has invested more than 40 million yuan to build a new landfill in Jinxi Shangkeng. In fact, the best way is to promote the classification of domestic waste. This is not only the work of the sanitation department, but also the responsibility of every citizen. To solve this problem, we must start from the foundation.

Therefore, I suggest:

1、 A lot of publicity, improve people's quality, strengthen environmental awareness.

2、 After the garbage is classified and bagged, it will be placed at a fixed time.

3、 Try not to buy vegetables in plastic bags, but in baskets. Eat out and use less disposable

4、 Carry out waste recycling. We should thank those garbage collectors. Although their image is harmful to the city, they play a great role in the classification of garbage.

Sowing green is sowing hope. I believe that our home will be more beautiful in the near future.

Classified composition (8)

I am a garbage bag and live in the home of a master. The host family is very good at using garbage bags. The family can use 20 garbage bags a day.

In the morning, the whole family will go shopping for vegetables. There are 5 or 6 tapes for vegetables every day, and they also buy breakfast every day. Breakfast is packed in 3 or 4 bags, which can be used more than 10 in a morning. There are 3 tapes for garbage every day, which is very wasteful.

One day, I was used by the owner to load garbage. They only used me for two hours. In the morning, they threw the bad vegetables to me. After eating the watermelon, they threw the watermelon skin to me. I still had one third of it left. The owner threw me away. I could still use it, but he didn't want me! My master uses one third of the garbage bag every time, so I want to cry! The master threw me away before he used me up. The people in the garbage dump collected me, and the garbage poured out carelessly, and I became an empty garbage bag. The north wind was blowing me around! I also fly to and fro from time to time in the sky. I am black. When I fly to and fro in the sky, it is obvious that everyone looks up at me. I am not happy, and it may not be a great honor to be seen by others. They must be laughing at me, garbage is so dirty! I want to cry. I want to come down, but I can't because the wind is too strong. I was floating for longer and longer, and many garbage bags also flew into the sky. Don't people know about white pollution? Our pollution is very big. We are white pollution. If we do not handle it properly, it will be harmful to people's health.

If we use plastic bags to pack food, although convenient, it is not conducive to human health. Because when the temperature exceeds 65C, the toxic substances in the plastic will be decomposed by heat, and new toxic substances may be synthesized. If people absorb these toxic bad things for a long time, liver, kidney and other organs may be seriously damaged, endangering health. Waste plastic paint. We tell you that there are companies in Mingnei that use waste plastics as raw materials and adopt high-tech modification methods to make single component quick drying adhesives. At present, there are multi series and multi-purpose products on the market. The paint produced with waste plastics fully conforms to the national orientation of developing and producing new wall decoration materials, which not only enhances the building function, greatly reduces the cost, but also improves the environmental pollution. I don't want you to burn me. Once you burn me, it will emit a lot of black smoke. When the black smoke of these plastic bags rises to the sky, it will destroy the atmosphere or the ozone layer. The ozone layer can help us resist the solar radiation or do great harm to human beings, so it's better not to burn.

If you put me in the soil, it will be difficult for me to melt away, even hundreds of years, so it will take a long time to put me in the soil, so it is useless and useless. There is something worse than this. If you put me in the soil, I will be harmful to the soil, without any benefit. So it is better not to put me in the soil, so as not to hurt the soil.

I am a garbage bag, a garbage bag nobody wants, a garbage bag harmful to people. I really want to serve the people. However, with the development of science and technology, I believe I can turn harm into treasure and become the favorite thing in everyone's mind! However, we must also save the use of garbage bags. We can't use so many garbage bags one day and throw them away before they are used up, just like my master. We should try not to use plastic bags to hold things, and try to avoid using plastic bags. In this way, the earth will not only reduce white pollution, but also be good for people and the whole world.

Classified composition (9)

Once, my classmates and I went to the supermarket to buy water. He prepared to throw the empty bottle of water into other garbage. I quickly took his hand and said to him in a loud and serious voice: "What are you doing? Bottles are recyclable garbage!"

One day, on my way home from school, I saw the garbage in four trash cans in a mess. Not to mention the mess, but also the stink! Tomorrow, I hurriedly asked my friends to take their equipment and dispose of the garbage. We first dumped all the garbage into a large box, and found that someone had put waste batteries and old medicines in the recycled garbage. We quickly picked up the shovel and divided the garbage into four categories. Then we put up with the smell and classify the garbage by hand. Although it's very smelly, we think about garbage classification. Everyone is responsible! Finally, the garbage was finally dumped into the garbage can. Although we get dirty when eating, we know that garbage sorting starts from me!

Garbage is the "killer" of the earth and the "bad boy" who destroys the resources and ecology. At present, China produces 1. 500 million tons of garbage. If we put these garbage in a province, that province will be full of garbage. But garbage is very innocent. Because it is not they who want to destroy the environment, but human abandon at will. But now there are four soldiers. They maintain the beauty of the environment! They are: recyclable garbage, other garbage, kitchen waste, hazardous garbage!

The student answered casually: "So what? Many people don't do that?" I put my hands in my waist and argued: "Hum! If everyone thought that way, the earth would have been destroyed. We should do garbage classification, starting from me." Well, I will do garbage classification, starting from me! " The student blushed and replied.

It's not difficult to classify garbage, it's just a simple task for us. For our homeland, for our tomorrow, from today on, actively participate in garbage classification. Create a beautiful community environment, cooperate with garbage classification, and strive to be civilized citizens together!

Classified composition (10)

On the front of the dustbin, a billboard was nailed: "Keep clean, keep clean, and put the garbage in the bin." The red letters on the white background were very eye-catching.

I was carrying a dustpan full of garbage in my hand. I didn't know whether the garbage was too heavy or too lazy to get close to it. It was only two steps away from the dustbin, so I poured out the dustpan towards the mouth of the dustbin. The dustpan is full of garbage, and most of it is scattered outside the box.

I was just going back

This is a mother and daughter walking past me. The girl is about 5 years old. Her eyes are bright and her cheeks are as lovely as a red apple. The lovely girl pointed to the billboard on the dustbin and asked her mother:

"Mom, how do you pronounce the words on it?"

My mother patiently replied, "Be hygienic, clean, and put the garbage in the bin."

The girl said in her childish voice, "Mom, do you want us to love hygiene and put rubbish in the dustbin? Our teacher taught us in kindergarten!"

Mother smiled and said, "You are so smart!"

The girl smiled, "Ha ha! Mom, thank you!"

I looked at the innocent girl and smiled, but I was also a little embarrassed, because the little child also knew the truth of hygiene, and I didn't know it when I was so old. But I didn't want to pick up the garbage.

At this time, the little girl raised her finger to me and asked, "Mom, why doesn't this lady put all the garbage in?" Suddenly, my face turned red with a brush. Her mother looked at me and kissed her daughter. After whispering something, she took her daughter away. The little girl looked puzzled, but my face was even redder. At this time, I want to leave at once. I feel as if everyone is looking at me. I ran home quickly. Guilt was as heavy as the gray sea. It pressed on my chest and made me breathless. In the afternoon, I finally couldn't stand it. I ran downstairs and tried to throw the garbage in again, but there was no garbage near the dustbin.

Only the particularly striking billboard: "Be hygienic, love cleanliness, and put garbage in the bin."

Classified composition (11)

On Monday, I went to DO Capital with my classmates to participate in garbage classification learning activities.

The teacher asked us to act in groups. We were divided into two groups. The first group was a questionnaire survey group composed of Zhao Zihan and me. Our task was to find four people each to fill in the form and find out whether they classified the garbage. The second group is composed of Li Xianyang and Wang Ziyan. Their task is to observe how many people throw garbage and how many people classify it, and then write a report.

I learned that yellow and gray are other garbage, green is kitchen garbage, red is harmful garbage, and blue is recyclable. We tried to classify different kinds of garbage. Watermelon skin and bones were thrown into green buckets, milk bottles and paper into blue buckets, and expired drugs into red buckets. It is very important to classify garbage effectively.

We also think of some ways to let everyone know about garbage classification. We can make a group of sketches about garbage classification for students to perform on the school stage and shoot them as promotional videos. Or recommend students to read some books about garbage classification.

I think this activity is very interesting and I learned a lot of knowledge. We believe that as long as every child conscientiously studies and promotes the knowledge and methods in garbage classification to reduce the generation of garbage, we can certainly protect the earth.

Classified composition (12)

I am a jasmine flower, fragrant and beautiful, fragrant and white, graceful and moving. Everyone praises me, and I also think I am the most moving flower on the green grass.

At my side, there is a rustic peanut, which has light, inconspicuous goose yellow flowers. I never pay attention to it.

"Look, what beautiful jasmine flowers!" said a little girl. I listened and became more proud.

After a few days, I felt powerless and the flowers lost their luster. "Ouch, what's wrong with me?" I cried out in surprise! "Pride princess, your flowering period is over, and the petals will wither." The inconspicuous flower said slowly.

"Humph!" I said arrogantly, "I am so beautiful that I will not wither!"

"When we blossom, we should not only look for beauty, but also think about what we can do for people. Besides, beauty is not in the appearance, but in the heart. The beauty of the heart is the real beauty! God gives you beauty, and you should cherish it, although...".

"Shut up!" I angrily interrupted Xiaohuanghua.

"Jasmine" grass said softly: "You are wrong. Although the small yellow flower is not as beautiful as you, it can make contributions to people. What can you do for people?". "Come on! Come on! You are also jealous of my good looks!" I said impatiently. A few days later, I became more haggard; Maybe Xiaohuanghua and Xiaocao are right. I want to do something for others. I can't die in vain; Maybe

At this time, I remembered the words "falling red is not a heartless thing, but turns into spring mud to protect flowers." I withered gently and slept soundlessly next to the 'tentacles' of the small yellow flower sticking into the soil to provide nutrients for it.

In autumn, peanuts were harvested. People praised the fruits of peanuts, the maturity and harvest of peanuts, but I have no regrets, because I know that the spirit of little yellow flowers has my shadow.

It is happy to do something for others!

This is an essay I wrote when I was in the sixth grade. At that time, I was forced by my teacher to write it. It was purely for business. Now look at it. Although it is naive, it is still very memorable. I salute the Chinese teacher in Grade 6, and thank you for leaving me this memory.

Classified composition (13)

Today, the first wave and launching ceremony of the "916" Green Zhejiang Cycle in 20XX will be held in Hangzhou Low Carbon Science and Technology Museum, China, in combination with the FM93 annual news action "I love my family - garbage classification starts from me". Class 2 (1) of Qiushi Jingzhou Primary School is honored to participate in this activity as a primary school representative in Hangzhou.

We listened to the professional commentator's aunt explain how to turn waste into treasure, and all the students listened attentively. In the middle of the explanation, my aunt also invited several students to participate in the production.

After the manual explanation, our team sat quietly and watched the wonderful performance with the theme of green environmental protection hosted by the host of FM93 radio station. On the stage, they showed pieces of waste products. Through the creative inspiration of big brothers and sisters, they became both environmentally friendly and can reflect the waste products in life or other aspects. It's amazing. Finally, I was also honored to be selected to participate in the onstage interaction, which was very exciting.

After the wonderful performance, we temporarily dismissed for free visit. I have seen environmental protection projects such as solar thermal power generation, windmill irrigation, and water mill. What impressed me most is the water mill, which uses water as the power to drive the impeller to rotate. The impeller drives the stone mill through the gear mechanism.

Through this green environmental protection visit, I learned unprecedented environmental protection knowledge. At the same time, I also want to say to all children: "It is our responsibility to protect environmental protection. We should start from now on, support environmental protection, and start from small things. Let's work together to propose a better home.".

Classified composition (14)

What attracted them was not only the moonlight wine, but also the whole heart. The watchful voice composed of little by little, word by word, endless lovesickness, and lingering feelings... are in full bloom in my heart. The voice of watching for life involves and washes the soul of every reader who likes him.

A sword and a pot of wine are unique. What a arrogant and unruly Li Bai's "Go out with a laugh in the sky, we are not Penghao people". I admire his optimistic attitude and his determination in keeping watch. The energetic, free and confident figure was engraved on my heart, and I heard the whisper of a lonely and proud soul - watch.

"I am born to be useful, and my daughter will come back when she is scattered." This demeanor has never been comparable to others. Walking in the secular, but not stained by the secular, above the secular. Think of what Li Shutong said many years later: "Don't float in the noisy world, but settle down to stick". Maybe he also heard Li Bai's inner voice.

I still remember that I felt sad because of a few lines of words, as if I heard the overturned wine pot broke the ground. "Ten years of life and death are boundless. I will never forget it without thinking about it." The desolation with nowhere to talk about, and the solitary graves that may have spread wild grass, would not Su Shi be pathetic.

He also has such an infatuation in mind, leaving behind the touching words and sentences, and watching his own deep feelings with the world for thousands of years. It seemed that I heard the voice of watchman, which was sorrowful in the wind and rain of the Song Dynasty, and rose and fell in the cold and summer of later generations.

If people do not have their own watch in the bottom of their hearts, then how pale and tasteless life will be!

If people give up their watch, they will not cherish every hope they see in life!

Li Shangyin and Li Qingzhao are the same watchmen. One exclaimed, "This love can be recalled, but it was lost at that time", and the other "kept the window", looking at the "gaunt and damaged" yellow flowers. I really heard the voice of watchman. People often say, "Never forget your original intention, you can always have it". Even popular songs are singing "The first dream... persistent people have invisible wings..."

These moods and feelings are so beautiful that they have blossomed in my life. Led by my favorite Li Bai, so many heartfelt voices and balderdash that have been heard for thousands of years have formed beautiful piano sounds, which have turned into intoxicated murmurs.

What I watch is the touch and dream they bring to me, and my obsession with their poems is just a gesture of watching them.

Listen to the voice of the watchman, which comes from the remote years, and gradually becomes dense in the current impetuosity, and ripples out the tranquil poetic flavor.

Listen to the watchful voice, it is telling us not to forget the most true dream in our hearts!

Classified composition (15)

Birds of a feather flock together. No one has never had a friend, but some people have never tasted friendship and regard it as a bargaining chip in their hands; Selfish people avoid friendship and regard it as a burden of feelings; Those who are indifferent will not pay, and will never taste friendship; Sincerity cherishes friendship, which is used to raise the sails of life.

Therefore, it is not easy to find a friend who treats each other sincerely.

They not only share the same interests and ideals, but also open their hearts and hearts. Trust each other, support each other, and leave an everlasting story. Of course, there is no need to choose friends according to many rules. When you choose others, you are also being selected by others. The key lies in whether you can connect with each other. If you have a good heart, one side will become a friend of life and death, and a word of agreement will also become an old friend.

During this period, he transcended his family background and became a sincere friend only because of law, which has been handed down through the ages.

It's hard to find friends, and it's hard to keep friends. Marx said: "Friendship needs loyalty to sow, enthusiasm to irrigate, principle to cultivate, understanding to care!" If you regard friends as a tool driven by you, then you will have no chance of friendship. Loyalty is also the foundation of friendship. The ancients condensed it into a word of "righteousness". A word of "righteousness" abstracts out "treating each other with sincerity"; A word of "righteousness" condenses into "helping each other in the same boat".

These clank words are permeated with a thick "meaning". Enthusiasm is the nutrient of friendship. Any kind of emotional contribution is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat and surging blood. True: "Friendship is also like a flower. Once capricious or indifferent, it is a flower in full bloom.

Will wither in an instant. " Principles are the yardstick of friendship and the tie of micro ties. Unprincipled friendship is dangerous, like a sword of Damocles. Friendship is fragile. Like a crystal, it will die if you are not careful. Even if it is repaired, it will not be as clean as new. The true meaning of friendship is to give, not to take. In ancient times, there was a cut throat friend. To exchange life for friendship, it was above all else.

Proper search, operation and maintenance of friendship are no less than supporting the third pillar of life.

Friendship is beautiful and precious. The best comment on it is Lu Xun's "It is enough to have a bosom friend in life, and the world should look at it together".

Auld Lang Syne.

Classified composition (16)

When I grow up, I write by covering my tears, mourning how hard life is.

When I read Li Sao, the negative of my soul slowly became red. Like the rising sun on the horizon, there will also be darkness of falling mountains; Like the moon hanging in the black cloth, sometimes there will be dark clouds to block; Like the stars shining in Heibuli, it occasionally rains. But they can never wash away the purity of their hearts.

Good things are sometimes destroyed by demons, but those with pure hearts will never disappear. It reminds people: "Only Zhaozhi has not lost."

This is a famous article for thousands of years. Every time I read, only one kind of emotion flooded my heart. You are also like a meteor flying across the sky, shining a bleak beauty, across people's hearts. A lonely soul roams alone along the banks of the Miluo River with its lofty ideals.

You turn the accumulated sadness and indignation into blood and tears on the side of your heart, and flow out to your heart one by one, which becomes red ink. "Long Taixi covers the tears and mourns the hardships of the living people", which turns into beautiful and beautiful words, lasting forever

At this moment, your figure appears in my dream, standing by the Miluo River, a burst of wind in autumn and winter, still so cold, still so ruthless. A helpless expression appeared on your face, and you sighed: "Long breath to cover tears, lament the hardship of people's livelihood" in your dream.

I didn't see a drop of your tear fall, but you looked back at your hometown and your motherland step by step. Looking back, you don't want to look back. Looking at the defeated motherland, the grief on your face has turned into a scar in your heart. I want to ask you whether you were still watching by the side of the Miluo River.

Looking forward to returning to the motherland, contributing everything and life to the motherland again? Then, who can know your spiritual justice? Perhaps your ideal will disappear with your grief, but you have lost your lofty ideal along with the endless flow of the Moluo River and merged it into the Moluo River in your mind. In this way, your ideal will not disappear with the flow of water.

The indelible ideal has become a colorful palette, hurting the color of life; It has become a star that will never fall, and the sky is twinkling with black curtain; It has become a bright light that never goes out, illuminating the road of life and guiding our way forward.

Li Sao is your unfortunate lucky crystallization. In this book, hope is the mainstream and permeates between the lines. Disappointment is an interlude and goes through the fields and chapters; Success is the climax, which is at the end of the story.

Look, this book is vivid. You guide us like a living book. Isn't it your luck in life? Don't you also use "The road is long, and I will search up and down" to teach us?

We read your books, understand your thoughts, understand your melancholy and burning patriotism, understand your indomitable spirit in the world, and understand that there is a great and boiling heart in your heart.

I think it is valuable. Maybe your pain has become a vast sea, and with the passage of the sea, it has become a happy wave. The waves that rise are your happiest smile. Perhaps, you are stepping on the surging river, through the wind and frost of the earth for thousands of years, and watching us from afar in a corner of the world