Admire My Composition (15 Collections)
Both wind and rain
2024-05-24 09:24:21

Admire my composition (1)

Everyone has his own admiration, and I am no exception. She is Wang Yan in our class, an ordinary person.

Wang Yan is medium height, thin, and has a long braid that goes down to her waist. Her little face is always red, like a peach. Her watery eyes are always bright; The thin lips are very eloquent and imaginative. As the monitor of our class, she is very responsible for her work and her academic achievements are among the best in the class.

Once when we were in Chinese class, the teacher told us the first question of Exercise 4. The topic requirement was to discuss: whether primary school students should watch more TV or less TV. So we were divided into two teams: Party A thought it was good for pupils to watch more TV, while Israel thought it was good for pupils to watch less TV. So our class had a fierce "war". Party A's students sit in the left three rows of seats; Students from one side sit in the three rows on the right. The "war" officially began only after a good position was taken. The first speaker was Yang Zichao, a classmate of Party A, who said: "I think it is good to turn on more TV in primary schools. Because TV can learn a lot of knowledge that textbooks can't learn, I think it is good to watch more TV in primary schools." The teacher smiled and nodded, and said to Party B: "If anyone disagrees with his opinion, please raise your hand." I held my hand high, "Qu Congcong." The teacher called me up, and I stood up and said, "I don't agree with him. I think it's good for primary school students to watch less TV, because it's bad for their eyes in practice." As soon as I finished speaking, many students raised their hands. I thought to myself: Am I right? I quickly lowered my head. Wang Yan looked at me, stood up and said, "I'll give her a supplement!" I looked at her and said with confidence, "Watching less TV doesn't mean not watching TV. Just now Qu Congcong was right."

Wang Yan stopped for a while, looked at me, and spit out the words orderly as if they had passed thousands of examinations. After Wang Yan finished speaking, some people below looked at her with admiration; Some people looked at her with admiration, while Party A's people were speechless. I stared at her blankly, not knowing what to say, but in my heart I silently admired her - her eloquence is so good!

Another time, the teacher asked us to change the composition, and the person who finished the composition wrote a diary. I didn't finish correcting, so I had to go home to correct my composition. The next day, the teacher asked me to find the teacher. After the teacher told me what was wrong, he asked me to read several compositions written by Wang Yan. After reading, I really benefited a lot. I didn't expect that I could write so many sentences in a mood speech, and the sentences were very smooth. There is also a composition about snow, which describes very well and makes people enjoy reading it. After reading the two compositions she wrote, I felt that writing compositions was not so difficult as I imagined. I silently admire her - her imagination is so rich!

I admire Wang Yan a lot! These are just two of them. What I admire most is her writing ability. I didn't think that the two compositions she wrote could enlighten me! Now Wang Yan and I are good friends who talk about everything! I admire her and hope she will be happy forever!

Admire My Composition (2)

Everyone has his own likes or admirers. Those who make us admire are just like our attack points, and they are also good examples for us to learn, inspiring us to make progress.

I also have people I admire! She has a small round face, bright eyes, a small talkative mouth, and a long black shiny hair. She is my best friend, Xiao Yue.

I still remember that it was Thursday and Xiao Tong was on duty. She came to school early and led her classmates to read early. At this time, the "troublemaker" in our class shouted: "Oh, why are you so active today? We are all reading!" After listening, some students covered their mouths and laughed, while others continued to read as if nothing had happened. Xiao Tong knew that he was deliberately making trouble, so he went over and knocked on his desk to remind him to stop making trouble and read carefully. But. The "troublemaker" was ungrateful and said noisily, "Knock it! If it breaks, you should not only visit the teacher, but also accompany him, hum!" After saying that, a slight sneer appeared on his face. Xiao Tong couldn't help but yell at him, "Don't think anyone is afraid of you. You can't mess up the discipline!" The trouble maker was so dumb that she had to read quietly. At this time, the head teacher Hong just came. Hearing the chatter in the class, he asked Xiao Tong what was going on. Xiao Tong told Miss Hong exactly what had happened. When the teacher heard this, he invited the "troublemaker" to "be a guest". At this time, the classroom was calm again.

This is my best friend and sister Xiao Yue!

Admire My Composition (3)

She really makes me admire the composition of 500 words (1)

I really admire her

In life, there are many people worthy of admiration, such as salesmen and railway workers! That was something that happened at the sports meeting. It was a sunny afternoon, and we were enjoying watching the sports match. Suddenly, I felt that I should go to the toilet, but I was afraid that the teacher would blame me endlessly, so I asked a classmate to go with me. My classmate and I trotted all the way to the toilet. We were just about to go back home. Suddenly, I felt very swollen and squatted on the ground. I realized that Huangshi had attacked me again. I subconsciously squatted on the urinal again, and my classmates volunteered to get me toilet paper. After a while, I went to the toilet and was about to get up, but I didn't wipe my bottom! I squatted awkwardly on the urinal, waiting for my classmates to deliver toilet paper. However, 5 minutes, 10 minutes [0 minutes passed, and the student who delivered the paper has not come yet. I was so worried that my tears almost came out. An elder sister came to me. She was short and fat. She handed me a piece of toilet paper. I took it. The lady smiled at me and turned away. I held the soft toilet paper in my hand, but my heart could not help surging

A stream of heat warmed my whole body. I will always admire her who I have never met before!

She really made me admire her 500 character composition (2)

I really admire her

In my colorful childhood, there were many little friends. They were like stars in the sky, countless, but there was a star shining in my mind. I admired her spirit, and she taught me how to be a man. She was my little partner Xiaomin. She has two pigtails, a cherry red mouth, a high nose, a pair of round ears, and the most beautiful thing is her big bright eyes. She is knowledgeable and imaginative, ranking first. She is my little partner Xiaomin.

I remember once, I went to play badminton with her. On the way, we found a little girl sitting on the ground, sobbing. Xiaomin told me? "Why don't we ask what happened to that little girl?" I said anxiously? "No, some friends are waiting for us on the badminton court. We can't be late." Xiaomin doesn't give in, saying? "Can we ignore the little girl?" I had no choice but to let her help the little girl. Xiaomin ran quickly to the little girl, squatted down and said kindly? "Little sister, what's the matter?" The little girl didn't bother to answer her and burst into tears. Xiaomin noticed the scar on the girl's leg, and immediately picked some herbs in the field, smashed them, put them on the cloth, and ran back to paste the herbs on the girl's wound. Xiaomin said kindly, "What's the matter?"? "Little sister, is there anything else?" Little sister stopped crying and said? "Sister, it's very kind of you to help me deal with the wound. Thank you very much." After that, we continued to move towards the badminton court.

Xiaomin, you really deserve my admiration, while I am far behind you. Your good quality of caring for others deserves my admiration. Xiaomin, you have taught me to care about others, and I admire you!

She really made me admire her 500 words composition (3)

I admire her seriousness

Since entering the seventh grade, I have a deeper understanding of my classmates. Some of them are willing to help others, some are hardworking, some love the collective, some are versatile, some are cheerful and lively, some are calm and generous... But there is a classmate that I really admire, who always takes things seriously, without missing anything.

Diligence and seriousness in study

I still remember that after lunch that day, the students were doing math homework in the classroom, and she was no exception. The bell rang for lunch break, and other students were asleep, but she was still doing her homework. After I finished solving the equation, I asked her to correct the answer. As a result, one of the questions was different from her answer. She said I had done wrong, but I bit that she was wrong. She told me, "Please write down your writing process for me, and I will show you." So I gave her the written process with confidence.

Two minutes later, she came to me and told me that it was because she forgot to put parentheses when going to the absolute value, and the sign was wrong, which led to the wrong result. I took a look at my own process, and a parenthesis was indeed missing.

Ah! When can I get rid of my carelessness?

Perfection of life

She is serious not only in her studies, but also in her life. I still remember that in the dormitory that day, the dormitory teacher asked for cleaning. It was her turn to be on duty. When she saw garbage under the bed, she went down to clean it. Because she was too tall, she couldn't go down. Several students in our dormitory said, "No, it's inside." Unexpectedly, But she said seriously, "If we don't clean it up now, what should we do when we get moldy in summer? It's better to clean it up once to avoid trouble in the future."

We have to obey her and help him clean up the garbage. In addition, every time she uses other people's things, she always cleans them up and returns them in time, and often tells us: "It's not difficult to borrow and return as early as possible."

She also pays attention to every place in life, such as whether the windows are clean, whether the drawers are neat, whether the clothes are clean, and whether the nails are long. Sometimes when the students are bored, she confidently says, "Without me, there will be no progress for you."

Through my introduction, you should know her well! She is such a serious girl. She is always 100% correct and does not make mistakes. After more than half a year of getting along, many students in our class have already formed the good habit of doing things seriously. If you ask her who she is, I can proudly tell you that she is Yang Xiaoyou in our class.

I admire her seriousness!

Comment: It is very rare for the young writer to show the character's "earnest" characteristics from both learning and life, select the right materials, highlight the center, and show the character's image through the small things in daily life. (Instructor: Liu Yueling)

On the Way to School

It was another sunny morning with birds singing and flowers fragrance. The light magpies led the way in front, and the gentle breeze brushed my cheeks. I'm on my way------- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

narrow winding trail

When we were in primary school, we were always free and cheerful on the road, and everything on the road was always so attractive. Grandpa Dashu always murmured to me, "We should take this road well." The flowers along the road perfumed my clothes, accompanied me to grow, accompanied me through every wind, frost, rain and dew, and every sunny day. Stop and stare at the pink petals, which smell sweet. As soon as I reached out and touched the flower body, my subconscious told me to let go of distractions and pursue unremittingly.

There are beautiful things on the path, and of course there are some naughty stones tripping me, but I will not bow to them. Every time I fall, I always stand up again, pat the soil on my legs, and kick the small stone aside······

The trail is the most beautiful scenery in my memory.

Winding mountain road

There are always so many frustrations on the way to school in junior high school. I don't know where my ambition went when I was a child. When I met some difficulties, I was scared and cried.

In a monthly exam, my math score was not very good. I was so anxious that I cried. I always wanted to retreat, even to give up my studies, life, and life. However, I am not reconciled. So I fought hard. When others were playing, I was doing problems. I couldn't help asking others for help. If I didn't understand once, I would ask them twice. If I didn't understand twice, I would ask them three times, or even five times ten times... In this way, after more than a month, my math scores finally improved. Because of this

Persistence has taught me how to face difficulties and never bow before them. Since then, I have never cried because of difficulties. Since then, I have become stronger.

The winding mountain road is my unremitting driving force for struggle.

The road of life

Some people say that there is no road in the world, and more people walk, it will become a road. However, I can't just follow the path others have taken. In the future, I must go forward bravely, be erudite and deliberate, and better find a way of my own. Even if there are many setbacks and difficulties, I will face them bravely and believe that I am the best; Believe in yourself, you can do it! I believe that through the vast plateau, we will know the heat of the sun; After a long night, you will have the rosy clouds of the dawn.

On the road of life, I will brave the wind and waves and march forward bravely!

The sun is brighter, the flowers are blooming, and the breeze is with me. However, nothing can stop me. I am struggling on the road------- Postscript

Comment: Through the form of subtitles, the little author shows the readers three sections of the school journey full of connotation, from which we can see that the little author is not afraid of difficulties, forge ahead bravely, and make progress actively. The language of the article is implicit and beautiful, with profound implications, and the structure is novel and unique.

(Instructor: Liu Yueling)

She really made me admire her 500 words composition (4)

I really admire her In my life, there are many people I admire, but in my growth stage, I gradually locked in one person, that is, my classmate Qian Yuchen. She has big eyes and a special spirit, a small mouth like a cherry, and a pair of small dimples embedded in her cheeks. A wide and large forehead looks very small under the cover of hair. The clothes are simple and generous, and the bright red scarf on the chest is floating in the breeze. She is also the teacher's right-hand man. She is very busy every day. She doesn't attend classes every day. She is as busy as a bustle. They are always busy, either performing or competing, rehearsing or training. But every time she gets to the top of the exam, I can't help wondering how she learned it? With all kinds of doubts, I began to observe her carefully. It turned out that she was very persistent and patient. Every Saturday and Sunday, when others are busy playing, she is cramming, and she is always very busy when she finishes this and that one day out of breath. I never get tired of it. I really admire her. She is not only good at learning, but also good at eloquence. She is our team leader on campus and a little star off campus. Last winter vacation, she also played a role in a TV play. This year's Children's Day held a literary performance in the leisure square. She is still a small host. It is really versatile, civil and military! I really admire her for her study, achievements, patience and perseverance. I really should learn from her! Instructor: Sun Guiqin

She really made me admire her 500 words composition (5)

I really admire her On the way to school, we often see a group of cleaning aunts, and these cleaning aunts make me admire them very much. The aunts come to sweep the floor early every day. They are often busy until the sun sets before they can go home. When you walk past them, you will often see glistening beads of sweat on their forehead. In the winter, the hands of the aunts had turned purple with cold, but they still went to the normal road to clean up. Their hands have already formed calluses, but they are just some immoral people. They either throw peel paper scraps into the cleaned place of the cleaning aunts again, or say a dirty word, and then spit saliva into the original clean place... When will they understand the hard work of the cleaning aunts? Who smiles at you every day on your way to school (work)? Who looks up at you every day after school (work)? Who swept away the garbage you left behind? Who is so uncomplaining and unafraid of hard work? That is the cleaning aunts, who will always be the people we admire most, and the most beautiful "green goddess" and "goddess of labor" in our hearts! We want to thank them. They are the people I admire most, the people who pay in obscurity. Grade 6: Candy Yiyi

She really made me admire her 500 words composition (6)

I really admire her In my eyes, everyone has the person he most admires. For example, my relatives, teachers, classmates and doctors, but in my heart, there is a person I admire most. She is my head teacher, Miss Li. My teacher is tall and has a pair of bright eyes. She walks gracefully. In our study, teachers often teach us a lot of knowledge, but also give us meticulous care every day. When we are naughty, she will also severely educate us. In my heart, the teacher is a person who is both beautiful and able to write good words, which makes us very envious. Her handwriting is generous and elegant, especially her pen. Her handwriting is as beautiful as a calligrapher! My teacher is an excellent teacher. He is not only the head teacher of our class, but also the head teacher of the school; It's not just

Admire My Composition (4)

I admire my grandma's composition most

Whether in school or in society, we often see the figure of composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words through people's thinking and language organization. So have you learned about composition? The following is the composition of my grandmother that I admire most, collected by my editor for you, for your reference. I hope it can help your friends in need.

Although my 'grandmother' has small eyes and wears presbyopic glasses, she seems to be able to see through people's hearts.

Once, when I failed in my math exam, the teacher asked me to copy the wrong questions twice at home. On the way home, I deliberately didn't say anything about the exam, but talked about something else with Grandma. I was afraid to speak to Grandma. Because of my nervousness, my speaking speed slowed down. Grandma seemed to notice something, but didn't ask. When I got home, I carefully took out the roll of paper and copied the wrong questions with a math book. Although Grandma was looking at the phone, her eyes seemed to be staring at me. My heart was very uneasy, and I thought to myself: I can't be found by Grandma, can I? After I finished my homework, Grandma asked me, "Did you fail in the exam?" Sure enough, Grandma found out.

Another time, Grandma answered a phone call with a stern expression. I couldn't help asking questions and decided to find out after all. The next morning, a guest came to my home, who seemed to be my grandma's friend and looked flustered. After saying a few words, Grandma asked, "Is something wrong?" This time, Grandma guessed. It turned out that the grandmother's daughter had an operation, but her family was not rich, so she had to borrow money from her grandmother. Grandma thought for a while, and quickly took out 20xx yuan from her bag and handed it to her. She was very moved and kept saying thank you to Grandma. I looked at Grandma with admiration.

Grandma not only has sharp eyes, but also has a kind and helpful heart. I want to learn from Grandma.

Admire My Composition (5)

I have a gentle and beautiful mother, her name is xx. My mother used to be a teacher in a kindergarten, but now, no, she is not only my dear mother, but also a person who washes and cooks food for my father and me every day. Therefore, my father and I like her very much. However, her food with love is particularly fragrant. My mother's temper is very strange. When I obey, my mother's temper suddenly becomes very good. She is gentle like a sheep, and everything follows me. But when I don't obey and talk back to her, I'm a little afraid. What's the fear? I'm afraid of my mother beating me! My mother's temper is about to break out. When my mother's temper breaks out, she will be as fierce as a tigress. Alas, I can't stand her. What are you doing there? Run away! Look, my mother is very fierce, but sometimes she is very gentle!

My mother is about 1.6 meters tall. On her beautiful face, she has a pair of big watery eyes. Sometimes she keeps blinking and blinking. She has a high nose. When there is something delicious to eat, she can smell it at once. She also has a pair of mouth that can speak very well. She talks about this, that, and nagging in my ear all day long. And she still says the same thing every day: head, Head! Raise it! I hear that my ears are about to get cocooned. Alas, when can my mother's nagging mouth have a rest!

My mother likes eating green food, that is, vegetables. What does my mother dislike? Let me tell you! Mom said that she was not interested in seafood at all. On the contrary, Dad liked seafood very much. Do you know why? Because my father was born and grew up in the seaside. Of course, my mother and other children's mothers don't like drinks, but we children like drinks very much. But when we asked my mother for money to buy drinks, my mother not only didn't give me money, but also turned against me. So, I don't like drinks recently, so it's hard to make friends with drinks!

On Thursday, I finished my homework very quickly. My mother saw me and saw how well I behaved. She suddenly became very gentle and said, "Honey, have you finished your homework?"? I listened, and I quickly and loudly replied: Yes! Mom said: Well..., let's see who you want to play with! I was very happy to hear that, but who am I going to play with? I asked my mother, and she said, "Ah, then go downstairs and get tadpoles!"! I listened and couldn't wait to go down. My mother caught me and said: I called you on the balcony, and you will come back! I readily agreed, so I skipped downstairs to catch tadpoles. I thought to myself: Mom is so nice!

I think my mother is really kind to me. Well, I believe that all the mothers of children in the world will be kind to you. Don't look at your mother, who always beats and scolds you when you are disobedient. Don't misunderstand me. Moms treat you like this, they are good to us. Let's not think that our mother doesn't like us. If you really think so, Then you are wrong. Think about it, there is someone who has lived a complete life in his whole life! In the process of growing up, everyone will be beaten or scolded. So, even if our mother treats us badly, she is educating us and doing us good. If our mother doesn't educate us, we will have no future. So we should beg on the road like beggars on the street. But if you have some skills, you can show others your skills. Maybe others will give you a few cents. But if you listen to your mother and learn well, Maybe you can be a star in the future, so we must listen to our mother carefully, so that we can grow up to be promising! Now, you know that listening to your mother has many advantages! So, I want everyone to shout with me: Mom, I love you, thank you for your hard education in the past 8 years! No matter how old we grow, we will never forget you! Oh, my great mother!

Admire My Composition (6)

I admire him most; He makes me most deeply rooted and admired. He, alone, raised a family of three; He works day and night; When he has time, he reads like crazy. He is my good example.

He, alone, raised a family of three. He works alone in the company. His son is only 10 years old and can't do heavy work. He is already 43 years old. His wife takes the children at home. Sometimes he gets home at 4 o'clock, and sometimes he gets home at 10 o'clock. His children are waiting for him. As soon as he gets home, he gives the child a bowl of steaming dumplings, which is heavy in his hand and more expensive than the source of life.

He reads books all the time. Once, he was reading a book, and the stories in the book were fascinating. He read one page after another, and when he saw happiness, he would laugh excitedly from time to time; When he saw the sadness, he was totally out of his wits. His eyes were full of tears, which could come out at any time. When he cried, his tears fell down like beads, turning his sister into a drowned rat. He did not know that his son had asked him to eat three times in the world outside the book, but he sat there motionless, It seems that he is the only one living in the world.

He is a man who works hard and studies hard -- my most admired father.

Admire My Composition (7)

I have many classmates around me. Some of them are smart and eager to learn, some are humorous and funny, some are willing to help others, and some are strong and brave. But who do I admire most? He is Zhang Fujun, the deputy monitor of our class.

He is neither tall nor short, and under his dark and thick eyebrows, he has a pair of eyes that are neither too big nor too small; There is a sharp mouth under the high nose, and he speaks in an orderly way.

His academic performance is very good, and he almost always ranks in the top of the class in each exam. In class, he always sits up straight and listens to the teacher carefully. Every time the teacher finished speaking, he would nod his head in ecstasy. When the teacher asks questions, he always raises his hand to answer them.

Zhang Fujun is not only good at learning, but also versatile. I remember one time in a music class, the teacher asked everyone who could play musical instruments. Only Zhang Fujun stood up bravely, picked up Zhongruan and played two beautiful songs for everyone. Everyone applauded and their hands were red. The teacher also gave him a thumbs up and praised his artistic ability.

As a class cadre, he will help students enthusiastically whenever they have difficulties. In his body, there are many advantages that are worth learning. While I was in the same class as him, I was very ordinary, so I admired him very much and decided to learn from him.

This is my excellent classmate Zhang Fujun. Do you also want to know him?

Admire My Composition (8)

The most admired person in my class is Yikang. He has many advantages. His efforts for the class are obvious to all, and each merit deserves my admiration.

He is not tall, but he is very flexible; The eyes are not big, but they are full of energy. His face is sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy, while the smiling sun shines brightly, while his angry mouth pouts high. Because he spoke actively in class and liked to show off, the teacher entrusted him with the important task of reading. He has a good way of reading. When he finds that some students are sleepy, he will let them play games. Occasionally, he will send one or two blue stars, so that the enthusiasm of the students will be aroused. He also contributed to my correct dictation of new words.

Yikang not only reads well, but also has a serious and responsible heart. One morning, when I just arrived at school, I saw a figure looking around the health area of my class. Who is that? What are you doing? I quickly stepped forward and took a closer look. It was him. He frowned, looked stern, lowered his head, and looked at the ground again and again. He didn't notice when I came to him. I asked curiously, "What are you doing?" "Nothing." He was a bit mysterious.

After a careful inspection, he felt a long sigh of relief, finally loosened his tight eyebrows, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, looking satisfied. As he was about to leave, he suddenly locked his eyes in a corner of the steps - it was a piece of waste paper, very small, and could not be seen without notice. He walked over, bent down, picked up the small piece of paper, walked to the dustbin and threw it in. Then, he found the Chinese zodiac sign Rain on duty that day and said to him, "Why are you so careless? You know, this small piece of paper may make the mobile red flag of our class stolen by others!".

Enthusiastic, careful, active and responsible for class work, this is the Yikang of our class. Last year, he was honored with the title of "five-star student" of the whole school.

He deserves my admiration and learning.

Admire My Composition (9)

I have a person whom I admire very much. I can't forget everything about her.

Like bees and butterflies flying over flowers, like springs flowing through valleys, every time I think of her, her strength can not help but swell with prophecy. In my heart of memory, my admiration for her is just like a colorful picture page, and also like a piece of music jumping with happy notes. When the teacher is away, she will not let us quarrel; When doing homework, she will watch us closely and won't let us communicate; When the students were quarrelling, she would yell at us to calm down. On one occasion, he asked his classmates to be quiet, but they didn't care! So, when she couldn't stand it, she made the last move: disobedient students copied the longest text.

He saw a classmate and asked her to fire him. He neither fired nor scolded: "Why should I make a noise? If you have the ability, you can sue the teacher." The aggrieved girl ran to her seat and cried loudly.

Although she cried, did you see his strong character? Every time, if he saw the fate of the characters in the story, she would be dejected; If he saw the story encouraging others to be strong, he would also be very strong. He is our monitor. I just want to be attracted by a magnet. I really admire her.

Admire My Composition (10)

Everyone has admirers. I admire Zhang Qian. I think he is great.

Zhang Qian was an outstanding diplomat, traveler and explorer in the Han Dynasty. In the second year of Jianyuan in the Western Han Dynasty, under the order of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he set out from Chang'an with Gan Fu as his guide and led more than 200 people to the Western Regions, opening up the Silk Road, the north-south road from the Han Dynasty to the Western Regions. He is known as "the pioneer of the Silk Road" and "the first Chinese to open their eyes to see the world".

However, Zhang Qian was not so easy to succeed. More than 100 people including Zhang Qian traveled westward into the Hexi Corridor. This place was originally the territory of the Yuezhi people. After the Yuezhi people moved westward, it was completely controlled by the Huns. When they were crossing the Hexi Corridor, they met the Hun cavalry, and they were all captured. Shan Yu did not allow Han envoys to pass through the territory of the Huns, and Zhang Qian and his party were detained and put under house arrest.

In order to soften and persuade Zhang Qian to give up his idea of going to Yueshi as an envoy, Shan Yu carried out all kinds of threats and inducements, but they did not achieve their goals. Zhang Qian did not humiliate the monarch's order, held the Han Festival, never forgot his mission, never wavered the will and determination of Yueshi as an envoy, and stayed in the Huns for ten years.

In the sixth year of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhang Qian took advantage of the Huns' unpreparedness and led his followers to escape from the Huns' control area. It was a very hard march.

On the Great Gobi Desert, flying sand and rolling rocks make the heat wave billow; The green ridge is as high as the roof, covered with snow and ice, and the cold wind is biting to the bone. There are few people along the way, and water is scarce. In addition to the rush to escape, material preparation is insufficient. Zhang Qian and his entourage are prepared to experience hardships.

When he ran out of dry food, he relied on his shooting father to kill animals to satisfy his hunger. Many of the attendants died of hunger and thirst on the way, or died in the sand, ice caves, and gave their lives.

At the beginning of the third year of Yuanshuo, when the Huns fought for the throne, Zhang Qian took the opportunity to flee back to Chang'an with Tang Yifu for 13 years. There were more than one hundred people when they set out, but only Zhang Qian and Tang Yi's father were left when they came back.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very satisfied with the achievements of Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions, and awarded Zhang Qian the title of Taizhong doctor and Tang Yifu the title of "minister" in recognition of their achievements.

In the fourth year of Yuanshou, Zhang Qian, who had already experienced failure, went to the Western Regions again. His deputy envoys visited Dawan, Kangju Dariuzhi, Daxia and other countries in Central Asia respectively, expanding the influence of the Western Han Dynasty and enhancing mutual understanding. Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions twice, promoting the economic and cultural exchanges between China and the West, promoting the development of trade between the two sides, and forming a picture of "businessmen and Hu traders, Japanese money under the frontier", In the sixth year of Yuanfeng, the Silk Road was officially established.

Zhang Qian's name is remembered by people in both the West and the East. He established friendly relations between Han Chao and the Western Regions. The Western Regions were connected with the mainland for the first time, which promoted the social progress of the Western Regions and enriched the material life of the Central Plains.

This is the great Zhang Qian.

I admire his firm belief and indomitable spirit, and his dedication to giving up his comfortable life and making contributions to the country. I think he is great.

Admire My Composition (11)

On the way to school, we often see a group of cleaning aunts, and it is these cleaning aunts that I admire very much.

The aunts come to sweep the floor early every day. They are often busy until the sun sets before they can go home. When you walk past them, you will often see glistening beads of sweat on their forehead.

In the winter, the hands of the aunts had turned purple with cold, but they still went to the normal road to clean up. Their hands are already cocooned

But there are some immoral people who either throw peel paper scraps into the place cleaned by the cleaning aunts again, or say a dirty word, and then spit saliva into the original clean place... When will they understand the hardships of the cleaning aunts?

Who smiles at you every day on your way to school (work)? Who looks up at you every day after school (work)? Who swept away the garbage you left behind? Who is so uncomplaining and unafraid of hard work? That is the cleaning aunts, who will always be the people we admire most, and the most beautiful "green goddess" and "goddess of labor" in our hearts! We want to thank them.

They are the people I admire most, the people who pay in obscurity.

Admire My Composition (12)

In history, there have been many scientists who have benefited mankind, such as Nobel, the "bomb king", Copernicus, the "science giant", Edison, the "invention king"

Among them, the person I admire most is Edison. He has more than 2000 inventions in his life, 1328 of which have been granted invention patents. On average, there is one invention in 15 days. His invention has made great contributions to human beings. He likes to do experiments whenever he wants, so he often makes jokes. Once, he gave his partner a gas medicine, which almost killed him, His father beat him hard, but his curiosity did not weaken. He often asked questions that even the teacher could not answer in class. Finally, he was fired. His brilliant achievements in life were electric lights. Before the electric lamp came out, people used a dim kerosene lamp. He tried it for countless times without success. Finally, he thought of trying it with cotton yarn, and the bulb gave out a golden light. This day was October 21, 1879. Later, people set this day as the day of the electric lamp.

Admire My Composition (13)

Although she always discipline us fiercely, when I am in trouble or sad, she will come forward and help me solve or comfort me immediately. That is my brave man - Mom.

My mother has always taken care of me when I was growing up. No matter it's windy or rainy, she always comes to pick me up and send me to school. Buy food and do housework every day. The delicious food on the table; Her constant care when I was ill; My mother tried her best to help me out when I was in trouble. All the big and small things in the family are undertaken by mother, so mother is our eternal brave.

What I admire most about my mother is that she can stay up at night and sleep a little during the day, just like an owl. My mother has to learn new knowledge at night! During the day, she was busy with a lot of chores at home. When the time came, she had to pick me up from the school. There was really no leisure time. There was not much leisure time at all. But she never cried hard or tired, and tried her best to do her best. If we don't perform well in school, she will definitely go to school to communicate with teachers, yo! You must envy me for having such a good brave mother!

I also hope that I can be as strong as my mother. As a brave person, I can protect my darling. As long as I become brave, I can inherit my mantle and become my mother's successor. In the future, I will learn from my mother's advantages, become brave and strong, reassure her, comfort her, and let her worry less, so that she can have more rest time and stop being so tired.

Admire My Composition (14)

I have many classmates around me. Some of them are smart and eager to learn, some are humorous and funny, some are willing to help others, and some are strong and brave. But who do I admire most? He is Zhang Fujun, the deputy monitor of our class.

He is neither tall nor short, and under his dark and thick eyebrows, he has a pair of eyes that are neither too big nor too small; There is a sharp mouth under the high nose, which makes people speak in an orderly way.

His academic performance is very good, and he almost always ranks in the top of the class in each exam. In class, he always sits up straight and listens to the teacher carefully. Every time the teacher finished speaking, he would nod his head in ecstasy. When the teacher asks questions, he always raises his hand to answer them.

Zhang Fujun is not only good at learning, but also versatile. I remember one time in a music class, the teacher asked everyone who could play musical instruments. Only Zhang Fujun stood up bravely, picked up Zhongruan and played two beautiful songs for everyone. Everyone applauded and their hands were red. The teacher also gave him a thumbs up and praised his artistic ability.

As a class cadre, he will help students enthusiastically whenever they have difficulties. In his body, there are many advantages that are worth learning. While I was in the same class as him, I was very ordinary, so I admired him very much and decided to learn from him.

This is my excellent classmate Zhang Fujun. Do you also want to know him?

Admire My Composition (15)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

On the way to school, we often see a group of cleaning aunts, and it is these cleaning aunts that I admire very much.

The aunts come to sweep the floor early every day. They are often busy until the sun sets before they can go home. When you walk past them, you will often see glistening beads of sweat on their forehead.

In the winter, the hands of the aunts had turned purple with cold, but they still went to the normal road to clean up. Their hands are already cocooned

But there are some immoral people who either throw peel paper scraps into the place cleaned by the cleaning aunts again, or say a dirty word, and then spit saliva into the clean place... When will they realize the hard work of the cleaning aunts?

Who smiles at you every day on your way to school (work)? Who looks up at you every day after school (work)? Who swept away the garbage you left behind? Who is so uncomplaining and unafraid of hard work? That is the cleaning aunts, who will always be the people we admire most, and the most beautiful "green goddess" and "goddess of labor" in our hearts! We want to thank them.

They are the people I admire most, the people who pay in obscurity.

Grade 6: Candy Yiyi