Funny Childhood Stories (Practical 5)
Middle aged messenger
2024-03-20 08:02:50
fourth grade

Funny childhood stories (1)

Every time I think about it, I feel very funny because I was chased everywhere by hens. It's so funny.

Last summer vacation, I went to my aunt's house. When I came in, my uncle said to me, "Our hens gave birth to chickens.". After I heard this, I hurried to the chicken house to see that the hen really gave birth to chickens.

This time, the hen gave birth to a total of 11 chickens, including three white chickens and seven black chickens, as well as a black and white chicken. My favorite is the chicken with white body and black spots, which makes people like it. So I picked up the chicken and gently touched the warm fluffy body. When the hen saw the child I had touched, she was very angry and ran towards me with great ferocity. I felt a little scared and ran out with the chicken in my arms. The hen immediately caught up with me. While I beat the hen with the branches I picked up, I shouted "Help!" "Help!" When the people beside me saw it, everyone laughed. Only then did I understand that I would put down the chicken and return to the same place immediately, and soon be safe. The fact that I was chased by a hen became a joke, but I was not angry with the hen because I provoked it first. Through this incident, I understand that animals, like people, have very deep feelings

Funny Childhood Stories (2)

It's a funny thing to say

That year, I was seven years old. At that time, I lived in my grandmother's house. The yard of my grandmother's house was very large, so neighbors came to my grandmother's house to play mahjong.

Neighbors and grandma chat while playing mahjong. I heard my neighbor say, "Now science is well developed, and there are planes. It's said that you can go to far places and fly in the sky." So I look forward to taking a plane day and night.

One day after lunch, Grandma went to work in the field, and I climbed upstairs to play. I kept some chickens upstairs and ran after them. Suddenly a big rooster fluttered its wings on the roof, "hula, hula" flew from the roof to the ground, and landed safely. At this time, I remembered what my neighbor said, and cried out, "Oh, fly the chicken, fly the chicken." It seemed that Columbus had discovered the new world. So he thought more about taking a flying chicken.

After dinner that day, before it was completely dark, Grandma went to the street to chat. All the chickens stayed in the chicken pen. In the daytime, I decided to act now because the chickens could not be caught because they ran around. Without saying a word, I came to the chicken pen three steps at a time and opened the door. All the chickens immediately ran like fleeing from famine. I immediately closed the door and began to catch "chickens". My eyes locked on a big cock with a powerful appearance at a glance, and I finally caught it. I can't wait to sit down, close my eyes, and sing loudly: "I want to fly higher, fly higher..." It seems that I really flew up. "What are you doing, child?" was Grandma's cry. "Grandma, don't come here. My" Flying Chicken "will take off immediately." Grandma laughed for a while and said, "You silly child, you can't fly a chicken like this." "No, no, I want to fly a chicken, I want to fly a chicken, wow......"

Later, I learned that the real aircraft is a kind of military equipment, but also an air vehicle. The flying chicken at home is just a kind of chicken with a large enough activity area and well-developed muscles to fly a short distance.

My childhood has gone forever. In the blink of an eye, I am a teenager who is about to meet the high school entrance exam. But the funny stories of childhood still can't help laughing up to now.

Funny Childhood Stories (3)

Time is like a naughty child, who wants to slip away from us when he is not careful. No, we are in Grade Six now. Looking back on my childhood, it seems that the laughter is still around my ears. Among them, the most interesting thing is catching fish and shrimp with my friends.

There is a stream in front of Grandma's back door. When I was young, I often swam, played with water and played with my friends in this stream. There are also many fish in the stream, such as small crucian carp, small thorn, small loach... In summer, there are also crayfish.

In the afternoon after dinner, everyone took fishing nets, small bamboo baskets and buckets with them, and went to the brook in groups to catch fish. We rolled up our sleeves and pants, took off our shoes, walked barefoot, and crept into the stream for fear of frighten the little fish away; Lei Lei deliberately threw a stone into the water, splashing water on everyone, causing us to fight against him... After playing for a while, everyone took out their equipment and began fishing. I stared at the bottom of the water. Water plants, pebbles and pebbles formed an underwater world. What a small crucian carp. I watched it swim around in the water... I stood still in the water, but it swam slowly towards me. When it swam to me, I grabbed it and caught its tail. But the fish was slippery, and I didn't wait for me to wring it out of the water, And wriggled away. It seems that you have to use a basket to scoop up. This time, I saw two fish swimming together. I was quick to catch one basket, and I really caught the two fish. Then I climbed onto the bank and put them into the small bucket by the stream... I saw Lei Lei. He specially caught the fish hiding in the stone, commanded Xiao Pang to carry this stone and that stone, and then took the fishing net to wait for the escaped fish. This method also worked well, I saw that their buckets were also filled with several small fish they caught... Finally, everyone went ashore to bask in the sun, bigger than who caught the fish. They were satisfied with taking tools and fish home. When I got home, I proudly told my parents, "Let's burn the fish in the evening!"

Unfortunately, the pollution of this stream has become more and more serious, and now there are no small fish living in the stream. I hope that everyone has the awareness of environmental protection, and the stream will be well managed again, so that the fish can settle down here again. Funny stories of childhood can continue to be staged here.

Funny Childhood Stories (4)

Today, the weather is sunny, and the animals are happy to run out to play.

On a green lawn, the piglet is happily patting the ball. It can shoot the ball 100 times a minute! The little hippo not far away is slowly bathing in the water; The bird saw that the grass was so noisy, and fluttered its wings. It landed on the head of a small hippo to sing, and the beautiful song echoed in the grass for a long time. The little hedgehog also heard the sound and came. He said to the little pig, "Can we play the ball together?" The little pig shook his head and said, "No, little hedgehog, this is my new ball. You are covered with thorns. What if you prick it?" Just then, a big gray wolf found the little pig in the grass, I thought to myself, "If only I could eat this white and fat pig!" My saliva flowed out involuntarily when I thought about it.

After a while, the wolf saw the right moment and rushed at the pig. The little pig was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He threw down the ball and said, "What are you going to do?" The wolf said fiercely, "I'm going to eat you." The little pig said loudly, "No, my parents are waiting for me at home. If you eat me, they will be sad." Then the little pig ran to the little hippo quickly. At this critical moment, the little hedgehog made a decisive decision and shrunk into a spiky ball, blocking the pig's front. The wolf didn't notice the little hedgehog, so he stepped on it with one foot and shouted, "It hurts!" The soles of his feet were bleeding. At this time, the little hedgehog said: "Big gray wolf, if you dare to bully the little pig again, I will prick you all over with blood." The big gray wolf ran away without turning back.

Everyone said with one voice: "Little hedgehog, you are so brave!" The little pig said gratefully: "Little hedgehog, thank you for saving me, let's play the ball together!" The little hedgehog said with a smile: "You're welcome." Everyone played the ball together, you passed it to me, I passed it to you, and it was fun to play.

Funny Childhood Stories (5)

On Sunday morning, the weather was fine, and white clouds were floating in the air. The sun is warm, the spring breeze is blowing gently, the grass is swaying gently, and the birds in the trees are scrambling to poke out their heads and breathe fresh air.

Recently, the piglet ate very fat. Mother pig felt that the piglet was too fat, so she urged him to go out for sports. Piggy didn't forget to bring his favorite ball when he went to sports.

Piggy arrived at the forest square and happily patted the ball. Before long, a little hedgehog came up to him and said, "Can I play with you?".

Their laughter attracted the wolf. The wolf stared at the pig and thought, "If we catch the pig, we will have barbecue."? The wolf's mouth watered and he continued to stare at the pig. At this time, the pig's ball bounced into the pond and slowly floated on the water. It was the hippo that pushed the ball up. The pig took back the ball and let the hippo play with them.

At this time, the wolf jumped out of the grass and said viciously, "Little pig, today I didn't have lunch, you can go into my stomach and cook my lunch!" "No, don't!" Little pig shook all over with fear and ran away. The hippo said loudly, "Come here quickly, little pig, and I will protect you!" The little pig hurried to the pool. The little hedgehog, however, was not in a hurry. When the wolf exposed his paw, it turned into a spiky ball and rolled over. The wolf was stabbed and rolled all over in pain. The little hedgehog said: "Big gray wolf, if you don't go, I will prick you with blood." "I don't believe it!" The big gray wolf was very unconvinced. "Then don't blame me for being rude!" The little hedgehog used all his strength to prick the wolf's feet red, and soon the blood began to flow. "Ah!" cried the wolf and ran away.