Remembering and Forgetting (16 high-quality articles)
Old trees blossom
2024-03-26 01:52:24
third year in high school

Remember and forget (1)

Xi Murong once said, "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river. "Indeed, life is a river. There are two banks of the river. The left bank remembers, and the right bank forgets. As we move forward in the river, we also drift in memory. We should forget what should be forgotten, and remember what should be remembered.

Memory is a wonderful thing, it will let you remember some small things, but also let you forget some important things. Even if remembering is essential to life, forgetting also plays an important role. Forget the unhappiness around you, the conflicts with your friends, and the content of being in a daze when you are bored... Forget these trivial things and make more room for other things. Just as Lin Xiangru chose to forget that Lianpo was disrespectful to him, in order to make the civil and military forces of the country not equal each other, and to prevent foreign enemies from taking advantage of it; It's like "meeting with a smile and eliminating gratitude and hatred" in the Jianghu, forgetting those bad things and leaving time for himself to concentrate on promotion; it's like Gou Jian forgetting his once "king" status, tasting hardships, giving his country a chance to breathe, and finally "3000 Yue Jia can swallow Wu"

Fish have only seven seconds of memory. For them, seven seconds is a period of life. After seven seconds, it is a new start. They live freely and freely. But we are human beings. In our life, if we are short, we will know our destiny. If we are long, we will surpass the century. In this limited life, it is impossible for us to remember everything that has happened, so we should forget and make room for remembering. As Goethe said, forget the days of poverty and remember its lessons.

Li Shizhen tasted all kinds of herbs. He forgot the pain of tasting poisonous herbs, but remembered the good medicine that is beneficial to people and can cure diseases; Nobel forgot the pain of the explosion, but remembered the data obtained in the experiment... Only by forgetting what should be forgotten and remembering what should be remembered, life will emerge with no possibility, and we can seize the possibility and achieve success.

It is not betrayal to forget the past success and not indulge in the past pride. After all, "heroes don't mention their bravery". However, it is betrayal to forget the past humiliation and still shake their tails and beg their heads. During the war of resistance against Japan, many traitors emerged. They forgot the backbone of the Chinese people for the sake of immediate benefits, and will be forever engraved on the stigma column of history.

Remember and forget (2)

Sixty years ago, the day that people in the world were waiting for finally came. Fascists were forced to unconditionally put down guns full of enemies and bayonets stained with blood. They were so belligerent that they owed the name of evil in frustration.

From that moment on, the people who suffered from the war engraved their unforgettable memories of the war in their hearts. People pray that the war will never come back, and peace will always exist in the world.

Time flies. Sixty years later, when scenes 60 years ago still echoed in people's minds like films from time to time, two completely different phenomena appeared in the world.

Sixty years later, the prime minister of Germany, one of the Axis countries, knelt piously in front of the tomb of the martyrs of the victimized country of World War II, and sent out a confession from the heart on behalf of the German nation. They face up to history and mistakes, and truly learn from history and face the future.

The opposite is another scene:

Before and after the sensitive day of August 15, Junichiro Koizumi, the Prime Minister of Japan, paid a blatant and extravagant visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, where the Class A war criminals were enshrined. What's more, Japanese right-wing elements wantonly falsified history textbooks, denied the Nanjing Massacre and beautified the war of aggression. We used to expect that these actions only represented some wrong leaders, and that the Japanese people were friendly and kind. However, the fact hit us head-on: Chinese students studying in Japan were insulted from time to time, and Shui Junyi, the host of CCTV program, had personally felt the criticism of an ordinary Japanese driver. Everything is proving that the Japanese soldiers with artificial dignity hanging on the Lugou Bridge represent a minority, and the one or two who once helped comfort women only represent a minority; Everything seems to show that the Japanese authorities have or basically negated the history of aggression among the "people", and the so-called "good Japanese" seem to have been unkind.

The same history and different attitudes lead two countries with similar experiences to two completely opposite paths: Germany, which remembers history, has really gone out of the shadow of war and won the respect of the whole world, while Japan, which attempts to forget or even tamper with history, is on the wrong path and is despised and spurned by all countries with a sense of justice.

Both sides of remembering and forgetting fall into the abyss with one wrong step.

Remember and forget (3)

Xi Murong said, "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river." On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank is remembering. We travelled between the left bank and the right bank in our own unique boats, and then we learned to forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered.

Walking on the road of life, we laugh at the blooming flowers, withering leaves and falling leaves outside the window, and watch the clouds roll and the wind stops and blows. On the way, we experienced too many sad and happy things. During the navigation of the river of life, we learned to forget the joys and sorrows that should be forgotten, and to remember the little things that should be remembered.

Dongpo looked up to the sky and shouted, "The river is going east." The troubles he faced sank into the billowing waves and disappeared without a trace. The magnificent surging river makes Dongpo choose to forget, forget those frustrations and sorrows, and forget those who are not proud of their official career. Tao Qian, accompanied by the dancing butterflies in "Zhuangsheng Xiaomengfan Butterfly", picks chrysanthemums leisurely under the east gracilaria. In the face of Nanshan, Yuanming chose to forget about the ugliness of officialdom and all the unhappiness he encountered. This was the choice of his soul, the wise choice made by the people crossing the river on both sides of the "river", and even the wise "ferry".

People stay on the left bank of the river, and there are also people living happily on the right bank.

Yi An, sitting under the pavilion beside the pool and drinking alone with tears streaming down her face, told me with her words that she would always remember the little things she had experienced in her life, which was the choice she made on the way to "fight for the ferry". Haizi told me that "from tomorrow," he would remember all the "water" of life, because it was the "jade dew" he used to "water" his "flowers". Sanmao remembered the soul of the Sahara forever with her words. Where? Gao Yong's Sunflower has always remembered his "boat"

These are the life on both sides of the river of life, which is the choice of forgetting and remembering. The wind blows up the petals like bursts of broken childhood. The ancient music of Juehuang interprets the gap between the soul, hiding in the depths of dreams and memories. Listen to the flowers and the night sing all nightmares, sing all the prosperity, sing all the ways of memory, forget the unhappiness and triviality that should be forgotten by clear laughter and unknown tears, and remember the depth and eternity of the memory.

Alone in the white rabbit, walking east and west, the clothes are not as new, and the people are not as old. Sailing in the "River of Life", sitting on his own unique boat, knowing that forget on the left, remember on the right, endless shuttle in the middle!

Remember and forget (4)

Xi Murong once said, "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river." Indeed, life is a river. There are two sides of the river. The left bank is remembered, and the right bank is forgotten; We are moving forward in the river and drifting in our memory. We should forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered.

Memory is a wonderful thing, it will let you remember some small things, but also let you forget some important things. Even if remembering is essential to life, forgetting also plays an important role. Forget the unhappiness around you, the conflicts with your friends, and the content of being in a daze when you are bored... Forget these trivial things and make more room for other things. Just as Lin Xiangru chose to forget that Lianpo was disrespectful to him, in order to make the civil and military forces of the country not equal each other, and to prevent foreign enemies from taking advantage of it; Just like the "meeting and laughing" in the Jianghu, forget the bad things and leave time for yourself to concentrate on promotion; Just like Gou Jian forgot his identity as the "king", endured hardships, gave his country a chance to breathe, and finally "three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu"

Fish have only seven seconds of memory. For them, seven seconds is a period of life. After seven seconds, it is a new start. They live freely and freely. But we are human beings. In our life, if we are short, we will know our destiny. If we are long, we will surpass the century. In this limited life, it is impossible for us to remember everything that has happened, so we should forget and make room for remembering. As Goethe said, forget the days of poverty and remember its lessons.

Li Shizhen tasted all kinds of herbs. He forgot the pain of tasting poisonous herbs, but remembered the good medicine that is beneficial to people and can cure diseases; Nobel forgot the pain of the explosion, but remembered the data obtained in the experiment... Only by forgetting what should be forgotten and remembering what should be remembered, life will emerge with no possibility, and we can seize the possibility and achieve success.

Forgetting past success and not indulging in past pride is not betrayal. After all, "heroes don't mention their bravery". However, it is a kind of betrayal to still shake the tail and beg the head after forgetting the past humiliation. During the War of Resistance against Japan, many traitors were born. They forgot the Chinese character for the sake of immediate interests and will be forever engraved on the stigma column of history.

Remember and forget (5)

There are always difficulties and setbacks in our life, which often bring us pain. We should learn to forget these hardships. The sword comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. Only by overcoming the difficulties can we achieve success. Similarly, we will be helped by others. We should repay our kindness by dropping a drop of water. In short, we should learn from Confucius, Good for good, straight for evil.

There will be many troubles in learning. Every day at three o'clock and one line, we struggle to move forward in books, welcome the college entrance examination in the long wait, wait for the results in entertainment, and then return to the origin. It is another season that flowers bloom and fall. Last year, people's faces fell on their faces, cool in their hearts, and the scenery outside the window was familiar. When watching the scenery, people changed. We should forget about our sadness and pick up the pen, Write another legend.

Although learning is painful, we should amuse ourselves and think of a good place. Although we have lost a year, we have left behind a dream. The wound will always heal. We should look farther away. We should remember the life of this year, which will make us unforgettable forever. Our residence is close to mountains and rivers. Every morning when I wake up, I face Weiming Lake in spring, When the dark fragrance came, I felt relaxed and comfortable. Our residence was so intoxicating and unforgettable. What impressed me on campus was the lovely canteen. It was so tall and powerful that I almost worshipped it. The canteen hurt me thousands of times. I treated the canteen like my first love. This is the charm of the canteen, which can never be seen directly. I crawl at the foot of the canteen for mole ants. Dear campus, I want to remember your face. Your smile is the happiness I have spent my whole life pursuing. I set out on the journey again. May the Lord be with me. Amen.

We should learn to forget the pain and remember the kindness. After being bullied by others, we should look up to the sky, silently reflect on ourselves, leave the scars to ourselves, and let him feel guilty for a lifetime. We should remember the kindness for a lifetime. Only by learning to forget and remember, can we become a kind person, an upright person, and a person who has broken away from low tastes, Fight for the future, young man!

Grade 6: Zhao Yawen

Remember and forget (6)

Xi Murong said, "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river." On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank is remembering. We travelled between the left bank and the right bank in our own unique boats, and then we learned that we should forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered.

Walking on the road of life, we laugh at the blooming flowers, withering leaves and falling leaves outside the window, and watch the clouds roll and the wind stops and blows. On the way, we experienced too many sad and happy things. During the navigation of the river of life, we learned to forget the joys and sorrows that should be forgotten, and to remember the little things that should be remembered.

Dongpo looked up to the sky and shouted, "The river is going east." The troubles he faced sank into the billowing waves and disappeared without a trace. The magnificent surging river makes Dongpo choose to forget, forget those frustrations and sorrows, and forget those who are not proud of their official career. Tao Qian, accompanied by the dancing butterflies in "Zhuangsheng Xiaomengfan Butterfly", picks chrysanthemums leisurely under the east gracilaria. In the face of Nanshan, Yuanming chose to forget about the ugliness of officialdom and all the unhappiness he encountered. This was the choice of his soul, the wise choice made by the people crossing the river on both sides of the "river", and even the wise "ferry".

People stay on the left bank of the river, and there are also people living happily on the right bank.

Yi An, sitting under the pavilion beside the pool and drinking alone with tears streaming down her face, told me with her words that she would always remember the little things she had experienced in her life, which was the choice she made on the way to "fight for the ferry". Haizi told me that "from tomorrow," he would remember all the "water" of life, because it was the "jade dew" he used to "water" his "flowers". Sanmao remembered the soul of the Sahara forever with her words. Van Gogh Yong's Sunflower has always remembered his "boat"

These are the life on both sides of the river of life, which is the choice of forgetting and remembering. The wind blows up the petals like bursts of broken childhood. The ancient music of Juehuang interprets the gap between the soul, hiding in the depths of dreams and memories. Listen to the flowers and the night sing all nightmares, sing all the prosperity, sing all the ways of memory, forget the unhappiness and triviality that should be forgotten by clear laughter and unknown tears, and remember the depth and eternity of the memory.

Alone in the white rabbit, walking east and west, the clothes are not as new, and the people are not as old. Sailing in the "River of Life", sitting on his own unique boat, knowing that - forget on the left, remember on the right, endless shuttle in the middle!

Remember and forget (7)

Xi Murong said, "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river." On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank is remembering. We travelled between the left bank and the right bank in our own unique boats, and then we learned to forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered. Walking on the road of life, we laugh at the blooming flowers, withering leaves and falling leaves outside the window, and watch the clouds roll and the wind stops and blows. On the way, we experienced too many sad and happy things. During the navigation of the river of life, we learned to forget the joys and sorrows that should be forgotten, and to remember the little things that should be remembered. Dongpo looked up to the sky and shouted, "The river is going east." The troubles he faced sank into the billowing waves and disappeared without a trace. The magnificent surging river makes Dongpo choose to forget, forget those frustrations and sorrows, and forget those who are not proud of their official career. Tao Qian, accompanied by the dancing butterflies in "Zhuangsheng Xiaomengfan Butterfly", picks chrysanthemums leisurely under the east gracilaria. In the face of Nanshan, Yuanming chose to forget about the ugliness of officialdom and all the unhappiness he encountered. This was the choice of his soul, the wise choice made by the people crossing the river on both sides of the "river", and even the wise "ferry". People stay on the left bank of the river, and there are also people living happily on the right bank. Yi An, sitting under the pavilion beside the pool and drinking alone with tears streaming down her face, told me with her words that she would always remember the little things she had experienced in her life, which was the choice she made on the way to "fight for the ferry". Haizi told me that "from tomorrow," he would remember all the "water" of life, because it was the "jade dew" he used to "water" his "flowers". Sanmao remembered the soul of the Sahara forever with her words. Where? Gao Yong's Sunflower has always remembered his "boat" These are the life on both sides of the river of life, which is the choice of forgetting and remembering. The wind blows up the petals like bursts of broken childhood. The ancient music of Juehuang interprets the gap between the soul, hiding in the depths of dreams and memories. Listen to the flowers and the night sing all nightmares, sing all the prosperity, sing all the ways of memory, forget the unhappiness and triviality that should be forgotten by clear laughter and unknown tears, and remember the depth and eternity of the memory. Alone in the white rabbit, walking east and west, the clothes are not as new, and the people are not as old. Sailing in the "River of Life", sitting on your own unique boat, knowing that -- forget on the left, remember on the right, endless shuttle in the middle! (Reporter: Li Qing)

Remember and forget (8)

The 2005 national college entrance examination volume III Chinese composition topic "Forgot and Remember" composition topic is: A and B two good friends quarreled, B hit A a punch, A wrote on the sand "Today my good friend hit me a punch". Another time when I was out, A accidentally fell into the river, and B rescued him. A carved "My good friend saved my life today" on the stone? A said, "When I write on the sand, I hope that the strong wind will help me forget; when I engrave on the stone, I hope that the nick will help me remember." I wrote on the topic of "remember and forget" (regardless of genre). Full score composition: Xi Murong said: "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river." On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank of the river of life is remembering. We travelled between the left bank and the right bank in our own unique boats, and then we learned to forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered. Walking on the road of life, we laugh at the blooming flowers, withering leaves and falling leaves outside the window, and watch the clouds roll and the wind stops and blows. On the way, we experienced too many sad and happy things. During the navigation of the river of life, we learned to forget the joys and sorrows that should be forgotten, and to remember the little things that should be remembered. Dongpo looked up to the sky and shouted, "The river is going east." The troubles he faced sank into the billowing waves and disappeared without a trace. The magnificent surging river makes Dongpo choose to forget, forget those frustrations and sorrows, and forget those who are not proud of their official career. Tao Qian, accompanied by the dancing butterflies in "Zhuangsheng Xiaomengfan Butterfly", picks chrysanthemums leisurely under the east gracilaria. In the face of Nanshan, Yuanming chose to forget about the ugliness of officialdom and all the unhappiness he encountered. This was the choice of his soul, the wise choice made by the people crossing the river on both sides of the "river", and even the wise "ferry". People stay on the left bank of the river, and there are also people living happily on the right bank. Yi An, sitting under the pavilion beside the pool and drinking alone with tears streaming down her face, told me with her words that she would always remember the little things she had experienced in her life, which was the choice she made on the way to "fight for the ferry". Haizi told me that "from tomorrow," he would remember all the "water" of life, because it was the "jade dew" he used to "water" his "flowers". Sanmao remembered the soul of the Sahara forever with her words. Where? Gao Yong's "Sunflower" always remembers his "boat"... These are the lives on both sides of the river of life, which is the choice of forgetting and memory. The wind blows up the petals like bursts of broken childhood. The ancient music of Juehuang interprets the gap between the soul, hiding in the depths of dreams and memories. Listen to the flowers and the night sing all nightmares, sing all the prosperity, sing all the ways of memory, forget the unhappiness and triviality that should be forgotten by clear laughter and unknown tears, and remember the depth and eternity of the memory. Alone in the white rabbit, walking east and west, the clothes are not as new, and the people are not as old. Sailing in the "River of Life", sitting on your own unique boat, knowing that -- forget on the left, remember on the right, endless shuttle in the middle!

Remember and forget (9)

Xi Murong said, "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river." On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank is remembering. We travelled between the left bank and the right bank in our own unique boats, and then we learned to forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered. Walking on the road of life, we laugh at the blooming flowers, withering leaves and falling leaves outside the window, and watch the clouds roll and the wind stops and blows. On the way, we experienced too many sad and happy things. During the navigation of the river of life, we learned to forget the joys and sorrows that should be forgotten, and to remember the little things that should be remembered. Dongpo looked up to the sky and shouted, "The river is going east." The troubles he faced sank into the billowing waves and disappeared without a trace. The magnificent surging river makes Dongpo choose to forget, forget those frustrations and sorrows, and forget those who are not proud of their official career. Tao Qian, accompanied by the dancing butterflies in "Zhuangsheng Xiaomengfan Butterfly", picks chrysanthemums leisurely under the east gracilaria. In the face of Nanshan, Yuanming chose to forget about the ugliness of officialdom and all the unhappiness he encountered. This was the choice of his soul, the wise choice made by the people crossing the river on both sides of the "river", and even the wise "ferry". People stay on the left bank of the river, and there are also people living happily on the right bank. Yi An, sitting under the pavilion beside the pool and drinking alone with tears streaming down her face, told me with her words that she would always remember the little things she had experienced in her life, which was the choice she made on the way to "fight for the ferry". Haizi told me that "from tomorrow," he would remember all the "water" of life, because it was the "jade dew" he used to "water" his "flowers". Sanmao remembered the soul of the Sahara forever with her words. Where? Gao Yong's Sunflower has always remembered his "boat" These are the life on both sides of the river of life, which is the choice of forgetting and remembering. The wind blows up the petals like bursts of broken childhood. The ancient music of Juehuang interprets the gap between the soul, hiding in the depths of dreams and memories. Listen to the flowers and the night sing all nightmares, sing all the prosperity, sing all the ways of memory, forget the unhappiness and triviality that should be forgotten by clear laughter and unknown tears, and remember the depth and eternity of the memory. Alone in the white rabbit, walking east and west, the clothes are not as new, and the people are not as old. Sailing in the "River of Life", sitting on his own unique boat, knowing that - forget on the left, remember on the right, endless shuttle in the middle! (Reporter: Li Qing)

Remember and forget (10)

Once upon a time, a mouse fell in love with a cat. One day, the mouse said to the cat, "I love you." The cat looked at the mouse and said, "Stay away from me!" The mouse shed a tear and walked away. But who saw that the cat also turned around and shed tears after the mouse left. There is a kind of emotion in the world called love, and there is a kind of love called giving up!

Since we came to this world, we are destined to experience a short and long life. Life is like a dream for a hundred years. Eight Bitters of Life --- "Birth, aging, illness, death, love, parting......". But why are so many people unwilling to give up? Because he is an indispensable emotion shared by all people - love!

Some love to give up, give up is to remember!

The first love is worth remembering. The feeling is pure. It is imitation and curiosity. There are no complicated ideas. This kind of emotion is worth remembering. It is a treasure to remember in the heart. No one is more qualified than you to talk about love because you have experienced it!

Some have to forget, involuntarily!

The distant bell trembles slightly, rings faintly in the horizon, and then sinks. It was the cry of the dead on the Naihe Bridge day and night.

On the bridge, Meng Po took Meng Po soup. All kinds of people come here. Otherwise, they are calm, ferocious, scared, half hearted, trembling slightly. They drink the soup in one gulp, and no one can take it off after all. No matter how deeply you love in your previous life, you can walk steadily on this bridge. The bridge side is silent, and my heart is dead, and I have lost the memory of my past life; Across the bridge, I feel sad for the sky. I can't forget the entanglement of this life. Forgetting, has also arrived at the pledge of eternal love.

The memory boat ran aground, a drop in the ocean, the big wind and big waves are gone. No rock is really immovable. Waiting is the first old man in his life, waiting for the epiphyllum to bloom again, waiting for the scenery to see through. After drinking all the Mengpo soup, I only swallowed it with tears.

In this life, holding his hand is enough. When you love someone, you should approach them firmly. Don't lose each other in the vast crowd: or go for happiness. Don't you say hello even if you see it in your dream? Smile and pass by.

The human heart is like a balance. Life is big and small, little by little, often weighing the weight of life on the edge of imbalance. However, the heavy and the light we bear may be given up or taken; Some must be released and some must be withdrawn; Some must be forgotten, some must be remembered. You can never be greedy, because it is fair!

Forget that summer again, erase me from the past, and erase the prosperity of that summer! Agitation! ignorant! And those two lingering fireflies

There is an emotion called love. There is a kind of love called giving up!

Remembering and Forgetting (11)

When a friend betrays you, you should write his name on the beach and let the spray wash away the painful dust; A friend has helped you. You should carve his name on the stone and let the wind and rain blow. Time will not make the memory weathering. Sometimes, forgetting is a kind of wisdom, and remembering is a kind of realm. Just like the inscription on the ring of the characters in Chekhov's novels: nothing will pass.

Isn't this just teaching us to remember? Lu Xun, a great litterateur, drew a white light in the darkness with a sharp pen point, woke up the countrymen in Wandering with a heart rending cry, wrote his Madman's Diary with a lifetime of struggle, and picked up the morning flowers in the thorny Weeds, holding high the banner of new ideas and taking the new culture as the goal, Let life burn in the fire of saving Chinese people. When the big star falls, the sky is bright; How can we forget the spirit of self sacrifice, loyalty and patriotism? Through the century, witnessing the vicissitudes of history and depicting the great changes of history, a life is so thick. His passion in traveling through the words lit the beacon of many people's hearts, and his sincere walk in life knocked at the door of many people's hearts. His passion, hardship and conscience in writing and life will always shine in the history of literature... Ba Jin, who moved China, once said that his goal in life is to help others.

Yes, he is a giant in literature. The creation of Fog, Rain, Electricity, Home, Spring, and Autumn shocked the literary world. He is also a high standard in life, and his philanthropy touched Chinese people! Your short body, creating brilliant achievements, that thin shoulder, carrying the millennium mission. When the master died, heaven and earth shared sorrow; Great works have been published all over the world.

All this is destined to be remembered! However, at this moment, you may be in the midst of conflicts and troubles with your relatives and friends, or struggling with food and clothing and poverty, or under great pressure before the college entrance examination, or confused about employment, worried about the future, or being plagued by illness and hit hard by failure, My friend, I want to tell you another inscription inscribed on the ring of King David of Judea: Everything will pass. Isn't this just telling us to let go and learn to forget? Life is like a sand shell on a huge beach. Forgetting is like a gauze net. What filters away is pain, and what remains is happiness! In the days of disappointment, we should always look ahead and identify a goal, just like the grey moth flying to the fire, willing to be the captive of the fire, lose to the pursuit if you want to lose, and marry happiness if you want to marry! More often, forgetting and remembering are like the relationship between doors and walls. Walls without doors are obstacles, and doors without walls are worthless. Only the combination of the two can form a strong whole.

As Pushkin said: In a blue day, don't be sad, don't be sad, everything will pass, and the past will eventually become beautiful memories... Indeed, some precious things will be forgotten, so we should remind ourselves to remember, and those sad things should be forgotten. In the process of remembering and forgetting, let's read the book of life and take the road of good life.

Remembering and Forgetting (12)

If there are too many memories in life, life will become particularly gloomy; If there are too many forgets in life, life will become extremely vast.

Memory and forgetting are innate things of human beings. With time, we will remember, and with time, we will forget. Remember that if it is happiness in the journey of life, there should be bright spring everywhere in life; If the happiness on the way of life is forgotten, then life will be spent in endless sorrow and waiting.

Similarly, to remember and forget is also a kind of attitude towards life, a kind of heart of lovers. Learn to remember the good of others, learn to love; When we learn to forget others' mistakes, we will learn the necessary tolerance in life.

However, we do not seem to have done so, and our life may have too many complaints and hatred. The same is true of friends and parents. Perhaps it is precisely because the young people do not know what "worry" is, they should experience the artistic conception of "worry"!

We are young, and learning and doing things are full of the atmosphere of the times. The aging of our parents has witnessed our growth, but the witness of this eternal love has become a grandiose reason why we are incompatible with our parents, even insoluble in water and fire. So there are rebellious voices at home, sighs from parents, sometimes a smile of "we" victory, and sometimes a complaint of "failure". We always regard this "victory" as correct, and we always attribute the grief of failure to the damage of our parents. So we learned to remember the "hurt" our parents gave us and the pleasure of victory. In this way, we gradually learned to hate our own parents. In the campus where we grew up, we heard mature language that did not grow up, and some even complained about their parents. This kind of complaining has become our most popular action. Every day after school, I still go home in a big way, and take my bag and pass water for me. I am still the "opponent" who was defeated by us last night. They always have a smile on their faces, which may also be said to be the surrender of the loser to the winner, but the smile is from the heart. Parents seem not to remember our mistakes, but still remember that we were their lovely sons and daughters. The parents' temporary complaints have been polished away by time, and their spirit has disappeared. Our memory makes such complaints like stone carvings. However, we have forgotten that our parents are good to us, their love for us, and the damage we have caused to our parents. I think we should let the gale help us forget about complaints, Let the eternity of stone record the greatness and selflessness of this love for me.

What we like to remember is not only complaints, but also our own merits. Be good to others. So, when my friend and I can't argue, we will tell our contributions word for word from beginning to end, without saying anything about how our friends used to treat us. I heard a story about a young man who went everywhere to find a monk and said that he would repay him for saving his life decades ago. Later, the young man found him and told him the story. The monk in his late sixties still remembers the story. He told the young man that he had no memory of how he saved the child, but he still remembered the child's kind eyes Lovely face.

I think we should learn from this old monk, remember others' good deeds and forget our own merits. Each life is similar, because it depends on what kind of heart we use to treat it, and my attitude towards life. Let the strong wind help us forget our frustrations, and let the stone help me remember happiness. Such a life is destined to be full of sunshine and happiness.

Remembering and Forgetting (13)

In our daily study, work or life, we have more or less come into contact with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a carefully arranged cross-strait composition in forgetting and remembering, for reference only, let's have a look.

Xi Murong said, "Life is a flowing river, and we are all the people who cross the river." On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank is remembering. We travelled between the left bank and the right bank in our own unique boats, and then we learned that we should forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered.

Walking on the road of life, we laugh at the blooming flowers, withering leaves and falling leaves outside the window, and watch the clouds roll and the wind stops and blows. On the way, we experienced too many sad and happy things. During the navigation of the river of life, we learned to forget the joys and sorrows that should be forgotten, and to remember the little things that should be remembered.

Dongpo looked up to the sky and shouted, "The river is going east." The troubles he faced sank into the billowing waves and disappeared without a trace. The magnificent surging river makes Dongpo choose to forget, forget those frustrations and sorrows, and forget those who are not proud of their official career. Tao Qian, accompanied by the dancing butterflies in "Zhuangsheng Xiaomengfan Butterfly", picks chrysanthemums leisurely under the east gracilaria. In the face of Nanshan, Yuanming chose to forget about the ugliness of officialdom and all the unhappiness he encountered. This was the choice of his soul, the wise choice made by the people crossing the river on both sides of the "river", and even the wise "ferry".

People stay on the left bank of the river, and there are also people living happily on the right bank.

Yi An, sitting under the pavilion beside the pool and drinking alone with tears streaming down her face, told me with her words that she would always remember what she had experienced in her life. Little by little, that was the choice she made on the way to "fight for the ferry". Haizi told me that "from tomorrow," he would remember all the "water" of life, because it was the "jade dew" he used to "water" his "flowers". Sanmao remembered the soul of the Sahara forever with her words. Van Gogh Yong's Sunflower has always remembered his "boat"

These are the life on both sides of the river of life, which is the choice of forgetting and remembering. The wind blows up the petals like bursts of broken childhood. The ancient music of Juehuang interprets the gap between the soul, hiding in the depths of dreams and memories. Listen to the flowers and the night sing all nightmares, sing all the prosperity, sing all the ways of memory, forget the unhappiness and triviality that should be forgotten by clear laughter and unknown tears, and remember the depth and eternity of the memory.

Alone in the white rabbit, walking east and west, the clothes are not as new, and the people are not as old. Sailing in the "River of Life", sitting on his own unique boat, knowing that - forget on the left, remember on the right, endless shuttle in the middle!

Remembering and Forgetting (14)

Time is like a net. Where you scatter it, you will reap it. In the passage of time, we gradually put away the net. As a result, in the long river of years, many things have quietly disappeared. The left bank of the river is engraved with memory; The right bank of the river is engraved with forgetting. I will pick up those ordinary and eternal gains in forgetting and remembering.

Since high school, I have become more busy. Every day is a single learning life. Every day, I go to school at dawn and carry Xinghui home. From the beginning of the snowy night to the morning, I focused on my own study and life, so that I had less time to get along and communicate with my family.

Once, when I looked at my sister's eyes, I actually noticed a trace of panic from her eyes. I realized that something was leaving me without a trace.

On Friday night, my mother came back from work late. After dinner, she sat greedily against the wall. It was obvious that she was tired and exhausted. I was doing my homework on the desk in the living room and looked up carelessly. My eyes fell on her face - it was a vague face of mine. I tried to recall her characteristics in my mind. Unfortunately, there is only one point. I took out my glasses and wanted to have a good look at her - my mother. Due to the rain, her trousers were still stained with some mud, and her clothes were also of different colors, which might have been wet by the rain. The hair seems to have been tossed by the wind. It is so messy and there are some stars shining. She just froze there with a dull expression. Look at her drowsiness. I felt tired. My heart suddenly throbbed, and my sadness and pity were aroused little by little. I know what I should do.

So I brought a pot of hot water to wake her up. She looked surprised and smiled: "Why are you so filial today? I'm a little uncomfortable." I didn't speak, but I just lifted her feet into the water. Those feet, heavy and heavy, were covered with calluses and cold and numb toes, which showed everywhere that she was a withered old man who had gone through vicissitudes of life. I don't know how many puddles and mountain roads those feet have crossed.

The heat was thick in the air, and she suddenly said, "It's so warm.". I bowed my head and couldn't bear to look at her. In the billowing smoke, my tears swirled in my eyes, and my heart was full of sorrow. I really want to cry out, but I must pretend to be strong in front of her. I gently rubbed my industrious feet and let the water flow slowly across it. I bravely raised my head, filled with tears and said to her, "I will study hard and let you have a good life." She listened and smiled happily.

Time can make a green twig flourish, wheel spokes stained with rust, and a person can grow old gradually. I am glad that I am not numb, I can still harvest the warmth of the remaining family.

We are walking, but never remember; We trace back, but never forget. Then, please harvest what you have not owned and what you will lose in those moments. What they constitute will be your most brilliant lines of poetry.

Remembering and Forgetting (15)

Forgetting and remembering is like the sun and the moon. One always appears in the bright day, and no light can stop its light; One always looms in the dark night, sometimes hiding behind thick black clouds. On the surface, forgetting and remembering are like two parallel lines that never intersect. However, it is the sun that sets off the soft and warm beauty of the moon; It is the moon that can reflect the brilliance of the sun. Without the sun, the world would be silent in endless black fog; Without the moon, the world would never rest and would never sleep. This is especially true of forgetting and remembering. Although they are different in nature, they are inextricably linked.

If you forget, you lose the meaning of life. Life is meaningless, but if you continue to live, you will encounter many interesting things. It is these experiences that make us moved, sad or painful that constitute a complete life. Without them, what we have is just a body. We come to the world naked and return to the dust naked.

Remembering will make us bear a heavy burden. Admittedly, there are too many things in the world that need us to remember, because whether they used to make us laugh, make us cry or deeply moved, they are all precious memories in our life. But if you just remember, the most precious memory will become a heavy burden. When I think of those beautiful past, my mood will certainly become happy, but when I wake up from my dream, I find that everything is in the past, and I still face the life of those who are not satisfied with life. At this moment, I am afraid that more regret, sadness and gloom will be in my mind. What's more, I will have the idea of escaping from reality and wanting to live in memory. It can be seen that although memories are beautiful, they also have hidden dangers. When I think of those painful memories, I am afraid that the healed scars will be uncovered again, and the already peaceful life will be disturbed by feelings of sadness and regret. It can be seen that although the memory is deep, it is also a hidden danger.

Forgetting and remembering all the time will make life imperfect, just like two pieces of cracked jade, although they have incomplete beauty, they can't be used for decoration after all. They can only be hidden in collections. Therefore, forget and remember that only by relying on each other and cooperating with each other, can the sun and the moon be as endless as the sun and the moon, and keep the world bright forever. I believe that when forgetting and remembering coexist reasonably, life will certainly be like the red sun rising at dawn, the dim moon just slowly falling, and the illusory sky shown when the sun and the moon shine together, that is, the enthusiasm as hot as the sun and the calm thinking as bright as the moon.

Remembering and Forgetting (16)

Xi Murong said, "Life is an endless river, and we are all the people who cross the river, on both sides of the forgotten and remembered." On the left bank of the river of life is forgetting, and on the right bank of the river of life is remembering. We travelled between the left bank and the right bank in our own unique boats, and then we learned that we should forget what should be forgotten and remember what should be remembered.

Walking on the road of life, we laugh at the blooming flowers, withering leaves and falling leaves outside the window, and watch the clouds roll and the wind stops and blows. On the way, we experienced too many sad and happy things. During the navigation of the river of life, we learned to forget the joys and sorrows that should be forgotten, and to remember the little things that should be remembered.

Dongpo looked up to the sky and shouted, "The river is going east." The troubles he faced sank into the billowing waves and disappeared without a trace. The magnificent surging river makes Dongpo choose to forget, forget those frustrations and sorrows, and forget those who are not proud of their official career. Tao Qian, accompanied by the dancing butterflies in "Zhuangsheng Xiaomengfan Butterfly", picks chrysanthemums leisurely under the east gracilaria. In the face of Nanshan, Yuanming chose to forget about the ugliness of officialdom and all the unhappiness he encountered. This was the choice of his soul, the wise choice made by the people crossing the river on both sides of the "river", and even the wise "ferry".

People stay on the left bank of the river, and there are also people living happily on the right bank.

Yi An, sitting under the pavilion beside the pool and drinking alone with tears streaming down her face, told me with her words that she would always remember the little things she had experienced in her life, which was the choice she made on the way to "fight for the ferry". Haizi told me that "from tomorrow," he would remember all the "water" of life, because it was the "jade dew" he used to "water" his "flowers". Sanmao remembered the soul of the Sahara forever with her words. Van Gogh Yong's Sunflower has always remembered his "boat"

These are the life on both sides of the river of life, which is the choice of forgetting and remembering. The wind blows up the petals like bursts of broken childhood. The ancient music of Juehuang interprets the gap between the soul, hiding in the depths of dreams and memories. Listen to the flowers and the night sing all nightmares, all the prosperity, and all the memories of the origin. By clear laughter and no one knows clear tears to forget the unhappiness and triviality that should be forgotten, to remember the depth and eternity of the memory.

Alone in the white rabbit, walking east and west, the clothes are not as new, and the people are not as old. Sailing in the "River of Life", sitting on his own unique boat, knowing that - forget on the left, remember on the right, endless shuttle in the middle!