Composition of What Happened (Collection of 16)
2024-05-12 08:10:22

Composition of what happened (1)

And the ugly things described in this article are the bad guys in our civilized society. However, we heroes, who are called "descendants of the dragon", do not stand up for justice, but hide in the corner as "turtles".

This is an article that can make those "good people" think: when a young man selling "Eight Treasure Porridge" meets the driver's hand, he deliberately empties the opened "Eight Treasure Porridge" all over the floor. So the man who sold "Eight Treasure Porridge" made a compensation to the driver, but the driver was unwilling to make a compensation, because it was not caused by him. So they quarreled.

Later that young man was full of dirty words and immoral, and finally revealed his fox tail. The so-called "touch porcelain" is this.

However, the villain has evil retribution. When the young man took out his scissors to stab the driver, the driver turned his head, and the scissors hit the seat of the car, immediately bleeding~~~The young man claimed medical fees from the driver again, but the driver refused, so the young man pulled a sharp knife from his pants pocket and put it on the driver's neck. As long as the young man made a little effort, He would fall into a pool of blood. Unable to help himself, the driver had to obey the young man, took out all the money he had, and borrowed it from an acquaintance on the bus. It was not easy to raise 500 yuan, and reluctantly gave it to the young man. The young man grabbed the money and triumphed as a victorious general.

At that time, the little writer really wanted to go over and resolve their conflicts, but on second thought, what could he do with his high school student? It's better to ignore your business! In case of trouble! Yes, can a middle school student resolve the contradiction of adults? But if everyone has a sense of justice, this little thing can't stop them.

In a word, it needs courage to erupt justice, and the courage to erupt a sense of justice needs protection. If we can't even talk about basic security, the courage of people's sense of justice will inevitably "decline again, three times, four times - ------"! They all say, "Shout when you have it". I hope that our government authorities can do everything possible to introduce effective and feasible measures to let everyone in the society speak out bravely and release the "justice force" suppressed in the mind completely.

Grandma went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Mom and Dad went to work. Now the house is as empty as a big pumpkin without pumpkin seeds. My grandpa and I are going to clean the house together because we feel bored. I found that there were almost no eggs in the refrigerator in the kitchen, so I ran downstairs to the supermarket to buy eggs. Although there are everything in the supermarket, the price is too expensive. I took the bag and carefully filled it with eggs, praying that there should be no mistakes. But it backfired. When I was taking the last egg, it might be because I felt relieved. As soon as I relaxed, my hand slipped, and the egg in my hand hit another egg like a huge stone. It was scary. A big stone hit your head for no reason. You should not be wronged to death? Eggs are wronged, but I am also wronged. I think I am unlucky and I have to lose money. So I ran over and asked the salesgirl's aunt how much an egg cost. She said, "It's about 50 cents for an egg." I was relieved. Fortunately, I paid for the original egg and still had 50 cents left. It's really lucky in my misfortune. If an egg cost one yuan, then I would be miserable. I told the aunt who paid for me. She didn't blame me, but let me lose fifty cents. When I got home, my grandpa asked me why I came back so late. I told my grandpa about that. He said, "You are so honest. If you were someone else, maybe thieves would call thieves. Now I think again: why? It's worth 50 cents to get a "clean body" and a "free body". Why be so stingy. Page 1 of 2

Composition of What Happened (2)

After the third class, Chen Junxi said that Teacher Cao came to me and she had something to say to me. I hurried to find Teacher Cao. I went to Teacher Cao's office first, but there was no one in it. I planned to find her in the meeting room again. As I happened to pass the stairs on the second floor, I planned to go up first. As soon as I went up, I saw Lai Zhihao standing at the stairs. I asked Lai Zhihao if he had seen Teacher Cao. Lai Zhihao said yes, and she went to the moral education office. I hurried to the moral education office. Mr. Cao, said something to me. Then, I asked Kang Jiawei to come here. When I went to call Kang Jiawei, I met our math teacher at the stairs on the first floor. She said that we should send our old exercises.

I said I knew, so I went up to call Kang Jiawei. I called Kang Jiawei to the moral education office, and Teacher Cao spoke to Kang Jiawei again for a while. Then we went back to our class. However, I found that what was on the table was not our old exercises, but the new exercises just issued two days ago. I felt very strange and thought to myself: didn't the teacher say that we should practice hard? Why is it the new practice? Did the teacher make a mistake? Or did I hear it wrong?

Composition of What Happened (3)

What Happened Between Childhood and School Composition 300 (1)

300 words of childhood composition

Childhood composition 300 words (1)

Golden childhood golden, that is the color of the sun. Because every child has a heart like gold. Wherever you go, it lights up. No matter it is innocent, lively or smiling, it always warms everyone's heart like the sun.

White childhood is white, which is the color of white clouds. White is pure, white without blemish, stain or stain. It is like a feather, carrying every child's dream and flying to the far away——

Blue childhood Blue is a dreamlike color, with many childhood dreams, many childhood visions and fantasies, beautiful and romantic. In fact, everyone has a dream in his heart. Everyone has a blueprint for their dreams, ordinary and great.

Remember the lyrics: "We are all good children, the most obedient children!" Yes, no matter what others think, we will always be the best children in the world!

Childhood composition 300 words (2)

The life of childhood gradually fades away with the passing of time, but there are still a few things that are still fresh in our memory, leaving deep marks in our minds.

It was a photo that reminded me of the memory. When I was young, I was very active. I tossed and turned in my little crib, unwilling to stop for a moment, and would lie down later to play with my beloved toys; After a while, I suddenly sat up and watched the moving dance on TV; After a while, I cried because my "hateful" father took away my favorite toy; After a while, she smiled happily, because when she heard my cry, her gentle mother extended her "helping hand" to help me get the toy back.

Until one time, my father took a picture of me as usual, and I made a surprising gesture as a conductor, laughing my mother out of breath, and my father took the opportunity to capture an unforgettable and funny picture.

Childhood is so interesting. Although time is running fast, I will remember the fun of childhood in my heart!

Childhood composition 300 words (3)

If childhood is the blue sky, then the fun of childhood is the birds flying in the sky; If childhood is a vast universe, then the fun of childhood is a shining star. My childhood, there are many interesting things, the most interesting is the snowball fight.

The winter before last year, it was snowing heavily outside. My sister and I went to the yard to have a snowball fight. I picked up a snowball from the ground and attacked Sister Luo Qian. She dodged quickly. I picked up another snowball and threw it at Sister Luo Xun. She also dodged quickly.

The two sisters are ready to attack me. Each of them holds a snowball, "pa pa". With two clear sounds, I am shot in the connection.

Ha ha, ha ha! My sister laughed heartily.

I pretended to be angry and ran after them. Suddenly, my sister fell down. I took advantage of the fire, picked up a snowball and hit them. They became "snowmen".

My sister was furious. They hit me with many snowballs. I couldn't dodge. My feet slipped and I sat on the ground.

Ha ha, ha ha! My sister smiled again, and I also felt funny. I laughed with them, and the cheerful laughter lingered in the yard

The good time of childhood passed away in the laughter unconsciously, but the interesting things of childhood are unforgettable.

Childhood composition 300 words (4)

I still remember that when I was in the first grade, an interesting thing happened that made me unforgettable.

One day during my winter vacation, my parents took me to fight a fierce snow fight. Speaking of which, we have to start from the beginning.

That day, I had nothing to do. Suddenly, I saw a heavy snow falling outside the window. The snow was getting heavier and heavier. Soon, the whole square was full of white. When the snow stopped, I proposed a snowball fight. Our whole family went out, dressed in "battle" clothes, holding a handful of snow into small snowballs. I was assigned to the victory group - this is the name my mother and I chose for our group. We also shouted the slogan "Victory, victory, belong to us". At this time, I saw the snowball flying towards my father like an arrow. My father set up an independent group and refused to be outdone. He fought back with all his strength. A piece of "bad" snow fell on my neck! But I didn't flinch. I shook my neck, picked up a piece of snow ball with one hand, and rushed straight to my father, just falling into his mouth. "I won, I won" I danced happily! My parents also cheered with me!

>This is my happy childhood fun, I will never forget!

What Happened Between Childhood and School Composition 300 (2)

Childhood composition 300 words

Childhood composition 300 words (1)

When I was three years old, I lived in my grandmother's house all the time. Because adults were busy doing business and had no time to take care of us, I developed an indulgent and bold character when I was young. Once, I and my friends were picking longan at the gate of the village health center. When picking longan, an older brother found that there was a very lush red jujube tree in the health center, full of red dates. It was very attractive! Afraid of being scolded by the adults inside, we crept over the wall. While we were picking and eating, we didn't find an adult looking at us. He suddenly "drank". We all ran around like a mouse meeting a cat. When we were climbing the courtyard wall, my pants suddenly broke. I couldn't manage to run home so much. As a result, I was scolded by my mother! Sad!

Although I blush every time I talk about it, I also learned a lesson: you can't steal things in the future!

Childhood composition 300 words (2)

In my childhood, there were many memories echoing in my mind. Among them, the most unforgettable thing for me was the "small master" competition held by the school.

I remember that time, I was the team leader, leading my team members to stroll in the food market. My team members are like followers. They follow me wherever I go. On the day of the activity, although it was not the first time for me to cook and stir fry vegetables, it was the first time for me to make a fool of myself in front of teachers and students.

The game has started, and I want to beat eggs, but I shiver on the side, so I have to let my team members help me with it, and I concentrate on watching their achievements on the side. An hour has passed, and our food is almost finished. Look! At this time, I was eating our fresh food!

The last dish is cooked by me. It's called Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea. It needs sashimi, shrimp balls, chicken skin, chicken liver, fresh mushrooms, bamboo shoots, etc.

Half an hour later, although the color is not very good, it is the best for me!

My childhood, although not colorful, but let me not forget for a long time - my most precious childhood!

Childhood composition 300 words (3)

Childhood, everyone has experienced, of course, I am no exception.

Speaking of childhood, most of them have forgotten. What they can remember is very rare, but also very interesting.

At the age of two, when the weather was fine and sunny, it was suitable to go out and play, so my mother decided to take us to Quancheng

As soon as I left the square, I shouted, "New daughter-in-law! New daughter-in-law! I want a new daughter-in-law!"

"Ah?" Mother said strangely, "What? You want a new wife?" Sister also said, "Are you sick?"

I shouted and made noise. I had already arrived at the station before I knew it. The 14th bus came, and I knew it was the 14th bus. My mother was sweating.

Another time, I was only three years old at that time. I didn't know anything. I imitated adults in everything. I almost knew what adults did. Another time, when I was on the street, I suddenly ran to the middle of the road to wave my hand, and all the taxis stopped. The traffic was blocked. My mother cried out, thanks to a big brother, and carried me away.

I was so happy in my childhood that I could do things without my brain.

Childhood composition 300 words (4)

Childhood, I believe everyone has a wonderful childhood. But I believe my childhood is unique.

Thinking of my childhood, I went to school together with my friends. During the holiday, we also went to bake potatoes, eggs and sweet potato corn on the rockery together. After a while, the two men in the base shouted, "Everything is ready!"! The food is ready! As soon as we heard the sound, we rushed to our base like a runaway horse. Everyone was just the right food, and everyone ate with relish. When they finished eating, we saw that their faces were as black as charcoal, pointing at each other's black mouths and laughing. We hurried to look for water. Finally, when we saw a tap, we rushed up, Whoever touches the tap first can wash it first. Ha ha, it's also very interesting to think about our past

Each of us has different stories in our childhood. What's your story?

What Happened Between Childhood and School Composition 300 (3)

Funny Stories in Childhood 300 Word Composition: "I'm the One Who Destroys"

Whenever I see the small alarm clock on the desk, I can't help laughing. Why? Because it made a lot of jokes. Until now, I still remember!

When I was eight years old, my father bought an exquisite small alarm clock from the supermarket on the night of my birthday. He also said that he wanted me to cherish time and that time was money. I nodded straight after hearing that. Later, I found that this small green alarm clock has a beautiful appearance. According to my father, "time is money". I'm going to take the newly bought alarm clock apart with tools to see if I have any money. So I looked everywhere for tools. I found everything I could, but I still couldn't find the screwdriver. I was worried, so I pretended to ask my father. Of course, my father told me. I quickly took the screwdriver to start my "treasure hunt". I didn't see any money after tearing it down for a long time, so I quickly went to ask my father: "Dad, you said that time is money, why did I tear down the alarm clock and see no money?" My father was reading the newspaper at that time, and slowly said: "Of course you can't see money, silly boy." But after a while, my father suddenly woke up and said: "You have torn down the alarm clock?" I nodded: "Hmm." "Have pity on my alarm clock that I bought with more than ten yuan!" Dad said sadly. At that time, I said carelessly: "The alarm clock will die if it dies, and it will be replaced with a new one!" Dad wanted to be angry, but he couldn't bear to be angry, because I was still young and didn't understand. He couldn't help laughing and crying when he saw the scene.

It's really interesting and unforgettable to think about it now!

An unforgettable childhood story

When I was young, I often went to my mother's office to do my homework. Once, my cousin and I were doing our homework together. My mother solemnly told us: "Don't make any noise when doing our homework. When the leader comes, you will be miserable." My mother went to work in the next office after saying that. I followed my mother's example and said solemnly to my cousin, "If we hear footsteps, we will hide under the table." My cousin looked at me and nodded.

After a while, I heard footsteps and voices, and quickly said "hide". My cousin and I quickly "swished" under the table. At the bottom of the table, I tilted my head and saw that the door was opened, and the "leader" left again when he saw no one. However, this is very different from the leadership I imagined. I think the leader should wear a stiff suit, while this "leader" wears a cap and a sports shirt. I think he may be a fake leader. At this time, my mother came in, followed by the "leader". When Mom saw that we were empty, she said, "Eh, where are we?" We quickly climbed out from the bottom of the table and asked curiously, "Who is he?" Mom said, "Is it strange that he is a patient?" We were stunned and laughed when we came back to our senses. I can't help laughing when I think of this funny childhood story.

The event of drinking ink went like an arrow in time. In the twinkling of an eye, 12 spring, summer, autumn and winter passed by. Many childhood events passed away. I still remember nothing.

I remember that day when I came home from school with a heavy schoolbag on my back, I only heard someone sighing. It turned out that someone was chatting with his mother. When I came closer, it turned out to be a little aunt.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? Why are you sighing?"

"Morning morning, my aunt is laid off! I'm complaining that I don't have any ink in my stomach

After listening to this sentence, I'm really worried. There is no ink in my stomach. Am I going to be "laid off"? I remember fidgeting. Suddenly, I remembered that there was a bottle of ink in my mother's study. I found the ink bottle, brushed away the dust, unscrewed the bottle cover and sent it to my mouth. I didn't even think I'd open my mouth when I saw this black and dirty place. Now I hesitated; Do you want to drink or not? This is my aunt's face in my mind. Rather than "laid-off", I would rather drink ink now. The idea of drinking prevailed. I held my breath and sent it to my mouth. My mother suddenly came in and asked me if I saw ink. I gave my mother the ink bottle in my hand. My mother asked me what I was doing with the ink bottle? I told my mother the whole story, but she couldn't help laughing or crying. Said: "Silly child, the little aunt was laid off because she didn't have cultural wealth. It was just a metaphor to say that she didn't have ink in her belly." I suddenly realized that it was lucky that I didn't drink, otherwise I would have lost my life.

This is my childhood fun, but I think what happened in your childhood must be more interesting! Let's talk about it!

Funny childhood stories 300 words composition: Looking in the mirror, my childhood is colorful, and the interesting stories in my childhood are as numerous as the stars in the sky. The brightest and most dazzling one is still that one.

At that time, my mother was asleep at noon on a Sunday. I was only four years old at that time. I had no fun. I wandered around the room and somehow came to the mirror. Ah! Why is there a person with the same appearance as me coming in front of me? I didn't touch it, but I was shocked when I touched it. The "man" was so ordinary that he reached out as if to touch me. I hurried back a few steps. Well, how dare you learn from me? How can I deal with you. When I slap, the "person" also slaps. When I hit, the "person" also slaps. Oh, it hurts. I'm scared. I'm flat and can move. I can learn from me, and I can hit people. It must be a monster. I hurried to my mother's bed, took her hand and shouted, "Mom, there is a strange thing over there, and he hit me." My mother asked me what it was miraculously, but I kept pulling my mother to the mirror. It's strange how another monster came. I hid behind my mother and couldn't help shaking. Mom looked and smiled. I asked, "Mom, what are you laughing at? Are you not afraid of it?" Mom turned to me and said, "This is a mirror, not a monster at all. Look." I saw my mother swing left and right, and the people in the mirror also swing left and right. After what my mother said, I realized that the mirror can "print" people in, and people can see their own shadow in the mirror. No wonder what I do and what it does! Now when I think about it, I still laugh!

What Happened Between Childhood and School Composition 300 (4)

300 character composition with interesting childhood stories

300 character composition with interesting childhood stories (1)

One day, I went to my grandmother's house to see the chicken. The chicken had a pair of cute little mouths, which were very nice and interesting.

Bug, the old hen first gave the chick a demonstration. The old hen scraped away the soil with her claws first, and the little worm was eaten by the old hen. The chicken showed the old hen's way to catch the little worm. When the little worm saw it, it ran away. The chicken went to chase it. The first time the chicken didn't catch it, it was because the little worm ran too fast. The second time, the chicken went after the insect again. As a result, the insect had no strength. It seemed to say, "I can't do it. You can catch me back." It was very unforgettable for the chicken to catch the insect, especially the chicken. That day, the old hen led everyone to catch it and eat it.

The story of chicken catching worm is not only interesting, but also makes me understand a philosophy that success will be achieved if I don't give up.

300 words composition of interesting childhood stories (2)

Today, after writing calligraphy, my mother and I sat down to play checkers.

Mom is so easy to deal with. I defeated her! "Two wins in three games". We started the first game. My mother made a mistake in the second move of chess, and then she kept making mistakes. The more mistakes she made, the farther she went. Finally, he lost. In the second game, she was still wrong. The mistake was that she was too "greedy" to give others a chance. She also wanted to "take advantage". As long as others had good chess, she would use her own pieces to block others' chess path, so that people could not walk. However, she is too "stupid" to block other people's chess, but she can never block my chess. I think she must want to "step up to the sky". It's not easy to know that.

Today, I was very excited because I defeated my mother, hahaha!

300 words composition of interesting childhood stories (3)

I still remember that when I was in the first grade, an interesting thing happened that made me unforgettable.

One day during my winter vacation, my parents took me to fight a fierce snow fight. Speaking of which, we have to start from the beginning.

That day, I had nothing to do. Suddenly, I saw a heavy snow falling outside the window. The snow was getting heavier and heavier. Soon, the whole square was full of white. When the snow stopped, I proposed a snowball fight. Our whole family went out, dressed in "battle" clothes, holding a handful of snow into small snowballs. I was assigned to the victory group - this is the name my mother and I chose for our group. We also shouted the slogan "Victory, victory, belong to us". At this time, I saw the snowball flying towards my father like an arrow. My father set up an independent group and refused to be outdone. He fought back with all his strength. A piece of "bad" snow fell on my neck! But I didn't flinch. I shook my neck, picked up a piece of snow ball with one hand, and rushed straight to my father, just falling into his mouth. "I won, I won" I danced happily! My parents also cheered with me!

>This is my happy childhood fun, I will never forget!

300 words composition of interesting childhood stories (4)

I spent my childhood at my grandparents' home, where many interesting things happened before. Now I will talk about one thing.

One day when I was young, my grandfather bought me a little clay figurine with a red nose and big eyes, and a small nose. I am so happy. I hold it when I sleep and take it with me when I go to kindergarten. I like it very much.

After a long time, it became dirty and lost its luster. I decided to give it a bath. I filled a basin of water and put the clay figurine in. After a while, the water became muddy. I haven't fished for a while, and I haven't poured out the water. I cried and Grandma smiled when she knew.

Now I have grown up and no longer do stupid things.

What Happened Between Childhood and School Composition 300 (5)

Childhood Discovery 300 words composition

Discovery in Childhood 300 words composition (1)

In our childhood, sometimes a whim may become a great discovery or have solved an unsolved mystery of the world. Even if we are naughty.

When I was young, I went to my uncle's house to play. Because there was a small chicken farm in my uncle's backyard. The soil there was rotten and damp, which was very suitable for snakes to grow, so there were inevitably some snakes there. Once, Uncle happened to catch a snake. To make me happy, he locked it in an iron cage. A few days later, the big snake gave birth to a baby snake. At that time, I felt very strange. Why did my father say that the snake was laid in eggs, but this one gave birth to a baby snake? After that, I thought about it. I didn't even want to play. Suddenly an idea flashed across my mind and said, "When the eye snake wanted to have a baby, it could not find a place to lay eggs, so the mother snake had to put the eggs in her stomach to hatch. When the baby snake broke its shell, the mother snake could not help but gave birth to the baby snake." Coincidentally, "going into science" that night confirmed my reasoning.

Although we were naughty in childhood, we had unlimited imagination. Let's give full play to our imagination!

Discovery of Childhood 300 words composition (2)

My childhood life is colorful, leaving me many wonderful stories, among which the most unforgettable is a scientific experiment - the regenerative function of earthworms.

>In science class, the teacher told us: "Earthworms have a living function," I don't believe it. In order to verify this answer, I decided to do an experiment myself. On the way home, I dug an earthworm in the roadside flower bed. I held it in my hand like a baby. As I walked, I saw it in my hand. The earthworm just dug up was red and rolled up into a ball. It was very lovely. When I got home, I took a sharp knife and quickly cut it in the middle. But the worms after two sections were still in pain, and my heart was also very painful. I quickly found a small wooden box with soil, put two sections of earthworms into the box, and closed the box.

Composition of What Happened (4)

Time flies. This semester has passed in a twinkling of an eye. In this semester, the four teachers in our class worked together to do a good job in the work of the class in a good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation, which is reflected in the following:

1、 Class situation

There are 23 children in our small class, including 10 boys and 13 girls. All of them are new students. A few days before the children start school, we aimed at the characteristics of children in the small class. In order to reduce the separation anxiety of children and calm their emotions, our teachers worked together to play with children, and under our motherly care, 90% of the children quickly adapt to the new environment. A small number of children, such as two crying children, have also interviewed their two typical children. Finally, we learned that their parents are too fond of their children, which makes them very dependent. The children will not be able to leave their mother's arms for half a day. Finally, we took the following measures: play with them, Take them out alone to chat with them and coax them constantly, so that the child can feel the beauty of the kindergarten and rely on the teacher. After a long time, they will no longer cry.

2、 Education and teaching

1. Good classroom routine is the embodiment of a class's style and appearance. This semester, we focused on two points according to the characteristics of small classes:

(1) Children are required to face the teacher and have a quiet class.

(2) Develop the good habit of raising your hand to speak in class and actively answering questions. At the beginning of school, the children in our class had no sense of class. The teacher did not know how to raise his hand to answer questions after asking questions. Only xx children could actively answer questions. We had to follow the example of xx children, often carry out some evaluation activities, stick stickers to the children who performed well and made progress in class, and ask the children who performed well to be class leaders. Through continuous efforts, Our classroom routine has changed significantly

2. In this semester, my subjects include society, Chinese studies, and science. I carefully completed the work plan, prepared lessons on time, and prepared interesting educational activities. The main form of class is games and interaction, stimulating children's interests. By the end of the semester, 90% of children can grasp the knowledge they learned, and learned some polite expressions. Hello, goodbye, thank you, In terms of fostering behavior, children have learned how to queue up, and how to talk about hygiene and eating etiquette. The reason why a small number of children fail to grasp this is that they are limited by their own conditions, have poor acceptance ability, and parents do not attach importance to reviewing for children after returning home.

3、 Home co education

Newborn parents are always eager to see their children's performance in the kindergarten. In order to meet their parents' wishes, let parents better understand and support our work, at the beginning of school, we filmed the children's daily life, and showed it to them when the parents' meeting was held, so that they can feel their children's performance after entering the kindergarten and their problems, We always report the good news first and then gently put forward the rest place for children and the cooperation place for parents. Most of the parents in our class can actively cooperate with the teacher's work. They always go all out when carrying out various activities. Our teacher is really moved.

4、 Environment creation

We adhere to the principle of "children first". Jointly create a happy world with children, and we have finally tasted the sweetness of success. Now the way of creating our classroom is: most of the works pasted on the wall are presented by cutting, pasting, and folding picture works. The materials arranged in the classroom are basically the result of children's efforts, the teacher's design background, children's imagination, specific content and other forms are used together, It not only mobilizes children's multiple senses, but also promotes children's comprehensive, harmonious and active development. It also meets children's preferences, needs and interests from the perspective of children, improves children's aesthetic ability, and enriches children's life.

5、 Safety work

The most important thing in the kindergarten is safety, which is the most important thing in the work. It is the great responsibility of every teacher to ensure the personal safety of children. In terms of safety, the kindergarten has also carried out some activities, such as "fire prevention" drills, "earthquake prevention" drills, which tell children the purpose of identifying special numbers and the little common sense of how to save themselves. In daily life, every teacher starts from the small things, Strictly implement the morning and afternoon inspection records. "Pay attention to the temperature when drinking water and eating to avoid scalding". We also register every child's arrival and departure to pick up and send off parents, ensure the safety of children's pick up and send off, and strictly implement the pick up card system.

The above is my summary of the work of this semester. I believe that with my continuous efforts and the care and help of leaders and colleagues, I am confident to meet new challenges and achieve new goals.

Composition of What Happened (5)

Rain, what happened in the rain came to my mind.

soft spring rain

"Hualala, Hualala......" The spring rain is falling. A small sound came from the farmland, and the wheat, millet, sorghum... in the farmland were all talking in the field, "Ah! This intermittent rain is really refreshing!" Wheat said, "It's really timely!"

"Yes, yes!" replied the millet loudly. "Spring rain can make us grow better in time!"

It's sunny after rain, and other plants happily replied, "The rain is over, and the sun comes out again. After we have absorbed the moist rain, we can come to the sun again. It's really enjoyable!"

Winter rain

After a gust of wind, the soybean like raindrops clattered down from the thick clouds in the sky. It was just sunny, but soon became dark clouds.

It was cold in winter, and it was a little warm when the sun came out, but when dark clouds were gathering, people seemed frozen.

As soon as the people who went out saw that it was going to rain, they hurried home, but the winter rain did not wait for people, so it would rain immediately, and you were still wet all over; Some people can't go out when they see the rain, and they can only stay at home. It's stuffy at home. What they hear is not the sound of children playing, but the sound of rain like soybeans. It's very stuffy and annoying, and some people don't like winter rain.

Rain sometimes makes people happy, and sometimes makes people sad. What happened in the rain 400 words

Composition of What Happened (6)

And the ugly things described in this article are the bad guys in our civilized society. However, we heroes, who are called "descendants of the dragon", do not stand up for justice, but hide in the corner as "turtles".

This is an article that can make those "good people" think: when a young man selling "Eight Treasure Porridge" meets the driver's hand, he deliberately empties the opened "Eight Treasure Porridge" all over the floor. So the man who sold "Eight Treasure Porridge" made a compensation to the driver, but the driver was unwilling to make a compensation, because it was not caused by him. So they quarreled.

Later, the young man was full of dirty words and immoral, and finally revealed his fox tail. The so-called "touch porcelain" is this.

However, the villain has evil retribution. When the young man took out his scissors to stab the driver, the driver turned his head, and the scissors hit the seat of the car, immediately bleeding~~~The young man claimed medical fees from the driver again, but the driver refused, so the young man pulled a sharp knife from his pants pocket and put it on the driver's neck. As long as the young man made a little effort, He would fall into a pool of blood. Unable to help himself, the driver had to obey the young man, took out all the money he had, and borrowed it from an acquaintance on the bus. It was not easy to raise 500 yuan, and reluctantly gave it to the young man. The young man grabbed the money and triumphed as a victorious general.

At that time, the little writer really wanted to go over and resolve their conflicts, but on second thought, what could he do with his high school student? It's better to ignore your business! In case of trouble! Yes, can a middle school student resolve the contradiction of adults? But if everyone has a sense of justice, this little thing can't stop them.

In a word, it needs courage to erupt justice, and the courage to erupt a sense of justice needs protection. If we can't even talk about basic security, the courage of people's sense of justice will inevitably "decline again, three times, four times - ------"! They all say, "Shout when you have it". I hope that our government authorities can do everything possible to introduce effective and feasible measures to let everyone in the society speak out bravely and release the "justice force" suppressed in the mind completely.

Grandma went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Mom and Dad went to work. Now the house is as empty as a big pumpkin without pumpkin seeds. My grandpa and I are going to clean the house together because we feel bored. I found that there were almost no eggs in the refrigerator in the kitchen, so I ran downstairs to the supermarket to buy eggs. Although there are everything in the supermarket, the price is too expensive. I took the bag and carefully filled it with eggs, praying that there should be no mistakes. But it backfired. When I was taking the last egg, it might be because I felt relieved. As soon as I relaxed, my hand slipped, and the egg in my hand hit another egg like a huge stone. It was scary. A big stone hit your head for no reason. You should not be wronged to death? Eggs are wronged, but I am also wronged. I think I am unlucky and I have to lose money. So I ran over and asked the salesgirl's aunt how much an egg cost. She said, "It's about 50 cents for an egg." I was relieved. Fortunately, I paid for the original egg and still had 50 cents left. It's really lucky in my misfortune. If an egg cost one yuan, then I would be miserable. I told the aunt who paid for me. She didn't blame me, but let me lose fifty cents. When I got home, my grandpa asked me why I came back so late. I told my grandpa about that. He said, "You are so honest. If you were someone else, maybe thieves would call thieves. Now I think again: why? It's worth 50 cents to get a "clean body" and a "free body". Why be so stingy.

Isn't it more comfortable to live honestly and steadily? At least I think so. This event made me understand a lot of truth and made me unforgettable. 2 Different from usual, I didn't watch TV when I got home from school today, but did my homework first. After a while, my mother came back from work and saw that I was doing my homework without saying anything, so she went straight to the kitchen to cook. At this time, the key opened the door again, and I knew that it was my father who had come back. Something unforgettable happened with my father's return. About "one cigarette", suddenly, I faintly noticed a person behind me. I turned around and looked up. It turned out that my father was standing behind me when I was doing my homework. He frowned and stared at me without saying a word. I felt nervous and thought, I must have done something wrong again. Sure enough, My father grabbed my ear and said, "Look at the word 'ghost' you wrote, it's not as good as a grade one pupil.".

At first, I didn't say anything. Then he said, "My son didn't write such ugly words. Today, either write them well or go out and don't go home.". Hearing this, I was so angry that I threw my pen on the table, opened the door and didn't return. I rushed out and hid in a corner downstairs, crying secretly. Soon, I heard the sound of "Deng Deng Deng" rushing down the stairs. I think my father came to me. At this time, I heard my father's anxious cry: "Post mail (my nickname), post mail~~~~".

Later, I heard the same cry from my mother. I thought to myself, didn't you let me go? Why are you looking for me? Hum! I will not come out. About half an hour later, my father finally found me. Without saying a word, he just held me tightly in his arms and kept kissing my face. When I got home, my father said to me, "What I said just now is angry. You are the only son of my parents. How could you not be there?". Then I was surprised to find that my mother, who usually doesn't cry, was secretly touching her tears. Then I asked my father a question that even I thought was strange. I said, "Dad, if I was kidnapped by bad people, they would use your life to replace me, would you? Dad said without hesitation: "Of course, because you are the only son of Dad, without you, parents' life would be meaningless, but you and Dad are strong men, successful career and good life belong to those who are strong in life, so Dad hopes you will be a strong man who never gives up". It turned out that my parents really loved me, and I really and truly understood the meaning of "pity the world's parents". Since then, I have become more sensible.

Composition of What Happened (7)

Yesterday, our school held a basketball game. The boys in our class were good at the beginning, but because of some friction with the students in the other class, they finally got to the point of starting, and were banned by the school.

The girls lost in a mess. I'm sorry for them. They don't exercise at ordinary times. When it comes to the occasion, the truth will be revealed.

The basketball game of our class is a dead end. This mistake reminds me that we should count sports scores in the middle school entrance exam. No matter how good the performance is, if we fail to meet the sports standards, we can't walk. I can't catch the blind when necessary, just like them

I don't have time to exercise at ordinary times. Every day after school, I exercise and run in the school playground. I can't fall behind others. From now on, I will redouble my efforts to study sports!

Junior two: Hou Xiang

Composition of What Happened (8)

·······What happened today

Today, during the big break, four students of Class 501 were punished for taking a nap and pretending to sleep outside with stools at the office door.

We were with their classmates, watching them, making them, urging them, laughing at them.

They were mixed up by us. Today, they were scolded by the teacher. When other students left school, they still slept in their last class and had to do more homework. Hearing this, we left immediately, feeling very ashamed

We won't watch the fun anymore. shit

Composition of What Happened (9)

This article, "What Happened Around Me", is organized by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

The things happening around us are as numerous as the stars in the sky, but there is a small thing that is like a small star forever imprinted in my mind.

One autumn afternoon, I was walking alone on a narrow path. It's cool and sunny in autumn. What a fine weather! Look! What a beautiful view! Gao Liang is dancing with the red light, the corn is grinning, and the ears of grain are bowed, deeply thanking the earth. Red and yellow leaves whirled in the air like butterflies, and then landed slowly in fear. The standing autumn chrysanthemum dances happily in the autumn wind. I slipped into the building. When I recalled the charming scenery, suddenly a mouse stood timidly on the stairs on the first floor. My mind went blank. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I thought: What can I do? Hit it, and I'm afraid it will bite me. The mouse suddenly made a squeak, as if laughing at me. I roared angrily: "Go away, little thing!" It immediately disappeared without a trace.

Whenever I encounter difficulties, the mouse will appear in front of me. At this time, it seems that there is a voice saying: "Don't shrink back when encountering difficulties, go to overcome difficulties, and don't be intimidated by difficulties."

I still remember the mouse fresh and unforgettable, which inspired me to move forward, move forward, and not be intimidated by difficulties.

Composition of What Happened (10)

Hello, I'm glad to be here to meet all of you. I'm glad to be on this stage. I'm glad to see your lovely faces. I think I will never forget this time no matter how long it has been. If I really can, I would like to travel through time and space.

In fact, you also know that I prefer to speak foreign languages with Yan. Even if you can't understand what I am saying, you should pay for your understanding. In fact, these are also very normal things, whether in real life or among dreamers. I still remember playing on that road when I was very young. At that time, I was like a caged person, facing my homework after the exam, and yearning for the freedom and wide road outside.

But then I finally came out and wandered freely on that road. In fact, you can understand my good intentions from the very beginning. After all, I am so passionate about you. How can you tell me? But in many cases you can't see the deep feelings behind.

However, you are doomed to have no fate. You tried to explore the fate, but he said, I have never been afraid of the almsgiving of the fate. I just remember that when I saw these words, I was moved and confused, and felt that it was really a perfect fairy tale.

Ye knew that such a story would not happen in real life.

Composition of What Happened (11)

In the daily study, work or life, we can't help but contact or use composition. Composition is a speech activity with high comprehensiveness and creativity. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is a 450 word composition compiled by Xiao Bian who always believes that good things will happen soon. Welcome to read and collect it.

Open Baidu home page, there is such a sentence, always believe that good things are about to happen. Suddenly, I like this sentence very much. What kind of optimistic attitude should it be to say such positive and sunny words. Most of the time, we always keep inferiority complex, because our looks are not outstanding, or because we don't have much money in our pockets, or because we are more withdrawn. In short, every day, every day, we have ten thousand negative reasons to make ourselves feel inferior.

However, on the other hand, if you change your mind, it will be much better.

For example, tomorrow, an unknown day. We can all believe that what is going to happen is beautiful. Have a good dream tonight, that kind of sweet sweet dream. Then I must wake up with a smile tomorrow morning. On the second day of kindergarten, Xiaozhi can meet new friends, learn new skills and get new happiness. Someone's shop will open the next day tomorrow. It must be a thriving business. At least, there are customers and orders. My shop can be prosperous tomorrow. Let the boss solve the rent problem quickly, and then everyone will have a good mood. What a beauty that should be.

Facing the future, we have too much confusion, too much confusion. However, the real face of the problem, but also so.

So, instead of this, it's better to believe that something beautiful is about to happen, just like the saying goes! Then our mentality will become very positive and optimistic!

In that way, we have become the one we like!

Composition of What Happened (12)

In ordinary study, work and life, everyone is familiar with composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a collection of essays for you that can't understand what happened to people, for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Yes, sometimes I can't understand what happened to people. When he came out of the house half an hour ago and walked calmly on the thin ice a few minutes later, Jamidov. In a sense of smell, Pavel felt that Denis Marksheyev, his sworn enemy, was somewhere near here. The conversation with Glinka not long ago was writhing in Pavel's memory. He heard the faint cracking sound at his feet. He also thought that the weak ice layer could support Marksheyev's fat body, but the ice layer would bend more severely and make a bigger cracking sound.

It also occurred to me that Ukeshev would also understand that it is impossible to cross the main channel to the water cave where the fish are concentrated for winter. For the third time, the voice of "save life!" reached Pavel's ears. Marksheyev's voice is now very weak and desperate, knowing that it is inevitable. "Well, he knew that no one could hear him at such a time," Jamidov thought coldly. "He still ran to the other side of the channel, no idea. Let him go, it seems that there is God in the world." He still thought calmly. Although Jamidov thought so, he ran to the island in a hurry. Get close to me. He felt his feet on the frozen sand covered with snow, and suddenly found that his thoughts and actions were strangely incompatible.

"Let him go, but I myself seem to be in a hurry to help Marksheyev. No... I just want to see how he is from a distance... No!" But Jamidov thought like this, and did not slow down. He ran out of the sand and saw a black hole in the ice in the darkness that began to turn blue. As he ran straight to the entrance of the cave, he clearly realized that he should not go, because every second he might fall into the ice hole and plop into the frozen water. He even imagined how he fell in, and then suddenly lost the top. The current here is very fast. In just a second or two, his body will rush to a distance of one meter to one and a half meters under the ice, and will continue to rush forward. He will have a little time to hit the ice with his head and try his best to break it. At the same time, he knows that he is helpless to break it, and he will also hit it. Every moment, he becomes more and more breathless. "At home, Glinka is still asleep... When he wakes up, he will wait for me to go back from the street... This will be his last thought that flashes through his consciousness, and then goes out..." Hurry up! Hurry up, my dear, there is about ten meters from Maksheyev. But I don't know whether it is this call or the dangerous cracking sound at the foot.

Composition of What Happened (13)

In this military training, many interesting things happened, which were not detailed in the diary. Let me tell you about them here!

On my first day of military training, I was still a little constrained because I was new here. But my uncles were very enthusiastic about me. One uncle said to me warmly, "Xiao Yu, I'm going to take a vacation, so you can sleep in my bed!" And another uncle said jokingly, "Yes! He's going to take a vacation, but your father doesn't approve him.". The first uncle said frantically, "Ah!! Why don't you approve my leave?" "Let Xiao Yu tell his father about it! What's the use of crying and howling!" I couldn't restrain myself from this situation and laughed loudly!!!

The monitor of the class where I live is Liu. He is very funny and humorous. In the heavy load run of the emergency assembly, monitor Liu and I fell behind with monitor Wu (of course, they were to accompany me). Monitor Wu said, "Xiao Yu, you can't run with our backpacks even if you only wear short sleeves." But monitor Liu defended me and said, "The weight of Xiao Yu's belly can top your backpack!" Do you think monitor Liu is praising me or damaging me?!

When the emergency assembly was over, I suddenly found that monitor Liu was wearing his hat inside out. Out of curiosity, I went up to him and asked him, "Monitor Liu, why are you wearing your hat backwards?" "Forget it, monitor Wu, they used my hat to eat instant noodles!" Ah!??! "You smell, it's still a smell! If you are wearing it, you will not have maggots on your head!" I feel dizzy!!!!

On the day of boat training, uncles bought a bag of watermelons. However, it's by the river. How can I eat without a knife? (I met something similar. One night I went back to sleep in the squadron after class. On the way, I met an uncle who had just bought something. He forced me to eat a small melon, but I didn't have a knife, so I didn't eat it until the end of the military training. Finally, I threw it away.) But this time, the uncles were so resourceful that they saw one uncle holding the watermelon with one hand and the other hand chopping it hard, The watermelon immediately turns into two petals. Is this the long lost "iron sand palm"? So handsome!

Composition of What Happened (14)

When I got home, my mother took Yangyang out and Yangyang ran around like a fly without a head. However, after a while, Yangyang began to play with the toy he chose at home - slippers. Yangyang is really a troublemaker. After a while, he took my slippers to a corner and played with them, which made me very angry. However, there is no way. Who calls Yangyang small.

Yangyang was tired of slippers after playing for a while, so he took my slippers back, put them in front of me, and asked me to put them on. I saw that my favorite cotton slippers had been bitten by Yang Yang. I can't help it anymore. I yelled at Yangyang. Yangyang seemed to know that he had done something disgraceful, so he ran to his mother's feet and ran away.

Look, my family is so naughty! If you want to know more, I will tell you one by one.

Composition of What Happened (15)

I still remember a stupid thing I did in my childhood, which benefited me all my life. On such a snowy morning with howling north wind, I got up because I couldn't sleep and was preparing to wear a sweater. I thought: It's so cold, and it's also very cold to wear a sweater. Why not put the sweater on the heater and bake it for a while, and then wear it so that it will be warm? It's too late to say that. I quickly put my sweater on the heater and pressed the switch, which solved a cold problem. I was elated at my great achievement when suddenly, alas, my stomach hurt so much. What should I do? Wait here? No, I can't stand it. Go to the bathroom? What about the sweater. Forget it. I'd better go to the toilet instead of taking so long. So, I left my sweater and went to the bathroom. When I found the floor was dirty, I took out a mop to mop the floor decisively. When I returned to the heater, I found that the sweater had been burnt, and the smell was too bad to mention. Even the beggars on the street wanted to vomit, so I threw the sweater into the trash. My mother, who was sleeping, smelled the smell and asked me, "Lingling, what's the smell? It smells so bad!"?

After this childhood, I learned a lot of truth: when doing anything, I should concentrate and be serious, and not careless!

(Sixth grade: Shuilingzi)

Composition of What Happened (16)

This winter vacation, meeting you is my most beautiful accident.

Unexpected "space gift"

One day in winter vacation, i still hang qq as usual. I don't know who gave me a "gift card". It flickered and seemed to tempt me to open it. It was originally sent by him. After a careful look, a sentence was attached: "Thank you for your help in the first semester of the second year of the junior high school." I didn't expect that the person who was most satirized by me would appreciate me and give him a lecture. It was just that he was too lazy to review and use the lecture to remember. He can help him because he likes to ask the teacher questions. When I encounter a problem, he can do the "errand" for me. Anyway, he doesn't accept tips. Since he thinks I have contributed to his progress, I will accept it reluctantly.

Accidental Book

My father came back and talked about it for several times as before. I didn't mean to answer, but I looked down and saw my father holding two thick cartoons of Detective Conan. Although I bought a birthday gift for my sister, I was still very excited. I remember seeing Conan when I was in the second grade of primary school. My father said, "Why are you looking at these useless things?" My father said, "Why are you still looking at Conan when you are young?" I always thought that my father was opposed to what I did, but I didn't expect that my father would buy these "useless things". I always thought that my parents didn't understand me, but I didn't expect that... my father would also know me!

Unexpected hide and seek

I always thought that hide and seek was an outdated thing. But in this boring afternoon, I actually proposed to play hide and seek with her. I took her three-year-old sister to hide together. I put her sister in a conspicuous place and hid myself under a pile of corn straw nearby. Poor little guy gave me up as soon as he saw her sister. It hurts my whole body.


"I looked at the road, the entrance of my dream was a little narrow, and I met you was the most beautiful accident..." Listening to Sun Yanzi's Meet, I suddenly felt a little warm in the cold winter.