This composition (15 collections)
It's you in and out of dreams
2024-05-27 01:23:13

This composition (1)

In fact, life is a long journey. There is a rest when you stop at the station, but more is to go forward. In the past, I liked to pick the flowers on the roadside on this journey, or roll all over the mud in the pond, and then go home to be scolded... In short, I was too fond of playing, always affected by many things; Or when thorns are growing and blocking the way, I just sit and wait, crying, hoping that a big hand will come down from the sky to help me clear the difficulties in front of me. But all the time, I don't know that my life was just a journey without a goal at the beginning, and how can I go far without a destination? Only one day did I find that many people were following me, and they were used to not talking with me. It was too late for me to find this kind of silence... Since moving to a new home, the journey from home to school has been much longer, especially the five minute "hard journey" from the entrance of the community to the door of the home -- because the community has just been built, Many street lights on green roads have not been completely installed.

The sparse street lamp emits a little white light. For the timid me, this part of the road is a bit scary. That day, after the evening self-study, I still went that way alone. After a day of classes, I just want to go home quickly. Go to the bottom floor and wait for the elevator. Because it is the highest floor, the elevator has been waiting for a long time but has not come down. But at the moment when the elevator door opened, I said that the elevator was not empty. Inside stood my most familiar person, Grandpa. When we met, it seemed that we were both surprised. Grandfather is usually a bad talker. On that day, he seemed a little surprised. He seemed a little embarrassed and said, "I came down to have a look. I just met you. I know it's time for you to leave school." I also smiled and nodded. When I got home, my mother smiled and said to me, "Back? Come and eat some fruit.".

I wanted to come down to pick you up. It's too dark and unsafe. But your grandfather must go down, so I won't go. "I knew my grandpa would not go out for a walk so late. It must be to pick me up. I nodded and looked at my grandpa, who knew he had already gone upstairs. Later, my grandpa and grandma told me that they would go back after staying a few days. They just wanted to see their mother and me. As long as we were well, they would be relieved. I was a little reluctant to hear that they were going, but they were afraid of loneliness. In the daytime, we all went to work and went to school without anyone to accompany them. They were very strange to the city. I don't know when, when I walk that road every night, I am no longer afraid. I know that at the end of the road, there are always some people waiting for me to come back. When they see me back, they can rest in peace. From now on, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I will firmly move forward. Because I know that there are always people behind me, waiting for me in the front

This composition (2)

After the crossroads, I understand—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The crossroads is just left and right. It is just like life. Maybe they are two different roads. Once they go wrong, they cannot turn back.

One is bright, the other is dark. Everyone yearns for light, but everything may go against his wishes. This requires sharp judgment, and only the right choice is bright.

This time, I woke up, I understood, and I also understood the true meaning of it

Life is just two disjoint parallel lines. When I came to the crossroads, I was once confused and suddenly opened my mind, because I knew where I was going. Maybe life is just like this. Once I was a confused child, as if lost in the forest, I could not walk out; Now I want to cheer up, work hard and go out.

It may be futile in the end, but at least I have tried and pursued, so that I won't leave regret.

Once confused and helpless, it was at this moment - after the crossroads, I suddenly woke up and disappeared, because I knew to pursue; Once lost, again and again defeated, also at this time, as if "break through the clouds to see the dawn", because I understand that the more frustrated, the more brave; Like those famous great men, who did not rely on their own hands and wisdom to get today's achievements.

They are the objects of my worship.

Life is ups and downs. Sometimes we are unruly and calm. Sometimes the waves are rough. We are just like a boat on the surging river and sea. The rudder of the boat is our own, and it slowly moves towards the distance; Sometimes a gust of wind can blow you down, which shows that you are not a good helmsman. Only a good helmsman can control the boat and sail to the other side of success.

And I want to be the winner who sails to the other side. This requires more efforts than ordinary people.

This time, I finally woke up.

This composition (3)

I didn't give up writing this time (I)

I didn't give up this time

Zhou Chao, Class 2, Grade 9

The road of life is full of ups and downs. There are some things that can not always achieve their goals. Just like the "tortoise and rabbit race", the reason why the tortoise won in the end was that it never gave up and stopped.

The carefree childhood has quietly left my life, and the beautiful youth is coming. In adolescence, I always have a mentality similar to this: I give up anything if I can't do it well or do not want to do it. However, with the growth of age, this kind of psychology has gradually disappeared. Once, the school held a monthly exam. At that time, I was fond of playing. I didn't know how important it was to review for the exam, so I didn't read books. In addition to mathematics, other subjects can cope with the exam. Therefore, when I sat in the examination room doing math problems, I was confused. What are these questions? I don't know. Time passed by minute by minute, but I still had a lot of unfinished problems. Finally, a voice in my heart told me: "Give up, you are wasting time, you can't do these questions." My heart followed his words, I really gave up, I really didn't do it. After the exam, I seemed to regard it as a floating cloud, leaving the score behind and playing happily. A few days later, when a striped report card was sent to my seat, my mood fell from peak to trough. 45 points! I only got 45 points in math! The lowest score ever! My heart was afraid at that moment, I was afraid that my parents would be disappointed with me, I was afraid that I would not be admitted to high school, and I was afraid that my life would end like this. Later, I made up my mind that I would never give up again.

How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, a month has passed.

The second monthly exam has appeared in front of me, that is, this exam. I sit in the exam room and use my persistence to complete this exam perfectly. I'm sure I can do well in the exam, because I worked hard, and I didn't give up anymore. I thought of a sentence in the "Sage of the World": "The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." We should learn this strong spirit. Yes, if there is no wind and rain, where will there be a rainbow? So.

We should learn to persevere and never give up to get good returns!

I didn't give up my composition this time (2)

Night, too quiet. In the darkness, poetry is hidden.

May night is always too lonely: there is no sound of wind beating on the window in winter night; There is no spring night when the continuous drizzle washes the earth; No sweet accompaniment of the textile lady on a summer night; There is no sound of falling leaves on autumn nights.

I looked up at the sky. The moon was covered with thin clouds, emitting faint yellow light. Like a lonely and desperate heart, trapped in the dark abyss. The words that I don't want to remember still reverberated in my ears: "You are a failure, you can't do anything! Frustration always finds you!" It was like a pair of merciless hands, tightly holding my throat, unable to breathe.

The school's English Festival is in full swing. There are English song competitions, recitation competitions, and now there are newspaper copying competitions. Every student is full of hope, and is always ready. But I can only look at them enviously, envious that they sing better than me, and English is better than me. What's more, in the sixth grade of primary school, I participated in the speech contest of the first English Festival of my school. I was so nervous that I could not speak a word on the stage and ran off the stage in embarrassment. I have no confidence in English since I suffered this setback.

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. If you want to be confident, you must have some confidence capital." I said to myself, comforting my heart. Looking at the efforts of others and the smile of success, I felt a little lost. No effort, no struggle, it means that there is no hope? I laughed at myself.

There is a piece of white paper on the table, which is used for copying newspapers by hand. I heard the words again: "You can't do anything well!" It was still the laughing eyes and sarcastic tone. I looked at the blank paper and wanted to give up. But the white paper is like a piece of white snow, which gives people the illusion that their dreams can be realized here. My heart shook. I stood up and looked out of the window. Who are the dreams of those sparse stars with dim light? It's so ethereal and unreachable. I straightened the paper on the table, and a card slipped down quietly. Picking it up, it said: "Even if you failed, but you tried, it is also a success."

It suddenly dawned on me. Take up the pen and draw carefully on the white paper. A few hours later, I finished this work (later, I won the first prize at this English Festival).

Looking at the blue paper, I thought: that is the color of hope!

There are setbacks, however, I did not give up, so I will not fail again.

I didn't give up my composition this time (3)

This time, I didn't give up

Whenever I ride a bike smartly, the situation of learning to ride a bike comes to my mind. It is beautiful and fragrant in my memory

That afternoon, the weather was very sultry, and some people could not breathe. What about me? I was idle. I wandered around on the road. Suddenly I saw a little brother riding a bike leisurely on the road. He was so carefree and fluent that he was not at ease. I saw it in my eyes and worried about it. I also wanted to ride a bike! I must try this bold idea!

I pushed out the bike from the small house, holding the handlebar tightly, with my legs spread apart, my right foot pedaling and my left foot landing. When everything was ready, I pushed forward gently with my hands, my left foot was in the air, and my right foot was hurriedly pedaling. Somehow, just after pedaling, the handlebar suddenly tilted. Thanks to my agility, my feet landed quickly, so that I didn't have an accident and I was free from the pain of skin and flesh

It lasted about 20 minutes, and I could barely ride a few times. Now I'm riding again, and I want to learn how to turn a corner at one time. I turn carefully, without any neglect. After all, I'm still inexperienced, and the car keeps shaking. Terrible things finally happened. When I turned to the middle, the car suddenly tilted, giving me a surprise. Pop! I was crushed to the ground by a bicycle. I still remember the pain clearly

I left the car, ran home, and sat on the sofa with tears in my eyes "What happened?" my mother asked me kindly. I told me exactly what had happened "Why, just give up when encountering a small setback? My mother was just like you when she was young. When learning to ride a bike, she always ran into a wall, but not like you. Take your time. If you can't learn it well, don't worry about it. You can't eat hot buns in a hurry. Besides, failure is the mother of success. Believe yourself, you are the best." I was skeptical. After learning for an afternoon, I finally learned how to live up to my ambition, Although I have been covered with injuries, I feel happy in my heart

Believe me, everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you have deep skills and iron bars are ground into needles

I didn't give up writing this time (4)

This time, I didn't give up

My understanding of the word "give up" is that when you encounter setbacks in doing something, you will not do it - this is called giving up. But it is more difficult to give up when encountering setbacks than to give up, and I did it.

I remember when I was in the first grade of junior high school, I could not ride a bike, so my mother said, "I am so old that I cannot ride a bike until I grow up. What should I do?"

It's okay. I can't ride a bike. It's nothing. Everyone must know how to ride a bike. I can't grow up

It's also a bad thing.

I thought it was right, so I said:

"I practice."

At first, I felt it was easy to ride a bike, so I started to pedal on the seat. However, after several steps, I fell down. After many attempts, I still failed. I thought:

"I can't learn anyway, I won't!"

I went into the house and my mother saw me and said:

"I've learned it. I can't learn it without working hard."

"I still don't want to learn. I can't learn any more."

I mumbled. My mother looked me in the eye and then said, "Well, it's wrong for you to think like that. If you fail once or twice, you can't do anything. People have different ideas, and their working spirit is also different. You'd better play for a while and practice!"

Mother said, "If everyone works like you, there will be no success. Edison didn't

Did you succeed in failure? "

My mother stopped talking. At that time, someone came to chat. She went to the living room to chat with others.

After my mother left, I thought about her words carefully:

There is nothing difficult in the world. I can't give up. I want to overcome difficulties and become a climber. I pushed my bike to the road west of the village and continued to practice my bike.

I fell down

Another fall

When the sun was almost setting, I rode my bike towards home.

I didn't give up writing this time (5)

This time, I didn't give up

"Give up" and "persevere". These two opposing parties often trouble me in my life. However, when dealing with a matter, we must persevere if we want to make some achievements.

"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a hero". From small to large, this sentence has been affecting me. In 2003, I finally had the opportunity to climb the Great Wall. More than 3000 years of spring and autumn have made the Great Wall incomparably ancient, magnificent and eye-catching. Looking at the tall Great Wall, I am excited. Maybe it is because the foundation of the Great Wall is formed by the blood and sweat of countless working people. I climbed hard to the top of the Great Wall, imagining the situation where people informed the enemy here long ago. However, at this moment, my stomach began to ache, just like countless steel needles stuck in my stomach. I covered my stomach with one hand and rested with the other hand against the wall. On the surface of the wall, I saw many uncivilized tourists scribbling on it. Many foreign tourists looked at the wall in disgust, and I felt ashamed to be a Chinese.

I turned to my parents behind me and asked to go down the mountain to the hotel, but just then a foreigner's blue sharp eyes gave me a vicious look, reminding me of the expression of foreigners looking at the "sick man of East Asia" in Chinese books. This is, the party of perseverance in my heart said in my heart: "You should continue to move forward, you can't give up, don't let foreigners look down on us!" I thought about it carefully, and silently read: "This time, I can't give up." So I bit my teeth and stood up, endured the pain on my stomach step by step, and I saw the man again, This time, his blue eyes became surprised, and a smile flashed on his face. He continued to climb up. I decided to persevere and forge ahead no matter what difficulties he encountered.

Finally, I boarded the empty pit that had not been repaired. Looking at the potholed land in front of me, I recalled that the Eight Power Allied Forces burned the Old Summer Palace, and the two Opium Wars?

Now, the Chinese will never be cowardly

This time, I didn't give up.

I didn't give up my composition this time (6)


One day, when I went to play at the gate of the community, I saw an old man holding a basket of frogs in his hand and shouting "sell frogs" and "sell frogs". At this time, a group of uncles and aunts came to buy them first. I think that these innocent frogs will soon become a delicacy on their table, and then I feel particularly sad.

The frog has two big round and protruding eyes on its head, a wide mouth, and a thin and long tongue with a forked front. There is a lot of mucus on the surface of the tongue. As long as a small flying insect flies in front of it, he quickly sticks out his tongue and eats the pests at once. It likes to eat flies, mosquitoes, moths and so on. One frog can eat more than 100 pests a day. In this way, one frog can eat 40000 pests a year. It is really a "expert at catching insects" in the field. Therefore, people affectionately call it "the natural enemy of pests".

I didn't give up writing this time (7)

This composition (4)

The warm sunshine shines on the earth, as if it has covered the earth with a layer of brocade, and the sunset is gradually swallowed by the hazy horizon. In the room, the light was yellow and dizzy. I leaned against my mother's arms. Tears were like broken beads, and I couldn't stop flowing down. I sobbed, "It would not have died..." My mother was distressed, hugged me tightly, and silently comforted me with a warm embrace. But my heart is aching. Past events pass through the other side of time, and my thoughts return to that day

Last December, on the train of my trip to Beijing, mountains, grass, flowers and farmers' uncles flashed past my eyes through the window, and I felt happy, Looking down, ah, you have entered a sweet dream, but also from time to time smack a small mouth, is it a dream of delicious?

You are a pale yellow bird.

When you woke up, you were on the floor of my house. The new environment and new owner made you afraid to walk around and open your eyes. There was only a clear voice. It was more beautiful and harmonious than the piano music I played. After a short test, you feel that it is safe here and there is no big monster. So you look east and west. You walk and run, and your eyes are round. At this time, I am as happy as you.

It's dark and the wind on the balcony is cool. You are looking at me eagerly. How can I rest assured that you can sleep on the balcony? It's really sticky. After my repeated begging, my mother finally agreed to let me put you under my bed. You still looked at me and depended on me. Slowly, you fell asleep in your own small basket. As soon as the alarm bell rings, I look at you the first second I open my eyes. You don't move, there is no familiar voice, and you lie quietly with your head facing me. It seems that you struggled with me before... Now, there is only a small body, only a body left, I thought about the process from uncomfortable to struggling with me - my mother interposed: "Maybe it's too urgent, or the window is not closed..."

I couldn't hold it any longer. I threw myself into my mother's arms with a "wow" sound and burst into tears... Until the evening, the dark lights were shining all over the room. I was really sad. I was so sad for the first time

This composition (5)

Regret, regret, sadness...... Complex emotions like a flood of water and beasts rushed into my heart and swallowed me up. I huddled in the sofa, feeling pain in my right arm.

I still remember clearly that a few days ago, I sat in front of the piano, my fingers leaped on the black and white keys, and there was flowing music flowing from my fingers. I smiled the mildest and imagined the scene when the spotlight shone on me.

But a few days ago, my right arm was injured due to an accident, and I didn't fully recover until the day of the performance. My parents and teachers advised me not to play, but I insisted not to let all my efforts go to waste.

As you can imagine, the final result is that I managed to endure the pain of my right arm and finished playing a terrible song. When I was on the stage, it seemed that I could hear people whispering and laughing, and I felt dizzy.

While I was crouching on the sofa, my mother came over. When she saw my appearance, she sighed in a low voice and sat down beside me, as if talking to herself, and as if enlightening me, she said: "This play is not good, there is nothing to regret... In fact, it is not a big deal, this time it is not good, you can continue to work hard next time..." I turned away from her and ignored her, so it was a long silence again.

Suddenly, my mother said again, "Look out of the window!" I subconsciously looked out of the window to see a cherry tree that was in full bloom. Suddenly, the flowers fell and flew like rain. The thin and broken petals danced along the wind, looking particularly delicate and bright against the blue sky and white skirt. Such beauty is enough to amaze time. I couldn't help murmuring: "How beautiful..."

When my mother saw that I finally had a reaction, she immediately took my words: "It's beautiful, isn't it? But it's only for a moment after all."

Sure enough, the wind outside the window stopped, and petals fluttered down. "What a pity." I looked regretfully at the falling flowers.

"No, it's not a pity." Mother said again, "Although the petals fell to the ground, it has worked hard for its own blooming. Even if all the efforts have only resulted in a moment of brilliance, or even a moment, that is no regret." I just listened quietly, and the clouds that can hide in my heart seem to be gradually blown open by a soft wind.

"You missed the opportunity of this performance, and there is nothing to regret. You are still young, and there is still a long way to go in the future, and there are still many opportunities." My mother's words made me immediately clear, and I smiled at her and said, "I understand." Because I have worked hard and struggled, even if I did not succeed, my world has no regrets.

The breeze outside the window rises again, but I no longer regret it.

This composition (6)

Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "There is no regret after struggling". I always thought that some ideals would eventually become reality after all-out pursuit; Stubbornly believe that some beliefs will always seek perfection by persevering with unswerving piety. However, the world will not always be as expected. When my ideal failed in the college entrance examination in 2009, I can only gradually accept the reality, although regretful, I can do nothing. Some people say that the college entrance examination is a single wooden bridge leading to the palace of dreams; Some people also say that the college entrance examination is a lonely boat drifting to the vast sea of suffering. A thousand helpless, I chose my way; Choose to come to Tongsheng Lake; Choose to fight for their dreams for another year; Choose to challenge the college entrance examination again. Before I came here, I said to myself more than once, "I'm ready". For this reason, I must face the reality, put aside my fear and resolutely move forward, because I don't want to leave a lifelong regret here. The torch of time lit the day of senior high school and lit up the whole youth. The books are piled up like mountains, and they are always writing, meditating and thinking hard, just for the purpose of winning the championship. The sweat on the forehead, the tears under the bright eyes, solidified into an invincible battle. The majestic pass is like iron. Now we are moving forward from beginning to end. We are blowing the fog of defeat with our actions; There is no end to learning and hard work; Although it is hard to get ten thousand pieces of wine, it is only after blowing all the crazy sand that we can get gold. We use perseverance to break through the obstacles of doubt; There will be times when the wind breaks the waves, and we will use our achievements to prove our long expectations. Forward looking is the brilliance created by hard work and sweat; Looking back, it is a vision of hope and wish.

No one is not struggling, trying to roam. With the mission of youth growth, everyone wants to publicize their personality and fly. The year of senior four is full of challenges and gains. Although this year is full of hardships, we must firmly believe that "one piece of hard work, one piece of gain". Since we have worked hard, we will get the gift of God. One day in a few years, when we look back on this period of time as successful people, we will feel the refreshing youth breath on this page of years log. Time flies. The war without gunsmoke is less than half a year away from us. The day is not far away for the second year students to show their talents again, and the new students should also fully believe in themselves and hold their ground in the rest of the time. I hope we can all realize our long awaited dream in the college entrance examination next year.

The leaves outside the window are filled with gold, which indicates the bright golden list of the campus in the coming year; The trees in front of the building show their strength and depict our endless glory tomorrow. The horn of war is about to blow, the dawn of victory is ahead, and today's efforts mean tomorrow's glory. Don't lament the passage of time, don't complain about the passage of time. Even though we are exhausted, we still have to play the music of life with struggle. Struggle changes destiny, and hard work makes brilliant achievements. All the fighters who are working hard for the 10-year college entrance examination, please work harder on the road of pursuing dreams, because only by working hard can our life leave no regrets here!

This composition (7)

I was full of ambition, and with the joy of getting more and more understanding and affirmation of myself, I finally moved my pen.

Before that, I had no idea what to do with the blank paper without any ink, and how to use words to express my ideal youth. How to use words to edit the time we yearn for most in our life. "How can I dance my youth?" I always keep asking myself that I like to keep everything in words, but I can only watch the ink on the tip of my pen drying up and feel powerless.

"Did I quietly enter adolescence?" But I haven't even figured out what youth should be like. I just finished my primary school life and entered junior high school life. How come the time of two months has changed. Physically, there are some subtle differences between parents and classmates, but they are different? This is what adults call adolescence. Therefore, I am still young and immature, and I have added a new worry. How can I make decisions in my youth, and how can I make my precious six years richer and more worthwhile? Although it was unrealistic to think of doing something big, how could you be willing to be an ordinary little person? When I was still struggling and upset, my mother had already seen that I was at a loss, so she simply did not think about it. The more she resisted, the more difficult it was to resist. What is youth really like? I asked my mother, and she said, be free, happy and impulsive! At least I regret that I failed to make an impulsive choice when I was young. My mother's life was dull and she was a rational person. I went to ask my uncle again, but his answer was that I should not make too many impulsive choices when I was young. I was stunned, but the same memories that youth gave everyone were different understandings. Mother pursues passion because of her plainness, and uncle yearns for calm because of her vagrancy. I want to have a simple and extraordinary youth, and have the courage to pursue in the age of impulse. When I have white hair, when I recall the rush of youth, will I still feel regret and regret? I hope that someday when I lie in the rocking chair with white sideburns, I will miss my youth with a knowing and bright smile.

My mother always told me that youth is the purest and purest life, and I can't live up to it. When you want to sing, you can sing out loud. When you want to paint, you can describe everything that can come into your eyes. If you want to dance, you can jump up. Even if there is no applause, no stage, no spotlight, I can seal her with my memory. In order to go to my ideal school, I can go to that school to lie down at the window. In order to keep the friendship alive, I cry bitterly when I am separated, and I am not afraid of being called Hualian Cat

I think youth, should be happy, simple, should be the nearest place, will also run in the past. Youth should be rain wet hair, will also wait for the rainbow with a bright smile, youth should always believe that the ideal is just a step away. Therefore, youth is not wasted, not wasted, not left regret!

This composition (8)

Tonight, the starry sky is bright, and this feeling is still unknown. This feeling is unforgettable, and I still remember the melodious music of that moment.

"Creak..." With a harsh brake sound, we came to the military training camp playground. The playground is dark, and only the stars in the sky light up the road ahead for us.

"Sit down!" the instructor ordered. Then a large shadow sat down. "The party is officially started, please get ready", said the instructor, wiping the sweat from his nose. At this time, I came to the waiting hall, waiting for my performance.

The first one who went up was a boy. The "Unusual Words" he sang seemed to give the audience a warm reception, and the whole audience was instantly shocked.

Soon, it's my turn. Without any tension in my heart, I held up the microphone and walked to the center of the stage. I bowed to my classmates first, and then shook my body at will with the prelude.

"Ba", the light suddenly shines on me. For a moment, the birds in the sky also stopped flying and landed on the wire not far from the stage, as if they also understood the melodious melody and swayed together. This time my performance track is "Zhibu · Zhibu", the lyrics of which are adapted from the works of Li Qingzhao, a poetess in the Song Dynasty. I said to myself secretly: "This song must not be sung badly. I must show my gorgeous self on the stage! On this stage, now only I am the leading role!"

When I entered the main melody, I slowly raised the microphone and sang the most critical first sentence: "Once the flowers bloom, the willows..." My mind kept echoing the vocal music teacher's teaching: "The breath goes down, the elixir field forces, and stands up high..." Then came the second sentence, the third sentence... When the climax came, the students below raised the fluorescent sticks, Slowly shake it from side to side, and still remember to follow my voice. At this moment, I am inexplicably proud and sing more and more deeply. I feel that there are more than 500 pairs of bright and pure eyes staring at me. I was so inconspicuous, but now the focus of the whole audience seems to be on me

After the song was sung, the whole playground seemed to be still lingering. With the applause of my classmates, I stepped off the stage. My heart is filled with joy, and I feel it's good to be the protagonist for these four minutes! I think I will never forget this situation

This composition (9)

Would like to be a star in the sky, not a dust in the world; If you want to be the protagonist, don't become the background plate; This time, I want the moon to come to me—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Have you ever dreamed of shining? Yingyan sings for you, Qiongbao is in full bloom, and the long lamp is burning countless. You are the most dazzling one.

In the early winter morning, when there was still a little darkness, the red marble flag platform and the cool light of the towering flag pole, I tightly held the microphone in my hand and listened to the cool wind blowing through the notes in the blue clip. I opened my mouth and read out the familiar name on the paper. Somehow I trembled. This is my dream flag stage. Since I began to study, I had thought about the first and second grade students of local primary schools for ten thousand times, but my chest only reached the edge of the stage. Every Monday, when I made a speech under the national flag, I would raise my head very high. At that time, I gazed at countless seniors and sisters with red scarves, and occasionally my classmates in the same grade around me. Looking at them, the blue and white figure under the red is no less than any star on the stage. I will think in trance: Maybe I can stand on it!

When my fingers touch the cool metal shell, I look up from the distant reverie. Since entering junior high school, I have survived countless struggling mornings and dark nights, and can squeeze into the upstream ranks; Always pay attention to speech and behavior, imitate the standing posture of people on the stage, from rigid to natural; And when I couldn't help but give up, I told myself, don't forget that you are going to be the light eye of everyone. Maybe it's a little bit awkward because of the wind. I used all my temperature to read lines of words, and my voice sounded through the current point. In the clean and clear sky, white and soft clouds are stacked, and the warm sunshine is sprinkled on the red flag and falls on my eyes. As far as I can see, my eyes are fixed as I used to be. My hand holding the microphone was slightly wet, and the wind around my ear was drowned by applause. Yes, it was winter, and I finally became a warm winter sun.

As the saying goes, the character of gold and fine jade comes from the fire; The work of making the world famous has gone through thin ice. I have walked through the long river of time, forging myself in the flames of growth, just to store every light in countless seasons and warm the sun in winter.

This time, every time, I am the protagonist!

This composition (10)

The long life has gone through many years. On the stage of life, the main characters and supporting actors have played a wonderful story. In each story, how many joys and sorrows, how many joys and sorrows, perhaps no one knows.

The dim moonlight shone into my bedroom, so that I didn't want to open my eyes, and gradually fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, something was wrong - I turned into a scarecrow standing in the field. In this way, I experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring, I was eager to go to the opposite river to play. The water in the river "whirred", the grass on the ground poked out its head, the flowers also showed their smiling faces, the willow trees on the river grew their hair, and the spring wind blew like a symphony. I like autumn best because autumn is very lively. People will wear coir rainbows and bamboo hats to harvest wheat in the fields. People will have fun talking and harvesting while bending their heads. Many children will come here to play. They will run around me. You will chase him, and she will chase you. Among these children, Ah Zi is my only friend. She will come to chat with me, tell me when she is upset, and tell me her little secret. My mood is like a blue sky. How many white clouds decorate it, and it will be more beautiful.

Time went by minute by second, and Ah Zi didn't come these days. The sky suddenly changes, the wind is arrogant, and the rain is rampant. Just listen to the roar of the thunder and lightning, and the torrential rain begins to wash the face of the earth. A few days later, I heard the familiar footsteps. The rain stopped for several days, and a rainbow appeared in the sky. I saw her coming up to me with a bright red thing. When she came closer, it turned out to be a red sweater, but what did she do with it? Ah Zi's face was full of sadness, and tears were left behind. What happened to her? "I... I have a strange disease. I want to go to the city for treatment, so I want to leave you." She said sobbing. She put her red sweater on me and said, "Winter is coming, don't catch cold." She left, and I will never forget her back. It snowed and snowflakes fell on me. Gradually, I covered myself with a "white quilt".

"Ah", I woke up, it was just a dream. Must the protagonist be the protagonist in the film and television works? Must he be a man of the moment in the Jianghu? Must he be a talented player on the basketball court? No, not only that, but you are the protagonist in some ordinary things. This time, I am the protagonist, the protagonist in the dream, but only this time.

This composition (11)

Those who look up on thorns will see through the dust.

The wind and rain poured down, swamping all efforts. Silence, wandering, years, whirling, indifferent to whose persistence, decayed. The plaque carved by the years, knocked on the door of memory. I slowly wrote my homework in black ink, and casually became an acquaintance with the difficult question on the white paper.

The flowers bloom in the sky, and I need to pass a section of thorns. As for the problem in front of me, the answer is there, and I am only a distance away from it. This distance is thorns. It is not physical, but spiritual. It afflicts me very hard. I want to get the answer quickly, but also want to be able to do it by myself, like thousands of ants scratching.

Outside the window, the wind came too suddenly, laughing at me for being too persistent. The moon cut off the eaves when the lights fell, and the black tiles and black bricks rained incessantly. How far is the distance between the ends of the world? How can the enemy look at each other anxiously.

I hovered between seeing and not seeing, walked slowly to do or not to do, thought grew with the star track, courage was repeatedly separated, the empty upside down brain conjured up the most painful choice, that question I was powerless, can not give up a fight, how should I face the only persistence, the sky is getting darker, the rain is getting heavier, and my heart is burning.

This question is a question I met in my homework. I want to do it myself to prove that I can, but I am tired. I want to copy the answer quickly so that I can sleep early and get some sleep. It's painful. After all, it's a choice I can't help but make. I don't want to miss this opportunity, but I want to have a short time of comfort.

"Beep - beep - beep - beep" The alarm clock at eleven o'clock rang, which startled me. I was suddenly surprised to find that I had spent a long time on this meaningless problem. I thought, let's put it aside first, let's start with the following topics, and finish the following topics quickly. This topic will be studied later.

I quickly wrote the following topic. My palm was sweaty, sticky, and stuck to the pen. Some of it was not easy to turn over, some of it slipped, and the pen always fell down. The sweat slowly seeped out of my forehead, bit by bit, gathered, and gathered into big sweat drops. It slipped down, leaving sweat stains, rolled to the mouth, and penetrated into the mouth, some sour, some fell into the eyes, Some eye piercing, some pain, I bit my lip and continued.

After finishing the following questions, I came back and wrote that one again. Suddenly, my thinking became clear, and the clear thinking made me stop and finish it like a fish in water.

This time, I am the protagonist. I am the person standing on the thorns and looking up. I can see through the wind and dust. I can see that the power of the earth will be released on the thorns.

This composition (12)

When I was young, Grandpa always washed my feet. It has become a habit to wait for my grandfather to dip my two little feet into the water to swim every night.

As he grew older, Grandpa became older and older. His thick back bent, showing depression.

I took the washbasin and put it under the tap. I watched the white water column hit the washbasin, splashing with drops of water. Today, I just want to wash my grandpa's feet once!

I reached into my fingers to see if the water was warm. I helped my grandfather sit down on the sofa. When the washbasin was put in front of him, the old man looked surprised: "What is this

I carefully took off my socks for my grandfather and dragged his feet into the basin. Those bronze feet! There are many ravines on it, and the blue veins and calluses that have accumulated deeply hurt my eyes. I looked up at my grandfather. He even had a slightly cocky eye and was smiling at me.

I brushed the water to wet his ankle, and then put soap on it. I carefully massaged according to the acupoints. My grandpa used to do the same thing a thousand times and a hundred times.

Grandpa leaned back on the pillow, and his eyes were sparkling with tears.

The water in the washbasin turned and swayed, and looked unfathomable, just like a lake, a heart lake. There is an old heart living in it. It has been living all the time, watching that little heart grow up and become mature

When I think of this, my eyes are also wet. I just want to let my grandfather enjoy another time when someone washes his feet. It's different. But this time, it can make his weather beaten eyes shed tears and move him. I usually do very little, just like a drop of water in the lake!

Once upon a time, when I was sitting, Grandpa helped me wash my feet.

This time, Grandpa sat down and I washed his feet.

Once upon a time, I sat and smiled.

This time, Grandpa sat and cried.

This composition (13)

The word "leading role" has many definitions, and in this society, everyone can be the leading role.

I vaguely remember that on my eleventh birthday, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep.

In the morning, my father took my brother and I to the street to buy things, ordered a cake, strolled around the supermarket, bought fruit, and returned home.

When we got home, it was noon. Grandma had already prepared the food and was waiting for us to go home. Grandma made my favorite boiled dumplings, fried shredded pork with green pepper, fried cucumber with ham sausage, scrambled eggs with tomato, etc.

At the dinner table, we chatted while eating, talking about some topics about my birthday. Of course, I also participated in it.

At the dinner table, I am the leading role.

At noon, Grandma said she would take me to buy new clothes. I was ecstatic.

After a while, we arrived at the clothing store. I carefully selected the clothes, and when I saw those colorful clothes, my eyes were shining with gold.

In the clothing store, I am the main character.

In the afternoon, we came to the amusement park. We played one project after another, and we enjoyed every project very much.

In the amusement park, I am the leading role.

After a while, the cake ordered in the morning arrived in the afternoon. I returned home happily with milk tea in my left hand and cake in my right hand. Just as the cake was opened, my brother and other children came to watch the cake, and their saliva was almost flowing out. One, two, three... eleven candles were inserted on the cake. I blew out the eleven candles and made another wish. Then we began to divide the cake.

In the evening, I sat outside, blowing the evening wind, looking at the bright moon, and sighed in my heart: How round the moon is today! It illuminates the whole world and my heart.

This time, I am the main character.

The long life, through how many years, in life, the protagonist and supporting actors deduce one wonderful story after another. I finally became the protagonist in my own story!

This composition (14)

I have changed eight teeth, but all of them were pulled out by the doctor. Recently, I had another loose tooth and had to have another tooth extracted. I thought to myself: I have grown up and I want to have my own tooth extracted!

I took a toothpick and pushed my teeth in the mirror. "Ouch! It hurts!" I cried out and comforted myself: don't be afraid, just pull out your own teeth! I wrapped the napkin and shook it a few more times, but my teeth were still like a tumbler. I pushed harder than before and shook again. Alas, it's still the same. I failed!

I took a pear and prepared to chew it. This is not my greed, but I want to accidentally stick my teeth on the pear. It would be great if I could accidentally complete the tooth extraction. I aimed the pear at that tooth, moved towards it, and chewed it harder than usual. As a result, after a pear was gnawed, it was still loose and strong in my mouth. Alas, in retrospect, I may have been too careful.

I had no choice but to learn from the doctor. I imagined that I was the doctor who pulled out my tooth N times, gently put my thumb on the tooth that was about to leave my mother's embrace, and pushed it hard in. It seemed to be pushed down by me. I pulled it out again, and it was completely pushed down by me. Finally, I lifted the tooth up, I was surprised to find that I had pulled out my teeth. "Mom, Dad, my teeth fell out!" I excitedly added, "I pulled them out myself!"

Compared with the previous times, this tooth extraction is really different!

This composition (15)

The sky was overcast and suffocating. The Chinese teacher stood on the podium to explain the easy to make mistakes. The tone of hatred was unstoppable, with blame and reprimand. The students hung their heads and kept silent. The classroom was eerily quiet.

I have never been afraid of mathematics. On the contrary, I am crazy and obsessed, and even hope that I can achieve amazing results every time. This kind of paranoid pursuit has squeezed my study time in other subjects. As for Chinese, I ignored it and abandoned it. This indifferent and perfunctory attitude made my Chinese achievements cry sadly.

On Friday, the Chinese test paper was handed out. I rubbed my hands, hoping to show my skills, and hurried to do it. I always wanted to make my answers impeccable, but the facts were always unsatisfactory. There is intermittent amnesia in ancient poetry and prose dictation. I can't fill in two places. I'm not sure whether the content is wrong. The Chinese teacher often tells us earnestly: "At most, one point can be lost in the basic part, and writing from memory can't be wrong." Think about this terrible situation, what a shame! What's more sad is that my composition material is still old, and I wrote about giving up my seat in the car. This topic of old sesame seeds and rotten millet obviously has no chance of high scores.

The test paper was handed out, "88", striking, two points lower than the last exam. I was reluctant to rub my sour eyes, and was afraid of reading it wrong, My face was hot, and I was a little dejected. I sat there dumbfounded, pinching my thighs forcefully, and was speechless.

Modern Chinese reading is short of words and key points; The writing of the composition is illegible, the language is poor, the details are inappropriate, and the subject matter is old. Such heartbreak makes people feel ashamed, remorse and guilty. I'm afraid to see the teacher's disappointed eyes and hear the excited sighs of the students. Thinking and thinking, I burst into tears unconsciously.

"No pie will fall from the sky." The teacher's words rang in my ears again, and the voice, like a horn, urged me; The sound, like a war drum, inspired me. I will forge ahead with the warm care of my teacher.

This time, I cried.