The Unique Me 600 Words (13 Collections)
Self floating forest
2023-12-18 06:30:02
primary school

Unique me 600 words (1)

Everything in the world is unique. How lucky it is to be a unique person, how innocent and lively it is to be a unique person, and how happy it is to be a unique person.

I am unique. I have a pair of intense eyes, a head of long black hair, red apple like face with a small mouth. I live in the big family of Class 6.1 of Tianxiao and feel very warm

I am unique. Remember that summer vacation, my father took me to swim for four or five hours. I not only love swimming, but also have good swimming skills. When I took the swimming graduation exam, I won the championship in 47 seconds. I was very happy.

I am unique. Whenever my good friend contradicts me, I feel very bad. I can't bear it. I want to find an opportunity to sincerely say to her, "Excuse me, please forgive me!" So, my good friend breaks up again and again, and I'm sorry again and again. Naturally, I have become the "good temper" and "sorry girl" in the words of my classmates, and I have become a person of the moment, Get on the class's "wind and cloud list"!

I am unique. Sometimes, I am very persistent about something. No matter how much I try to persuade me, I always treat it as a "deaf ear". Right or wrong, I agree with my own opinions.

I am unique. Students have many dreams, and so do I. What's different is that I want to be an archaeologist when I grow up. Since I was young, I have always liked some archaeological books, and I like watching archaeological TV. I am familiar with "Pharaoh, Pyramid, Bermuda Triangle...".

Look, this is me. My name is Luo Xinyu. A unique Luo Xinyu!

Grade 6: Luo Xinyu

Unique me 600 words (2)

I am an ordinary student in school with ordinary appearance and achievements, but I have an unusual heart. After 13 years of life experience, I slowly transformed, and now I have created a unique person. Everyone is unique. There are no two people who are identical in the world. From birth to junior high school students today, I experienced a childish childhood, I have gradually stepped into the age of youth, especially remember my childhood ideal. When I grow up, I want to be a scientist, a doctor or a teacher. Now I want to be a soldier who protects my family and the country. You want to change again and again, but you have never left your original intention to contribute your modest efforts to the country. I am a self aware person. I can not be a great person, but an ordinary person. But I still want to do my part for the country. Ordinary people have an extraordinary heart. My original intention will not change no matter before or in the future.

Every man has his own advantages and disadvantages. From family education to school education, I have my own temperament and ambition. I want to be admitted to a favorite university. I also have my own shortcomings. I love small animals, especially cats and dogs, Since I was young, I couldn't put my hands down when I saw a lovely pet. I had to hold it to stop. Small animals were also very fond of it. I was never afraid of me. I will rub my face with a kind head, but I am also lazy by nature. Sometimes I want to do something, but I have to wait a long time to do it. I have tried to correct my own shortcomings, but in vain. For this matter, my mother also said that I have tried many times to correct me, but it is useless. Although everyone is not perfect, But I also don't want this lazy character, because I want to try to change it. Human laziness is natural, but you need to correct it in the second half of your life. This is my ordinary but unique self, and I will work hard to move forward.

Unique me 600 words (3)

In our study, growth and work, are we to be ourselves or follow others? Some people say that it is easy and easy to follow others' footsteps; And I think, just like there are no two identical leaves in the world, I also want to be unique!

Some people will choose to do the same thing and choose the same thing as the very excellent people, but I choose to be myself, because everything can only be second or not second!

I concluded this rule because I have learned from others. When I was in second grade, I made my first good friend in my class. She was as introverted as I was. I found that she likes to do handicrafts, especially origami. I began to learn origami from her, but I couldn't do it well. Later, I suddenly found that each student in the class has different strengths. Some like running, some like singing, and some like dancing. Then I began to look for my strengths, I began to try one by one, and finally I began to learn musical instruments. Others said that my fingers were very long and suggested me to learn the piano. At the same time, I learned Ukri. Two years later, my Ukrili study ended, but the piano has not yet been graded. My parents asked me if I still want to learn it? I said I didn't want to learn. Then I knew that my strong point was to play Yukri, and now some students have the ability to worship me. I like mathematics now, and I want to make learning my strong point!

I don't like doing the same thing as my friends, because I am not good at handwork, I will choose to be the unique me. Even if I want to find my strengths, I will not choose what others choose. I also know that when I lack knowledge and experience, I can ask others for advice and learn from them, but learning from others is to surpass others, because it is better to be blue than blue! You see, many poets, writers and inventors are better than ordinary people because they have their own ideas and innovations. Innovation can make me develop, and innovation can make my future more brilliant. Please cheer for the unique me!

Unique me 600 words (4)

My name is XXX. I'm nine years old. I'm a fourth grade pupil.

I have a head of black shiny hair, which is particularly smooth and silky, like black satin pouring down from the head. A pair of bright eyes are set on the red little face, and a small eloquent mouth grows under the high nose. The most interesting thing is that when my father saw me laughing, he would joke: I don't need to buy wine! Because when I smile, two cute dimples will appear on both sides of my mouth, which is very pleasing.

My personality is particularly lively and cheerful. In kindergarten. We mythical animals are a group of lively and clever little monkeys. I can play with any little monkey, and everyone likes to be with me.

In the kindergarten, our class has a book corner, where there are many books, so I have developed the habit of reading since then. When I read a book, I would be fascinated and forget to eat for a while. Now I am particularly fond of books. In the eyes of others, I also like books that are boring and have no illustrations. For example, I recently read Anne of Green Gables, which can be said to be a book without illustrations, but I am very happy. Mother often said: You really love it! The teacher told us that reading should be an immersive feeling, and we should gradually experience it. But I dare not, because if I do that, it will be the same as when I sleep. No matter what my mother calls me, I can't get out.

I not only like reading, but also like painting, because I think painting can vent my feelings. One weekend morning, the teacher asked us to write an animal composition. I racked my brains and could not write it. My heart began to become restless. That's so annoying! That's so annoying! So I angrily picked up the chalk and sketched on the blackboard, and my anger was also swept away. Suddenly, I had an epiphany and knew how to write. After day after day of training, my efforts have paid off. Finally, my paintings were selected into the excellent calligraphy and painting series among the anti epidemic works in the country. At this time, my dimples can really hold wine.

This is the unique me, a lively and cheerful little girl who likes reading and painting.

Unique me 600 words (5)

The world is big and there are many people, but I am unique.

My name is Li Aojia. I'm eight years old. I always wear a ponytail and walk with great spirit. There are a pair of big eyes under the curved eyebrows, like a pair of round crystal balls, flickering, shining with wisdom. My mouth is very small when I close it, but when I smile, it grins a lot and shows two rows of irregular teeth. I also have a small dimple in the right corner of my mouth, which makes me feel very quiet when I smile.

Although I am quiet on the surface, I am very positive on the inside! The first Chinese exam of this semester, due to carelessness, I didn't do very well in the exam. On the surface, I looked like nothing had happened, but in my heart, I was like an ant on a hot pot. I was holding the test paper in my hand, looking at it, I was a little confused, my eyes were sour, and my tears almost poured out. When my friends called me out to play, I quickly squeezed out a smile that was worse than crying. Instead of going out with them, I sat down and read the text. As I read, I thought, "I must work hard to get a good score in the next exam!" When I got home, I handed the test paper to my mother. I couldn't help crying any more. The cry was really deafening. Even my mother was at a loss. She didn't know how to comfort me. After crying and calming down, I sat at my desk and did my homework seriously.

In fact, I have many hobbies, such as painting, piano, dancing, but my favorite is playing the piano. Every night, I will open the piano cover and offer beautiful songs to my neighbors. The Bud Lie Dance Music makes me feel the stretch and lightness of the spring breeze; Polka made me feel as cheerful and warm as the summer shower; Here Comes the Campbell Family, which makes me feel as if I have seen the weight and atmosphere of famous nobles like autumn; Rondo also seems to put me in the winter of snowflakes, gentle and touching, soul stirring...... From the age of four, the piano has accompanied me and become a part of my life. If I don't practice for a few days, I feel like something is missing!

I am such a girl, some quiet, some shy, but my heart is as bright and enthusiastic as the sun. Can you recognize me when I walk in the crowd with confidence and a little ponytail?

Unique me 600 words (6)

I am not outstanding in appearance, but I am the easiest to recognize in the crowd. Because I have curly hair, people who see me will ask: "Are you hot?" Whenever this happens, I always proudly say: "No, it is born."

I like reading, but I prefer swimming. I remember one time when I went swimming with my classmates. If I stayed in the swimming pool for more than 8 hours, I had to pay another sum of money in addition to the swimming money.

It was my first time to go with my classmates. Because I was shy, I was embarrassed to invite them. We started at 10:00 in the morning. Just go home before 18:00 in the afternoon. When we played at 16:30, the students wanted to go home. However, I had to beg them to stay longer. Finally, the students were impatient, and I reluctantly left. Walking out of the gate of the natatorium, the classmate opened his mouth and threatened: "I will never swim with you again, but I am tired to death." I scratched my head in embarrassment and said, "Play more for a while, then we can afford to spend money! Hehehe..."

Secondly, I like watching TV. I am a complete TV fan. That's why I let my glasses "ride" my nose.

To tell the truth, I am very lazy. If I had not arrived at school at 7:30, I would have liked to sleep from sunset until the next day.

In addition to these, I am still a slow-moving person. When I was in primary school, my teacher assigned some tasks. Although I completed them carefully, I was the slowest one. Therefore, the teacher always said to me: "Geng Kun! If only you could get rid of this slow character!"

I also have an advantage, that is, I can learn well, but I also have a disadvantage - partial subjects.

well! This is me: although I have many shortcomings, I have good grades; Doing things badly but seriously; Swimming is the best!

Unique me 600 words (7)

We are all easily attracted by the qualities that others lack and aspire to. No matter in the class or in daily life, people always need others or are needed by others. It is like weighing weights. Without any party, it will be useless. People complement each other with their own characteristics to form interpersonal balance. Introverted people will envy the enthusiasm of lively people; An active person will appreciate the implicit nature of an introvert. An impetuous person will envy a rational person's thoughtfulness; The rational person will appreciate the impulsion of the impatient person. They are closely dependent on each other like lips and teeth, and use each other's advantages to form a smooth circle. For both parties, each other is a special and indispensable person.

Each student shows his or her unique personal characteristics. People who are different in personality tend to rely on each other, just like magnets attract each other, and we will unconsciously look for suitable companions. Some are lively and generous, exuding friendly charm; Some are mild and restrained, exuding a quiet and elegant atmosphere; Some are confident and cheerful, and have an optimistic orientation that is not afraid of the collapse of the sky; Some are diligent and conscientious, and meticulous in everything makes people feel safe. Their distinctive characteristics are the bright lights in the dark, which attract students like moths to rush to get closer, try to know him better, and then become their intimate friends. Like buffalo and cattle backed egret, although one is flying in the sky and the other is walking on the earth, they are dependent on each other.

As I looked from my seat, the students next door were talking about how the movies they watched on the weekend had come to a climax. In front of me, they were talking about how to use superb skills in video games. The students at the door were talking about the sweaty football match in the physical education class. In the seemingly mundane life circle, people get fun and recognition in such interaction. For me, wandering in the wonderful world of books is the most comfortable thing for me, and I enjoy it. Students can make like-minded friends, form their own small circles, and have many topics that they enjoy talking about. What about me, a "nerd"? Is it possible that if I bury myself between the lines like this, "no one cares"? I am so ordinary and low-key, sometimes I think it is a bit depressed. I also want to have friends who are interested in books to discuss how to get moved and surprised from books.

Although there may be a problem of probability to find my "reading loving" companions like me, my personality is introverted and shy, and I am not good at expressing myself. There may be few people who can find my characteristics and appreciate me, but I believe I will find my "cattle backed egret". There will always be a person who can "coexist with me" and rely on each other mentally, Share every bit of life. I used to secretly imagine that a heavyweight elder would come up to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and say to me in front of the whole class, "You are very special." At that time, I would loudly answer, "I always know!" I sincerely hope that one day, everyone will understand that I am also a "special" person, and I am just like everyone else, They are unique and have my own beautiful colors.

As I grow older, I gradually understand that passively waiting for others to find my beauty is too naive and too negative. I decided to change my appearance from today on. It's not just me, it's just me! First of all, I want to give play to my accumulated language ability by participating in various art competitions. In addition to strengthening my self-confidence, I can also prove my strength to everyone. I am not ordinary, just like everyone else. Maybe I'm not good at words, but I can try to participate in everyone's conversation from the class's website or social platform, express my thoughts in time, and share my feelings in daily life. As long as I summon up the courage to take the first step, I believe that I can reverse my shadow like image in the class. One day, someone will find that I also have unique and charming characteristics.

I will become a "special" and "necessary" existence, so that I will no longer walk alone in the book world. In the unknown future, I will become a "special" person.

Unique me 600 words (8)

I always remind you to live up to your expectations and be a unique person.

I am a clumsy "little sluggard" with average academic performance. "Lazy" is a perfect word to describe me. Sometimes, my classmates ask me to help her with her things. I feel like I didn't hear it when I slept. I'm too lazy to move.

It was not easy for the students to go out to play at the weekend. But I am different. As long as I have snacks, mobile phones and air conditioners, I will stay at home for several years without going out. My parents really want to take me out to play, but I just can't move. My mother began to call me a "big sluggard". She even said that I was going to get moldy when I stayed at home like an "old Buddha".

However, I am also a "big bug" with strong management ability and painting talent. How can I describe my strong management ability?

The school changes the blackboard newspaper with a new theme every week. This time, I selected animals, and I am a small expert in this field. I have no other advantages, but painting is different for me. It is my "title".

In class, the teacher asked me to take charge of the blackboard newspaper and assigned me team members. I immediately took orders to go, led my team, and began to show my "commander" - you, ready to outline the frame with leaves; You, add some birds here; And you, the title must be eye-catching... Of course, I'm not idle, I'm responsible for drawing small animals, but also responsible for writing.

Soon, the blackboard newspaper in our class finished, and everyone praised me as a "little expert in painting"!

You have seen a "worm" who is too lazy to get moldy at home, but you have never seen me serious at school. I am such an unpredictable child.

I am just me, a unique me.

Unique me 600 words (9)

I am 11 years old. I am an extroverted, slightly reckless, mean, magnanimous, strong and kind-hearted contradiction, and a girl who makes people love and hate. In particular, I am smart and have been nicknamed by my classmates as "Ji Xiaolan with iron teeth and copper teeth in ancient times, Cui Yuhe with smart teeth today". If you don't believe me, please listen to me slowly!

Once, a student in our class hid a girl's performance clothes on him, and the girl was very anxious when she was about to perform. But the boy said with a grin that he didn't take it. When I heard this, I was full of pride and rushed to say, "Why are you a big boy wearing a skirt?". I followed up again: "It's not yours? How can it be on you? Hey, you can take something better if you steal it. How can you take the skirt?" The students laughed at this. The boy hurriedly returned his clothes and repeatedly said sorry.

Another time, someone ran on the sidewalk and hit me hard. I fell down on the ground and fell in pain. At this time, I immediately performed the performance of "a gentleman talks but doesn't do anything" and taught him a lesson. From the wrong choice of venue to selfishness, then to superciliousness... A burst of heartfelt scolding made the other party cry, and finally even I felt a little too much.

Of course, my sharp mouth will not only teach others. When some students are sad, I always go to comfort them gently, tell all kinds of jokes, amuse them, and help them forget their troubles. Everyone thinks that I am a considerate and considerate person who is willing to make friends with me.

My eloquence stems from my quick reaction, cleverness and resourcefulness. It is quick and good to answer the teacher's questions in class. I really love and hate my mouth. Both "invincible in the world" and "mouth beating" sometimes inevitably hurt others' self-esteem.

I think my father is right: forgive where you have to. Life should be more tolerant, more generous, will be better! This is me, a girl with an "invincible mouth", do you like it?

Unique me 600 words (10)

In the world, no two grasses are the same, and no two leaves are the same. And I am unique.

I have a melon seed face, a pair of big black eyes under the curved crescent eyebrows. When I open my eyes, others think my eyes will fall off! Under the low bridge of nose, there is a big toad mouth. What makes me most different from ordinary people is that there is a "mole" in my eyebrow, which I often call "wisdom" of wisdom.

I am not good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I can't play, play and sing. My only hobby is to study insects. Especially in summer, I like to find cicadas' clothes under willows. I still remember that it was a day in the summer. I was looking under the willow trees. Suddenly, my 24k carbon alloy eagle eye found a cicada "clothing". I ran excitedly, jumped, and knocked the cicada "clothing" to the ground. I carefully picked it up, and found that it was heavier than other cicada "clothing", ohwygod! I saw its three pairs of feet were still moving, so it was only alive.

Curious, I carefully looked at the cicada that had not come out of its shell, and saw that it was brown all over, its eyes were like two black gemstones, the first pair of feet on its chest were like two sickles, and its tail was pouting one by one, as if it was being cute! Is it begging me for mercy? I put it on the tree again and murmured: "Since you are shy, I won't see you take off your clothes. I'd better come back tomorrow to get your clothes." It flew away with a sound of "cicada".

I not only study and collect cicadas, but also like to catch many insects, such as caterpillars that girls shout when they see them, the "vegetable tiger" longicorn, and the "engineer who cleans the land" dragons are my favorites. It can be said that my life is to study insects in addition to learning.

This is me, a person who loves insects and dreams of becoming a Chinese Faber.

[Chapter 2: Unique My Composition]

I am a beautiful little girl, with long hair, small mouth, snake waist, slender legs, and such good self conditions, is not it a good figure to dance? So I learned to dance at the age of 6 and haven't stopped yet. Over time, I became known as the "king of dance"!

Look, who is sweating in the dance room doing the Latin dance? Yes, that's me! Look, I stretched out my hands, raised my head, stretched my feet and flipped five times in a row. I was out of breath and my head was not faint. I like dancing. Every day as long as I have time, I practice various movements. After five years of practice, my "soft skills" are quite good! What kind of split, waist down, backward roll, backward kick, everything is proficient! What I am best at is "kick the purple crown upside down". One jump with two feet and kick the right foot back, which can go beyond the head! I have studied Latin dance for 5 years, and there is a card exam every year. In the exam room, my calm and excellent performance left a deep impression on the judges and teachers. Now, I am at the level of Venus. How about it? How awesome!

Although I am slim and seemingly weak, I am actually a person with strong heart.

I practiced a kind of "peerless magic skill" called "lion roar skill". Every Monday afternoon when the teacher goes to a meeting, I will use my Lion Roar Skill to manage the class. Once I was very impressed. When the teacher left, some students couldn't wait to play with the newly popular brand tearing; Some of them watched the battle and shouted loudly. Even the so-called good students were chatting freely. Today, I am in charge of the class. I can't stand them. I used 10 success forces and shouted: "Shut up! The homework assigned by the teacher has been done? If you don't do your homework, you will copy the Chinese book five times." I saw that all the students covered their ears, and some of them hid in the bag cabinet. It seems that my "Lion Roar Skill" is quite powerful. It's just a piece of cake to deal with these people! The students all said that I was a "female tiger" who did not eat people. Ha ha!

Remember me, a 10-year-old girl; A little girl who loves dancing; A unique little girl!

Unique me 600 words (11)

My name is very unique. My parents took it together. My father's surname is Wei, so I am also called Wei. "Yifei" comes from the Book of Songs: "The so-called Yiren is on the water side" and "Today I come to think, rain and snow are falling". Because I am a cow, I need grass to eat. Mom and Dad changed "Fei" to "Fei", and I had a beautiful name "Yifei". I especially like my name. Mom and Dad's expectations for me are: skill in the body, ability in the hand, thought in the brain, and calm life. I always remember my parents' expectations.

I have long black hair. I like to wear ponytails best. I look very energetic like this. I have the same eyes as my father. A pair of light eyebrows, two small ears, a bridge of nose that is neither tall nor short. I have a red lips and two rows of white teeth. I have the most teeth changed in my class. I love to wear a colorful dress, a pair of pink Lei silk socks, a pair of red leather shoes. This looks great to me.

When I smile, I will have two obvious dimples, which are very cute. But when I cry, I'm uglier than anyone else. It's "terrible". So I'd better try to keep smiling.

My specialty is calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting and dancing. In the summer vacation, I just took the calligraphy test grade six and the traditional Chinese painting test grade four. I can also write two calligraphy fonts. One is clerical script and the other is regular script. I insist on writing calligraphy every day. Only daily persistence can make progress.

One of the most interesting things about my growing up is that when my mother took me on a trip to Bali this summer vacation, we were drinking afternoon tea outside a hotel when several cute squirrels on the tree suddenly climbed down to beg for food from us. It's very interesting that they want to eat and dare not be too close to us. I have the courage to give them all my food. The little squirrels who ate the food quickly ran away again.

This is me, a lively, lovely and unique girl. Don't forget my name is "Wei Yifei"!

Unique me 600 words (12)

I play football very well because I am fast, strong and good at carrying the ball. I often play sports. Can I still play bad football? One thing can prove that I played well: one day at noon, after a short rest, I played with two football masters. I was like a fierce leopard, invincible, easily passed them, scored four beautiful goals, and they only scored one goal. Playing football makes me dare to try! The joy it brings to me is beyond description.

I love sports, and I also like geographical knowledge. My family is the "Map Kingdom", with world maps, China maps, Henan maps, Guizhou maps, and so on. As long as I am free, I will pick up the magnifying glass and concentrate on my research. I often study scale, topography and other issues, and I really want to use "feast my mouth" to describe my mood at that time. No matter how small a country or how inconspicuous a city is, I can find it on the map in a very short time. My mother often asks me many difficult geographical questions, and I can answer them accurately. I'm a geography jack of all trades. Now I also sign up for robot courses. I am interested in building blocks and machines. I want to make "different robots" in the future.

As a boy, I can dance well! Not by talent, but by seriousness, and not afraid of hardship. You know what? Once my classmates and I participated in the Hunan Loudi Children's Spring Festival Gala, and our performance was successful! We are performing Beijing Opera, which is very difficult. I found unexpected pleasure in dancing.

I am a studious, sunny and likable child with countless advantages, but I must not be arrogant! Otherwise, I will run into difficulties and stumble. I will always remember that "modesty makes people progress, and pride makes people lag behind".

Unique me 600 words (13)

A Unique Composition [Part 1]

On the morning of December 1, 1999, with a sharp cry, I came to the world.

My parents named me "Hu Zeyu", which means it is easy to understand that they hope I can nourish the world and make a great career to benefit the people.

When I was young, I was a child who was very active and could not be quiet for a moment. At that time, I liked to run around the house and play on the ground, but it affected others' work and rest. Because of this, people living downstairs had pasted notes on my door many times, asking us to be quiet at noon. So I became the standard of mischief among the elders. Every time I met a naughty and active child, they would say, "He is really naughty like you!" Although I am a little ashamed of this, I can never get rid of this problem.

Not only that, I also like to join in the fun and make friends. So on the first day of junior high school, I took a pen and paper to "interview" new students one by one. In only two days, I knew more than half of my classmates. I have made many new friends and improved my interpersonal relationship, which has also laid a solid foundation for me to adapt to the three years of junior high school life.

I am also a bookworm. I must read every day. I read whenever there are books around me. I often indulge in books and find that I haven't done my homework until midnight, which leads to insufficient sleep. I have eaten countless books. If I have eaten a good book, I will hold it and chew it again several times. As for what kind of books I usually eat, it's hard to say, because I read too many books. I read everything: composition books, reading books, classics, novels, magazines, newspapers, even dictionaries. So, as long as I can understand and fit my books, I will basically read them.

Look, this is me - naughty, active, lively, bookish, unique!

Unique My Composition [Part 2]

The world is big, but I am unique.

I, with dark hair, thick eyebrows, curved. The eyes are dark, bright, big and round. My mouth is small when I close it, but when I smile, my mouth grins big, and two rows of irregular teeth are exposed.

I am a caring person. Once, on my way home, I saw a dog lying on the ground powerless. It also looked at me with pathetic eyes. I thought it was probably too hungry. I tore the bread from my schoolbag piece by piece and gave it to the dog, who ate it greedily. I was afraid that the dog would choke, so I soaked the bread with milk before feeding it. After eating the bread, the dog wagged its tail at me, as if grateful.

I am also a filial person. When my parents leave work every day, I will serve them a cup of hot tea. Grandma came to my house, I will beat her back

I'm still a careless person. Every time I take an exam, I always finish it quickly. Although I tried to get time to check, I couldn't find out what was wrong and what was wrong, so I always failed to get 100 points. When I write English words, I either move or drop the letters. In the writing of Chinese characters, there is often less writing than writing. Therefore, I am not seldom scolded by my teacher. I am also worried about this problem!

This is the unique me in the world. I think you can find me even if I mix in the crowd.

Unique My Composition [Part 3]

I am not outstanding in appearance, but I am the easiest to recognize in the crowd. Because I have curly hair, people who see me will ask: "Are you hot?" Whenever this happens, I always proudly say: "No, it is born."

I like reading, but I prefer swimming. I remember one time when I went swimming with my classmates. If I stayed in the swimming pool for more than 8 hours, I had to pay another sum of money in addition to the swimming money.

It was my first time to go with my classmates. Because I was shy, I was embarrassed to invite them. We set out at 10:00 am, and we can go home only before 18:00 pm. When we play at 16:30, our classmates want to go home. However, I haven't finished "swimming", so I have to beg my classmates to stay a little longer. Finally, the students were impatient, and I reluctantly left. Walking out of the gate of the natatorium, the classmate opened his mouth and threatened: "I will never swim with you again, but I am tired to death." I scratched my head in embarrassment and said, "Play more for a while, then we can afford to spend money! Hehehe..."

Secondly, I like watching TV. I am a complete TV fan. That's why I let my glasses "ride" my nose.

To tell the truth, I am very lazy. If I had not arrived at school at 7:30, I would have liked to sleep from sunset until the next day.

In addition to these, I am still a slow-moving person. When I was in primary school, my teacher assigned some tasks. Although I completed them carefully, I was the slowest one. Therefore, the teacher always said to me: "Geng Kun! If only you could get rid of this slow character!"

I also have an advantage, that is, I can learn well, but I also have a disadvantage - partial subjects.

well! This is me: although I have many shortcomings, I have good grades; Doing things badly but seriously; Swimming is the best!