Writing Composition of Maize (18 in total)
Half city snow
2023-09-21 06:06:34
primary school

Writing Composition of Maize (1)

Maize is a herbaceous plant that grows every year. The corn grain with green oil leaves is slightly larger than that of soybeans. It can be eaten or made into starch. Corn whiskers can be used as medicine, and corn leaves and stalks can be made into paper. It's really a treasure all over!

The bottom of the corn cob is slightly larger and the top is slightly smaller. She looks like a beautiful girl, slim and graceful, wearing a green shirt and a yellow skirt, which is really beautiful. It is also like a shy girl. She covers her face tightly with her clothes for fear of being seen by others. When the corn is ripe, you can clearly see when you take off one of them. It also has a bunch of good tassels of dates on its head, just like the beautiful curly hair of a girl. Close to her nose, a faint fragrance comes to her, which makes people want to bite and peel off the skin layer by layer, The more inside, the lighter the color, as if the model is showing off her beautiful clothes one after another on the display platform. When there is only one light green gauze garment left, you can vaguely see the golden yellow corn kernels. The beautiful girl has become a rich woman with golden teeth. The corn kernels are all crowded together, and they are arranged neatly to the soldiers who are ready to go one by one.

The corn is not only beautiful in appearance, but also delicious. I peel a grain and put it in my mouth. The sweet juice squeezed out of my mouth. The corn is even more delicious when it is boiled. Soon after cooking, the refreshing aroma is just a bit of a ten mile fragrance, which makes people salivate. When the lid is opened, the aroma comes out. The unparalleled taste is delicious.

Alas! Speaking of which, I am greedy. I begin to miss it again.

Writing Composition of Maize (2)

This spring, I found a corn growing in the backyard, and I like it very much.

The newly grown leaves of corn are green, so delicate and lovely. After a period of time, the small leaves of corn gradually lengthen and become sharp, and the color becomes emerald green. After the rain, the leaves of corn were covered with glistening raindrops, which twinkled in the sunshine after the rain, like crystal clear pearls. At that time, the leaves were very fresh, which made people feel refreshed and relaxed.

The flowers of corn in late spring and early summer are intoxicating. The corn flower grows on the stem, between the stem and the petiole, and spits out a bunch of pale yellow buds. When the corn flower opens, a gust of wind blows. Wind girl uses her magic wand to point on the head of the corn flower, and a piece of pollen will fall. It's very beautiful! Soon it will bear fruit.

The fruit of the corn is mature. The mature corn is like a huge mallet, with a grandpa like red tassel on the top of its head. When it is fully mature, the grains break through the shackles of the shell, revealing golden teeth, as if to show off to people.

Corn is also drought resistant. Once, my father said that corn was drought resistant. I didn't believe it, so I deliberately didn't water it for several days to see if it could live. After a few days, I saw that corn was still alive. It was amazing.

How I like my corn.

Writing Composition of Maize (3)

Today, I went back to my hometown with my aunt and uncle. On the way, I saw a lot of fruits. From a distance, I saw a green field of crops, and from a distance, I saw plump corn cobs. Then I thought of roasted corn.

As soon as I got home, I went straight to the backyard and built a frame for baking corn with bricks. Then I broke a corn myself. When I put it on the shelf and prepared to start roasting, Minqi didn't take anything that ignited the fire, so I picked up some straw and went back to the grill. Just as I was preparing to light it, I suddenly remembered that I didn't take matches. Ah! I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. So I had to take the match in a hurry. This time, it was all right. With a gentle stroke, I put the match under the straw. The flames slowly grew larger. Wow! I was so excited. When I was excited, a voice came out: "Quickly add firewood". It was my uncle shouting. Well, I just wanted to be happy. The straw was almost finished, so I immediately added some twigs to the straw. The fire soon grew stronger. With a sound of "Pa", a corn kernel turned into a popcorn flower, and then an attractive smell came to my nose. With many experiences, I knew that the corn was ripe.

So I quickly took it off the grill and peeled off the skin. I saw yellow corn grains appeared in front of me. I took a bite of it, which was very sweet with a faint paste flavor. It was very delicious.

Writing Composition of Maize (4)

This National Day, the 63rd birthday of the motherland, I wish the motherland a happy birthday! The corn in my hometown is ripe. During the 11 day holiday, the whole family went to help grandparents break corn.

When I came to the field, I saw the corn arranged in order, as if there were guards guarding the field. All the corn showed yellow teeth. The corn stalk was no longer green, and became dry. The grass in the field was yellow. There are several unnamed flowers in the ditch beside the road, which are also very beautiful.

It's not easy for me to break corn when I see Grandpa and Dad breaking corn quickly. At the beginning, I spent a lot of effort to break the corncob. Dad asked me to twist the corncob back and forth with my hands, and the corncob broke. I made it according to my father's method, and easily broke off the corncob. Although breaking corn is very tiring, with many cobwebs and insects, especially when touched by corn leaves, it hurts and itches, I still insist.

A car full of corn was pulled home. Although my grandparents worked hard, I still saw their grandparents laughing, because the corn harvest was great!

Writing Composition of Maize (5)

On National Day, I came to my aunt's "Happy Farm" to break corn.

When we got to the Wide Farm, my aunt gave each of us a plastic bag and said with a smile, "You should pick the black beard corn, and not the white beard corn!" As soon as she said, I couldn't wait to start picking. Entering the cornfield, I saw the cornstalk standing on the ground like a sentry, carrying a "grenade" on his back, guarding the "Happy Farm". I walked straight to a corner with a black beard. Just about to pick, I saw a worm lying on the corn. I was startled and shouted, "Help!" Then I ran to a safe place at a sprint speed. At this time, I saw my parents humming a tune and taking a brisk step to pick corn. I finally got up the courage to look for the corn again, only to hear a crackle, and the corn was broken by me. "Yes, I won!" I shouted to the blue sky. Through my efforts, the corn I broke broke the bag. My aunt praised me and said, "Your corn is so good! It's all black." I'm glad to hear that.

On the way home, I said to my mother, "Today is really a bumper harvest!"

Writing Composition of Maize (6)

On National Day, my parents took me back to my grandma's house. I'm so happy this time! Because the scenery in the countryside is beautiful. There are not only hoppers and crickets, but also crops dancing with the wind!

But my favorite is drying corn. One day, the weather was very hot, like a "big steamer". As soon as I got up, I heard the sound of "thunder". I felt very curious, so I came to the door with enthusiasm. Oh, it was Grandpa who was "undressing" the corn with the corn machine! No wonder it makes such a loud noise. Time passed quickly, and soon it was time to dry corn. I asked my father to teach me how to hold the shovel. My father told me: "Take the front end with my left hand, and the back end with my right hand. Two feet should be in a bow step." So I followed my father's example and talked and laughed. We soon paved the corn like a carpet. In order to better understand how corn came out, I also specially observed the corn machine. It turned out that when one corn stick was put into the machine, one golden corn kernel came out, which was amazing!

Looking at the golden corn, I am really happy. How beautiful the harvest autumn is!

Writing Composition of Maize (7)

During the summer vacation, my mother took me to my hometown in Japan by plane to help my grandfather harvest corn. There is a big courtyard in my hometown. Grandpa planted a piece of corn in the yard.

The day when the corn was harvested, the weather was fine and the sun was shining. When I came to the cornfield, I saw the corn standing in the temple in a straight line, like an army. I heard the wind blowing the corn leaves, making a sound like music.

Where is the golden and delicious corn you usually eat? Grandpa smiled and said, "Because there are three or four layers of green leaves on the surface of the corn, we can't see the yellow corn kernels." I promised, and ran to a large corn field. Oh, this corn is really big, like a fat doll, with brown hair on it, like the doll's hair. This is not the hairdresser's credit, but nature's dye.

I took the corn with one hand and pressed the corn stalk with the other, and it snapped. In this way, I choose the largest and plump ones, one by one, making me sweat.

Dad is stronger than me, and his hair is broken faster and more quickly. I have to go for it.

My grandfather said to me while working: "There are as many ears on corn as there are hair and corn kernels." I peeled corn curiously, counted the hairs carefully, and counted the corn kernels, which were almost the same. Nature is amazing!

Writing Composition of Maize (8)

My parents took me back to my hometown to visit my grandparents on the Mid Autumn Festival. On the way back, my father suddenly said that it was time for corn to mature. You can pick corn when you go back. I was so happy to hear that I had never picked corn.

One night of autumn wind, one night of autumn sound, today I can finally go to pick corn. My mother asked me to get dressed and ready to go out. At this time, my grandmother said that she would bring a sickle. I asked my grandmother why. She said that she would take some weeds along the road or put them on her clothes. There was also a plastic bag, ready to bring corn back for cooking.

Guess what, my confused father forgot that the land belonged to his grandmother's family. My mother said that he lost his chain at the critical moment. When we were going home to ask Grandma, a man came over. Dad said I should call Uncle, and he told me where Grandma's field was. Finally, I found that the corn on the ground was too old to be cooked. We continued to walk inside and saw several green corn trees beside a big tree. Ha ha, we finally found corn to eat.

Writing the Composition of Maize (9)

Today, we will go to grandma's corn field to pick some tender corn, and then cook it.

My cousin and I followed Grandma to the corn field. Grandma's corn grows very well! Each corn grows much taller than me, and there is a big and long cob on each one about the position facing my neck. Grandma said to us: "The corn stalk is too high, and there are small thorns on the leaves that can hurt people, and there are also various insects. You wait outside, and I'll break it." Grandma went into the corn field and worked for a while. Suddenly, something "jumped" at my feet. I looked down and saw that it was Grandma who threw a corn cob. I picked up the corn cob and carefully observed that it was wrapped in bright green clothes, like a wrapped baby. There are a lot of brown hair on the head. If you peel off some clothes, you can see that the hair has changed color and has become shiny green. It's really beautiful. But I really want to ask him: "It's not hot for you to wear so many clothes in such a hot summer." One corn cob after another "jumps" and fills the basket.

At noon, our family had a full meal of "corn meal". It was delicious

Writing Composition of Maize (10)

On Saturday morning, the autumn sky was crisp and the autumn wind was blowing slowly. I ran to the endless fields. I like eating corn porridge best. I want to break two ears of corn to make porridge. When I got to the field, I saw the corn grinning, with a golden "horse tail" stuck on its head. When I broke off the first ear of corn and peeled off the skin, suddenly, a worm came out, which made me jump. I quickly threw the corn on the ground. Find a long and thick wooden stick from the bean field and beat the nasty insect away. By the way, when I came here, my mother told me how to distinguish the aging of corn. So, I followed the way my mother told me, pinched with my thumb, and the corn juice splashed on my face, which proved that this ear of corn can cook. I pinched the second ear again. Eh, the corn kernels could not be pinched, which means that the corn is old.

I went out of the field and ran home happily with the corn in my arms. I thought happily, "The corn I broke myself will be better for cooking!"

Writing Composition of Maize (11)

Today, it was sunny. I went to my grandpa's house to plant corn. Grandpa and I went to the fields. Grandpa said: To plant corn, we should first uproot the weeds, then loosen the soil, then dig up the soil, plant corn seedlings in the soil, then bury the seedlings in the soil, and finally water and fertilize.

After listening to my grandfather's words, I started weeding immediately. Grandpa also began to loosen the soil. I saw so many weeds and thought: When will so many weeds be pulled up? But planting corn must weed, so I pulled it up bit by bit. After pulling it up for a while, I was already very tired!

It was not easy to pull up the grass and loosen the soil, so the two things were finally completed. My grandfather and I dug small pits together, buried the corn seedlings in the soil, and then buried the roots of the corn seedlings in the soil. After planting several corn seedlings, I stood there as straight as a soldier. I felt very happy. I really wanted to taste a delicious big corn now! I asked anxiously, "When will grandpa eat corn? "Grandpa said," You can eat it in autumn. "I thought to myself: I hope autumn will come soon.

I seem to see corn smiling at me and waving to me!

Writing Composition of Maize (12)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. The sky is high and the clouds are light. After having breakfast, I am walking back to my grandma's home with my parents with excitement.

Along the way, I saw a golden field in the distance, and a few yellow leaves fluttered down the road like butterflies.

When we got to Grandma's house, my father asked me and him to go to the corn field to find Grandma. Grandma is harvesting corn there. We soon found Grandma, and my father and I immediately joined the ranks of breaking corn. My father told me the use of corn and what sorghum is. I observed carefully and found that sorghum was really like burning torches. My father told me that every red seed is sorghum. Looking at these small red particles, I feel like smiling faces. It makes people happy to look at it. No wonder adults say that "labor is hard, and harvest is joyful."

Although I am hot and tired today, I feel very happy because I feel the joy of harvest. Isn't learning the same? If you don't pay, you won't feel the joy of harvest.

Writing the Composition of Maize (13)

Today, my grandfather, grandmother and father came to the Oriental Factory to corn.

First of all, we should stack the corn hammers on the ground and do as we say. Grandpa and Dad made corn hammers with big iron rakes, while Grandma and I made corn hammers with shovels. Everyone is full of vitality. You rake me and shovel me. After about half an hour's work, the hammers are stacked and the corn thresher threshes the corn.

The thresher arranged by Grandpa has broken down and can't come. Grandma searched everywhere and finally found the thresher. After negotiating the price, Grandpa and Dad put the corn hammer into the dustpan of the thresher. I threw the skipping corn hammer into the thresher. Grandma picked up the unwashed corn hammer from the corn cob and threw it into the thresher. The speed of thresher is too fast for our family. At this time, two people came to help us. One used a rake to shovel corn cobs, and the other used a shovel to help Grandpa and Dad pile corn hammers. Not to mention the busy work.

The wind is too strong today. After the corn is eaten, everyone is covered with sweat and dust. Look at me, I will see you smiling.

Today, I felt the hardship of my work, and really realized the meaning of "Every grain is hard.".

Writing Composition of Maize (14)

"A child was born beautifully, with seven or eight sets of green clothes, a red tassel hat on his head, and a pearl treasure in his arms." Students, guess what this is, of course, corn. Today we went to the corn field to pick corn!

Look, I jumped into the corn field, looked at a corn and pulled it, but I couldn't pull it off. At this time, the teacher saw me and stopped me. He said seriously, "Picking corn is not like this. Let me teach you how to pick corn." The teacher held the stalk with one hand, and then took the corn with the other hand. Then he pressed down, and the corn really broke off. So I followed the teacher's example and broke off the corn. After a while, I broke several pieces in a row, and the bag was soon full. Other students also picked a lot, and the corn field was full of laughter. It was really lively.

Later, the corn was cooked by the aunt in the canteen, and we ate the corn picked by ourselves. The sweet, glutinous and glutinous taste was really memorable!

Picking corn made me feel the hardship of the farmer uncle, and also told us to study hard and make progress every day. This is really a meaningful thing!

Writing Composition of Maize (15)

We came to a field, and my brother taught us how to plant corn. After seeing my brother demonstrate, we brought tools and tried to plant them. I bent down and turned over the soil with a shovel. The soil was in a mess due to my poor control. At that time, the weather was very hot and the heat made me dizzy. I really didn't want to learn anymore. Seeing my frustration, my sister came to help me. With the help of my sister, I successfully dug a small hole in the soil with a shovel, and then she gently put the corn seeds into the hole, and I buried the soil on the corn seeds with a shovel. Finally, we planted more than ten corn seeds.

The originally smooth land is now decorated with hard sweat. Looking at the fruits of my labor, my face shows a bright smile. I finally understood the meaning of this poem: "At noon on the day of hoeing, sweat drips down from the grain. It's hard to eat every grain on the plate."!

I also remembered how picky I used to be. Now I know how hard it is for farmers to grow vegetables, and that everything we eat is the work of farmers. From now on, I must treasure food!

It is said that only through experience can I understand the hardships of life. Now I really realize that life is not easy!

Writing Composition of Maize (16)

Do you know what corn can do? Have you ever tasted sweet corn? Today, I will take you to know the corn covered with treasure.

Maize looks like a little girl. She was dressed in green clothes and wore small flowers on her head. When she took off her coat, there were crystal clear particles in it. Everyone salivated when they saw it. They couldn't help but rush to taste its delicious food.

Corn is a kind of crude fiber food. Since the sugar content of corn is lower than that of rice and flour, diabetics should eat less rice and more corn. In addition, corn can help digestion, diuresis, lower blood pressure, etc. My grandpa used to have high blood pressure and could not take medicine to lower it. Since he ate corn every day, Grandpa's blood pressure has returned to normal, and the effect of corn is amazing.

The whole body of corn is treasure. That's true. Corn husk can be used as feed, and corn ears can be soaked in water for drinking, diuresis and detumescence. Corn kernels can be eaten by people and lower blood pressure. After eating corn, the corncob can be dried and used as firewood. It's really one thing for many purposes!

Corn, I believe you will not be unfamiliar with it. Its sweet taste makes me nostalgic.

Writing Composition of Maize (17)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a writer's composition about Azuo corn that Xiaobian helped you sort out. It is only for reference, and I hope it can help you.

Ganzi is the birthplace of the world famous ballad "Kangding Love Song". You come from the vast, magical and barren land, Azuo Corn.

You are Amizi of the Yi people by the Yalong River. You are a beautiful camellia of the Yi people's mountain village, but you are also a piece of duckweed drifting in the journey of life. Let the flow of fate take you far away.

On the surface, you are rough, cheerful and loving; But in your heart, you are full of pain, sadness and confusion about your future. You have suffered too much misfortune and suffering.

Your home is a place where the sun seldom shines, and the god of luck never goes there for patrolling.

When you were a young girl, your father died prematurely, and the burden of family life was borne by your mother alone. In order to cure his father, your family is so heavily in debt that you are betrothed to a man you don't like, just for the 5000 yuan retainer! You don't have the heart to watch your mother support the dilapidated family alone and hard, but also to escape the marriage that makes you sad, so you start to follow the village people on the long way to work.

You have been to Chongqing, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Inner Mongolia, and worked in various odd jobs. After ups and downs, you finally stopped wandering in Xichang under the arrangement of fate. You are like a piece of duckweed, drifting from the deep mountain, wandering at the crossroads of life. While tasting the hard work, you have also suffered from car accidents and revenge from the divorced man

You have suffered hardship, humiliation and pain prematurely, felt the indifference of human relations, seen the ugliness of the world, and understood the difficulties of life.

You are born with a good voice. You like to sing Tibetan songs about your mother best. If you have good conditions to receive training since childhood, you may become an excellent Yi singer. But in such a family environment, you haven't even entered junior high school, what can you achieve?

Since you left your hometown, you seldom go back. You just work hard to earn money and send it to your mother and brother who are still in trouble. However, when your family's life has not improved much, you have to bear the blow of fate again, and your mother was killed by a disease.

You said that you think your life is very hard, but when you see your mother, you think her life is more difficult than you. In order to heal your mother, you risked everything to use up your savings, sold some yaks that your mother had carefully fed, some pieces of thin soil that she had worked hard on, and the tile roofed house that the whole family once relied on to shelter from the wind and rain although it was not worth money, but only left a kitchen as a shelter for his brother in his hometown. My mother's life was not saved in the end, but because of the treatment of my mother, you are really exhausted and have nothing left, Azuo Maize.

Although mother has passed away, she has left you a heavy responsibility. Before her mother died, she held your hand and your brother's hand in tears and told her that she dreamed that your father would pick her up and go to another place to ask you to take good care of your younger brother. You agreed to her last request with tears.

You once said that if your father was still alive, you should get married. But now I have to rush for the life of my sister and brother. You never get rid of the financial dilemma and don't know where to go on the journey of life. In order to "There are clouds made of rain in the wind, clouds made of rain. Clouds break their hearts in the wind, and I don't know where they will be blown again? Blow and blow the falling flowers all over the ground, and I can't find a trace of pity; float and float for thousands of miles, and wait for your return......" I think, you are not the cloud that is always wandering outside, never knowing where to go, and never has a return date? Azuo corn.

After several months of drifting, you finally returned to Xichang. This is not your due date, and you have paid too much. You are full of pain, but your luggage is empty.

Knowing your recent situation, my heart is very heavy, depressed and melancholy, and I feel that your future prospects are somewhat bleak. I hope that the beautiful camellia of the Yi people in the past can withstand this cruel storm without withering.

Writing Composition of Maize (18)

Fried corn

My mother is a smart and good mother. Her dishes are complete in color, fragrance and taste, which makes people salivate at a glance. Fried corn, braised spareribs, fried tofu... are all mother's specialty dishes. Next, I will introduce my mother's delicious fried corn.

Fried corn tastes good and looks very good. One by one, the plump golden corn lies on the plate, giving off an attractive fragrance together with several red dry peppers around them, as if urging people to taste it quickly. When you smell this strong fragrance, you will involuntarily come forward and scoop up a full spoon and send it to your mouth. As soon as you chew the first mouthful, the sweetness of corn immediately occupies the whole mouth, allowing your taste buds to get great satisfaction. Then, you can't help but take another mouthful... After eating, the sweetness of corn still lingers between your lips and teeth, giving you endless aftertaste.

Fried corn is not only good in taste and appearance, but also very simple. First, peel off the corn grain by grain. If you can't peel it, cut it with a knife. Here, I want to give you a warm hint: when using the knife to cut, please pay attention to the direction of the knife and your force and size, otherwise it will be no fun if you cut your hand carelessly like me. After the corn is peeled, pour oil into the pan. When the oil is hot, grab two dry pepper pan. After the pepper gives off its fragrance, add corn and stir fry it for several times, then add salt and monosodium glutamate and stir it for several times. A plate of fried corn with color, aroma and taste will be born. Oh, by the way, if you like spicy food, it's the best choice to put more dry peppers.

I also have fun eating fried corn. As soon as the fried corn was served, I quickly scooped a large spoon into the bowl, and then put the corn and rice into my mouth while chewing. Then, the fragrance of rice and the sweetness and crispness of corn immediately spread out. It was really delicious!

Look, this is delicious fried corn. I love my mother's fried corn, but also my ingenious mother.