Friends' Dad (19 high-quality articles)
True and false happiness
2023-12-05 05:36:35
Grade 3

Friend's father (1)

The advent of smart phones has changed the way people live and work. In particular, my father's WeChat friends circle is not only used to make friends, but also used to work. Don't believe me!

My father is an expert in agricultural service technology. Protecting crops and eliminating pests is the core of my father's work. He will not only participate in product research and development, but also visit farmland for investigation. Because of time constraints, his father can not often work with colleagues, so his WeChat friends circle plays a great role.

There are many people in my father's circle of friends, including plant protection teachers, peer manufacturers, unmanned plant protection machine service organizations, grain growers, etc. They are all friends who work hand in hand with my father. Some of them are at home and some are abroad. It's really difficult for them to work together at ordinary times. If there are common problems, they will discuss and solve them in the circle of friends. They also often send some articles, videos and documents recorded on the spot about their work in their circle of friends. I often see this video when I open my father's WeChat circle of friends: a big brother controls a drone with a remote control. The plane skimmed over the fields, behind which dense droplets of fog shot out. "This big brother really knows how to play!" I couldn't help admiring him. "This is not for fun! He uses drones to spray pesticides on crops to kill pests and prevent crop diseases. One person can spray hundreds of acres of farmland a day with it, which is very efficient!" Dad introduced to me with relish, "drones have a wide range of uses. They can be used for resource detection, urban planning aerial photography, and military defense..." Only then did I know that UAV is not only a toy, but also a weapon to protect the country and crops.

Of course, Dad's circle of friends is not only limited to work, but also sometimes relaxed. Dad sometimes uploads photos of our travel and life; I and my brother's childish words; The wonderful moment when relatives and friends get together... let's share the happiness in our life.

Dad's circle of friends is full of positive energy, full of joy and harmony. Dad's circle of friends is really useful!

Friend's Dad (2)

On Sunday morning, it was sunny, and his father and mother went out to do something. His mother said, "Xiaoming, stay at home and don't open the door for strangers." After his father and mother left, Xiaoming felt very bored, so he drew a picture and did his homework again.

Suddenly, when he heard a knock on the door, he ran out of the room and asked, "Who are you?" An uncle's voice came from the door. His uncle said, "I am you." Xiaoming moved a chair, stood on it, and saw the appearance of the uncle through the cat's eye. He was wearing a green coat, a pair of sky blue pants, brown leather shoes, and holding a thick book in his hand. Xiaoming thinks that he is me, and his father must know whether he is a good man or not. Xiaoming said, "Uncle, I'll be back soon if I have something to do." His uncle said, "Hurry up." Xiaoming called his father and said, "Daddy, do you have any friends to come to our house?" His father said, "Yes, you should treat your uncle well." Hearing his father's words, Xiaoming boldly let his uncle in. Xiao Ming asked his uncle to eat fruit and watch TV

My uncle is leaving, and my parents are back. The father said, "Let me see the guests off." As the father saw the uncle off, the uncle said, "Your son is very kind to me. It's also good to let me eat fruit and watch TV." The father said, "Yes, you should treat the guests with such politeness and kindness."

Friend's Dad (3)

In the past 40 years, great changes have taken place in China. I returned to my hometown this Spring Festival just in time for the renovation of the old house where I used to live. My grandfather took us to visit it with great enthusiasm.

As he walked, Grandpa said, "Your father was just born 40 years ago, and our family is in good condition. There are four rooms in the old house, and many families have only two or three rooms with more than a dozen people living in the same hall for four generations. At that time, it was not easy to have enough food. Food coupons were required, and clothing coupons were required..." At this time, we came to a well outside the hospital, which was the only well supporting the big house, Hundreds of people rely on it for living water. All kinds of stone chairs, big stones and millstones form a circle around the wellhead. My father smiled and said to me, "Look, this is our 'circle of friends' of that era." In the daytime, adults here wash clothes, vegetables, and flour. At night, people will sit and lean against stones, listen to the old people telling stories handed down from generation to generation, and listen to the adults talking about the strange people they found. My father told me mysteriously that this "circle of friends" can interact, and there is a one-way "WeChat group" at the gate, but only "group leaders" can speak. I was puzzled and asked, "That's a group, where is it?" Dad pointed to the rusty tweeter and said, "That's it. Don't underestimate it. It is very useful. It is directly connected to the village radio station. If there is any notice, just go to the radio station and shout into the microphone. These are the communication systems we used at that time. But now, a mobile phone can do everything without going out. Voice, video, and circle of friends are easy to receive and send. One machine can walk around the world in one hand. The functions of room reservation, meal reservation, online commerce, and mobile payment are complete. " After listening to this, my grandfather, who majored in electronic science and technology in the university, could not help sighing: "40 years of reform and opening up have changed too much. Before reform and opening up, I returned to Yongchun. Because of the poor foundation of the electronic industry, I could not even find a suitable industry, so I had to change my profession and become a teacher. You should cherish it, study hard, and work hard to catch up with the good times of development." I silently thought: Yes, I must live up to this good era and keep upgrading so as to keep pace with the development of the times and adapt to this circle of friends.

Friend's Dad (4)

My father is a "one man, one thousand faces" man.


Whenever I did not do well in the exam, I would be very depressed for fear that my mother would scold me. But at this time, my father always encouraged me to say, "Come on, review carefully, and you will certainly do better in the exam. You are the best." Sad, I will immediately be happy, just like a child who lost his direction in the dark, suddenly saw a beam of light shining down, and freed me from the isolated "cell". Also, when my tears flowed down like a brook, only my father was the first to stand up, take out my favorite toy, start coaxing me, and ask me why I cry. My heart will be calm from the surging waves to the silent river. Dad also likes to amuse me. I dare say that there is no better friend than him in the world.

"Big Devil"

When I made a mistake or opened the door to a stranger, my father suddenly changed his face from a smile to a serious face. He immediately pulled me into the room and began to educate me. I think nagging has become his way of education. Like a teacher, my father keeps talking and spitting out saliva that can fill a large cup. Of course, I still learned a lot in his way of education. For example, I can't talk to people on the road at will. When school is over, I don't see my parents borrowing phones from others, so I don't want to go home by myself... I dare say that there is no friend in the world who cares more about me than him.


My father is a "office worker". He either listens to classes on his mobile phone at midnight or plays on his mobile phone until midnight every day. He is now a night elf. This made him sleep at home during the day. It was just a talk to say that he would send me to school. I urged him to hurry up and he said that he would immediately. In fact, he was still lying in bed and refused to open his eyes. In recent days, he didn't get up until at least 12 o'clock at noon, otherwise he would say that if he didn't have enough sleep time, he would have to sleep for a while, and if he couldn't sleep, he would play with his mobile phone in bed for a while. I dare say that there is no lazy friend in the world.

My father is not only my father, but also the most interesting friend I have ever met in the world.

Friend's Dad (5)

The summer vacation arrived, and his father and mother went to work. Xiao Ming had to concentrate on painting at home. Suddenly, there was a knock outside the door. Xiaoming put down his paintbrush, ran to the door and asked, "Who are you?" His uncle said, "I am your father's friend." Xiaoming quickly brought a small bench, stood on it, and looked at his uncle in front of the cat. It turned out that he was a stranger. Xiaoming asked again, "Do you know my father's name?" His uncle replied, "Your father's name is' Lao Qiu '." Xiaoming thought, "So this uncle is a bad man. I will coax him away."

Friend's Dad (6)

Dickens said, "Father, he should be a generous friend." - Inscription

Who are the two most important people in life? Of course, my 'King' and 'Xiao Wang' want to say that my first reaction is to laugh slowly after silence when thinking of my mother. When I think of my father, I immediately laugh.

I always thought my father was a little serious. I didn't know that Dad could make people laugh

It was a little small at that time. One morning, the sun was shining brightly, and it was an excellent day in winter. I'm going to stay at home. At this time, my father came back and smiled as if he could read his mind and said to me, "Want to play at home again? No way. It's such a fine day today, so I go out to bask in the sun." I stepped back and shook my head: "Why do you go out? It's so boring to bask in the sun." My father continued to laugh and said, "I think you will become a 'musty girl' by the beginning of school." I was amused by what my father said: "No matter what, I won't get moldy!" My father didn't say anything, so he tacitly refused to go out.

My heart is like a pair of scissors. I walked up to my father and said, "It's boring at home. Let's test each other with a question." My father sighed and asked a question directly: "What does a toad eat?" At that time, I was really uneducated. My father shook his head. I'm a little confused. Isn't it eating worms? That's strange. "Eat chicken?" I hesitated. Dad laughed and shook his head. I'm a monk in law now - I don't know. I want to lose all my hair. I suddenly had a brainwave and patted the table: "Eat the duck!" Dad shook his head again without saying a word, and did not want me to continue speaking. Maybe he was afraid that I would not have an answer in the future and would say that he ate people. Dad really understands me.

"What is the correct answer?" I asked. I would like to see which way the answer is. I can't guess it. "It's swan meat! Daughter. The toad wants to eat the swan meat, you know?" I frowned, or reacted. With a sigh, he pretended to shake his head: "Unexpectedly, this toad doesn't even eat a chicken, but it's bigger than a chicken." Dad nodded my forehead and said with a smile, "Read more books!" I was unconvinced: "Humph! I am a genius!" Dad smiled and nodded, thought about it, and jokingly said, "Yes, yes, you are a genius, born fool!" When I heard it, I giggled.

Dad can always say something funny to me. My father is my friend, and whenever he is my father, a warm feeling rises in my heart.

Friend's Dad (7)

On Sunday morning, Xiaoming's parents went to work. Xiaoming did his homework at home.

Xiao Ming wrote for a while, when a stranger knocked at the door. Xiaoming asked, "Who are you?" The stranger said, "I'm your father's friend." Xiaoming didn't believe it. He moved to the bench and stepped on it. He looked through the observation hole and didn't know him. Xiaoming said: "My father is not at home. My uncle should go back first." The stranger said: "I'll wait for a while." Xiaoming asked his mobile phone number again. Xiaoming called his father, who did not know him. Xiaoming said, "Uncle, you'd better go, or leave me a phone number, and when Dad comes, he will call you back." The stranger left.

At noon, Dad came, and so did the uncle. Oh, it was my father's classmate when he was young. My father and uncle praised Xiao Ming and told him that he should be like today, and he could not open the door when strangers came. His father asked Xiaoming to call him his uncle, who said, "Xiaoming is really sensible."

Friend's father (8)

Although my father is an adult, he is more like my big friend in my eyes.

Dad is very handsome. He has dyed a reddish brown hair with a slight curl, which is very fashionable at a glance. My father's eyes are the most unique. His left eye is a single eyelid, and his right eye is a double eyelid.

My father's favorite thing is to play with me and laugh after winning. Once, when we played video games together, my father and I were fascinated. Finally, he beat me by a narrow margin. He jumped three feet high with joy, his eyes were curved with laughter, like a crescent moon, and his mouth was like honey. Another time, I played badminton with him. We are evenly matched, playing more and more vigorously, faster and higher. Finally, my father and I jumped up. My father kicked his legs hard, like flying, and his arms were stretched out very long. When he received the ball, his eyes turned to crescent moon again.

I like my big friend dad very much, but he has less and less time to accompany me now, and always can't do without his mobile phone. I really hope he can play less mobile phones and accompany me more.

Friend's Dad (9)

My friend is as funny as a clown, smarter than an owl, and as gentle as a teddy bear. He is not only my friend, but also my "teacher". He is my father.

Scene 1 "Old friends"

That night, after we took a bath as usual, I asked my parents: "Let's play the game of 'Music Chair'!" My sister immediately echoed: "Yes, you promised us yesterday." My mother quickly waved her hand and said to us impatiently: "adults have been busy all day and are not tired!" At this time, my father smiled and said to us: "No problem, come on!" My sister and I danced happily when we heard what "old friend" said. In the sound of music, we grabbed chairs. Dad had to scratch me or "frighten" my sister from time to time. We laughed and turned. Finally, my father and I competed for the only seat. When the music stopped, I immediately took the seat, but my strong father suddenly arched me from the seat. I cried and my father smiled, but in this smile and cry, we felt endless happiness.

Scene 2 "Teacher"

My father is not only an old friend, but also an indispensable assistant and teacher in my study. When I encounter a problem, he will come to me immediately with the sound of "Dad", which makes me feel hopeful. Don't think this assistant or teacher is easy to be! It is not just to tell the answer, but to pay attention to ways and means. It is necessary to use the simple method to explain the causes and consequences in a simple and popular way. I am also very suspicious and will not easily believe what I do not understand, and will not easily understand and accept. Therefore, I can make progress step by step in Chinese mathematics. My father, a tutor, has made great contributions!

Scene 3 "Dad"

In my mind, Dad is not only a good tutor, but also a gentle teddy bear. A few days before the final exam, I was very nervous and anxious. I always felt that the exam was not good. The reason is that for several times in the final exam, I did very poorly. Sometimes I felt that I did well in the exam, but the results were not good. There were always some careless and careless problems. So I felt that I must have made careless mistakes in this exam. This fear of mistakes was especially easy to make mistakes. Dad saw this worry and anxiety in his eyes. Before the exam, I was always tossing and turning, and my father held me in his arms and gently told me: "Baby, I know you want to have a good result, but don't you think you value the result too much? Instead, you make yourself very unhappy, and life is still long. This is just a small test in the long river, don't take it too seriously. Just like my father works hard, one is to love it, the other is that it can bring me wealth. The most important thing is that I feel satisfied and happy in it. You are a sensible child, and you especially don't want to let your parents and yourself down, but you should know that whether you do well in the exam, it will not be a reason why we don't love you, and we will love you more and more in the future! "

I lay in my father's arms and felt his strong heartbeat. His words moved me and also resolved my tension and anxiety for many days. In my mind, he is really my best and best friend. I love him, and you know what? He also loves me, always loves me

Friend's Dad (10)

We are the daughter of our parents and the students of our teachers. The wisdom of our teachers is also our wisdom. When we were born young, it was our parents who brought us up. Our knowledge was also given to us by our teachers.

We are friends with our parents and teachers. We grow up happily with the care of our teachers and grow up healthily with the support of our parents. Our parents come back late for us every time we go to work.

Grade 5 of Zhenhua School: Luo Yan

Friend's Dad (11)

"Diu, Diu, Diu handkerchief, gently put it behind the child, don't tell him..." When you hear this voice, you must say that it came from the campus! No, it came from my family.
Today, a lot of friends came to my house to play. We had nothing to do. We had read all the books at home. We have been sitting on the chair watching TV, and now my parents are free. I suddenly thought of a clever idea. I leaned over my parents' ears and said, "Mom and Dad, how about being good friends for the afternoon?" Mom and Dad said in unison, "OK!" I said to my friends, "Shall we lose our handkerchiefs?" The children were very happy and said, "OK!" "Mom and Dad also play?" The children agreed.
I found a handkerchief, and everyone formed a circle and sang: "Diu, Diu, Diu handkerchief, gently put it behind the child, don't tell him..." I put the handkerchief behind my father, who still didn't know. He didn't realize it until everyone looked at him. At this time, I had already run for a circle. As soon as Dad got up, I squatted down. At this time, my father put the handkerchief behind my mother, and my mother knew it at once. She got up and ran after my father. Because my mother often ran, she caught up with my father at once. So we had a pleasant afternoon.
After the kids left, I lay on my parents and said, "We will be friends in the future!"

Friend's Dad (12)

From the beginning of my memory, my father and mother have accompanied me together. I grew up little by little under the care of my father, growing stronger and more confident.

Dad likes to play with me. If he has spare time at home, he always invites me to play some chess. Although I was often defeated by my father, I would gladly accept the invitation, because I believe that I can find the key to the door of victory from my failure. I like swimming and playing basketball. As long as I have time, my father will accompany me to have a good time.

My father is a good cook. Every time he works in the kitchen for a while, he will waft out bouts of fragrance. My mind will come up with tempting dishes such as beef stew, chicken stew, steamed fish, and saliva will flow out involuntarily.

My father is strict with me. He not only requires me to study well, but also requires me to have good morality and good health. When I did something wrong at school, my father always patiently reasoned with me and told me how to do it. Sometimes he took the initiative to contact the teacher until I corrected. When I was young, I was weak and timid. When I was in preschool, my father enrolled me in Taekwondo training. For more than three years, six hours of training every week has changed me from the original "bean sprouts" to the current "stick guy", and also let me experience the Taekwondo spirit of "etiquette, shame, patience, and unyielding".

Dad works well and never relaxes his study. He got the qualification of senior engineer very early, which is said to be equivalent to the associate professor of the university, but he later passed the national GCT exam and continued to study for a master's degree. Once, my father held his Tsinghua University student card and teased me, saying, "This is my father's meal ticket in Tsinghua University. You can also listen to classes, borrow books, swim and play ball games. You will also need one in the future!" I know it's a bit difficult, but I will try my best to win it.

My father is my friend and my role model.

Friend's Dad (13)

The advent of smart phones has changed the way people live and work. In particular, my father's WeChat friends circle is not only used to make friends, but also used to work. Don't believe me!

My father is an expert in agricultural service technology. Protecting crops and eliminating pests is the core of my father's work. He will not only participate in product research and development, but also visit farmland for investigation. Because of time constraints, his father can not often work with colleagues, so his WeChat friends circle plays a great role.

There are many people in my father's circle of friends, including plant protection teachers, peer manufacturers, unmanned plant protection machine service organizations, grain growers, etc. They are all friends who work hand in hand with my father. Some of them are at home and some are abroad. It's really difficult for them to work together at ordinary times. If there are common problems, they will discuss and solve them in the circle of friends. They also often send some articles, videos and documents recorded on the spot about their work in their circle of friends. I often see this video when I open my father's WeChat circle of friends: a big brother controls a drone with a remote control. The plane skimmed over the fields, behind which dense droplets of fog shot out. "This big brother really knows how to play!" I couldn't help admiring him. "This is not for fun! He uses drones to spray pesticides on crops to kill pests and prevent crop diseases. One person can spray hundreds of acres of farmland a day with it, which is very efficient!" Dad introduced to me with relish, "drones have a wide range of uses. They can be used for resource detection, urban planning aerial photography, and military defense..." Only then did I know that UAV is not only a toy, but also a weapon to protect the country and crops.

Of course, Dad's circle of friends is not only limited to work, but also sometimes relaxed. Dad sometimes uploads photos of our travel and life; I and my brother's childish words; The wonderful moment when relatives and friends get together Let's share the happiness in our life.

Dad's circle of friends is full of positive energy, full of joy and harmony. Dad's circle of friends really plays a big role!

Friend's Dad (14)

Guo Zhongchan, Zeguo Primary School, Wenling City

My father is 36 years old this year. He is not tall and has dark hair. He has a pair of big eyes under his thick eyebrows. But there is always a pair of myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose. I like my father's nose best. I often use my little hands to pinch his nose and shake it, Dad always pretended to be angry and said, "Chan Chan, stop fooling around, or you'll spank your little butt." I turned around and ran away. I am most afraid of my father's beard. When my father kissed me, he pricked me with his beard, which tickled me to death. Sometimes it makes people feel a bit humorous and humorous.

I remember one time, I was watching my favorite TV channel, and my father quietly hid beside me when he was off work. At this time, I didn't know it. Suddenly, my father patted me, which scared me a lot. At this time, my heart was still "pounding", which made me curl up in fear. My father pointed at me like a big boy and said, "coward."

Whenever I did well in the exam, my father said to his family that I did poorly in the exam, and then looked at my mother's face, but my mother saw it. My father stretched his mouth and said, "I failed again."

My father likes listening to music, watching TV, and surfing the Internet. He said he would like to go to an Internet cafe! When my father came home from work, he went upstairs to open the computer to surf the Internet and play games. Even when he had dinner, he often brought food to the computer to watch and play while eating. At night, until late at night, he would still sit next to the computer, staring at the computer, until his mother said angrily, "Do you want to sleep?" I pulled my father, and he was reluctant to leave the computer.

Well, this is my friend, Dad.

Friend's Dad (15)

"Diu, Diu, Diu handkerchief, gently put it behind the child, don't tell him..." When you hear this voice, you must say that it came from the campus! No, it came from my family. Today, a lot of friends came to my house to play. We had nothing to do. We had read all the books at home. We have been sitting on the chair watching TV, and now my parents are free. I suddenly thought of a clever idea. I leaned over my parents' ears and said, "Mom and Dad, how about being good friends for the afternoon?" Mom and Dad said in unison, "OK!" I said to my friends, "Shall we lose our handkerchiefs?" The children were very happy and said, "OK!" "Mom and Dad also play?" The children agreed.

I found a handkerchief, and everyone formed a circle and sang: "Diu, Diu, Diu handkerchief, gently put it behind the child, don't tell him..." I put the handkerchief behind my father, who still didn't know. He didn't realize it until everyone looked at him. At this time, I had already run for a circle. As soon as Dad got up, I squatted down. At this time, my father put the handkerchief behind my mother, and my mother knew it at once. She got up and ran after my father. Because my mother often ran, she caught up with my father at once. So we had a pleasant afternoon. After the kids left, I lay on my parents and said, "We will be friends in the future!"

Friend's Dad (16)

"Diu, Diu, Diu handkerchief, gently put it behind the child, don't tell him..." When you hear this voice, you must say that it came from the campus! No, it came from my family. Today, many children came to my house to play. Mom, shall we be good friends for the afternoon? " My parents said with one voice: "Good!" I said to my friends: "Shall we play with the handkerchief?" The children were very happy and said: "Good!" "How about Mom and Dad?" We had nothing to do but read all the books at home. We have been sitting on the chair watching TV, and now my parents are free. I suddenly thought of a clever idea. I leaned over my parents' ears and said, "My parents agreed.

I found a handkerchief, and everyone formed a circle and sang: "Diu, Diu, Diu handkerchief, gently put it behind the child, don't tell him..." I put the handkerchief behind my father, who still didn't know. He didn't realize it until everyone looked at him. At this time, I had already run for a circle. As soon as Dad got up, I squatted down. At this time, my father put the handkerchief behind my mother, and my mother knew it at once. She got up and ran after my father. Because my mother often ran, she caught up with my father at once. So we had a pleasant afternoon. After the kids left, I lay on my parents and said, "We will be friends in the future!"

Friend's Dad (17)

Once, my father took me to his friend's house for dinner. As soon as I entered the door, I found that he had a dog. The little dog hid behind its master, looking timid. His ears hung down on his head, still trembling slightly, his little tail curled up against his small buttocks, and his eyes were staring round. He had been looking at me curiously.

At noon, the dog was hungry. I volunteered and said, "I feed it." Everyone agreed! I put * * * * in its bowl. He looked at me and the food. He must feel strange. Why did he change his owner today? Then he put his nose close to * * * * and smelled it. He thought it was really OK, so he ate it with great gusto.

Gradually, I became familiar with it. It will pounce on me and let me touch its back. It will bite my pants and pull me to the room to play hide and seek with me. Its tail kept swinging and swinging, like to make friends with me.

I found it really cute. The whole body is snow-white, with two triangular ears drooping. The eyes are round, like two black pearls. She has a small nose and a small pink tongue. It seems that she is talking to me!

Later, my father took me home. He was reluctant to part with me and followed me downstairs. His mouth kept calling "Bark! Bark!" as if to say: "Bye bye! Come next time!"

Friend's Dad (18)

My best friend father is also a person I know best. When my father comes back, I can play with him, such as belly pumping, lifting, push ups and so on.

My favorite thing is belly beating. Haha, my father seems to have a lot of gas in his stomach, and he seems to have practiced Qigong. No matter how hard he plays, it's useless. It's always hard, and sometimes it hurts my hands. Finally, I have to give up. I've asked my father many times and he never told me. It seems that I still need to study it!

I remember once when I finished my homework, my mother went to the store, and only my father and I were at home. My father and I were telling stories in turn. Suddenly, I quietly walked around my father's back to frighten him. Unexpectedly, he kicked repeatedly. Ha ha, it seems that my father reacted quickly and didn't frighten him. I felt embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry," while my father smiled and said, "It doesn't matter.". Hahaha, our laughter passed the night, and my father and I had a happy night!

Grandma was hit by a car during the winter vacation, and her mother took care of her grandma in the hospital. My father and I are also very worried at home. If we have nothing to do, we will watch TV together. I will say that there is nothing in the world that is more enjoyable than playing with my father. Even watching TV is very interesting. We will discuss the plot of TV together. I can finally rest after a hard day's work. My father and I are going to sleep separately, ha ha, but this is the first time I have slept by myself. Of course, I will sleep by myself in the future, but I feel very safe when I think my father is at home.

This is a beautiful picture, a beautiful childhood and beautiful memories. Today we are growing up step by step, but our parents are aging day by day. One day we will grow up completely. By that time, our parents will be old people with white hair. We must cherish this beautiful childhood and not waste every minute of growing up with our parents. I love you, Mom and Dad!

Grade 3: Yuan Zhenkai

Friend's Dad (19)

I'm not happy about the Spring Festival this year, because my father has several friends from Xinjiang, and my father has to spend a lot of time with them. I think it will be better if my father finishes his building in Xinjiang, and there won't be so many friends coming. My mother said I'm too stingy. When we went to Xinjiang, many uncles accompanied us to play, and invited us to dinner endlessly, Mother said it was reciprocity.