Beginning of New Year's Day Composition (3 compilations)
Allure Homme
2023-08-11 08:08:22

Beginning of New Year's Day Composition (1)

With numerous snowflakes, we had a very interesting New Year's Day. Listen carefully, the footsteps of the New Year are near. Looking to the east, a bright day is coming slowly in the time tunnel. Let's gently admit to him: Hello, New Year!

In the past 365 days full of wind, frost, rain and snow, we have fought successfully and failed. Our laughter, loss, confusion and confusion have become extremely beautiful memories.

New Year is the starting point of time, and New Year's Day is the first milestone of time. On this day, we are more imaginative about the future. Those businesses to be completed, upcoming opportunities and bright prospects are vaguely beckoning to us in the front, luring us with mysterious dreams and endless happiness. Therefore, confidence and hope were kindled in our hearts. We should not worry about fatigue and pain, but also go through the trials and hardships without hesitation.

The New Year always comes at the coldest time of the year. However, "When winter comes, can spring be far behind?" Yes, there are countless poetic images waiting for us to feel, to describe: sunny morning by the lake, flower petaled path at dusk, misty rain on the Qingshi Lane in Jiangnan Lane, and a vast expanse of wheat fields in the north and the spring breeze

Yes, although the road ahead is still rough and the cold wind is still howling, we still move forward for the promise we made to ourselves in our hearts, for the eternal hope and beautiful longing

Hello, New Year's Day!

Time is like a never - ending river, which flows through people in a hurry and quietly. Unconsciously, a memorable 20__ years has passed away in a hurry, ushering in a new era and starting another journey for people.

Beginning of New Year's Day Composition (2)

In the morning, I got up just before dawn, because this morning, we will go to the army auditorium for the New Year's Day get-together!

When we entered the school, several students had already arrived. Later, many students also came to the classroom with skipping, playing with each other and playing with fluorescent sticks.

Before long, we headed for the military auditorium!

Later, various grades successively performed brilliantly and won warm applause.

At the end of the program, one by one teachers dressed in green military uniforms stepped onto the stage, stood bravely on the stage, sang two military songs in full spirit, and won the cheers of the whole audience. The students shouted with one voice: Come on, teacher! Come on, teacher! The fluorescent wand in our hands waved again!

Ah, today is really a happy day! It's also an unforgettable day!

Beginning of New Year's Day Composition (3)

"Lala la, lala la......" I hummed a song happily. Ha ha, it's New Year's Day at last. This afternoon, we held a class get-together and enjoyed the wonderful performances of the students!

With the host's loud voice, the party kicked off: "The New Year's party is now starting...", and the performances were brilliant: guessing riddles, magic tricks, telling jokes... From time to time, bursts of cheers and laughter came from the audience.

"I am a primary school student, bang! I can distinguish the east from the west, the north from the south, bang!... The most wonderful performance is the three sentence and a half performance by Yang Yumeng, Shang Hao, Lu Shenglin and Wei Ran. The humorous language and exaggerated expression attracted the students to laugh again and again. Although the three sentence and a half performance ended, the students were still not satisfied.

As the saying goes, "Mantis catches cicadas, and yellow finches are behind.".! Zhou Yuxuan's Yo Yo ball performance attracted the praise of the students and became the finale of the party. The yo yo that flipped up and down seemed to live. The moves are dazzling. It's hard to believe that such a unique skill came from a pupil. After the get-together, the students scrambled to learn from him!

Happy times always pass quickly. In a blink of an eye, "The 20__ New Year's Day get-together is over!" The voice of the host brought us back to reality from the "different space". The New Year's Day get-together of one year was so wonderful that it was really memorable and unforgettable.