Composition tortoise (15 anthologies)
Heartbeat in Tokyo
2024-05-22 04:25:45
Grade 6

Composition tortoise (1)

There are two turtles in my sink, a Brazilian turtle and a local turtle. Although the Brazilian turtle is big, in fact, it is only nine years old, while the local turtle is already twenty years old. Besides, their living habits are different. The Brazilian turtle likes to eat in the water. Whenever I hold the turtle food close to the water basin, it always sneaks into the water basin and quietly waits to enjoy the delicious "feast". When I throw the turtle food down, it stretches its neck long, raises its head high, opens its mouth, and swallows the turtle food in one gulp. It's really a wolf. The local tortoise is more civilized. I throw the tortoise food away. It first crawls to have a look, then sniffs it with its nose, and then licks it with its tongue. Finally, it slowly eats what it likes, and then crawls away from what it doesn't.

My tortoise is both interesting and lovely.

Composition tortoise (2)

A few months ago, my mother brought back two little turtles from the flower and bird market. I was very happy. I walked around them and observed them carefully.

These two are Chinese turtles. They are not as bright as the 'Brazilian turtles'. There is not much green all over the body, but grayish earth color. And their eyes are very black and small, and there is a line on their mouth, which looks like a crack. It is said in the book that the tortoise's back armor is composed of 13 pieces. I counted them carefully. The belly armor on the reverse side has dark brown spots on each shield.

These two little turtles are a male and a female. If you look carefully, you will find that they are quite different: the one with a round body is a female, and the one with a longer body is a male; The flat bottom plate is female, and the concave bottom plate is male; The short tail is female, and the long tail is male; The dense pattern on the abdomen is female, and the sparse pattern is male. I named them Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan.

The next day, after finishing my homework, I took Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan out of the box to play. However, they were quite alert, and kept their heads and legs in their shells, lying on the ground without moving, as if they were asleep, which was not fun at all. I felt very disappointed. After waiting for a long time, I still haven't heard anything. Slowly, I lost my patience and ran to the side of the book, ignoring them. But when I went back to look at it after a while, I found that Yuanyuan was missing, which was terrible. I started the whole family to look for it, and finally found it under the sofa far away. It took a lot of effort to get it out. Hey, I didn't expect it to be stupid, but it can run faster than a mouse.

Slowly, the little turtle became familiar with us. He was no longer as "timid as a mouse" as he was at the beginning. Now, even when I touch his back with my hand, he is no longer so nervous. Especially when I bathe him, he pedals his shins and actively interacts with me. It turns out that the little tortoise who looks bored still has an active side.

Now, I often change water and feed my little turtle, and he often plays with me. We are already inseparable friends.

Composition tortoise (3)

In the world, the little tortoise is not as powerful as the lion, nor as light and beautiful as the butterfly, but it is so cute and interesting, so I call it "Coco".

Coco has a small triangular head with two black jewel like eyes. Its neck can stretch and shrink, sometimes stretching for two or three centimeters, sometimes shrinking in the shell with the mouth of a bowl, and still. Cocoa's light green shell is very solid, with irregular patterns on it, and small thorns on the edge, which is very beautiful.

Coco's character is really strange. Let's say he is timid. He is indeed as timid as a mouse. He even eats carefully. Before each meal, he would stretch his head from his shell to the east and look to the west. He would quickly climb over after he was sure that there was no one around and devour fish and shrimp, fearing that other turtles would come to eat them. Once, I accidentally touched it when Coco was eating. Coco immediately dropped the food and climbed into the corner to hide. I smiled and said to it, "Coward, you are only as brave as sesame. OK, come back and eat!"

However, sometimes Coco is also brave, even if he meets a big tortoise, he dares to fight.

Ah, Coco, I like you! You have brought me so much joy. I will treat you kindly and give you the same joy!

Composition tortoise (4)

"Pa!" Just to hear a sound, the little turtle fell to the ground again, turned over, and was kicking two legs angrily. I laughed and saw him twist his foot like a baby mischievously. He kicked his left leg and turned over again. I was stunned. The little tortoise was elated. He raised his head to look east and west, as if to let the world know his great move of "turning over". He climbed forward desperately, hid in the crack of the door, stretched his head out, and looked out, as if he were a full scout. I pulled him out with all my strength. He seemed to get angry and stuck to the door. When I caught him, his anger broke out and he struggled with his legs. I threw him into the basin, and he couldn't wait to climb up, and just half way up, he threw it down again. He stepped forward and backward, and climbed up step by step. Accidentally, it slipped down again. I was shocked, but he still didn't lose heart. He tried again and again, failed again and again. I was really moved!

Another time, I cut some beef for him to eat, but he was ungrateful and threw his head away. I turned his head around forcefully, like a prisoner, and pointed his mouth at the beef, but he "would rather die than surrender" and tightly closed his mouth. "Hum, don't eat for nothing." I whispered, a little annoyed.

I grabbed him and put him on my hand. He seemed to be thinking: where should I go? Never fall down. So he crawled leisurely on my hands. I felt itchy and angrily put him in the basin.

With the little turtle, I felt proud and seemed to be responsible. The little turtle added a beautiful touch to my childhood picture.

Composition tortoise (5)

My family has a little turtle, and the feelings between him and me can be regarded as "brothers".

There are four green spots on the head of the little turtle, and the patterns on the shell are indistinct. When I bought it, it fled everywhere when it saw me. After a long time, when I saw that I would not hurt it and feed it, I was no longer afraid of me.

Once I bought a bag of high quality turtle food. When I put the high quality turtle food in the little turtle's hut, the little turtle wolfed down and looked at me with friendly eyes from time to time. Watching it gobbling, I thought: Eat fast, grow up quickly. Soon, I found some sand to use as a beach for it. I took the turtle out of the house and started construction. It crept onto the tea table unconsciously. When I finished my job, I couldn't find the little tortoise. I was so anxious to look around. Finally, I found the little tortoise climbing on the tea table. It was looking at me happily, as if it was jokingly saying, "Ha ha, you finally found me! Hurry up and move into your new house."

Another time, our whole family went on a trip and found several new partners around the little turtle when we came back. I was very happy. These little turtles are probably his children! It has three children, one of whom is very big and is basking in the sun on the beach; A small and exquisite, riding on her mother's back to act coquettishly; The other one has a big shell and a small head. It only exposes its head, as if it is tired and sleeping soundly.

The little tortoise family is close to me, which adds a lot of fun to my life!

Composition tortoise (6)

On that day, my mother brought me a turtle. The dark green back shell was orderly lined with circular green stripes, with a small pointed tail. The most interesting thing was the thick red stripes on both sides of its head, as if its cheeks were red and shy. Mother said it was called the Brazilian red eared turtle, commonly known as the Brazilian turtle.

Since he came to my house, the little tortoise has been crawling in the fish tank day and night. I don't know whether he wants to escape or his original habit. He crawls in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night when we sleep, he is still crawling tirelessly, so I named him "Crawl".

The two front claws of the climb kept pulling out, as if they wanted to catch something, while the rear claws pushed back, like a frog's legs. When it was about to climb to the edge of the aquarium, its body gradually stood up. Three, two, one, it climbed sensitively with its two claws, quickly hooked the edge of the aquarium with its sharp nails, and at the same time, its forelimbs forced up half of its body, its neck stretched out, and its small head stuck out, like a horizontal bar gymnast, when it was about to climb out of the edge of the aquarium, After listening to the sound of "Pa", it finally couldn't support itself, fell to the bottom, and fell on all fours, but it was not discouraged. A carp straightened up, and its body suddenly turned over again, and then started again after a while. The whole set of climbing moves is completed in one go, never dragging mud and water. It seems to take you into the Olympic Games, so that you can appreciate the different styles of gymnasts.

This is my climbing, a lovely gymnast!

Composition tortoise (7)

Since the last time the hare and the tortoise lost the race, the hare has been unable to eat and sleep all day long. As for the tortoise, he ate and slept until dawn. One day, the rabbit was not reconciled. He came to the tortoise and said, "You little tortoise, if you have the ability to compete with me again, you were lucky last time, but I was unlucky. This time, you can't win again.". The tortoise didn't think much about it and agreed. When he got home, he came back to himself and thought, "It's over. I took my chance last time, but I can't make up my mind this time.". He racked his brains and got a flash of inspiration.

The rabbit looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looked forward to the day of the competition. The animals in the forest all came to watch the game. The judge monkey said: Start!!! The hare ran forward vigorously, and the tortoise refused to be outdone. The rabbit turned back and looked at the tortoise triumphantly. Who knows, he was absent-minded and hit a big stone. The tortoise finally caught up with the rabbit. When he saw the rabbit lying on the ground, he was hesitant. There were two little people struggling. Red said, "Go and save him quickly. It's important to save people!"! Black said: Don't go, run quickly, the champion is important! The tortoise defeated himself and ignored his race. He put the rabbit on his body and walked back slowly. The monkey referee saw it and rushed to the forest clinic. The monkey announced that although the competition was not completed, there should be a champion in everyone's heart. Yes, he is a tortoise, a tortoise who acts bravely. The tortoise said modestly: It is everyone's instinct to do good deeds. I just try my best to save him. The award is not important, but life is important!

Composition tortoise (8)

It has a big shell, four legs and a dark green body.

Once, the little crab clamped a little turtle's leg with two big pliers. I quickly changed a box for the little turtle and separated the two.

Once, I saw my little turtle lying in the box without moving. I touched it with my hand, but it did not reflect. I was very sad. I thought my little turtle was dead. I held it in my hand, but it was warm and moved unexpectedly. It turned out that my little turtle was hibernating.

[Little Turtle's Composition 2] 150 words

The brother who sells tortoises said that they are dry tortoises and need not be raised in water.

I put it in the box modified from the drink bottle and looked at it carefully. Its head was shrunk in the shell, one by one, with a short tail and cute claws.

The tortoise often lay on one corner of the box and stayed still, looking like he was asleep. Whenever I bathe it, it will stretch its neck, and its four small claws will swim in the water, looking very funny.

Composition tortoise (9)

In a quiet aquarium lies a small turtle. It is lonely, but it is so energetic, so innocent, lovely, lively and naughty. Even in the busiest time, I have to take a look at it.

The little guy learned to be naughty just a few days after he came to my house. Whenever I teased him, he always fell on his feet and turned over. Its eyes are round like two small soup balls, and it has two small sand like nostrils. It is probably such a small nose that can't breathe, so its big mouth that can hold a small pearl is breathing heavily every day. It has a stone like block on its four limbs, and it slowly crawls like a toddler every day.

What he likes most every day is to drink water. Every time he drinks water, he always sticks his head to the glass and slowly drinks. After drinking it, its neck will immediately close with a drum, as if it is burping a long burp. Sometimes when he finishes drinking, he will get complacent, tilt his neck and wink at me. Look at it. It's really interesting.

Every night when I go to bed, he always sees me coming and waves to me again, which is to say goodbye to me. Seeing me staring at it, it quickly opened its eyes to me.

This is the lonely and strange tortoise.

Composition tortoise (10)

··My family has a little turtle, which is very handsome and domineering. You know that not only one night, there are five fish in the aquarium, but soon, two fish are missing. When I got up in the morning, I saw how two fish were missing. I saw the tortoise lying there lazily, as if after a full meal. I angrily picked up the tortoise. When I saw this situation, my tortoise shrank back. I took out the tortoise, scolded loudly and said that I would cook it. But he seemed to look down on me, and I couldn't help cursing

···I got angry early in the morning, and I'm going to be angry

Composition Turtle (11)

Life may be a process, in which there are failures, successes, happiness, sadness, joys and sorrows, separation and reunion... For learning, life and pursuit of ideals, some people play the role of tortoise, and some people play the role of rabbit. Speaking of tortoise, the first thing people think of is its timidity; The vast sea of people, rabbit world, I am willing to be a tortoise.

Today is the day to go to school to get the test paper. Of course, "disaster never comes alone". They came in a group - together with the parents' meeting.

Looking back on last night, when the stars were shining brightly, I went to my aunt's house to have a meal and hung up sadly... It reminded me of a sentence of "boat" that I got when I took the language test: I was afraid that Shuangxi could not carry many worries.

This sentence reminds me of my "missing" again: get the test paper tomorrow; I also wanted to get the test paper quickly, and I was afraid that my father and I would look at each other when I got the test paper. I was afraid that my father's eyes would stare at me as if they were frozen... Thinking about this, I really felt sad.

Before the exam, I was not nervous, but now I am afraid that the Chinese subject I most value will not do well in the exam.

My cousin had already graduated from college. I took out the answer card in my schoolbag. My sister took my Chinese answer card and just glanced at it gently; Ask: "How much is the composition?"

I said: "50!"

"If I were you, 38 points would be good." When I said this, my sister's face did not have a trace of expression, like a piece of wood; Let me then think of the expression of our language in class, my heart kept shivering.

He quickly paused and said, "Hey, hey, hey... Elder sister, I got 44 points for my composition!"

To be honest, I didn't write the composition well in the examination room, so I gave time to read and understand.

It seems that my sister is saying, "Sister, face the reality bravely, and don't be a shrinking turtle."

... Finally, when I walked into the classroom today, I lost a curve in my mouth and a smile in my eyes; The old class was cutting scores on the platform, which I know: the old class cut scores into small pieces and sent them to parents; My father was more anxious than I was. He wanted me to see the results several times, but I just pretended that nothing had happened.

"Wang Xuehui, come and help me!" The old class called me, and the table was in the first row again; So I went with the old class to get results. My hands trembled and my heart seemed to tremble. Finally, I got up the courage and picked up the report card: Chinese 95, not excellent!

... When I got home, I talked with my Chinese teacher, Lao Lin.

As a literature lover, there is sensitivity; I naturally know where my flaws lie; Moreover, Lao Lin has also been my Chinese teacher for two years. There is no reason to say that he knows me best.

I admit that my composition was not well written; I spent all my time reading and understanding; Basic knowledge has always been weak. Classical Chinese is OK, and ancient poetry is the worst.

The Chinese teacher suddenly said, "I had dinner with your Chinese teacher that day, and my evaluation of you was: the tortoise is terrible. Although it crawls slowly, it will run in front of you as soon as you close your eyes. We are not afraid of rabbits, but turtles." Seeing these words, I was very clear in my heart. I didn't need to dig. Naturally, I knew that it was Friday's big recess and I was reciting Breath (Full name: "Let reading and writing be as natural as breathing"). When writing from memory, the teacher saw that I had no way to write a pen, walked up to my desk and said to me, "I don't believe you can't recite it..." Another afternoon reading and writing from memory ancient poetry also performed this scene.

There seems to be another time in my memory: the teacher asked me to translate the first and second paragraphs of the classical Chinese Preface to Send Dongyang Ma Sheng. It was very hesitant at that time, and naturally I understood very slowly.

The teacher also said: "You are really slow in learning, memory and understanding... This is not a bad thing. God closed the door for you, but opened a window for you

Maybe those who understand me think I am slow, and they do; Maybe people who understand me think that I am not happy. Laughing all day is just the surface of me, which is exactly the same.

In the vast sea of people and rabbit world, I am a small, inconspicuous tortoise.

Then he remembered the story of "Turtle and Rabbit Race": the rabbit laughed at the slow pace of the tortoise, but he smiled and said that one day he would race with her and win him. "Hurry up," said the rabbit. "You will soon see how fast I run.". They are going to start the game at once. The tortoise crawled desperately without stopping for a moment. The rabbit thought the race was too easy. He said that he would take a nap first and then catch up with the tortoise soon. At the same time, the tortoise insisted on crawling. When the rabbit woke up and ran, he could only watch the tortoise reach the end in front of him. It shows that you can win by playing steadily.

I am willing to be that tortoise, a tortoise who does not show off, a tortoise who studies silently, a tortoise who is not proud of winning and never regrets losing

The tortoise is terrible. Although it crawls slowly, when you close your eyes, it runs ahead of you; What we fear is not the rabbit, but the tortoise.

It's very happy to be a tortoise. In the boundless sea of people and rabbit time, I would like to be that tortoise.

Composition Turtle (12)

My family has a little turtle, which is very popular.

The turtle's hard shell, small head and big eyes are really like a clown. I named this little turtle "Clown".

The clown especially likes shrimp and meat, but does not like turtle food.

I feed it three meals on time every day, and each time there is a rich meal. Soon, the clown will like my little master more.

On weekends, I took him out to play as soon as I had time. When the clown was tired, he would lie on the ground. I hurried to take water from home from my pocket to feed him, and a piece of meat to feed him. When he was not tired, he played with me again. When he came to a single lane, I was afraid that the bike would hit him, so I grabbed him.

Sometimes my father and I take it to the street. There are all kinds of small goods on the street. The clown is curious and stretches his head long and long. It's funny. Fangfu says, "Man is great and can invent so many new things!" "Yes!" I say. At this time, it looks up at me, and Fangfu says, "What are those?" I smile and say; "The clown, look, this is MP3, that is clothes......"

When the clown was sleeping, I touched it gently, but it still didn't get up, like a real "little sluggard". Once, when he was sleeping at noon, I accidentally slipped and kicked the basin when I was walking. The clown woke up and I was happy. I said, "Hee hee, clown, you finally wake up." Dad came to me and said, "Jiajia, clown will be angry." I listened and was worried. I said, "Don't be angry, clown. I will give you more food at night, OK?" The clown seemed to understand and crawled back to sleep, which made me feel more relieved.

There are many more stories about clowns and me, and that's all I have to say today. Anyway, it is my favorite good friend - my clown!

Composition Turtle (13)

One night, a bright moon came out. The deer and the tortoise decided to take a walk. They took their favorite food with them, singing folk songs and taking a walk. Suddenly, the deer and tortoise saw a big "jade plate" that could float in the air. The two of them shouted, "What a beautiful big jade plate!" And they were admiring the beautiful big jade plate.

Looking at them, they thought: "Let's go to the sky to get the big jade plate.

Composition Turtle (14)

In the dense forest, there lives a cute and smart rabbit. Next to the rabbit, there lived a tolerant turtle.

One day, the rabbit was playing with his favorite balloon on the grass. At this time, the tortoise basking in the sun on the grass accidentally tripped the rabbit. The rabbit's red eyes, like copper bells, seemed to explode. The rabbit pricked up its three beaks, put his hands in his waist, and angrily shouted at the tortoise: "You ugly and incompetent guy, get out of my way!" The tortoise listened, stretched out his neck, and said very wrongly: "I was careless, you forgive me!" But the rabbit said rudely: "Get out of my way, I will never see you!" The tortoise had no choice but to crawl away. A few days later, the rabbit was invited by the goat to attend its birthday party. But to get to the goat's house, we had to pass a wide and long river, and the rabbit could not swim, which made the rabbit difficult. Just as the rabbit was worried by the river, the tortoise, who did not remember his past grievances, climbed up and said to the rabbit, "Brother Rabbit, what's wrong with you?" The rabbit replied, "The goat invited me to his birthday party, but his home is on the other side of the river." The tortoise seemed to see through the rabbit. Thinking, he asked, "Do you want to cross the river to the goat's home?" The rabbit nodded repeatedly. "Let me carry you across the river!" said the tortoise friendly. The little rabbit thought of the past, and his face turned red. He nodded with shame and said, "Tortoise, I did something wrong in the past, please forgive me!" The tortoise replied friendly, "Of course!" Then the tortoise let the little rabbit on its back, and they swam across the river, talking and laughing. Their happy laughter rippled on the river.

From then on, Little Rabbit and Tortoise made up again.

Composition Turtle (15)


Although the tortoise does not run as fast as the rabbit and focuses on writing, it has a "patience" that we ordinary people do not have. The tortoise has a hard "house", which can provide shelter from wind and rain when encountering difficulties. The tortoise is a symbol of longevity. We hope to have its general life and characteristics.

When I was young, I hated the word "tortoise" because it always walked slower than others, and it always carried a big and ugly house. It was not until the teacher told us the story of "the tortoise and the rabbit racing" that I felt that although the tortoise ran slowly, it did not give up, and tried hard to catch up, and later became a champion, but I lacked this "spirit"? When I fell behind others, I abandoned myself and felt that I could not catch up with them.

Later, I read another story and learned that the black shell is not the tortoise's burden, but its protective house. If the wolf wants to eat it, it will not be afraid to bite if it hides in the "house"; If it rains outside, it will not be drenched if it retracts into the "house"; If the sun is too strong, it will shrink into the "house" and not be soaked with sweat. However, those of us living in the modern age, who clearly have a "protective house", will abandon it, and go to accept the sun and rain alone, until they are exhausted.

In life, not everyone is perfect. Everyone has his own shortcomings and advantages. The key is how you turn your shortcomings into advantages. Some people pretend to be smart and give up their original advantages for some "advantages" that they can't use, and in the end they become empty headed. We should learn from the tortoise's spirit of striving forward and his ability to distinguish right from wrong.