And make 100 sentences
glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn
2023-02-14 21:11:50
A compendium of sentence making

1、 Due to timely rescue, the wild animals in this reserve were saved from destruction.

2、 Thanks to my body, I can travel around the world even if I am fat.

3、 If these matters are not handled in a timely manner, they will bring serious danger to the institutional reform.

4、 The feeling of the soldiers is based on speed. Take advantage of people's lack of strength and attack what they don't stop.

5、 Women who do nothing will eventually become a pool of stagnant water, which men can't avoid.

6、 People with coronary heart disease often take first-aid medicine with them to avoid being caught off guard.

7、 A person who does not care about others' feelings will certainly not be respected and loved by others.

8、 New ideas are often fleeting. You must concentrate, keep them in mind, and catch them in time.

9、 Some people think that it is equally important to take precautions and plan for a long-term life as well as having fun in time.

10、 Be sure to see a doctor in time after you get sick, otherwise once you delay your illness, you will be penny wise and pound foolish!

11、 I once heard of the case of death due to untimely rescue, so oil gave rise to a desperate fear.

12、 About the new spirit of this year's college entrance examination, the school leaders conveyed it to us in a timely and detailed manner.

13、 The investigation content includes whether they report in time; And whether these events are accurately reported.

14、 No underground orders are left, and students' personal feelings are ignored. They just send messages unilaterally.

15、 The reason why the ancients could not walk quickly, could not see very well, could not hear very well, could not sit for long, and could not lie down too tired.

16、 Mathematical knowledge is the purest logical thinking activity and the most advanced intelligent vitality aesthetic embodiment.

17、 Once you do jump back in time, you will still face the choice of what to do next.

18、 Quitting the crowd and being a bystander will enable you to understand some truths that others cannot discover in time.

19、 A person who can study extensively without reflecting on it in time is bound to do absurd things.

20、 Don't look sadly at the past, it won't come again. Use the present in time, it belongs to you.

21、 He has been an official for a long time. He always speaks and works high above others, regardless of the sufferings of the masses.

22、 When you advise others, if you don't care about their self-esteem, then no matter how good your words are, they are useless.

23、 For malicious insults and slanders, we should fight back in time and use legal weapons to protect our self-esteem when necessary.

24、 No harvest in spring, no growth in summer, no harvest in autumn, no taste in winter.

25、 The foot has its short, the inch has its long; Things are not enough, but wisdom is not enough; The number is less than the god.

26、 The United States has many world-famous presidents. People in other countries know Washington, Lincoln, and Kennedy.

27、 For this kind of thankless job, others can't avoid it, but he enjoys it and strives to do it first.

28、 There is no doubt that all the best virtues in human society are created, strengthened and maintained in the family.

29、 Life is like a journey. You don't need to care about the destination. What you care about is the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.

30、 Beneficial people are the foundation of self-interest. In marketing, they always think of themselves, without taking others into account, and others will not take you into account.

31、 In the poems, the spring breeze is like a strange pair of scissors, which can cut willow leaves, apricots, peaches, and many green leaves, red flowers, etc.

32、 The management method of the native people, together with the management philosophy of the Chinese people, as well as the retention of the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the employees, will never be beneficial.

33、 It's snowing. What beautiful snowflakes. At the beginning of winter, snowflakes timely reported the coming of winter.

34、 It is too late to feel when passing through your fingertips, turning everything into soft fingers. Looking back, my head looks like frost and snow, and my face looks like mountains and rivers.

35、 Mom, I want to tell you that I love you. Thank you for giving me life and making it valuable. Your wrinkles are my growing experience.

36、 The organization, discipline, perseverance of workers and solidarity with workers all over the world are the guarantee of final success.

37、 The villagers trapped on the roof by the flood are in imminent danger. If they cannot be rescued in time, they will be destroyed.

38、 Pursuing a love relationship is like ordering fancy ice cream. You will not eat enough if the amount is less, and if the amount is too much, it will melt and become sticky.

39、 If you don't study hard in time, you will be lazy when you are young and strong. You have no goals and ideas in life. The lazy person can never find the way to wisdom.

40、 The flowers can't wait to show their beautiful smiles. They greet the sun, the drizzle and the leisurely walking Hefeng happily.

41、 Friendship is cloud, which turns into timely rain; Friendship is rain, which moistens the dry land; Friendship is soil, and flowers of hope grow; Friendship is a flower and a fruit of friendship.

42、 It has satisfied, or ever satisfied, people's aggressive instinct, but it also satisfies people's desire for plunder, destruction, and cruel discipline and autocracy.

43、 Love is rain, which moistens the earth. Love is rain, which moistens the drought tree. Love is a cloud, embellishing the whole sky. Love is a cloud that turns into timely rain.

44、 Love is the wind, rolling up thick clouds; Love is cloud, which turns into timely rain; Love is rain, which moistens dry trees; Love is a tree, supporting a green shade.

45、 A beautiful face is better than a charming smile. It will benefit you for life. The most attractive plastic surgery comes from an active attitude.

46、 Tug of war is a very interesting sports activity. Not only the boys are devoted and go all out, but also the girls are no longer concerned about the image of ladies!

47、 The morning glow seemed to be particularly attracted to the morning light on the lake. It seemed that she could not wait for the soft white gauze on the water to dissipate, so she poured all her sternness into the lake.

48、 In public, Mr. Lin seems to shy away from these fly like women, but I heard that he also secretly did some things like Han Shou stealing incense.

49、 If you buy it, you can't sell it. If you can't sell it today, you can buy it at the moment before the closing, so that you can sell it when you wake up tomorrow. If you make a mistake, you can stop loss in time.

50、 Although the computer has a virus, it is not too late to install anti-virus software. Although the wall is broken, as long as it is repaired in time, it can be repaired.

51. You should know that when everyone was afraid of "ghosts", everyone avoided them, but you took the initiative to expose them, which was really different.

52. In school and life, the most important driving force of work is the pleasure in work, the pleasure in getting results from work and the recognition of the social value of the results.

53. Short term stock market predictions are poisons. They should be placed in the safest place, away from children and investors who act like children in the stock market.

Fifty-four, if you want to make a real success in your career, the first thing is to have a strong sense of enterprise, as well as the superhuman diligence and amazing fascination generated under the domination of this sense of enterprise.

55. Clean up the room, body and mind at intervals. Surplus items should be given to those in need. If you feel unhappy, remember to remove them in time. Don't let the busyness and depression of life kill your beautiful face.

56. Don't believe that tears can make you love when you are unhappy. Hard to accept the water, the feelings slowly swing away. If you are too tired, it is no sin to say goodbye in time. Come hand in hand and go empty handed.

57. Different people understand different industries. The most important thing is to know which industries you understand and when your investment decisions are within your own ability circle.

58. Carefully capture those fleeting thought sparks and shoot them in time. Don't have to be a piece, and don't have to be coherent, just because it is novel and unprecedented.

59. What a timely rain! The corn seedlings in the field will have a good time. I seem to see rain water flowing into the ground, into the orchard, into people's hearts.

60. In the process of threat assessment, every step is full of obstacles. The frequent and major constraints faced by decision makers lie in the quantity, quality and timeliness of strategic intelligence.

61. Although face is very important to you, compared with your own personality charm, famous cars, villas with swimming pools, golf and famous brand clothes will be insignificant.

62. A passionate person, especially a young person, cannot avoid mistakes; As long as you are kind-hearted, honest and broad-minded, you can correct your own judgment in time and do not persist in your own opinions, it will be very good.

63. People want to open their hearts in front of others, but they are poor in words. Many great and important wisdom in life has been annihilated, which is entirely due to the inability to find the required form of expression in time.

64. Hope is a timely drizzle in spring; It is a cool breeze in summer; It is the joy of harvest in autumn; It is a fire burning in winter. Hope brings us joy.

65. Youth is to society what fresh and lively cells are to the human body. Metabolism, the old and decayed losers are always on the way of natural elimination, and the fresh and lively ones live in space and time.

66. Time flies. The summer solstice is coming soon. Blessing is timely: everything you do is fast; A large number of students are knowledgeable; Family trifles are harmonious and orderly; Life happiness, luck always!

67. When we drove to Yandang Mountain, I couldn't wait to jump off and run towards the gate of Yandang Mountain. I saw that the trees on Yandang Mountain were lush and luxuriant, and the white clouds on the top of the mountain were curling around, like a landscape painting.

68. Too many ups and downs, and having fun in time, made me lose the desire to look good. As a matter of fact, when you are in front of me, I will be a bunch of bright fireworks, only open until you disappear from my eyes.

69. She continued to make a clanking noise in a hurry, so that the world would not be full of love and indifference. She joined the queue and bought a train ticket. People scolded her, but she didn't care.

Seventy, oh, is the rape flower in bloom? I was surprised like a child who could not wait to go to the other side of the lake. The open field has been stained with golden yellow, and the rape flowers on the terraces are scattered in a neat way, which makes the eyes bright with spring!

71. Because in the long dark night of my life, the books I read and the books others read to me have become a great beacon of light, revealing to me the deepest source of human life and human spirit.

Seventy two. Poverty itself is not terrible. What is terrible is the thought of poverty and the belief that one is destined to be poor. Once you have a poor mind, you will lose your enterprising spirit and never walk out of the shadow of failure.

73. Life is based on time. Wasting other people's time is equal to killing people for money. Wasting your own time is chronic. The prime of life does not come again. One day is hard to wake up again. You should encourage yourself in time. Time waits for no one.

Seventy four, a rare peach blossom snow! You came too soon. The land needs you, the crops need you, and people need you. Look! They float across the fields, sprinkle on the villages, fall on people, and are sweet in people's hearts.

Seventy five, Dad's mouth turned upward, as if with a smile. He can also make crosstalk, which can make good things that students do, as well as careless and inattentive things, into crosstalk, so that students can be educated in laughter.

76. This time, my mood was extremely nervous. I was afraid that my parents would not come home to pick me up. I was afraid that I was nervous and I was afraid. At this moment, I held my breath and waited for my parents to appear.

Seventy seven, I grabbed the ice-cream and couldn't wait to open the lid. Suddenly, a cool fragrance came to my nose. I picked up the spoon and just took a bite. A cool feeling refreshed my heart. Ah! It's delicious, I can't help exclaiming.

78. Chinese people think that dragons are very auspicious and powerful, while many Westerners tend to associate dragons with the dinosaurs in Hollywood disaster movies. They think that dragons are very evil spirits, and they are afraid to avoid them.

79. The charm or dream of the center is that it always moderately leads the aesthetic needs of consumers, guides the aesthetic expectations of consumers, predicts and timely introduces new popular styles, and when new styles are introduced, Luoyang always makes paper expensive and cloth expensive.

Eighty, I can't wait to rush into the rain and find that the spring rain is as light and thin as silk. I can't hear the intermittent sound, nor can I feel the dripping rain. It seemed like wet smoke, gently moistening the earth and people's hearts.

Eighty one, being drunk today is a life of enjoying the present; Without foresight, there must be immediate worries. It is a kind of life to be vigilant for the future; This situation can be considered as a memory, but it was lost at that time, and it is a kind of life to recall the past.

Eighty two, "Be ready for failure to meet the victory" is an attitude that one must have when facing gains and losses. If you only prepare for success and not prepare for failure, it will be too late when you fail.

Eighty three, Mei will snow together in spring. It is enviable to see the happiness of snowflakes and poets between the lines! When can we also touch such happiness? Even if the snowflake turns into a drop of water in the palm, it can leave a pure memory.

Eighty four. Although cactus is not as beautiful and luxurious as peony, it is not as colorful as roses, nor is it as fragrant as jasmine. But I like cactus. It takes little but contributes a lot. It is the spirit of only seeking to pay, not seeking to return.

The footsteps of 85 and April can't wait to come. In order to welcome the coming of April, the earth has made too many grand preparations. You see, the plants on the field are crazily jointing, the mountains and rivers have changed from the past vast silence, and the creatures in the forest are jumping lively.

86. Dream is the wind on the horizon, which comes and goes too fast to catch up with; Dreams are withered leaves, nourishing trees and ushering in new dreams, like a gust of wind, blowing into the future; Dream, like a ship, floats far away; Dream, like a lamp, lights up tomorrow.

Eighty seven. Even God is dark on a cloudy day. People walk carefully on the sidewalk for fear of offending God. It will rain heavily and make you unprepared. The small drops of water walking down the glass sometimes get together to talk!

Eighty eight, people have only one mind. When they are excited, they will have all kinds of thoughts and considerations. This kind of thinking is right or not, only in a flash. If an idea is not correct, it will be discovered soon and corrected in time. Naturally, it will not be far from the right path.

89. Some of the mistakes that have already been made are due to lack of time, some are due to deliberate avoidance, and most of the time, they stand aside blankly. We made mistakes again and again, but never learned from them and did some introspection.

Ninety, I can't wait to take a slice of watermelon, and I feel cool, sweet and delicious after biting it. It's really cool! I eat watermelons with a big mouth. I never eat watermelons without spitting out their seeds. The red juice flows all over my mouth like blood. I can't help but cry: watermelons are really sweet!

91. Filial piety may be a pair of socks, or a pair of neatly placed slippers, or a kiss, or a smile, or a table of dishes cooked for parents, or the umbrella that comes in time when it rains, or even a warm hug, a warm blessing.

Ninety two. One after another brilliant fireworks bloomed in the air, setting off the originally dark sky more colorful, poetic and picturesque, and the sound was deafening. With thousands of families surrounded by fireworks, people can't wait to come out from all directions to enjoy this magnificent landscape.

93. From now on, I begin to choose my life carefully, and I will not easily lose myself in all kinds of things. In my heart, I have heard the call from afar, so I don't need to look back and care about all kinds of rights and wrongs behind me. I have no time for the past, I want to move forward.

Ninety four. Everyone has a time when good fortune comes, just to see if he can receive it; But if he does not pay attention to it in time or stubbornly throws away opportunities, it is not chance or fate that is playing tricks on him. In fact, only his own laziness and absurdity can be blamed; I think such people have to complain about themselves.

Ninety five. The beautiful voice of the sun rings in the sunrise after the long night, in the spring after the severe winter, and in the dusk before the dark night. At these moments, the sunshine will tell you the joy of reunion, the warmth of friendship and the sadness caused by even a very short departure in emotional language.

Ninety six. On a sunny day, go to the fields and rivers for a walk. You will be fascinated by this colorful season! The white pear flowers and pink peach flowers haven't all withered yet. The fiery pomegranates can't wait to take advantage of the sunshine in May to look like they are still in bloom and make people love them!

97. The snow is not thick. Between the lawn, in front of the building, beside the holly and the path under the sparse tung trees are covered by the thin and sparse white, showing a more secure attitude than when the sun is shining. Like this pure white sky, it is as plain and smooth as the window paper between the wooden lattices, showing the flowing quiet between the eyebrows and eyes.

98. Why can't we live in peace? The key is not driving away the demons in your heart in time. Because you have evil thoughts, you can't control yourself rationally and often do stupid things with remorse. Because the dust of the soul is not cleaned in time, the weak willed will fall into the abyss from time to time.

99. Since last night, the naughty north wind has rushed through the window cracks, making people feel cool and sweeping away the stifling summer heat for several days. Gradually, the north wind seemed to be blowing harder and harder, and I felt chilly, so I wrapped myself in blankets.

There are some people in our life who rub shoulders with us, but they are too late to meet; Meet, but it's too late to meet; Acquaintance, but it is too late to get familiar; Familiar, but still want to say goodbye. Be good to yourself, because your life is not long; Be nice to people around you, because you may not meet them in the next life.