Can't be ignored (5 high-quality articles)
A piece of red paper
2024-04-08 02:28:36

Not Negligible (1)

Mother's love is always great: some mothers can work hard for their children's life just to see the innocent and brilliant smile on their children's faces; Some mothers are strict in their discipline and hope that their children will succeed. They wish their daughters will become phoenix and begin to beat and scold. But who knows that the pain is in the mother's heart! After reading Ji Lao's article "Remembering Mother", I also suddenly realized that mother will be lonely and need to rely on!

When Ji Xianlin was a sophomore in college, his mother abandoned him and Ji was in agony. His wish didn't come true, and he became an orphan without a mother. A child who lacks maternal love is a person with incomplete soul. He has an incomplete soul, and holds a lifelong hatred. At the thought of her mother, tears flow continuously for decades. Ji Lao also wrote a poem;

After studying in Germany for ten years, I can recall the old country day and night.

Cross the border into Switzerland for no reason, and visitors will look back and become their hometown.

Maternal love is a deep sea, and his mind is infinitely expanded! Motherly love is the coat of a wanderer, to shield children from wind and rain! Maternal love is a candle in the dark, lighting up the hope of progress! Maternal love is the ten thousand zhang spring in the world, watering all kindness and love! Motherly love is destined to be ignored, because she is too ordinary, too imperceptible. Some people take it for granted, but how sad and pathetic it would be to lose all this!

Cherish the maternal love and repay the mother. Don't let your mother stand outside the door like Ji Lao's mother, looking forward to coming back day and night! Let's start with little things and repay this great maternal love!

Not Negligible (2)

Mother's love is always great: some mothers can work hard for their children's life just to see the innocent and brilliant smile on their children's faces; Some mothers are strict in their discipline and hope that their children will succeed. They wish their daughters will become phoenix and begin to beat and scold. But who knows that the pain is in the mother's heart! After reading Ji Lao's article "Remembering Mother", I also suddenly realized that mother will be lonely and need to rely on!

When Ji Xianlin was a sophomore in college, his mother abandoned him and Ji was in agony. His wish didn't come true, and he became an orphan without a mother. A child who lacks maternal love is a person with incomplete soul. He has an incomplete soul, and holds a lifelong hatred. At the thought of her mother, tears flow continuously for decades. Ji Lao also wrote a poem;

After studying in Germany for ten years, I will recall the old country day and night.

Cross the border into Switzerland for no reason, and visitors will look back and become their hometown.

Maternal love is a deep sea, and his mind is infinitely expanded! Motherly love is the coat of a wanderer, to shield children from wind and rain! Maternal love is a candle in the dark, lighting up the hope of progress! Maternal love is the ten thousand zhang spring in the world, watering all kindness and love!

Motherly love is destined to be ignored, because she is too ordinary, too imperceptible. Some people take it for granted, but how sad and pathetic it would be to lose all this!

Cherish the maternal love and repay the mother. Don't let your mother stand outside the door like Ji Lao's mother, looking forward to coming back day and night! Let's start with little things and repay this great maternal love!

Not Negligible (3)

Yesterday, I wanted to see my grandparents again before school started.

Before I was six years old, I spent time with my grandparents. They loved me very much and took good care of me. They often took me to buy fun and delicious food. They gave me a score and I gave them a score of 100. However, I failed in my performance because when I grew up, I even ignored the existence and feelings of my grandparents. I only went to see them once or twice a year and never called them to say hello. I felt that I was a failure.

Grandma heard the news that I was going, and said yes. In fact, I know that they are very happy.

Grandparents are with their uncles and aunts. They are often busy, so they are often left alone. It is needless to know that grandparents are very lonely. My grandpa used to walk fast and often went downstairs to chat with other old people. Grandma often runs around, too. But after Grandpa's foot accident, neither of them could go out often. Grandpa can't walk fast, how can he run around? Seeing my grandfather's feet, I felt a pang of anger in my heart. Why are his children not so competitive and can be filial to my grandparents? Why did I appear in this world so late? If I can work, I can support my grandparents. Even if they have an accident, I can take care of them! But the fact is the fact, which will never change. And Grandma, who often has to run up and down, is very tired. Seeing Grandma's tired eyes, I also know that our younger generation really doesn't care about them too much.

When I appeared at the door, Grandpa was also shocked. Grandma didn't tell him I was coming. He was also surprised. I also knew that he was happy - from his expression.

It happened that the Chinese women's volleyball team was playing. Grandpa liked watching it best. They watched with him. Have a chat with him about the match. I was so angry at that time! After the game, Grandpa ran back to his room, and I knew he was tired. He was already in poor health. He had asked him to go back to bed, but he refused. Can't help it?

After grandpa fell asleep, he talked with grandma and mentioned his illness. His illness had not been cured before he left the hospital. He had never been treated again. It was too late now. In addition, all the unpleasant things that have happened recently have made grandpa's illness worse... Talking about my past, I was really stupid at that time. In kindergarten, grandpa was responsible for picking me up and seeing me off. Every time, I asked grandpa to pick me up first; When I was young, I liked to play with water and often got wet. My grandpa wanted to pull me out because he was afraid that I would catch a cold. As a result, I pinched my grandpa's hand... I will never forget the plot. How could I not know that my grandpa and grandma loved me?

Before leaving, my grandparents told me to come and play when you are free! I nodded. At the moment I left, my tears burst. I wanted to cry all the time in the room, and I had to endure it to prevent my grandparents from worrying. Grandparents have worked hard all their lives, but they still have to suffer so much pain in their old age. Why can't I share some of it for them? The old man can't work any more.

Grandma and grandpa, promise me to live a long life, and let me do my best to be filial.

Not Negligible (4)

As the smallest natural number, zero is often ignored by me. With the promotion of the grade, I found that the culprit who always failed to get high marks in mathematics was neglecting zero.

It was not in a math test that I made a fool of myself. There is such a multiple choice question: "If (a+b) x=ax+x, then b=1" When I answered this question, I felt a twinge of joy. I thought it was too childish for the teacher to take such a simple question for the exam. Of course, it was right. I made a big tick. In the afternoon, when the teacher handed out the test paper, I was dumbfounded. I even answered this question wrong. I thought hard for a long time, but I was still confused. I didn't wake up until Miss Bian mentioned this question: I had forgotten my lovely zero again, and the teacher dug a trap for us students to jump. If x is zero, the equation is also true. It seems that in the future, the exam must be down-to-earth and serious. Zero has taught me a lot of lessons.

In fact, many mathematicians are very concerned about zero. Once a mathematician made a joke one day when he helped his wife look after her luggage while she was moving. At that time, sweating, he repeatedly counted his luggage, thinking that his wife had taken care of ten pieces of luggage, but how could he count nine pieces of luggage N times. The lady was puzzled. The mathematician confidently complained to the lady, "You must have counted wrong, that is, nine pieces. Don't believe me, I will show you '0, 1, 2...'" The lady laughed aside. The mathematician really cares that zero has gone "crazy".

In the realm of mathematics, zero is everywhere. It seems that if you want to learn mathematics well, you must start from "zero".

Not Negligible (5)

Mother's love is always great: some mothers can work hard for their children's life just to see the innocent and brilliant smile on their children's faces; Some mothers are strict in their discipline and hope that their children will succeed. They wish their daughters will become phoenix and begin to beat and scold. But who knows that the pain is in the mother's heart! After reading Ji Lao's article "Remembering Mother", I also suddenly realized that mother will be lonely and need to rely on!

When Ji Xianlin was a sophomore in college, his mother abandoned him and Ji was in agony. His wish didn't come true, and he became an orphan without a mother. A child who lacks maternal love is a person with incomplete soul. He has an incomplete soul, and holds a lifelong hatred. At the thought of her mother, tears flow continuously for decades. Ji Lao also wrote a poem;

After studying in Germany for ten years, I will recall the old country day and night.

Cross the border into Switzerland for no reason, and visitors will look back and become their hometown.

Maternal love is a deep sea, and his mind is infinitely expanded! Motherly love is the coat of a wanderer, to shield children from wind and rain! Maternal love is a candle in the dark, lighting up the hope of progress! Maternal love is the ten thousand zhang spring in the world, watering all kindness and love!

Motherly love is destined to be ignored, because she is too ordinary, too imperceptible. Some people take it for granted, but how sad and pathetic it would be to lose all this!

Cherish the maternal love and repay the mother. Don't let your mother stand outside the door like Ji Lao's mother, looking forward to coming back day and night! Let's start with little things and repay this great maternal love!

Grade 6 of Zhejiang Houzhai No. 2 Primary School: Wang Jiajie