This is a different 600 word composition (3 required)
in the future
2023-11-08 05:45:03

This is a different 600 word composition (1)

It's Thursday again, which is my most annoying day of the week. All the main subjects are gathered here. Every week to Thursday is a painful day for me.

It was not easy to get through the morning's homework, and I slumped on the stool. I thought we could have a rest at noon, but the most worrying thing happened. Shortly after the bell rang for lunch break, the classroom was silent and strangely quiet. We all enjoyed the leisure after learning in this quiet atmosphere. However, this atmosphere was broken by the sound of the door opening. Two or three students ran into the classroom in a panic, shouting "Brother Qiang is coming! Brother Qiang is coming!" These words startled us, and the whole classroom immediately became noisy. Every student's face showed a few lines of panic, but the classroom soon became quiet, It seems a little quiet before death.

The classroom immediately fell into a dead silence. No one dared to speak, and the sound of the needle falling on the ground could be heard now. After a while, the door was pushed open with a creak, followed by a man who was not tall but a little fat. The black framed glasses on his face fully showed his profound knowledge. But what is different from the past is that today the teacher is not here for management. He holds a thick stack of paper in his hand. It took us a long time to see clearly that "it is an exam paper". We were all thinking in our hearts. We were already nervous enough. Now when we see that there is still an exam, our hearts will jump to the throat. The teacher only dropped a sentence, "You will be given 15 minutes to take the exam" Send Dongyang Ma Sheng Xu ", and I will come to take it back 15 minutes later. Then a smile appeared on my face". The smile revealed some cunning. We all glared at the teacher, but his face did not move at all, and he did not show any pity for us.

Once I got the test paper, it was really "full of black" questions filled with the whole a4 paper printed with some big understanding questions. By the time the exam was over, the bell had already remembered that we walked out of the classroom feeling dejected and weak, and our legs were numb.

"Where did we go during our break time?" The student said, yes, this time it was really a different lunch break.

This is a different 600 word composition (2)

When I was young, Grandpa always washed my feet. It has become a habit to wait for my grandfather to dip my two little feet into the water to swim every night.

As he grew older, Grandpa became older and older. His thick back bent, showing depression.

I took the washbasin and put it under the tap. I watched the white water column hit the washbasin, splashing with drops of water. Today, I just want to wash my grandpa's feet once!

I reached into my fingers to see if the water was warm. I helped my grandfather sit down on the sofa. When the washbasin was put in front of him, the old man looked surprised: "What is this

I carefully took off my socks for my grandfather and dragged his feet into the basin. Those bronze feet! There are many ravines on it, and the blue veins and calluses that have accumulated deeply hurt my eyes. I looked up at my grandfather. He even had a slightly cocky eye and was smiling at me.

I brushed the water to wet his ankle, and then put soap on it. I carefully massaged according to the acupoints. My grandpa used to do the same thing a thousand times and a hundred times.

Grandpa leaned back on the pillow, and his eyes were sparkling with tears.

The water in the washbasin turned and swayed, and looked unfathomable, just like a lake, a heart lake. There is an old heart living in it. It has been living all the time, watching that little heart grow up and become mature

When I think of this, my eyes are also wet. I just want to let my grandfather enjoy another time when someone washes his feet. It's different. But this time, it can make his weather beaten eyes shed tears and move him. I usually do very little, just like a drop of water in the lake!

Once upon a time, when I was sitting, Grandpa helped me wash my feet.

This time, Grandpa sat down and I washed his feet.

Once upon a time, I sat and smiled.

This time, Grandpa sat and cried.

This is a different 600 word composition (3)

When everyone comes to the world, they hope to demonstrate brilliant achievements and create a personalized self. I hope that their knowledge and demeanor will be appreciated and praised by others, but not everyone can be exuberant on the stage with flashing lights and feel the majesty of the national anthem on the podium.

As an ordinary individual, most of them can only talk behind the lamp and act as an audience in front of the podium. No one pays attention to them, and no one gives gorgeous flowers and warm applause. The flowers are indeed beautiful and the applause is intoxicating, but they can only affirm the achievements of some people and cannot deny the value of most people, as long as we study and live conscientiously.

I remember a period of time when I learned how to play double flight. Some people taught me how to play and others taught me how to cooperate with my hands and feet. After a lot of hard work, I finally learned to play a double fly. I practiced double fly for more than a month, but I never broke a record. With the encouragement of everyone and my constant efforts, I jumped 17 double flights in a row, and even I couldn't believe it. The students applauded for me. This is my first time to surpass myself and the limits in my heart. I think that I should also study like skipping rope, constantly surpass myself and the limits.

The power of success comes from having a worthy goal and putting aside oneself. I look for the straight meaning of life. People without life goals live in a narrow way. They are always concerned only with themselves and their immediate interests. Such people are like frogs in a well. A remarkable feature of ambitious people is that they have the courage to be a different person and go all out to fulfill their dreams.

Maybe you are just a hard rock standing in the mountain, exposed to the sun and rain all day long, ugly and silent. In the vicissitudes of life, you have been forgotten there, but your standing there for a long time is your eternal pride.

Maybe you are a fragmentary flower, just a leaf that has survived the dry season, just a piece of yellow paper, a piece of dyed cloth, but because of you, the world has a unique landscape. But as long as you have hardworking hands and a wise mind. You can defeat yourself. You can be a different me!

Let us all surpass ourselves, be a different person, and live every minute and every second in a down-to-earth way!