He is my father (Collection 5)
Heart like a rock
2024-01-04 07:40:05
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

He is my father (1)

His name is dog egg, and his name is Lele.

They are deskmates in the same school and classroom.

One day, the teacher assigned a topic, saying, "Introduce your father tomorrow." This topic is very common to others, but for these two students, it can be

He, Lele, is the son of the village head. Although the family doesn't have much money, it is also the richest man in the village. Lele is the only boy in his family, so everyone in the family takes him as the apple of their eye. Lele's father, in particular, loves Lele very much. Lele's daily task is to study, so Lele lives happily.

He, Goudan, was also unlucky when talking about this child. He lost his father when he was young. Later, his mother remarried, and Goudan followed his uncle. His uncle's family was not rich at first. Another dog egg made life more difficult. But his uncle loved him very much, but the dog egg felt sorry and helped his uncle do housework every day. The boy, Goudan, was liked from childhood. Not only his uncle but also his teachers at school liked him.

Lele went home and asked the village head, "Dad, the teacher asked me to introduce you. What do you say?"

The village head said, "Just tell me how I love you and love you!"

So Lele rushed to write and typed a draft called "My Good Dad".

Dogs didn't say anything when they came home. They sat dumbfounded. Dogdan has never had a father since he was young, and he has never felt the love of his father. dad? There is no such concept in Dogdan's mind, but Dogdan knows that his uncle loves him and his teacher loves him, so Dogdan starts to make it, which is far fetched.

The next day, the teacher asked them to introduce. Soon, Lele stood up to introduce. After the introduction, Lele's good father and classmates were envious. Then they came to Dogdan. Dogdan stood up and said:

"I don't have a father. I lost him when I was young. In my mind, there is no impression of my father.

At home, my uncle is my closest person. He loves me very much and gives me father like love. He is my father.

At school, the teacher gave me unlimited help and love. He is my father.

Thanks to my two good dads, I love them. "

Dogdan sat down crying, and the teacher's eyes were red with thunder of applause.

He is my father (2)

He is not stupid, he is my father

Director: Jessie Nelson

Actors: Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer, Laura Dern, Dakota Fanning

Issuing company: Maxtor Entertainment

Plot outline:

On the first day when the mentally retarded Sam became a father, his wife Rebecca left him. He had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of raising his daughter Lucy. He worked in the coffee shop every day. With the help and help of his neighbor Annie, he learned how to take care of Lucy in infancy. When he was short of money or in trouble, a large number of kind and warm-hearted friends would help him.

When Lucy started kindergarten, in order not to make her father can't understand the picture books issued by the school, Lucy began to suppress her study. The teacher found out and told the charity. The charity staff thought that a mentally handicapped father was not enough to shoulder the heavy responsibility of educating his daughter. On the day of Lucy's birthday celebration, they took Lucy away and planned to give her to a foster family to raise.

Just one month before the court session to determine who should take the custody of Lucy, Sam found Rita? Harrison came to defend him. Although Rita didn't want to take over this difficult and small case at the beginning, she was gradually moved by Sam's sincerity and his deep love for Lucy. After a lot of efforts, she tried countless ways to overcome the difficulties that lay ahead of her, Lucy and Sam can finally live happily together again.


Madame Curie, a French physicist, said: "The only happiness in the world is that people in the family are connected with each other." Family love is the beginning of all love. People know how to respect their parents from birth, and gradually extend to treat and care for others. A person who doesn't know his family is not as good as animals. After a close look at the film, Sam and Lucy's father and daughter are deeply in love, but they are separated by the God of Luck. Those who are born in bliss and don't know how to be lucky should have a good review.

"He is not stupid, he is my father" depicts the human nature clearly, and also injects some cruel and thought-provoking phenomena into the characters in the film. Sam competed with the child welfare agency for Lucy's custody, both of which were based on goodwill rather than malice. On the one hand, he did not want his daughter to be separated from him, and on the other hand, he was worried about Lucy's future. When she reached puberty, her father, who was only seven years old with an IQ, how to deal with her physical condition and help Lucy with her university studies. But in fact, in the judgment, it is likely to cause an indelible shadow in the child's heart. A family relationship that seems simple but dense and interdependent between a lost father and daughter, as the neighbor Annie said in the film, "I have always been very worried. I am afraid that once Lucy is taken away from her father, she will be hit and spend the rest of her life trying to fill the vacancy." No matter what decision Lucy makes, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no exact answer to support her mentally handicapped father or foster family. But if it is me, I hope Lucy can live happily with her father forever.

Personally, I think Mr. Tainer's doubts about the ability of a disabled person in the film are very unfair. Although Sam's mind is like a seven year old child, it does not prove that he is not a good father.

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He is my father (3)

He is my father. He is very, very good. It is rare to have a weekend. Tomorrow is my birthday. Today, my father takes me out to play.

In the morning, my father said, "Let's go to the zoo to play!" I said loudly, "OK." The zoo is dozens of kilometers away from our home, so we will take the subway to the zoo. We drove to the railway station, took the subway, and drove to the zoo. When we got to the zoo, I hurried to the ticket office. I said, "I want two tickets." After buying the tickets, I walked into the zoo, First, I saw a tiger eating meat!

We went to see the monkey again. I saw a big monkey, crawling around. It's noon. My father said, "Let's eat!" I want to eat chicken rice, and my father will eat papaya rice. I ate with relish. When I finished eating, my father also finished eating. My father had to pay my aunt more than 50 yuan. My father said, "Let's go to tea!" So I went to the teahouse again. I ordered a cup of milk tea, and a hot dog. My father ordered a cup of papaya milk. After drinking, we went to see the chameleon. I saw a chameleon climb onto a branch, turning brown, and then onto a leaf, turning green. I thought the chameleon was very interesting. I hurriedly asked my father to take a picture of my mobile phone. After that, we arrived at the Panda House. I see giant pandas and little pandas. They are eating bamboo. Then we came to the place where we saw snakes laying eggs. The eggs of snakes were more than eggs. When other snakes came to grab the eggs, the mother snake would protect them. I went to see the swan and saw a swan flying in the sky. The white feathers were extremely beautiful.

My father said, "Let's go to have dessert." I said repeatedly, and I ordered cakes, egg rolls, milk, and so on. There were so many delicious things that Dad only ordered a glass of soda. I put everything I ordered in my stomach. My father said, "Let's go and read!" When I came to the library, I took a book called "Love Tree" and read it. After reading it, I felt very moved. My father said, "There is no time left. Let's take the roller coaster." When I got on the roller coaster, I felt a little afraid, but later I was not afraid. The roller coaster starts. I hold the handrail. It's so cool!

I went to the fish house to watch the fish. I saw a small goldfish and a big goldfish swimming together, as if they were very happy. I went to the goat house again, and saw ten big goats barking. They had long whiskers.

It's five o'clock now, and I can also go for a soda. I ordered Coke and juice, and my stomach was swollen like a big ball. I went to the White Goose House, and the white geese and swans seemed to be the same.

I want to leave after dinner here. I have goose rice, meat rice and braised meat rice. Dad paid the money, and it was time for us to go. We came to the gate of the subway station, got on the subway, and then returned home.

(Comments, very good! Smooth, write the happiness of the day incisively and vividly.)

Grade 5: Huang Zhuocheng

He is my father (4)

That winter, when I was six years old, the innocent children in my childhood witnessed my father who loved me die beside me. That night, the gray sky mercilessly sprinkled snow, which was white tears, to commemorate my life and memories of the past. Blood, drop by drop, flows through the hands. Dark red is full of childish and cold hands. The hands are too hot and cold, because the blood has dried up.

I didn't cry, because my father was smiling, and his pale palm swept past my ears, hugged me, and deeply kissed my forehead. A heat fell from my cheek. At that time, it was only my father's sweat, but never thought about it. It was his last tear, falling quietly, carrying my love, melting a small piece of snow on the ground, spreading, spreading, I saw, It leaves without bounds.

My father left, with those warm eyes that I will never forget, disappeared in that cold season, that cold night.

I have cried in my heart countless times, Dad, don't go!

However, in the end, I can do nothing. I hate myself. Why don't I hold my father tightly? Maybe as long as I hold him tightly, the night will not take him away. I choose silence in regret, remorse and pain.

I plan to live quietly all my life.

Even if he appeared, he could not wake up the stubborn me who chose to be numb. I will always live in my world, alone, all my life.

I reject him. I am afraid that he will walk into my world and then leave safely. I am afraid of losing because I have lost too much.

I don't deny that he treats me very well, no less than a real father. Similarly, he would ask for warmth. He would take me to school by bike in the cold season. When the snow was thick, he would carry me on his back. Every time, I was wrapped in warmth. Gradually, I knocked down the invisible wall. I just need something else. I can't understand myself. Why did I treat him like that? I know his heart is very bitter, but I always smile to me.

He did not change his care for me, which lasted for 10 years. He just wanted to change it - Dad, but I never spoke. Laugh, he taught me. Communication, he taught me. I began to walk away from my world. I forgot the past scenes, and even my father's figure began to blur. Sorry, Dad, I didn't mean to be so ruthless, but had another person to trust me. I will repay him for what he has done to me.

I remember Father's Day in June.

There are not too many gifts. I bought a belt buckle for him with the money I saved. The packaging was made by myself. At the moment when the box closed, I put my love into it, hoping that he could receive it.

It was more than 10 o'clock after school in the evening. He was sitting alone in the living room without turning on the light. Two vicissitudes of life fingers were holding a cigarette. The fire of stars lit up loneliness, and white rising smoke filled loneliness. A pair of wrinkled eyes, so familiar, only to find that it is the same as the pair in my heart. No, it is different. It has the unique selflessness of one party - love for a child who has nothing to do with it.

This moved me

"Dad!" I shouted at the door.

He was stunned, and Yanshun fell down with his hands and hit the ground hard, breaking the loneliness of the fire.

In the dark night, the brightest thing fell from his eyes. I know it for sure. It was the tears in a father's heart.

"Dad, happy Father's Day!" I handed him the gift and ran back to the house shyly.

A long memory of the past, while ignoring all the things around.

I lingered around love for a long time, afraid to touch my feet, but finally stepped in.

Far away in the sky, there is a star called Father twinkling, and there is a man called Father doing everything for me.

Dad, I love you, forever... only to find that I am so happy.

He is my father (5)

I am a farmer's son. Farming at home is not rich. When I was young, whenever I said that my father was a farmer and there were some fields in his family, I hated myself very much. Why was he born in such a family; Whenever I fill in the information, my father's occupation is "farming", I wish others hadn't seen it; Every time my father wants to drive me to school, I make up reasons and find excuses to avoid. I don't want my father to be exposed to everyone. Because he is a farmer, years of wind and sun, so that his face wrinkles; He is also slovenly, casually dressed, ugly, and dark, which makes people take a breath and retreat. Someone even asked me: "Is he your father?" And I, blushing, squeezed a word between the teeth: Yes! Therefore, few people have seen my father. He has become a mysterious person, coming and going without trace.

Until I was in the fourth grade of primary school, my father personally knocked a table and gave it to me: long and square, without the brightness of the department store window outside; Simple primary color of wood, not as bright as the sample in the photo; But it has four wheels that can be moved, and two large drawers with large capacity. Although it looks inconspicuous, it is a rare treasure for me. It's perfect! Every plank and nail has his father's sweat and love. The nails have nailed the boards and boards firmly, and also brought my father and I closer. In this way, they are tightly and tightly connected, not separated. From then on, I read, ate, drew, wrote big characters on it, and even slept on it, just like lying in my father's arms. A warm current, boiling into my heart, let me have a good sense of security.

Later, I saw my father, who no longer had the childish ideas he once had. Although he is a farmer, he is a champion in every walk. He is a "farmer doctor", who knows astronomy and geography from the top to the bottom, and turns corruption into magic. When the electrical appliance at home breaks down, he must find out the fault and fix it; He also made some furniture by himself. My father is also like a living encyclopedia. Whenever I don't understand anything, whether it's math, nature, society, or current affairs, he will give me satisfactory answers. Hmm! that 's great! Therefore, I am no longer afraid of his exposure in front of everyone. I go to school, have remedial classes, and even ask him to pick me up; When filling in the information, I started to write the word "agriculture", which is also very enjoyable and seems to be the most noble career and unique; Speaking of my father, I will be proud and say proudly, "Yes, he is my father!" Although my father is still the same as before