High School of Food Safety (8 articles are preferred)
Writing about breaking rivers and mountains
2024-03-18 08:14:54
Argumentative paper

High School of Food Safety (1)

Now with the development of social economy, people's living standards are constantly improving. The supermarket has a dazzling array of goods, which makes people fussy. Food safety has gradually become a growing concern. Let's share some food safety I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

There is an old Chinese saying that food is the most important thing for people, and food is safety first. The first half sentence explains the importance of food to people. Food is the energy source for people to carry out all life activities. Without food, we will die. Food is very important for everyone; The second half of the sentence shows that food safety is more important. If the food in your mouth is unsafe, toxic, or pathogenic, the result will be unimaginable.

However, today's problem food has become the top social problem. The food safety problems exposed by newspapers, television and other media made us dumbfounded. As early as a few years ago, the seriousness of the food safety problem had surfaced. Poor flour, toxic milk, fake eggs, jelly, lean meat essence, plasticizer, chlorine cola... In this society full of problem food, how can we ensure that the food we eat every day is safe? How to live each day healthily? There is a joke that the Chinese body is a periodic table of chemical elements. This sentence is not a joke, it reflects the seriousness of China's food safety problems!

So, faced with so many food safety problems, we can't help asking who created so many problem foods? Why on earth do they fake?

Yes, it is those unscrupulous manufacturers who want to gain more benefits at all costs in order to reduce costs and increase profits. In order to gain benefits, they add various things to food by any means, regardless of the health and safety of consumers. The essence of making food is to make it for the life of the masses. But these black hearted manufacturers have completely deviated from the essence. Where is their conscience? Where is our security? Those manufacturers, please think about it. What would you do if one day, the food you made yourself ate in your mouth? This is really self inflicted!

Food safety is not a small problem, it is not only a problem of food safety, it also involves the quality of our people. Excuse me, if food is to enter the market, it needs to go through many inspection checkpoints. Didn't the technicians detect the toxic substances in it? Maybe it's their carelessness, or maybe the manufacturers break the law. So, how can those technicians who are careless or take bribes, because of a little benefit or human relationship, let toxic food go to the market smoothly? This is the embodiment of the low quality and moral corruption of the people! Although the country has relevant legislation and relevant inspection standards, it still cannot be contained. Our government has adopted many policies, carried out social propaganda, and called on the masses to fight against this undesirable phenomenon. We believe that the joint efforts of the whole society will be able to thoroughly suppress the adverse phenomenon of food safety, so that consumers can eat safe and secure food every day, and the society will be full of sunshine of love!

In today's society, food safety has become the focus of everyone's attention. In order to let the students know this situation, Mr. Luo held a discussion on "food safety" on Friday morning.

At the beginning of the seminar, some students said that some unscrupulous manufacturers added harmful additives to food in order to make money, some students introduced what harm these additives do to human health, and some students introduced what kind of food does not have additives

Bi Tengfei said, "Some time ago, some supermarkets in Shanghai used expired or mouldy steamed buns to be processed into" new steamed buns ", and then pasted the latest production date, indiscriminately used sodium cyclamate to restore the original flavor of steamed buns, and also indiscriminately used potassium sorbate and preservatives."

Liu Xiangbo went on to say: "Recently, some small restaurants use gutter oil, so their profit is 300%. Generally, gutter oil is a layer of oil floating on the hotel leftovers poured into the sewer, which is fished out by unscrupulous people and refined into oil and sold to some informal small restaurants."

Lv Peiheng said, "Recently," sulfur ginger "appeared in Xi'an. It is a kind of mildewed and insect infested ginger smoked with sulfur. It has no soil and is very bright, so it is also called" bright ginger "."

Liu Jie added: "Lv Peiheng only talks about the appearance of" sulfur ginger ". How can I avoid buying" sulfur ginger ". Those who have not been fumigated by sulfur are generally very old, with soil on them, and they are not smooth. Everyone needs to buy this kind of ginger. "

Wang Songdan said indignantly, "Now most pigs have" clenbuterol "in their feed, which can turn the fat meat of pigs into lean meat, so that the profit is high and the cost is low. But if people take it for a long time, it will produce abnormal physiological reactions. "

Wang Xiaohan said, "In September 2008, the Sanlu infant milk powder contamination incident broke out in China, which led to kidney stones in infants who ate contaminated milk powder. The reason is also that milk powder contains melamine."

"A paragraph ago, it was said in the newspaper that an adult should eat more than 80 kinds of additives a day. It seems that it is urgent to pay attention to food safety," said Zhang Kaiyuan. Speaking of this, the following students whispered: "Oh, I dare not buy spicy chips or eat potato chips any more."


Teacher Luo said: "Yes, food is the most important thing for people, and food is the most important thing for people's conscience. Food safety is as big as the sky. If we want to ensure our health, all departments should pay attention to food safety, and every manufacturer should also think about the people. I hope one day. The country can let every common people eat food that is reassuring, and we hope that students must be careful when choosing food, and can not be greedy for a quick "mouth" when buying products from formal manufacturers with good reputation. "

In the 21st century, with the rising awareness of food safety, people pay more attention to eating at ease while paying attention to delicious food. However, the students' awareness of food safety is weak, especially some slanderous students who only know how to eat well and completely neglect to protect their own bodies. As a result, "illness comes from the mouth" and they regret it later.

Example 1: Xiao Ming has recently become obsessed with eating mutton kebabs. On his way home from school, he often goes to a roadside stall to buy roast mutton. The barbecuer sprinkled pepper, salt and MSG on the lamb kebab, and roasted it with charcoal fire. It was delicious, and the passing students could not help but swallow saliva. Xiaoming spent all his pocket money on mutton skewers. After a few days, Xiaoming had diarrhea. When I asked the doctor, I knew that the barbecue food was burnt outside and tender inside, and some meat was not fully cooked inside. People who ate it might be infected with parasites. Alas, I only knew that the mutton kebabs were delicious at that time, but now I have something wrong with them.

Example 2: When Li Hua came home yesterday evening, his mother had not yet left work, and he began to rummage through the boxes to find something to eat. After searching for a long time, Li Hua finally found a "Xiangba Grandma" chicken wing in the corner of the kitchen. Without thinking about it, Li Hua opened the package and chewed it with relish. After eating chicken wings and watching TV on the sofa, my mother went home to prepare the meal. Only then did Li Hua find that his stomach was a little uncomfortable, and he began to feel pain in waves and ran to the bathroom. Finally, my mother took me to the clinic to see a doctor, and I found out that I had eaten spoiled food. The original bag of "Xiangba Grandma" chicken wings had passed the expiration date.

Example 3: Zhang Guo's grandfather is a thrifty man. He always wears clothes and eats economically. Two days ago, Zhang Guoguo hosted a banquet for relatives and friends. There was still a lot of food left on the table. According to Zhang Guo's father, the weather is still warm, and these foods are easy to become rancid. Dump them quickly. However, Zhang Guo's grandfather disagreed and just wanted to stay and eat slowly in the refrigerator. After two days of eating leftovers, Zhang's grandfather had problems with his stomach and was sent to the hospital for intravenous drip.

There is nothing wrong with frugality. It is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but frugality will suffer if it is hard to live with one's own stomach. Recently, the school carried out a series of activities of "Paying attention to food safety and creating a healthy and beautiful life together". In the activities, the teacher explained the knowledge about food safety to us, which made us more deeply realize the importance of food safety.

As the saying goes, the people are also heaven, and food is safety first. Food is a necessary condition for human survival, but in today's society, food safety has become the focus of attention. Now let me list the "trilogy" of food safety!

The first song: there is terrible "chemical food"

Melamine milk powder and milk, formaldehyde milk sugar, striped cucumber, explosive watermelon, gutter oil, dyed pepper, ink paraffin sweet potato powder. This strange combination of words "play" has become a "song": "chemical food." I believe everyone is familiar with melamine milk powder, right? That's something for children to drink! There are chemical ingredients in it! I was also shocked when I thought about it, not to mention the parents of children who had drunk the milk powder! Not only melamine milk powder, but also eating a watermelon could cause an explosion, which made everyone nervous; Eating a sausage can also produce messy food, which makes everyone anxious. A series of food safety problems have caused people to ponder.

The second song: "tricks" of unscrupulous businessmen

The safety of food naturally has nothing to do with the food sellers. Those merchants seem to be very respectful and serve you well, but don't be fooled! Their obedience is just an illusion! In fact, they are black hearted "double dealers"! Take the street vendors for example. I used to like to eat fried sausages, meatballs and so on. But one day, I happened to see the food making process: the vendor picked up a bucket of oil that was very muddy and not clear at all, poured some into the oil stained baking place, and then put the food in it, A strange smile rose from his mouth, which made me feel trembling and nauseated. In fact, it is not these foods that make me sick, but people. People make me sick! Since then, I have stopped buying food from stalls. Businessmen, feel your conscience! Stop being a black hearted "double dealer"!

Song 3: My Appeal

Food safety, related to human survival, is a serious and important issue. Therefore, I would like to make an appeal: manufacturers, please do not use those cheap ingredients to add to the food in order to get cheap, which is really harmful! Please imagine how you would feel if your child ate melamine milk powder? What do you think when you know that there are harmful chemicals in the food you have eaten for so many years? So please restrain yourself! Merchants selling ready-made food also ask you to make your food greener, please do not use harmful ingredients such as gutter oil!

Finally, I hope that the food we eat in the future should not be muddy and harmful, but should be green and healthy!

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for people." People can't live without food. How can we eat safely and eat healthily? This has become a matter of great concern.

One day, I saw a report on the TV news channel that a strange thing had happened in a certain house. All duck eggs sold in this farm are red yolks. What's going on here? The reporter went to do interviews and investigations. The staff here knew that most consumers like to buy red heart duck eggs, so they ate a lot of red pigment for ducks a few weeks before laying eggs, so the eggs became so-called red heart eggs. The staff there was also very happy to say: "This kind of egg is easy to sell, and the price is not cheap." After the interview, the reporter took a duck egg to the epidemic prevention center for testing, and it was found that this kind of egg with pigment has great harm to human health, and can not be eaten.

There are a lot of such harmful food around us, but there are always some consumers who often buy food blindly due to various reasons, resulting in adverse consequences.

I remember one time when my child was sweating after playing ball and said, "Thirsty, I went to the store at random to buy her a bottle of iced drink. Later, the child heard a special voice:" Dang, dang... the smell of iron plate squid... "It turned out to be the" iron plate squid "at the roadside! It seems that the sound has sucked the child away. The child is clamouring for a bunch of food. I patiently told her that these things are unsanitary, especially dirty, and can't be eaten. The child pursed his mouth, as if his mother loved money, and kept purring behind. I also had no patience, so I stopped at the roadside to buy a bunch of food for the child. The money was not expensive, which also satisfied the child's desire, The children are so happy that they eat so well!

Who would have thought that the midnight after returning home should be the time when the child entered Mengxiang. However, the child cried out that his stomach hurt badly. He covered his stomach and bent over to run to the bathroom. At first, I didn't pay attention. I thought the child would be better after going to the bathroom, but later it became more and more painful. He held his stomach in his hands and vomited up and down. I immediately felt that the child must be suffering from food poisoning, so I took the child to the hospital. The doctor checked that it was the string of "squid" that caused the disaster. Fortunately, it was found in time. At that time, the child glanced at me impatiently, thinking, Mom, it was all my fault, and I will not eat roadside unsanitary food later.

Obviously, food hygiene is vital to human life. "Sickness comes from the mouth", and food safety concerns everyone's health. We should understand relevant common sense and guide our healthy life with scientific knowledge. Let the unlicensed and unsanitary food stalls disappear from us naturally. Let unsafe food have no place in our life. Let's eat safely and eat healthily!

High School of Food Safety (2)

"The monarch regards the people as the most important, the people regard food as the most important, and food as safety first" In recent years, with the rapid development of the motherland, the economy is booming, and the living standard is improving day by day. People just eat what they want. But since the shocking food cases broke out one after another in Yizhuang, people have paid more and more attention to food safety, turning into a problem of wanting to eat but not daring to eat.

There is a couplet that is quite right: "people's character, food, and quality are the same; people's livelihood, and life are the same". There is only one life, and health is the most important wealth of life. Without it, it is like walking dead. However, some people still go to some stalls without health permits to buy food to satisfy their appetite, but while tasting, Perhaps these "delicacies" have seriously threatened their own health.

Now every day after school, students always flock to the stalls near the school. The loud cry of the stall owner attracted a lot of students, the third floor inside and the third floor outside. Seeing the students eating with such relish, I couldn't help but go up and join in the fun. "Boss, I want to..." Before he finished speaking to me, he said, "Wait a minute!" Then she casually wiped with a rag and fiddled with some fried food. Inadvertently, I saw that there were flies on the greasy duster cloth. In addition to fried food, the students had three no foods. The so-called three no foods were those without producers, production dates and expiration dates. Every time I see this scene, I want to rush up and say loudly: "Don't eat...", but when I watch the students eat with relish, I am afraid to step.

I have seen a documentary called Give Me the Biggest. In this documentary, young American director Morgan? Sprock did an experiment with his own body: for 30 consecutive days, he ate only McDonald's food and drank only McDonald's drinks for three meals. As a result, Sprock, who was 1.9 meters tall, was healthy and weighed less than 84 kilograms before the documentary. After two weeks of the experiment, the doctor said that his liver was seriously damaged and he should stop the experiment, but he did not follow his doctor's advice. About three weeks later, his heart began to be abnormal. One month later, his blood pressure increased significantly and his weight increased by 11 kg. Li Qingtian, director of the Chinese Nutrition Society, pointed out that the first "killer" is fried and baked food, and fried food such as French fries is the culprit of cardiovascular disease. Roasted chicken wings and other barbecue foods contain a lot of carcinogens, which will increase the burden on the kidney and liver. Some studies say that one fried chicken leg is equal to the toxicity of 60 cigarettes. High fat food will especially damage the developing neural channels of children, which may cause permanent damage to the brain and thinking quality of children.

We are the young eagle of the 21st century and the new fire of the motherland. Our life is like a budding flower. Only health is the only 'choice' of our life. We must not let the food harmful to health have a place around us! The snack problem is like a tip of the iceberg, but it can also sink Titanic if we don't pay attention to it. We should also polish our eyes when the health supervision department vigorously corrects it. After all, we can't control other people's conscience, so we have to control our own mouth first.

High School of Food Safety (3)

"Hahaha! Good, good! Go to the stall at the gate of the Experimental Primary School... and take my sister with you..." My sister took the phone, and her face was tinged with red with joy, and she also laughed like a silver bell from time to time. "Rongrong, what are you going to do? Take me with you?" I put down my book and asked. "Coco's father gave her 20 yuan. Let's go to the snack shop in the Experimental Primary School later to buy snacks, which is cheaper than the mall..." "No, you can't go!" Before my sister finished, I firmly denied her—— I was shocked, and the past came to me, and I was afraid of it.

Thinking back to the afternoon three years ago. I went to my mother's colleague's house to play. I played with my mother's colleague's Xiaoxiao. Xiao Xiao is very enthusiastic, holding my hand to ask questions and play games with me. Suddenly, she looked around mysteriously, and then quietly closed the door. She lowered her voice and said to me, "Do you want to eat something delicious?" As soon as I heard something delicious, I immediately became energetic and nodded like a chicken pecking rice. Xiao Xiao took advantage of the two adults' free time to cook, took me to the canteen in the family yard downstairs, and bought a lot of snacks with only three yuan.

I held two bags of dried blackberries that Xiao Xiao gave me, and I couldn't help wondering: Why are these things so cheap? Can't it be the three no food that the teacher said? Xiao Xiao saw that I was hesitant and scorned to gouge me out, which was self-evident. I had no choice but to eat one. But as soon as I swallowed, I vomited out firmly because I had a musty taste. So I stopped eating after eating half a bag, just watching Xiao Xiao eliminate all three bags of snacks. Then my mother took me home.

At night, I lay in bed and couldn't sleep. There is still a dull pain in the stomach. I thought it would be OK after a while, but the pain was getting worse and worse. Gradually, I rolled on the bed in pain, and a layer of sweat oozed from my forehead. "Mom! Mom!" When I heard my cry, my mother came in a hurry. Before she could ask more questions, she took me to the hospital. After dropping some physiological saline, my stomach didn't hurt much and I fell asleep.

The next day, my mother looked at me seriously and asked in a stern voice: What did you and Xiaoxiao eat yesterday? " I told my mother the whole story.

After listening to this, mother gave a long sigh of relief, and then sighed: "Fortunately, you didn't eat too much... Do you know that Xiao Xiao was shocked last night! That child, disobedient, her mother didn't know how many times she told her not to eat snacks..."

I was stunned! I can't help congratulating myself

"Wang Yiqing! --" cried my sister, pulling me out of my terrible memory with her voice of 120 decibels.

"Sister, what do you think? I've called you 180 times! Why don't you agree? You haven't answered my question yet!"

"Old sister, I'm thinking about something I've experienced. You only know the importance of food hygiene through personal experience... Listen to me! Don't take Cocoa to buy that kind of three no food! Let's go to her house together, and I'll take you to Lingyun to buy bread."

The younger sister tilted her head, hesitated for a moment, and said, "All right!"

In this way, under the sunset, my sister and I, a big girl and a small girl, walked together towards the Coco family and food safety.

High School of Food Safety (4)

1. Are you worried about food safety? Assess the 'safety' of your diet.

2. Talk about the importance of food safety.

3. Talk about suggestions for improving food safety.

4. Call on everyone to work together.

Frankly speaking,the great majority of chinese are a bit gluttonous,while unfortunately they have to be trapped in a terrible situation where they could hardly find safe food.They are unable to choose a reassuring milk powder for their baby,and they can’t find a cookshop without using gutter oil, and yes—they are worried about the food safety problems.

Why are they so anxious about the food safety problems?Absolutely answer is the problems concern their physical health.Most importantly,inability of regulatory authorities to solve the problems makes them more fearful.In my opinion,food safety problem has a significant effect on the social stability.

To figure out this matter,government and masses ought to be together in an effort to find ways out.First of all,there must be effective regulations to block the source of profit of the operator like tightening inspection of accounts and taxes.Secondly, treat the masses as a smart inspector.Clean off obstacles and accept the complaints of consumers.At last,the government should hold a press conference periodically to release the progress of governance activities.

For above reasons, the food safety problem is a long-term undertaking which needs everyone’s striving.And we must move right now!

High School of Food Safety (5)

In human life, food, clothing and clothing are indispensable. Especially food, which is inseparable from each of us, is our necessity. As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people, and they will be hungry if they don't eat at all. So we must pay attention to food safety. Food safety is one of the topics that we are increasingly concerned about in our life. While the industrial and commercial departments actively manage, they often implement food inspection.

The so-called food safety means that food does not contain any harmful substances. If food deteriorates or contains toxic substances, it will bring harm to our body and even endanger our lives. Food safety is related to human health. Poor quality food is extremely harmful to human health, ranging from diarrhea to poisoning and coma, and even death. Indeed, food safety is directly related to people's health and quality of life. There are many small shops around many schools, and those attractive food gives off a burst of fragrance, while students can not resist the temptation of food. You fifty cents, I bought a lot of snacks for one yuan, but some students who bought snacks ate unsanitary food and had diarrhea.

The fried ham and other foods that children like to eat are very unsanitary. It's said that the oil of frying ham is gutter oil. Eating it will cause cancer!

The above examples are enough to prove the importance of food safety. Food insecurity events have a great impact on people's lives, and food regulatory authorities also attach great importance to this issue. I believe that the relevant departments can deal with it seriously and manage it strictly, so as to give everyone a safe environment for food consumption. As a member of the society and a pupil, we should also constantly improve our self-protection ability and self-protection awareness. Do not buy expired food or eat expired food, which is also a sense of self-protection.

High School of Food Safety (6)

It's a beautiful day with clear sky today. We came to the multi-function hall orderly according to the teacher's arrangement. Look! The students all have notebooks and pens in their hands.

How big the multi-function hall is! There is blue everywhere. It seems that we are all beautiful mermaids swimming in the blue sea.

When we came to study, Mr. Zhang on the platform asked us: Everyone likes to buy snacks in the canteen, right? Our classmates all said with one voice: Yes. Teacher Zhang smiled on the stage and said to everyone: Today I will tell you how to eat healthy snacks. Hearing this sentence, I immediately thought of two words. Guess what they are? Right! It's three nothings. Everyone knows what three nothings are, but we don't know what the weight of three nothings is? Hee hee, I tell you quietly that I don't know the weight of the word "three no". However, today, Mr. Zhang told us the weight of the word "three nots", and I also know it. 1、 No production date, shelf life, QS certificate mark and manufacturer name. 2、 One missing is nothing. I think we also have three nots around us, such as the stalls outside the school gate, which are full of food. Teacher Zhang also said to us, "Never buy 50 cents' worth of spicy sticks." I heard this sentence and thought for a long time. Teacher Zhang showed us the production of 50 cents' worth of snacks. I realized that when 50 cents' worth of snacks were produced, Workers don't wear gloves when packing, and they pack them directly. Some students who often buy 50 cents snacks are shocked. I think we dare not buy 50 cents snacks in the future.

After class, one of my classmates told me: My mother gave me five yuan today, and my mother said she would buy whatever she wanted. But after listening to this class, I thought for a while and didn't buy fifty cents snacks.

After listening to this lesson, I understand that you can't buy snacks at will. You need to see if it belongs to the "three no's" product. It's also learned to buy snacks.

I used to buy anything delicious without even looking at the production date. Hee hee! I guess everyone must have the same behavior as me.

High School of Food Safety (7)

Now the social and economic development, people's living standards are constantly improving, and the supermarket has a dazzling array of goods, which makes people fussy.

At noon that day, my mother was no longer home. I went to the supermarket to buy something to eat. I picked up a bag of "Tongyi" instant noodles and cooked them at home. I thought they tasted good. I was about to write down the brand of instant noodles. When I went to buy this kind of instant noodles next time, my stomach suddenly cramped. The pain made me dizzy. I couldn't bear it anymore. I had to call my mother, who came back and rushed me to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed that he ate spoiled food. I took a few drops and medicine, so my stomach felt better. Back home, take a look at the packaging bag of instant noodles, huh? The warranty period has expired. On the one hand, I was angry that the supermarket had put expired food on the shelf, and on the other hand, I regretted why I didn't look at the production date first when I bought something.

In the theme activity of "focusing on food safety and creating a healthy and better life" held by the school, I learned more examples:

The occurrence of large babies in Guangzhou is due to long-term consumption of low-quality milk powder. The milk powder is beautifully packaged, with the words "fortified with iron, zinc, calcium and vitamin ad, added with immunoglobulin and DNA, easy to be digested and absorbed by babies, suitable for infants from 0 to 10 months old" on it. The survey results show that all aspects fail to meet the requirements.

The "Xuming" brand Longkou vermicelli has the words "pollution-free agricultural products" on the packaging paper, and the ingredients of peas and starch are also indicated on the ingredient description. Who knew that it was made by extracting leftover starch from agricultural ammonium bicarbonate fertilizer and adding whitening agent.

The reporter secretly visited the "Phoenix Claw" production workshop. As soon as he entered the door, a row of oily chicken, duck and phoenix wings appeared in front of him. The workshop was dark, with sewage flowing across, damp and smelling in the air.

Many examples have made me realize that food safety is really important. If I didn't eat spoiled food that day, but poisoned food, I don't know what the result would be.

High School of Food Safety (8)

Now the children all like to eat snacks, and addicted to eat。 Although parents tell them who is bad to the body, but they still continue to buy snacks, just have a fair into a "sneak"。 In the snack, the children to buy one of the most dangerous, is the spicy dry tofu。

Understanding on the Internet, I learned the spicy dry tofu is composed of metamorphic pork, plastic bags, such as some are unsafe, unhealthy materials again。 Look at the pictures, some of the staff in the processing, should put the foot on the above, this is how not health! So I advise you not to eat spicy dry tofu also don't eat snacks again as far as possible。

There are a lot of people like to eat mutton string, and believe。 It tastes very good taste, and there is a sheep shan wei, let people think this is the authentic lamb kebabs。 Not actually, mutton string is called mutton string, but who can guarantee that the meat must be above mutton? Perhaps is pork, this is good。 Some are made of rat meat, do you still eat like this? You might ask: "sheep's shan wei? " Shan wei is put "mutton string" sheep sheep urine bubble in some time, and then a wash, so the "delicious" clusters of mutton string was baked out。 Here, don't I advised, I believe that you have not eat?

Now, can not eat meat, vegetables are dangerous, most of the vegetables are chemical pesticides, so you must be clean and wash the vegetables to eat, after all, it may do harm to your family's health。

Now, food safety not guaranteed, and people's health is threatened, so making the uncles and aunts of food to ensure food safety, ensure people's health。

In this lesson, the teacher discussed "food safety" with us. In today's society, human food safety has been seriously threatened.

Nowadays, children like to eat snacks and become addicted to them. Although parents tell them that they are not good for their health, they still buy snacks as usual, but they become "sneaky". Among snacks, the most dangerous thing children buy is spicy noodles.

I learned on the Internet that spicy noodles are made of some extremely unsafe and unhealthy materials, such as spoiled pork and plastic bags. Look at those pictures. Some workers put their feet on them when processing. How unsanitary! So I advise people not to eat spicy noodles and try not to eat snacks.

Mutton kebabs. I believe many people like them. It tastes good and has a mutton smell, which makes people think it is authentic mutton kebabs. Actually not. Although mutton kebabs are called mutton kebabs, who can guarantee that the meat on them must be mutton? Maybe it's pork, which is good. Some are made of mouse meat. Can you still eat them? You may ask: "How did the mutton smell come from?" The mutton smell is that you put "mutton kebabs" in sheep urine for some days, and then rinse them, so that the "fragrant" mutton kebabs are baked. Speaking of which, I don't need to persuade you to stop eating, do you?

Nowadays, meat is not allowed to eat, and vegetables are also dangerous. Most vegetables are treated with pesticides, so everyone must wash vegetables before eating them. After all, it will harm the health of their families.

Now, food safety is not guaranteed, and people's health is threatened, so uncles and aunts who make food should ensure food safety and people's health.