Animal Composition Cat 600 words (7 selected articles)
juvenile male
2023-12-07 05:45:41

Animal Composition Cat 600 words (1)

I have always hated cats. Listen, at night, it calls in circles under the tree, which makes people uneasy and restless. The shrill cry, like ghost crying, like wolf howling, woke me up from my sleep countless times, making people creepy. Hate! At first, it also lowered its vocal cords, and then screamed like crazy, making me grow a number of goose bumps. Not to mention that, they also send out deafening cries to express their feelings, even those who are very sleepy will be awakened.

It also "does not pay attention to hygiene". Their footprints are left on the benches in the community and the seats in the electric cars. Even the "vegetable field" in my grandmother's flowerpot was not spared. Looking at the rickety cabbage seedlings, I really wanted to argue with them and ask why they were so naughty.

However, one small thing changed my previous prejudice against cats.

Once, when I was exercising in the yard of the community, I saw an elderly grandmother sitting on a bench alone, with the cat as a companion. This cat has big bright and flexible eyes, and its dark pupils will change: sometimes they look like dates, sometimes they become thin lines, and sometimes they look like emeralds. The old woman stroked the soft and smooth fur of the cat with her hand, and talked to the cat as if she was worried. I saw the cat lying on the old woman's lap, while closing his eyes and enjoying the touch of the old man. I think it's strange that the cat is so noisy every night. Why does the grandma still choose to be with it? It turned out that the children of the old man were all in other places, and his wife also left. The cat has become the inseparable friend of the elderly living alone, accompanying and snuggling with each other, and slowly growing old together. Thinking of this, I looked at the cat again. It seemed that it was not so annoying, but it made me feel that it was suddenly charmingly naive.

In addition, I also found that cats are very human. Whenever the grandma is in a bad mood, it will rub her legs, as if to comfort her "Don't be sad, I'm here!"; Whenever the old woman laughed happily, it also followed with a cheerful cry. What a warm and beautiful picture!

Since then, I no longer hate cats.

Animal Composition Cat 600 words (2)

Tony is 21 years old this year, but he is very timid. He runs away when he sees a stranger. His head accidentally makes many scars. Tony is very unhappy.

Tony has no friends because he is timid and doesn't talk to strangers. Tony felt unhappy. Tony's neighbor won the prize. He was very happy all day and showed off from time to time. Tony is so happy to see his neighbor win the prize. He also wants to experience the joy of winning the prize.

At the weekend, Tony bought some boxes from the shop and made a podium by himself. He called Kitty and Rabbit and said to them, "Kitty, you stand in the second place, rabbit, you stand in the third place. I will be the champion. You should cheer for me." "Why?" The kitten said, "Why are you the champion?"? We must compare something, or I won't accept it! "

"That's right! We should compete for something first, and then stand on the podium!" said Little Rabbit. "We are not your competitors when we compare height. It's unfair. If we compare height, it will be a fair race!"

Tony was afraid that he would lose the race and not win the championship. He was also afraid that he would not compete. The kitten and rabbit would not stand on the podium. He had no choice but to compete with the kitten and rabbit.

"One, two, three runs!" Tony suddenly shouted, "Whoever goes around here first will be the champion." The rabbit even followed, and the kitten also followed. In a short time, the rabbit finished the whole race, and the kitten suddenly sped up and left Tony behind. Finally, the result came out. The rabbit was the first, the cat was the second, and Tony was the last. "Get out of the way!" Tony stepped on the first place on the podium. "Hey! Get out of the way, I'm the first!" shouted the rabbit. "I... I don't care! I just want to be the first!"

"Do it yourself, let's go!" said the kitten and the rabbit angrily, and they walked far away. Tony stood alone on the empty podium, his face flushed. A bird flew to the podium and said, "Don't be sad. The happy thing is not winning the first place, but the fun of the competition, but a group of good friends. I think I can be your friend." Tony was very happy and said, "I'm going to find cats and dogs to apologize and be friends with them!"

In this way, Tony was not only happy, but also accidentally got three friends.

Animal Composition Cat 600 words (3)

There is a cute cat in my uncle's house. It was dressed in snow-white clothes, with sharp ears, bright eyes like two emeralds, and a long tail.

One day, the kitten saw a ball of wool on the ground and felt very strange. So, it reached out its paw and gently plucked the wool ball. The wool ball rolled up, and the kitten played more and more vigorously. Looking at the kitten's serious expression, it seemed that he was thinking: "I will catch you if you run!" The kitten kept on chasing, and finally, the ball of wool rolled smaller and smaller, and scattered into a pile of lines. The kitten could not understand why the wool ball disappeared after chasing it? The kitten shook its paws, looked at the wool on the ground, and walked away helplessly. Squirrel [/b]

Today, I went home happily to see two cute little squirrels. Their exquisite small face holes are inlaid with a pair of round small

Eyes and small triangular ears. They are black all over, but there are several white patterns. One is Qiqi, the other is Jingjing.

The little squirrels are very interesting when they eat. They always sit on their upper body, hold the food in their hands, and send it to their mouth. When they eat corn, they take down the corn kernels one by one and eat them slowly. They only eat meat instead of skin. And they eat a little bit here and there, which is really the portrayal of monkeys moving to Baogu. Little squirrels are more interesting when they sleep. One of them lies like a dog and the other is rolled like a hedgehog. If you go over there and make a noise, they will wake up immediately. "How alert they are!" I always said to my mother. Mother always replied, "Because nature is a place where the fittest live. Little squirrels will be eaten if they are not vigilant." "Isn't the little squirrels unable to sleep well? How pathetic!" Mother always smiled faintly.

Before long, Jingjing ran away quietly because of my mistake. Only Qiqi was left. He squatted there every day and ate very little, so he just waited there blankly. "I really hope that Jingjing can come back!" "Do you know why Jingjing can run away?" Mom asked me with a smile. "Because of my carelessness." "Wrong, because the elite need freedom, want freedom."

A few days later, I gently opened the cage door. Qiqi stayed for a while and then ran away. My mother came and looked at me. I smiled and said, "Qiqi also needs freedom."

Animal Composition Cat 600 words (4)

The rain drizzled down, wetting the earth. I stood in front of the window and stared at the shallow depression outside the window. The clear green and loud "cooing" echoed in my ears. I was lost in thought. Suddenly, a small animal flashed past me - a small white dove.

Recalling the little white dove, my eyes were wet with tears, and a feeling of missing came to my heart.

I remember that it was a stormy night. I rode my bike on the path home in the wind and rain. It was dark. In front of me, rows of poplar trees were fluttering with the wind. I found small white dots in a shallow depression near the poplar forest. A closer look turned out to be a small white dove, whose feathers were wet by the rain and curled up into an inconspicuous cotton ball. The feather clung to the body in disorder. At this time, it probably lost consciousness, and its eyes did not open, so it could only cry sadly by intuition. I could no longer care much. I subconsciously picked up the little white dove with my hands, put it in my pocket, and walked home step by step. When I got home, I did not care about changing clothes. I gave the little white dove a "sauna" first, Then he combed its hair, and the little white dove got the temperature.

With some vitality, I gradually opened my eyes, shook my body slowly, knocked, touched and moved my body, and I went to touch it

Its white feathers, it also pecked my hand with its mouth, as if acquiesced in my becoming its master.

For safety's sake, I put it in the birdcage and gave it enough lunch. I went to see it specially, but it didn't eat or drink. It was already weak. Why is this? I observed it carefully, and its eyes were always staring out of the window and into the blue sky. Only then did I realize that what the little white dove yearned for was blue sky, freedom, and returning to her mother! The blue sky is its home and paradise! Yes, I should let it have freedom, I should let it fly to the blue sky, and I should let it find its own paradise!

I opened the cage door to let the little white dove fly to the blue sky and let it fly back to its home. The bright figure, farther and farther away...... I smiled happily.

Animal Composition Cat 600 words (5)

He has a snow-white fur, a pair of thin and long ears, two bright red eyes, like two red pearls, and an upturned mouth, which is very cute. The fluffy tail looks like a small ball. Its forelegs are short and its hind legs are long. It can walk at a high speed. It is a cute little rabbit.

It can be divided into three categories: pet rabbit, wool rabbit and meat rabbit. There are many different kinds of rabbits if you can distinguish them carefully: Dutch eared rabbit, French eared rabbit, Angora rabbit, mini rabbit, lion rabbit, butterfly rabbit, etc. But in China, white rabbits are the most common. I saw the most rabbits since I was young, and it is also the oldest rabbit in China. It is smart and cute. The white rabbit is also called the rabbit, which is distributed all over the country. The white rabbit has many colors. In addition to pure white rabbits, there are black, gray, yellow, blue purple and colored rabbits. Among rabbits with different colors, only white rabbits have red eyes, and the rest are black or brown.

The rabbit's habits are also very interesting. Rabbits are very timid pets. Sudden loud noise, sudden noise, sudden cuddling and touching, and sudden contact with strangers in a strange environment will make timid and lovely rabbits afraid and nervous. As the saying goes, "Rabbits bite when they are anxious", so children in life must avoid stimulating rabbits, so that they can have a quiet and comfortable living environment and live a healthy and happy life.

My mother told me that when she was young, my grandmother raised many long haired rabbits. They are beautiful. They have long hair and once made many people like them. Grandma should comb and trim its hair regularly. This hair is very useful! It can be used to make clothes, scarves, hats, etc. It is not only beautiful and generous, but also practical and warm. Mother will go to pick weeds after school to feed the lovely rabbit. My mother looked at the bunnies scrambling for food, and her heart was full of love... I listened to my mother's words, as if I had entered a rabbit paradise, which was a lot of fun. I really want to raise a rabbit!

This is my favorite rabbit. After listening to my introduction, do you like it?

Animal Composition Cat 600 words (6)

Like Lao She, my favorite animal is the cat. Cats are cute, brave, and some are cunning! There are several domestic cats under my family. From time to time, I call out to them in cat language: "Meow!" They don't know whether they are responding to me or trying to drive me out of the invasion of "national boundaries", so they also call out to me: "Meow!"

These domestic cats are afraid of everyone. But for some familiar people, they will look up to see whether the person is happy or angry. If they are happy, they will slowly "run" to it and rub its calf. However, it only rubs at people who are very familiar with it, such as its owner or something. The cat is very alert! Of course, sometimes the cat looks wrong

That day, I went downstairs as usual, and found that the kitten below was rubbing other people's legs as usual. I didn't think that the person was unhappy, and ignored it. I left it with a big stride. It's a pity that I came late and didn't get along with it yet! He wouldn't come and rub me. At this time, I once again recalled a classic sentence in Pearl Bird: trust often creates a beautiful realm, which is an iron law!

Now, let's talk about the face of the kitten. Its face is round, with brown fur, and a yellow and black bead in the monster's eye is rolling. How cute! Its mini mouth explains to us: "I am the overlord"! The sharp teeth in that small mouth can hinder its loveliness, so it usually purrs and "arrogantly" at people from time to time.

By the way, I forgot to introduce its eccentric character. When he is happy, he will stand on the stairs and meow, which is very cute; In addition, when it is angry, it will show its teeth and crack its mouth, and even take out its small claws to wave towards the void; Sometimes it will grab bones from the dog, and when the dog is about to grab the bones, it will throw them into the garbage. Then he bared his teeth at the dog and ran away like the wind, as if to say, "Hum, how dare you bully me? Don't give back your bones.". If anyone offends it, hum, be careful!

This is my favorite little animal - cat.

Animal Composition Cat 600 words (7)

In ordinary daily life, everyone often comes into contact with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is my animal friend's 600 words composition about cats collected by my editor for you, which is for reference only, and I hope it can help you.

A body of smoke gray hair, arranged in neat black tiger stripes. With a small head and bright eyes, this is an American short haired cat I raised.

The cat's personality is changeable, sometimes cold, sometimes lively.

Most of the time, she is alone. Just after breakfast time, she would find a warm place to curl up and lie down to sleep. No matter what you call, she would ignore it. Even in the afternoon, you don't know which bookshelf or stool she hid under. After dinner time, she will turn around and go to sleep in her own nest, which will make you less interested.

When she is happy, she will rub your feet with her neck, or lick your face with her coarse tongue. She would wag her tail and jump out several small plum blossoms on the writing table, making a gurgling sound of joy. But when it comes to bathing or hair blowing, she immediately turns over and disowns people. She will hiss, wriggle and even open her paws to attack you.

When she wanted to attack the bird, her expression was grim. Through the window, she would wag her tail and stare at the bird without moving, with a hissing sound in her mouth. When encountering moths, cockroaches and bees, he would be more merciless, jumping in the air, slapping and pressing with his paws, and then swallowing.

Cats are not only changeable in personality, but also fastidious in life.

Cats are particular about food. No matter how hungry she is, she will never ask for food from you. If you forget her when you eat breakfast, she will squat gracefully at the table and wait quietly. When the rice bowl is full, she also slowly licks it one mouthful at a time, never gulping down or making a whirring sound. She did not eat it once, but enjoyed it many times. However, she doesn't touch food or water overnight. If the rice bowl is not cleaned or there is hair in the water, she will walk around the rice bowl until you change it. It's said that cats can chew flowers and plants, but my cat will take a detour when seeing flowers and plants. It doesn't mean to bite rudely at all.

My cat likes listening to elegant music. Every day when I practice the piano, she will wait by the piano on time, or lie in the small suitcase. She remained motionless and listened carefully until I finished my practice.

My cat deserves its name because of her changeable personality and exquisite life.