30 difficult idioms
Persimmon blossoms
2023-08-03 13:11:37
Complete sentences

1、 Calamity: refers to severe disasters.

2、 Advancing against difficulties: facing difficulties.

3、 It is as hard as the sky: describe the difficult things.

4、 Extremely difficult and dangerous: describes the difficulties and dangers.

5、 Difficult walking: It means that it is difficult to walk and inconvenient to move.

6、 Difficulties and hardships: describes a difficult situation with many difficulties.

7、 Puzhong raw fish: It means that life is difficult and cooking has been stopped for a long time.

8、 Sword Mountain and Fire Sea: It is used to describe the extremely dangerous and difficult place.

9、 Difficulties and obstacles: difficulties, dangers and obstacles on the way forward.

10、 Long wind and waves: This is a metaphor for ambitious, fearless difficulties and courageously advancing.

11、 Three disasters and eight disasters: It means that children are born ill. It also describes often encountering misfortune.

12、 Freezing: It is like freezing and thawing. It refers to the elimination of difficulties or obstacles.

13、 Upside down: like a person being hung upside down. It is used to describe an extremely difficult situation.

14、 Top priority: Top priority: like people being hung upside down. It is used to describe an extremely difficult situation.

15、 Difficulties: It means that the upper () and lower (people) are in a difficult situation.

16、 Riding the wind and waves: ships ride the wind and waves. This is a metaphor for overcoming difficulties and advancing bravely.

17、 Every step is difficult: even one step is difficult. Describe difficulty in walking. It also means being in a difficult situation.

18、 Difficulties and obstacles: dangers and obstacles. Difficulties, dangers and obstacles on the way forward.

19、 Out of ammunition and out of reinforcements: during the battle, the ammunition was used up and the reinforcements were cut off. It also means that the situation is very difficult.

20、 Unfavorable: Unfavorable: Unfavorable, unfortunate. Destiny is full of misfortunes. It refers to the ups and downs and setbacks in one's life.

21、 Material difficulty: material: material; Power: financial resources; Dimension: Yes; Difficult: Difficult. It refers to the hard won property.

22、 Good things need more grinding: grinding: obstacles, difficulties. Good things often encounter many twists and turns before they are realized and successful.

23、 No door in or out: no way forward, no door in or out. It describes a very difficult situation, a dilemma, and nowhere to go.

24、 Prospering the country through difficulties: country: country. The country is plagued with disasters and disasters. Under certain conditions, it can inspire the people to work hard to overcome difficulties and make the country strong.

25、 Thorns: thorns: thistles. Plexus: Gather into piles. The briers and thorns grow in groups. It means that the road ahead has many obstacles and difficulties.

26、 End of life: end of life: evening; Way: Road. It was late and the road had come to an end. It is a metaphor for being in a very difficult situation and coming to the end. It also describes extreme poverty.

27、 Bleak operation: bleak: painstaking efforts; Operation: planning. I worked hard to manage and plan. Later, it refers to working hard in a difficult situation.

28、 The Taoist priest is one step ahead of the devil: the original meaning is that religious practitioners should be alert to the outside world. The post metaphor often faces new and greater difficulties after certain achievements.

29、 Difficult walking: It refers to difficult walking and inconvenient action. It describes the situation or very difficult action. It means that life is difficult or things are difficult, and every step is difficult.

30、 Dilemma: dimension: equivalent to "yes" valley: metaphor dilemma. Both advance and retreat are in trouble. Describe a dilemma.