Mom needs me (4 recommended)
Flowers in full bloom
2024-02-29 03:51:57
Grade 6

Mom needs me (1)

I live with my uncle, aunt and grandma, while my mother works in other places, so I am far away from her. I can only see her on holidays. I miss my mother very much on weekdays.

Once my mother came back for work, and she left in a hurry just after the work was finished. When my mother left, I cried bitterly because I had not had time to talk to my mother properly, I had not had time to show her my new teeth, how much my font had improved, and I had not had time to let her hug me and kiss me

I count the days every day and look forward to my mother's return. When my mother is not with me, I will sleep with my mother's clothes in my arms at night, because they smell like my mother.

I miss my mother not because my uncle, aunt and grandma treat me badly. On the contrary, they treat me as if I were their own and never treat me badly. There are good food and drinks at home. I always get the same amount of food as my cousin, and sometimes even more than my cousin's. That's because my uncle and aunt think I need more care than my cousin.

But, my mother! Do you know how I wish you could be by my side whenever I see other children clinging to their mother's arms and playing coquetry! Unfortunately, I can only secretly envy.

Now, I have finally ushered in the holiday that I look forward to day and night. Finally, I don't have to hide in the bed and cry secretly. Finally, I can get together with you and enjoy your love!

How I wish such a wonderful time could stay at this moment, every day when you love me.

Mom needs me (2)

Mom, since I entered junior high school, I have found that you seldom smile at me. What you often throw at me is a few harsh and cold words: "The exam is coming, and I want someone who will be fine." I have heard you and your father whisper several times: "We can't do anything in this life, but we can only offer a sincere heart for their future." Yes, Mom, you go out early and return late every day, And cooking. In this regard, the daughter sees it in her eyes and remembers it in her heart. But I always think that although we all live in the same house, our hearts are far away. When I am with you, I cannot be as carefree and free as my classmates. Mom, you were so generous when you bought a guide book for me, but you don't understand your daughter's heart.

The night was quiet, and it was a beautiful night. The stars were blinking in the sky. The moon seemed to smile at me, but I didn't know how to pay it back, because I was reviewing my lessons. At this moment, Mom, you walked into my room carefully, and my footsteps were so light that I never noticed. Suddenly, you snatched the book in my hand like lightning. When you saw that the book was impressively printed with "Chinese" instead of a thick novel, you were relieved. Then he pretended to ask me: "Where is my coat?" Suddenly, a feeling of being cheated and monitored expanded in my mind. The night is still so quiet, but my heart can not be calm, the gap between you and me is so thick!

Mom, I don't need beautiful clothes and gorgeous decorations, not to mention those boring guide books and a heart that is always on guard. I just need you to understand me.

Mom needs me (3)

I once read an article in a book: "A very naughty and withdrawn child has no friends. In the eyes of teachers, he is a poor child, and in the eyes of classmates, he is a bad child with poor academic performance. However, in the eyes of his mother, he is just a naive, lively, strong personality, and a little naughty smart child". Because his mother knows that there is no perfect person in the world, and everyone's personality is different, especially the children have a strong rebellious mentality. Good children are praised and encouraged. Our good and bad are directly related to the family environment and the parents' concept of doing things. I remember a time when I was knitting a Chinese knot with several friends at my home. The partners seemed to be working hard in a competitive way, and I was very anxious to move forward. At this time, my mother came back. The mother looked at the things made up by other partners and kept praising them. She kept saying, "Look at how good Xiao Bao is. You can't see how beautiful Dan Dan's butterfly is." Then she looked at me and said, "You should learn more from them." I listened to my mother's praise of others and my dissatisfied evaluation of me, looked at others' complacent expressions and looked at my eyes, and I felt indescribably uncomfortable. Mom, I'm also working hard. The Chinese knot I made is also very beautiful in the eyes of others. But why am I always inferior to others in your eyes? Why do you always fail to see the advantages of your children? I also have self-respect, and I also need praise and praise from adults. I hope all mothers can see the advantages of their children and less blame and abuse them, because we need praise and encouragement from adults. Finally, I would like to say to all mothers for all children my age: "Mom, we need praise and encouragement. Good children are praised".

Mom needs me (4)

Mom, I need your love composition

In the normal study, work or life, we always have to contact with composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is your love composition, which is just for reference. I hope it can help you.

I live with my uncle, aunt and grandma, while my mother works in other cities, so I am far away from her, and can only see her on holidays. I miss my mom very much.

Once my mother came back for work, and she left in a hurry just after the work was finished. When my mother left, I cried bitterly. Because I had not had time to talk with my mother properly, I had not had time to show her my new teeth, and had not had time to show her how much my font had improved, and had not had time to let her hug me and kiss me

I count the days every day and look forward to my mother's return. When my mother is not with me, I will sleep with my mother's clothes in my arms at night, because they smell like my mother.

I miss my mother not because my uncle, aunt and grandma treat me badly. On the contrary, they treat me as if I were their own and never treat me badly. There are good food and drinks at home. I always get the same amount of food as my cousin, and sometimes even more than my cousin's. That's because my uncle and aunt think I need more care than my cousin.

But, my mother! Do you know that every time I see other children cuddling up in their mother's arms, how I wish you could be by my side! Unfortunately, I can only secretly envy.

Now, I have finally ushered in the holiday that I look forward to day and night. Finally, I don't have to hide in the bed and cry secretly. Finally, I can reunite with you and enjoy your love!

How I wish this beautiful time could stay in this moment, every day when you love me.