Sentences that hurt my heart
Youth is used to waste
2023-06-22 11:47:35
Complete sentences

1. Can not give up the gentle, can not hold the sand.

2. How afraid I am to get used to who's good, and then be mercilessly lost.

3. I also have some bitterness and sufferings. I won't stop talking. I also have an obsession. I will stop talking. I also have a thousand twists and turns. Let's not talk about it. I'm not pretending to be silly. I'll stop talking. It's not that I didn't see it, it's not that I didn't think about it, it's not that I didn't understand it, but I just stopped talking.

4. Once, there was a person who really entered my world. But it has disappeared unconsciously. Since then, no one can walk around my little world at will.

5. With the simplicity of a glass of water, face the complexity of a lifetime.

6. One day, if you visit your old place again. Whether you will have a long sense of regret about this place that once gave you joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and whether you can fall into deep meditation. Can you fold the footprints of the year to remember every promise you made!

7. I have no time to participate in your past, and I will accompany you to the end in your future.

8. I feel strongly about you, but I don't know much about you, just by intuition.

9. I know there will be no result, but I will persist because I still love.

10. I wish it would rain harder, so that I know how sad God is.

11. Life is like peeling an onion, one of which will make people cry.

12. Smiles spread all over your face. Does it mean that you won't be sad

13. I have to admit that I am so vulnerable to failure.

14. When the meteor falls off the beauty of love, life begins to cry. The injured people like to hide in the dark corner, leaving their bodies desolate, as if people all over the world are talking about love. At this moment, I prefer loneliness.

15. I can breathe in your smile. Why are you always crying.

16. Sometimes, a simple life is not a gorgeous adventure.

17. In fact, loneliness is also beautiful. You and I can understand that because we are both vulgar, we can't avoid the world. When we come alone, we will go alone.

18. We are giving up, whitewashing the memory, thinking that we can camouflage the innocent beauty.

19. The furthest distance in the world is that when I stand in front of you, I can only wish you happiness.

20. Time is divided into two corners. Stop being nice to me and break our dependence.

21. No matter how beautiful the love is, it is also mixed with sadness. No matter how beautiful the story is, it has an end. It is doomed to hurt yourself if you fall in love with you! Should this love be let go?