Books and Me (17 high-quality articles)
Red cherry
2023-11-21 06:11:02

Books and Me (1)

When I walked into the bookstore, I smelled something different. What is it? Is it the smell of bitter medicine? Is it the smell of shower gel and shampoo? Is it the smell of flowers emitting bursts of fragrance? No, this is a unique smell, which can only be smelled in bookstores, that is, it has both the fragrance of books and the smell of printed ink—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

We all love books. When we were young, we didn't know how to read. We liked to listen to our parents. Slowly, when we recognize the words, we begin to read by ourselves, and reading becomes an indispensable part of us. But I didn't know where the books came from, so I asked my mother, "Where did the books come from?" My mother replied, "Of course it's the library!" Since then, the word "library" has come to my mind. I would like to see what a library is. I told my mother my idea. My mother said that our downstairs is it!

One Sunday, I told my mother that I wanted to go to the library to read, and my mother agreed. I walked briskly and felt happy as if I had eaten honey, because soon I could see the library I had always dreamed of!

At first, I didn't know what books were in the library, so I looked around. I found my favorite comic book area at that time (I was only in Grade 1 at that time), and I enjoyed it.

As I grew older, I read more and more books. The books in the comic strip area could no longer satisfy my fun. I began to read the books written by Yang Hongying. (At that time, I was in the third grade) I especially liked to read Naughty Bouncing Horse and Laughing Cat's Diary. The storyline there attracted me like a disk, which made me want to run away, but sometimes I even forgot the time, From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. I read all the more than 20 books in one summer vacation! I only looked at the plot and didn't pay much attention to good words, but I still remembered some.

I read more and more books now, and I can't count them. I love reading the books written by Shen Shixi, Yang Hongying, four famous books, the world's most famous books, and five thousand years ago

The library has accompanied me for six years. It has accompanied me through ups and downs for six years. It has taught me many things. Like my mentor and friend, I will continue to love you, patronize you often, and read well!

Books and Me (2)

"Books are the ladder of human progress." Gorky said this sentence. For me, books are not only the ladder of my progress, but also the nourishment to stimulate my healthy growth.

I was a little bookworm when I was young. I have loved reading since I was six years old. At that time, I read fairy tales, including Andersen's Fairy Tales and Green's Fairy Tales; Later, I read children's story books, such as "Little Doudou by the Window" and "The Wizard of Oz". These books are all necessary for my bedside; Now I like to read philosophical books, such as "If You Give Me Three Days of Light" and "Biographies of Celebrities", which are all my favorites. However, the books on the bookshelf at home are no longer enough for me, so I devote my spare time to the library.

Speaking of which, there is a wonderful story between me and the library.

The first time I went to the library was on my ninth birthday. I am like a little bee, flying around to collect honey. Ha ha, that is to look for books. I took a book from a chestnut bookshelf, which was called Bronze Sunflower. I think: bronze sunflowers, it seems that I have heard of them somewhere. Let's have a look first. I sat down casually, opened the book and began to read. Watching, I was fascinated. The heart is beating uncontrollably. It seems that we have walked into the small but loving town with the hero, and we also feel the love between sunflowers and bronze. My eyes were moist. How great was the love that made bronze stand for two hours under the weight of sunflowers on a hot day; What a great love that made Kwai Hua, a teenage girl, go out to work alone to earn money. Tears trickled down, and I was totally immersed in the book, but did not notice that there was no one around

I was alone in the library, and I was "abandoned". I was so scared... I ran to the gate and patted the door eagerly, hoping that someone would notice me. Maybe my patter attracted the librarian who had not left yet. "I came out!" "Oye!" I was glad that I could escape, and I was annoyed that I had not seen all the bronze sunflowers. Alas. Why don't you come earlier?

I looked back at the library behind me and shouted in my heart that you wait for the library. I will come back tomorrow. The library seems to be smiling at me in the sunset.

If books are compared to stairs, then the library is the door to the stairs; If books are compared to nutrition, then libraries are full of nutrition.

Library, I can't leave you. Books, I love you.

Books and Me (3)

A book is a telescope, which broadens our vision; Book is a key that can open the door of wisdom; Books are also a ray of sunshine in winter, making people warm. I love every book more than I love myself. Since I was young, I have made an indissoluble bond with books. He was a good teacher when I was young.

When I was two or three years old, it was also the first time I entered the library. My sister took my hand and said to me: "The library is a sea of knowledge and a huge database. I will find fairy tales for you when I go in later." After listening to my sister's brief introduction to the library, I can't help but feel that the library is mysterious. Along the way, my eyes flashed with fiery light, like taking stimulants, and I was bouncing around. When I got to the library, I looked around curiously. The bookshelf was like a house, with new books living in it. Like other adults, I also chose a comic book. As soon as I opened the book, I was attracted by the cartoon plot. Those colorful pictures made me forget to return, but I could not understand a few words when I was young. I could only guess the plot by looking at the pictures.

As I grow up, ordinary cartoons can no longer satisfy me and have been regarded as "naive" by me. I began to read other books slowly.

On my tenth birthday, my sister gave me a mysterious book called The Wizard of Oz. Once I took the book, I forgot to eat and sleep. The book tells us that the hero went through many difficulties and finally returned home. Whenever they encounter danger, I am also nervous for them; But once I read about their reunion with their families, I was also happy for them. I read very fast. After two days of reading, I devoured the dates in a hurry, which was full of the flavor of "not understanding". However, the stories in it still attracted me and often worried me.

I like not only reading but also buying books.

Later, I finally found a good place full of "delicacies" - the library, which not only allowed me to read books, but also saved money for my parents to buy books. Every time after school, I rush to finish my homework. There, I can "drink" all the books.

Turn the corner and walk into the library again. The noise and hawking outside disappeared and was replaced by unusual silence. Looking at those coveted books, I could not help but swallow my saliva, and cried out in my heart, "Ha, it's so cool, finally enough for me to see!" I ignored other people's eyes, grabbed a book directly, ran to a bookshelf, leaned against it, like a hungry wolf, one page, two pages, greedily sucking the knowledge in the book. After a while, I was slowly attracted by the book. I was deeply moved by the sad and beautiful stories and the plots of joys and sorrows. A famous person once said: "Reading a good book is like talking to a noble person." Books read in the library, like my good teacher, not only taught me a lot about being a man, but also made me understand a lot of social common sense, and I also had a preliminary understanding of the great motherland.

When I first entered the library, I was destined to have an indissoluble bond with it. I love those books more than myself.

Books and Me (4)

My wonderful writing is the credit of books, and the library has a magical attraction for me.

I like reading, but I don't have many books at home. I read them all over the house. At the beginning, I read them with great interest. After a long time, I didn't feel satisfied. How I wish I could see more books! The sky is really satisfactory. The Mantianxing Library is open in our school! On that day, I couldn't wait to come to the library. As soon as I walked in, I saw a dazzling array of books. There were all kinds of books neatly placed on the shelves. Hey, "One Hundred Thousand Whys", "Education of Love", "Andersen's Fairy Tales"... Wow, I've come to the sea of books, and I really want to have a pleasant journey. At this moment, my heart is as sweet as honey. I picked up a "Wolf King's Dream", sat in a corner and immediately looked, one page, two pages... I read it like a hungry wolf greedily. The story of this novel is fascinating. The librarian urged me several times before I reluctantly left the library.

I am fascinated by the charm and variety of the library. Since then, the abundant books of the Mantianxing Library have attracted me like a magnet. Those ancient and modern Chinese and foreign classics have fascinated me. I spent all my extracurricular time on borrowing books. At this time, I developed the habit of taking notes, writing beautiful words in the book, and writing wonderful paragraphs. Taking notes has improved my memory and understanding. My writing level has also been improved. Every time I did my homework, the teacher said I wrote well and read my model essay to the students.

Every time I walk into the Mantianxing Library, I will have a strange feeling, which is kind, sweet, thick, and inexpressible. It seems that I have known it since I was a child, and I want to be in its arms. Every time I read here, I feel like a fairy.

The Mantianxing Library is warm and quiet. It is really a good place to read and a good place to look forward to every day.

Books and Me (5)

In the world, there is always a thread in the dark that quietly and inadvertently twines people and things together until they cannot be separated. As the saying goes, this line is called edge.

It seems that I am predestined by the library.

When I first met the library, it was curled up in a small corner of the kindergarten, silent in the laughter and crying of children, and was only casually called "Book Corner". When I met it, I shrank in its arms and fell into a dreamy and ethereal story. From then on, I was deeply immersed in the fragrance of ink and could not extricate myself. Come to think of it, fate has come from here.

The most impressive library in memory is called Chongwen Library. It is small, but it is rebuilt by a temple, which makes its charm unique. In the library, there is always a smell of sandalwood, slowly curling and looming, which makes every heart in the library calm down with the fragrance. With the rhythm of words, the dust settles down. And fate grows silently.

As you grow older, your attachment to the library increases. More and more people go to the library. Gradually, he became familiar with the librarians there. Once, she suddenly asked me: "Do you call the library library?" I looked puzzled: "What. However, the idea of name is like a seed, which is planted in the heart and hard to pull out.

The bookshelves are quietly arranged in time, covered with a thin shadow by countless small dust floating in the air. The yellowing pages gradually melt into the silhouette of the years in the empty wind, and look old and quiet against the sun.

Once, by chance, I walked into a small attic of the library, and the light silently shone into it. Instead of being narrow, it made me feel a secret happiness. It seems that the goddess of inspiration was kind-hearted just because of this charming small space. She gently tapped my head with her golden finger, and then the name "Bookstore" jumped into my heart, which naturally replaced the dry name of "library". That fate, since then, has become so clear.

Later, I went to middle school. I met the Road and Bridge Library. He is quiet and broad, wise and gentle, just like an old man, pouring out his unparalleled wisdom. Those characters and stories rushed into my life recklessly and haunted my mind. With the seeds planted at the beginning, they grew into towering trees, gradually became dense forests and green oceans.

The words carved the window lattice of time, and the wind circled the sun to the flowing pages. And an invisible line makes me and the library become a close unity. That fate, with the fleeting hourglass, slowly poured down to the ground.

Books and Me (6)

Shakespeare said: "Books are the nutrition of the world. Without books in life, it is like no sunshine. Without books in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings." Therefore, we should read more and broaden our horizons. The library is the palace of knowledge, the treasure house leading to truth, and the nest of books.

Stepping into the spacious and quiet library, a burst of elegant fragrance of books will come to you, refreshing. I walked straight into rows of neat bookshelves, looking for the "bosom friend" who will talk with me today. There are all kinds of books on the shelf, each of which contains its own essence, waiting for people to explore.

I picked up the unfinished Old Man and the Sea and continued to talk with Hemingway. My heart rises and falls with the novel, as if it has been integrated with the book. I am in close contact with books and feel the breath of every word. An experienced old fisherman Santiago went to sea one day after failing to catch fish for 84 days, and luckily caught a huge marlin. The fisherman thought he could safely return and bring back the big fish, but he was besieged by sharks. He did not shrink back. Even though the marlin had been eaten completely, only the head, tail and a spine were left, he also brought the fish back to the port.

Turning over pages of thin paper, I freely shuttle through this magical book, feeling its profound philosophy. These philosophies benefit people all their lives and are inexhaustible.

For me, a good feeling is to appreciate every book in the library. The words in the book are blooming like flowers, and the fragrance of the scattered branches and leaves is refreshing. Each flower petal contains a mystery that needs our careful understanding. The great poet of the Song Dynasty of China once said, "Old books are never tired of reading a hundred times, and we know it when we read them carefully." In the mysterious library, we can recall the ancient history, look forward to the future, and explore the mysteries of the world... because "there is a gold house in books, and there is a beauty in books."

The library is sacred. Every book in it is like a fruit. It was created by the authors with painstaking efforts and after many modifications. Therefore, we have forged an indissoluble bond.

Books and Me (7)

Books are the ladder of human progress, and books are the ocean of knowledge. I have loved reading since I was young. There is a golden house in books, and there is beauty in books. Only reading can increase our knowledge and broaden our horizons.

Whenever I was naughty, my grandmother always held me in her arms and told me stories. I lay in her arms and listened with interest. It seemed that I had entered the fairy tale world, which was very interesting.

When I learned Pinyin, I could read by myself. I had seen Snow White, Gourd Baby, and Black Cat Sheriff. What impressed me most was the sense of justice of the black cat sheriff. When I grew up, I wanted to be a just person.

At first, I was very strange to the library and was not very interested in it. But when I was in the library, the books in it dazzled me. There was a feeling of leaving everything behind. It seemed that everything was still, time was frozen, and I freely flew in the colorful world of books and roamed in the boundless sea of books, The book I enjoy brings me endless charm.

Now I read books almost every day and go to the library at least once a week. Whenever I go into the library, my troubles will be forgotten. Whenever I sit down to read quietly, I will have a feeling of immersive. I learned a lot after reading the Children's Encyclopedia. For example, how to communicate with animals? Why are rabbit's eyes red? Why does an elephant absorb water with its trunk, but it will not be choked... These not only solve my mystery but also increase my knowledge.

How important books are to me now. If life is the first, then books are the second. I always feel that the time is too short. The treasure house of knowledge makes me never use up. I increasingly like to go to the library. Learning Chinese requires reading a lot of extra-curricular books. I go to the library to find books suitable for us; Writing requires mastering skills. I go to the library to read composition books and find materials; When encountering problems that can't be solved, I go to the library to find the answers

Now that I am a fifth grade student, I have a deeper feeling for the library. He has given me infinite happiness and knowledge. I will find more "smart partners" in the door of the library, where I will find wisdom, cultivate sentiment, enrich knowledge and grow happily.

Books and Me (8)

Nantong Library is a place where I often come and go, and it is also an indispensable part of my life. I remember when I was young, my mother took me to the library to read and borrow books. The library card at that time was very old-fashioned, dangling on my chest. Although the appearance of the current library has not changed much, it has a modern atmosphere inside. The library card has also become an all-in-one card, which is very convenient.

The books in the library are almost all good books. You can read with interest for half a day with one handy. New books come every few weeks, which makes me spend my whole life reading. The librarian of the library is unchanged. Occasionally, a few young people are brought in by experienced people. The librarian has an amiable attitude, and is really "one side of the land raises one side of the people". The quiet and calm of the library may give these librarians a good character. There is a big electronic clock in the museum. The red numbers seem to remind people to cherish time and not waste valuable time.

I have to go to the library once a week. Although it's a long way away, the thought of going to a cultural gathering place gives me strength again. I like sitting on a comfortable chair in the library, leaning over a wooden table, with a stack of new and old books at hand. It feels like being baptized. But most of the time, I can only borrow them and leave. But now that I have come, it is worthwhile.

My connection with the library is inexplicable.

Books and Me (9)

Books are people's friends, books are people's teachers, and books are people's parents.

I remember when I was a child, I was illiterate, but I was very interested in the children's stories my mother told me. Every day I asked my mother to tell fairy tales. Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and so on are all stories that my mother must tell every day. When I got to primary school, I could read, so I begged my mother to buy me books. Later, I went to the library to read.

When I entered the library, a smell of books came to me. I like the smell of books very much. Looking at a variety of books, I was so fussy that I stood there, not knowing which one to read. So I picked out a copy of Girl Diary written by Yang Hongying. I just read a few pages and couldn't put them down, so I held them in my hands. This book describes the whole sixth grade life of the hero Ran Dongyang. I think the twists and turns and the grievances are what I will experience in the future. I put down the book reluctantly until my mother came to urge me to go home. Since then, as long as I finish my homework, I will run to the bookstore. Sometimes I don't even eat.

This is my story with the library. What about yours?

Books and Me (10)

The water flows eastward in the morning, and the sun falls westward in the evening. I am bound by the library.

I love going to the library and enjoy my time in the library.

It is a pure land in a noisy city, and it is also my spiritual paradise. Those neat books will shine in my eyes, emitting wisdom, childlike interest and extraordinary light. The wisps of fragrance of books curl into my heart and open beautiful flowers one after another.

In the light rain season, I curled up beside the bookcase, picked up a book, and then let the wind and rain polish the edges and corners with thorns, let the books mold the holes in the heart, leaving behind the growth rings of vicissitudes. Counting them is like counting stars, and happiness is so simple

If someone asks me why I like reading in the library? I think my answer is that there is a different feeling in the library. That feeling cannot be expressed in words, but can only be understood by God. I am a sentimental person. When watching A Dream of Red Mansions, I will regret the sadness that Baoyu and Daiyu fall in love but cannot be together; When I watch The Little Prince, I will cry for the tragic things he has experienced; Looking at the collection of essays "Home under the Maple Tree", I will sigh for the change of time and the separation and reunion of emotions

In the morning, with the rising sun and the slightly bright street lights, I have stepped on the road to the library. I do not want to give up the time spent in the library.

Because I love to stay in the library, I can always see some people coming to the library with me. They are different in age, appearance and personality. The only thing they have in common is that they like here as much as I do. These people have suits, school uniforms, school pants, white skirts and long hair... I will observe them when I am free.

A man was sitting alone in a secluded and deserted corner, with a pair of black frame glasses, half lying on the sofa, holding a book "The Book of the Qing Dynasty in China", on the table was a stack of similar books, without any illustrations, dense, orderly arranged like ants, but he was fascinated by it, and from time to time he used his pencil to draw out some sentences and names, It seems to be very enjoyable.

The children's library upstairs is empty. A little boy in yellow school uniform and carrying a schoolbag casually found a big round table and sat cross legged, with Peter Rabbit in his hand. He wrote a few neat lines of words "x-i-a-o, small, b-i, that, d-e..." on each exquisite illustration, although he read it very hard, his small eyes were bright and bright, and he smiled from time to time, revealing a row of white teeth when smiling.

On the fourth floor, near the window, sat a girl in a long white dress, about seventeen or eighteen years old, who was reading Haizi's prose poetry. It is said that adolescence is more emotional, which seems to be true. A short poem. She looked at it again and again, and tears fell down her white cheeks... They all said that women were made of water, and it seemed that her heart had been touched.

In a twinkling of an eye, the last glow of sunset has merged into the dim twilight. The sky is gradually darkening, and the mountains outside the window are showing the outline of green and dark. The twilight is getting thicker, and the earth is a mess. There are no neon lights shining here, but there are stars and the moon; There is no bustle of traffic; But with books... People left one after another. I sat in silence for a while. After saying goodbye to the library, I reluctantly left.

Books and Me (11)

It is often said that books are the ladder of human progress. There are golden houses and Yan Ruyu in books.

But in fact, in my eyes, it is just a sleepy, boring print. Of course, this is what I used to be. Now, in my opinion, it is more like a group of jumping notes, and also like a colorful picture page. The turning point was an encounter between me and the library.

It was a sweltering school season. I followed my sister to visit her university. When I saw such a magnificent library for the first time, I was curious to find out. Climbing up the stairs to enter the library, the comfortable cool air of the air conditioner hit my face, which made me feel inexplicably reluctant to leave, so I had an unforgettable encounter with the library.

I followed my sister, walked through rows of neat bookshelves, tried to scratch the thick books with my fingers, and sniffed the refreshing aroma of the books. My sister said that it was the breath of knowledge and the power of historical deposition. Feeling the cool air conditioning in summer, and watching my brothers and sisters quietly studying books, I began to yearn to know what kind of magic made them concentrate on reading those printed books. So I took down a book with a beautiful little girl on its cover, called Old Stories in the South of the City, and tried, like others, to enter the author's vision to understand Yingzi's childhood.

The library watch seemed to be deliberately adjusted faster. It was time to turn on the lights before I knew it. My sister whispered in my ear that it was too late. So I quietly put the book back in place and left the library with my sister. Standing at the door, I turned around and took a deep breath, feeling relaxed and happy instantly, which may be the breath of knowledge that my sister said.

Since then, books have become amiable and lovely, and I don't think they are boring at all.

This is my encounter with the library, and our story continues.

Books and Me (12)

Book is the ladder of human progress. It is an irreplaceable nutrient in one's life and an indispensable learning tool in modern life. I cannot leave books, just as everything in the world cannot leave the sun, birds cannot leave the sky, and fish cannot leave water.

Book is the ladder of human progress. It is an irreplaceable nutrient in one's life and an indispensable learning tool in modern life. I cannot leave books, just as everything in the world cannot leave the sun, birds cannot leave the sky, and fish cannot leave water. We have the opportunity to read in the reading room every week. Therefore, reading class is my favorite class.

Every Friday morning in the second class, the teacher arranges us to stand in line early and go to the reading room to read. We took our notebooks and books and set out excitedly to the reading room. On the way to the reading room, we often hear students laughing happily. This laughter contains the joyful voice of the students and their desire for knowledge. We talked and laughed, and we came to the reading room before we knew it.

There are many beautiful books in the reading room, with colorful contents and vivid and interesting pictures. The students sat quietly on the stools and read, without a sound of talking, only the orderly rustling of pen tips on the books. This beautiful and harmonious voice can only be heard in the reading room.

We quietly turned the pages of the book, and at the same time, a kind of joy was surging in our chest. Whenever I write down a good word or a good sentence, I feel very proud and enthusiastic about my sense of achievement.

Until today, the reading room has accompanied us for five years, bringing us joy, anger, sadness, happiness... not only brings us knowledge, but also makes our life more colorful.

She is so important in my heart that I will never forget our school reading room!

Books and Me (13)

Books have bred students for thousands of years. Good books make us marvel and feel relaxed and happy. Library is an ocean of knowledge, which is closely related to our study and life.

I remember the scene of the first book in the library: when we entered the library, we were immediately intoxicated by the head-on fragrance of books. Be attracted by dazzling, various and exquisite books. There are so many books here! There are science and technology books, story books, history books, and composition books. Each book is like thousands of waiters, all smiling to me, "Welcome to visit!" I read one book after another, unknowingly, the sun slides from east to west on the cable car. Here, I understand the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs, and know Pinocchio who has a long nose because of lying

Gradually, the library set up a place that I must visit every week. Especially in winter and summer vacation, the library became a place that I must visit every day. "There is a golden house in a book, and there is a beautiful face in a book." There is nothing wrong with this saying. As I grow older, I have read a lot of books in the library. Those vivid images are still fresh in my memory and unforgettable.

In the sea of books in the library, I swam freely. I read many children's novels and celebrity biographies. I also met Zhu Ziqing, Gorky, Cao Wenxuan and other writers. Book in hand, a good book into my heart. Turning the page, I began a dialogue with a writer. The beautiful and vivid language has improved my Chinese writing level and illuminated my way forward in life.

Thank you, the library. It is you who opened a magical door for me. Entering this door, I can understand history, society and nature. The faint fragrance of books accompanies my growth, and the library has become the palace of my spirit. Reading has become an indispensable part of my life. Gorky once said: "Books are the ladder of human progress." I want to follow the magic ladder of books to realize my ideal of life!

Books and Me (14)

I am a little bookworm. I have many books at home, and I can't count them. However, I still want to read many books! So I went to the library, where I often go.

I mixed into the crowd and looked for the Forest News carefully. Where is it? "1, 2, 3... That's right! It's the sixth one on the left!" I whispered. I opened the book and slowly tasted: "The rabbit stayed in the tree for three days..." The interesting content made me completely forget the time.

The small animals in the book seem to be jumping and running. I was fascinated by it. After a while, I found that people around me walked a lot, and my short body had lost the "stake" for myself to hide. I immediately went to find a place with many people.

Unexpectedly, I was found by the clerk of the bookstore, and she calmly said to me: "Little sister, what are you doing?" I slowly said to her: "I... I am, reading... reading." She said gently again: "It's OK, let you read. Look, there is a chair, don't get tired of your legs, sit there and read!" I said happily: "Thank you!"

I continued to read the Forest News. I was attracted by the book again and forgot the time again. After almost three hours of reading, I finished the last page and closed the book. Then I looked at the wall clock. It was almost seven o'clock. After I walked out of the bookstore, I remembered the contents of the book in my mind.

I suddenly thought of the assistant sister again and felt a warm feeling. I knew deeply that I grew up eating, studying, and loving.

Books and Me (15)

From kindergarten to now, I have been to many libraries, among which the library in our school is my favorite. In the library, I can not only find information, but more importantly, I can read many books that are not available at home. I have been to many libraries, and I gradually like to read books

Every time I step into the library and hold a book with thick ink smell, I can't put it down. I carefully turn over every page of the book, and I wish I could finish them at one go, let alone move the whole library to my own home.

There are many books I like, such as Naughty Horse Jumping, My Dear Stupid Pig, Sanmao Wandering, Puppet Adventures, Little Doudou by the Window, Nine Color Deer, Education of Love... These books not only let me know the truth of life, but also learned a lot of knowledge that is not available in books. Among them, Puppet Adventures tells us that we should be honest and good children; Nine Color Deer tells us to be a kind person; Sanmao Wanders tells us to be a strong person

I like to go to the library because I prefer reading. Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." This is not a bad remark. I hope that students can go to the library to read more books when they have time, because reading is of great benefit to us.

Books and Me (16)

I have only been to the bookstore before, but not to the library. Today, the weather is sunny and sunny. Accompanied by my father, I came to the long-awaited library happily.

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally arrived at Jiaozuo Library. I stepped into the door of the library and saw a big sign, namely the direction map of the library, which clearly marked the directions of all parts of the library: children's reading room, adult reading room, reading room for the elderly and the disabled, etc.

I can't wait to run to the children's reading room. I saw many children sitting on their stools with their favorite books in their hands. Look at their expressions. When they see happy places, they smile sweetly. When they see sad places, they frown and gnash their teeth. They are so absorbed in it! I also found my favorite book, Railway Guerrillas. Sitting on a stool, I was intoxicated. It seemed that everyone in the library was running out of time. I read my book carefully. No one spoke. It was so quiet that I could hear a pin drop on the ground.

I like the library. I like the atmosphere in the library. It can calm you down to read. I like the rules of the library. As long as you have time, you can see all kinds of books without spending money. If you don't have time to stay in the library, you can also apply for a library card to borrow books. In this way, you can spend little money and see many books.

Library, we who love reading really like you.

Books and Me (17)

The library is a place where you can get a lot of knowledge. The library books in our school are even more numerous. Each book is very beautiful. I will find a time after class to borrow and return books with my good friends. When reading, I seem to talk to learned people. As the saying goes, "Reading all the good books is like talking to many sages." Reading many books will naturally make you open your mouth.

Don't yell in the school library, it will disturb others to read. In the library, you can not only read books, but also watch movies and tell stories! As soon as I open the book, I feel as if I have entered the world of books and immersed in the fragrance of books. This feeling is really good and can be beneficial to my soul. As the saying goes, "Reading is good for the heart, and exercise is good for the body." Libraries seem to change people's lives. For example, ignorant people can become smart by reading good books. If I don't have a computer, I can go to the library to find the answer. I think the best place of the school is the library, which can provide knowledge, watch movies and read English books. I want to find time to borrow more books; The books in the library outside the school are also very beautiful. I can't put them down. Knowledge can enrich us. As the saying goes, "It's better to enrich ourselves with knowledge than to decorate ourselves with jewelry." Knowledge is our best friend.

On holidays, I often go to the nearby library. From Monday to Friday, I go to the school library. I get a lot of knowledge. I keep learning and asking every day, and knowledge keeps coming. As the saying goes, "With knowledge, there is knowledge, and with knowledge, there is method." The library has collected countless books. I read a lot, and also increased my writing ability, If you also like going to the library, I believe everyone will have a lot of knowledge. We should go to the library often, which will benefit us a lot.