Composition Fairy Tales (20 Collections)
Ordinary and valuable
2024-05-25 04:35:45
fairy tale

Composition Fairy Tales (1)

On a stormy night, a queen gave birth to a little princess in the delivery room and died. Because the little princess's skin was as white as snow, her hair was as black as a ebony basket, and her lips were as red as red roses, the king named her Snow White, and the nurse raised her.

A few years later, the king married a new queen, who had a magic mirror that would tell the queen who was the most beautiful person. Once, when the queen learned from the magic mirror that Snow White was the most beautiful person and that she was the daughter of the former queen, the new queen was very happy and decided to turn her into the best princess in the world. So when Snow White was 3 years old, the new queen gave up the idea of having a son and raised Snow White herself. Snow White is proficient in dance at the age of 4, chess and painting at the age of 5, various musical instrument techniques at the age of 6, Pi memorization at the age of 7, economics at the age of 8, and all the courses of primary school, junior high school and senior high school at the age of 9... Snow White and the new queen are getting better and better, and have regarded her as their closest friend. Snow White is also very sensible. She dismissed more than half of the maids and men servants in the palace, leaving only some capable and hardworking maids and men servants. In addition, Snow White sometimes picks up a duster cloth and cleans with the servants. The servants like her very much. Sometimes she helps her father take care of the big and small affairs in the imperial court, helps her stepmother clean up the feces of cats, dogs and dogs, and is also very filial to the nurse who has kept her for three years... After these things are reported, people all over the country like Snow White very much.

Once, the new queen called Snow White into the room and said to her, "My child, what do you want to do in the future? I will help you find a good husband, so that you can live happily for the rest of your life..." Speaking of this, the new queen was choked with tears. "I don't want it!" Snow White took her stepmother's arm and shook it. "I want to stay with you forever!" "Really?" The stepmother said excitedly, "I am not your biological mother after all!" "Who said that? I am really grateful for your training me like this!" Snow White leaned her head on her stepmother's shoulder. Stepmother smiled happily through tears.

When Snow White was 23 years old, she officially ascended the throne and became the only queen, loved by everyone.

Composition Fairy Tales (2)

On Monday morning, the headmaster was standing on the stage and making a speech. Suddenly, a dazzling light flashed across, and the headmaster turned into a white swan and flew into the blue sky.

A teacher said in horror: "This was done by the mountain witch Grossie. Yesterday we forgot to give her a gift, so she turned the headmaster into a white swan."

"What about that?"

"It is said that there is a kind of ice crystal flower on the snow mountain, which only blooms two flowers a year. As long as one flower is collected and sent to Grossy, she may change the headmaster back to the original state."

So teachers and students went to find ice crystal flowers. After looking for a long time, I finally found the magic and beautiful ice crystal flower on the tree of a snow mountain! It is hexagonal, pure and transparent, like crystal.

Xiaoke was quick and quickly climbed up the tree. He couldn't wait to reach out to pick it, but when he met the ice crystal flower, it melted. Xiaoke froze at once. What's the matter? What should we do? He hopped down from the tree helplessly.

Xiao Ya is a student of learning bully and a king of golden ideas. She immediately opened the small backpack, took out a pair of gloves, let Xiaoke wear them, and then tied the glove rope. Xiao Ke grabs a handful of snow and rubs it on the glove repeatedly to lower the temperature of the glove and then lower it. When the gloves became cold, Xiaoke immediately climbed to the tree, gently picked off the ice crystal flowers, and then immediately climbed down the tree, put it in a special box, and closed the lid.

The teacher and the students walked with the ice crystal flowers in their hands. I don't know how long it took, but finally they found the witch Grossy in the mountains and handed the ice crystal flowers to her. Grossie was moved by the sincerity of the teachers and students and promised to fulfill their wishes.

In the cheers of teachers and students, Grossy gently waved, and the white swan in the blue sky flew back to school. Grossie sprayed a mist on the white swan. When the mist cleared, the sunny and handsome headmaster stood in front of us with a smile.

Composition Fairy Tales (3)

The little hedgehog found a big mushroom in the grass.

The little hedgehog shouted happily, "What a big mushroom! How like an umbrella!"

The little hedgehog stood under the big mushroom again and said, "It's hot. You can use it to enjoy the cool."

The little hedgehog raised his head and patted his head and said, "Oh, yes, you can use it to keep off the rain when it rains!"

The little hedgehog carried the big mushroom on his shoulder and said, "I can't bear to eat this mushroom umbrella!"

The little hedgehog struggled to carry the mushroom umbrella past a tall artemisia grass.

A fat katydid lay on the ground and said weakly, "It's so hot!"

The little hedgehog turned to the fat grasshopper, put the big mushroom on the ground, struggled to hold the big mushroom, and said to the fat grasshopper, "Use it to cool down!"

The fat katydid looked up and said, "Ah, what a big mushroom! Now I'm much cooler!"

The little hedgehog said happily, "This is the mushroom umbrella I just found!"

The fat katydid said gratefully, "Thank you. I'm much more comfortable now. This mushroom umbrella is really good!"

When the sky was overcast, the fat katydid said to the little hedgehog, "It's going to rain, I'm going home, and you should go back soon!"

The little hedgehog proudly carried the mushroom umbrella and said, "I'm not afraid, I have a mushroom umbrella!"

When it began to rain heavily, the little hedgehog went home with a mushroom umbrella.

A bee could not fly in the rain and fell on the ground. The little hedgehog quickly put down the mushroom umbrella to block the rain.

A small dragonfly also flew over, and a small ant also rushed to take shelter from the rain.

The little bee said, "Thank you!"

The little dragonfly said, "Thanks to your umbrella!"

The little ant said, "What a big umbrella! What kind of umbrella is this?"

The little hedgehog smiled and replied, "You are welcome, this is the mushroom umbrella I just found!"

Composition Fairy Tales (4)

A crow was hungry. He looked around to see if there was any food. Suddenly, the crow saw a centipede hiding in a dark corner to enjoy the cool.

The crow flew over at the fastest speed and bit the centipede's neck. The centipede also bit the crow's neck. When the crow swallowed the centipede, all its limbs suddenly twitched and fell down.

The crow said sadly, "I am so miserable! I thought I was lucky enough to find food, but I killed myself!"

Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there was a beautiful little princess crying sadly. At this time, a tall and courageous prince came. Hearing the cry, he hurried to ask what was wrong? The princess looked at the river in front of her and said, "I want to go home, but the boat has already left.". The prince thought of a way. He said, "We can swim there." The princess said, "I can't swim." The prince said, "Sit on my back, and I can take you to swim there.". In this way, the princess successfully reached the opposite side of the river and returned home. The prince was also praised by everyone.

Composition Fairy Tales (5)

One day, the cat went out to play and met a bird. The bird rode on the cat's tail and played games. They played and didn't remember the way home. At this time, the fox came. He was playing hide and seek with the dog. After playing again and again, he could not catch the dog. The fox was angry.

The fox was sweating and hungry. The fox said, "I won't play anymore. I admit defeat." The fox secretly ran to the kitten's house to steal fish, meat, etc... The fox patted the drum belly and said happily, "It's delicious. It's only when you eat something that you can have power. I still want to eat, but it's a pity."

At this time, the kitten was hungry, so it said, "Today I treat you, and I specially made a lot of delicious food for you." When they got home, they found that the fox had eaten all the dishes made by the kitten. The kitten and the bird were very angry, so they pushed the fox into the sea.

Since then, no one has eaten the food made by kittens. They live happily and contentedly.

Composition Fairy Tales (6)

One sunny day in March, the sun was high in the sky, so warm and comfortable that little hedgehog came to the library near his home to read. The library is already full of children reading books. Little Hedgehog found a storybook, looked around for a seat, and finally sat down beside Little Rabbit.

Looking at it, the little hedgehog could not help but move. The rabbit beside him shouted "Ouch!" and said angrily, "Little hedgehog, why did you stab me!" Everyone was shocked by the scene, and the little hedgehog was even more frightened.

A moment later, everyone's eyes were turned on the little hedgehog. The little hedgehog knew that it must be his prickles that pierced the little rabbit who was reading carefully. The little hedgehog quickly apologized and said, "Sorry! My needle pierced you." After saying that, the little hedgehog got up and left.

"Little hedgehog, don't go. Let's sit together. Let the little squirrel and the little rabbit sit together!"

The little hedgehog looked back and saw that it was a little turtle. The little hedgehog hurriedly said, "No, I just pricked the rabbit, and I'm afraid I'll stab you again, He had to use his shell to hit the thorn on the little hedgehog himself. Several times in a row, the little tortoise was all right, but the little hedgehog felt a little pain. "Now you can believe it!"

The little turtle said again. The little hedgehog sat happily with the little turtle.

At this time, the children began to read attentively, and the library recovered its tranquility

Composition Fairy Tales (7)

Long ago, the forest held a wonderful sports meeting every year. This time, Prime Minister Lion came to be the chief referee of the forest sports meeting.

Let's start with running! There are a lot of sports. It's like a sea of sports. All the running animals are agile. There are lively rabbits, handsome and fierce lions, and running generals in the jungle leopards. Just listen to a loud bang! The animals ran round and round the forest, because it was too strong for lions and leopards to charge first! So the rabbit was playing behind, and the rabbit won the first place.

Next, let's talk about weight lifting. There are huge elephants, ferocious hippos, and cannibal crocodile generals. Just listening to the whistle, the giant elephant used his nose to lift about a ton of dumbbells. The hippo picked up about a hundred kilograms of dumbbells. The crocodile generals tried one after another, but could not pick up any dumbbells, Later, the elephant became the champion, and all the champions were so happy that they cried.

As time went by, the wonderful game ended. I believe that the competition will be more competitive!

Guidance comments: The little author is well-organized, gorgeous, and uses the right sentences. Please continue to keep it! The wonderful sports meeting can also show your wonderful imagination, great!

Composition Fairy Tales (8)

The little lion recently moved into a new forest. He lives in the middle of the forest, but few animals pass by his door. Why is this? Because the little lions have golden hair all over their bodies, a big mouth, sharp teeth, and a tail like a yellow whip. They look very ferocious. The little animals are afraid of him.

In the daytime, the little lion was very bored at home. He had no friends. Sometimes he saw other small animals playing happily together. He was very envious, but he did not dare to poke his head out to greet them. Because once, the little lion greeted them, and they ran away with a cry of fear. From then on, the little lion never dared to greet them again, I had to watch them silently in the grass. Looking at the sunny weather outside, the little lion wanted to go out and play very much, but he didn't want to go out and disturb other animals, so he had to lie on the ground and look at the blue sky and white clouds outside in frustration. Suddenly there was a cry of surprise outside the door. The little lion immediately ran out to see what was going on. The little lion quickly ran to the edge of a cliff. It was sister rabbit. Sister rabbit's doll fell on a small tree on the edge of the cliff. She liked the doll very much and wanted to go down to pick it up. Unexpectedly, the branch broke as soon as she went down, She was hooked on the branch, which was very dangerous. The little animals all gathered around the cliff and anxiously tried to find a way to save Little Rabbit's sister. At this time, the little lion said, "Let me save her!" The little animals were very afraid, and they all hid away from him, The little piggy brother said, "Do you want to save her or eat her? If you want to hurt her, we will fight against you!" The little lion replied wrongly, "You believe me, I really want to save Little Rabbit's sister!" At this time, the branch made a "clatter" sound, and the branch broke again, and Little Rabbit's sister cried out in fear, Little Rabbit's sister is very dangerous now. Little Lion said anxiously, "Let me save her. If I want to hurt her, you can push me down!" Seeing his sincerity, the little animals trusted him and asked him to save Little Rabbit's sister. The little lion first tried to pull Little White Rabbit's sister with his hand, but it was too far away to reach Little White Rabbit's sister. Then, the little lion thought of pulling Little White Rabbit's sister with his tail, and he put his tail down on the cliff so that Little White Rabbit's sister could pull it. Little White Rabbit's sister finally successfully grabbed the little lion's tail, which hurt little lion's tail, He frowned and walked forward step by step to pull up Little White Rabbit's sister. At last, Little White Rabbit's sister was saved, and the little lion's tail was pulled to bleed. She thanked him very much and said to the little lion, "Little lion, thank you for saving me, and your tail was injured. I invite you to our house, and I will let my mother help you deal with the wound." The little lion said, "This wound is OK, as long as you are safe." The little animals all looked at the little lion with great admiration. They all apologized for their previous attitude to the little lion, and the little lion also forgave them.

Later, the little lion became good friends with the animals. They played happily in the forest. We can't think the little lion is a bad person because of his appearance and ignore his kindness.

Blueberry teacher's comment: The young writer's narration is orderly, and the scene and atmosphere are vivid, which adds a lot of color to the article. Making full use of language, actions and psychological activities is vivid and concrete.

Composition Fairy Tales (9)

Hello, everyone. I am a small ant. My job is soldier ant. My task is to protect the ethnic group.

My whole body is red, and there are two tentacles on my head, which are our communication tools. There are a pair of big horns on my forehead, which are our natural protection tools for soldiers. One pair of eyes looks around, and six small hands protect the ethnic territory.

One day in an emergency, everyone was enjoying the delicious food found by our hardworking workers. Suddenly, a scarred guard soldier ant ran into the hall and said breathlessly to me as the guard governor, "General..., the 800 vanguard troops of the Black Ant Kingdom came straight to our family. It seems that they want our food and land. Forty or ten soldiers from the Qianfeng Battalion and the Garrison Battalion have all died for their country." "What? Why did the news come at this time?" "General, the news has been blocked by the enemy, and only this urgent document has escaped." The guard soldier ant took out a letter and handed it to me as he said. I said, "Go home and get well." "Yes, General."

I opened the document, looked at the urgent document written by the front-line soldiers with their lives, looked at the urgency of the situation, I immediately ran to the palace.

At this time, the imperial court drum sounded, and all the officials and generals prepared to go to the imperial court. I was also among them. After a while, three drums sounded and the emperor went to court.

"Long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my emperor, long live my. The emperor, wearing a crown, a dragon robe and dragon boots, went to court.

The officials argued, "What's the matter with all the Aiqing?" I stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to do with you." "What's the matter with Aiqing?" I said, "Your Majesty, the army of the Black Ant Kingdom is pressing the border, and the vanguard is approaching our capital." "Oh? What's the way for all the Aiqing?" At this time, a minister said, "The Black Ant Kingdom has strong national strength, so we should seek peace from other regions." The Holy Master said angrily, "How presumptuous! I listened to your words before to make the neighboring countries continuously invade and expand." The minister was frightened to retreat quickly. I stood up and said, "I think that 500 people in our country can't resist the attack of the enemy. It's better to find out the truth and avoid the edge of the enemy, and let my officials guard a hundred soldiers and ants to attack the enemy. The sage and his people should move at once." "Okay, but you should be careful, Aiqing." "Yes, the sage." "Back to court, everyone take their children, take their property, and move quickly." "The sage is wise.".

I immediately went to the Ministry of War to send a hundred soldiers to the mobilization speech. Before starting, I said to all the soldiers, "The victory or defeat of our army in this battle is related to the life and death of our country." "Yes!" "You must do your best, understand?" "Yes." "OK, let's go!"

In the fierce battle, our army met the enemy ten miles away from the capital. Our army was brave to attack, but was outnumbered. The enemy soon beat us back. At this time, the enemy launched arrows in disorder, killing and injuring most of our troops.

At this time, I was shot by an arrow, and I fell down bravely. I only saw the red flag flying in the wind on the distant hillside. This is a signal, which means the safe transfer of the Holy Spirit. I smiled because I didn't let the enemy succeed. I smiled because I finally fell on the land I was sworn to defend

Composition Fairy Tales (10)

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom of Lilliputians, where a majestic king lived.

The king had a beautiful and kind-hearted princess named Yiyasi. The environment there was very beautiful. There were crows to help clean up, and magpies to pass on good news to people But the only drawback was the lack of a noble and handsome son-in-law, so the king ordered to choose a lover for Yasi himself.

As soon as the decision was announced, many royal nobles came to see the princess, but all of them were rejected by the king.

In this Lilliputian country, there was a tin soldier. He loved the princess very much, so he kept silent beside her every day to prevent her from being hurt at all. But he thought the king would never agree to let him be the son-in-law, because he had neither power nor power. He was just a soldier.

So he went to his smart friend Thumb Tom and confided in him. After hearing this, Tom Thumb went to the king without saying a word and asked him what was the standard for selecting his son-in-law? The king said: "He must love my daughter all his life, never leave her, no matter what the situation, he must be her patron saint, make her happy, make her happy." Tom said that the desire of the tin soldier was to protect Yass, and he would never give up

The king stood up and said, "What I want is not a greedy person, but a person who can make Yasi happy forever."

After a while, Xibing and Yasi held a grand wedding and lived a happy life!

Composition Fairy Tales (11)

In a forest unknown to humans, there is an "animal kingdom" where the scenery is beautiful and the air is fresh. Animals grow up in this pollution-free virgin land.

The air here is very fresh, so there is no infectious disease. In addition, the medicine here is very developed, so every animal is very long-lived. One hundred years after the establishment of the Animal Kingdom, the number has already exceeded one million, and the small forest has no room to live, so the Lion King immediately convened several important ministers to discuss how to solve the population problem. After everyone's discussion, the conclusion is to declare war on mankind to expand our own land.

On the first day of the war, the Animal Kingdom sent 100000 troops to take down Oceania as a base to attack and defend. Because the sneak attack of the animal army was successful, the human race retreated without fighting, and the animals won, so they were very happy. The President of the United States was shocked when he heard the news. He decided to help the people of Oceania recapture their motherland, so he publicly said that he would fight with the animal kingdom to the end, and hoped that the leaders of all countries would support the anti "animal" action. Therefore, many countries' troops also gathered in the United States, with the number of troops up to one million.

The animal side knew that humans were going to fight back, so it also came to hold a meeting to think about countermeasures.

Composition Fairy Tales (12)

In nature, there is a proud frog father and a little frog.

One day, the little frog saw an elephant and thought to himself, "My father said that he is the most powerful animal in the world. Why do I think the elephant is ten thousand times bigger than my father?"?

When he got home, the frog asked his father, who was watching TV, "Dad, didn't you say that you are the most powerful animal in the world? Why do I think the elephant is ten thousand times bigger than you?" "How can it be! I don't believe that I am the biggest animal in the world. What is an elephant? If you have the ability, let him compare with me! Hum!" Dad said in an unconvinced tone.

The father frog and the baby frog came to the place where the elephant lived. When the father saw the elephant, he said, "Hello, the smallest animal in the world!" Then the elephant quickly retorted, "What? You said I was the smallest. Hum, I think you are the smallest. If you have the ability, we can compete!"

"Well, who is afraid of who!" With that, the elephant took a breath and puffed up his stomach. Baby Frog said, "Dad, you are still not as big as the elephant! Don't try to be brave!" But the proud frog was not convinced and continued to bulge his stomach.

"Well, Dad, don't try to be brave! Otherwise, the consequences..." Before the frog baby finished speaking, he heard a "bang", and his belly burst. At this time, the frog mother knew about it and hurried to the scene.

However, the father frog has died miserably on the grass. The mother frog and the baby frog cried bitterly. The mother cried and said, "My child, don't be like your father when you grow up. You are arrogant, and the consequences of pride are..."

My friends, do you know the last sentence of Mother Frog?

Little zebra Ding Ding and little rabbit Sasha are inseparable friends. Ding Ding is very upset these days: next month is Sasha's birthday. What gift should I give her? Oh, by the way, give her a basket of carrots. Sasha likes carrots best!

Now that you have an idea, let's take action! Ding Ding put the basket around his neck and ran quickly to the "Lingling Seed Store" opened by Lingling Sika Deer. "Lingling, please give me a bag of the best and fastest growing radish seeds!" Ding Ding said loudly. After receiving the seeds, he ran home excitedly and planted them in a hurry. Every day at dawn, Ding Ding gets up early and takes good care of the carrots he planted. As the days passed by, there were still a few days left for Sasha's birthday. Ding Ding saw green leaves growing in the yard. The leaves are verdant and dripping. When the breeze blows, the tip of the leaf gently swings, which is extremely lovely! But what Ding Ding wants is not the green leaves, but the big, sweet and crisp turnips. He became anxious and looked anxiously at the green leaves. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and quickly ran to the "Lingling Seed Store". As soon as he saw Lingling, Ding Ding shouted: "You liar, how dare you sell me a fake seed? It's Sasha's birthday in a few days. What gift do you want me to give her! Today I must teach you a lesson. How dare you cheat?" After all these words, Ding Ding was a little breathless. Lingling was startled when she saw him so angry for the first time, and said, "What happened? My seed must be OK." Ding Ding didn't want to listen to her nonsense, and directly took her to the yard at home. "Look for yourself, what I want is a radish, not a leaf." Lingling understood and laughed out with a snort. "A radish grows under a leaf, so you need to pull it out!" Ding Ding walked over doubtfully and pulled out a big red radish. "So it is! I'm sorry!" Ding Ding suddenly realized and apologized.

Through this matter, Ding Dingmei made up his mind to learn from Lingling in the future and become a knowledgeable forest citizen! At the same time, he also learned that everything should not only look at the surface, but also look deeper, so that it will be more accurate.

Composition Fairy Tales (13)

Deep in the forest lived a lonely little angel. She has no relatives, no playmates, and has nothing to do every day except flirting with a few insects.

Sometimes the fox will come, but the fox always has one question: Hey, do you see the rabbit? Of course the angel replied no. The fox left unhappily.

Before long, the fox came again. The angel didn't like the fox and hid before it came. "Bang Bang Bang" The fox kept knocking at the door until the angel came out. "Hey, see the rabbit?" asked the fox. "No," the angel replied dully. The fox flicked its tail and left.

The fox's visit added to the angel's boredom.

"Go to the human world," a bird suggested. "The human world is very interesting!" Bird highly recommended. "But before you go, you'd better take off your wings, change your clothes and dress like a person." The bird added with its head tilted.

The angel accepted the bird's suggestion, and she began to recite the spell silently. A cloud fell in front of her, and the angel took the cloud and left the forest.

The silky river on the ground flows quietly, and the dark mountains pass her by.

The angel came to a castle. Just as she was falling down like a feather, she heard a young man sighing: "I am a poet, but when winter came, butterflies disappeared, and my inspiration withered like flowers."

The angel wiped the poet's glasses, and the poet jumped up suddenly. He shouted: "I see spring! Crowds of butterflies and bees are dancing around the big flowers, singing loudly! The brook is also running happily!" The poet returned to the table and scribbled his favorite lines.

The angel left the poet, and she saw a magnificent building in the castle, with a semicircular golden roof and violin like windows. It looked like a golden helmet worn by an ancient general. This is a big theater.

The concert has not started yet. There is no audience, only a crying singer.

"My voice is broken and I can't sing anymore," the singer said sadly to the angel. The angel began to recite the mantra. The singer recovered from his illness, and he danced happily.

The singer's voice is so beautiful that even the lark risks flying over to listen.

The angel's good reputation spread farther and farther, and more and more people came to her to realize their wishes. But the angel still felt lonely, and she began to miss the quiet life in the forest.

The angel returned to the forest and found that her insect friends were few. "Well, I ate some insects," said the bird apologetically, squatting on the branch.

Composition Fairy Tales (14)

Fleeting time is like a beautiful flower. On reflection, on looking back, the past has long been, a touch of pomp, half a life of desolation. In his lifetime, he met in a narrow way, and eventually he was not spared. Suddenly, the palm of his hand grew entangled curves. Before being sensible, after being emotional, it will not last for a day, and it will not be a fleeting time if you cannot stay.


I always hope to be a happy bird, flying freely under my own sky, not bound by the secular world, not hindered by wind and rain. I like the poem that I don't like things or feel sorry for myself, and I yearn for the beautiful scenery in Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Garden.

Time flows away from my fingers carelessly, and I can't help sighing that the time of more than thirty years has passed like an arrow. It seems that I haven't had time to savor it and remember it.

Once the dream, now no longer have, once the ideal is still so far away, but the time has come to another century. He has been drawn into the ranks of aunts by Time Old Man unconsciously. It turns out that I am no longer young. It's embarrassing to stand with my daughter. Although others always joke that we are like sisters, we understand that we are no longer young.

Somehow sad, not their own unhappiness, not their own unhappiness. Only occasionally I have such feelings. My daughter's daily homework can no longer be handy, and I can no longer refute her opinion. My husband always said with a smile, "My husband and wife, I don't care about you anymore.". Hehe, are you too old to argue

Time really passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, more than ten years passed. Although old classmates always said that I was still like ten years ago when they met, why would I still be so sad? Maybe I'm really not young anymore. More often, I just send my mood to words, give myself to music, and like to let my mind wander for a while alone!

No longer cranky; No longer tears for little things; No longer turn off the computer because her husband doesn't accompany her; No longer glaring at her daughter's occasional naughty; No longer upset by the world... Maybe I am really old, but there are so many changes at more than 30? Sometimes I don't believe it. Hehe, maybe that's the way people are. When they are young, they always dislike their immaturity. They really become deep, but they begin to hate themselves.

Time has passed, taking away the young and frivolous self, but there is still the same childlike heart and the sincere personality that annoys me. Maybe some things can't be changed in a lifetime, just like some things in life, some people, with the growth of age, reflect more deeply, not forget, but hide them in the depths of memory

Composition Fairy Tales (15)

One night, Xiao Ming's schoolbag was noisy like a war. It turned out that ball point pen and correction fluid were quarrelling all the time.

They are arguing about their abilities. Who can be better than them! The ballpoint pen said very confidently, "How important I am to the master! Do you know that if the master loses me, he will be criticized by the teacher every day, and the teacher will tell the master's parents, so the master will suffer from skin and flesh. If the master loses me, he will not be able to write his homework, which will be miserable. Do you want to see the master scolded by the teacher and beaten by the parents?" The eraser said, "Of course not. We are better than our ability. Why are we talking about the owner? Have you finished all your skills? There is nothing to say, is there?" The ballpoint pen said, "Don't bother. What skills do you have?" When it comes to skills, it's a piece of cloth so long. You can listen to it. I said that you are inferior to me. Look, if you write wrong, I will help you correct it. The ballpoint pen said: "Don't be arrogant. If you use too much, the master's teacher won't give it, and you are still toxic, what should we do if our master is poisoned?" The correction fluid said: "I didn't mean to use so much. It's not your fault. If you make a mistake, the master will take me to help you change it." The ballpoint pen said, "Why did the owner buy you? Why didn't he buy other correction fluids? You were unlucky. You had to help me correct it as soon as you bought it. I'm really sorry, hahaha." The correction fluid blushed like an apple, and was furious; The schoolbag said, "Don't make any noise. You all have your own strengths and weaknesses. You shouldn't go on making such a noise. It's not good to wake up the master. The master has to go to school tomorrow."

I'm sorry to hear that. The schoolbag said, "We should help each other, learn from others' strengths and help us correct our weaknesses. We should not make any noise in the future. Well, after arguing for so long, I think you are also sleepy. You should have a good sleep and keep your spirits up until tomorrow when you serve the master well. After that, they will sleep.

From then on, they not only didn't make any noise but also became good friends.

Composition Fairy Tales (16)

A small and exquisite Volkswagen Beetle proudly said to the Japanese Mitsubishi and Nissan beside him, "I come from far away Germany, but I have always been widely loved by foreign people. Now I am working in China. China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, where the scenery is picturesque, the economy is developed, and people live a harmonious and happy life. My driver loves self driving tours, so I followed him around and learned a lot. If you don't understand anything, just ask me. " Two cars nearby nodded silently.

At that time, a famous car from Italy, Ferrari, appeared beside the Beetle at the same speed as the wind, and said to him contemptuously: "Oh, God, I don't think there should be such ugly cars in the world. I'd better not come to the annual World Auto Party Day. It's really embarrassing. Only a high-end, grand and upscale car like me is suitable for such a grand party. " As he spoke, he looked arrogantly at Mitsubishi and Nissan cars beside him.

The beetle was so angry that he could not even speak, and his face was red as if he was about to bleed. Ferrari is still indifferent, looking at him proudly, his face full of disgust and disgust. They refused to yield to each other and glared at each other all the time. Mitsubishi and Nissan remained timidly silent.

"Please be quiet, everyone." A steady sentence broke the grim atmosphere. Everyone was quiet, and the war between the Beetles and Ferrari was temporarily stopped. Everyone turned their eyes on the old king Rolls Royce of the automobile kingdom. The king's words rang in his ear again: "Welcome to the annual World Car Gathering Day in your busy schedule. Please raise your glasses and let's enjoy this moment! In addition, I like living in peace, don't like war, and don't want war to disturb this feast." As he spoke, the king winked mischievously at the Beetles and Ferrari.

Composition Fairy Tales (17)

These days, near Dora's house, there is a vacant land where many workers are busy building a new house. Dora was very happy because she knew that there would be new friends coming.

At lunch time, she went to ask Uncle Brown Bear, who built the house, "Uncle Brown Bear, who is going to live here? Uncle Brown Bear waved his hand and said," I'm going to build the house, and I don't know who is going to live here. "Dora went to ask Aunt Crane, who is the door and window maker," Auntie, will anyone live here? "Aunt Crane shook her head and said," I'm a door and window maker, and I don't know who is going to live here. " Dora asked the wire puller, Uncle Monkey, "Uncle Monkey, will anyone live here?" Uncle Monkey scratched his head and said, "I'm here to pull the wire, and I don't know who will live here." Dora hurried to ask the flower grower, Aunt Peacock: "Aunt, will anyone live here?" Aunt looked up and said, "I'm here to grow flowers, and I don't know who will live here." At this time, Mr. orangutan, the furniture delivery truck, came in. It was full of brand new furniture. Mr. orangutan smiled and said, "You will know when your new friends come!"

The next morning, Dora the parrot opened the window and looked, ah! It turned out that the new friend was the mother of the milu deer and her children. Dora had new friends again, and they were happy together.

Composition Fairy Tales (18)

One summer afternoon, there lived a duckling in the forest. The duckling's name was Miaomiao. One day, the duckling was happily playing on the lawn. After a while, the duckling fell into a deep pit carelessly.

The duckling shouted for help. The monkey playing in the tree beside the pit saw it, then the bear who was going to water the flowers with a bucket saw it, and the elephant who was walking saw it, so they came to try to save the duckling.

Little Monkey Lele said, "I have a way!" Little Monkey took a bamboo pole, hung it upside down on the branch, and put it into the pit. But the bamboo pole was too slippery, and Miao Miao had no claws, so Miao Miao couldn't climb up. Xiaoxiong Congcong also thought of a way. He poured the water from the bucket into the pit because there was too little water. After a while, the water was absorbed by the soil. The elephant looked at it and put its trunk into the pit. The duckling sat on the elephant's trunk and the elephant lifted it up.

Miaomiao was saved, and he rattled happily. Everyone praised the elephant's cleverness.

Composition Fairy Tales (19)

One day, the Zombie Army declared war on the Plant Army, which was located on the roof with water. The battle would be decided a week later.

Dr. Botany built a "super plant" on the roof and is waiting for them to come!

A week later, Dr. Jiang Wang said, "You are going to die, ha ha ha..." Dr. Plant said, "It is not certain who wins or loses! Don't be too happy too soon." Dr. Jiang Wang said, "If you have the ability, show your strength. Don't talk big." The decisive battle began. Dr. Plant planted the corn helmsman on the flower pot first, Fix them one by one with corncakes, and then slowly kill the zombies with cabbage pitchers. Dr. Zombie Wang said: "The tactics are good, but waste is waste. Go ahead, football zombies." Soon after that, a huge zombie came to us. Dr. Plant said: "Come out, watermelon pitcher." A watermelon appeared in front of us, "It's not over, upgrade! Iced watermelon pitcher." An angry iced watermelon gave a football zombie to KO after three or two strokes. Dr. Zombie Wang said, "Damn, it seems that I have to play in person." Only a loud noise was heard, and a mechanical zombie was coming out. Another big plant has come out, that is, the legendary "super plant" is wrong, it should be called "plant king". The plant king first punches and kicks. The big zombie refused to be outdone. It vomited a fireball first, and the ice hockey blocked the attack of the Plant King. As a result, the King of Plants fired corn cannons, and the King of Zombies was blown away. The plants embraced each other and set off firecrackers. Courseware, how happy they are.

What a miracle! Even weak plants can defeat zombies. This is unity and strength.

Composition Fairy Tales (20)

Once upon a time, there was a big forest where many small animals lived. There are white rabbits, monkeys, bears and all kinds of small animals.

Every day, small animals will get up early to exercise. After exercising, they can move freely. The little white rabbit likes bouncing, the little lion likes running, and the little monkey likes climbing trees. In short, all kinds of small animals have all kinds of things they like.

One day, the little lion and the little mouse had a quarrel. When everyone saw it, they hurried to ask what happened? It turned out that the little lion and the little mouse had a quarrel. The little white rabbit said, "Come to a race, and you will know who runs fast!"

So, we set up a competition and an award platform. Only when we get the first prize, can we stand on this platform to receive the award.

The race finally came, and the little lion and mouse stood at the starting line together. 3. 2 、 1 At the beginning of the race, they all rushed out at the same time, running and running! The little lion and the little mouse ran as fast as they could, and soon they ran to the finish line together. They were no different from each other. They both ran to the finish line at the same time. What can we do now? Finally, both of them stood on the first prize podium at the same time and received awards.

Through this competition, the little lion and the little mouse learned that no matter what happens between friends, they must not quarrel first, but must be humble to each other, so that they can solve the problem well. This story let me know that there is nothing unsolvable between friends, and quarrels must be unsolvable. Don't quarrel is a virtue.