Give preventive injection and talk about it in the circle of friends
Hold the lamp and watch the sword when drunk
2023-04-05 18:17:44
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If you don't cry or make noise on the day of vaccination, you will sleep.

2. I cried this time when I was injected. I really grew up.

3. For the first time, he accompanied his son to have an injection. The young man cried and went back to sleep.

4. I hope my sister won't cry too hard.

5. I went to have a preventive injection today. I have a low fever of 38 degrees at night. I hope my baby will get better soon.

6. Today, Xi Xi had a preventive injection, which was very good. This girl has had 4 injections this month.

7. Get vaccinated, cry bitterly, stay for half an hour, hold outside to watch the wind blow the leaves.

8. There are a lot of children in front of me who are getting vaccinations. I am the only adult.

9. I thought I could take my son to get vaccinations in the morning, but I saw the news that he was on duty at 7:00 tomorrow morning!

10. The vaccination is really a big pit, a chain pit. As long as the vaccination is taken, there will be no peace for several days.

11. I went to have an injection in the morning and thought I would cry. I am really a man without facial expression.

12. I hope that the jaundice will fall down tomorrow and be vaccinated. I hope that I can continue to feed myself. I don't want to wake up early to milk.

13. Today, I started to cry when I saw the needle. I felt like I had grown up.

14. This is the baby's first fever except for the injection. I don't know the reason. Little guy, it really hurts.

15. The baby who takes the preventive injection must bring the fruit, otherwise he can't stop crying. After eating the fruit, he will wander around happily.

16. My mother said that I could not play with my mobile phone in front of my children. My mother said that I had no children. I told you in advance that I would give you a shot.

17. In fact, I'm not very angry, because everyone has been giving me prophylaxis since last month, but I'm still a little disappointed.

18. On the 33rd day after delivery, I went out for inspection. I took Xiao Bao to have a prophylactic injection and just got busy lying in bed. I was tired, and my whole body was aching, and my back was aching, and my feet were aching, and my legs were soft.

19. Today, Guoguo did not cry when taking preventive injections, and did not cry when taking routine blood tests. It's really great. The article also passed smoothly, continue to refuel. Keep exercising.

20. The big pomelo that has never cried before when taking preventive shots is a big stick. Height 67.2, weight 8.4. One small tooth has been exposed, and the other is still trying to come out

21. I always thought it was a fever caused by preventive injection, but the result was not. Suddenly, I felt that all mothers would say such a sentence: no one would give me any sugar when I get through this period of time.

22. Who is not a child yet? He just learned to constantly persuade himself. Before the unstable emotions came, he would give himself preventive shots. When he felt really uncomfortable, he would do everything to persuade himself.