Laughing Students (8 Collections)
Flowers in full bloom
2024-03-20 05:58:51

Laughing classmates (1)

I have a classmate who likes to laugh very much. She has a head of black hair, a pair of big, watery eyes embedded under thick eyebrows, and a big, eloquent mouth. She is the tall man in our class. The adults say I am tall, but she is taller than me, which makes me jealous.

Her hair is as stiff as her character. She is very lively, cheerful, easy to get along with, not angry, even if angry will soon be reconciled. One of her characteristics is that she loves to laugh.

I remember that once we were playing a round and round game. Because we were spinning too fast, she and I loosened our hands and fell with a "bang". We looked at each other and laughed.

I still remember that in the second grade, when we were in a hurry to go to physical education class, a boy rushed out from behind me and hit me. She ran and grabbed my hand, so that I didn't fall down the stairs. "Thank you. You should be careful when you go downstairs next time!" She said with a smile.

I still remember a time when I was discussing a math problem with several classmates. She was the first one to work out the answer. We all admired her and said, "You are great!" She looked up and smiled proudly.

Who is this laughing classmate? She is my good friend Long Xuanling.

Laughing Students (2)

I have many friends, but my most impressive friend is Hu Mingyu, my classmate and my deskmate. Although he is not my best friend, I still want to write about him, because he likes to laugh!

My deskmate is not as tall as me, very thin, and a little dark. If you see him, maybe he is laughing!

I remember one time when the teacher was having a science class, he asked me to ask questions one by one. Somehow, he began to laugh before I said anything. He also followed the words of the Xuanmai chewing gum advertisement, "It's impossible to stop." He volunteered to raise his hand. Hey! What a surprise! He smiled while answering the question. We were also amused by him. The science teacher, who is called "Ice Face", also showed a smile that is rare in a century. After the teacher finished asking questions, he smiled again on the table. I smiled and said: "Have you laughed enough?" He covered his mouth with his hand and said with a smile, "All right, I won't laugh anymore, just hold on to it." Sure enough, he couldn't last three seconds, laughed again, and then somehow started the vibration mode again. The whole body is moving. In class, my friend behind me said, "You made Hu Mingyu cry?".

In Chinese class, he looked at Xiaoxian No. 2, laughing and laughing! I was called to the front by the teacher, and I forgot what he was laughing for. Anyway, he was laughing. My classmates came back late from class and stood at the door. Unexpectedly, he was still smiling, holding the book in both hands and smiling with his mouth covered. We couldn't control our emotions.

Once I was sad because I didn't do well in the exam. He tried his best to amuse me. I laughed and cried. He is Xiaoxian No.1; He can laugh at anything; He is the joy of our class. He is --- Hu Mingyu

The laughter fairy in my class has many interesting things! Shh! Generally, I don't tell him.

Laughing Students (3)

Laugh, it's normal. But it is a bit abnormal to laugh when you should not. Laughing is abnormal in some people. In fact, sometimes there is no need to be so optimistic.

I have a classmate who likes to laugh, but he is the "abnormal" one.

I remember that time, I packed my schoolbag, put on my white shoes, and went downstairs to school by bus. When I got to school, I walked to the classroom, slowly pulled out the chair, put my schoolbag on the chair, and slowly sat down. After I sat down, I looked listless. I was packing things, but my deskmate was there laughing wildly. At first, I didn't think so. When he saw me disapproving, he laughed even more violently, which made me really unbearable.

"Hey! You've been laughing all the time. What's so funny about that? Did you take the wrong medicine today and get mania?" I got angry and stood up.

"No, no, no, no, I just remembered a joke." He said helplessly, still laughing, "I tell you..."

I sneered and said, "Hum hum, this is really a half hearted joke."

He still goes his own way, reading and laughing. It seems that the teacher heard the laughter and looked at my seat. He saw my deskmate laughing wildly with his face covered with a book. He realized that something was wrong. He strode towards me with great strides. My heart was "thumping thumping thumping", as if a "handsome" lion was coming to me proudly, as if it was about to swallow me. However, the teacher bypassed me, grabbed the tiny hand of my deskmate and dragged him to the platform. My deskmate's face squeezed out an awkward smile, but his hands and feet were not natural and very stiff. His funny appearance made us laugh.

He really likes to laugh, but he doesn't know when to laugh and when not to laugh. He is extremely optimistic, as if anything can make him laugh wildly.

Laughing Students (4)

"Be careful, the ground is slippery," I gasped. She ran ahead without looking back, and I ran after her. She is Huang Ziyi, nicknamed "Little Yellow Man".

In the afternoon, I hummed a tune while combing my hair. Suddenly, "Little Yellow Man" stood in front of me and said nervously, "I will give you a crying play today." Before I could answer, she began her own performance.

"Why do you want to leave? Isn't it okay for me?" She said sadly. "You are so upset!"

The "Little Yellow Man"'s face changed and scared me to death. When I saw his dark round face, long hair shawl, bright eyes that twinkled like two crystal clear gems, and her big mouth, I could not speak clearly. I burst into laughter. When I looked at my watch, my face changed and I shouted, "Ah! I'm going to be late."

"What?" I put down my comb, grabbed my school card, ran out of the dormitory and into the classroom. Fortunately, I was not late. When I turned around, I didn't see the "little yellow man". My heart began to get nervous: didn't she run faster than me? Why is it missing? Suddenly, a voice said, "How are you?" I looked back, and it was "Little Yellow Man"! She made a face and smiled back to her seat.

After the evening classes, I went back to my dormitory and kept lying in bed, all of a sudden, a tone deaf voice began to sing. I angrily said to the little yellow man, "Keep your voice down, I'm very tired."

She said unhappily, "I'm sorry." I saw her frowning and lowering her head, and I quickly said to her, "It's OK. I was too loud just now. I'm sorry."

"Never mind, we are all friends." She said with a smile, as if nothing had happened just now, and continued to sing. I asked her which friend she liked best, and she said with a smile: "Of course, it's you." I felt a warm current spread all over my body.

This is my classmate who likes to laugh. He is always careless and likes to laugh when walking and talking.

Laughing Students (5)

Xiaohua, a classmate, likes to laugh and often smiles intentionally or unintentionally.

His smile was exaggerated: his cheeks were puffed up, his face was red, and his mouth was stretched to the ears. Generally, anything interesting will make him laugh too much. Now, laughter has become his signature image. He usually tells funny jokes with a beaming face, and as long as he smiles, I will follow him. I don't know how his "brilliant" smile can be so infectious. I always think his smile is cute.

Once, Xiaohua did not know what was going on, and suddenly burst out laughing in class. His hands shook when he laughed that time. When I saw his "brilliant" smile, I couldn't help laughing. Gradually we both laughed. The teacher thought we were talking, so he reminded us. Soon I stopped laughing, but Xiao Hua didn't stop. The teacher thought we were playing something in class, so he went to talk to me after class. I thought to myself, "Why did Xiao Hua laugh in class for no reason?"

Once, he asked him tentatively: "Why do you laugh uncontrollably sometimes?" Xiaohua smiled and said: "My brain will show some interesting stories, and I can't help laughing. And I can't stop laughing."

On one occasion, my exam results were very poor, and Xiao Hua's scores were also poor. After school, we talked about our grades all the time, and then we came to the school gate. At this time, Xiaohua suddenly told a story, and we all laughed and encouraged each other. This smile gave me confidence.

Later, I was afraid of affecting the classroom discipline, so I made an agreement with him. I hoped that he would restrain himself in class and not always laugh at me for no reason, which could easily be misunderstood by the teacher and affect other students.

Xiaohua's smile has brought us happiness, and I hope Xiaohua will always be happy.

Laughing Students (6)

No matter in school or in society, everyone has written compositions. Surely they are familiar with all kinds of compositions. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a small compilation of laughing students' compositions for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Who is he? He Xiaotao is the famous organizing member of our school. He looks very ordinary, but the only difference is that he likes to smile and smiles in a variety of ways. Hey! But his "various" smiles have charmed many beautiful women and handsome boys! Therefore, his popularity is very good. He is the "popular prince" of our class (a gag from the audience) Good! Now let's share his "various smiles"!

Scene 1: Horror "Smile"

That afternoon, after school, I walked side by side with He Xiaotao on the campus avenue. Suddenly, a child threw a ball of paper on my head. I angrily walked up to him and was about to reprimand, "Don't do it!" Shi Jian He Xiaotao rushed up and panted, "Be gentle, gentle... soft, like me." After that, he turned around and cleared his throat, "Smile" He said to the children, "Children, you can't do this. You can't throw the paper ball on someone else's head. You should throw it in the trash can, you know. At this time, he turned to me with the same smile and said, "Let's go!"

Scene 2: Smile affectionately

On his birthday that day, he invited many of my classmates in our class to eat at Dexter. Of course, his "girlfriend", Ning Younan, was also indispensable. But in the afternoon, except Ning Younan, everyone else was here. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round, urging his father to drive to the Xinhua store to pick her up. When I got to the bookstore, I found out that Ning Younan was going to buy clothes again, so I only gave him a gift. He Xiaotao was very depressed and looked out of the window. A miracle happened. Ning Younan appeared at the door of the bookstore again. He immediately turned his eyes and smiled affectionately at Ning Younan. After a long time, he was still looking out of the window

Scene 3: Forever smile

This year's Children's Day, our class will hold an art performance. Students in the class bravely sign up for performance programs, especially He Xiaotao, who has signed up for three programs and also funded a camera for the class. In fact, this camera was hard won. I studied hard before the midterm exam. I got the camera only after I got the top three in the exam, and it was difficult to arrange these three programs. He practiced crosstalk between classes, pantomime in the afternoon and singing at home. I sweat a lot off the stage, and finally, the wonderful performance at the performance won everyone's applause! After the performance, we should take a group picture. He stood in the middle, curled his mouth and smiled, "click!" leaving a smile forever

He Xiaotao's smile is so wonderful!

Laughing Students (7)

Scene 1: Horror "Smile"

That afternoon, after school, I walked side by side with He Xiaotao on the campus avenue. Suddenly, a child threw a ball of paper on my head. I angrily walked up to him and was about to reprimand, "Don't do it!" Shi Jian He Xiaotao rushed up and panted, "Be gentle, gentle... soft, like me." After that, he turned around and cleared his throat, "Smile" He said to the children, "Children, you can't do this. You can't throw the paper ball on someone else's head. You should throw it in the trash can, you know. At this time, he turned to me with the same smile and said, "Let's go!"

Scene 2: Smile affectionately

On his birthday that day, he invited many of my classmates in our class to eat at Dexter. Of course, his "girlfriend", Ning Younan, was also indispensable. But in the afternoon, except Ning Younan, everyone else was here. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round, urging his father to drive to the Xinhua store to pick her up. When I got to the bookstore, I found out that Ning Younan was going to buy clothes again, so I only gave him a gift. He Xiaotao was very depressed and looked out of the window. A miracle happened. Ning Younan appeared at the door of the bookstore again. He immediately turned his eyes and smiled at Ning Younan affectionately. After a long time, he was still looking out of the window

Scene 3: Forever smile

This year's Children's Day, our class will hold an art performance. Students in the class bravely sign up for performance programs, especially He Xiaotao, who has signed up for three programs and also funded a camera for the class. In fact, this camera was hard won. I studied hard before the midterm exam. I got the camera only after I got the top three in the exam, and it was difficult to arrange these three programs. He practiced crosstalk between classes, pantomime in the afternoon and singing at home. I sweat a lot off the stage, and finally, the wonderful performance at the performance won everyone's applause! After the performance, we should take a group picture. He stood in the middle, curled his mouth and smiled, "click!" leaving a smile forever

He Xiaotao's smile is so wonderful!

Laughing classmate composition 2

There was a boy who met wind or rain, rainstorm or drizzle, typhoon or gust. He always responds with a smiley face, which always brings a confident smile to the students.

There was an experience, I don't know what the reason was. At that time, "the wind became extremely fierce". We generally compare the seventy-two changes of the head teacher to "wind and rain". The students in the class were scared to cool their hearts, but the smiling man smiled in the face. His smile was like a gentle fire, which melted our coldness. What impressed me most is:

In a stormy and thunderstorm weather, the students were very cautious in answering questions in every class, because if they answered the wrong questions carelessly, they would be... over... over! Punitive

Luck is coming. Everyone has no expression in class. They are so lifeless that they want to breathe, and there is no sense of happiness in learning. How can some people in the class who are accustomed to talking small talk stand it? Soon after, some of the living creatures could not sit still. When they started talking jokes, there was no laughter after saying them, because we only saw the teacher's big eyes staring at our small eyes, Hee hee! Who laughed? We were all puzzled. It turned out that it was the "brilliant pig" who was laughing crazily and foolishly, with a little bit of adultery in the smile. I suddenly felt a cold sweat flowing on my back, which was like a faucet being screwed to the limit. I only knew that the "brilliant pig" was dead! "Don't you think it's funny? Hee hee! Smile! People should be happy when they are alive!" That elusive teacher said something that let us be. I can't help thinking back to happy memories and looking for happy reactions after being scared. Ha ha ha! Before I knew it, I heard other students laughing happily. Why don't I smile! Ha ha ha! He broke the silence!

The boy who likes to laugh is Zhu Xingbang, who is famous in our class for giving some sunshine!

Laughing classmate composition 3

Last time I told you about a girl who doesn't like to laugh. This time, I'd like to introduce a boy who likes to laugh most in our class named Qi Haoyang.

Once, in a physical education class, Miss Sun Liting asked us to run 1200 meters in a race. We said, "I want to kill you." "Shh!" With the whistle, the race began. At the beginning, Qi Haoyang and I were in the last few, preparing for the final sprint. With 300 meters left, I sprinted with Qi Haoyang. We reached the top three, but there were only three places. I thought: Qi Haoyang runs faster than me at ordinary times, so I will lose this time. At this moment, Qi Haoyang somehow burst out laughing and fell behind the last few. I won the third place, but I don't understand why Qi Haoyang smiled.

Another time, he forgot to write his homework and was punished to stand in front of the blackboard. It happened that one of my classmates didn't write it, and he was also very sad. The teacher said, "You are all the saints of the whole world. You don't write your homework. You want to enrage the teacher." There was a pronunciation of qi in the middle. Qi Haoyang couldn't help laughing. No one in our class dared to smile at the teacher once (except Qi Haoyang). He didn't smile, but his belly would burst into laughter.

Another time in an art class, a video screen was always put on, and there were several pigs in it. They were sleeping, and the sound they made when they slept made them laugh so much that they kicked the table over. The teacher punished him to stand outside the door, and he was still laughing. I thought: Is it so funny?

He is our class's favorite laughing king: Qi Haoyang.

Laughing Students (8)

This classmate is Gong Yuchen, who likes to laugh in our class. I wait for him to tell me the jokes he didn't finish last week. When he smiles, he looks like he has no soul. He is crazy, but also very infectious.

Just last week, Gong Yuchen came to our house wearing a red shirt, red shoes, a smile and bright eyes. At first, we had a good time and he was normal. Then we went to eat again, but after eating, Gong began to go crazy. He ran to my room and began to laugh. His eyes immediately narrowed into a line, and his mouth opened very wide. I followed him all the time. I was puzzled. When I asked him why he was laughing, he replied out of breath, "I thought of a funny joke, ha ha ha ha ha". So he began to tell me a joke, telling me a word, laughing for a while, telling a word, laughing again for a while. My expression from the beginning of looking forward to the end of a silent face. Finally, he left, and I still don't know what the joke is.

Another time, I went out to play with him. After arriving at the destination, all the parents left, leaving me and Gong Yuchen alone. We have been playing the football I brought. At the beginning, everything was harmonious. We played happily. After a short rest, as expected, Gong Yuchen changed again, and he began to "crazy" again. He laughed inexplicably while kicking. I could clearly feel that his physical strength was a little weak. He kicked a big foot, the ball flew, and he also succeeded in laughing his stomach hurt and lying on the ground. I'm not surprised that he skipped playing football himself.

Gong Yuchen, who loves to laugh, impressed me deeply. I will never forget his smiling face.