Polluted water resources (5 in total)
Self floating forest
2023-12-20 07:05:39
fifth grade

Polluted water resources (1)

Nowadays, people in China increasingly advocate not to throw rubbish into the water and not to pollute water resources, but many selfish people seem to ignore them. I have been to Shanghai for almost eight years. I have almost walked around Shanghai and seen all kinds of goods, buildings, vehicles and landscapes, but the only thing I haven't seen is clean rivers. The water in Shanghai is green, Even the stench can be heard from time to time, which is a flaw of Shanghai.

Every night, I would go for a walk along the river near our community. This river is connected with the river, so I can see the river after walking for a while. But this river brings me different scenery every day. One day, I came to this poor, smelly river, and suddenly found that the water pipes on both sides of the river were discharging black liquid like a river, I could still smell an unbearable stench from time to time, so I hurried home. The next day, I came back to the place where the water was still green, and there were many duckweeds on it. There was a turtle floating with its belly turned. This is really a horrible scene! Because the water is shallow, I went to the other bank of the river. I was lucky to see the stones at the bottom of the river. What people didn't expect was that the top was full of messy sundries, including empty bottles, iron shelves, and even clothes hanging. There are so many sundries in the small river.

A month later, I was lucky enough to be there again. I found leather shoes, sandals, empty wine bottles, and some paper scraps floating on the water. How excessive this is! I really don't understand why so many people, no matter what other environmentalists say, still want to throw garbage into the river. Is it true that these people are broken? These people are so pathetic. Maybe it is said that three quarters of the earth is covered by water, but most of it is sea water, which is not drinkable! At present, the only beautiful water I have ever seen is in the pure land of Australia, where the air is fresh. We take the high-speed elevator to the 78th floor building overlooking the Gold Coast, golden beaches, and deep blue sea water. These scenes are deeply engraved in my mind.

The lakes in this city are transparent and can be seen from the bottom. I took a boat to see the underwater scenery and visited the scenery of the sea. The fish here are in groups, and the coral is so colorful. I can't describe the beauty of Australia in words. It's so beautiful. It's so different from the lakes and rivers in China that I don't want to return home. Now if the Chinese people are not aware of it, I'm sure the consequences will be unimaginable. Please be aware of the seriousness of the matter and start with me. Please stop polluting water resources.

Polluted water resources (2)

One day, Red Wolf said to Grey Wolf, "I want diamonds! Go and dig them for me. If you don't dig them within one day, I will kill you!"

"What if I dig it?" Big Big Wolf said without confidence.

"That's good! If you can catch ten sheep and the diamond I want, I will give you another baby girl, Xiao Honghong!"

Grey Wolf was very happy on the surface, but in his heart he thought: If I had a new baby, it would be more troublesome for me. It would be better to sleep late at home!

At this time, the six lambs in Yangcun got up. Of course, except the lazy sheep, they washed their faces and brushed their teeth in the bathroom. But soon, the clear tap water became very yellow, even with silt.

"What happened?"

The facial cleanser on Meiyang's face has not been cleaned completely, and the mouth of Boiling Sheep is full of toothpaste foam.

None of the six lambs knew what had happened, so they got together to discuss it.

Pleasant thought, it must be Grey Wolf again, but he didn't know what he was doing?

The Grey Wolf beside the mountain spring is working hard to dig diamonds at the moment. Maybe he is in a good mood. While digging diamonds, he excitedly sings the adapted children's song: "Find, find, find diamonds, find shiny diamonds..."

Just when Grey Wolf was singing happily, the lambs came, their faces full of anger.

"Hum! Grey Wolf, you are doing something bad again. You have stained the water. Do you want to die of thirst? Then you eat us?"

"It's very smart this time! But I don't have time to talk to you now. Go away! I want to dig diamonds!"

At the moment, Bao Bao, the representative of justice, also came to me with an angry face.

"Grey Wolf, aren't you the last kind messenger to maintain grassland peace? Why are you doing damage again?"

"Hum! What good is a kind messenger? I just pretended to be a fool. You can believe it“

"You stupid wolf with no knowledge, no culture and no quality!" Meiyang didn't care about the image.

Grey Wolf is still digging diamonds there, completely unmoved.

"Let's drag it away!"

"Good, good!"

So everyone rushed forward and took Grey Wolf away. Grey Wolf was very fierce at first, but when he saw the serious expression of Bao Bao, he finally gave up.

However, when everyone thought that everything had been settled peacefully, Grey Wolf ran back to dig diamonds when everyone didn't pay attention. He was really afraid that Red Wolf would repair it with a pan, so he had to work hard to find diamonds.

The sun has gone down, and Yangcun is quiet. Grey Wolf is still digging diamonds, but it is still doomed to be repaired by Red Wolf.

"Grey Wolf! Get out of here! You've dirtied my bath water!"

"My wife, I'm digging diamonds!"

"The time of the day has come. Not only did I not find the diamonds, but I also soiled my bath water. You......"

Then I heard only "Bang Bang Bang". It was estimated that Grey Wolf was hit by Red Wolf's pan again, so I heard the famous saying of Grey Wolf: "I will come back!"

Polluted water resources (3)

Water is the soul of all living things in the world that the earth gives to mankind. Without water, there would be no living things. Although everyone knows that water is the source of life, there are still many people who do not cherish and care for water resources, throw garbage into the river and discharge sewage into rivers, lakes and the sea, not only polluting the water, but also seriously threatening aquatic life.

For example, there is a clear river beside the cottage where my mother lived when she was a child. Under the sunshine, it is sparkling. On the bank of the river, we can clearly see the fish and shrimp swimming around under the water. Listen to my mother, whenever in summer, she and her classmates go to the river to swim, play, catch fish and play. She will never forget the beautiful river and the beautiful feeling. However, when we come to this river now, it is no longer as clear as it used to be. It has become a sewage ditch. The water here is black and turbid, with garbage floating all over the river, stinking, and dead fish everywhere. Compared with that beautiful river before, it is really bustling. Such flowing rivers have become so polluted, not to mention the small rivers with overgrown weeds and stagnant water, which are seriously polluted and the water resources are simply inedible.

Let's keep away from pollution, cherish water resources and protect our beautiful homeland!

Polluted water resources (4)

Guided by Deng Xiaoping's thought of "Three Faces", we should fully implement the thought and spirit that education should serve the people, and take the practice of the concept of "people-oriented education" as the purpose. The school specially held a large-scale scientific and technological activity of "Investigation on the Development and Utilization of Local Water Resources and the Degree of Pollution", which was attended by all the students in Grade 8 and Grade 9. The purpose of this activity is to make students fully realize that "water is the source of life", "saving water is the accumulation of resources", and "protecting water resources is to protect our own lifeline". Let them make their due contributions to the local sustainable development and demonstrate their individual life value.


1. Cultivate students' awareness of actively participating in social investigation and natural resource investigation;

2. Through this activity, we strive to improve the awareness of the whole people on the protection and effective use of water resources, so that the idea of water conservation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people;

3. Through this activity, the local residents will be able to establish the awareness of sustainable development and reach the highest level of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

4. Through this activity, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the past and present development and utilization of local water resources, pollution levels and control measures, so as to provide the local government with information in this regard and provide a feasible basis for the future development and utilization of local water resources, prevention and protection.

[Activity method]:

1、 Investigation visit;

2、 Field survey;

3、 Exchange and cooperation

[Activity Steps]

In order to ensure the effectiveness of this activity, the implementation of the activity is divided into four stages:

The first stage: the students of each group learn about the past and current development and utilization of local water resources and pollution level from the local elderly or village committee cadres who have lived for a long time, and require each group member to make a record in the investigation, so as to facilitate the later data collation;

The second stage: each team shall make travel arrangements according to the actual situation of the village or group, carry out the field survey on the current development and utilization of local water resources and pollution level step by step in an orderly manner, and require each team member to make detailed records in the survey (location, water source quality, pollution level and pollution reason, etc.) to ensure the later data collation

The third stage: students will sort out the first-hand data obtained from the survey to form individual survey reports with their own characteristics and certain value

The fourth stage: the materials are summarized and sorted out by the team leader. Through sorting out, a feasibility report that can represent the common features is formed, providing a feasibility basis for the development and utilization of local water resources and pollution control in the future.

[Activity summary and evaluation]:

Through the development of this activity, the students' spirit of loving nature, science, and exploration and practice has been fully demonstrated. With the joint efforts of all students, this activity has achieved the expected effect, which is briefly summarized as follows:

1. Through investigation and interview, students learned that the development and utilization of local water resources in the past (20 years ago) were mainly in the form of centralized public wells for water supply and manual water pumping into tanks. At that time, once there was a serious drought in summer, the water supply of public wells would be seriously insufficient or even dried up. Local residents had to find water everywhere to make a living.

2. After field investigation, students found that today, 20 years later, almost every household has its own well, and through reasonable water transmission pipelines and water storage methods, it effectively prevented the occurrence of the previous situation, no longer need to worry about domestic water, and basically realized the good situation of water diversion into wells and tanks.

3. In the survey, it was found that due to the backward development of local economy, the domestic water in rural areas has not been well solved. At that time, the difficulty of using water and drinking water also directly affected the normal life of local farmers, and even there were often vicious events of competition for necessary domestic water.

4. In the 1990s, with the strong support and help of people's governments at all levels, the country developed drinking water supporting projects with the main purpose of water and soil conservation. It has gradually solved the problems of difficult water use and drinking water in some poor water villages. The implementation of this project has driven the labor enthusiasm of the majority of people and improved their understanding of the importance of water resources development and utilization. So at this stage, quite a number of farmers took the opportunity to build their own drinking water supporting projects.

5. Since the beginning of the new century, the party and the state have paid more attention to policy support for the development and utilization of rural water resources and pollution prevention. At this stage, rural drinking water supporting projects have been further implemented. In order to promote the development of local economy, our province has also introduced a series of preferential policies such as the "drinking water supporting projects" to encourage farmers to become rich as soon as possible, Thus, more than 95% of the farmers have their own wells or water kilns. It fundamentally solved the problem of farmers' difficulty in using water and drinking water in the past.

6. The students also found in this survey that when the basic domestic water was very difficult in the past, the pollution of water resources was also a major problem that could not be solved for a long time. Local residents explained that this was due to the impact of backward local economic development, and people's understanding of the water level was still lacking, so malicious destruction and pollution of water resources occasionally occurred at that time. But with the improvement of local farmers' living standards, when every household has its own well or water kiln, people cherish their own resources more than ever before.

[Activity reflection]

Although the survey lasted only one day, it generally received remarkable results, providing valuable experience for carrying out such scientific and technological activities in the future. At the same time, we also found that there were many shortcomings and areas worthy of improvement in the process of carrying out the activities. The summary is as follows:

1. Students show a special love for nature in the activities, which provides strong support for carrying out such investigation activities in the future;

2. Through this investigation activity, all students were clearly aware of the importance of protecting water resources, and at the same time, the awareness level of local farmers in this regard was improved;

3. Through the implementation of this survey, the awareness of sustainable development of the whole people has been greatly improved, which plays an immeasurable role in promoting the future development of the local area and has a good educational significance

4. From the whole process of the activity, it also revealed that some students lack the spirit of hard work and the ability to collect and sort out data, which requires strengthening education and training in future activities.

Grade 5: Hang Hang

Polluted water resources (5)

Guided by Deng Xiaoping's thought of "Three Faces", we should fully implement the thought and spirit that education should serve the people, and take the practice of the concept of "people-oriented education" as the purpose. The school specially held a large-scale scientific and technological activity of "Investigation on the Development and Utilization of Local Water Resources and the Degree of Pollution", which was attended by all the students in Grade 8 and Grade 9. The purpose of this activity is to make students fully realize that "water is the source of life", "saving water is the accumulation of resources", and "protecting water resources is to protect our own lifeline". Let them make their due contributions to the local sustainable development and demonstrate their individual life value.


1. Cultivate students' awareness of actively participating in social investigation and natural resource investigation;

2. Through this activity, we strive to improve the awareness of the whole people on the protection and effective use of water resources, so that the idea of water conservation is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people;

3. Through this activity, the local residents will be able to establish the awareness of sustainable development and reach the highest level of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

4. Through this activity, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the past and present development and utilization of local water resources, pollution levels and control measures, so as to provide the local government with information in this regard and provide a feasible basis for the future development and utilization of local water resources, prevention and protection.

[Activity method]:

1、 Investigation visit;

2、 Field survey;

3、 Exchange and cooperation

[Activity Steps]

In order to ensure the effectiveness of this activity, the implementation of the activity is divided into four stages:

The first stage: the students of each group learn about the past and current development and utilization of local water resources and pollution level from the local elderly or village committee cadres who have lived for a long time, and require each group member to make a record in the investigation, so as to facilitate the later data collation;

The second stage: each team shall make travel arrangements according to the actual situation of the village or group, carry out the field survey on the current development and utilization of local water resources and pollution level step by step in an orderly manner, and require each team member to make detailed records in the survey (location, water source quality, pollution level and pollution reason, etc.) to ensure the later data collation

The third stage: students will sort out the first-hand data obtained from the survey to form individual survey reports with their own characteristics and certain value

The fourth stage: the materials are summarized and sorted out by the team leader. Through sorting out, a feasibility report that can represent the common features is formed, providing a feasibility basis for the development and utilization of local water resources and pollution control in the future.

[Activity summary and evaluation]:

Through the development of this activity, the students' spirit of loving nature, science, and exploration and practice has been fully demonstrated. With the joint efforts of all students, this activity has achieved the expected effect, which is briefly summarized as follows:

1. Through investigation and interview, students learned that the development and utilization of local water resources in the past (20 years ago) were mainly in the form of centralized public wells for water supply and manual water pumping into tanks. At that time, once there was a serious drought in summer, the water supply of public wells would be seriously insufficient or even dried up. Local residents had to find water everywhere to make a living.

2. After field investigation, students found that today, 20 years later, almost every household has its own well, and through reasonable water transmission pipelines and water storage methods, it effectively prevented the occurrence of the previous situation, no longer need to worry about domestic water, and basically realized the good situation of water diversion into wells and tanks.

3. In the survey, it was found that due to the backward development of local economy, the domestic water in the vast rural areas has not been well solved. At that time, the difficulty of using water and drinking water also directly affected the normal life of local farmers, and even there were often vicious events of competition for necessary domestic water.

4. In the 1990s, with the strong support and help of people's governments at all levels, the country developed drinking water supporting projects with the main purpose of water and soil conservation. It has gradually solved the problems of difficult water use and drinking water in some poor water villages. The implementation of this project has driven the labor enthusiasm of the majority of people and improved their understanding of the importance of water resources development and utilization. So at this stage, quite a number of farmers took the opportunity to build their own drinking water supporting projects.

5. Since the beginning of the new century, the party and the state have paid more attention to policy support for the development and utilization of rural water resources and pollution prevention. At this stage, rural drinking water supporting projects have been further implemented. In order to promote the development of local economy, our province has also introduced a series of preferential policies such as the "drinking water supporting projects" to encourage farmers to become rich as soon as possible, Thus, more than 95% of the farmers have their own wells or water kilns. It fundamentally solved the problem of farmers' difficulty in using water and drinking water in the past.

6. The students also found in this survey that when the basic domestic water was very difficult in the past, the pollution of water resources was also a major problem that could not be solved for a long time. Local residents explained that this was due to the impact of backward local economic development, and people's understanding of the water level was still lacking, so malicious destruction and pollution of water resources occasionally occurred at that time. But with the improvement of local farmers' living standards, when every household has its own well or water kiln, people cherish their own resources more than ever before.

[Activity reflection]

Although the survey lasted only one day, it generally received remarkable results, providing valuable experience for carrying out such scientific and technological activities in the future. At the same time, we also found that there were many shortcomings and areas worthy of improvement in the process of carrying out the activities. The summary is as follows:

1. Students show a special love for nature in the activities, which provides strong support for carrying out such investigation activities in the future;

2. Through this investigation activity, all students were clearly aware of the importance of protecting water resources, and at the same time, the awareness level of local farmers in this regard was improved;

3. Through the implementation of this survey, the awareness of sustainable development of the whole people has been greatly improved, which plays an immeasurable role in promoting the future development of the local area and has a good educational significance

4. From the whole process of the activity, it also revealed that some students lack the spirit of hard work and the ability to collect and sort out data, which requires strengthening education and training in future activities.

Grade 5: Hang Hang