Composition on success (20 high-quality articles)
To end in twilight
2024-01-15 00:41:38

Composition on Success (1)

During the winter vacation, I read a book called Today I am a Flag raiser. This book makes me understand that no matter what you do, as long as you have confidence, you will succeed. The book tells a story: the hero Xiao Xiao wanted to be a flag raiser for many times, but each time when he was about to succeed, he missed the flag raising at the last moment. However, he did not give up, but worked harder.

Finally, Xiao Xiao became a real flag raiser. Among them, I was most moved by the article "Puppy Baby". The article tells about such a thing: at the beginning of the semester, Xiao Xiao wrote a letter to Huaiwa. Of course, the letter asked the most children. Half a month later, Huaiwa wrote that the conductor would not board the train for her and left her in Beijing. Xiao Xiao was sad for several days. One day after school, Xiao Xiao saw an aunt who sold dogs. One of them was a girl. Xiao Xiao decided to buy it for Huaiwa.

The next day, Xiao Xiao took his children to school and put them up with Uncle Zhang. Many interesting stories happened to children, and children also ran into the classroom. Teachers and students were surprised. Finally, the teachers and students decided to send their children to Huaiwa. The director finally agreed to the request of the teachers and students. The baby finally arrived safely in the arms of Huaiwa. After reading this book, I learned that we should learn from Xiao Xiao, and that confidence and hard work can lead to success. In this midterm exam, I didn't do well in math, so I got 88 points. In the past, I always got more than 90 points.

However, I didn't give up mathematics, but worked harder. I decided to take mathematics seriously in class. When class is over, don't go out to play, sit on the seat and think about the topics that the teacher has said. I must ask my teachers and classmates for advice when I encounter problems that I cannot. I want to learn from Xiao Xiao, not afraid of failure, and find confidence in failure. Try to achieve a better result in the future study.

Composition on Success (2)

Success brings me joy; Success brings me strength; Success gives me a bright future. Every success contains hard work.

The final exam is going to be held today. I remember that last year's final exam was 0. When I lost 5 points to Yu Xiaohong, I sighed. So I made a secret decision: I must win her today to avenge an "arrow"!

I came to school cheerfully, feeling nervous. The exam is about to begin, and my heart is up and down. When the invigilator handed out the test papers, my hands began to soften and I thought: Will I win Yu Xiaohong? Will I lose to her again?

When I got the test paper, I thought that my family would cheer me on before the exam, and my confidence would be more sufficient. I worked hard on the test questions and tried to win the first place in the exam. These questions are not very difficult. I'm secretly happy. When doing word problems, I draw line segments for analysis. After I finished the examination paper, I checked it again carefully, not letting myself be careless. When the time came, the invigilator began to collect the papers. At this time, I was confident of myself, and I really hoped that the results would be published soon.

A few days later, the results were announced. I defeated Yu Xiaohong with 89 points in Chinese, 97 points in mathematics and 98 points in English, ranking No.1 in the whole grade! At this time, I jumped three feet high and felt happy, not to mention happy. The students all cast envious eyes, and the teacher couldn't help giving a thumbs up. Seeing this situation, I thought to myself: Although I got a good result in this exam, I can't stand high. I will try to get better results next time and win honor for the whole school!

I came back with the certificate of award, and my parents smiled with understanding. They also taught me: "This is just a small start in your life, and you need to work hard to achieve better results in the future!" I nodded repeatedly after listening to them, and thought they were quite reasonable.

This success has built up my confidence and made me unforgettable. As long as I continue to work hard, I believe that success will always belong to the strong who are not afraid of hardship and dare to climb!

Composition on Success (3)

I looked at one of my paintings and felt a sense of success in my heart.

At that time, I was just learning to draw, so I was very nervous. Although the teacher was very gentle to me, I would still think about it from time to time, imagining her severe appearance.

When the class began, I entered the classroom with a nervous mood. The teacher smiled and asked me: "What's your name?" I said: "My name is Lin Jiaxi, good teacher!". After saying this, the nervous mood has disappeared more than half.

Then, the teacher took out a picture and said, "This is my picture, you can follow this picture. I began to paint carefully, but the little girl I painted either turned her face into a triangle or her hair into an explosive head. The teacher showed me how to draw again, and I drew again. However, this time, I was nervous and drew worse. But the teacher kept encouraging me, and I thought I could not give up,

Finally, I spent ten classes and finally drew it. After success, I felt happy and thought: In fact, painting class is also fun!

Until now, when I think of the pain and happiness of learning painting, I feel happy. This is the feeling of success, as long as the efforts will be successful!

Composition on Success (4)

Whenever I see the red certificate on the wall, I can't help feeling happy. That time, let me taste the joy of success. When I was in the third grade, the school was going to hold a composition contest. After listening to it, I wanted to participate in it, because it would improve my composition level. He volunteered to register with the teacher.

There are 5 people in our class who took part in this competition. They are all good at writing. I must work hard to be no worse than them. In the preliminary stage, the teacher gave us several questions to practice writing. I write an article every day. I write it again and again. One day, when I was writing a composition at home, I could not write it when I was in the middle of it. I could not think of it through meditation. I was so upset that I crumpled the paper into a ball. When my mother saw this, she came to me and said, "Be patient. You can't succeed in a short time." Then she began to guide me. Gradually, my composition became better and better. One day, Mr. Hu said that my composition could enter the final. I was very happy, but I still wanted to write better. Later, Mr. Hu took my composition back, told me to revise it, and also told me how to write it more vividly and concretely; At home, my mother helps me guide.

Finally, that day I entered the final examination room. An hour later, I came out of the examination room with excitement, and my heart seemed to jump faster than anyone else. After a few days, the results came out, and the exciting time came. The teacher was going to announce the results. My heart was tight, and I was like pregnant with a rabbit. When I heard the exciting news, my heart relaxed and flew. I proudly went to the podium to receive the certificate of merit, and my kung fu did not disappoint those who wanted to, and I succeeded! The joy of success cannot be expressed in words, but needs to be experienced in action.

In this activity, I learned that no matter what you do, you should be patient. Success needs setbacks to brew slowly.

Composition on Success (5)

"The starting point of success is confidence and determination, and the end point of success is patience." It seems to be an ordinary basis, but it gave me great enlightenment.

Remember it was the fourth grade class cadre campaign. Our teacher asked us to make a speech on the stage ourselves, and then voted for each class. I have written a brief speech, but my courage index has changed to 0. Then the teacher said, "Who is the first one to come up?" Suddenly the whole class was silent. I really want to go up, but I don't have the courage and determination. At this time, Li Haiming "leapt" to his feet and boldly walked on the business platform. Listening to his wonderful speech, I really don't like it. I almost regret to die: why do I have no courage? Why didn't I take the chance? When Li Haiming finished his speech, he stepped off the platform. The teacher said again: "Don't be afraid, students! Go to the platform boldly! As long as you want to show yourself, go to the platform calmly!" My heart began a fierce ideological struggle, whether to go or not? Realistic "The starting point of success is confidence and determination, and the end point of success is patience" sounded in my ears. Confidence! determination! These two "hearts" guided me to the platform. I suddenly stood up and calmly stepped onto the platform amid the surprise of the students and the praise of the teacher. However, during my speech, my feet kept softening and my body kept sweating.

The speech was finally over. "Congratulations on your becoming the monitor in this class cadre election! Qin Ying, you played well and fully demonstrated your talents. Today, the teacher saw a new you. This new you are bolder, better and more perfect than before. I hope you will be more excellent and perfect in the future, OK?" This is the teacher's comment to me.

"The starting point of success is confidence and determination, and the end point of success is patience." Let me understand that if you want to succeed, you should have confidence, determination and patience. These three "hearts", together with your efforts and sweat, can have greater success!

Composition on Success (6)

Life is bumpy and full of many difficulties. Everyone has to face challenges from fate. In the challenges, we have the laughter of victory and the tears of failure. This leads us to success step by step.

In my life, I often face difficulties, some I have persevered, some I have given up.

When I was in primary school, the school had an activity class to learn Hulusi, and I also participated in it. At the beginning, I was also very interested and talented, and learned faster than other students. I can only play a few notes. Later I was able to play some beautiful songs.

Therefore, I was selected by the music teacher to participate in the "Hundred People Hulusi" ensemble at the campus culture and art festival on October 1. After a few days of practice, I was tired all over. I didn't want to practice any more. I thought: What else can I practice when I am so tired! Isn't this just a show? I may not show my face! What's the use!

Just then, the art teacher also asked me to go to art and also asked me to go to the art group to participate in the painting performance, and I fully agreed. He went to tell the music teacher. She wanted to stay with me and said, "You play well, stay!" But I politely refused. I'm really not so tired in the art group. I can still move freely. But because I lost the chance to play Hulusi this time, I can only play a few simple tunes until now. However, my classmates who played with me at that time now have six records in Hulusi's grade examination. I am very sad.

I have insisted on listening to, reading and speaking English every morning since I was young. I have persevered in facing many difficulties. So now my English is very good.

Since I was young, I have insisted on reciting ancient poems every night and reviewing them in the morning. Therefore, I can recite hundreds of poems! He is also the top student in poetry recitation.

Faced with different challenges and different choices, I lost the opportunity to blow cucurbit flute better.

When challenges come, face them with determination and meet them firmly; When the challenge comes, smile and put in every minute and every second, mixed with sweat and wings; When the challenge comes, like a young eagle who wants to break through the blue sky - fly high.

I should accept the challenge of fate, overcome difficulties, forge ahead bravely and grasp success.

Composition on Success (7)

When I saw the two big trees in the yard, my heart was extremely painful. My mother was an ordinary person, and my father was a real businessman!!

On a prosperous business day, I was a lonely child without company. My parents often didn't go home, and my brother was also at school. I had to spend every night without parents with my grandmother. However, in these days, an accident occurred, and my mother fell ill. I felt very confused that day. My premonition was really good, and I confirmed the feelings of mother and daughter, But I hate such a restless mood, because it is painful but also beautiful~~~~Mother didn't say anything to me~~I know through this matter that love is such a feeling~

I like to see the trees on campus, and I like the moment when big trees block the rain for small trees. Isn't it just like the love of parents? Even if you make a big mistake, you will smile and forgive your parents who love you most?? Parents are extraordinary~~are great and strong~~We can't do anything for them! We can only repay them with our best achievements. Isn't that what they want? Don't they want to make their children live better than them? They have created conditions for us. We should make good use of them, right? I don't agree with what my sister said: "Good grades, no freedom", learn when you need to learn, play when you need to play~~Where is there no freedom????

People of the same age who have been degenerating, wake up! Don't hesitate, don't be numb!! The opportunity is not to sit and wait, but to earn by yourself. Don't sit and wait one by one. A small step may change your life. As long as you work hard, you will score!!!

Mom and Dad have given us what they have done for us. We should give them satisfactory answers. They are supporting you when you are sad and helpless. Mom and Dad's love is strength, our dependence and support!!!

Composition on Success (8)

In the afternoon, it was my 200 meter race. I wanted to compete with some experts who ran faster than me, but I said to myself that I would try my best to run.

The second item in the afternoon is 200 meters. Qiu Yayong and I are the only two girls in our class who are 200 meters away.

At about three o'clock, I heard the radio saying, "Please come to the call office to call the students who have taken part in the 200 meter race in Grade Five..." After hearing the radio, Qiu Yayong kept telling me, "What should I do? Morning, I am so nervous!" Since I ran 400 meters in the morning, I have already experienced the level of tension, so I was relatively less nervous in the afternoon race. If the tension in the morning is 40%, then my tension in the afternoon will drop to 30%.

I still stood in the second lane, because I was very close to the place where the teacher wanted to shoot, so when the game was approaching, my fear in my heart still rose from just 30% to 40%!

"Bang", the terrible gunshot finally sounded, and my heart told me to rush forward, because victory beckoned to me, because victory was ahead.

However, after I ran one lap, my strength was almost exhausted (I spent all my strength on the first lap of the sprint). At this time, I kept reminding myself, "Lin Chen, you must go on, you must run the whole race, you have seen the hope! If you give up now, you are doomed to fail! You don't have to do it for yourself, but also for the class! So we must refuel, refuel... ah -, rush!

Because of my encouragement and persistence, as well as not giving up on the goal of the game. Near the end, I arrived at the "destination" in parallel with a classmate!

After running, I said to myself, "Lin Chen, good man, you persevered!"

Everyone will succeed as long as they dare to try. Maybe you are only one step away from success! As long as you persist, success will belong to you!

Composition on Success (9)

One day the teacher asked us to write a composition "I succeeded", so I thought of my childhood.

In the summer vacation that year, I always liked to sit by the side of the path with my favorite small bench. I was admiring the scenery on the roadside. Suddenly, several big sisters rode their bikes past my eyes, and I thought it was fun to watch them ride their bikes. She asked her mother to help me buy a car for me. If she didn't buy one, she would act like a spoiled brat. She had no choice but to promise me.

The next day, my mother bought me a brand new bike. The confident bike wore a red coat and was very beautiful. Looking at me, I couldn't put it down, but I couldn't ride a bike, so I asked my mother to teach me how to ride a bike.

I pushed the bike to the wide playground. I sat on the bike. My mother bent over and supported me behind. My two little feet stepped on it vigorously. But after stepping on it for a while, I couldn't control the direction. My heart was thumping, and my mother could hardly support me. I almost fell down. My mother said, "Shijiao, don't be afraid, take your time. I also listened to my mother's words, first calm down, then sat on the bike again, and my mother supported me behind.

I rode slowly, thinking: Don't panic, take your time, believe you can do it. Unconsciously, my mother loosened her hand, my body lost its balance, and I fell on all fours. I lost confidence, a sad face, when I was depressed, my mother came. She said gently, "People always fail. Failure is the mother of success. If a person loses confidence, he can do nothing". After listening to my mother's words, my heart was full of self-confidence again. I sat on the bike again, and started to start. I looked at the front with all my attention. My legs stepped on the board hard, and my mother loosened her hands when I didn't know the situation. I didn't know that my mother let go of her hand and just walked around on the playground until I turned to the original place. I couldn't help shouting: "Mom, I succeeded, I learned to ride a bike." I jumped three feet high happily.

This is my bike ride past.

Composition on Success (10)

Today is a day to celebrate, because I got 100 points in the math exam.

Do you know how to get the 100 points? There is another interesting story! When my aunt called me last night, I just got it, so I told her about the exam, and she told me to cheer on. I must get 100 points in the final exam. She added fuel to me. Unexpectedly, the fuel was added correctly. I started my engine. In the exam this morning, I really got 100 points. Do you think Sanyi is a very magical person? In the future, I must greet her before the exam and ask her to cheer me on, so that I can get a good score of 100 points every time!

At noon, I told the good news to my relatives. They all congratulated me. I was so happy! My aunt also promised to reward me with a book called "Picture Hide and Seek", which can also be pasted with stickers! This book has been my dream for a long time! I can finally get it today. I'm so happy again!

It seems that in the future, I must conscientiously complete the homework of the day on time, so that success will belong to me!

What a wonderful taste of success!

Composition on Success (11)

Fools regard success as eternal glory, but they are swallowed up by the arrogance of the will in their hearts, and fall into the dark abyss. Wise men regard success as the power after a short resplendence, wield the sword of success, and cut through the thorns of the journey!

My cousin and I were in the same grade. At that time, it was the first day of the first day of the New Year when the school ceremony came to an end. Grandma asked curiously, "Who has the advantage in your two brothers' performance?" I replied arrogantly, "It's me!" Actually, my brother's performance was much better than mine, but he was modest and did not contradict me. So Grandma asked us to play a game, that is, continue to compare the results in the next semester, and fight it out. I boldly challenged my brother and vowed to conquer him completely, but my brother always responded to me with silence. A wave of fierce battles has been set off. Who will win?

Even though I made a challenge to my brother, and my vow was so impassioned and exciting, I wasted my life devoting all my energy to computer games instead of taking action. The younger brother is not the same. Once he has leisure, he will concentrate on reading books. I often pick him up with contemptuous eyes: "How hard you work, you can't compete with me, because the heaven gives me superior intelligence, what can you do for me?" The younger brother was silent and did not answer. He just looked at me with contempt, as if showing infinite calm. Whenever Grandma saw that I was addicted to the Internet, she always sighed: "Alas, the results of everything have been known!" I always looked at her with puzzled eyes. I didn't know what the secret of Grandma's words was. Time goes by quickly. When I face the monthly exam, I respond with firm eyes. From my perspective, this monthly exam is a stage for me to display my talents, shine and carry forward the magnificent style, and also a battlefield for Grandma to witness my conquest of my brother. However, the environment when I came to the battlefield was much more complicated and worse than I thought. Because I did not consolidate my knowledge, many defects were caused and could not be saved. It was like the surging waves suddenly attacked me, and I always completed each volume in confusion. As a result, when I announced my achievements, I ended up in a fiasco, completely frustrating my spirit and turning my greedy desire into ashes.

After experiencing frustration, I can't bear the impact of the huge waves in my heart. I face various challenges pessimistically and dejectedly and sink into computer games every day. My younger brother is not satisfied with the glory after defeating me. He is still enriching himself and pursuing perfection! Every time I compare myself with him in the monthly exam, I will suffer from defeat and loss. The long journey, in front of my eyes, is confused and I can't see the dawn of hope.

Recalling the past, thought-provoking scenes emerged in front of me, my brother's modest silence, grandma's helpless sigh, and my arrogant expression. After some thinking, I finally realized that the root of my failure was too arrogant and arrogant. This kind of thinking makes me very happy. It seems to be the dawn of the confused future and the turning point of the journey.

After building up my confidence, I faced my brother again. This time, I turned my ambition into a fire, turned the thorns that troubled me into ashes, and put my energy into learning. Whether it was delicious meals, attractive computer games, or colorful travel, I refused to do so and devoted myself to learning. As a result, I defeated my brother in the monthly exam. This victory, for me, lit up hope and lit up confusion, which is long lost and sacred. Satisfied with the status quo, I told my grandmother the good news. She sighed meaningfully, "Maybe these illusory glories will swallow everything you have!" I also feel puzzled. Whenever I see my brother, I always look up to him.

Although his brother was defeated, he did not lose his nature. He was still so unyielding and enriched himself every day and night. But I have no power to compete with my brother. Every time I recall the bitter morning and night, I always feel impatient and timid. Every time I recall the past glory, I am intoxicated, giving me spiritual comfort and the opportunity to escape from the bitter. As a result, he ended up in a fiasco again and fell into the abyss of confusion again. At this moment, I finally realized the secret of Grandma's words: "If you are satisfied with the status quo, you will be arrogant and engulf your strong will in the past."

Since then, I have not cared about the success and defeat of achievements, and reached a higher ideological realm. Both victory and defeat have their meanings. For a wise man, defeat is the dawn of the road to success, and success is like the source of power. On the contrary, for a fool, defeat is a sharp knife to kill his depressed will, while victory is an illusory light that blinds his eyes.

In a word, to understand the mystery of "misfortune depends on fortune, and fortune lies in misfortune", to forge a modest mind, and to have the perseverance to fight against the coming waves, we can create a successful sword, wield the sword of success, radiate the sacred light, and embrace success forever!

Senior One: Zhihai

Composition on Success (12)

Courage and tolerance are important conditions for success—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


Have you experienced many setbacks? Do you dare not walk down the road? Is it decadent from now on? If you are like this, then you will never have the day of success again. You should face the facts bravely, and face setbacks and failures. "Failure is the mother of success." You might as well spend your discouraged time working hard, which is also a kind of harvest. Although sometimes success is also the arc of sea and sky kissing, you don't want to continue to struggle. How do you know that after a lot of trouble and frustration, you can't sit on the throne of success. It's the same thing that you can't do it and you don't want to do it? If bamboo shoots have no strong will and brave spirit, how can they become towering trees. There was a young man in Japan who was born disabled and had no limbs, just like a ball, but

It was he who did not give up the hope of life and wrote a book to inspire all disabled people. He can swim and write

In the end, he succeeded and became an architect. He can even overcome his own disability, but we can't even overcome a small bump. How can we succeed? Compared with him, we are so small. Are you willing to be small people? The answer, of course, is no. Then cheer up and become the pillar of a country.


Tolerance is an attitude, a character, a mind, a demeanor, and a culture.

You can only succeed if you are patient. Be patient, be patient, and let go. If others bully you, you must not resist, then your life will be threatened. If you don't even have your life, how can you succeed? If you let others take a step, it will be you who will benefit. "It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge.". But Han Xin was willing to be humiliated by others and finally became the founding father of the Western Han Dynasty. If he had not learned to be patient at that time, he might not have his future achievements. In the past, Han Shan asked Shi De, "How can the world deal with slanders, deceives, humiliates, laughs, belittles, belittles, and deceives me?"? Shi Deyun: Just tolerate him, let him, let him go, avoid him, bear with him, respect him, ignore him, and wait a few years to see him. Those who only bully others have no knowledge of themselves. You don't have to care about what others think of you all the time. Don't be angry when others talk about you behind your back. As long as you know that you have done a good job, you will have a clear conscience. After a lot of polishing and wind and rain, what awaits you is success.

Composition on Success (13)

Childhood is a beautiful memory. In my childhood, there is an interesting thing.

At that time, I was in my hometown. One afternoon, when I was combing my hair, I suddenly heard a familiar whistle, which was a signal that I and my partner were going to play together. So he sneaked downstairs to play with his friends.

Several friends downstairs have been waiting for me. Today, I want to play the game of catching people. If one person catches others, they must stand in the circle and wait for others to save them. We use stone, scissors and cloth to decide who will be the one to catch.

This time, Xiao Ming came to catch it. He counted "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" to count down. We all ran faster than rabbits. I ran to the corner where I felt safe. After waiting for a while, I found no one coming, so I swaggered out of the corner. Suddenly, a hand was put on my shoulder from behind. I was so scared that I thought it was "sneak attack" by Xiao Ming. I quickly looked back and found it was not him, but Xiao Hong. I gave a long sigh of relief and said, "It's really scary. I thought I was caught.".

The two of us talked while walking and said that we would not be caught by Xiao Ming because he ran too slowly. Before relaxing, we suddenly ran past two people who were out of breath, while Xiao Ming was chasing behind us. We also ran hurriedly. I was the only girl. Maybe Xiao Ming thought I was running slowly, so he quickly caught up with me. I had to stand obediently in the circle he drew, hoping someone could come to rescue me. No one came after waiting for a long time. When I was about to despair, Xiao Hong ran to take a picture of me: "Run quickly, Xiao Ming is coming!" I ran with Xiao Hong excitedly

It was dark before we knew it, and we all went home reluctantly. When we got home, we were inevitably criticized by our parents, but we were very happy inside.

Now grown up, I seldom go back to my hometown. I miss my friends and the fun days when we played together in our childhood. I really hope that we can turn back the clock and return to that innocent childhood!

Composition on Success (14)

When I first learned to sew buttons, I tasted all the ups and downs.

That time, three buttons of my clothes fell off. I took the buttons and clothes, handed them to my mother and said, "Mom, help me sew them." My mother's face became serious and said, "Don't you know how to sew buttons when you are so big?"

I started threading with a fine needle in my left hand and thread in my right hand. I just want to thread the thread through the eye of the needle, but the thread can't get through. I looked at the thread head under the light and saw many hair forks on the line. I cut a small piece of thread with scissors, moistened it with my tongue, and then put it in at once. I tied a knot in the knot and began to sew buttons. The needle and thread are running between the buttonhole and the cloth, and the knot is loose. The needle fell on the ground and could not be picked up. When I was worried, I looked around. Suddenly, I saw a piece of magnet on the table. I took the magnet and sucked up the needle. Then I started to nail the button again.

too bad! I accidentally pricked my hand. "It hurts! I won't nail it." Looking at the bleeding hand, I was discouraged. Mother said, "Don't lose heart." And she taught me hand in hand. After a lot of effort, I finally put on the thread, and then under the guidance of my mother, I learned to sew clothes.

I'm very happy, because the button will fall off later, I can not nail it to me by my mother.

I am very proud to learn how to nail buttons!

Composition on Success (15)

In March this year, I learned from my teacher that in early August, our Erhu students were going to take a grade test in a small piece of music, and I was going to take a test on the famous song Horse Racing. I know that this famous song, Horse Racing, sounds beautiful and difficult to play. If you don't work hard, you can't pull it well. I made a vow in my heart.

Every day when I come home from school at noon, I begin to practice, sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 40 minutes. If you have less homework in the evening, you should also practice for a while. As soon as the final exam was over, I practiced wholeheartedly. I practiced for more than an hour in the morning and more than an hour in the afternoon. Sometimes a place cannot be pulled well, and it has to be pulled several times.

Finally, the day of grade examination has come. When I sat in front of the exam teacher, I was very nervous and my heart was pounding. But when I thought I would win the first prize, I was much calmer and took a deep breath. At this time, a picture emerged in front of me: on a sunny morning, people were holding a horse race on the Mongolian prairie. With the sound of a gun shot, all the contestants were running fast on their horses, and they were competing one by one. One of the horses ran very fast, and rushed forward at once, leaving the other horses behind. Those horses were unwilling to be outdone, and quickly overtook them. The horses ran farther and farther, and my piano sound became weaker and weaker. I had just finished playing the music, and all the exam teachers said that I could win the first prize. I was very happy.

By the time the results were announced, I really took the first place. This is really good kungfu!

Composition on Success (16)

In the third grade, a rope skipping competition was held in the physical education class.

Everyone smiled secretly, hoping to see our "big winter melons". Finally, it was my turn to jump. Because it was the second time to jump rope, and I was very nervous, I could not jump up at all. It was not easy to jump 20 times. The students laughed at me and said that it was useless for me to study well. If I didn't reach the standard of physical education, I could not be rated as "three good".

At that time, my lungs were about to explode. I really wanted to beat them, but what could I do? This is the truth. After school, I told my mother about it. My mother told me not to be sad. I can't practice for an hour every day.

So my training began. I jumped with a thin rope. At the beginning, I was the same as before. I didn't want to borrow it after 25 jumps. After three or four days of training, my rope skipping really improved, but I was discouraged and felt that it was enough to jump so much. My mother said to me earnestly, "You can't do anything halfway, or you can't do anything! For the sake of" three good ", work hard." Hearing the word "three good", I started training again.

Slowly, rope skipping has become my good friend, making me inseparable from it. My attitude towards sports standards has changed from hate to like. When the time came for the test, a classmate patted me on the shoulder and said in a contemptuous tone, "Dude, do you jump 20 or 15 this time?" As usual, I was already angry.

But this time, I said to him, "Well, I might jump 15 times!" Everyone laughed with their backs up. "Zhou Fan, come up to test!" I calmly walked up. "One, two, three jumps!" This time, I learned from the previous lesson. It's OK to jump slowly, as long as the rope is not dead. The students looked at me in amazement and at others. They stared at me with wide eyes and were at a loss. I can see that I can dance very well. The classmate who just satirized me said with a stammer, "It seems that Zhou Fan will jump 15 × 10!" "End." The teacher continued to say, "Zhou Fan, 159, excellent!" Hearing this sentence, I jumped up with excitement, because this number is the first number that has exceeded 150 since I made it!

At that time, I felt that the taste of victory was so sweet.

Composition on Success (17)

One morning, I opened my eyes and called my mother, but nothing happened. I looked back and saw a note on the desk. It said: Sisi, my mother is going out to do something, and I am doing my homework at home!

When I got up, I went into the kitchen, but my mother didn't even prepare breakfast for me. What should I do? I'm still hungry. I remembered that my brother fried egg pouch for me once at my aunt's house. So I decided to learn to do it once.

I put the pot on the gas stove and turned on the gas. Alas! Smoke was rising from the pot. It turned out that I forgot to drain the oil, which scared me to turn off the gas. I put some oil in the pot and prepared to fire. Oh, no, the eggs are not ready yet. Alas, I remember the teacher always said that we should be prepared. I should get everything ready in advance so as not to be in a hurry. I took out the eggs and gently knocked them into the pot. When the oil was hot, I heard a crackling sound. Soon, a round cake appeared in the pot, like a blooming sunflower. I quickly sprinkled a little salt on it, ah! succeed! I am very happy when I smell the fragrance.

Composition on Success (18)

Everyone will have their first success in life, and my first success occurred in the composition class one day during the summer vacation.

The teacher asked us to do the experiment in that class. The experimental tools are: a cup, a pot of salt, a spoon, a chopsticks, an egg and a large bottle of tap water.

Teacher Xian poured water into the quilt and gently put the eggs into the cup. Eh? Why don't eggs float? Then the teacher asked us to put a spoonful of salt on it one by one, and then picked up the chopsticks to stir it. The egg would not float, just like a angry child lying quietly in the water, no matter how we stirred it. Both we and the teacher were worried. The egg just didn't float! In a flash, the egg floated miraculously. Why? It turned out that it was not the egg that was losing its temper, but the salt had not completely melted, so the egg did not float.

This experiment let me feel the taste of success, let me learn new knowledge, this composition class is my happiest!

Composition on Success (19)

Since kindergarten, I have also worried about water. It was because I fell down in the water and choked two mouthfuls of water in a swimming class in a kindergarten class. Since then, I have also been afraid of drainage.

In the winter of 20xx, my mother and I went to Hainan to play. At the seaside, my mother put me in the swimming circle and let me play in the sea while integrating into the natural environment of water. I was so excited about playing that I completely forgot about the waterproof.

Shortly after returning home from Hainan Province, Zhang Dongzhuo asked us to go swimming with her, and her mother agreed. But I won't agree, but my mother asked me to have a look. In the indoor swimming pool, everyone changed their clothes and pants and rushed to the swimming pool. My mother came down, but I was afraid to come down. One must be pregnant with me before I could come down. My mother jumped in the water with me in her arms. I was very dissatisfied. I also said angrily, "Stop jumping.". However, my mother either insisted on accompanying me in the water until I slowly dared to let go of my mother. Since then, everyone has traveled once or twice a week.

Now, I have been swimming for one year and two months. I have grown up and matured, and I have made swimming stronger. My breaststroke is so skilful that I can't be more skilful. I learned it because of my heart.

Composition on Success (20)

People will encounter many things in their life, including happiness, joy, and even sadness. Every time you encounter these things, you will taste something.

When I was in my second grade, I met something that made me feel happy.

In the second grade, I was not interested in mathematics, or even bored, so I didn't study mathematics attentively. I don't do very well in every math exam. When the math teacher saw that I didn't like math, he wanted to help me.

One day, she took me to the office and said to me, "Have you ever felt a little uncomfortable when you failed in the exam?" This is really true for the math teacher. Although I don't like learning math, every time I do so badly in the math exam, I will have an indescribable feeling in my heart.

"It will be a math contest soon. If you don't want to fail, you can work hard and I wish you success." The math teacher's words woke me up and made me feel that I should not fail any more.

On the eve of the math contest, I worked hard as if I had changed my mind. Because I want to know the taste and mood of success. What will be gained.

The days of math competition have passed, and my mood is more up and down. I am worried about whether I will get a certificate of award.

On the day when the certificate was issued, my heart was pounding, pounding, pounding. "Chen Yanhua, the second prize." When the math teacher read my name, I looked at the teacher with great happiness and an unbelievable expression. The math teacher also smiled at me, and a bubble of joy poured into my heart. The original taste of success is like this, you will feel extremely happy and honored.

And I think the taste of success is sweet.