Love Composition (15 excellent articles)
2023-10-27 04:51:39
second grade

Love Composition (1)

This afternoon, our school will hold the "Red Scarf Flea Fair". Each class dressed up the classroom early, like the Spring Festival, and the scene was very lively.

At noon, the students came to their respective classrooms as early as the market. After a while, the students bought all the sushi made by Mai Wei. Fortunately, I came here early and tasted one. It was really delicious. No wonder everyone liked it.

Then we walked around the classroom. Faced with a wide range of delicious, interesting and beautiful goods, I don't know what to buy. Just came to Yu Yue's stall, she asked me enthusiastically: "Do you want to buy it?" I looked at her products and thought about it, and finally paid four yuan for a lipstick. Wandering around, she came to the front of Wang Ruoxi again, and soon she made a flower bracelet with the rubber band she bought. Faced with such a beautiful gadget, I was moved. I asked the price, paid the money and bought a favorite thing.

I bought some things I like at this charity sale, and also sold my beloved doll and the walking robot dog to show my love. Such activities are very meaningful.

Love Composition (2)

New things are emerging one after another. In the morning, the teacher announced a big news that the reading class will have a charity sale in the afternoon.

The "Charity Day Charity Sale" came in a hurry. At noon, I had to prepare in a hurry in the surname group. In the afternoon, Du Mingjun and I went to the playground with big bags to pave the floor mat, pressed down on the four corners, and took out books, books and stationery to be sold. When everything stops, only when the "big army" arrives and the charity sale begins!

While I was looking around, the number of people on the playground increased at some time. The huge playground was filled with people instantly. Wherever I looked, it was like a sea of people. Centered on the stronghold of each class, the discussion continued. Someone has been checking in front of our class booth.

The first "guest" arrived. What he wanted was a pen. He looked at it for a while and asked, "How much is this pen?"

Suddenly, I realized that this item has not been priced yet! Hurry to discuss the price with Du Mingjun as quickly as possible and report it to the customer. The customer was also straightforward, took out the money and handed it to me. Ha, the first bucket of gold has arrived! Put the money in the box, and we wait for the next guest.

After a while, I could not bear the curiosity and walked around. Each class is very distinctive. Some hold microphones and shout, some sell turtles, and some sell crabs, which is really eye opening.

Returning to his charity sale site, he got a big surprise: Kong Xianglexu also sold one of her paintings, but Du Mingjun sold it for 50 yuan. The income of "selling paintings at high prices" accounts for a lot of the total income!

Six o'clock came soon, the charity sale was over, and the excitement was still stirring in my heart. This time, the 188 yuan that they had played with began to go to the poor areas where they needed to be remembered by everyone.

Love Composition (3)

On Saturday, I had a charity sale. At the beginning of the fifth stage of the Haiyue charity sale, we felt that there were not many people, so we moved to the Peninsula City State Grassland. I have all the things in the charity sale, including five books and turtle toys. I have sold seven toys, which are very interesting. My brother has also bought many things, including transformers toys and books. My brother has also sold them to other people, and I have also sold them to others. The money we earn is given to people in need, Helping others makes me feel happy in my heart. I feel very happy now. My little aunt has also gone, my grandma has also gone, and my godmother has also gone. I am very happy. I also sold $2. Our "United Ants Team" sold a total of 740. RMB 5 and US $2, I am very happy that day, and I am also very happy.

This day is also an unforgettable day for me.

Love Composition (4)

One day in the summer vacation, my mother came home from work and showed me a "Chunlei School Children Donation Plan". She said: "There was an eight year old girl named Lu Xiaochang. Her father died of illness, and her mother ran away from home. Only she and her elderly grandmother were left to live a hard life together. But the new semester was coming, but she could not even pay the tuition fees. I didn't know what to do. So the women's group in our bureau is going to visit the little girl in the Huling Mountain tomorrow, and will also bring them living expenses and supplies. " After listening to my mother's words, I urgently asked her to take me with me, and she agreed.

I was very excited and busy all night, preparing what to bring tomorrow. So I turned over the boxes and smashed the cabinets, found a large bag of clothes and some stationery that I used to wear when I was young, and also took out the pocket money I usually saved, ready to give it to the little girl tomorrow. Somehow, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep that night. I was in a daze, looking forward to the dawn coming soon.

Early the next morning, we set out. The car was driving on the winding mountain road. The green trees on the mountain grinned and bent over. The birds on the trees sang happily. My mood could not calm down all the time, like the undulating waves on the sea. Although the car is driving very fast, I feel very slow. I really hope to reach the destination soon. Arrived, the car finally stopped in front of a low, shabby little house.

When we walked into this small shabby house, we saw that the roof of the house was made of several plastic plates, and there were several holes on it. The sunlight shining through these holes made the whole house very hot. If it is rainy, the water will drop. The house was empty except for a small bed and a wooden table beside the wall. There are several books used by others on the wooden desk, a short pencil that can't be used again, but nothing else.

Maybe she heard some guests coming from outside. Xiaochang helped her grandmother out of the inner room and saw that their clothes had been patched in several places. Grandma's hair was all white, and she was still holding a shabby banana fan in her hand. Xiaochang is very small, black and thin.

So, we took out the living supplies and living expenses we brought to them. The white haired grandma and Xiaochang burst into tears and said thank you.

We were so lucky that we became good friends in a short time. Xiaochang let me watch her homework. The homework is neat and the handwriting is correct. The teacher filled it with red tick marks and stars. Xiaochang lives in such poor conditions, but his academic achievements are so excellent.

I'm really happy to make such good friends. I hope to become the best friend with her forever and make progress together. At the same time, we have agreed to spend every summer vacation and winter vacation together. I went to her home to experience her life and bring some books to her; Let her come to my home and experience my life.

Today, I think I am really great, because I gave a piece of love.

Love Composition (5)

"Buy eggs and offer love." On the May Day, our "Love Group" held a special charity sale.

At first, I was a little afraid. I hesitated to shout, and dared not look at them with my eyes when posting posters. I haven't been asked to buy eggs for a long time. Then I saw a grandma looking at the poster. I thought to myself that the eggs would be sold. Unexpectedly, what she heard was: "I don't believe there are any real local eggs. They are all deceptive." She turned and left. I stood there dumbfounded with an "o" mouth and didn't know what to do. At this time, my mother came up to me with a smile and said: "Rejection is common. Don't lose heart. What's the reason why the eggs didn't sell?"

Learning from the previous lessons, I raised my head, smiled and shouted loudly. A miracle occurred. Several people surrounded me, and aunts praised my love. My heart is as sweet as honey water. Seeing the eggs getting fewer and fewer, I felt happy.

After selling heavy eggs, we continue to walk home with heavy love.

Love Composition (6)

Today, I had to wait for Dad on the way home because I forgot to bring the money to print the test paper, but I didn't understand how such a thing could happen.

I stood in the street, and a cat's cry came from a distance. As I got closer, a cute and small cat ran into the middle of the road. It seemed that it was recently born. He was in the middle of the road, looking helpless, and shouted vigorously, "miao miao". Poor him, he jumped left and right in the crowd to avoid being trampled by people, but occasionally he was trampled a few feet, followed by several screams

No one paid attention to it, no one looked at it, and no one calmed it. The crowd went from wave to wave, but no kind person squatted down to pick it up and take it home. It continued to cry helplessly... I saw it in my eyes and felt pain in my heart. I was about to walk to pick up the poor little creature. Suddenly a gust of wind blew past. It was a car. I turned my head back and looked intently at the blood everywhere. I stood there, confused

It is dead, this lovely little creature is dead, it is crushed to death by the merciless wheel, this little creature has not yet tasted the care of its mother; Have not tasted the breadth of the world; Not even taste the value of life; Not to mention the ups and downs of the world... It disappeared from this beautiful world forever. I hate the driver, and the kitten also hates the driver.

But why, why does that person not sympathize with the kitten? This is because his love has been taken away, including of course all people who are similar to drivers, and their love has also been taken away. If they have love, kittens can live; If they are loving, kittens can see the infinite light of tomorrow. But this is impossible after all, the kitten can't come back, and people's love can't come back

When dealing with small animals, we also need love, so that the society can be more perfect. Although it is just a cat, it is also a life, so we hope that people will use love to stay in the heart.

Love Composition (7)

The so-called love is just a reflection of human nature. If you change your attitude, look at love squarely, and find love, love can be passed on to each other.

The story of love happened on a bus and an old grandpa. One day, when I woke up at noon, I found it was 1:42 at noon. Sadly, I thought, the time to learn English was 2:00 p.m., and now there was only 18 minutes to go to class. I hurriedly picked up my bag, put on my shoes, locked the door, and rushed to the bus stop. A bus just arrived. The bus was full of people. It was hard to get on, but the driver said to me and an old man: "One of you must get off to wait for the next bus. There were too many people and it was overloaded." The old man asked: "Little sister, where are you going with a schoolbag?" "I'm going to learn English and I'm going to be late." I said anxiously. The grandpa smiled and said, "Little sister, you go first. I'll wait for the next bus. Little sister can't be late to learn English. I just go shopping. It's the same if you arrive early or late." When the grandpa got off, I said gratefully to the grandpa's back, "Thank you, grandpa." Although the grandpa got off, his love was transferred in the car and my heart, The warm current surges in my heart in an instant.

Love is a fire. When it lights up others, it also warms itself. If a person has love in his heart, he will think more rationally about everything he does. He will think about the impact of this on himself and others. Grandpa warms me with his own actions and infects me. I silently think that I will pass on his love just like Grandpa.

Love Composition (8)

Love Aunt Composition

In daily study, work and life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are not unfamiliar with compositions. According to different genres, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a carefully arranged composition of Aunt Love, welcome to share.

I have such an aunt beside me, who always silently dedicates her love.

In summer, when I was playing downstairs, I saw an old lady with white hair, and the aunt was beside her. Auntie held her carefully and told Grandma funny things from time to time. Grandma was also infected by the stories told by her aunt and smiled from time to time. This scene is so warm.

Auntie not only helps grandma, but also cares about children like me.

The school asked us to donate a book to the children in the mountain area. I donated my favorite fairy tales and story books.

When I came home in the evening, I saw my aunt carrying large and small parcels. I asked her, "Auntie, what are you doing with so many parcels?" The aunt said, "It's going to be winter soon. The children in the mountain area may not have enough clothes, and it will be very cold. I found the surplus quilts and cotton padded clothes in my home, and planned to go to the post office to mail them." After saying that, my aunt saw that I was not dressed thick, He said, "You should also wear more clothes, but don't catch a cold." And he gently touched my head. Looking at her faraway figure, I felt that my aunt was really a warm-hearted person.

The next morning, I saw the aunt again. She was combing the hair of a dog. The dog was very dirty and its hair was very messy. Her eyes were full of anxiety. It looked like a stray dog.

The aunt said, "This is really a stray dog. It's very poor. I brought it back. After a while, I will dress it up and send it to the stray dog's home."

Love Composition (9)

The blazing sun is baking the earth, and we offer our love in the sweat and rain. Today, we launched a new charity sale donation activity with all the students in our school. He extended a helping hand to the children in the mountain area, so that they could get love and regain happiness.

The activity is going on in the sunny playground, and our hearts are as hot as the hot sun in the sky. The shouts and cries of peddling come and go, one after the other, which is very lively. Our class's bazaar is in the middle of the playground. Students have collected their donated items the day before. After school yesterday, many students have sorted them out. I was responsible for selling books, and the people who bought books were crowded in a crowd, almost overturning the table. I had to break my throat to maintain order: "Please stand in three vertical rows, one by one!" But it didn't work. I had no choice but to stand on the chair, increase the volume, and tear my throat. Slowly, the order finally stabilized, but I was still too busy to change my hands into countless hands, and my hands kept busy quickly; Shang Eryu, the salesman standing nearby, is also very busy. You can see that she is standing on a high chair, holding the beautiful books selected from the books in her hands, raising her head, blushing, and constantly yelling at the title and price of the books. When someone came to see her, she jumped down again in a hurry, greeted her with a smile, and negotiated with the customer. When the price is not agreed, she will use her smart mouth to make concessions, and will not hesitate to pay for small gifts at her own expense; The cashier Yuan Jingyi was even more in a hurry. When she had just sorted out the previous batch of crumpled banknotes, the second and third batches of banknotes came one after another, and a large number of banknotes filled her tiny tiger's mouth. More and more people came to buy, and the scene was more and more lively. The voice of price negotiation was more and more loud: "How much is this?" "8 yuan." "Can you make it cheaper?" "No." "I only have 6 yuan, please." "This is a charity sale, giving love, not bargaining." But some salesmen were very soft hearted, and cut the price a lot. Nie Siyuan, the usual troublemaker in the class, gave full play at this time, showing the other side of his love. He secretly donated 10 yuan to us directly. My heart was filled with emotion and moved. It seemed that "achievements cannot be determined, and love cannot be measured!" When I was free, I quickly walked around the shops of other classes. They all had their own unique practices, and the decoration was also very beautiful, which attracted some caring teachers. With more and more money, I couldn't help buying some more things. Although it was insignificant, I also paid my love.

The charity sale was in full swing, and the two students in our class who held banners did not relax. Although the "soybeans" on their forehead rolled down, they still held the sign with determination, like armed police standing guard beside Tiananmen Gate. With the efforts of the students, the charity sale in our class was swept away, and the charity sale activity gradually ended.

Through this charity sale, I suddenly thought of a moving story: a poor beggar received 100 yuan and donated it without hesitation to a three-year-old girl who was ill and had no money to cure. He just said a simple sentence: "She is more pitiful than me." Students, don't we just need this noble character?

Let's help the people around us who need help, let the torch of love pass down from generation to generation, and let's make our own contribution to charity!

Love Composition (10)

With the development of society, we are constantly getting something, but the most basic and valuable things are getting away from us.

What's wrong with the world? After several recent events, I can't help but ask this question. Is it true that what is gained is doomed to lose?

On October 13, 20xx, an ordinary day, but for Xiaoyueyue, it was an unexpected disaster. At about 5:30 p.m., Xiaoyueyue, who was only two years old, walked in the alley and was run over twice by a van. A few minutes later, another car ran over him. What is hard to believe is that eighteen passers-by passed in seven minutes ignored this and walked as if they had nothing. Finally, a scavenger's wife picked up Little Yueyue and found her mother. Then she was sent to the hospital, but Xiaoyueyue left the world at 0:30 on October 21 with many people's wishes.

This is an event that people have been talking about in recent days. Yueyue is struggling. In 7 minutes, 18 passers-by walked by, only 1 meter away from Yueyue, but they didn't see it. Even those who called for an ambulance didn't see it. Is it true that people's hearts are made of iron?

The lack of love is probably related to the occurrence of more and more "Peng Yu case" in recent years. When the events of good intentions to save people against being framed are repeated, those who want to save people are afraid. This is not only a refusal to save the dying, but also reflects the moral phenomenon of today's society.

The average annual GDP ranks second in the world. China's financial strength is rising, but the love between people is decreasing day by day. In the face of poor people, more and more groups ignore them. When will China become a real "power" and "great power" when the majority of financial affairs and the loss of human relations?

Time and time again the lesson of blood, time and time again the call for love, the love drifting with the wind, go back to people's hearts. Come back, love! Come back with your companions. The world needs you, and China needs you even more!

Maybe my writing is not very good, but I just want to describe my feelings after reading it as a middle school student. I just want to express my love for Xiaoyueyue.


Love Composition (11)

On Thursday afternoon, all the members of our school's Young Pioneers held a special charity sale under the organization of the brigade department. Before the event, the Young Pioneers worked together and made active preparations. Our classroom is almost a sea of books. It was not easy to wait until noon on Thursday, when all the young painters and calligraphers in our class showed their talents. Look, the publicity page of our Class 3 (5) has finally come out. The beautiful pictures and beautiful fonts attract the students' attention. Finally, we are looking forward to the class class in the afternoon. The charity sale begins!

The students flew to the playground like a group of happy birds. At this time, the playground was already crowded, and students were scrambling to buy their favorite books in front of the stalls of each class. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I found a book named "Green Fairy Tales" in the stack of books, which was a book I had always dreamed of!

I bought it without saying a word. After buying this book, I began to look for new goals. After a while, I bought another copy of "New Composition for Pupils in Grade Three". Now there is one yuan left. What else can I buy? Suddenly, I saw that a copy of Creative Composition and Reading only costs one yuan, and you can also send a notebook. It's really cost-effective!

So, I was happy to buy... The charity sale is coming to an end, but there are still many books unsold in our class. What can we do? Ma Hengliang in my class opened his voice: "Go by, don't miss it!

Clearance, buy one get one free!

... "This move was so effective that many students gathered around and rushed to buy my class's books. Soon, all the books were gone. The next morning, we put the 213 yuan we got from the charity sale into the donation box. This charity sale is really meaningful!

We not only bought our favorite books, but also gave our love. It's really killing two birds with one stone.

Love Composition (12)

Time flies. How many memories have been taken away from me. The only thing that has been floating in my heart

"What a bad weather!" I could not help complaining about the heavy rain and walked out of the corridor with my classmates. Suddenly I found an old man holding a small child, sitting on the ground sobbing. The rain had already soaked his ragged clothes. It can be seen that he is a beggar begging along the street

My legs are as heavy as lead, and I can't move any more. My classmate pulled my sleeve aside and whispered, "Hurry up!" I shook off her hand without hesitation. A huge force impelled me to run to the old man, took out 2 yuan from my pocket and said, "Here, this is 2 yuan, buy some food for the child!" His eyebrows suddenly opened and said, "Thank you! This classmate!"

At this time, a cadre came up to me. He smiled and said to me, "Well done! We all need to have compassion to sympathize with others before we can get help from others. This is our traditional virtue!

My heart suddenly opened. At this time, the rain gradually stopped, and the sun came out with a smile

Because there is love, will be full of sunshine. Every one of us hopes to live in a beautiful world. Only if everyone gives a little love, our world will become more beautiful, full of sunshine and laughter everywhere. Let's embrace the world and bring more joy to the world!

Love Composition (13)

When my mother and I were walking in the street, we saw a little sister begging in the street. Her hands turned purple in the cold wind, and she looked very pitiful. After I told my mother, I gave her my pocket money. I think she is as old as I am, and it's time to go to school. I think if each of us can lend a helping hand, give her some love and help her, maybe she can realize her dream of school. May every child in the world go to school. Love composition 150 words

Love Composition (14)

Everyone should have love, care for others, and be happy. I have this experience.

Xia Liangjie in our class is my good friend and the study committee member of our class. Unfortunately, her father was involved in a car accident and spent a lot of money on treatment. Now he is still paralyzed in bed and unable to work, so his family is very poor.

Our classmates all care about her and often give her material help. Of course, I am no exception.

Once I thought: Xia Liangjie's family is so poor, her mother must seldom buy clothes for her. I have so many clothes, just give her some! So the next day, I took some thick clothes and put them in a bag. Early self-study, Xia Liangjie came, I put my things on her seat, and then leaned over her ear and whispered, "Xia Liangjie, this is the clothes I gave you, you must take it, this is my intention, My heart also has an indescribable touch. Ah! How happy it is to help others! It's really like that song: as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world

In the future, I will help others more and give my love to others.

Instructor: Fu Chao

Brief comment: The little writer has a clear description, refined language, and full of true feelings. She has written about the happiness she has gained by helping others. It also writes about the warmth that friendship brings to students.

Caring for life and devoting love

Liang Qi, Class 3, Grade 6, Shaanxi Huayin Qindian Middle School

On the morning of April 28, we held a speech contest on the school playground with the theme of "Caring for Life, Devoting Love".

In the morning, our classmates from Grade 3 to Grade 6 gathered on the playground. Ah! The speech began. First, Director Tian made a speech, and then Teacher Tian Wenli told the competition rules: three first prizes, six second prizes, and several third prizes. The first student is Liu Sisi, the elder sister of Grade 6. The title of her speech is "The Earth Visits Doctors". The students came out one by one, and I anxiously waited for the three "women's armies" in our class to come out.

It was not easy to get to the first "women's army" in our class. Of course, she is Wen Jiayun, who has been the monitor for five consecutive semesters. The title of her speech is "Protect Green, Care for Life". There was a public service advertisement in her manuscript that impressed me deeply: "If human beings do not protect the earth, the last drop of water on the earth will be our own tears." She finally won the third prize.

Let's talk about Zhao Yuhan, the third "women's army" in our class. Her topic of speech is "The Story of Birds". Her speech touched me, the rating and the audience. When I think of people's "big mouths" - net, isn't it just like what she said? She won the battle - she won the first prize.

At the end of the speech, the headmaster made me realize that people should really "love life and devote love"!

Love Composition (15)

Composition on the topic of love

When the morning dawned in the east, the goddess of dawn floated down to the earth, walked by the beautiful red roses, saw three crystal clear drops on the petals waving to her, and asked her to stop.

"Glittering water, what do you want?" The happy goddess stopped and asked.

"Thank you. Please be our referee."

"Oh, what's the matter?" the goddess asked in bewilderment.

"We all belong to water drops, but our origins are different. Which one is more precious?"

The goddess did not know what was going on. She paused for a moment, calmed down, pointed to one of the drops and said, "Then you can introduce yourself first!"

When Yuzhu heard this, she said first. She shook herself proudly and said, "I am the daughter of the sea from the high clouds, which symbolizes the surging sea."

"I am a dewdrop congealed before dawn," the other eagerly replied. "People praise me as a bridesmaid in the morning glow and a beautician with exotic flowers and plants."

The third bead hesitated to speak. The goddess of dawn kindly asked, "What about you, my dear little girl?"

"I'm nothing," she replied coyly

The first two drops of water listened to what she said, and coincidentally curled their mouths, raised their toes and smiled contemptuously. The goddess of dawn smiled unexpectedly. She smiled so happily and naturally, like bright sunshine. Then she bent down, carefully placed her tears in her hands, and repeatedly praised: "You are still self-knowledge and don't show off at all. Obviously, you are more pure and precious than them!"

"But, I am the daughter of the sea!" Raindrop cried out urgently.

"But, I am the daughter of the vast sky!" The dew jumped up.

"Yes, not bad at all," said the goddess Dawn solemnly. Therefore, I choose her as the most precious one, which is beyond your expectation. But if you think about it a little, you will understand that this is reasonable. Therefore, you should take this as a lesson, meditate and think about your future. "

After saying that, the goddess sucked her tears, walked on the colorful clouds, hummed a light ballad, and immediately disappeared without a trace.

Composition on the topic of love

She is lovely and beautiful; She has a smiling apple face. In her world, it seems that Pandora's box is only half opened, and only joy, hope and smile fly out, while those sadness, sadness and evil are locked in the box forever. She is like a cute and quiet kitten. The two black pearl eyes under the long eyelashes are always shining like stars, revealing the light of knowledge, so we have to care for her and love her as the big sister takes care of the little sister. She is my good friend Wang Lu, the angel of love.

Wang Lu is loving and loves small animals so much that she will feel sad and sad even when a kitten falls into a smelly ditch. Once, I went swimming with her. On the way, several sparrows chirped with us. I was a little impatient, so I said casually: "It's noisy, noisy, what's it called? Grab one and eat meat!" Unexpectedly, she got serious and said to me seriously: "Sparrows are very common birds, but if we don't protect them, they will die. In this way, many animals that eat sparrows will also become extinct. If all the animals die, do you think people can still live? " After listening to her "sparrow theory", I was really impressed! She was able to link the sparrow to human extinction.

Another time, she went shopping. I was too lazy to go in and waited for her outside. After waiting for a long time, I didn't see her coming out, so I went to find her. Unexpectedly, she squatted on the ground to watch an ant looking for food, and I squatted on the ground to watch. At this time, a big ant took advantage of my unpreparedness to "sneak attack" and bit me. I cried out in pain, and angrily stepped on the ant with his feet. Suddenly, the ground was in a mess, and dozens of ants died at my feet. I looked at my "masterpiece" with pride, when Wang Lu shouted, "Why are you so cruel?" Then she earnestly taught me to love ants. Now, whenever I see someone hurt ants, I will tell them: "Don't hurt ants, they are also life!"

Last Sunday, she and I went to eat hamburgers. After eating, we walked home with a sausage in one hand and a coke in the other. Suddenly, a dirty stray dog appeared from nowhere. I jumped behind Wang Lu and shouted, "Where's the dirty dog? Go away! Go away!" But the stray dog was lying on the ground looking at us pitifully and refused to go away. Without saying a word, Wang Lu squatted on the ground and gave the sausage to the dog. She also said, "Good dog, are you hungry?" This made me feel embarrassed.

There are countless stories about Wang Lu's love for animals, which can't be told for three days and nights. If you want to listen, please come to Class 6 (1) of Dongfeng Primary School to find her!

Instructor: Wang Guiying, Wu Juan

If I were an ambassador of love

Zhang Tangnu, Class 2, Grade 3, Anhuili Central Primary School, Beijing

Yesterday, God gave me a sacred mission to help children around the world grow up happily and healthily. This is what I have been yearning for for a long time, because I am a lively and lovely little angel, and I very much hope that everyone can have a wonderful childhood like me.

Today, I got up early, flapped my wings and flew to Afghanistan. As a result of the military attack caused by the September 11 incident, Afghanistan, which was already very poor, was in dire straits. Countless children were short of food and clothing, let alone education. As an ambassador of love, it is my bounden duty to help them. I took out my little magic wand and drew a circle in the air. All kinds of food, amusement parks, schools, libraries... I gathered all the children here. There was no war, no hunger, only happiness and the joy of acquiring knowledge. Looking at the happy smiles on the children's faces, I am very happy. Leaving the war zone, I suddenly saw a child who lost both arms in the street and was struggling to write with both feet. right! There are so many disabled children in the world waiting for my help. Taking out my magic wand, I set up a center for disabled children. Intelligent robots and intelligent chairs specially designed for disabled children can help them read, play and live. When I saw that every disabled child lived like a healthy child, I was very happy.

As a loving angel, it is my greatest wish that I can make children all over the world happy, so that they can all have a wonderful childhood.

Be compassionate